These letters, queries, reports, and other materials were first published in the State Archives of Assyria series. They are reproduced here with the kind permission of the authors and the The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project [] (NATCP). Copyright remains with the authors and the NATCP. They may not be reproduced for non-educational purposes, beyond fair use, without the permission of the authors and the NATCP.
Browse or search the letters, queries, and reports, etc.
Abbreviations | Original Publication |
SAA 3 (poetry) | A. Livingstone, Assyrian court poetry and literary miscellanea (State Archives of Assyria 3), Helsinki 1989 |
SAA 4 (queries) | I. Starr, Queries to the Sungod: divination and politics in Sargonid Assyria (State Archives of Assyria 4), Helsinki 1990 |
SAA 8 (reports) | H. Hunger, Astrological reports to Assyrian kings (State Archives of Assyria 8), Helsinki 1992, with the author's corrections and additions incorporated into this online publication |
SAA 9 (prophecies) | S. Parpola, Assyrian prophecies (State Archives of Assyria 9), Helsinki 1997 |
SAA 10 (scholarly letters) | S. Parpola, Letters from Assyrian and Babylonian scholars (State Archives of Assyria 10), Helsinki 1993 |
SAA 13 (priestly letters) | S. Cole and P. Machinist, Letters from priests to kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal (State Archives of Assyria 13), Helsinki 1999 |
SAA 16 (political letters) | M. Luukko and G. Van Buylaere, The political correspondence of Esarhaddon (State Archives of Assyria 16), Helsinki 2002 |
SAA 18 (Babylonian letters) | F. Reynolds, The Babylonian correspondence of Esarhaddon (State Archives of Assyria 18), Helsinki 2003 |
All eight original publications were reviewed in specialist Assyriological journals. In general we have not taken those reviews into account in the online edition but strongly recommend that they be consulted when using this site as a resource for specialist Assyriological research.
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The letters, queries, and reports are listed in publication order, grouped by volume and chapter, in the main part of the window. The chapter titles and text titles are those of the modern editors', not the ancient scribes'. The ancient scribes' names, where known, are given in the right-hand column of the list. Left and right arrows at the top and bottom of the page enable you to move through the listing. You can also jump to another page by typing the page number in the box at the top or bottom centre.
The Item View shows the transliteration and translation of a single text, as first published in the SAA series. See the page on the cuneiform writing system for an explanation of transliteration conventions. The numbers and letters immediately above the transliteration and translation give technical information about the museum number and place of first publication.
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Content last modified: 10 Mar 2025.