Because this website is designed primarily to support teaching and learning in UK higher education, this bibliography below only contains selected works in the English language. It is not intended to be an exhaustive research bibliography; see, for instance, the bibliographies listed in the External Resources page, which include many excellent items in other languages too.
We are indebted to all authors who generously and unhesitatingly permitted us to use materials originally published in printed form. We especially appreciate that Simo Parpola allowed us to reproduce his original 1971 Helsinki University dissertation, an introduction to his Letters from Assyrian scholars.
For permission to reproduce articles published in their journals and original publications, we are very grateful to the editors of Annali dell'Istituto Orientale di Napoli, Archiv für Orientforschung, Jaarbericht Ex Oriente Lux, and Rocznik Orientalistyczny, as well as Saana Svärd for the Finnish Oriental Society, Barbara Bernstein for Hampton Press [], Cresskill NJ; Michael Coogan for the Harvard Semitic Museum; Gerfrid Müller for Heidelberger Orientverlag, Heidelberg; Hannes Galter for rm-Druck- & Verlaggesellschaft mbH, Graz, Walda Metcalf for the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology []; and Manfried Dietrich and Kai Metzler for Ugarit-Verlag [], Münster (including the older volumes of Alter Orient und Altes Testament, then published jointly by Butzon & Bercker and Neukirchener Verlag).
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