Corrections to SAA 8 by Hermann Hunger

These corrections have already been incorporated into the online edition, unless otherwise noted below. They are listed here for convenient comparison with the book.

Report Comment
5 Heading now "Evening Last of Venus"
38 This was heavily restored after I had submitted it. Andrew George and Irving Finkel provided me with a corrected transliteration which I have inserted in the online edition here. There is a parallel in Orientalia 54, 23f.
41 Date doubtful
45 Date uncertain
54 Date rather -678
114 Heading now "Morning First of Mars Near Jupiter(?)"
168 To be attributed to Šumaya PGP  rather than Bamaya PGP  according to Koch-Westenholz, Mesopotamian astrology, p. 182 n.1
185 Heading now "Venus Sighted in Sagittarius"
203 Line 7: correction due to M. Stol
231 Corrections by A. George and I. Finkel
251 Date -673 September 3
280 Now joined to SAA 8: 286 (J. Fincke). Note that the protasis 1 20 KUR-ma šá-ru-ru-šú e-áš­ú-ú is not attested in van Soldt, Solar omens.
View new transliteration and translation, after joins, here. Not in main online corpus.
283 Joined to K 5712 (J. Fincke).
View new transliteration and translation, after joins, here. Not in main online corpus.
383 While both Mars and Saturn were in a lunar halo, this does not mean they were in conjunction; the word conjunction has been removed from the heading in the online edition
384 Date doubtful (P.J. Huber); two different solar eclipses.
386 Restorations are uncertain (and not mine); there is no basis for restoring Saturn in line 1. If correct, the heading contradicts the translation: the planet is moving from Libra to Scorpius, and is therefore not retrograding.
400 Joined to Ki 1904-10-9,321 (J. Fincke)
View new transliteration and translation, after joins, here. Not in main online corpus
401 These omens are quoted from Enuma Anu Enlil 29(30) III 44ff. (van Soldt, Solar omens., p. 125).
403 Date -673 or -665.
410 Joined to K 15005 (J. Fincke)
View new transliteration and translation, after joins, here. Not in main online corpus
487 The beginning only makes sense if the writer says: "I predicted an eclipse, and now it did occur." So I have changed the online edition from ul it-te-eq to ul it-te-iq.
502 Date -678 Nov. This text was treated by Maneveau, NABU 1993/116.
510 Now joined to SAA 8: 475 (J. Fincke).
View new transliteration and translation, after joins, here. Not in main online corpus.
535 Cf. Koch-Westenholz, Mesopotamian astrology, p. 88, who calls this a collection of omens, not a report

The list of previously unpublished texts on page 379 of SAA 8 seems to be an old version with incorrect museum numbers. Here is an improved version:

Museum Number SAA 8 Number     Museum Number SAA 8 Number
K 18 435 83-1-18,206 233
K 115 38 Ki 1904-10-9,28 440
K 738 232 Ki 1904-10-9,32 31
K 777 242 Ki 1904-10-9,36 472
K 812 322 Ki 1904-10-9,38 12
K 848 204 Ki 1904-10-9,53 72
K 920 164 Ki 1904-10-9,55 302
K 960 459 Ki 1904-10-9,142 236
K 985 167 Ki 1904-10-9,215 139
K 1320 193 Ki 1904-10-9,233 22
K 1345 315 Ki 1904-10-9,262 400
K 1599 567 Ki 1904-10-9,268 20
K 1909 402 BM 98999 440
K 1970 201 BM 99003 31
K 11095 228 BM 99007 472
K 11333 229 BM 99009 12
K 11335 235 BM 99024 72
K 14560 191 BM 99026 302
K 14563 159 BM 99113 236
K 14565 557 BM 99183 139
K 14568 558 BM 99201 22
K 17953 122 BM 99230 400
K 19677 509 BM 99236 20
Sm 1360 230 BM 134556 275
Rm 193 300 Nv.3 483
82-5-22,82 127 Nv.4 113
82-5-22,156 560

Content last modified: 05 Apr 2024.

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© Higher Education Academy, 2007-11. Since 2015, SAAo is based at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Historisches Seminar (LMU Munich, History Department) - Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East. Content released under a CC BY-SA 3.0 [] license, 2007-20.
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