Name | Individual no./item status | PNA page | Addenda/Corrigenda | Contributor |
Dād-aḫḫē | New individual | 358-9 | m.da-di—⸢ŠEŠ.ME⸣ StAT 2 257 r. 14 (witness; 792). | H.D. Baker |
Dādāia | New individual | 359-60 | m.da-⸢da!⸣-a StAT 3 35: V 7´ (616* or later). | H.D. Baker |
Dadāni | New lemma | m.da-da-a-ni BATSH 6 48: 10 (neighbouring landowner; 645*). | H.D. Baker | |
Dādî | 7. | 361 | Emend "Til-Barsip" to "Imgur-Illil". | H.D. Baker |
Dādî | 21.d. | 362 | The tablet cited as"A 1806" should be emended to "A 1869" (now StAT 2 202). | H.D. Baker |
Dādî | New individual | 360-2 | m.da-di-⸢i⸣ Burmarina 4 r. 2 (witness; 673). | H.D. Baker |
Dādî | New individual | 360-2 | m.U.U-i BATSH 6 101 r. 7 (father of Salmanu-ereš; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Dādî | New individual | 360-2 | ⸢m.U.U-i⸣ BATSH 6 187 r. 8 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Dādî | New individual | 360-2 | m.da-di-i LÚ*.A.Z[U] BATSH 6 108a (envelope) r. 3; m.da-di-i A.ZU BATSH 6 108b (inner tablet) r. 5 (witness; 663). | H.D. Baker |
Dādî | New individual | 360-2 | m.U.U-i LÚ*.qur-ZAG BATSH 6 68 r. 1 (witness, king's stand-by; post-canonical era). | H.D. Baker |
Dādî | New individual | 360-2 | m.⸢da?⸣-di-i / m.⸢da-di⸣-i StAT 2 115 r. 11 (witness; date lost) and the duplicate StAT 2 116 r. 11´ (witness, son of [...]; date lost). A date in the reign of Sargon II is suggested by the presence of *Aššūr-naʼdi 1. (p. 199) and the city overseer *Iatīʼa 2. (p. 496). | H.D. Baker |
Dādî | New individual | 360-2 | m.da-di-i ND 2711: 11 (CTN 5 297-300) (mentioned in a letter to the king from Aššur-daʼʼinanni, governor of Mazamua). | H.D. Baker |
Dādi-abā | New individual | 362 | m.U.U—AD BATSH 6 21 r. 4 (brother of the woman Labâ; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Dādi-aḫī | New lemma | [m].⸢da-di⸣—PAP BATSH 6 105 r. 10 (witness or father of a witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Dadida | — | 362 | Emend reading of name to m.⸢da!⸣-a!-da, lemma *Dāda (p. 358), in VAT 8717 r. 3 (now StAT 3 36: 18). | H.D. Baker |
Dādi-Ea | see *Dādīa 1. | 362 | StAT 2 102 r. 9. | H.D. Baker |
Dādi-ēreš | New individual | 363 | m.U.U—APIN-eš BATSH 6 78 r. 12 (witness, son of [...]; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Dādi-erība | New individual | 363 | m.d.U.U—{ana}—SU BATSH 6 51 r. 4´ (witness; 644*). | H.D. Baker |
Dādi-ilāʼī | New individual | 363 | m.U.U—DINGIR-a-a LÚ*.GIŠ.GIGIR MAN BATSH 6 95 r. 7 (witness, royal horse-trainer; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Dādi-iqbi | New individual | 363-4 | m.da-di—E StAT 2 3 r. 1 (witness; 692). | H.D. Baker |
Dādi-iqbi | New individual | 363–364 | m.U.U–iq-bi SAA 14 215 r. 5 (he is one of 3 servants of the chief confectioner [PAB 3 LÚ.ARAD.MEŠ-ni ša LÚ.GAL—SUM.NINDA] who act as witnesses for Sin-na'id; 7th century). The name might alternatively be read Šarru-iqbi (q.v., pp. 1238–1239). | M. Groß |
