AUWE 19: an updated version of the catalogue

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AUWE 19 2.0: an updated version

AUWE 19 2.0 was prepared in 2022-2023 by Laurie E. Pearce, Ronald Wallenfels, and UC Berkeley students participating in the university's Undergraduate Research Assistant Program.

Seals 1-100


AUWE 19 1

AUWE 19 1

1. Rectangular stamp. 13+ x 17. Lion (cf. "horse": Doty 1979, p. 196) walking profile right; horizontal anchor above back, arms closest to head.
►  [...]:
●  2/VI/37; royal officer; sale of slave BRM 2 10 [] R3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0001_Cl10_R3.png].
→ Publ. Doty 1977, 325, Fig. 16 (R3); Doty 1979, 195, Fig. 1 (R3).
→ Cap. un-qa sa-um-bu-lu! šá LUGAL "stamp seal, seal (σύμβολον) of the king" (McEwan 1982a); cf. un-qa sa?-um/dub?-bu-ur šá LUGAL (Doty 1977, pp. 324–28; 1979), un-qa NUN um-pu-ur šá LUGAL "wohl ἐπιστάτης τοῦ ἐμπορίου?" (Landergott 1983/1984, p. 124).
→ Another impression of this seal (SIS I SU 2) occurs together with a ΚΑΤΑΓΡAΦΙΟΝ tax seal (SIS I SU 18) on an undated bulla (S-3718) excavated in the public archive at Seleucia on the Tigris. Doty (1977, p. 326), followed by Lindström (2003, p. 60), attributed the seal to the chreophýlax (see now, Wallenfels 2015, pp. 7–8).


2. Cylinder seal. 15+ x 10.5 D. Bearded hero, clad in kilt, engaged in contest with rampant lion; a hound paws and bites at the lion's back.
► Anu-aḫ-ušabši/Anu-ikṣur//Aḫ-ūtu:
●  12/V/9; seller; sale of slaves BRM 2 2 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0002_Cl02_R1.png].
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB md60-ŠEŠ-GAL-ši na-din LÚ-ut-tì MU.MEŠ.

Other examples:


Babyloniaca 15 1

2:A0. Previously No. 50:A. Cylinder seal. Royal Persian hero profile right at left, with left arm raised, combats rampant, pawing winged human-headed sphinx profile left at right.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Nidintu-Anu//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
●  8/II/9 Alx.III; witness; sale of slave TCL 13 248 [] T2.
→  Publ. Rutten 1935, Pl. 1, No. 1.
→  Cap. NA4.KIŠIB PN.

2:A00. Cylinder seal. Wild boar leaping profile left.
► Riḫat/Nidintu-Anu//Rīm-Anu:
● 20/V/8 Phl.III; witness; receipt for sale of arable land TCL 13 249 [] T4.

2:A. "Un achéménide saisit, par la corne, un lion cornu dressé vers lui et le frappe d'un coup de poignard. Derrière l'animal, un second personnage peu distinct. La scène est dominée par le disque ailé" (Delaporte 1923, p. 176 [A.799 R]).
►  Iqīšâ/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
●  26/VIII/6 Antig.; witness; sale of land TCL 13 234 [] T5.
→ Publ. Delaporte 1923, Pl. 121, Fig. 4d (T5).
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mBA-šá-a A máḫ-ʾ-ú-tú.

2:B. "Un achéménide élève les bras et saisit par la corne deux taureaux dressés vers lui" (Delaporte 1923, p. 176 [A.799 E]).
► Tattannu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 26/VIII/6 Antig.; witness; sale of land TCL 13 234 [] L5.
→ Publ. Delaporte 1923, Pl. 121, Fig. 4a (L5).
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB [m]tat-tan-nu A mÉ.KUR-za-[kir].

2:C. "Homme-scorpion, sur une ligne de terre; devant lui est accroupi un chien" (Delaporte 1923, p. 176 [A.799 C]).
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 26/VIII/6 Antig.; witness; sale of land TCL 13 234 [] L3;
● 15/I/≤17; witness; sale of land VAS 15 51 [] B7.
→ Publ. Delaporte 1923, Pl. 121, Fig. 4a (L3) (TCL 13 234 [] L3); AUWE 20 *56-10 (VAS 15 51 [] B7).
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB m[d60-DU-A] A mÉ.KUR-za-kir (TCL 13 234 [] L3; VAS 15 51 [] B7).



