Level 2 solutions: transliterations, normalisations, translations

Here are transliterations, normalisations, and translations for the five Level 2 laws.

Law 121 On renting a granary

XXVII 24. šum-ma a-wi-lum
25. i-na E2 a-wi-lim
26. ŠE iš-pu-uk
27. i-na ša-na-at
28. a-na 1 ŠE.GUR.E 5 SILA3 ŠE
29. A2 na-aš-pa-ki-im
30. i-na-ad-di-in

šumma awīlum ina bīt awīlim šeʾam išpuk ina šanat ana 1 kur 5 qa šeʾim idi našpakim inaddin

If a man stores (lit. heaps up) grain in a(nother) man's house, per year he shall give 5 per kurrum of grain (about 5 litres in 300, or 1 in 60) as the rental of the storeroom.

Law 154 On incest

XXXII 67. šum-ma a-wi-lum
68. DUMU.MUNUS-su2
69. il-ta-ma-ad
70. a-wi-lam šu-a-ti
71. IRI u2-še-eṣ-ṣu2-u2-šu

šumma awīlum mārassu iltamad awīlam šuāti ālam ušeṣṣûšu

If a man has had sex with (lit. learned) his daughter, they shall make that man leave the city.

Law 196 On blinding (I)

XL 45. šum-ma a-wi-lum
46. i-in DUMU a-wi-lim
47. uh2-tap-pi2-id
48. i-in-šu
49. u2-ha-ap-pa-du

šumma awīlum īn mār awīlim uhtappid īnšu uhappadū

If a man has blinded the eye of a(nother) man's son, they shall blind his eye.

Law 198 On blinding (II)

XL 54. šum-ma i-in MAŠ.EN.GAG
55. uh2-tap-pi2-id
56. u3 lu GIR3.PAD!.DU MAŠ.EN.GAG
57. iš-te-bi-ir
59. i-ša-qal

On line XL 56 of the stele, the sign 𒃻 GAR is written instead of 𒉻 PAD.

šumma īn muškēnim uhtappid ū lū eṣemti muškēnim ištebir 1 mana kaspim išaqqal

If he has blinded a palace-dependent's eye or has broken a palace-dependent's bone, he shall pay out 1 mina of silver (about 500 g).

Law 199 On blinding (III)

XL 60. šum-ma i-in ARAD2 a-wi-lim
61. uh2-tap-pi2-id
62. u3 lu GIR3.PAD.DU ARAD2 a-wi-lim
63. iš-te-bi-ir
64. mi-ši-il ŠAM2-šu
65. i-ša-qal

šumma īn warad awīlim uhtappid ū lū eṣemti warad awīlim ištebir mišil šīmišu išaqqal

If he has blinded the eye of a(nother) man's slave or has broken the bone of a(nother) man's slave, he shall pay out half of his (the slave's) purchase-price.

Content last modified on 07 Jul 2012.

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