Heads & Busts

1-99  100-199  200-299  300-399  400-499  500-599  600-699  700-799  800-899  900-999  1000-1099  1100 

Male  Female  Ambiguous  Pairs 

MALE (AUWE 19 3-22)

3. Pointed ellipse. 10 x 14. Bearded male head, facing left; raised linear border.
► Anu-zēr-iddin/Anu-balāssu-iqbi//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 2/V/9; witness; sale of slaves BRM 2 2 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002046] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0003_Cl02_B4.png].
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB md60-NUMUN-MU.

4. Ellipse. 10 x 14. Beardless male head, facing left.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Kidin-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● 12/V/9; witness; sale of slaves BRM 2 2 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002046] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0004_Cl02_T4.png].
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mAŠ-qí-bit-d60.
→ Compare the facial features of the Herakles head with lion skin headdress, facing right, on the coins of Seleucus I from Seleucia (Newell 1941, Pl. 1, Figs. 5ff.), and of the posthumous portraits of Seleucus I, himself (Fleischer 1991, Taf. 1, 2, 11).

5. Ellipse. 16 x 9. Beardless, shaven male head at right, facing left; two-handled vessel at center, nondescript object left.
► Bani-apli/Aplâ//Luštammar-Adad:
● 2/V/[32-45]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 21 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002135] B4.

6. Concave ellipse. 15 x 13. Bearded, shaven male head, facing right.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 2/XIIII/91; witness; sale of land YOS 20 45 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-036486] B1.
→ Compare the Heracles heads on a seal impression from Seleucia (Invernizzi 1985, 177, n. 110) and on a glass seal from Babylon (Schmidt 1941, 793-94); also the bearded, laureate Zeus head on the coins of Seleucus I (Newell 1941, Pl. 11, Figs. 10ff.), and Molon (Newell 1941, Pl. 18, Figs. 6-10) from Seleucia.
→ Note: Cf. T2 (No. 439); and note witness #6: /Uṣuršu-Anu//Ḫunzû; witness #9: /Līšer//Gimil-Anu.
→ A pair of impressions of this seal appear together on ring-bulla AUWE 20 nos. 68-1, -2.

7+1053:A. Concave ellipse. 17 x 14+. Beardless male head.
► Bani-apli/Nanâ-iddin/Bani-apli//Luštammar-Adad:
● 21/X/119; witness; sale of prebend CM 12 VI [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342266]/VAS 15 32 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342485] L2;
● -/-/119; witness; sale of land YOS 20 57 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-036852] [B3];
● 10/-/141; witness; sale of prebend BiMes 24 10 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342216] T1.
→ Publ. CM 12 2 (CM 12 VI L2). AUWE 20 *57-6 (VAS 15 32 L2). Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 34, and Pl. 17, U.E. (T1) (BiMes 24 10).
→ Compare king's portrait on the coins of the early reign of Antiochus III from Seleucia (Newell 1941, Pls. 18-20, passim), and Susa (Newell 1941, Pls. 29-31, passim).

8. Concave ellipse. 15 x 14. Beardless male head.
► Nidintu-Anu;
● -/-/128; witness; sale of land YOS 20 66 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002133] B2.
→ Note: Cf. T2 (No. 272); note witness #2: /Nanâ-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//Kurî; witness #4: Ina-qibīt-Anu/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu.

9. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 17. Beardless male bust, round cap(?).
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Dumqi-Anu/Riḫat//Luštammar-Adad:
● 20/-/129; exchanger; exchange of properties BRM 2 35 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002081] R1.
→ Compare with No. 10, below.

10. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 17. Male bust, Beardless male bust, round cap(?).
► Dumqi-Anu/Anu-ikṣur//Luštammar-Adad:
● 25/XII/127; witness; sale of land STUBM 92 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/518381] T2;
● 12/III/131; witness; sale of prebend and land BRM 2 36 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002082] T2.
→ Publ. SS III 732a (STUBM 92 T2).
→ Compare with No. 9, above.