3. Pointed ellipse. 10 x 14. Bearded male head, facing left; raised linear border.
► Anu-zēr-iddin/Anu-balāssu-iqbi//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 2/V/9; witness; sale of slaves BRM 2 2 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0003_Cl02_B4.png].
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB md60-NUMUN-MU.

4. Ellipse. 10 x 14. Beardless male head, facing left.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Kidin-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● 12/V/9; witness; sale of slaves BRM 2 2 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0004_Cl02_T4.png].
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mAŠ-qí-bit-d60.
→ Compare the facial features of the Herakles head with lion skin headdress, facing right, on the coins of Seleucus I from Seleucia (Newell 1941, Pl. 1, Figs. 5ff.), and of the posthumous portraits of Seleucus I, himself (Fleischer 1991, Taf. 1, 2, 11).

5. Ellipse. 16 x 9. Beardless, shaven male head at right, facing left; two-handled vessel at center, nondescript object left.
► Bani-apli/Aplâ//Luštammar-Adad:
● 2/V/[32-45]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 21 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0005_Y20_021_B4.png].

6. Concave ellipse. 15 x 13. Bearded, shaven male head, facing right.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 2/XIIII/91; witness; sale of land YOS 20 45 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0006_Y20_045_B1.png].
→ Compare the Heracles heads on a seal impression from Seleucia (Invernizzi 1985, 177, n. 110) and on a glass seal from Babylon (Schmidt 1941, 793-94); also the bearded, laureate Zeus head on the coins of Seleucus I (Newell 1941, Pl. 11, Figs. 10ff.), and Molon (Newell 1941, Pl. 18, Figs. 6-10) from Seleucia.
→ Note: Cf. T2 (No. 439); and note witness #6: /Uṣuršu-Anu//Ḫunzû; witness #9: /Līšer//Gimil-Anu.
→ A pair of impressions of this seal appear together on ring-bulla AUWE 20 nos. 68-1, -2.

7+1053:A. Concave ellipse. 17 x 14+. Beardless male head.
► Bani-apli/Nanâ-iddin/Bani-apli//Luštammar-Adad:
● 21/X/119; witness; sale of prebend CM 12 VI [] L2/VAS 15 32 [] L2;
● -/-/119; witness; sale of land YOS 20 57 [] [ B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0007_Y20_057_B3.png]];
● 10/-/141; witness; sale of prebend BiMes 24 10 [] T1.
→ Publ. CM 12 2 (CM 12 VI L2). AUWE 20 *57-6 (VAS 15 32 L2). Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 34, and Pl. 17, U.E. (T1) (BiMes 24 10).
→ Compare king's portrait on the coins of the early reign of Antiochus III from Seleucia (Newell 1941, Pls. 18-20, passim), and Susa (Newell 1941, Pls. 29-31, passim).

8. Concave ellipse. 15 x 14. Beardless male head.
► Nidintu-Anu;
● -/-/128; witness; sale of land YOS 20 66 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0008_Y20_066_B2.png].
→ Note: Cf. T2 (No. 272); note witness #2: /Nanâ-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//Kurî; witness #4: Ina-qibīt-Anu/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu.

9. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 17. Beardless male bust, round cap(?).
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Dumqi-Anu/Riḫat//Luštammar-Adad:
● 20/-/129; exchanger; exchange of properties BRM 2 35 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0009_Cl35_R1.png].
→ Compare with No. 10, below.

AUWE 19 10

AUWE 19 10

10. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 17. Male bust, Beardless male bust, round cap(?).
► Dumqi-Anu/Anu-ikṣur//Luštammar-Adad:
● 25/XII/127; witness; sale of land STUBM 92 [] T2;
● 12/III/131; witness; sale of prebend and land BRM 2 36 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0010_Cl36_T2.png].
→ Publ. SS III 732a (STUBM 92 T2).
→ Compare with No. 9, above.

