Bibliography of Previous Studies

Pre-WW1 period (1875-1916)

1875G. Smith, "Addresses of Encouragement to Esarhaddon," in H. C. Rawlinson (ed.), The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia IV (London), no. 68 [copy of no. 1; see ibid. p. 4].
1878T. G. Pinches in A. H. Sayce (ed.), Records of the Past XI (London), 59 [translat. of no. 1].
1882J. Halévy, Documents réligieux de l' Assyrie et de la Babylonie I (Paris), pp. 197-200 [translit. of no. 1 into Hebrew characters].
1888A. Delattre, "The Oracles Given in Favour of Esarhaddon," The Babylonian and Oriental Record III (London), 25ff [edition of no. 1; uses the word "prophet"].
1891T. G. Pinches, "The Oracle of Ištar of Arbela, addressed to Esarhaddon," in H. C. Rawlinson (ed.), The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia IV (2nd ed., London), no. 61 [revised copy of no. I; see ibid. p. x].
1891T. G. Pinches in A.H. Sayce (ed.), Records of the Past, New Series V (London), pp. 1 29-40 [edition of no. I].
1893S. A. Strong, "On Some Oracles to Esarhaddon and Ashurbanipal," BA 2, pp. 627-45 [copy and edition of no. 3, cols. ii and iii, and no. 7].
1895J. A. Craig, Assyrian and Babylonian Religious Texts, Vol. I (Leipzig), pp 22-7, with corrections in Vol. II, pp. ix-x [copy of nos. 3 and 7].
1897V. Scheil, "Chaix de textes religieux assyriens," RHR 36 206f [translat. Of nos. 3 and 7].
1898E. J. Banks, "Eight Oracular Responses to Esarhaddon," AJSL 14 267-77 [translit., translat., and commentary of no. l].
1902F. Martin, Textes réligieux assyriens et babyloniens (BÉHÉ 1 30, Paris), pp. 88-97 and 100-5 [edition of nos. 3 and 7].
1904C. D. Gray in R. F. Harper (ed.), Assyrian and Babylonian Literature (New York), pp. 414-9 [translat. of no. 1].
1907O. Weber, Die Literatur der Babylonier und Assyrer (Leipzig), p. 1 8 1ff ["Orakel an Assarhaddon und Assurbanipal"].
1910H. Zimmern, "Gilgameš-Omina und Gilgameš-Orakel," ZA 24 1 66-71 [translit., translat. and study of no. 9].
1912M. Jastrow jr., Die Religion Babyloniens und Assyriens II (Giessen), pp. 158-74 ["Das Orakelwesen"; translat. of nos. 1, 3 and 7 with bibliographyand commentary].
1912L. Waterman, "Some Kouyunjik Letters and Related Texts," AJSL 29 12 [copy, translit. and translat. of no. 8].
1913R. F. Harper, Assyrian and Babylonian Letters XII (Chicago and London), no. 1 280 [copy of no. 8] .
1914E. Klauber, AJSL 30 253 [translit. and English translat. of no. 8].
1914S. Langdon, Tammuz and Jshtar (Oxford), pls. 2-4 [copy of nos. 2 and 5] and pp. 128-45 [translation of nos. 1 -3, 5 and 7] .
1915M. Streck, Assurbanipal I (Leipzig), pp. CLXX-CLXXV [paraphrase and discussion of nos. 7 and 9] .
1916F. Schmidtke, Asarhaddons Statthalterschaft in Babylonien und seine Thronbesteigung in Assyrien 681 v. Chr. (AOTU 1 /2, Leiden), p. 1 1 5ff [translit.,translat. and discussion of no. 1, "Die an Asarhaddon anlasslich der Thronstreitigkeiten erlangenen Orakel"].

