SAA 08 535. Eclipse of the Moon on Sivan 15 (ABCD 280f) [eclipses][via saao/saa08]
Obverse | ||
o 1o 1 | (1) If the moon makes an eclipse in Sivan (III) on the 15th day: [......] his servants will kill him in a revolt, variant: his elders [...] will die [...]. | |
o 22 | ARAD-MEŠ-šú ina ḪI.GAR GAZ-MEŠ-šú KI.MIN AB.BA-⸢MEŠ-šú⸣ [x x] | |
o 33 | ÚŠ-⸢MEŠ⸣ [x x] | |
o 44 | 1 30 ina ITI.SIG₄ AN.MI EN.NUN—AN.ÚSAN GAR ZI-ut KU₆-ḪI.A KI.MIN [BURU₅-ḪI.A] | (4) If the moon makes an eclipse in Sivan (III) in the evening watch: attack of fish, variant: [of locusts]. |
o 55 | 1 30 ina ITI.SIG₄ AN.MI GAR A.KAL DU-ma bi-⸢bil⸣ [A]-⸢MEŠ⸣ KUR ⸢ub⸣-[bal] | (5) If the moon makes an eclipse in Sivan (III): the flood will come and flo[od wat]er will [devastate] the land. |
o 66 | 1 AN.MI EN.NUN—AN.ÚSAN GAR-ma EN.NUN ig-mur u IM.⸢U₁₈.LU⸣ DU | (6) If it makes an eclipse in the evening watch, and it finishes the watch, and the south wind blows: fall of the king of [E]lam, the king of the Guti, and of their land. |
o 77 | ||
o 88 | 1 ina ITI.SIG₄ [TA] UD 01-KÁM EN UD 30-KÁM AN.TA.LÙ it-tab-ši | (8) If in Sivan (III) [from] the 1st day to the 30th day an eclipse occurs: the harvest of the land will not prosper. |
o 99 | ||
o 1010 | (10) If the moon comes out darkly: a devastating flood will occur. | |
o 1111 | [1 30 AN.MI] ⸢GAR-ma⸣ IM.DIRI ana ŠÀ IM.DIRI TU-MEŠ KI.MIN ana ŠÀ IM.⸢DIRI⸣ [x x] | (11) [If the moon] makes [an eclipse], and a cloud enters a(nother) cloud, variant: into a clo[ud ...: the gods] will take away the reason of the land; the land will change and will quickly go to ruin. |
o 1212 | [DINGIR]-⸢MEŠ⸣ GALGA KUR KAR-MEŠ KUR BAL-ma ár-ḫiš ár-bu-tu [DU] | |
o 1313 | [1 30 AN.MI] GAR-ma ina IM.DIRI È-ma u ZÁLAG DINGIR-⸢MEŠ⸣ [KUR GAL TUR-MEŠ] | (13) [If the moon] makes [an eclipse] and comes out from a cloud and clears: the gods [will make a great land small; the king] will have continual troubles. |
o 1414 | ||
Reverse | ||
r 1r 1 | (r 1) [If it makes an eclipse and] lightning flashes: a flo[od of no water] will carry away [the land ......]. | |
r 22 | ||
r 33 | (r 3) [If the moon makes an eclipse], and the south wind keeps blowing: the king [......] and is small: famine [......]. | |
r 44 | ||
r 55 | [1 ina AN.MI] ⸢BI⸣ MUL.SAG.ME.GAR GUB ana LUGAL DI-[mu ki-mu-šu] | (r 5) [If in this eclipse] Jupiter stands there: well-being for the king; [in his stead, a] famous [noble] will die. |
r 66 | ||
r 77 | [1 30 ina] KI ⸢MUL⸣.[PA].⸢BIL⸣.SAG a-dir EŠ.BAR ⸢URU⸣.[mu-ta-bal] | (r 7) [If the moon] is dark in the region of Sagittarius: decision for [Mutabal] and Bab[ylon]. |
r 88 | ||
r 99 | 1 ITI.SIG₄ ⸢KUR—MAR⸣.KI UD 15-KÁM KUR—⸢MAR⸣.[KI] | (r 9) The month Sivan (III) means the W[es]tland, the 15th day means the W[estland]; the evening watch means Akkad. |
r 1010 | 1 EN.NUN—AN.ÚSAN KUR—URI.KI [o] | |
r 1111 | 1 AN.MI EN.NUN—AN.ÚSAN ana ÚŠ-MEŠ [o] | (r 11) An eclipse in the evening watch portends deaths. |
r 1212 | 1 UD.DUG₄.GA EN.NUN—AN.ÚSAN a-⸢na⸣ [ITI 03-KÁM UD 10-KAM] | (r 12) The term of the evening watch is [3 months and 10 days]. |
r 1313 | (r 13) An eclipse of Sivan [gives] a decision for Ur. |
Adapted from Hermann Hunger, Astrological Reports to Assyrian Kings (State Archives of Assyria, 8), 1992. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2016-17, as part of the research programme of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair in the Ancient History of the Near and Middle East at LMU Munich (Karen Radner, Humboldt Professorship 2015). The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as