11. Ellipse. 11 x 16. Bearded(?) male head.
► [...]:
● 12/III/131; seller(?)/guarantor(?); sale of prebend and land BRM 2 36 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002082] R2′.
→ Cap.[...]-x-an-na.MEŠ.
→ Note: Cf. R1′ (No. 1089), R3′ (lost); note seller: Illut-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-mukīn-apli/Anu-mār-ittannu sepīru, guarantor #1: Nidintu-Anu/Anu-mukīn-apli/Anu-mār-ittannu and his brothers, guarantor #2: Anu-mukīn-apli, guarantor #3: Anu-mār-ittannu, guarantor #4: Anu-uballiṭ.

AUWE 19 12

AUWE 19 12

12. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 18. Beardless male head; horizontal crescent above.
► Šamaš-ittannu/Dannat-Bēlti/Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad:
● 2/XI/122; witness; sale of land OECT 9 49 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342386] T1;
● -/-/[125-137]; witness; sale of land VDI 1955/4 150f. V [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342450] B1 (courtesy Francis Joannès);
● 12/V/139; witness; sale of land BRM 2 38 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002084] B1;
● -/-/[1]45; witness; sale of land FLP 619 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/459587] B3;
● 6/-/146; witness; sale of land YOS 20 72 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002112] T1;
● 9/XII/151; witness; sale of land YOS 20 80 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002126] L1;
● 2/V/163/5; advisor; division of property OECT 9 63 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342400] R1 (courtesy Brenda Callahan).
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, Nos. 210 (BRM 2 38 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002084] B1), 215 (YOS 20 72 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002112] T1).
→ The scribe omitted un-qa from the captions on all edges but the right on BRM 2 38 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002084] .
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 47 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-017224]-4 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY47-04.png].

13. Concave hoop-ring impression with nearly parallel vertical edges. 11 x 12. Gryllos (bearded male head; hair in form of squatting bird, head left; beard formed from feathers of bird wing.
► Anu-mukīn-apli:
● -/V/[144-150]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 83 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-036491] T2.
→ Fragmentary witness list

AUWE 19 14

AUWE 19 14

14. Ellipse. 11 x 16. Bearded male head.
► Kidin-Anu/Idat-Nanâ/Itti-Anu-[...]/Rabi-Anu:
● -/-/[≥ 152]; guarantor; sale of land YOS 20 88 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002113] R2.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 211.
→ Cap. un-qa mBÁR-d60 A-šú mu-mar-raq-qa-an-nu É MU.MEŠ.

15. Pointed ellipse. 12 x 18. Beardless male head; horizontal crescent above.
► Dannat-Bēlti/Lā-bāši/Riḫat-Anu itinnu:
● 15/IX/153; witness; sale of land BRM 2 43 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002089]/YOS 20 74 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002125] T2.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, Nos. 212 (BRM 2 43 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002089] T2), 213 (YOS 20 74 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002125] T2).

16. Concave circular impression. 11+ x 11. Gryllos.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Nidintu-Anu/Anu-bēlšunu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 15/IX/153; witness; sale of land BRM 2 43 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002089] B1.
→ Impressions occur on ring-bullae CBCY 5 13 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-017124]-4 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY13-04.png], 20 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-017226]-7 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY20-07.png], 56 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-017118]-7. [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY56-07.png]

17. Ellipse. 11+ x 16. Beardless male bust; horizontal crescent above.
► Nidintu-Ištar/Riḫat-Anu//[...]:
● 3/IX/157; witness; lease of prebend BRM 2 47 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002093] L2.

18. Pointed ellipse. 10 x 17. Beardless male head.
► Ṭāb-Anu:
● 11/XI/160; witness; division of property YOS 20 78 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-036851] L2.
→ Compare the portrait of Demetrius I on a coin from Antioch on the Orontes (Brett 1974, Pl. 100, No. 2169).
→ Note: Fragmentary witness list

19. Pointed ellipse. 10 x 18. Beardless male head; circle at left, seven pointed star above, vertical waning crescent at right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/[...]:
● 11/XI/160; witness; division of property YOS 20 78 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-036851] B2.

20. Concave rectangular hoop-ring, slightly convex edges. 6 x 15. Beardless male head.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Anu-bēlšunu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 20/VIII/165; witness; gift of land, slave, coat(?), pot(?) BRM 2 50/RIAA2 295 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342420] B1.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 235, No. 203, third row, far left (RIAA2 295 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342420] B1).

