Alphabetical List of Articles

AL-RAWI, F.N.H., 'More Royal Inscriptions from Babylon,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim9/arrim9-2.pdf] ARRIM 9, pp. 1-10

BECKMAN, G., 'Three Bricks from Yale,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim5/arrim5-2.pdf] ARRIM 5, pp. 1-3

BECKMAN, G., 'A Catalogue of Inscribed Bricks in the Yale Babylonian Collection,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim6/arrim6-2.pdf] ARRIM 6, pp. 1-2

BECKMAN, G., 'A Join-piece to the Esarhaddon Prism YOS 9.76,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim6/arrim6-3.pdf] ARRIM 6, pp. 3-4

BORGER, R., 'König Sanheribs Eheglück,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim6/arrim6-4.pdf] ARRIM 6, pp. 5-11

CIFOLA, B., 'The Kudurru Fragment VA 213,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim8/arrim8-2.pdf] ARRIM 8, pp. 1-2

DONBAZ, V., 'Fragments of the Annals of Tiglath-pileser I,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim8/arrim8-3.pdf] ARRIM 8, pp. 3-4

DONBAZ, V., 'Two Neo-Assyrian Stelae in the Antakya and Kahramanmaraş Museums,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim8/arrim8-4.pdf] ARRIM 8, pp. 5-24

DONBAZ, V., 'A Brick Inscription of Nabonidus from Harran,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim9/arrim9-3.pdf] ARRIM 9, pp. 11-12

DONBAZ, V., and G. FRAME, 'The Building Activities of Shalmaneser I in Northern Mesopotamia,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim1/arrim1-4.pdf] ARRIM 1, pp. 1-5

DONBAZ, V., and H.D. GALTER, 'Zwei Inschriften Sanheribs im Istanbuler Museum,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim3/arrim3-3.pdf] ARRIM 3, pp. 4-8

FARBER, W.T., 'Šalim-aḫum Revisited,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim9/arrim9-4.pdf] ARRIM 9, pp. 13-15

FINKEL, I.L., 'A Fragment of Tiglath-Pileser I,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim6/arrim6-5.pdf] ARRIM 6, pp. 13-14

FOSTER, B.R., 'Naram-Sin in Martu and Magan,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim8/arrim8-5.pdf] ARRIM 8, pp. 25-44

FRAME, G., 'A New Wife for Šu-Sîn,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim2/arrim2-3.pdf] ARRIM 2, pp. 3-4

FRAME, G., 'An Index of the Royal lnscriptions from Nineveh Copied by R. Campbell Thompson,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim2/arrim2-4.pdf] ARRIM 2, pp. 5-20

FRAME, G., 'Three New Kassite Royal Inscriptions in the Louvre,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim5/arrim5-3.pdf] ARRIM 5, pp. 5-6

FRAME, G., 'A Babylonian Omen Text in the Redpath Museum,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim5/arrim5-4.pdf] ARRIM 5, pp. 7-10

FRAME, G., 'The Mace Head of Libūr-zānin-Aššur in the Louvre,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim9/arrim9-5.pdf] ARRIM 9, pp. 17-18

FRAME, G., and A.K. GRAYSON, 'Marduk-zākir-šumi I and the 'Exemption' of Borsippa,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim6/arrim6-6.pdf] ARRIM 6, pp. 15-21

FRAME, G., D.R. FRAYNE, and G. MCEWAN, 'Cuneiform Texts in the Collections of McGill University, Montreal,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim7/arrim7-2.pdf] ARRIM 7, pp. 1-52

FRAYNE, D., 'A New Sulgi Text in the Royal Ontario Museum,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim1/arrim1-5.pdf] ARRIM 1, pp. 6-9

FRAYNE, D.[R.], and V. DONBAZ, 'Hammurapi and the Wall of the Cloister,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim2/arrim2-8.pdf] ARRIM 2, pp. 28-30

FRAYNE, D.R., 'Notes on a New Inscription of Šar-kali-šarrī' [/arrim/downloads/arrim2/arrim2-7.pdf] ARRIM 2, pp. 23-27

GALTER, H.D., 'Der Tempel des Gottes Zababa in Assur,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim2/arrim2-2.pdf] ARRIM 2, pp. 1-2

GALTER, H.D., 'On Beads and Curses,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim5/arrim5-5.pdf] ARRIM 5, pp. 11-30

GALTER, H.D., and J. MARZAHN, 'Zu den Bleitafeln Tukulti-Ninurtas I. vom Ištartempel in Assur,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim3/arrim3-2.pdf] ARRIM 3, pp. 1-3

GALTER, H.D., L.D. LEVINE, and J. READE, 'The Colossi of Sennacherib's Palace and their Inscriptions,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim4/arrim4-3.pdf] ARRIM 4, pp. 27-32

GEORGE, L.C., 'Clay Tablets and Cones in the New Brunswick Museum, Saint John' [/arrim/downloads/arrim5/arrim5-6.pdf] ARRIM 5, pp. 31-42

GEORGE, L.C., and W. DE FILIPPI, 'The Inscription on the Reverse of the Šarrat-nipḫi Lion: An Ashurnasipal text from Calah,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim3/arrim3-6.pdf] ARRIM 3, pp. 18-20

GERARDI, P., 'A New Assurbanipal Brick Inscription from Nippur,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim4/arrim4-6.pdf] ARRIM 4, p. 37

