The Khorsabad List

The Khorsabad list and the Seventh-Day Adventist Theological Seminary (SDAS) List, are the two best preserved surviving versions of the Assyrian King List. The tablet was found at the site of Khorsabad (ancient Dūr-Šarrukīn) during the excavations led by the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago in 1932-33. A photograph of the tablet's obverse first appeared in Loud and Altman, Khorsabad 2 (OIP 40 [1938] pl. 57 no. 74); the image, however, was unfortunately not legible. A more legible photograph of the reverse face had been published a few years earlier in the English periodical The Sphere and Weidner used that image to produce a partial translation of it (AfO 14 [1941-44] 362-9). In 1943, A. Poebel published a long historical analysis of the text, as well as translations of some of the more important passages.

The SDAS List is essential for reconstructing many of the damaged passages of this important tablet. In 1954, I.J. Gelb published both versions of Assyrian King List in tandem, presenting the two texts in side-by-side transliterations and translations.

The Khorsabad List, which ends with the reign of Aššur-nārārī V (754-745 BC), is the only extant version of the AKL that is dated: it was inscribed during "the eponymy of Adad-bēl-ukīn, governor of Ashur" (738 BC), during the reign of Aššur-nārārī's immediate successor Tiglath-pileser III (745-727 BC).


Gelb, JNES 4 (1954) pl. 14-15.

The tablet inscribed with the Khorsabad List is nearly identical in size and shape to the one on which the SDAS List is inscribed. There are a few notable differences in these two versions of the AKL.
ii 3: The Khorsabad List records that Išme-Dagan I (no. 40) exercised kingship for forty years. In the SDAS List he is credited with a fifty-year reign. Išme-Dagān I's reign is not preserved in the Nassouhi List.
iv 3: The Khorsabad List has [...-k]a-bi, possibly referring to Ilā-kabkabī; this is presumably a scribal error for Aššur-bēl-kala (no. 89), the ruler's name one expects on the basis of SDAS List iii 35. [Note that Gelb 1954:211 mistakenly refers to a non-existent line "iii 39" in his introduction.]

LineRuler No.Translation Ruler No.Translation
i 1(1)Ṭūdīya
i 2(2)Adāmu (3)Yangi
i 3(4)Saḫlāmu (5)Ḫarḫaru
i 4(6)Mandaru (7)Imṣu
i 5(8)Ḫarṣu (9)Didānu
i 6(10)Ḫanû (11)Zū-abi
i 7(12)Nuʾabu (13)Abāzu
i 8(14)Belû (15)Azaraḫ
i 9(16)Ušpiya (17)Apiašal

i 10 Total of 17 kings, who dwelt in tents.

i 11(26)Aminu [/riao/ria1/EarlyBeginnings/Ashur'sOrigins/Aminu/index.html], son of Ilā-kabkabī.
i 12(25)Ilā-kabkabī,son of Yaškur-ilu.
i 13(24)Yaškur-ilu, son of Yakmenu.
i 14(23)Yakmenu,son of Yakmisu.
i 15(22)Yakmisu,son of Ilī-Wēr.
i 16(21)Ilī-Wēr,son of Ḫayānu.
i 17(20)Ḫayānu,son of Samānu.
i 18(19)Samānu,son of Ḫallî.
i 19(18)Ḫallî, son of Apiašal.
i 20(17)Apiašal, son of Ušpiya.

i 21 Total of 10 kings, who were forefathers.

i 22(27)Sulilu [/riao/ria1/EarlyBeginnings/Ashur'sOrigins/Sulilu/index.html], son of Aminu [/riao/ria1/EarlyBeginnings/Ashur'sOrigins/Aminu/index.html].
i 23(28)[Ki]kkiya(29)Akiya
i 24(30)[Puzu]r-Aššur (I)(31)Šalim-aḫum [/riao/ria1/EarlyBeginnings/Puzur-AshurDynasty/Shalim-ahum/index.html]
i 25(32)[Ilu-š]ūma [/riao/ria1/EarlyBeginnings/Puzur-AshurDynasty/Ilu-shumma/index.html] Total of 6 kings,
i 26 [who occur? on? bricks], whose eponymies are unknown(?).

i 27(33)[Er]išum [/riao/ria1/EarlyBeginnings/Puzur-AshurDynasty/ErishumI/index.html] (I), son of Ilu-šūma [/riao/ria1/EarlyBeginnings/Puzur-AshurDynasty/Ilu-shumma/index.html],
i 28 [whose eponymie]s? (are known?), ruled 40 years.

