To make full use of this section of the website you will need to download some Unicode [] fonts. This page tells you how. If you want to use these fonts in other software (such as a word processor), have a look at the explanation on the page about computer representations of cuneiform. You can also use our Cuneify facility to generate cuneiform from alphabetic transliteration.
Cuneiform script went through many changes in its 3000-year history. This website uses two different cuneiform fonts:
CuneiformOB and CuneiformNA are available from the Oracc [] website, where you will find full instructions on how to install them.
At the top of every page on this website, above the coloured "Knowledge and Power" header, there is a number of option buttons. In the centre you will see the words "Cuneiform script" and two buttons "OB" and "NA". Once you have installed the cuneiform fonts, you click on one button or the other to move between them. Nothing else on the page will change.
You may also want to have a Unicode font that has the full range of characters necessary for alphabetic transliteration and normalisation of cuneiform. We recommend DejaVu, available from the Oracc [] website.
If you're having trouble viewing cuneiform on your browser, even when you've installed the special fonts, then you'll need to set the character encoding correctly.