21. Pointed ellipse. 11 x 20. Beardless male head, with diadem.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Nanâ-iddin/Kidin-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 15/XII/156; witness; sale of land VAS 15 27 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342480] B1;
● 20/VIII/165; witness; gift of land, slave, coat(?), pot(?) BRM 2 50 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002096]/RIAA2 295 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342420] L2.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 214 (BRM 2 50 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002096] L2). Speleers 1917, 235, No. 203, fourth row, second from left (RIAA2 295 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342420] L2). AUWE 20 *20-7 (VAS 15 27 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342480] B1).

Other examples:

21:A. Concave elliptical impression. 13 x 14+. Gryllos; Ο Δ left.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Tanittu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 21/X/119; witness; sale of prebend CM 12 VI [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342266] T2/VAS 15 32 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342485] T2;
● 20/III/132; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 94 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/518389] T4/TCL 13 244 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342440] T4;
● -/-/-; witness; sale of land and prebend VAS 15 8 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342461] T2.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *37-1 (VAS 15 8 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342461] T2); *57-2 (VAS 15 32 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342485] T2). CM 12 7 (CM 12 VI [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342266] T2). SS III 733a (STUBM 94 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/518389] T4).
Cf. No. 1051, below.
→ Compare Jordan 1928, Taf. 87d, and p. 65, II.18.

21:B. Concave ellipse. 9 x 14+. Winged Eros head facing right.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu:
● 18/X/124; witness; gift of land and slave CM 12 VIII [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342268] T2).
→ Publ. CM 12 4.
→ The impressions at T2 (21:B) and B3 (340:A) are captioned Ina-qibīt-Anu: the witness list gives only one person with such a name; witness #3: /Dumqi-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ḫunzû; witness #1: Dumqi-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ/Nanâ-iddin//Ḫunzû, appears to be without a seal, probably due to a scribal error.

For the significance of Eros motifs among Seleucid seal impressions, see Messina 2006.

21:C. Beardless male head facing right; raised linear surround.
► Nanâ-iddin/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Kurî:
● 20/III/132; witness; sale of prebend TCL 13 244 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342440] T2/STUBM 94 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/518389] T2.
→ Publ. Rutten 1935, Pl. 2, No. 23 (TCL 13 244 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342440] T2). SS III 733b (STUBM 94 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/518389] T2).

21:D. Pointed ellipse. Beardless male head facing right.
► Dannat-Bēlti/Lā-bāši/Riḫat-Anu itinnu:
● 19/-/148; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 27 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342233] T2/BiMes 24 29 [T2]
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 120, and Pl. 69, U.E. (BiMes 24 27 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342233] T2).
Compare with No. 15, above.

21:E. Ellipse. Beardless male head facing right.
► Ṭāb-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-šum-līšer//Kurî:
● 19/-/148; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 27 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342233] T3/BiMes 24 29 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342235] [T3].
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 121, and Pl. 69, U.E. (BiMes 24 27 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342233] T3); 23, No. 129, and Pl. 76, U.E. (BiMes 24 29 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342235] T3).
→ Compare with No. 18, above.

21:F. Pointed ellipse. 11 x 20. Beardless male head facing right.
► Kidin/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 25/IV/157; witness; lease of prebend OECT 9 62 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342399] L1.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 19, No. 34.

21:G. Ellipse. Beardless male bust facing right.
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Nidintu-Anu/Anu-zēr-iddin sepīr makkūr Anu:
● -/-/[151-161]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 106 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342417]B3.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 188, Fig. 190 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0021G_GlypOr_Op5_B3.png]; SS III 746a.

21:H. Pointed ellipse. Beardless male head facing right.
► Anu-mār-ittannu:
● 1(?)/I/162; witness; sale of prebend BiMes 24 12 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342218]T1.
→ Fragmentary witness list.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 45, and Pl. 24, U.E. (T1).
→ Compare with No. 21, above.