GRAYSON, A.K., 'A Fragmentary Inscription of Adad-narari I,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim1/arrim1-6.pdf] ARRIM 1, pp. 10-11

GRAYSON, A.K., 'Antiquities from Ashur: A Brief Description of Their Fate with Special Reference to the Royal Inscriptions,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim1/arrim1-8.pdf] ARRIM 1, pp. 15-18

GRAYSON, A.K., 'Rivalry over Rulership at Assur: The Puzur-Sîn Inscription,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim3/arrim3-4.pdf] ARRIM 3, pp. 9-14

GRAYSON, A.K., 'Three Fragmentary Inscriptions of Ashurnasirpal II,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim6/arrim6-7.pdf] ARRIM 6, pp. 23-24

GRAYSON, A.K., 'A Text of Shalmaneser III on an Amulet-shaped Stone,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim9/arrim9-6.pdf] ARRIM 9, pp. 19-22

GRAYSON, A.K., 'Fragment of a Neo-Assyrian King's Annals,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim9/arrim9-7.pdf] ARRIM 9, pp. 23-25

GRAYSON, A.K., and J.N. POSTGATE, 'Two British Museum Fragments, Possibly of a Royal Decree,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim1/arrim1-7.pdf] ARRIM 1, pp. 12-14

GREEN, M.W., and D. FRAYNE, 'Sîn-iqīšam and the Fourteen Statues for Nippur,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim6/arrim6-8.pdf] ARRIM 6, pp. 25-32

HARRAK, A., 'Une Inscription Royale Assyrienne' [/arrim/downloads/arrim2/arrim2-6.pdf] ARRIM 2, p. 22

HARRAK, A., 'Kisirtu et kesēru dans les inscriptions royales assyriennes,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim3/arrim3-5.pdf] ARRIM 3, pp. 15-17

LEVINE, L.D., 'The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia and the Computer,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim1-9.pdf] ARRIM 1, pp. 19-20

MCEWAN, G.J.P, 'A Seleucid Tablet in the Redpath Museum' [/arrim/downloads/arrim4/arrim4-5.pdf] ARRIM 4, pp. 35-36

MELTZER, C.D., 'Clay Tablets in the Collection of the National Postal Museum, Ottawa,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim1/arrim1-10.pdf] ARRIM 1, pp. 21-22

MILLARD, A.R., 'A Royal lnscription about Lullumu,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim3/arrim3-7.pdf] ARRIM 3, pp. 21-22

MILLARD, A.R., 'Copy of a Royal Inscription: Possibly Tukultī-Ninurta I,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim3/arrim3-8.pdf] ARRIM 3, p. 23

MILLARD, A.R., 'Copy of a Royal Inscription: Possibly Tukulti-Ninurta I,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim5/arrim5-7.pdf] ARRIM 5, p. 43

MILLARD, A.R., 'A Text of Eriba-Adad II,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim6/arrim6-9.pdf] ARRIM 6, pp. 33-34

MILLARD, A.R., 'Fragments of Assyrian Royal Inscriptions: Possibly of Tiglath-pileser I,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim8/arrim8-6.pdf] ARRIM 8, pp. 45-46

OELSNER, J., 'Eine Inschrift Samsu-ilunas von Babylon,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim8/arrim8-7.pdf] ARRIM 8, pp. 47-48

OLLER, G.H., 'A New Lipit-Ishtar Cone,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim5/arrim5-8.pdf] ARRIM 5, p. 45

PETERS, C.A., 'Cuneiform Tablets in the Collection of the Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim4/arrim4-2.pdf] ARRIM 4, pp. 1-26

PETERS, C.A., and D.R. FRAYNE, 'Cuneiform Texts at the University of British Columbia,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim8/arrim8-8.pdf] ARRIM 8, pp. 49-62

READE, J., 'Foundation Records from the South-West Palace, Nineveh,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim4/arrim4-4.pdf] ARRIM 4, pp. 33-34

READE, J.E., 'Babylonian Boundary-Stones and Comparable Monuments in the British Museum,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim5/arrim5-9.pdf] ARRIM 5, pp. 47-51

READE, J.E., 'A Shamshi-ilu Dedication,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim5/arrim5-10.pdf] ARRIM 5, p. 53

STOL, M., 'Fragment of an Old Babylonian Royal lnscription,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim2/arrim2-9.pdf] ARRIM 2, p. 31

SWEET, R.F.G., 'Sumerian Tablets in the National Museum of Man, Ottawa,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim1/arrim1-11.pdf] ARRIM 1, pp. 23-26

SWEET, R.F.G., 'Sumerian Tablets in the Walker Collection, Laurier House, Ottawa,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim1/arrim1-12.pdf] ARRIM 1, pp. 27-28

TSUKIMOTO, A., 'A New Esarhaddon Prism Fragment Concerning the Restoration of Babylon,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim8/arrim8-9.pdf] ARRIM 8, pp. 63-69

WALKER, C.B.F., 'The Šamšī-Adad I Inscription from Nineveh,' [/arrim/downloads/arrim2/arrim2-5.pdf] ARRIM 2, p. 21

WATSON, P.J., 'A Stone Foundation Plaque of Shulgi in Birmingham City Museum' [/arrim/downloads/arrim9/arrim9-8.pdf] ARRIM 9, pp. 27-28

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