Fragments of a Synchronistic King List (VAT 11261 and VAT 11345)

Two small fragments belonging to one and the same clay tablet (VAT 11261 and VAT 11345) preserve a small portion of a copy of a Synchronistic King List []; both pieces were discovered in the ruins of the Assyrian city of Ashur. The format differs from the other versions of this chronographic text: The lists of Assyrian rulers (left column) and Babylonian rulers (right column) were written in separate columns, with no attempt to arrange them into contemporaneous pairs. The extant text contains the names of rulers of the Bazi Dynasty [/ribo/babylon4/index.html] (1004-985 BC), Elamite Dynasty [/ribo/babylon5/index.html] (984-979 BC), and Uncertain Dynasties [/ribo/babylon6/index.html] (978-626 BC).

i 1')  [Ninurta-apil-E]kur  
i 2')  [Aššur]-dān (I)  
i 3')  [Nin]urta-tukulti-Aššur  
i 4')  [Mu]takkil-Nusku  
i 5')  [Ašš]ur-rēša-iši (I)  
i 6')  [Ti]glath-pileser (I)  
i 7')  [A]šarēd-apil-Ekur  
i 8')  [Aššur]-bēl-kala  
i 9')  [Erība]-Adad (II)  
i 10')  [Šamšī]-Adad (IV)  
ii 1')  Š[irikti-Šuqamuna]  
ii 2')  Mār-[bīti-apla-uṣur]  
ii 3')  Nabû-muk[īn-apli]  
ii 4')  Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur (II)   
ii 5')  Mār-bīti-aḫḫē-iddina  
ii 6')  Šamaš-muda[mmiq]  
ii 7')  Nabû-šuma-[ukīn (I)]   
ii 8')  Nabû-apla-[iddina]  
ii 9')  Marduk-z[ākir-šumi (I)]   
ii 10')  MU-[PAP, his scholar]  
ii 11')  ...[...]  
ii 1'')  Ninurta?-apl?-[...]   
ii 2'')  Marduk-b[ēl-zēri]   
ii 3'')  Marduk-apla-[uṣur]  
ii 4'')  Erība-Mar[duk]  
ii 5'')  Nabû-šuma-[iškun]  

Selected Bibliography

Grayson, A.K., 'Königslisten und Chroniken. B. Akkadisch,' in: D.O. Edzard (ed.), Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie 6/1–2, Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 1980, pp. 122-123 §3.14.

Schroeder, O., Keilschrifttexte aus Assur verschiedenen Inhalts (= Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 35), Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1920, nos. 10 and 13.

Jamie Novotny

Jamie Novotny, 'Fragments of a Synchronistic King List (VAT 11261 and VAT 11345)', The Royal Inscriptions of Babylonia online (RIBo) Project, The RIBo Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2024 []

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