21:I. Pointed ellipse. Beardless male head, facing right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● 20/VIII/165; witness; gift of land, slave, coat(?), pot(?) RIAA2 295 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342420] T2/[BRM 2 50 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002096]] T2.
→ Cf. BRM 2 50 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002096]/RIAA2 295 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342420] T1 (No. 270); note witness #4: /Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-mār-ittannu//Ḫunzû; witness #8: (Tattannu)/Uṣuršu-Anu atû makkūr Anu.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 235, No. 203, third row, second from left.
→ Compare ring-bulla impression AUWE 20 46-1.

21:J. Pointed ellipse. Beardless male head, pointed conical cap with brim(?), facing right.
► Idat-Nanâ/Anu-uballiṭ/Idat-Nanâ//Raba-Anu:
● 9/XI/203; witness; quitclaim BaM 15 1984 274f. [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342166] B2′.
→ Publ. Boehmer 1984, Taf. 29b (B2′); Kessler 1984, 274 (B2′).

21:K. Pointed ellipse. Beardless male head, diadem(?), facing right.
► Anu-TIN-su[-E(?)]:
● -/-/-; writer; letter BaMB 2 113 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342168] L1.
→ Publ. van Dijk and Mayer 1980, Taf. 46, Nr. 113.
→ McEwan 1981c, 641, compares a Greek personal name in the letter with that "found in a document [CT 49 138:9] from Babylon dated to year 151 of the Seleucid Era."

FEMALE (AUWE 19 22-26:C)

Except No. 24, which faces left and is helmeted, all face right, are unveiled and wear their hair in a bun at the back of the head.

22. Concave ellipse. 8 x 14. Female head.
► Riḫat-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Luštammar-Adad:
● 6/I/48; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 12 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002056] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0022_Cl12_T4.png];
● 2/IX/[46-51]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 25 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/518400] B1 (courtesy Paola Corò);
● 7/-/[46-51]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 26 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/518409] B4 (courtesy Paola Corò).
→ See Boardman 1970a, Pl. 815 (Late Classical), for a similarly represented "melon" hair-dressing.

23. Ellipse, upper half lost. 13 x 12+. Female head.
► fŠamê-rammat(Kratṓ)/Artemídōros:
● 13/-/[123-125]; donor; dedication of slaves YOS 20 62 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-025428] [R1].
→ Cap. [un-qaΑΝ-e-ra-am-ma-ta] na-din-na-ta LÚ-ut-tì MU.MEŠ.
→ Reading Kratṓ with Monerie 2014, 148.

24. Concave ellipse. 14 x 12. Athena bust with Attic helmet, facing left.
► Ištar-šum-eriš/Nergal-naṣir//Šumāt:
● 12/III/131; witness; sale of prebend and land BRM 2 36 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002082] T1.
→ Impressions occur on ring-bullae AUWE 20 260-3, 304-5; CBCY 5 18 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-017126]-4 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY18-04.png].

25. Ellipse. 8 x 13. Female bust, with diadem.
► Illut-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ/Nanâ-iddin Urkāyya:
● 16/XII/133; witness; sale of land BRM 2 37 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002083] B1.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 216.

26. Ellipse. 10 x 14. Female bust, with diadem.
► Idat-Anu/Tattannu-Nanâ/[...] epiš dullu ṭiṭṭi ša bīt ilānī ša Uruk:
● -/-/159; seller; sale of land YOS 20 77 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-023010] R1.
→ Cap. un-qa [m]˹i˺-dat-d60 [...].

26ʹ. Previously No. 259. Concave hoop-ring. 8+ x 12. Female head facing right.
► Dēmokrátēs/[...]:
● 24/II/[151-161]; seller; sale of land YOS 20 79 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002121] R1.
→ Cap. [un-qa mde-e-mi]-gu-ra-te-e [na-din] É ŠUII u É ru-gu-bu-šú MU.MEŠ.

Other examples:

26:A. Ellipse. 11 x 14. Female head, with diadem; raised linear border.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Lā-bāši arad ekalli:
● 18/X/124; donor; gift of land and slave CM 12 VIII [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342268] R1.
→ Publ. CM 12 3.
→ Cap. un-qa md60-DUMU-MU-nu na-din-na-an É u ri-ḫat-dGAŠAN-EDIN MU.MEŠ.

