(Grayson, Chronicles pp. 99–104 no. 5; Glassner, Chronicles pp. 226–231 no. 24; Glassner, Chroniques2 pp. 285–287 no. 46)
1–5a) [The twenty-first year (605)]: The king of Akkad (stayed) in his land. Nebuchadnezzar (II), his eldest son (and) [cro]wn prince (lit. "[son of] the king of the House of Succession"), [mu]stered [the troop(s) of Akkad], and he took the lead of his troops, marched to Car[che]mish, which is on the bank of the Euphrates River, crossed the river [to meet the army of Egypt], which was encamped at Carchemish, (and) [did battle inside it]. They fought with [on]e another, but the army of Egypt retreated before him. He (Nebuchadnezzar) inflicted a [defeat] upon them (and) [finishe]d them off completely.
5b–8) (With regard to) the remnants of the army of [Egypt who had] fled [from] the defeat (at Carchemish and) whom the weapon had not reached, the troops of Akkad overtook them in the district of Hama[th] an[d] they inflicted a [def]eat upon them. [Not] a single (Egyptian) man [returned] to his land. At that time, Nebuchadnezzar (II) conquer[ed] Ha[ma]th to its full extent.
9–11) Nabopol[as]sar ruled Babylon for twenty-one years. He died on the eighth day of the month Abu (V). In the month Ulūlu (VI), Nebuchadnezzar (II) returned to Babylon and, on the first day of the month Ulūlu (VI), he ascended the royal throne in Babylon.
12–13) In (his) accession year (605): Nebuchadnezzar (II) returned to the land Ḫatti. Until the month Šabāṭu (XI), he marched about triumphantly in the land Ḫatti.
14) In the month Nisannu (I), he took the hand of the gods Bēl and Son-of-Bēl (and) he performed the akītu-festival.
15–17) The first year of Nebuchadnezzar (II) (604): In the month Simānu (III), he mustered his troops and marched to the land Ḫatti. Until the month Kislīmu (IX), he marched about triumphantly in the land Ḫatti. The kings of the land Ḫatti, all of them, came before him and he received their substantial tribute.
18–20) He marched to the city Ashkelon and, in the month Kislīmu (IX), he took it, captured its king, (and) plundered (and) [carried off] its booty. He turned (that) city into mounds of ruins (lit. "mounds and ruins"). In the month Šabāṭu (XI), he marched (away) and [returned] to Bab[ylon].
21–23) The sec[ond year (603)]: In the month Ayyāru (II), the king of Akkad assembled his mighty army and [marched to the land Ḫatti]. He pitched [camp at ...]. He made [...] cross large (siege) towers. [... from the month] Ayyāru (II) until the month [... he marched about triumphantly in the land Ḫatti].
1´) [...] ... [...]
2´–4´) [The third year (602): In the month ..., on] the thirteenth [day] Nabû-šumu-līšir [... In the month ..., the king of Akka]d mustered his troops and [marched] to the land Hatt[i. ...] he brou[ght] the vast [booty] of the land Ḫatti into Akkad. [(...)].
5´–7´) The fourth [ye]ar (601): The king of Akkad mustered his troops and marched to the land Ḫatti. [He marched about] trium[phantly] in the land Ḫatti. In the month Kislīmu (IX), he took the lead of his troops and marched to Egypt. (When) the king of Egypt heard (this) he m[ustered] his troops. They fought one another in a pitched battle and they inflicted a heavy defeat on one another. The king of Akkad and his troops turned and [returned] to Babylon.
8´) The fifth year (600): The king of Akkad (stayed) in his land. He conscripted his numerous chariots and horses.
9´–10´) The sixth year (599): In the month Kislīmu (IX), the king of Akkad mustered his troops and marched to the land Ḫatti. He dispatched his troops from the land Ḫatti and travelled (through) the desert. They extensively plundered many Arabs, (together with) their possessions, animals, and gods. In the month Addaru (XII), the king (of Akkad) returned to his land.
11´–13´) The seventh year (598): In the month Kislīmu (IX), the king of Akkad mustered his troops and marched to the land Ḫatti. He encamped against the (city) Āl-Yaḫudu (Jerusalem) and, on the second day of the month Addaru (XII), he took the city (and) captured (its) king. He appointed therein a king of his (own) choice, to[ok] (its) substantial booty, [an]d brought (it) into Babylon.
14´–15´) The eighth year (597): In the month Ṭebētu (X), the king of Akkad [marched] to the land Ḫatti, as far as Carche[mish. ... he did] not [...]. In the month Šabāṭu (XI), [the king (of Akkad)] r[eturned to] his land.
16´–20´) The ninth year (596): [In the month ..., the king of Akk]ad and [his] troops [marched] along the bank of the Tig[ris (River) ...]. The king of the land E[lam ...] ... [...]. The king of Ak[kad] ... [...]. He pitched his camp on the bank of the Tig[ri]s (River). [There was] a distance of (only) one day's march between th[em]. [The k]ing of E[lam] became afraid, fell over him, and he retur[ned] to his land.
21´–24´) [The] tenth [year (595): The king of Akk]ad (stayed) in his land. From the month Kislīmu (IX) until the month Ṭebētu (X), there [was] a rebellion in Akkad [...]. He put many of his [troop]s to the sword (and) conquered his foe(s). [Afterwards], he marched [to] the land Ḫatti. The kings of the land [Ḫatti, all of them, came before him] and [he received] their substantial tribute. He returned t[o] B[abylon].
25´–26´) [The eleventh year (594)]: In the month Kislīmu (IX), the king of Akkad [mustered his] troops [and] marched [to the land H]atti.
Jamie Novotny & Frauke Weiershäuser
Jamie Novotny & Frauke Weiershäuser, '4. Chronicle Concerning the Early Years of Nebuchadnezzar II ("Jerusalem Chronicle")', RIBo, Babylon 7: The Inscriptions of the Neo-Babylonian Dynasty, The RIBo Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2024 [/ribo/babylon7/RINBE11Introduction/DatingandChronology/Chronicles/ChronicleConcerningtheEarlyYearsofNebuchadnezzarIIJerusalemChronicle/]