Dādi-kēnu-ušallim | New lemma | m.U.U—GIN—DI BATSH 6 158 r. 6 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Dādi-naʼdi | New lemma | m.U.U—na-[di] A.B[A] BATSH 6 58 r. 15´ (witness, scribe; 638*). | H.D. Baker | |
Dādi-ramu | New lemma | m.⸢U.U—ra⸣-mu BATSH 6 64 r. 9 (father of Adad-aḫu-iddina; 636*). | H.D. Baker | |
Dādi-šar-ilāni | New lemma | m.U.U—MAN—DINGIR.MEŠ BATSH 6 122 r. 9 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Dādi-tariṣ | New lemma | m.d.U.U—LAL-iṣ BATSH 6 52: 1 (son of Šamaš-deni-lamur, joint seller with his brothers Ninî and Salmanu; 644*). | H.D. Baker | |
Dādi-[...] | New individual | 365 | m.da?-di-[ (x)] Edubba 10 27: 3´ (buyer; 777). | H.D. Baker |
Daiâ | New individual | 367 | [m.da-ia-a] Edubba 10 28: 3 (joint seller; 793 or 773). He and his two co-sellers are described as 'of the town Ikamaraia, palace shepherds under the authority of the chief cook' (ša URU.i?-ka-mar-a-a LÚ*.SIPA.MEŠ ša É.GAL ša ŠU LÚ*.GAL MU.MEŠ, ll. 6-8). | H.D. Baker |
Daiaî | New individual | 367 | m.da-a-a-i StAT 3 63: 8´ (615*). | H.D. Baker |
Daiān-Adad | New individual | 367 | ⸢m.DI⸣.KUD—d.IM / m.DI.⸢KUD—d.IM⸣ / m.⸢DI.KUD⸣—[d.IM] / m.⸢DI.KUD⸣—10 ND 2682: 6, 11, r. 15´, r. 17´ (CTN 5 289-90) (mentioned in a letter from Aššur-nirka-daʼʼin to Nabû-nammir). | H.D. Baker |
Daiān-Issār | — | 369 | The date of tablet A 3216 is now thought to be 620* (StAT 2 6). | H.D. Baker |
Daiān-Kurbail | New individual | 369 | m.DI.KUD—kur-ba-ìl Ziyaret 2 (inner tablet): 8 (witness; not dated); m.DI.⸢KUD—kur-ba⸣-[ìl] Ziyaret 3 (envelope) r. 1 (witness; no year date). | H.D. Baker |
Daiān-Marduk | 2. | 369 | The tablets A 314 and A 2485 are now considered not to represent separate transactions but rather duplicates; see the editions StAT 2 181 and 182. | H.D. Baker |
Daiān-[...] | 1. | 369 | Delete this entry, the name is now read *Nabû-nāṣir q.v. | H.D. Baker |
Dâ-ili | New lemma | m.da-a—DINGIR BATSH 6 62 r. 11 (father of Ariḫi; 639*). | H.D. Baker | |
Daʼʼinanni | New lemma | m.KALAG-a-ni BATSH 6 43 r. 10 (witness; 662). | H.D. Baker | |
Daʼiq-ilāni | New lemma | m.SIG5—DINGIR.MEŠ Edubba 10 50: 3 (joint seller of a threshing floor; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Dakkūru | a.1´. | 370-1 | DUMU da-ku-ri Tigris 4: 13 (inscription of Shalmaneser III). | H.D. Baker |
Dalāia | see *Dalâ-Aia (p. 372) | m.da?-la-a-a StAT 2 132 r. 7. | H.D. Baker | |
Daltâ | — b. | 373 | [m.da-a]l-ta-a KAL 3 31: 9´ (in a broken passage of an inscription of Sargon II, probably concerning the attempt by the citizens of Ḫarḫar to make Daltâ their overlord). | H.D. Baker |
Dalūwa | New individual | 373 | m.da-lu-u-a StAT 2 140: 1 (seller of the female slave Il-bakî and her son Ḫaia-aḫi [or: Ḫaia-uṣur?]; 641*). | H.D. Baker |
Damanâ | New lemma | f.da-ma-na-a GEMÉ-šú-<nu> Marqasi 1:12 (female slave; 671 or 666). | H.D. Baker | |