11. Ellipse. 11 x 16. Bearded(?) male head.
► [...]:
● 12/III/131; seller(?)/guarantor(?); sale of prebend and land BRM 2 36 [] R2' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0011_Cl36_R2'.png].
→ Cap.[...]-x-an-na.MEŠ.
→ Note: Cf. R1′ (No. 1089), R3′ (lost); note seller: Illut-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-mukīn-apli/Anu-mār-ittannu sepīru, guarantor #1: Nidintu-Anu/Anu-mukīn-apli/Anu-mār-ittannu and his brothers, guarantor #2: Anu-mukīn-apli, guarantor #3: Anu-mār-ittannu, guarantor #4: Anu-uballiṭ.

AUWE 19 12

AUWE 19 12

12. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 18. Beardless male head; horizontal crescent above.
► Šamaš-ittannu/Dannat-Bēlti/Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad:
● 2/XI/122; witness; sale of land OECT 9 49 [] T1;
● -/-/[125-137]; witness; sale of land VDI 1955/4 150f. V B1 (courtesy Francis Joannès);
● 12/V/139; witness; sale of land BRM 2 38 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0012_Cl38_B1.png];
● -/-/[1]45; witness; sale of land FLP 619 [] B3;
● 6/-/146; witness; sale of land YOS 20 72 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0012_Y20_072_T1.png];
● 9/XII/151; witness; sale of land YOS 20 80 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0012_Y20_080_L1.png]
● 2/V/163/5; advisor; division of property OECT 9 63 [] R1 (courtesy Brenda Callahan).
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, Nos. 210 (BRM 2 38 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0012_Cl38_B1.png]), 215 (YOS 20 72 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0012_Y20_072_T1.png]).
→ The scribe omitted un-qa from the captions on all edges but the right on BRM 2 38 [].
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 47 []-4 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY47-04.png].

AUWE 19  102 1.5resized

AUWE 19 13*

13. Concave hoop-ring impression with nearly parallel vertical edges. 11 x 12. Gryllos (bearded male head; hair in form of squatting bird, head left; beard formed from feathers of bird wing.
► Anu-mukīn-apli:
● -/V/[144-150]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 83 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0013_Y20_083_T2.png].
→ Fragmentary witness list.

AUWE 19  102 1.0  resized

AUWE 19 14*

14. Ellipse. 11 x 16. Bearded male head.
► Kidin-Anu/Idat-Nanâ/Itti-Anu-[...]/Rabi-Anu:
● -/-/[≥ 152]; guarantor; sale of land YOS 20 88 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0014_Y20_088_R2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 211.
→ Cap. un-qa mBÁR-d60 A-šú mu-mar-raq-qa-an-nu É MU.MEŠ.

AUWE 19  102 0.5 resized

AUWE 19 15*

15. Pointed ellipse. 12 x 18. Beardless male head; horizontal crescent above.
► Dannat-Bēlti/Lā-bāši/Riḫat-Anu itinnu:
● 15/IX/153; witness; sale of land BRM 2 43 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0015_Cl43_T2.png]/YOS 20 74 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0015_Y20_074_T2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, Nos. 212 (BRM 2 43 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0015_Cl43_T2.png]), 213 (YOS 20 74 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0015_Y20_074_T2.png]).

AUWE 19  102 0.25 resized

AUWE 19 16*

16. Concave circular impression. 11+ x 11. Gryllos.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Nidintu-Anu/Anu-bēlšunu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 15/IX/153; witness; sale of land BRM 2 43 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0016_Cl43_B1.png]/YOS 20 74 [...].
→ Impressions occur on ring-bullae CBCY 5 13 []-4 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY13-04.png], 20 []-7 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY20-07.png], 56 []-7 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY56-07.png].

AUWE 19  102 0.5 resized

AUWE 19 17*

17. Ellipse. 11+ x 16. Beardless male bust; horizontal crescent above.
► Nidintu-Ištar/Riḫat-Anu//[...]:
● 3/IX/157; witness; lease of prebend BRM 2 47 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0017_Cl47_L2.png].

