This bibliography lists editions of primary sources and historical studies focusing on the period between 745 and 705 BC, from Tiglatpileser III's usurpation of the Assyrian throne to Sargon II's death on the battlefield. While it is not intended to be an exhaustive research bibliography and much of the older literature has been omitted, it features the key works of the last two decades in English, German, French and Italian.
We are indebted to all authors, editors and publishers who generously permitted us to use materials originally published in printed form.
Fales, F. M., L'impero assiro, Rome: Laterza, 2001.
Holloway, S. W., 'The quest for Sargon, Pul, and Tiglath-pileser in the nineteenth century', in M. W. Chavalas and K. L. Younger, Jr. (eds.), Mesopotamia and the Bible, Comparative Explorations, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2002, 68-87. View article on Google Books [].
Morkot, R. G., The Black Pharaohs: Egypt's Nubian Rulers, London: The Rubicon Press, 2000.
Oates, D., Studies in the ancient history of Northern Iraq, London: British Academy, 1968.
Parpola, S. and R. Whiting (eds.), Assyria 1995, Helsinki: Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, 1997.
Roaf, M., Cultural atlas of Mesopotamia and the ancient Near East, Oxford: Equinox, 1990.
Saggs, H., The might that was Assyria, London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1984.
Abraham, K. and J. Klein, 'A new Sargon II cylinder fragment from an unknown provenance', Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 97 (2007), 252-261. View article online [].
Fales, F. M., 'Assyro-Aramaica: the Assyrian lion-weights', in K. Van Lerberghe and A. Schoors (ed.), Immigration and Emigration within the Ancient Near East: Festschrift E. Lipiński (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 65), Leuven: Peeters, 1995, 33-55. Download PDF version of article (1.1 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/fales_immigration1995.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
Frame, G., 'The inscription of Sargon II at Tang-i Var', Orientalia 68 (1999), 31-57. Download PDF version of article (4 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/frame_orns68_1999_text.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []). Download PDF version of article plates (15.9 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/frame_orns68_1999_plates.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
Frame, G., 'The order of the wall slabs with the Annals of Sargon II in Room V of the palace at Khorsabad', in G. Frame (ed.), From the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea: Studies in the history of Assyria and Babylonia in honour of A. K. Grayson, Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 2004, 151-164. Download PDF version of article (4.4 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/frame_fs_grayson_2004.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
Frame, G., 'The Tell Acharneh stela of Sargon II of Assyria', in M. Fortin (ed.), Tell 'Acharneh 1998-2004. Rapports préliminaires sur les campagnes de fouilles et saison d'études / Preliminary reports on excavation campaigns and study season (Subartu 18), Turnhout: Brepols, 2006, 49-68. Download PDF version of article (6.2 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/frame_acharneh_2006.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
Frame, G., 'A new cylinder inscription of Sargon II of Assyria from Melid', in M. Luukko, S. Svärd and R. Mattila (eds.), Of god(s), trees, kings, and scholars: Neo-Assyrian and related studies in honour of Simo Parpola (Studia Orientalia 106), Helsinki: Finnish Oriental Society, 2009, 65-82. Download PDF version of article (1.4 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/frame_fs_parpola.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
Fuchs, A., Die Inschriften Sargons II. aus Khorsabad, Göttingen: Cuvillier, 1994.
Gadd, C. J., 'Inscribed Prisms of Sargon II from Nimrud', Iraq 16 (1954), 173-201. View article on JSTOR (requires subscription) [].
Galil, G., 'A new look at the inscriptions of Tiglath-pileser III', Biblica 81 (2000), 511-520. View article online [].
Hawkins, J. D., 'The new Sargon stele from Hama', in G. Frame (ed.), From the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea: Studies in the history of Assyria and Babylonia in honour of A. K. Grayson, Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 2004, 151-164. Download PDF version of article (2.7 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/hawkins_fs_grayson_2004.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
Kapera, Z. J., 'The Ashdod stele of Sargon II', Folia Orientalia 17 (1976), 87-99. Download PDF version of article (3.5 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/kapera_fo_1976.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader [])
Levine, L. D., Two Neo-Assyrian stelae from Iran, Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum, 1972.
Saggs, H. W. F., 'Historical Texts and Fragments of Sargon II of Assyria. 1: The 'Aššur Charter'', Iraq 37 (1975), 11-20. View article on JSTOR (requires subscription) [].
Tadmor, H. and S. Yamada, The Royal Inscriptions of Tiglath-Pileser III (744-727 BC) and Shalmaneser V ( 726-722 BC), Kings of Assyria (Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period 1), Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2011. Browse the text editions and English translations on the RINAP website [].
Brinkman, J. A., 'A legal text from Babylon dated in the reign of Shalmaneser V', Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 2008, no. 8 [on NL 1]. View article online [].