Damesu | New lemma | m.⸢da⸣-[m]e-s[u] BATSH 6 153 r. 3 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Damqāia | New individual | 374 | MÍ.⸢SIG?⸣-[a?-a?] StAT 3 4: 11 (female slave, mother of the weaned boy Zazimutu; 630*). | H.D. Baker |
Damqi-aḫḫē | New lemma | m.da-qi—PAB.M[EŠ] StAT 2 299: 4 (father of (I)nurtî; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Danān-Issār | — | 375 | The tablet A 2620 is now dated to 672, reign of Esarhaddon; see the edition StAT 2 36. | H.D. Baker |
Danānu | 1. | 375 | ⸢m.da-na-nu⸣ StAT 3 51: 19 (eponym of the year 680). | H.D. Baker |
Danāte | — | 375 | Delete "Hanean" (GIŠ.NÁ ha-ni-tu = "this bed"). For A 2484 see now StAT 2 315. | M. Luukko |
Dān-ilu | New individual | 376 | m.KALAG—DINGIR BATSH 6 71 l.e. 4 (witness; 630*). | H.D. Baker |
Dannat-šarrūssu | New lemma | m.dan-nat—LUGAL-su Ziyaret 6 (envelope) r. 7 (witness; not dated). | H.D. Baker | |
Dannî | 3. | 377 | Emend "reign of Sennacherib"to "reign of Assurbanipal"; emend the date of TB 14 from "683"to "658". | M. Luukko |
Dannî | 8. | 377 | Emend "acts as a witness for Luqi" to "owes silver to Luqu". For ADD 111 see now SAA 14 25. | M. Luukko |
Dannî | New individual | 377 | m.da-ni-i BATSH 6 34 l.e. 2 (father of [...]; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Dannu-Adad | New lemma | <m>.dan-na—d.IM Edubba 10 49: 3´ (a town is named after the son of Dannu-Adad; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Dannu-Nergal | New individual? (cf. 5.-6.) | 378 | m.dan-nu—U.GUR StAT 3 63: 7´ (615*). | H.D. Baker |
Danqā-dibbī-šarri | New individual | 378-9 | m.SIG5—INIM.MEŠ—MAN BATSH 6 89: l.e. 2 (witness; date lost). The edition renders the name Mudammiq-amat-šarri. Cf. BATSH 6 62 r. 16, where the second element is written -amat-. | H.D. Baker |
Danqā-dibbī-šarri | New individual | 378-9 | [m].SIG5—a-mat—LUGAL BATSH 6 62 r. 16 (witness; 639*). The edition renders the name Mudammiq-amat-šarri. In the light of this spelling the lemma *Danqā-dibbī-šarri is to be emended as the second element is clearly -amat-. | H.D. Baker |
Danqā-dibbī-šarri | New individual | 378-9 | [m.SI]G5—INIM—LUGAL BATSH 6 48: l.e. 3 (645*). The edition renders the name Mudammiq-amat-šarri. The name has been read in PNA as *Danqā-dibbī-šarri, however in BATSH 6 62: 16 the second element is written —a-mat—. | H.D. Baker |
Daqa[...] | New lemma | m.da-qa-[x x] BATSH 6 61 r. 12´ (witness; 637*). | H.D. Baker | |
Dāri-abu | New individual | 379 | ⸢m⸣.da-ri—⸢AD⸣ BATSH 6 136: 1 (seller; 665). | H.D. Baker |
Dāri-Aššūr | — | 379 | The tablet A 2496 is dated to 638* rather than 641*; see the edition StAT 2 10. | H.D. Baker |
Dāri-šarru | 4. | 380 | Emend "late reign of Esarhaddon or reign of Assurbanipal" to "late reign of Assurbanipal". SAA 7 4 can be roughly dated on prosopographical grounds; see Mattila, SAAS 11 p. 33. | H.D. Baker |