AUWE 19  102 0.5 resized

AUWE 19 18*

18. Pointed ellipse. 10 x 17. Beardless male head.
► Ṭāb-Anu:
● 11/XI/160; witness; division of property YOS 20 78 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0018_Y20_078_L2.png]
→ Compare the portrait of Demetrius I on a coin from Antioch on the Orontes (Brett 1974, Pl. 100, No. 2169).
→ Note: Fragmentary witness list.

AUWE 19  102 0.5 resized

AUWE 19 19*.

19. Pointed ellipse. 10 x 18. Beardless male head; circle at left, seven pointed star above, vertical waning crescent at right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/[...]:
● 11/XI/160; witness; division of property YOS 20 78 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0019_Y20_078_B2.png]

20. Concave rectangular hoop-ring, slightly convex edges. 6 x 15. Beardless male head.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Anu-bēlšunu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 20/VIII/165; witness; gift of land, slave, coat(?), pot(?) BRM 2 50 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0020_Cl50_B1.png]/RIAA2 295 [] B1.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 235, No. 203, third row, far left (RIAA2 295 [] B1).

21. Pointed ellipse. 11 x 20. Beardless male head, with diadem.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Nanâ-iddin/Kidin-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 15/XII/156; witness; sale of land VAS 15 27 [] B1;
● 20/VIII/165; witness; gift of land, slave, coat(?), pot(?) BRM 2 50 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0021_Cl50_L2.png]/RIAA2 295 [] L2.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 214 (BRM 2 50 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0021_Cl50_L2.png]). Speleers 1917, 235, No. 203, fourth row, second from left (RIAA2 295 []L2). AUWE 20 *20-7 (VAS 15 27 [] B1).

Other examples:

21:A. Concave elliptical impression. 13 x 14+. Gryllos; Ο Δ left.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Tanittu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 21/X/119; witness; sale of prebend CM 12 VI [] T2/VAS 15 32 [] T2;
● 20/III/132; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 94 [] T4/TCL 13 244 [] T4;
● -/-/-; witness; sale of land and prebend VAS 15 8 [] T2.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *37-1 (VAS 15 8 [] T2); *57-2 (VAS 15 32 [] T2). CM 12 7 (CM 12 VI [] T2). SS III 733a (STUBM 94 [] T4).
Cf. No. 1051, below.
→ Compare Jordan 1928, Taf. 87d, and p. 65, II.18.

21:B. Concave ellipse. 9 x 14+. Winged Eros head facing right.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu:
● 18/X/124; witness; gift of land and slave CM 12 VIII [] T2).
→ Publ. CM 12 4.
→ The impressions at T2 (21:B) and B3 (340:A) are captioned Ina-qibīt-Anu: the witness list gives only one person with such a name; witness #3: /Dumqi-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ḫunzû; witness #1: Dumqi-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ/Nanâ-iddin//Ḫunzû, appears to be without a seal, probably due to a scribal error.

For the significance of Eros motifs among Seleucid seal impressions, see Messina 2006.

21:C. Beardless male head facing right; raised linear surround.
► Nanâ-iddin/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Kurî:
● 20/III/132; witness; sale of prebend TCL 13 244 [] T2/STUBM 94 [] T2.
→ Publ. Rutten 1935, Pl. 2, No. 23 (TCL 13 244 [] T2). SS III 733b (STUBM 94 [] T2).

21:D. Pointed ellipse. Beardless male head facing right.
► Dannat-Bēlti/Lā-bāši/Riḫat-Anu itinnu:
● 19/-/148; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 27 [] T2/BiMes 24 29 [T2]
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 120, and Pl. 69, U.E. (BiMes 24 27 [] T2).
Compare with No. 15, above.

21:E. Ellipse. Beardless male head facing right.
► Ṭāb-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-šum-līšer//Kurî:
● 19/-/148; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 27 [] T3/BiMes 24 29 [] [T3].
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 121, and Pl. 69, U.E. (BiMes 24 27 [] T3); 23, No. 129, and Pl. 76, U.E. (BiMes 24 29 [] T3).
→ Compare with No. 18, above.

