Name | Individual no./item status | PNA page | Addenda/Corrigenda | Contributor |
Lā-abâši or Lâbâši | 6. | 647 |—b[a-ši] BATSH 6 139 r. 3´ (eponym of the year 657). | H.D. Baker |
Lā-abâši orLâbâši | 6.d. | 647 | StAT 3 71: 11 (eponym of the year 657). | H.D. Baker |
Lā-abâši or Lâbâši | 6.d. | 647 | m.NU-TÉŠ StAT 3 110: 31 (eponym of the year 657). | H.D. Baker |
Labâ | — | 648 | Emend "Sister-in-law" to "Sister"; emend ⸢NIN-šú⸣ ša DAM to ⸢NIN-šú⸣ ša NIN (BATSH 6 21 r. 3-4). | H.D. Baker |
Labṭuri | — | 649 |[ab?-ṭ]u?-r[i?] KAL 3 24 r. 3´ (son of Ṭupusu [or: member of the tribe named after Ṭupusu] and ruler of the land Nirdun who gives tribute to Assurnaṣirpal II in Tušhan). | H.D. Baker |
Lā-ḫīṭāiu | New individual | 650 |—ḫi-ṭa-a-a LÚ.GAR [x x] ša? IGI ma? ERÍN x x Edubba 10 22: l.e. 2´´-3´´ (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Lā-immaššî | New lemma |—im-⸢ma⸣-ši-ʼi /—im-ma-ši-ʼi-[u] / m.⸢la⸣—im-ma-ši-i StAT 3 63:1, 4, 2´ (615*). | H.D. Baker | |
Lainse | New lemma | Emended reading of name:!-e / [] BATSH 6 119: 1, 7. Replaces lemma *LainUDe (p. 651). | H.D. Baker | |
LainUDe | Lemma | 651 | Delete lemma and replace with *La-insê q.v. | H.D. Baker |
La'iti-ilu | Cross-reference | 651 | La'iti-ilu see Līt-ili. | M. Weszeli |
Lalla | — | 651 | [Lalla] KAL 3 25 r. 10´ (ruler of Melid who gives tribute to Shalmaneser III in his fifteenth year; parallel to RIMA 3 A.0.102.6 iii 55). | H.D. Baker |
Lāmur-Šamaš | see *Lā-āmir-Šamaš (p. 648) | m.là—IGI—d.UTU BATSH 6 13 r. 4 (date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Lāmur-šarri | see *Āmur-šarri | m.IGI.[LAL]—MAN BATSH 6 41 r. 12. | H.D. Baker | |
Lā-nasiḫi | New lemma |—na-si-ḫi BATSH 6 34: 4 (slave sold with wife and daughter; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Lanšê | 1. | 652 | Emend "Official in Babylonia (reign of Sargon II)" to "High-ranking military official in western Gambulu (reigns of Sargon II and Sennacherib)". See Dietrich 2003 (SAA 17) pp. xix, xxvii, xxxiii. He is possibly identical with 2. | M. Luukko |
Lanšê | 2. | 652 | Possibly identical with 1. | M. Luukko |
Lā-qēpu | 1. (possibly identical with 2.) | 652-4 |—qi-pi Edubba 10 8: 2, 7 (father of Adad-kurbanni; 780 or 770). | H.D. Baker |
Lā-qēpu | New individual | 652–4 |–qe-pu /–qe-pi Marqasi 2:5, 17 (buyer of slave; 668). | H.D. Baker |
Lā-qēpu | 19. | 653 | In the description of the individual emend "from Kalhu" to "from Marqasi". See now the edition Marqasi 3. | H.D. Baker |
Lā-tēde-abūša | New lemma | MÍ.la—te-de—AD-šá StAT 3 67: 5 (wife of Susûʼa; 614*). | H.D. Baker | |
Lā-teggi | New lemma |—te-gi Edubba 10 23: 25 (witness; 798). | H.D. Baker | |
Lā-teggi-ana-Aššūr | 2. | 655 | ⸢—te-gá⸣—[ana—aš+šur] StAT 3 28: 15 (envelope; 654). | H.D. Baker |
Lā-tubāšanni-Adad | New individual | 656 |—TÉŠ-a-ni—d.IM Edubba 10 48: 3´ (buyer; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Lā-turammanni-Aššūr | 3. | 658 |—tur-man—aš+šur StAT 3 81: 3 (son of Mannu-ki-Aššur; 655). | H.D. Baker |
Lā-turammanni-Aššūr | 3. | 658 |—tur-man—aš+šur StAT 3 87: 3 (617*). | H.D. Baker |
Lā-turammanni-Aššūr | 3. | 658 | ⸢m⸣.la—tur-man-nu—aš+⸢šur⸣ StAT 3 82: 11 (617*). | H.D. Baker |
Lā-turammanni-Aššūr | 3. | 658 |—⸢tur-man⸣-ni/nu—[aš+šur] StAT 3 80: 3´ (son of Mannu-ki-Aššur; not dated or date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Lā-turammanni-Aššūr | 3. | 658-9 | [m.l]a—tur-man-n[i]—aš+⸢šur⸣ StAT 3 92: 10 (613*). | H.D. Baker |
Lā-turammanni-Aššūr | New individual? (cf. 3.-10.) | 658-9 |—túr-man-nu—aš StAT 3 114: 10 (644* or 629*). | H.D. Baker |
Lā-turammanni-Aššūr | New individual | 658-9 |—tu-ra-ni—aš+šur URU.Š[À.URU-a-a] /—[tu]-ra-ni—aš+šur StAT 3 4: 15, 25 (purchaser of 18 slaves, from Libbali; 630*). | H.D. Baker |
