In 2020–21, as part of the development of the new version of the electronic Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary [/epsd2/] (ePSD2), Steve Tinney implemented a detailed colorization scheme for the lemmatization of proper nouns. The names of people, places, deities, etc. — when lemmatized in a text's transliteration — are no longer the standard hyperlink blue, but rather are colored according to their proper noun part of speech (POS) classification and, therefore, are easier to identify in the linguistically-annotated editions. The table below lists the HTML colors associated with each Proper Noun POS on Oracc.
POS | Meaning | Class | HTML Color |
AN | Agricultural (locus) Name | Places | sandybrown |
CN | Celestial Name | Celestial | fuchsia |
DN | Divine Name | Divine | deepskyblue |
EN | Ethnos Name | Ethnic | darkred |
FN | Field Name | Places | yellowgreen |
GN | Geographical Name (lands and other geographical entities without their own tag) | Places | green |
LN | Line Name (ancestral clan) | People | indigo |
MN | Month Name | Month | cornflowerblue |
ON | Object Name | Object | darksalmon |
PN | Personal Name | People | mediumvioletred |
QN | Quarter Name (city area) | Places | olive |
RN | Royal Name | People | purple |
SN | Settlement Name | Places | darkgreen |
TN | Temple Name | Temples | mediumslateblue |
WN | Watercourse Name | Watercourses | mediumaquamarine |
YN | Year Name | Year name | blue |
The proper noun type YN does not have a distinct colorization because YNs are not treated as single words in Oracc. In addition, numbers in the transliteration are colored slategrey and Emesal Sumerian words are colored mediumorchid.
Jamie Novotny
Jamie Novotny, 'Oracc Lemmatization Colors', The Royal Inscriptions of Babylonia online (RIBo) Project, The RIBo Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2021 []