The Years 1917-1968

1926E. Ebeling in H. Gressmann ( ed.), Altorientalische Texte zum Alten Testament (2nd ed., Berlin and Leipzig), pp. 28 1 -3 [translat. of no. l].
1927D. D. Luckenbill, Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia II (Chicago), pp. 23 8-4 1 (§§ 617-38) [translat. of no. 1].
1930L. Waterman, Royal Correspondence of the Assyrian Empire II-III (Ann Arbor), no. 1 280 [translit., translat. and commentary of no. 8].
1955R. H. Pfeiffer, "Oracles Concerning Esarhaddon," in J. B. Pritchard (ed.), Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (2nd edition, Princeton), pp. 449-5 1 [translat. of nos. 1 and 7] .
1956J. Nougayrol, "Asarhaddon et Naqi ' a sur un bronze du Louvre," Syria 33 1 58f [translation and discussion of no. 2 i 1 - 1 4, ii 24-8, iii 1-12].
1968J. Nougayrol in A. Caquot and M. Leibovici (eds.), La divination I (Paris), pp. 67-9 [translat. and discussion of no. 1 ii 1 6-39].

Years 1969-present

1969R. D. Biggs, "Akkadian Oracles and Prophecies," in J. B. Pritchard (ed.), Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (3rd edition, Princeton), p. 605 [translat. of no. 1].
1970F. Ellermeier, Sibyllen, Musikanten, Haremsfrauen (Herzberg), p. 8f.
1970R. Labat in R. Labat, A. Caquot, M. Sznyzer and M. Vieyra (eds.), Les religions du Proche-Orient asiatique: Textes babyloniens, ougaritiques, hittites (Paris), p. 257f [translation of no. 1 i 4-29, iii 7-iv 6] .
1972K. Deller and S. Parpola, "Neuassyrische Prophetensprtiche" (Heidelberg, private circulation) [translit., translat. and commentary of nos. 1 -3].
1972M. Weippert, " 'Heiliger Krieg' in Israel und Assyrien," ZA W 84 473f and 48 lf [translit., translat. and discussion of nos. 1 i 5-25 and 3 ii 1 0-25]. 1973 M. Dietrich, "Prophetie in den Keilschrifttexten," JARG I 15-44.
1974H. B. Huffmon, "Prophetic Oracles in the Ancient Near East: Reflections ontheir Use in Form-Critical Study of the Hebrew Bible" (SBL paper, private circulation) [translat. of nos. 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7].
1976H. B. Huffmon, "Prophecy in the Ancient Near East,"The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, Supplementary Volume (Nashville) [nos. 2 ii 29-33 and 3 ii 1 0-iii 15].
1977T. Ishida, The Royal Dynasties in Ancient Israel: A Study on the Formation and Development of Royal-Dynastic Ideology (Berlin and New York), pp. 90-2 and 1 14-6 [discussion and translat. of selected passages from nos. 1, 2 and 3].
1977G. R. Castellino, "Testi sumerici i accadici," in 0. Botta (ed.), Collana "Classici delle religioni, " I: Le religioni orientali (Torino), pp. 449-54 and 458f [translat. of nos. 1, 3 and 7].
1980R. R. Wilson, Prophecy and Society in Ancient Israel (Philadelphia), pp. 1 1 1 -9.
1980M. Dijkstra, Gods voorstelling: Predikatieve expressie van zelfopenbaring in oudoosterse teksten en Deutero-Jesaja (Dissertationes Neerlandicae, Series Teologica 2, Kampen), pp. 147-70.
1981D. J. McCarthy, Treaty and Covenant: A Study in Form in the Ancient Oriental Documents and in the Old Testament (Analecta Biblica 2 1A, Rome), p. 4 19f [no. 3].
1981M. Weippert, "Assyrische Prophetien der Zeit Asarhaddons und Assurbanipals," in F. M. Fales (ed.), Assyrian Royal Inscriptions: New Horizons (Rome), pp. 75- 1 15 [no. 1 i 5-30, iii 7-iv 35, v 21-3, no. 3 ii 1 0-32, iii 1 5-36].
1982H. Tadmor, "The Aramaization of Assyria: Aspects of Western Impact," in H. Nissen and J. Renger (eds.), Mesopotamien und seine Nachbarn (CRRAI 25, Berlin), p. 45 8 [no. 1 .4].