i 29(34)[Ikūn]um [/riao/ria1/EarlyBeginnings/Puzur-AshurDynasty/Ikunum/index.html], son of Erišum [/riao/ria1/EarlyBeginnings/Puzur-AshurDynasty/ErishumI/index.html] (I),
i 30 [x years] he ruled.

i 31(35)[Sargon] [/riao/ria1/EarlyBeginnings/Puzur-AshurDynasty/SargonI/index.html] (I), son of Ikūnum [/riao/ria1/EarlyBeginnings/Puzur-AshurDynasty/Ikunum/index.html],
i 32 [x ye]ars he ruled.

i 33(36)Puzur-Aššur (II), son of [Sargon] [/riao/ria1/EarlyBeginnings/Puzur-AshurDynasty/SargonI/index.html] (I),
i 34 [x] years he ruled.

i 35(37)Narām-Sîn, son of Puzur-Aššur (II),
i 36 [x] years he ruled.

i 37(38)Erišum (II), son of Narām-Sîn
i 38 [x] years he ruled.

i 39(39)Samsī-Addu [/riao/ria1/OldAssyrianPeriod/Samsi-AdduDynasty/index.html] (I), son of Ilā-kabkabī,
i 40 at the time of Narām-Sîn,
i 41 went [to Karduni]aš. In the eponymy of Ibnî-Adad,
i 42 [Samsī]-Addu (I) from Karduniaš
i 43 [came up (to) Ekallāte] (and) he seized (it).
i 44 [3 years in Ekallāte] he resided.
i 45 [In the eponymy of Atamar-Ištar,] Samsī-Addu (I)
i 46 [from Ekallāte c]ame up.
i 47 [Erišum (II), son of Narām-Sîn, h]e deposed from the throne,
ii 1 he seized the throne (and) 33 years he ruled.

ii 2(40)Išme-Dagān (I), son of Samsī-Addu (I),
ii 3 40 years he ruled.

ii 4(41)Aššur-dugul, son of a nobody,
ii 5 not an occupant of a throne, 6 years he ruled.

ii 6 At the time of Aššur-dugul, son of a nobody,
ii 7(42)Aššur-apla-īdi, (43)Nāṣir-Sîn
ii 8(44)Sîn-nammir, (45)Ipqi-Ištar
ii 9(46)Adad-ṣalūlu (47)Adāsi,
ii 106 kings, son(s) of a nobody,
ii 11? ? ? ruled.

ii 12(48)Bēlu-bāni, son of Adāsi,
ii 13 10 years he ruled.

ii 14(49)Libāya, son of Bēlu-bāni,
ii 15 17 years he ruled.

ii 16(50)Šarma-Adad (I), son of Libāya,
ii 17 12 years he ruled.

ii 18(51)Iptar-Sîn, son of Šarma-Adad (I),
ii 19 12 years he ruled.

ii 20(52)Bāzāyu, son of Bēlu-bāni,
ii 21 28 years he ruled.

ii 22(53)Lullāyu, son of a nobody,
ii 23 6 years he ruled.

ii 24(54)Šū-Nīnua (or Kidin-Nīnua), son of Bāzāyu,
ii 25 14 years he ruled.

ii 26(55)Šarma-Adad (II), son of Šū-Nīnua (or Kidin-Nīnua),
ii 27 3 years he ruled.

ii 28(56)Erišum (III), son of Šū-Nīnua (or Kidin-Nīnua),
ii 29 13 years he ruled.

ii 30(57)Šamšī-Adad (II), son of Erišum (III),
ii 31 6 years he ruled.

ii 32(58)Išme-Dagān (II), son of Šamšī-Adad (II),
ii 33 16 years he ruled.

ii 34(59)Šamšī-Adad [/riao/ria1/OldAssyrianPeriod/Belu-baniDynasty/Shamshi-AdadIII/index.html] (III), son of Išme-Dagān (II), brother of Šarma-Adad (II),
ii 35 son of Šū-Nīnua (or Kidin-Nīnua), 16 years he ruled.

ii 36(60)Aššur-nārārī [/riao/ria1/OldAssyrianPeriod/Belu-baniDynasty/Ashur-narariI/index.html] (I), son of Išme-Dagān (II),
ii 37 26 years he ruled.

ii 38(61)Puzur-Aššur [/riao/ria1/OldAssyrianPeriod/Belu-baniDynasty/Puzur-AshurIII/index.html] (III), son of Aššur-nārārī [/riao/ria1/OldAssyrianPeriod/Belu-baniDynasty/Ashur-narariI/index.html] (I), ruled [24 years].

ii 39(62)Enlil-nāṣir [/riao/ria1/OldAssyrianPeriod/Belu-baniDynasty/Enlil-nasirI/index.html] (I), son of Puzur-Aššur (III),
ii 40 13 years he ruled.

