Answers to cuneiform exercises 5

Here are the answers to Cuneiform exercises 5, with some explanatory notes. You may also find it helpful to look again at the page on the Gt-, Gtn- and N-stems for more explanations.

  1. π’Œ π’ˆ  𒉑 π’‰Ž π’‹« π’„΄ π’„© π’ͺ

    um-ma-nu im-ta-ah-ha-αΉ£u2
    ummānū imtahhaṣū
    "The armies are/were beating (or will beat) each other."

  2. 𒍝 𒁍 π’‰Ž π’‹« π’€œ π’„© π’ͺ

    αΉ£a-bu im-ta-at-ha-αΉ£u2
    ṣābū imtathaṣū
    "The peoples have beaten each other."

  3. 𒆳 π’ˆ¨π’Œ π’‰Ž π’‹« π’„© π’ͺ

    KUR-MEŠ im-ta-ha-αΉ£u2
    mātātum imtahaṣū
    "The lands beat each other."

    Note: it is technically possible to read the verb as a G-stem perfect. But mahāṣum is a transitive verb—it needs a direct object—so this interpretation would not usually make sense.

  4. π’„ž π’…‹ π’‹« π’Š π’ͺ π’Œ

    GUD il-ta-as-su2-um
    alpum iltassum
    "The ox is/was running (or will run) away."

    Note: remember that in verbs of motion, the Gt-stem can indicate motion away from the speaker.

  5. π’Œ¨ π’ˆ¨π’Œ π’…‹ π’‹« π’Š π’ˆ¬

    UR-MEŠ il-ta-as-mu
    kalbΕ« iltasmΕ«
    "The dogs ran away."

    Note: the vowel of the penultimate, short syllable of the verb is repressed (compare singular iltasum).

  6. π’€² π’…– π’Š‘ π’…… π’ˆ  𒀉 π’‹Ύ π’‹— π’…‹ π’‹« π’€œ π’ͺ π’Œ

    ANŠE iš-ri-iq-ma it-ti-šu il-ta-at-su2-um
    imΔ“ram išriqma ittišu iltatsam
    "He stole the donkey and then ran away with it."

    Note: the donkey must be the object, not the subject of this sentence — for reasons of common sense and because šarāqum is transitive.

  7. π’€€ π’ˆΎ π’€­ π’‹— π’„Ώ π’…— π’…ˆ π’Š π’€Š

    a-na DINGIR-šu i-ka-ar-ra-ab
    ana ilišu ikarrab
    "He is/was praying (or will pray) to his god."

  8. π’€€ π’ˆΎ π’€­ π’ˆ¨π’Œ 𒀝 π’‹« π’ˆΎ π’…ˆ π’Š π’€Š

    a-na DINGIR-MEŠ ak-ta-na-ar-ra-ab
    ana ilī (or ilānī) aktanarrab
    "I am/will be always praying to the gods."

  9. π’€€ π’ˆΎ π’€­ π’Œ“ π’‹« 𒀝 π’‹« π’…ˆ π’Š π’€Š

    a-na dUTU ta-ak-ta-ar-ra-ab
    ana Šamaš taktarrab
    "You always prayed to Šamaš."

    Note: The n of the tan infix often assimilates to the following consonant.
    Technically we could also interpret this verb as a Gt-stem durative, but common sense tells us that neither reciprocity nor motion away would make sense here.

  10. π’ˆ¬ π’…— π’Š π’‹« π’ˆΎ 𒀝 π’…— π’…ˆ

    MU-ka az-ta-na-ak-ka-ar
    šumka aztanakkar "I am/was always speaking your name."

  11. π’ˆ— π’€€ π’ˆΎ π’Œ‰ π’Š© π’‹— 𒀉 𒁕 π’ˆΎ π’€Š 𒁍 π’Œ’

    LUGAL a-na DUMU.MUNUS-šu id-da-na-ab-bu-ub
    šarrum ana mārtišu iddanabbub
    "The king is/was always talking to his daughter."

    Note: the two dentals, d and t, assimilate to voiced dd in the verb here.

  12. π’Œ· π’…… π’‹— π’Œ“

    URU ik-šu-ud
    ālam ikšud
    "He conquered/conquers the city."

  13. π’Œ· π’…… π’…— π’…† 𒀉

    URU ik-ka-ši-id
    ālum ikkašid
    "The city was conquered."

  14. π’Œ· π’ˆ¨π’Œ π’…… π’…— π’€Έ π’Š­ 𒁺

    URU-MEŠ ik-ka-aš-ša-du
    ālΕ« (or ālānΕ«) ikkaššadΕ«
    "The cities will be conquered."

  15. π’€€ π’ˆ 𒀉 π’‹« 𒀝 π’Š­ π’€œ

    a-lum it-ta-ak-ša-ad
    ālum ittakšad
    "The city has been conquered."

  16. π’€² π’…– π’Š­ π’…ˆ π’Š‘ π’……

    ANŠE iš-ša-ar-ri-iq
    imΔ“rum iššarriq
    "The donkey will be stolen."

  17. 𒆬 π’Œ“ π’…” π’ˆΎ π’€œ 𒁲 π’…”

    KUG.BABBAR in-na-ad-di-in
    kaspum innaddin
    "The silver will be given."

  18. 𒆬 π’Œ“ π’€€ π’ˆΎ π’‚— π’…” π’ˆΎ 𒁲 π’…” π’ˆ  𒀉 π’‹« π’€Έ π’Š‘ π’……

    KUG.BABBAR a-na EN in-na-di-in-ma it-ta-aš-ri-iq
    kaspum ana bΔ“lim innadinma ittašriq
    "The silver was given to the lord but then it was stolen."

  19. π’Œ· π’ˆ¨π’Œ 𒆳 π’…€ 𒀉 π’‹« 𒀝 π’…— π’€Έ π’Š­ 𒁺

    IRI-MEŠ KUR-ia it-ta-ak-ka-aš-ša-du
    ālΕ« mātia ittakkaššadΕ«
    "The cities of my land are always being conquered."

  20. π’ˆ¬ π’ˆ— π’„‘ 𒍝 𒀝 π’…— π’…ˆ

    MU LUGAL iz-za-ak-ka-ar
    šum šarrim izzakkar
    "The king's name will be spoken."

Content last modified on 07 Jul 2012.

Eleanor Robson

Eleanor Robson, 'Answers to cuneiform exercises 5', Knowledge and Power, Higher Education Academy, 2012 []

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