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People, Gods & Places
These are the names that appear in the inscriptions. Unless otherwise noted, all of the names are of Akkadian or Sumerian origin. The forms of the names match those found in the project's QPN Glossary [/ribo/babylon7/cbd/qpn/onebigfile.html] and, therefore, always appear without long vowels and usually according to their ancient (not modern) name.
- Adad (deity)
- Weather god, of storms and beneficial rains. The southern gate of the west wall of Babylon PGP (leading to/from the Tuba district) bears his name. For further details, see this deity's [/amgg/listofdeities/ikur/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].
- Agade (place)
- A city in northern Babylonia, exact location unknown; possibly now Tell Muhammad.
- Akkad (place)
- An ancient name for northern Babylonia.
- Amel-Marduk (person)
- "Man of Marduk PGP ": King of Babylon PGP (r. 562-560 BC). For further details, see this ruler's essentials page.
- Anu (deity)
- The sky god, worshipped especially in Uruk. For further details, see this deity's [/amgg/listofdeities/an/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].
- Anunnaku (deity)
- A collective name for the gods of the netherworld. For further details, see this group of gods' [/amgg/listofdeities/anunna/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].
- Arahtu (place)
- Babylon's PGP most important canal, whose walls Babylonian kings had to regularly reinforce with bitumen and baked brick.
- Aššuru (people)
- "Assyrian": The people of Assyria, an empire to the north of Babylonia (modern northern Iraq) ruled by kings Esarhaddon, Ashurbanipal, and their predecessors and successors. See the Assyrian Empire [/saao/knpp/essentials/assyrianempire/index.html].
- Aya (deity)
- The divine consort of the sun-god Šamaš PGP . For further details, see this deity's [/amgg/listofdeities/aya/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].
- Ay-ibur-šabu (place)
- "May the Obdurate Foe Not Stay in Good Health"; the name of the grand processional avenue of Babylon PGP that runs from the Ištar PGP Gate to Esagil PGP .
- Babili (place)
- Ancient Babylon, the most important city of Babylonia, near the modern city of Hilla, and the capital of Nabopolassar PGP , Nebuchadnezzar II PGP , and their successors.
- Barsipa (place)
- Borsippa, a Babylonian city southwest of Babylon PGP ; now Birs Nimrud.
- Bel (deity)
- "Lord"; a name of Marduk PGP . For further details, see this deity's [/amgg/listofdeities/marduk/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].
- Bel-šum-iškun (person)
- Father of Neriglissar PGP .
- Ea (deity)
- The god of wisdom, magic, and incantations. For further details, see this deity's [/amgg/listofdeities/enki/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].
- Emeslam (place)
- "House, Warrior of the Netherworld"; the temple of Nergal PGP at the city of Cutha.
- Enlil (deity)
- Head of the Sumerian pantheon and one of the most important gods in Neo-Babylonian times. The western gate of the north wall of Babylon PGP bears his name. For further details, see this deity's [/amgg/listofdeities/enlil/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].
- E-PA-GIN-tila (place)
- The temple of Ninurta PGP at Babylon PGP .
- Eridu (place)
- Ancient city of southern Babylonia; now Abu Shahrein.
- Erra (deity)
- God of famine and pestilence. For further details, see this deity's [/amgg/listofdeities/erra/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].
- Esagil (place)
- "House Whose Top is High"; the temple of Marduk PGP at Babylon PGP .
- Ešarra (place)
- "House of the Universe"; the part of the temple of Enlil PGP at the city of Nippur.
- Etemenanki (place)
- "House, Foundation of Heaven and Netherworld"; the ziggurat of Marduk PGP at Babylon PGP .
- Ezida (place)
- "True house"; the temple of Nabu PGP at Borsippa PGP .
- Eʾedinna (place)
- "House of the Steppe"; the residence of Ištar PGP as the "Divine Lady of Sippar PGP " at Sippar PGP .
- Igigi (deity)
- A collective name for the gods of heaven. For further details, see this group of gods' [/amgg/listofdeities/igigi/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].
- Imgur-Enlil (place)
- "The God Enlil Showed Favor": The great, inner wall of Babylon PGP .
- Ištar (deity)
- Goddess of war, love and beauty who was worshipped in many Assyrian and Babylonian cities. The now-famous eastern gate of the north wall of Babylon PGP (leading to/from the Ka-dingirra PGP and New City districts) bears her name. For further details, see this deity's [/amgg/listofdeities/inanaitar/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].
- Ka-dingirra (place)
- A district of Babylon PGP situated between the royal residences and Etemenanki PGP .
