Level 3 solutions: transliterations, normalisations, translations

Here are transliterations, normalisations, and translations for the five Level 3 laws.

Law 128 On marriage contracts

XXVIII 35. šum-ma a-wi-lum
36. aš-ša-tam
37. i-hu-uz-ma
38. ri-ik-sa-ti-ša
39. la iš-ku-un
40. MUNUS ši-i
41, u2-ul aš-ša-at

šumma awīlum aššatam īhuzma riksātiša lā iškun sinništum šī ul aššat

If a man takes a wife in marriage and does not deposit a contract (about it), that woman is not a wife.

Law 132 On accusations of adultery

XXVIII 77. šum-ma aš-ša-at
78. a-wi-lim
79. aš-šum zi-ka-ri-im ša-ni-im
80. u2-ba-nu-um
81. e-li-ša
82. it-ta-ri-iṣ-ma
83. it-ti zi-ka-ri-im
XXIX 1. ša-ni-im
2. i-na u2-tu-lim
3. la it-ta-aṣ-ba-at
4. a-na mu-ti-ša
5. dID2
6. i-ša-al-li

šumma aššat awīlim aššum zikarim šanîm ubānum eliša ittariṣma itti zikarim šanîm ina utūlim lā ittaṣbat ana mūtiša Nār išalli

If a man's wife - because of another man a finger is pointed at her but she has not been caught sleeping with another man, she shall undergo the river ordeal (lit. immerse herself in the divine River) for her husband.

Law 134 On wives of absent men

XXIX 27-36. šum-ma a-wi-lum
28. iš-ša-li-il-ma
29. i-na E2-šu
30. ša a-ka-li-im
31. la i-ba-aš-ši
32. aš-ša-su2
33. a-na E2 ša-ni-im
34. i-ir-ru-ub
35. MUNUS ši-i
36. ar-nam u2-ul i-šu

šumma awīlum iššallilma ina bītišu ša akālim lā ibašši aššassu ana bīt šanîm irrub sinništum šī arnam ul īšu

If a man is carried off (by the enemy) and there is not (enough) to eat in his house, his wife shall enter another's house. That woman is not guilty (lit. has no guilt).

Law 153 On murder and adultery

XXXII 61. šum-ma aš-ša-at a-wi-lim
62. aš-šum zi-ka-ri-im
63. ša-ni-im
64. mu-sa3 uš-di-ik
65. MUNUS šu-a-ti i-na ga-ši-ši-im
66. i-ša-ak-ka-nu-ši

šumma aššat awīlim aššum zikarim šanîm mūssa ušdīk sinništam šuāti ina gašīšim išakkanūši

If a man's wife has her husband killed because of another man, they shall impale (lit. put) that wife on a stake.

Law 244 On death by lion

XLIV 1. šum-ma a-wi-lum
2. GUD ANŠE i-gur-ma
3. i-na ṣe-ri-im
4. UR.MAH id-du-uk-šu
5. a-na be-li2-šu-ma

šumma awīlum alpam imēram īgurma ina ṣērim nēšum iddukšu ana bēlišuma

If a man hires an ox (or) a donkey and a lion has killed it in the open country, it is its owner's liability (lit. it is on its owner).

Content last modified on 07 Jul 2012.

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