Answers to cuneiform exercises 6

Here are the answers to Cuneiform exercises 6, with some explanatory notes. You may also find it helpful to look again at the page on D-stem and Š-stem verbs for more explanations.

  1. π’‚… π’Œ’ π’Š­ π’…ˆ π’€Έ π’Œ‰ π’‹— π’Œ‘ 𒇴 π’ˆͺ 𒀉

    αΉ­u-up-ša-ar-rum DUMU-šu u2-lam-mi-id
    αΉ­upšarrum mārašu ulammid
    "The scribe teaches/taught his son."

    Note: Like other nouns for close male relatives, mārum keeps its case vowel before possessive suffixes.

  2. π’€Έ π’Š­ π’Œˆ π’Š©π’†³ π’ˆ¨π’Œ π’Š­ π’Œ‘ 𒇴 π’ˆ  π’€œ

    aš-ša-tum GEME-MEŠ-ša u2-lam-ma-ad
    aššatum amātiša ulammad
    "The wife is/was teaching (or will teach) her slave-women."

  3. π’Š©π’Œ† π’ˆ¨π’Œ π’Œ‰ π’Š© π’ˆ— π’…† π’ˆΎ π’ŒŒ π’‹« π’„  π’ˆͺ 𒁕

    NIN-MEŠ DUMU.MUNUS LUGAL-ši-na ul-ta-am-mi-da
    bΔ“lΔ“tum mārat šarrišina ultammidā
    "The ladies have taught their king's daughter."

  4. π’„Š 𒉻 𒁺 π’‹— π’…– 𒁉 π’Š’

    GIR3.PAD.DU-šu iš-bi-ru
    eαΉ£emtašu išbirΕ«
    "They broke his bone."

  5. π’„Š 𒉻 𒁺 π’ˆ¨π’Œ π’‹— π’Œ‘ π’ŠΊ 𒅁 𒁉 π’Š’

    GIR3.PAD.DU-MEŠ-šu u2-še-eb-bi-ru
    eαΉ£mΔ“tišu ušebbirΕ«
    "They smashed his bones."

  6. π’„Ώ π’…” π’‹— π’Œ‘ π’„© π’€Š 𒁉 𒀉

    i-in-šu u2-ha-ap-pi2-id
    Δ«nšu uhappid
    "He (or she) blinded his eye."

  7. π’„Ώ π’ˆ π’Š­ π’Œ” π’‹« π’€Š 𒁉 𒁺

    i-num ša uh2-ta-ap-pi2-du
    Δ«num ša uhtappidu (or uhtappidΕ«)
    "The eye that was blinded" or "the eye that he has (or they have) blinded."

    Note: it is impossible to distinguish the Dt-preterite from the D-perfect, except by considering the context.

  8. π’„Ώ π’…” π’Š­ π’Œ‘ π’„© π’‰Ί π’€œ

    i-in-ša u2-ha-pa-ad
    Δ«nša uhappad
    "He/she will blind her eye."

    Note: we cannot understand ša as the relative particle here, as the verb does not have a subjunctive ending.

  9. π’‹³ π’ˆ  π’€€ π’‰Ώ π’ˆ π’„Ώ π’…” π’€€ π’‰Ώ π’…† π’Œ‘ π’„© 𒁉 𒀉 π’„Ώ π’…” π’‹— π’Œ” π’‹« π’€Š π’‰Ί π’€œ

    šum-ma a-wi-lum i-in a-wi-lim u2-ha-pi2-id i-in-šu uh2-ta-ap-pa-ad
    šumma awΔ«lum Δ«n awΔ«lim uhappid Δ«nšu uhtappad
    "If a man blinds (another) man's eye, his eye will be blinded." (That is, the second man may exact a similar revenge.)

  10. π’‚… π’Œ’ 𒁍 π’Œ‘ π’€€ 𒍑 π’‹Ό π’‰Œ 𒅁 𒁉 π’Š’

    αΉ­u-up-pu-u2-a uš-te-ne2-eb-bi-ru
    αΉ­uppΕ«a uštenebbirΕ«
    "My tablets are/were always shattering."

  11. π’ˆ— 𒍝 𒁉 π’‹— 𒆳 π’ˆΎ 𒀝 π’Š‘ π’…Ž π’Œ‘ π’Š­ π’Š 𒁉 𒀉

    LUGAL αΉ£a-bi-šu KUR na-ak-ri-im u2-ša-aαΉ£-bi-it
    šarrum ṣābΔ«šu māt nakrim ušaαΉ£bit
    "The king had his troops seize the enemy's land."

