Esarhaddon 's First Regnal Year

[Year 680] [i 31ff] The twin gods Sin and Šamaš, in order to bestow a righteous and just judgment upon the land and the people, maintained monthly a path of righteousness and justice, appearing regularly on the 1 st and 14th days.

[i 39ff] The brightest of the stars, Venus, appeared in the west in the path of Ea [681-X-29], reached its hypsoma [in Leo] predicting the stabilization of the land and the reconciliation of her gods [ 680-111- 15], and disappeared [680-VII-l l]. Mars, who passes the decision for the Westland, shone brightly in the path of Ea [680-V /VII], announcing by his sign his decree concerning the strengthening of the king and his land.

[ii 12ff] Messages from ecstatic prophets (mahhû) concerning the establishment of the foundation of my sacerdotal throne until far-off days were constantly and regularly conveyed to me [—>1.6, 1.10, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3]. Good omens kept occurring to me in dreams and oracles concerning the establishment of my seat and the extension of my reign. Seeing these signs of good portent, my heart turned confident and my mood became good.

(Borger Esarh. p. 2, Ass. Ai 31-ii 26, dated 679-111)

Simo Parpola

Simo Parpola, ' Esarhaddon 's First Regnal Year', Assyrian Prophecies, SAA 9. Original publication: Helsinki, Helsinki University Press, 1997; online contents: SAAo/SAA09 Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2021 ['sFirstRegnalYear/]

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