Dietrich, M., The Neo-Babylonian Correspondence of Sargon and Sennacherib (State Archives of Assyria 17), Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 2003. Download PDF version of SAA 17 introduction (1.8 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/aebp_intro.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
Fuchs, A. and S. Parpola, The Correspondence of Sargon II, Part III (State Archives of Assyria 15), Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 2001. Download PDF version of SAA 15 introduction (2.3 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/aebp_intro.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
Lanfranchi, G. B. and S. Parpola, The Correspondence of Sargon II, Part II (State Archives of Assyria 5), Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 1990. Download PDF version of SAA 5 introduction (1.5 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/saa5_intro.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
Parpola, S., The Correspondence of Sargon II, Part I (State Archives of Assyria 1), Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 1987. Download PDF version of SAA 1 introduction (808 KB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/aebp_intro.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
Parpola, S., 'A Letter to Sennacherib Referring to the Conquest of Bīt-Hā'iri and Other Events of the Year 693', in O. Loretz et al. (eds.), Ex Mesopotamia et Syria Lux. Festschrift für Manfried Dietrich zu seinem 65. Geburtstag (Alter Orient und Altes Testament 281), Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2002, 559-580. Download PDF version of article (3.5 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/parpola_fs_dietrich_2002.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
Albenda, P., 'Dur-Sharrukin, the royal city of Sargon II, King of Assyria', Bulletin of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies 38 (2003), 5-13. Download PDF version of article (16.5 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/albenda_bcsms_38_2003.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader [])
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Battini, L., 'Un exemple de propagande néo-assyrienne: les défenses de Dûr-Sharrukin', Contributi e materiali di archeologia orientale 6 (1996), 215-234. Download PDF version of article (3.6 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/battini_cmao6_1996.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
Battini, L., 'Les portes urbaines de la capitale de Sargon II: étude sur la propagande royale à travers les données archéologiques et textuelles', in J. Prosecký (ed.), Intellectual Life of the Ancient Near East. Papers Presented at the 43rd RAI, Prague, July 1–5, 1996, Prague: Oriental Institute, 1998, 41-55. Download PDF version of article (1.9 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/battini_crra43_1996.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
Battini, L., 'Une origine possible du nom du 'Palais sans égal' de Sargon II', Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 2002, no. 27. Download PDF version of article (80 KB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/battini_nabu2002_27.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
Bjorkman, J., 'Sargon II's foundation tablets', Orientalia lovaniensia periodica 18 (1987), 87-97.
Blocher, F., 'Das Thronpodest Sargons II.', in K. Hecker et al. (eds.), Beiträge zur altorientalischen Archäologie und Altertumskunde: Festschrift für Barthel Hrouda zum 65. Geburtstag, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1994, 17-24. Download PDF version of article (9 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/blocher_fs_hrouda_1994.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
Blocher, F., 'Eine Hauptstadt zieht um', Das Altertum 43 (1997), 21-43.
Botta, P.-É., and E. Flandin, Monument de Ninive, vol. 1-2, Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1849-50.
Franklin, N., 'The Room V reliefs at Dur-Sharrukin and Sargon II's western campaigns', Tel Aviv 21 (1994), 255-275. View article on IngentaConnect (requires subscription) [].
Guralnick, E., 'New drawings of Khorsabad sculptures by Paul Émile Botta', Revue d'Assyriologie et archéologie orientale 95 (2002), 23-56. View article on CAIRNS [].
Kose, A., 'Die Wendelrampe der Ziqqurrat von Dur-Šarrukin: keine Phantasie vom Zeichentisch', Baghdader Mitteilungen 30 (1999), 115-137. Download PDF version of article (5.1 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/kose_BaM30_1999.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
Loud, G., Khorsabad, Part 1: Excavations in the Palace and at a City Gate (Oriental Institute Publications 38), Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1936. View book online [].
Loud, G. and C. B. Altman, Khorsabad, Part 2: The Citadel and the Town (Oriental Institute Publications 40), Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1938. View book online [].
Reade, J. E., 'Sargon's campaigns of 720, 716, and 715 BC: evidence from the sculptures', Journal of Near Eastern Studies 35 (1976), 95-104. View article on JSTOR (requires subscription) [].
Russell, J. M., The writing on the wall: studies in the architectural context of Late Assyrian palace inscriptions (Mesopotamian Civilizations, 9), Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 1999. Preview book on Google Books [].
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Weidner, E. F., 'Assyrische Emailgemälde vom Achten Feldzug Sargons II.', Archiv für Orientforschung 3 (1926), 1-6 [from the Aššur temple at Assur]. Download PDF version of article (716 KB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/weidner_AfO_3_1926.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
Baker, H. D., 'Salmanassar V.', in M. P. Streck et al. (eds.), Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie 11/7-8, Berlin: de Gruyter, 2008, 585-587. Download PDF version of article (728 KB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/baker_rla2008.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader [])
Dalley, S., 'Recent evidence from Assyrian sources for Judean history from Uzziah to Manasseh', Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 28 (2004), 387-401. View article on SAGE journals online (requires subscription) [].