26:B. Concave ellipse. 9 x 11. Female head facing right.
► Šamaš-iddin:
● 21/XI/143; witness; sale of land VAS 15 17 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342470] T2′.
→ Publ. Schroeder 1916, 19, Nr. 17, and Taf. 2, VAT 9172 o.R.; AUWE 20 *1-1.
→ Fragmentary witness list.

26:C. Ellipse. Female(?) head facing right.
► Zaki-Anu/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Idat-Anu//Ardi-Ninsikil:
● 9/XI/203; witness; quitclaim BaM 15 1984 274f. [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342166] T2.
→ Publ. Boehmer 1984, Taf. 29a (T2). Kessler 1984, 275 (T2).


27. Ellipse fragment. 12 x 10+. Beardless head profile right.
► [...]:
● 11/I/144 buyer(?)/seller(?) sale(?) of prebend YOS 20 70 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-036503] R1.
→ Cf. buyer(?) #1: Nidintu-Anu/Anu-bēlšunu and his brothers, buyer(?) #2: Anu-[...], buyer(?) #3: Anu-aḫḫe-iddin; seller(?) #1: Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Anu-bēlšunu and his brothers, seller(?) #2: Antigoneia(?), seller(?) #3: Anu-balāssu-iqbi, seller(?) #4: Nidintu-Anu.

28. Ellipse. 12 x 19. Ambiguous beardless head profile right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● 8/III/166; witness; sale of land BRM 2 49 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002095] T3/AoF 5 10 [--].
→ Cf. B3 (No. 155); note witness #8: [Anu-ab]-uṣur(Tattannu)/Uṣuršu-Anu atû makkūr Anu; the personal names of witnesses #1-7 are lost.

Other examples:

28:A. Ellipse. Heracles with lion-skin headdress profile right.
► Isídōros/Hephaistiōn:
● -/-/[151-161]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 106 [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342417] T2.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 188, Fig. 192 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0028A_GlypOr_Op5_T2.png]; SS III 746b.
→ Cf. "Resembling...Alexander the Great" (Loftus 1857, 230); "tête de femme" (Oppert and Ménant 1877, 322); "une tête d'homme" (Ménant 1886, 188).

PAIRS (AUWE 19 29-29:A)

29. Ellipse. 20 x 9. Two confronted beardless male heads; between them, vertical ellipse(?).
► Ana-rabûtīka-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Ana-rabûtīka-Anu//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 21/XIIII/47; guarantor; sale of prebend BRM 2 11 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002055] R2.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Ana-rabûtīka-Anu//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 21/XIIII/47; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 11 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002055] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0029_Cl11_L1.png].
► Šibqāt-Anu(Tattannu)/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 6/I/48; guarantor; sale of prebend BRM 2 12 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002056] R2.
→ Cap. un-qa mDIŠ-GAL-ka-d60 DUMU-šú (BRM 2 11 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002055] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0029_Cl11_R2.png]); un-qa mtat-tan-nu mu-ru-qu (BRM 2 12 [https://collections.peabody.yale.edu/search/Record/YPM-BC-002056] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0029_Cl12_R2.png]).
→ This seal is used twice on BRM 2 11: the witness, Anu-bēlšunu/Ana-rabûtīka-Anu, is likely either the brother of the seller, Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Ana-rabûtīka-Anu, hence the uncle of the guarantor, or the son of the guarantor and grandson of the seller; only the right half of the impression appears transversely at L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0029_Cl11_L1.png]. The third user of the seal, Šibqāt-Anu, is unrelated to the previous users.

Other examples:

29:A. Concave ellipse. 16+ x 9. Female bust, facing right, confronting beardless male bust, facing left.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Sumuttu-Anu//Kurî:
● 15/XI/153; seller, guarantor; sale of land CM 12 IX [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/342269] R1.
→ Publ. CM 12 5. → Cap. un-qa mAŠ-E-d60 na-din É u mu-mar-raq-qa-an-nu É MU.MEŠ.
→ A similar impression SIS I TF(!) 209 occurs on an undated bulla (S9-287) from Seleucia on the Tigris.


Ron , 'Heads & Busts', Hellenistic Babylonia: Texts, Images, Names, The HBTIN project, 2024 [http://oracc.org/hbtin/Images/AUWE192.0/StampSealsFingerRings/HeadsBusts/]

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