1982H. Spieckermann, Juda unter Assur in der Sargonidenzeit (Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments 129, Gottingen), pp. 295-303.
1983 M. Weippert in K. R. Veenhof (ed.), Schrijvend Verleden. Documenten uit het oude Nabije Oosten vertaald en toegelicht (Leiden), pp. 285f [translat. Of nos. 1 -3, 5 and 7].
1985H. B. Huffmon, "Prophetic Treaty/Covenant Mediation in Assyria and Israel" (AOS paper, private circulation) [no. 3 ii 1 0-iii 33].
1985M. Weippert, "Die Bildsprache der neuassyrischen Prophetie," in H. and M. Weippert (eds.), Beiträge zur prophetischen Bildsprache in Israel und Assyrien (OBO 64, Gottingen), pp. 55-9 1 [no. 1 iii 7-iv 35, etc.].
1985A. Millard, "La prophétie et l'écriture: Israel, Aram, Assyrie," RHR 202 125-44.
1986K. Hecker, "Assyrische Propheten," in O. Kaiser (ed.), Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments II/1, pp. 55-63 [translat. of nos. 1, 3 and 7].
1987K. van der Toorn, "L' oracle de victoire comme expression prophétique au Proche-Orient ancien," RB 94 63-97.
1988M. Weippert, "Aspekte israelitischer Prophetie im Lichte verwandter Erscheinungen des Alten Orients," AOAT 220, Neukirchen), pp. 287-3 1 9.
1989M. deJong Ellis, "Observations on Mesopotamian Oracles and Prophetic Texts: Literary and Historiographic Considerations," ]CS 41 1 27-86.
1989A. Malamat, Mari and the Early Israelite Experience (The Schweich Lectures 1984, Oxford, repr. 1 992), pp. 70-121: "Prophets, Ancestors and Kings" [see p. 79ff, nn. 43 and 47].
1991M. Nissinen, Prophetie, Redaktion und Fortschreibung im Hoseabuch (AOAT 23 1, Neukirchen), pp. 77-88, 1 20 [no. 1 i 6f], 1 36f [nos. 2.4 and 3.2-5], 1 46f [no. 3.3], 181 f [no. 3 .4] , 280-304 [nos. 1 .4, 1 .6, 1.8-10, 2.5, 7, 9].
1992H. B. Huffmon, "Prophecy: Ancient Near Eastern Prophecy," Anchor Bible Dictionary 5, pp. 477-82.
1993M. Nissinen, "Die Relevanz der neuassyrischen Prophetic fur das Studium des Alten Testaments," AOAT 232 (Neukirchen), pp. 217-58.
1993M.-C. Perroudon, "An Angry Goddess," SAAB 6 41-4 [no. 3 iii 3 1 -34].
1993A. Ivantchik, "Corrigenda aux textes akkadiens mentionnant les Cimmériens. 2. Oracle de la deesse Mullissu a Assourbanipal," N.A.B .U. 1993/2 40f [translit. and translat. of no. 7].
1996M. Nissinen, "Falsche Prophetic in neuassyrischer und deuteronomistischer Darstellung," in T. Veijola (ed.), Das Deuteronomium und seine Querbeziehungen (Schriften der Finnischen Exegetischen Gesellschaft 62, Helsinki/Gottingen), 1 72-95.
1996A. Laato, History and Ideology in the Old Testament Prophetic Literature (Coniectanea Biblica, Old Testament Series 41, Stockholm), pp. 1 73-88 and 27 1 -9.
1997F. M. Fales and G. B. Lanfranchi, "The Impact of Oracular Material on the Political Utterances and Political Action of the Sargonid Dynasty," in J.-G. Heintz (ed.), Oracles et propheties dans l' antiquité (Travaux du Centre de Recherche sur le Proche-Orient et la Grece Antiques 15, Paris), pp. 99- 1 14.

Simo Parpola

Simo Parpola, 'Bibliography of Previous Studies', Assyrian Prophecies, SAA 9. Original publication: Helsinki, Helsinki University Press, 1997; online contents: SAAo/SAA09 Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2021 []

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SAAo/SAA09, 2014-. Since 2015, SAAo is based at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Historisches Seminar (LMU Munich, History Department) - Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East. Content released under a CC BY-SA 3.0 [] license, 2007-20.
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