The manuscript for this volume was prepared entirely by Simo Parpola. He has also done almost all of the editing and typesetting work on the volume. The format of this volume differs somewhat from that of other SAA volume in that there is an extensive Introduction to the corpus of texts edited here. Although the size of the corpus is small, the nature and importance of the texts has warranted a much more thorough discussion of their place in Assyrian life than the other corpora that have been edited in this series. For the same reasons, the critical apparatus is also much expanded over that to be found in other volumes of the series, approaching a full commentary. This is the first volume of the State Archives of Assyria series that has been produced since the Project has become a Centre of Excellence of the University of Helsinki. We thank the University of Helsinki for this honour and for the financial support that comes with it, and we feel that this volume is a particularly appropriate inauguration for this new status.
Robert M. Whiting
Robert M. Whiting, 'Foreword', Assyrian Prophecies, SAA 9. Original publication: Helsinki, Helsinki University Press, 1997; online contents: SAAo/SAA09 Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2021 []