
The seventy-ninth ruler of Ashur according to the Assyrian King List [/riao/KingLists/AssyrianKingList/index.html] (AKL) was Aššur-nādin-apli. That text records that he came to power by seizing the throne from his father Tukultī-Ninurta I; he reigned for only three or four years, depending on which copy of the AKL is correct. Chronicle P reports that Aššur-nādin-apli and the "officers of Assyria" rebelled against Tukultī-Ninurta, shut him up in Kār-Tukultī-Ninurta, and killed him (Grayson 1975, 176: iv 10-12). M. Streck (2014-2016, 178) suggests that Tukultī-Ninurta construction of his new capital may have enraged the established elites of Ashur, Assyria's traditional religious and political capital. Aššur-nādin-apli was succeeded by his son Aššur-nārārī III.

To date, three royal inscriptions of this Assyrian ruler are known.

[Poppy Tushingham]


Grayson, A. K. Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles, TCS 5 (1975).
Streck, M. P. 'Tukultī-Ninurta I', Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie 14 (2014-2016), pp. 176-178.
Weidner, E. F. 'Aššurnâdinapli I', Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie 1 (1932), pp. 212-213.

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A clay tablet in the Yale Babylonian Collection (New Haven) is inscribed with a text of Aššur-nādin-apli stating that the king directed the course of the Tigris River back to its original bed, salvaged agricultural land in the vicinity of the city Aššur that had been flooded, and built a shrine to commemorate the occasion. The tablet, which was inscribed in the eponymy of Erība-Sîn, is presumed to have come from Aššur.

Access the composite text [/riao/ria2/Q005891/] of Aššur-nādin-apli 1.

Source: YBC 02246


1930-31 Weidner, AfO 6 pp. 11-17 (copy, edition)
1937 Stephens, YOS 9 no. 71 (copy)
1939 Nougayrol, RA 36 p. 33 n. 5 (study)
1941 Naster, Chrestomathie Accadienne pp. 36-37 (copy)
1959 Weidner, Tn. no. 40 (edition)
1961 Borger, EAK 1 p. 98 and n. 2 (study)
1968 Ellis, Foundation Deposits p. 192 no. 61 (study)
1972 Grayson, ARI 1 LXXIX 1 (translation)


A proprietary label of Aššur-nādin-apli is known from two bricks from Aššur now in the Vorderasiatisches Museum (Berlin).

Access the composite text [/riao/ria2/Q005892/] of Aššur-nādin-apli 2.

Sources: (1) VA Ass 03250b (Ass 22316)     (2) VA Ass 03250a (Ass 15523)


1922 Schroeder, KAH 2 no. 62 (ex. 1, copy)
1926 Luckenbill, ARAB 1 §206 (ex. 1, translation)
1930-31 Weidner, AfO 6 pp. 16-17 (exs. 1-2, copy, edition)
1959 Weidner, Tn. no. 41 (exs. 1-2, edition)
1961 Borger, EAK 1 pp. 98-99 (exs. 1-2, study)
1972 Grayson, ARI 1 LXXIX 2 (exs. 1-2, translation)
1984 Marzahn and Rost, Ziegeln 1 nos. 228-29 (exs. 1-2, study)


Part of a one-line inscription of Aššur-nādin-apli is preserved on a (clay?) jar discovered at Aššur. The current location of the object is not known.

Access the composite text [/riao/ria2/Q006659/] of Aššur-nādin-apli 3.

Source: Ass 09231b


1987 Grayson, RIMA 1 p. 302 A.0.79.3 (edition)

Jamie Novotny & Poppy Tushingham

Jamie Novotny & Poppy Tushingham, 'Aššur-nādin-apli', RIA 2: Inscriptions of Adad-nārārī I to Aššur-rēša-iši I, Th RIA Project, 2024 [http://oracc.org/Ashur-nadin-apli/]

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