Daruru[...] | New lemma | m.da-ru-ru-[x x] BATSH 6 114 r. 5 (witness; 615*). For the name cf. *Darurâ (p. 381). | H.D. Baker | |
Dašānu | New lemma | m.da-šá-a-nu Marqasi 2 r. 32 (witness; 668). | H.D. Baker | |
Dašinu | — | 381 | Emend reading of name to m.ša!-lim—MAŠ, lemma *Šallim-Inūrta, in VAT 9357 l.e. 1 (now StAT 3 55: 14 [inner tablet]). | H.D. Baker |
Dātāna | New individual | 381-2 | m.da-ta-n[i] BATSH 6 55 r. 7 (father of Nabû-aḫu-uṣur; 641*). | H.D. Baker |
Dawlî | 2. | 382 | m.da-⸢u⸣-li!-⸢i⸣ StAT 3 42: 16 (618*). | H.D. Baker |
Da[...] | New lemma | m.da-[x x x] BATSH 6 73 r. 10 (father of [DN-...]; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Da[...] | New lemma | m.da-[x x x] BATSH 6 177: 2 (father of the seller [...]; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Denî | New individual | Marqasi 3 r. 9 (witness; 665). | H.D. Baker | |
Dēnīa | New lemma | m.˹de˺-ni-ia ... PAB 3 LÚ*.MEŠ-e EN–ŠU.II.MEŠ ša LÚ Marqasi 5 r. 13–15 (witness and guarantor; 648*). | H.D. Baker | |
Dēnu-āmur | >*[...]-dēnī-amur | [m.d]e?-nu—a-mur SAA 7 21 r. 6. This name, read Denu-amur in the edition, probably rather represents [DN]-dēnī-amur. Names of this formation are relatively common (cf. *Aššūr-dēnī-amur, *Nabû-dēnī-amur,etc.), whereas the name Dēnī-amur is not attested elsewhere. This is presumably why the name was not included in PNA. | H.D. Baker/M. Luukko | |
Dēnu-Kurbail | New lemma |—URU.kur-ba-ìl Edubba 10 37: 4´, 9´ (joint seller; date lost). For the name cf. *Daiān-Kurbail (p. 369). | H.D. Baker | |
Diarāiu | New lemma | [m.di?]-a-ra-a-a-ú Tell Sitak:2´ (dependent individual; date lost, probably late 8th or 7th century). | H.D. Baker | |
Dīdî | New individual | 382-3 | m.di-di-⸢i⸣ BATSH 6 144 r. 9´ (father of the witness Raḫimi; 638*). | H.D. Baker |
Dīdî | New individual | 382-3 | m.⸢di-di⸣-i BATSH 6 71 r. 8 (witness; 630*). | H.D. Baker |
Dīdî | New individual | 382-3 | m.di-di-i! StAT 2 84 r. 7 (father of the woman [...]pališi; not dated or date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Dīdî | New individual | 382-3 | m.di-di-[i] StAT 2 280: 6 (one of seven men investing in a business venture; 679). Alternatively the name might be *Dīdīa (p. 383). | H.D. Baker |
Dīdî | New individual | 382–3 | m.di-di-i Marqasi4 r. 9 (witness; 641*). | H.D. Baker |
Dīdî? | New individual | 382-3 | m.[di?]-di-i Burmarina 3 r. 15´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Dīdīa | 2. | 383 | The envelope A 1874*is now dated 615* (ep. Sîn-alik-pani) in the edition (StAT 2 211) rather than 631* (ep. Adad-remanni). However, in view of how little is preserved of the eponym's name, the date remains quite uncertain. Traces of the date formula are only preserved on the inner tablet A 1874 (now StAT 2 210), not on the envelope. The individual's name is not preserved on the inner tablet. | H.D. Baker |