Fales, F. M., 'Tiglat-pileser III tra annalistica reale ed epistolografia quotidiana', in F. Pecchioli Daddi and M. C. Guidotti (eds.), Narrare gli eventi: Atti del convegno degli egittologi e degli orientalisti italiani in margine alla mostra "La battaglia di Qadesh" (Studia Asiana 3), Roma: Herder, 2005, 163-191. Download PDF version of article (21.8 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/fales_narrare_gli_eventi2005.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
Frahm, E., 'Nabû-zuqup-kenu, das Gilgameš-Epos und der Tod Sargons II.', Journal of Cuneiform Studies 51 (1999), 73-90. View article on JSTOR (requires subscription) [].
Frahm, E., 'Nabû-zuqup-kenu, Gilgamesh XII, and the Rites of Du'uzu', Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 2005, no. 5 [death of Sargon II]. Download PDF version of article (340 KB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/frahm_nabu2005_5.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
Frahm, E., 'Observations on the name and age of Sargon II, and on some patterns of Assyrian royal onomastics', Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 2005, no. 44. Download PDF version of article (748 KB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/frahm_nabu2005_44.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
Galter, H. D., 'Sargon der Zweite: Über die Wiederinszenierung von Geschichte', in R. Rollinger and B. Truschnegg (eds.), Altertum und Mittelmeerraum: Die antike Welt diesseits und jenseits der Levante. Festschrift für Peter W. Haider zum 60. Geburtstag (Oriens et Occidens 12), Stuttgart: Steiner, 2006, 279-302. Download PDF version of article (2.6 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/galter_fs_haider_2006.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []). View parts of article on Google Books [].
Na'aman, N., 'Eloulaios/Ululaiu in Josephus, Antiquities IX, 284', Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 2006, no. 6 [on Shalmaneser V]. View article online [].
Radner, K., 'Salmanassar V. in den Nimrud Letters', Archiv für Orientforschung 50 (2003/04), 95-104. Download PDF version of article (1.9 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/radner_afo50_2004.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
Vera Chamaza, G. W., 'Sargon II's ascent to the throne: the political situation', State Archives of Assyria Bulletin 6 (1992), 21-33. View article online [].
Zawadzki, S., 'The revolt of 746 BC and the coming of Tiglath-pileser III to the throne', State Archives of Assyria Bulletin 8 (1994), 53-54. View article online [].
Fales, F. M., 'Central Syria in the letters to Sargon II', in U. Hübner and E. A. Knauf (eds.), Kein Land für sich allein: Studien zum Kulturkontakt in Kanaan, Israel/Palästina und Ebirnâri für Manfred Weippert zum 65. Geburtstag (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 186), Fribourg and Göttingen: University Press Fribourg and Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2002, 134-152. Download PDF version of article (1.8 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/fales_fs_weippert2002.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
Fales, F. M., 'Cibare i deportati: Una lettera al re assiro Tiglath-pileser III (ND 2634)', in D. Morandi Bonacossi et al. (eds.), Tra Oriente e Occidente. Studi in onore di Elena Di Filippo Balestrazzi, Padova: Sargon srl, 2006, 47-64. Download PDF version of article (7.4 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/fales_fs_balestrazzi2006.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
Fales, F. M., 'On Pax Assyriaca in the Eight-Seventh Century BC and Its Implications', in R. Cohen and R. Westbrook (eds.), Swords into Plowshares: Isaiah's Vision of Peace in Biblical and Modern International Relations, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, 18-35. Download PDF version of article (6.4 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/fales_isaiahs_vision2008.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
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Radner, K., 'The delegation of power: Neo-Assyrian bureau seals', in P. Briant et al. (eds.), L'archive des Fortifications de Persépolis: État des questions et perspectives de recherches (Persika 12), Paris: de Boccard, 2008, 481-515. Download PDF version of article (600 KB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/radner_persika12_2008.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
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Lanfranchi, G. B., 'The ideological and political impact of the Assyrian imperial expansion on the Greek world in the 8th and 7th centuries BC', in S. Aro and R. M. Whiting (eds.), Heirs of Assyria (Melammu Symposia 1), Helsinki: Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, 2000, 7-34. View article online [].
Lanfranchi, G., 'A happy son of the king of Assyria: Warikas and the Çineköy bilingual (Cilicia)', in M. Luukko, S. Svärd and R. Mattila (eds.), Of god(s), trees, kings, and scholars: Neo-Assyrian and related studies in honour of Simo Parpola (Studia Orientalia 106), Helsinki: Finnish Oriental Society, 2009, 127-150. Download PDF version of article (1.3 MB) [/saao/aebp/downloads/lanfranchi_fs_parpola.pdf] (requires free Adobe Acrobat reader []).
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Content last modified: 20 Jul 2021.