ARRIM 3 (1985)

[Download a complete PDF of ARRIM 3 here. [/arrim/downloads/arrim3/arrim3.pdf]]

Table of Contents [/arrim/downloads/arrim3/arrim3-1.pdf]

1. GALTER, H.D., and J. MARZAHN, 'Zu den Bleitafeln Tukulti-Ninurtas I. vom Ištartempel in Assur' [/arrim/downloads/arrim3/arrim3-2.pdf] (pp. 1-3)

2. DONBAZ, V., and H.D. GALTER, 'Zwei Inschriften Sanheribs im Istanbuler Museum' [/arrim/downloads/arrim3/arrim3-3.pdf] (pp. 4-8)

3. GRAYSON, A.K., 'Rivalry over Rulership at Assur: The Puzur-Sîn Inscription' [/arrim/downloads/arrim3/arrim3-4.pdf] (pp. 9-14)

4. HARRAK, A., 'Kisirtu et kesēru dans les inscriptions royales assyriennes' [/arrim/downloads/arrim3/arrim3-5.pdf] (pp. 15-17)

5. GEORGE, L.C., and W. DE FILIPPI, 'The Inscription on the Reverse of the Šarrat-nipḫi Lion: An Ashurnasipal text from Calah' [/arrim/downloads/arrim3/arrim3-6.pdf] (pp. 18-20)

6. MILLARD, A.R., 'A Royal lnscription about Lullumu' [/arrim/downloads/arrim3/arrim3-7.pdf] (pp. 21-22)

7. MILLARD, A.R., 'Copy of a Royal Inscription: Possibly Tukultī-Ninurta I' [/arrim/downloads/arrim3/arrim3-8.pdf] (p. 23)

List of Abbreviations [/arrim/downloads/arrim3/arrim3-9.pdf]

Download a complete PDF of ARRIM 3 here [/arrim/downloads/arrim3/arrim3.pdf].

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