Diḫatari | New lemma | m.d[i-ḫa-ta-ri] / [m.d]i-ḫa-ta-ri BATSH 6 97: 1, 11 (seller; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Dikukaši | — | 384 | Delete lemma. Emend readings of name to m.dì-ku—la-maš-ši / m.⸢dì-ku—la⸣-maš-ši / m.dì-ku—la-maš-ši, new lemma *Dīku-lā-amašši, in VAT 20688: 1, 10 (now StAT 3 76: 1, 6, 11). | H.D. Baker |
Dīku-lā-amašši | New lemma | New lemma, replaces *Dikukaši q.v. | H.D. Baker | |
Dilušeri (?) | New lemma | m.DI-lu-še-ri StAT 2 228: 1 (seller, son of Mauranu; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Dinaʼ | New lemma | ⸢m.di⸣-na-aʼ BATSH 6 48 r. 10 (father of [...]; 645*). | H.D. Baker | |
Dinî | New lemma | [m.d]i-ni-i BATSH 6 115 r. 5 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Dinia or Dinia[...] | New lemma | [M]Í.di-⸢ni-iá?⸣ (-)[xx x] StAT 2 292: 1´ (woman placed as security for a debt; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Diteia (?) | New lemma | m.DI-te-ia StAT 2 125 r. 6 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Di[...] | New lemma | m.di-[x x] Burmarina 35: 2 (creditor; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Dī[...] | New lemma | m.di-i-[x x (x)] Tell Sitak:3´ (dependent individual; date lost, probably late 8th or 7th century). | H.D. Baker | |
Di[...]dia | New lemma | m.⸢di?-x⸣-di-ia LÚ*.A.BA šá LÚ*.tur-ta-ni Edubba 10 8: 21 (witness, scribe of the Commander-in-Chief; 780 or 770). | H.D. Baker | |
Dūʼāiu | New individual | 385 | ⸢m⸣.du-u-a-a BATSH 6 144 r. 7´ (father of a witness; 638*). | H.D. Baker |
Dugul-ana-Aššūr | — | 386 | Delete "Tiglath-pileser III or"; emend the date "691 or 686, possibly 737" to simply "686". The tablet A 961 is now edited as StAT 2 104. | H.D. Baker |
Dummuqu | New individual | 387 | m.du-um-mu-q[u] ND 2695: 1 (CTN 5 18-19) (sender of a Babylonian letter to the king reporting on the movements of Mukin-zeri, hence dated in reign of Tiglath-pileser III; apparently the sender is based in Kutha as the greeting formula cites the deities Nergal and Laṣ). | H.D. Baker |
Dūr-aḫḫē or Dūrī-aḫḫē | 2. | 389 | m.BÀD—PAB.MEŠ StAT 3 57: 3´ (date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Dūrī-Aia | New individual | 389 | m.BÀD!?—a-⸢a!⸣ LÚ.šá–UGU!–É ša PN StAT 3 25: 2-4 (ša-muḫḫi-bēti of Šumma-Aššur; not dated or date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Dūrī-Aššūr | 5. | 390 | Emend reading of name to m.⸢AD—DINGIR⸣, lemma *Abī-ilī (p. 11), in VAT 20761: 3´ (now StAT 3 88: 5). | H.D. Baker |
Dūrī-Issār | New individual | 390-1 | m.BÀD—⸢15⸣ BATSH 6 143 r. 9´ (witness, son of [...]; 639*). | H.D. Baker |
Dūrī-[...] | New individual | 391 | [m].BÀ[D—x x] BATSH 6 80: 1 (seller; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Heather D. Baker
Heather D. Baker, 'Addenda/corrigenda to fascicle 1/II (1999): Names beginning with D', The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire online, Heather D. Baker, 2019 []