ii 41(63)Nūr-ili,son of Enlil-nāṣir (I),
ii 42 12 years he ruled.

ii 43(64)Aššur-šaddûni,son of Nūr-ili,
ii 44 1 month of days he ruled.

ii 45(65)Aššur-rabi [/riao/ria1/OldAssyrianPeriod/Mittanianhegemony/Ashur-rabiI/index.html] (I), son of Enlil-nāṣir (I),Aššur-šaddûni from the throne
ii 46 he deposed, he seized the throne, he ruled x years.

ii 47(66)Aššur-nādin-aḫḫē (I), son of Aššur-rabi (I), ruled x years.

iii 1(67)Enlil-nāṣir (II), his brother,deposed him from the throne (and)
iii 2 6 years he ruled.

iii 3(68)Aššur-nārārī (II),son of Enlil-nāṣir (II),
iii 4 7 years he ruled.

iii 5(69)Aššur-bēl-nišēšu [/riao/ria1/OldAssyrianPeriod/Mittanianhegemony/Ashur-bel-nisheshu/index.html],son of Aššur-nārārī (II),
iii 6 9 years he ruled.

iii 7(70)Aššur-rêm-nišēšu [/riao/ria1/OldAssyrianPeriod/Mittanianhegemony/Ashur-rem-nisheshu/index.html],son of Aššur-bēl-nišēšu,
iii 8 8 years he ruled.

iii 9(71)Aššur-nādin-aḫḫē [/riao/ria1/OldAssyrianPeriod/Mittanianhegemony/Ashur-nadin-ahheII/index.html] (II),son of Aššur-rêm-nišēšu,
iii 10 10 years he ruled.

iii 11(72)Erība-Adad [/riao/ria1/OldAssyrianPeriod/Mittanianhegemony/Eriba-AdadI/index.html] (I),son of Aššur-bēl-nišēšu,
iii 12 27 years he ruled.

iii 13(73)Aššur-uballiṭ [/riao/ria1/KingdomofAssyria/Ashur-uballitI/index.html] (I),son of Erība-Adad (I),
iii 14 36 years he ruled.

iii 15(74)Enlil-nārārī [/riao/ria1/KingdomofAssyria/Enlil-narari/index.html], son of Aššur-uballiṭ (I),ruled 36 years.

iii 16(75)Arik-dīn-ili [/riao/ria1/KingdomofAssyria/Arik-din-ili/index.html], son of Enlil-nārārī,ruled 12 years.

iii 17(76)Adad-nārārī [/riao/ria2/Adad-narariI/index.html] (I), brother,of Arik-dīn-ili,
iii 18 32 years he ruled.

iii 19(77)Shalmaneser [/riao/ria2/ShalmaneserI/index.html] (I), son of Adad-nārārī (I),ruled 30 years.

iii 20(78)Tukultī-Ninurta [/riao/ria2/Tukulti-NinurtaI/index.html] (I), son of Shalmaneser (I),ruled [3]7 years.

iii 21 Tukultī-Ninurta [/riao/ria2/Tukulti-NinurtaI/index.html] (I) was alive(?),(79)Aššur-nādin-apli [/riao/ria2/Ashur-nadin-apli/index.html], his son,
iii 22 seized the throne (and) 3 years he ruled.

iii 23(80)Aššur-nārārī (III),son of Ashurnasirpal (I),
iii 24 6 years he ruled.

iii 25(81)Enlil-kudurrī-uṣur,son of Tukultī-Ninurta (I),
iii 26 5 years he ruled.

iii 27(82)Ninurta-apil-Ekur [/riao/ria2/Ninurta-apil-Ekur/index.html],son of Ilu-iḫadda,
iii 28 descendant of Erība-Adad (I), he went to Karduniaš,
iii 29 from Karduniaš he went up, he seized the throne,
iii 30 3 years he ruled.

iii 31(83)Aššur-dān [/riao/ria2/Ashur-danI/index.html] (I), son of Ninurta-apil-Ekur,ruled 46 years.

iii 32(84)Ninurta-tukultī-Aššur,son of Aššur-dān (I),
iii 33 x x he ruled.

iii 34(85)Mutakkil-Nusku,his brother, fought with him,
iii 35 to Karduniaš deported him;
iii 36 Mutakkil-Nusku held the throne, then he died.

iii 37(86)Aššur-rēša-iši [/riao/ria2/Ashur-resha-ishiI/index.html] (I),son of Mutakkil-Nusku,
iii 38 18 years he ruled.