  12. 𒇽 π’Š­ 𒀴 π’‹— 𒉑 π’„· π’ˆ¨π’Œ 𒍑 π’‹« π’Š 𒁉 π’Œ…

    LU2-MEŠ ša ARAD-šu-nu MUŠEN-MEŠ uš-ta-aαΉ£-bi-tu
    awΔ«lΕ« ša wardΔ«šunu iαΉ£αΉ£Ε«rΔ« uštaαΉ£bitu
    "The men who had their slaves catch birds."

  13. π’‚— π’ˆ¦ π’‚— 𒆕 𒇻 π’ˆ¨π’Œ π’‹— π’Œ‘ π’Š­ π’Š 𒁀 π’€œ

    EN MAŠ.EN.GAG UDU-MEŠ-šu u2-ša-aαΉ£-ba-at
    bΔ“lum muškΔ“nam immerΔ«šu ušaαΉ£bat
    "The lord will get the palace-dependent to catch his sheep."

  14. π’ˆ— π’‚— π’‹— π’Œ· π’Œ‘ π’Š­ 𒀝 π’…† 𒀉 π’ˆ  𒍑 π’‹« π’€Έ π’‡· π’…‹ π’‹—

    LUGAL EN-šu IRI u2-ša-ak-ši-id-ma uš-ta-aš-li-il-šu
    šarrum bΔ“lšu ālam ušakšidma uštašlilšu
    "The king had his lord conquer the city and then plunder it."

  15. π’€€ π’ͺ π’ˆ  π’…ˆ 𒍝 π’„  π’Œ‘ 𒁀 π’€  π’‡· 𒀉

    A.ZU ma-ar-αΉ£a-am u2-ba-al-li-iαΉ­
    asûm marαΉ£am uballiαΉ­
    "The physician healed (or heals) the sick person."

  16. π’ˆ— π’€€ π’ͺ π’ˆ  π’…ˆ 𒍝 π’„  π’Œ‘ π’Š­ π’€Š π’‡· 𒀉

    LUGAL A.ZU ma-ar-αΉ£a-am u2-ša-ab-li-iαΉ­
    šarrum asâm marαΉ£am ušabliαΉ­
    "The king had the physician heal the sick person."

  17. π’€€ π’‰Ώ π’ˆ π’Š­ π’„Ώ 𒇴 𒅁 𒇻 π’„· π’Œ’ π’‹« π’‹« π’‡· 𒀉

    a-wi-lum ša i-lam ip-lu-hu ub-ta-ta-li-iαΉ­
    awΔ«lum ša ilam ipluhu ubtatalliαΉ­
    "The man who feared the god has been healed."

  18. π’€€ π’ͺ π’€€ π’‰Ώ 𒇻 π’Œ“ π’Œ’ π’‹« π’ˆΎ π’€  π’†· π’€œ

    A.ZU a-wi-lu-tam ub-ta-na-al-la-aαΉ­
    asûm awΔ«lΕ«tam ubtanallaαΉ­
    "The physician will always heal humankind."

  19. π’‚— π’„Š π’…‡ π’ˆ© 𒇲 π’‹— π’ˆ— π’„Ώ π’ˆΎ π’€Έ π’…† π’……

    EN GIR3 u3 KIŠIB.LA2 ša LUGAL i-na-aš-ši-iq
    bΔ“lum šΔ“pam u rittam ša šarrim inaššiq

    "The lord will kiss the king's foot and hand."
  20. π’ˆ— π’‚— π’„Š π’‹— π’…‡ π’ˆ© 𒇲 π’‹— π’Œ‘ π’Š­ π’€Έ π’…† π’……

    LUGAL EN GIR3-šu u3 KIŠIB.LA2-šu u2-ša-aš-ši-iq
    šarrum bΔ“lam šΔ“pšu u rittašu ušaššiq
    "The king had the lord kiss his foot and his hand."

    Note: the adjacent root consonants n and š assimilate to šš (as explained on the Sound rules page).

Content last modified on 22 Dec 2012.

Eleanor Robson

Eleanor Robson, 'Answers to cuneiform exercises 6', Knowledge and Power, Higher Education Academy, 2012 []

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