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Cyrus Cylinder

There are numerous official inscriptions of the rulers of the Persian Empire (559-330 BC), most of which are written on buildings and rockfaces in Iran (especially in the cities Persepolis and Susa); some are known from portable palatial property (e.g., stone or metal vessels, beads). Many of the attested royally commissioned texts written in Old Persian are accompanied by Elamite and Akkadian (Babylonian dialect) versions. Extant monolingual Akkadian inscriptions, like the famous and important "Cyrus Cylinder," are rare. At present, this website includes three Akkadian inscriptions of Cyrus II (including the "Cyrus Cylinder"), together with a few resources and materials for their study and their historical context.

RIBo, a sub-project of the Official Inscriptions of the Middle East in Antiquity (OIMEA) Project, publishes in a single place easily accessible and annotated (lemmatized) editions of Akkadian and Sumerian royal inscriptions from Babylonia that were composed between 1157 BC and 64 BC. The corpus of edited texts in this RIBo sub-project ("Babylon 8") presently includes:

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© RIBo, 2015-2016. RIBo is based at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Historisches Seminar (LMU Munich, History Department) - Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East. Content released under a CC BY-SA 3.0 [] license, 2007-14.
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