Name | Individual no./item status | PNA page | Addenda/Corrigenda | Contributor |
Padî | 4. | 978 | [Padî] KAL 3 39: 9' (ruler whom Sennacherib brings out of Jerusalem and reinstalls as king in Ekron). | H.D. Baker |
Paḫūru | New lemma |ḫu-ri /ḫu-ru Edubba 10 27: 4', 8' (seller; 777). | H.D. Baker | |
Pāliḫ-[...] | New lemma | [m.p]a-liḫ—d.[x (x)] Burmarina 29 r. 2' (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Palūʼa | New individual | 983 | ⸢m.BAL?⸣-u-a StAT 3 90: 13 (date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Pān-Apladad-lāmur | New lemma | m.IGI—⸢A⸣.[U—la-mur] Burmarina 23 r. 2' (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Pān-Aššūr-lāmur | New individual | 983-5 | ⸢m⸣.IGI—aš+šur—la-mur StAT 3 69: 11' (son of Issār-šumu-lēšir; 636*). | H.D. Baker |
Panateḫati | New lemma |ḫa-ti StAT 3 97: 13 (date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Pān-Issār-lāmur | New individual? (cf. 8.-10.) | 985-6 | m.⸢IGI⸣—15—⸢la⸣-[m]ur StAT 3 69: 30' (636*). | H.D. Baker |
Parrūṭu | New individual? (cf. 9.-10.) | 990 |⸢ru⸣-[ṭ]u StAT 3 35 I 29 (616* or later). | H.D. Baker |
Passuku | — | 991 | Delete lemma. Emend reading of name and profession to m.⸢ba?⸣-zu-ku GAL PÚ.⸢MEŠ⸣-te, new lemma *Bazuku, profession rab būrāti "chief of wells", in VAT 20688 r. 7 (now StAT 3 76 r. 7'). | H.D. Baker |
Pašî | 3. | 992 |ši!-i StAT 3 87: 2 (617*). | H.D. Baker |
Pašî | 3. | 992 |ši-[i] /ši-i StAT 3 93: 3, 16' (not dated or date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Pašî | 10. | 992 |ši-i StAT 3 45: 11 (eponym of the year 614*). NB: the name has previously been read *Upāqa-ana-Arbail, see StAT 3 p. 83 note ad l. 11. | H.D. Baker |
Pašî | 10. | 992 |ši-⸢i⸣ StAT 3 67: 10 (eponym of the year 614*). | H.D. Baker |
Pa[...] | New lemma |[x x (x)] Burmarina 27 r. 6' (witness; 673). For the reconstruction of the name see no. 29: 2'. | H.D. Baker | |
Pī-aḫi | New lemma | Replaces *Bēaḫilul q.v. | H.D. Baker | |
Pirʼānâ | — | 995 | m.⸢pi⸣-ir-na-a StAT 3 78: 4 (father of Baṭṭūtu; 631*). | H.D. Baker |
Pirʼ-mute | New lemma | m.pi-⸢ir?⸣-mu-⸢te⸣ LÚ*.⸢GAL 50⸣ StAT 3 95: 12 (rab ḫanšê; 658). | H.D. Baker | |
Pišir-Aššūr | 3. | 998 | Radner (SAAB 16 [2007] 218 n. 31) doubts the reading of this name in StAT 2 24: 4. She suggests (pending collation) that the line in question reads ša ITU-šú i-man-nu. | H.D. Baker |
Pitaḫaʼu | New lemma | m.pi-ta-ḫa-aʼ-u StAT 3 84: 1 (641*). | H.D. Baker | |
Piʼu | 2. | 998 | m.pi-ʼi StAT 3 87: 5 (617*). | H.D. Baker |
Pūlušu | New lemma? (cf. Pīlušu) | [m].pu-lu-šú StAT 3 82: 14 (617*). Probably the same individual as *Pīlušu (p. 994). | H.D. Baker | |
Purua-x-x | see *Burua (p. 355) | m.pu-ru-a-x-x NL 98: 5 (ND 2477; CTN 5 272). | H.D. Baker | |
Pusisu | see *Busisu (p. 356) | m.pu-si-su Edubba 10 54: 6. | H.D. Baker | |
Puṭi-Mūnu | 2. | 1001 | m.pu-ṭi—mu-u-ni StAT 3 79: 12 (626*). | H.D. Baker |
Puṭi-šīri | 5. | 1002 | m.pu-ti—⸢še⸣-ri StAT 3 79: 11 (626*). | H.D. Baker |
Heather D. Baker
Heather D. Baker, 'Addenda/corrigenda to fascicle 3/I (2002): Names beginning with P', The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire online, Heather D. Baker, 2019 []