Tiglath-pileser II

Tiglath-pileser II (966-935 BC) was a son of Aššur-rēša-iši II (971-967 BC). According to the Assyrian King List (AKL), in which he appears as the ninety-seventh ruler of Ashur, he reigned for 32 years and was succeeded by his son Aššur-dān II (934-912 BC) (Grayson 1986, 113-114). Apart from his genealogical connections, nothing is known about Tiglath-pileser II (Grayson 1991, 129; Baker 2011, 1329).

[Alexander Kudryavtsev]


Baker, H. D. (2011). Tiglath-pileser II. In H. D. Baker (Ed.), The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire (Volume 3, Part II: Š-Z), p. 1329, Helsinki
Grayson, A. K., Königslisten und Chroniken. B. Akkadisch. In D. O. Edzard (Ed.), Reallexikon der Assyriologie und vorderasiatischen Archäologie (Band 6), pp. 86–135, Berlin, 1986
Grayson, A. K., Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC I (1114-859 BC), RIMA 2, University of Toronto, 1991

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A damaged stele discovered in the so-called "row of steles" at Ashur bears an inscription of a Tiglath-pileser, possibly the second king of this name since it was found close to a stele of his father Aššur-rēša-iši II.

[Poppy Tushingham]

Access the composite text [/riao/ria3/Q006011/] of Tiglath-pileser II 01.

Source: Ass 15550


1913 Andrae, Stelenreihen pp. 20-22 and pl. XIV no. 11 (copy, edition)
1926 Luckenbill, ARAB 1 §315 (translation)
1961 Borger, EAK 1 p. 147 (study)
1967 Borger, HKL 1 p. 8 (study)
1976 Grayson, ARI 2 XCVII 1 (translation)
1991 Grayson, RIMA 2, pp. 129 A.0.97.1 (edition)


This badly damaged stele, which was found in the "row of steles" at Ashur, bears an inscription of an Assyrian official. The name of its non-royal owner appears to be Marduk-muballiṭ, a man who served one of the Tiglath-pilesers; he was the son of Ninurta-apla-iddina and grandson of Erība-Aššur, both of whom were governors of a city whose name is no longer preserved. The ruling monarch in question may have been Tiglath-Pileser II, but this is not absolutely certain. Due to its poor state of preservation, no edition is included here.

[Poppy Tushingham]

Access the composite text [/riao/ria3/Q006012/] of Tiglath-pileser II 2001.

Source: Ass 17707


1913 Andrae, Stelenreihen pp. 58-59 and pl. XXI no. 57 (photo, copy, edition)
1938 Ungnad, RLA 2 p. 439a (study)
1974 Saporetti, Assur 1/2 pp. 7-8 (study)
1976 Grayson, ARI 2 p. 73 n. 292 (study)
1991 Grayson, RIMA 2, pp. 129-30 A.0.97.2001

Jamie Novotny, Poppy Tushingham & Alexander Kudryavtsev

Jamie Novotny, Poppy Tushingham & Alexander Kudryavtsev, 'Tiglath-pileser II', RIA 3: Inscriptions of Tiglath-pileser I to Tukultī-Ninurta II, The RIA Project, 2023 [http://oracc.org/Tiglath-pileserII/]

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