Lēšeru | 4. | 659f. | Perhaps emend readings of name to m.⸢li-pu⸣-[šú] / []-⸢pu-šú⸣ /⸢pu-šú⸣ /⸢šú⸣, new lemma *Lipūšu, in VAT 9758: 1, 2, 5, 12 (now StAT 3 2: 1, 2, 5, 12). Note the revised interpretation of the name (Faist, StAT 3 p. 16, cf. PNA *Libūšū). | H.D. Baker |
Libūšū | 1. | 661 |šú in Edubba 10 23: 5, 10 (buyer: 798). Although this indivual has been entered under *Libūšū 1., the lemma is better emended to *Lipūšu. | H.D. Baker |
Lidbubū | New individual | 662 | m.lid-di-bu-ub LÚ*.NINDA Ziyaret 13: 5-6 (recipient of barley, baker; no year date). | H.D. Baker |
(Liphur-Bēl) | Cross-reference | 663 | Insert cross reference on p.663: Lipḫur-Bēl see Nasḫir-Bēl. | M. Luukko |
Lipḫur-Marduk | see *Nasḫir-Marduk or Nasḫur-Marduk — (p. 933) | m.NIGIN—[d.AMA]R.UTU BATSH 6 121 r. 5 (witness, son of Šamandāia; 674). | H.D. Baker | |
Lipūšu | New lemma | New lemma, name formerly read *Lēšeru q.v. Add also the entries previously listed under *Libūšū. | H.D. Baker | |
Lipūšu | see *Libūšū 6. (p. 662) |šú Edubba 10 54: 6. The name has been entered under *Libūšū but this is better emended to *Lipūšu. | H.D. Baker | |
Lipūšu | New individual |šú LÚ*.GIŠ.GIGIR Ziyaret 13 r. 8-9 (recipient of barley, horse trainer; no year date). The edition renders the name *Libūšu. | H.D. Baker | |
Lipūšu? | New lemma |[u-šú?] Edubba 10 32: 32 (witness; 747). | H.D. Baker | |
Lisî | New lemma |[i?] TA *URU.ŠE—[m.x x (x)] Burmarina 7 u.e. 2-3 (witness from the town[...]; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Līt-Aia | New lemma | m.ZU!—a-a StAT 3 100: 3´ (date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Litar-Issār | New lemma | m.li6-tár—15 BATSH 6 116 r. 10 (witness; 828). | H.D. Baker | |
Litar-[...] | New lemma | m.li6-tár—[x (x)] BATSH 6 91 r. 16 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Līt-ili | New individual? | 664-5 | m.ZU—DINGIR StAT 3 91: 12 (640*). | H.D. Baker |
Līt-ili | New individual | 664-5 | m.ZU—DINGIR Edubba 10 29: 27 (witness; 762). He is one of three witnesses said to be from the town of [...] (PAB 3 URU.[...], l. 28). | H.D. Baker |
Līt-Nabû | New lemma | m.ZU—d.PA StAT 2 254: 10´ (father of a son [name lost] listed in an account of disbursements of silver). | H.D. Baker | |
Lū-aḫḫē | New individual | 665 |—PAB.MEŠ StAT 3 4: 10 (slave, son of Rahimi-Aia; 630*). | H.D. Baker |
Lū-balaṭ | 8. | 666 | Emend reading of name to ⸢m.ḫu-ba⸣-laṭ, new lemma *Ḫu-balaṭ, in VAT 9759: 9 (now StAT 3 3: 9). | H.D. Baker |
Lubâma | New individual | 666 |ʼ-ma LÚ*.[x x] ša ⸢LÚ⸣.NIMGIR É!.G[AL?] Edubba 10 44: 27 (witness, a subordinate of the Palace Herald; date lost). | H.D. Baker |
Lū-bulluṭ | (misplaced) | 666 | Erroneous sort order, belongs after *Lubsia (p. 667). | H.D. Baker |
LUGAL-[...] | see *Ilu-šarru-[...] (new lemma) | m.d.LUGAL-x [x] ND 2362: 1 (CTN 5 241) (sender of a letter to the palace scribe).Rather than assume a name formed with a divine element beginning LUGAL-..., it seems better to read *Ilu-šarru-[...]. | H.D. Baker | |
Lu-is[...] | New lemma | ⸢m⸣.lu—is-⸢x⸣[x] BATSH 6 120 l.e. 1 (witness; date lost). | H.D. Baker | |
Luluʼba | see *Luluʼ (p. 669) |ʼ-ba ša PN LÚ.EN.NAM Edubba 10 33: 29 (whereas PNA has:ʼ ARAD ša PN LÚ.EN.NAM). | H.D. Baker | |
Lūqu | 5. & 11. | 670 | Aside from Luqu, four individuals (Sukki-Aia, Remut-ilani, Nargî and Takilati) occur in both SAA 14 26 and SAA 14 154; it seems quite possible therefore that *Luqu 5. and 11. are the same person. | H.D. Baker |
Lūqu | New individual | 670 | [m.l]u-qu LÚ*.A.BA Ziyaret 4 (inner tablet) l.e. 1-2 (witness, scribe; 613*). | H.D. Baker |
Heather D. Baker
Heather D. Baker, 'Addenda/corrigenda to fascicle 2/II (2001): Names beginning with L', The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire online, Heather D. Baker, 2019 []