iii 39(87)Tiglath-pileser [/riao/ria3/Tiglath-pileserI/index.html] (I),son Aššur-rēša-iši (I),
iii 40 39 years he ruled.

iii 41(88)Ašarēd-apil-Ekur [/riao/ria3/Ashared-apil-Ekur/index.html],son of Tiglath-pileser (I),
iii 42 2 years he ruled.

iii 43(89)Aššur-bēl-kala [/riao/ria3/Ashur-bel-kala/index.html],son of Tiglath-pileser (I),
iii 44 18 years he ruled.

iii 45(90)Erība-Adad [/riao/ria3/Eriba-AdadII/index.html] (II), son of Aššur-bēl-kala,ruled 2 years.

iv 1(91)Šamšī-Adad [/riao/ria3/Shamshi-AdadIV/index.html] (IV),son of Tiglath-pileser (I),
iv 2 from Karduniaš he came up; Erība-Adad(II)
iv 3 son of [Ilā-kabk]abī (prob. error for Aššur-bēl-kala [/riao/ria3/Ashur-bel-kala/index.html]), he deposed from the throne;
iv 4 he seized the throne (and) ruled 4 years.

iv 5(92)Ashurnasirpal [/riao/ria3/AshurnasirpalI/index.html] (I), son of Šamšī-Adad (IV),ruled 19 years.

iv 6(93)Shalmaneser [/riao/ria3/ShalmaneserII/index.html] (II),son Ashurnasirpal (I),
iv 7 12 years he ruled.

iv 8(94)Aššur-nārārī [/riao/ria3/Ashur-narariIV/index.html] (IV), son of Shalmaneser (II),ruled 6 years.

iv 9(95)Aššur-rabi [/riao/ria3/Ashur-rabiII/index.html] (II), son of Ashurnasirpal (I),ruled 41 years.

iv 10(96)Aššur-rēša-iši [/riao/ria3/Ashur-resha-ishiII/index.html] (II),son Aššur-rabi (II),
iv 11 5 years he ruled.

iv 12(97)Tiglath-pileser [/riao/ria3/Tiglath-pileserII/index.html] (II),son of Aššur-rēša-iši (II),
iv 13 32 years he ruled.

iv 14(98)Aššur-dān [/riao/ria3/Ashur-danII/index.html] (II),son Tiglath-pileser (II),
iv 15 23 years he ruled.

iv 16(99)Adad-nārārī [/riao/ria3/Adad-narariII/index.html] (II),son Aššur-dān (II),
iv 17 21 years he ruled.

iv 18(100)Tukultī-Ninurta [/riao/ria3/Tukulti-NinurtaII/index.html] (II), son of Adad-nārārī (II),ruled 7 years.

iv 19(101)Ashurnasirpal [/riao/ria4/index.html] (II),son Tukultī-Ninurta (II),
iv 20 52 years he ruled.

iv 21(102)Shalmaneser [/riao/ria5/ShalmaneserIII/index.html] (III),son Ashurnasirpal (II),
iv 22 35 years he ruled.

iv 23(103)Šamšī-Adad [/riao/ria5/Shamshi-AdadV/index.html] (V),son Shalmaneser (III),
iv 24 13 years he ruled.

iv 25(104)Adad-nārārī [/riao/ria5/Adad-narariIII/index.html] (III),son Šamšī-Adad (V),
iv 26 28 years he ruled.

iv 27(105)Shalmaneser [/riao/ria5/ShalmaneserIV/index.html] (IV),son Adad-nārārī (III),
iv 28 10 years he ruled.

iv 29(106)Aššur-dān [/riao/ria5/Ashur-danIII/index.html] (III),son Shalmaneser (IV),
iv 30 18 years he ruled.

iv 31(107)Aššur-nārārī [/riao/ria5/Ashur-narariV/index.html] (V),son Adad-nārārī (III),
iv 32 10 years he ruled.

iv 33Copy of Aššur
iv 34Hand of Kandalānu, scribe of the temple,
iv 35which is in Arbela
iv 36Month Lulubû, 20th day
iv 37Eponymy of Adad-bēl-ukin (738 BC),
iv 38the governor of Aššur,
iv 39in his second eponymy.

Selected Bibliography

Gelb, I.J., 'Two Assyrian Kinglists,' JNES 13 (1954), pp. 209-30.
Poebel, A., 'The Assyrian King List from Khorsabad,' JNES 1 (1942), pp. 247-306, 460-92; JNES 2 (1943), pp. 56-90.

Nathan Morello

Nathan Morello, 'The Khorsabad List', The Royal Inscriptions of Assyria online (RIAo) Project, The RIAo Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2024 []

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