Corrections to SAA 18 by Frances Reynolds

These corrections have already been incorporated into the online edition, unless otherwise noted below. They are listed here for convenient comparison with the book.

The following texts were edited by Simo Parpola at a later stage and are not taken into consideration here: 4-5, 24, 26, 29, 38-9, 66-7, 78, 81, 96, 98-9, 102, 104-5, 114-30, 134-42, 151, 161, 170, and 179 (SAA 18, pp. VII, XXXIV).

Many of the remaining letters were assigned to specific reigns, either Esarhaddon (letters 1-142) or Assurbanipal and Sin-šar-iškun (letters 143-204), after I had submitted my proofs but, as mentioned in the introduction, the corpus includes letters of uncertain date that cannot in fact be meaningfully attributed to any particular reign (SAA 18 p. XIX).

Letter Comment
1, r. 6: Either [ina] UGU, '[ab]out' or [a-na] UGU, '[aga]inst'.
2, r. 1: [i-na] [[⸢bi*-ri-šú-nu]] (as submitted).
6, 4: 15* (as submitted based on collation by I.L. Finkel) rather than 13? (later editing). Thirteen men are discussed but perhaps two more were covered in the lacuna.
7, 1: ši-pir-ti DUMU x [x x?] (as submitted based on collation by I.L. Finkel: LUGAL 'not so likely') rather than ši-pir-ti šá DUMU—⸢LUGAL⸣ (later editing).
Chapter 2New title: Letters from or Relating to Akkad and Cutha
8, r. 2: 'my lords', referring to both the king and the crown prince (correction J.R. Novotny).
9, 9': Or [...] ⸢ṣi?⸣-mit*-⸢ti*⸣ [x x], '[... t]ea[m ...]' (as submitted).
9, e. 22': Restoration at beginning of line is uncertain; perhaps: [i-te-pu-uš x] (as submitted), giving a translation of 21'-2': '[... the king], my [lo]rd, [did] justice to [his] gods. [...] of/which your gods and yo[ur] servant'.
11, 1: [mx x] (as submitted) rather than [ma-šá-re-du] (later editing), as this is probably excluded by the space available.
15, r. 8': 'all the chariot-poles'.
19, 5': After Bel-ahhe-eriba add 'the ... [...]', translating LÚ.[x x] (as submitted).
20, 1'-2': The restorations are uncertain (later editing).
21, r. 4: 'about the Babylonian' (later editing).
27: New title: 'Go to Babylon!'. The reference to Bel is a restoration. For discussion of the date of this letter, see J.R. Novotny, Bibliotheca Orientalis 62 (2005), p. 87.
27, o 3': '[...] went up [to ...]'.
27, o 5'-9': 'Bel ... will com]e'.
27, o 9': 'query, ...] and' (as submitted).
31, r. 8': 'his skull'.
36, r. 1: Either mdEN—MU—-⸢kun⸣, 'Bel-šuma-iškun' or mdEN—MU -⸢kun⸣, 'Bel-iddin placed' (as submitted).
36, r. 3, 4, 5: Renumber as r. 4, 5, 6 in translation.
50, 8': 'field'; other possible readings include x-a ŠÀ-[bi].
51, 7': a⸣-na L[UGAL x x x x x x]
Chapter 4 New title: Letters from or Relating to Kish, Borsippa, Bit-Dakkuri and Marad
54, 7: 'heard' for 'hear'.
56, 17: 'secured' rather than 'caught'.
61, 10: The translation of ul-⸢tu⸣ [0] KÁ.⸢DINGIR⸣ as 'After Babylon' was introduced after I submitted my proofs and should be changed back to 'From the gate of the god'. The bāb ili has legal significance, cf. ABL 967: 6, 11.
62, footnote: Omit 'Each line may have lost two more signs than estimated'.
69, 2: Ša-pi-B[el]'.
69, r. 6': 'listen' (as submitted), rather than 'hear'.
72, 6'-10': Translation uncertain (later editing). The first clause perhaps: 'When they came [to] me'.
73, 5: 'the ki[ng of the lands, our lord]' (correction J.R. Novotny).
73, r. 2': [dogs] (would be at the end of r. 1').
76, 8': 'help ourselves from' (as submitted).
76, r. 9: [x x x x] x-⸢ú⸣-a
79, 9: 'have opened his [ear]s'.
82, 6': ⸢x⸣-zu-ni tuk-tam-x [x x] (as submitted based on collation by I.L. Finkel) rather than the later reading ⸢x⸣-zu NI.TUK.KI [x x].
82, r. 12': Restore [ina] ⸢IGI⸣ LUGAL (as submitted, based on published collation by I.L. Finkel).
88, 11: In translation change 10 'to giv[e them ......]' to line 11.
88, r. 11': ⸢x x?⸣-ú (as submitted, based on collation by I.L. Finkel).
88, r 3'-12': 'they are lying about the king, his lord; and they ... his house' (as submitted).
89, 23'-5': Correct the brackets to: 'The king, our lord, ... [......] has sen[t us a bod]yguard [... say]ing:'
89, r. 12: Restore either [ni-iš-mu-u] (later editing). '[we heard]', or [niš-pu-ra] (as submitted), '[we wrote]'.