- Ka-ḫegal (place)
- A gate of Marduk's PGP temple Esagil PGP .
- Ka-Lamma-arabi (place)
- A gate of Marduk's PGP temple Esagil PGP .
- Ka-ude-babbar (place)
- A gate of Marduk's PGP temple Esagil PGP .
- Ka-Utu-e (place)
- A gate of Marduk's PGP temple Esagil PGP .
- Libil-hegalla (place)
- An important canal of Babylon PGP that took water from the Euphrates PGP River through the eastern part of the city to irrigate land outside the city walls.
- Lugal-girra (deity)
- An underworld deity who often appears together with Meslamtaʾea PGP . Both gods are associated with Nergal PGP . For further details, see this deity's [/amgg/listofdeities/lugalirraandmeslamtaea/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].
- Mar-biti (deity)
- A Babylonian god who has a sanctuary at Borsippa PGP .
- Marduk (deity)
- The supreme god of Babylon PGP , where he was worshipped at the temple Esagil PGP ; father of the god Nabu PGP and consort of the goddess Zarpanitu. The middle gate of the east wall of Babylon PGP (leading to/from the Kullab district) bears his name. For further details, see this deity's [/amgg/listofdeities/marduk/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].
- Meslamtaʾea (deity)
- An underworld deity who often appears together with Lugal-girra PGP . Both gods are associated with Nergal PGP . For further details, see this deity's [/amgg/listofdeities/lugalirraandmeslamtaea/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].
- Nabu (deity)
- God of wisdom and patron of scribes, son of Babylon's tutelary god Marduk PGP . For further details, see this deity's [/amgg/listofdeities/nabu/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].
- Nabu-apla-uṣur (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , protect the heir!" (= Nabopolassar): King of Babylon PGP (r. 625-605 BC). For further details, see Nabopolassar's essentials page.
- Nabu-kudurri-uṣur (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , protect the boundary!" (= Nebuchadnezzar II): King of Babylon PGP (r. 604-562 BC).
- Nabu-šuma-lišir (person)
- "May Nabu PGP make the name prosper!": Son of Nabopolassar PGP and younger brother of Nebuchadnezzar II PGP .
- Nemed-Enlil (place)
- "Bulwark of the God Enlil": The outer wall of Babylon PGP .
- Nergal (deity)
- God of destructive force and animal instincts; lord of the underworld; he is often identified with the planet Mars. For further details, see this deity's [/amgg/listofdeities/nergal/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].
- Nergal-šarra-uṣur (person)
- "O Nergal PGP , protect the king!" (= Neriglissar): King of Babylon PGP (r. 559-556 BC). For further details, see Neriglissar's essentials page.
- Ninmena (deity)
- Mother goddess.
- Ninšiku (deity)
- "Prince"; a name of the god Ea PGP .
- Ninšiqa (deity)
- An alternate writing of the name Ninšiku PGP .
- Ninurta (deity)
- A god of victory.
- Nisaba (deity)
- Grain goddess.
- Papnun-anki (deity)
- A name of Marduk's PGP consort Zarpanitu.
- Purattu (place)
- An ancient name for the Euphrates River.
- Sin (deity)
- The moon-god; the moon. For further details, see this deity's [/amgg/listofdeities/nannasuen/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].
- Sippar (place)
- A northern Babylonian city, now Abu Habba.
- Subaru (place)
- "Subarean": A literary name for Assyrian. In the context of Nabopolassar's PGP inscriptions, the "Subarean" probably refers to Assyria's penultimate king Sin-šarra-iškun.
- Sumer (place)
- An ancient name for the south of Babylonia.
- Šamaš (deity)
- The sun-god; god of justice; the sun. The western gate of the south wall of Babylon PGP (leading to/from the Tuba district) bears his name. For further details, see this deity's [/amgg/listofdeities/utu/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].
- Šazu (deity)
- A name of the god Marduk PGP .
- Šuanna (place)
- A district of Babylon PGP located north of the Uraš PGP Gate and south of Esagil PGP and Etemenanki PGP .
- Tašmetu (deity)
- The consort of Nabu PGP , the god of wisdom.
- Uraš (deity)
- The tuletary deity of the city Dilbat; he is equated with Ninurta PGP . The eastern gate of the south wall of Babylon PGP (leading to/from the Šuanna PGP district) bears his name.
Jamie Novotny, 'People, Gods & Places', RIBo, Babylon 7: The Inscriptions of the Neo-Babylonian Dynasty, The RIBo Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2024 [/ribo/babylon7/People,GodsPlaces/]