Enlil-nāṣir I

According to the Assyrian King List [/riao/KingLists/AssyrianKingList/AssyrianKingList/index.html#BelubaniDynasty] (AKL), Enlil-nāṣir I, son of Puzur-Aššur III, exercised kingship over Assyria for thirteen years (ca. first half of the 15th century BCE). He also appears in the Synchronistic King List [/riao/KingLists/SynchronisticKingList/index.html], however the name of his Babylonian contemporary remains unknown, as it is completely broken away.

[Yehonatan Hershkovitz]


Grayson, A.K., 'Königslisten und Chroniken. B. Akkadisch,' Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie 6 (1980-83), pp. 100-15.

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A fragment clay cone from Aššur and now in Istanbul (Eski Șark Eserleri Müzesi of the Arkeoloji Müzeleri) preserves the first eight lines of an inscription of Enlil-nāṣir I. The text records the renovation of towers on a building that Išme-Dagān I had worked on previously.

Access the composite text [/riao/ria1/Q005702/] of Enlil-nāṣir I 1.

Source: Ist A 03446 (Ass 06459)


1926 Meissner, IAK XII 1A (edition)
1930 Jensen (apud Schott), OLZ 33 884 (study)
1972 Grayson, ARI 1 LXII 1 (translation) and p. 154 (study)
1984 Donbaz and Grayson, RICCA no. 11 (copy, edition)


See Puzur-Aššur III Text no. 7.

Access the composite text [/riao/ria1/Q005703/] of Puzur-Aššur III 7.

Source: Ist A 03369 (Ass 02065)


1984 Donbaz and Grayson, RICCA no. 2 (copy, edition)
2010 Miglus, Festungswerke von Assur, pp. 235-240, esp. 237 (study)


Based on its script, language, and content of the concluding formulae, another fragmentarily preserved clay cone has been assigned to the period around the time of Enlil-nāṣir I. The object is now in Istanbul (Eski Șark Eserleri Müzesi of the Arkeoloji Müzeleri).

Access the composite text [/riao/ria1/Q005704/] of Enlil-nāṣir I 1002.

Source: Ist A 03635 (Ass 19548)


1926 Meissner, IAK XII 1B (edition)
1950 Landsberger and Balkan, Belleten 14 p. 253 (study)
1972 Grayson, ARI 1 LXII 1 (translation)
1984 Donbaz and Grayson, RICCA no. 6 (copy, edition)

Jamie Novotny & Yehonatan Hershkovitz

Jamie Novotny & Yehonatan Hershkovitz, 'Enlil-nāṣir I', RIA 1: Inscriptions from the Origins of Assyria to Arik-dīn-ili, The RIA Project, 2024 [http://oracc.org/OldAssyrianPeriod/Belu-baniDynasty/Enlil-nasirI/]

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