91, 9': '[our] messenger' (as submitted).
97, 2: mSUM-na—ŠEŠ probably represents Iddin-aḫi (see PNA 2/I pp. 502-3).
100, 6': i-na pa-ni ir-ti with uncertain meaning is more likely than i-na pa-ni (ni)-ir-ti, 'before the murder' (later editing).
100, 7': mṣil⸣-[la-a] could also be read as mṣil⸣-[DN] (as submitted).
100, r. 7': 'th[ey] ... for h[im]' rather than 'th[ey] ... h[im]'.
100, r. 8: i-⸢ta*⸣-[x x] (based on published collation) rather than i-⸢duk⸣-[ku] (later editing).
100, r. 9: šá?⸣ ERIM-MEŠ mšar?-ḫi-ia m⸢x⸣ [x x] (based on collation) rather than ⸢4⸣ ERIM-MEŠ mTUR? mDÙG-ia m⸢x⸣ [x x x x] (later editing).
100, r. 10: start of line [x x] (as submitted); end of line [x x] (as submitted).
100, r. 12: start of line: ⸢li?
100, r. 9-12: 'When [...] of the men Šarhiya, N[N ...] Nabû-aha-ereš,' and '[He] should'.
100, r. 14-16: end: 'the king, [our lord]' (as submitted).
103, 13': Paharu is a well-known family name.
103, r. 19-21, 23: kāru, 'quay' (as submitted) rather than 'trading colony' (later editing).
111, e. 1-2: The line numbering must be changed to e. 1-2 instead of s. 1-2. Tenses better 'I found out' and 'I am writing' (as submitted).
Chapter 10 New title: Letters from or Relating to Birati, Dur-Šarrukku and Cutha
144, 10': [ina ši]m-ti ⸢EN*⸣-[ x x x], '[by the de]stiny of [my] lord, [...]' (as submitted based on collation).
152, 14': Collation does not resolve the line but anakit⸣-ru-šú i-dak?-ku?, 'he was summoning to his aid', is possible (as submitted).
156, 2'-4': 'to [Nergal] and La[ṣ] for the preservation of [his] li[fe]' (as submitted plus correction J.R. Novotny).
156, 5': šá-ra-ki 0 [x] (as submitted based on collation).
165, 12': 'fear are they. ... [...]' (as submitted).
175, 8: 'd[o-nothin]gs' (suggestion S. Parpola).
181, r. 9: 'Reʾû family' rather than 'Shepherd family'.
181, r. 25: Marduk could be being adjured rather than acting as a complement.
182, r. 2': 'fo[r oa]th' (as submitted).
187, 4: '(his) royal throne' (later editing).
189, b.e. 4': [x ak]-⸢ka⸣-ʾi-i (as submitted).
189, 3' - b.e. 4': '[...] ... dug. The exorcist [...]' (as submitted).
193, 8: KUR.⸢a-ra?⸣-[ši x x x x], 'Ar[aši ...]' (based on collation).
193, r. 7': [šá a-kan-na?] is uncertain (suggestion S. Parpola).
197, o 8-9: Reading [i-di] ⸢ki*-i*⸣ is a suggestion by S. Parpola.
197, o 11: EN.NUN-⸢i-ni⸣ (end of line; as submitted based on collation).
197, o 6-r 4: '[knows] whether we' and 'Five stages of territory, forty length units, is the stretch of a watch for cavalry with archers.'
197, r. 7: "[...] Šarragitu in ... [...]". Renumber translation line and note.
197, r. 8: "[...] why have th[ey] cros[sed]?" Renumber translation line.
197, r. 13: This line is unclear and italics are needed for '(are) on our faces'; the gods of the king may be being adjured.
200, r. 21: 'has revived' rather than 'has cheered up'.
201, 1: 'šan[dabakku]' rather than 'gover[nor of Nippur]' (later editing; correction J.R. Novotny).
202, r.e. 24-5: Á-[MEŠ?-šú?], '[his] arm[s] being full'.
p. 181: el-li] 159 r. 5 should not be listed under ellu "pure, holy" but under elû "to go up" (correction J.R. Novotny).
p. 185: la 112 r. 4, 159 r. 5 should not be listed under "not" but under a new entry la "from" (correction J.R. Novotny).
p. 228: Right-hand column of collations is for the reverse of the tablet.

The following registration, museum, and publication numbers should be added:

Letter Comment
40: Ki 1904-10-9,225 = BM 99193. Museum number to be added on pp. 32, 217.
82: K 4670 + Ki 1904-10-9,261 = BM 99229. Registration number to be added on pp. 63, 217.
103: K 13181 (ABL 1356) to be added on pp. 215-6.
131: K 13081, K 15416, and K 16116 to be added on p. 216.
153: Th 1905-4-9,69 = BM 98563. Museum number to be added on pp. 124, 217.
156: Ki 1904-10-9, 184 = BM 99152. Museum number to be added on pp. 126, 217.

Two sequences in the museum number list on pp. 216-7 should be reordered:

Museum number SAA 18 number
82-5-22,101 204
82-5-22,106 71
82-5-22,120 76
82-5-22,153 77
82-5-22,161 84
82-5-22,163 144
82-5-22,1773 109
Museum number SAA 18 number
83-1-18,835 93
83-1-18,837 74
83-1-18,864 78

Content last modified on 13 Jan 2017.

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