21:F. Pointed ellipse. 11 x 20. Beardless male head facing right.
► Kidin/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 25/IV/157; witness; lease of prebend OECT 9 62 [] L1.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 19, No. 34.

AUWE 19 21:G

AUWE 19 21:G

21:G. Ellipse. Beardless male bust facing right.
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Nidintu-Anu/Anu-zēr-iddin sepīr makkūr Anu:
● -/-/[151-161]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 106 []B3.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 188, Fig. 190 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0021G_GlypOr_Op5_B3.png]; SS III 746a.

21:H. Pointed ellipse. Beardless male head facing right.
► Anu-mār-ittannu:
● 1(?)/I/162; witness; sale of prebend BiMes 24 12 []T1.
→ Fragmentary witness list.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 45, and Pl. 24, U.E. (T1).
→ Compare with No. 21, above.

21:I. Pointed ellipse. Beardless male head, facing right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● 20/VIII/165; witness; gift of land, slave, coat(?), pot(?) RIAA2 295 [] T2/[BRM 2 50 []] T2.
→ Cf. BRM 2 50 []/RIAA2 295 [] T1 (No. 270); note witness #4: /Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-mār-ittannu//Ḫunzû; witness #8: (Tattannu)/Uṣuršu-Anu atû makkūr Anu.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 235, No. 203, third row, second from left.
→ Compare ring-bulla impression AUWE 20 46-1.

21:J. Pointed ellipse. Beardless male head, pointed conical cap with brim(?), facing right.
► Idat-Nanâ/Anu-uballiṭ/Idat-Nanâ//Raba-Anu:
● 9/XI/203; witness; quitclaim BaM 15 1984 274f. [] B2′.
→ Publ. Boehmer 1984, Taf. 29b (B2′); Kessler 1984, 274 (B2′).

21:K. Pointed ellipse. Beardless male head, diadem(?), facing right.
► Anu-TIN-su[-E(?)]:
● -/-/-; writer; letter BaMB 2 113 [] L1.
→ Publ. van Dijk and Mayer 1980, Taf. 46, Nr. 113.
→ McEwan 1981c, 641, compares a Greek personal name in the letter with that "found in a document [CT 49 138:9] from Babylon dated to year 151 of the Seleucid Era."


Except No. 24, which faces left and is helmeted, all face right, are unveiled and wear their hair in a bun at the back of the head.

22. Concave ellipse. 8 x 14. Female head.
► Riḫat-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Luštammar-Adad:
● 6/I/48; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 12 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0022_Cl12_T4.png];
● 2/IX/[46-51]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 25 [] B1 (courtesy Paola Corò);
● 7/-/[46-51]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 26 [] B4 (courtesy Paola Corò).
→ See Boardman 1970a, Pl. 815 (Late Classical), for a similarly represented "melon" hair-dressing.

23. Ellipse, upper half lost. 13 x 12+. Female head.
► fŠamê-rammat(Kratṓ)/Artemídōros:
● 13/-/[123-125]; donor; dedication of slaves YOS 20 62 [] [ R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0023_Y20_062_R1.png]].
→ Cap.[un-qaΑΝ-e-ra-am-ma-ta] na-din-na-ta-LÚut-tì MU.MEŠ.
→ Reading Kratṓ with Monerie 2014, 148.
→ .Kratṓ appears to have taken Šamê-rammat (Gr. Semiramus), the name of the legendary queen of Assyria as her other name (cf. Weinfeld 1991; Lassen & Wagensonner 2020, p. 53).

24. Concave ellipse. 14 x 12. Athena bust with Attic helmet, facing left.
► Ištar-šum-eriš/Nergal-naṣir//Šumāt:
● 12/III/131; witness; sale of prebend and land BRM 2 36 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0024_Cl36_T1.png].
→ Impressions occur on ring-bullae AUWE 20 260-3, 304-5; CBCY 5 18 []-4 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY18-04.png].

25. Ellipse. 8 x 13. Female bust, with diadem.
► Illut-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ/Nanâ-iddin Urkāyya:
● 16/XII/133; witness; sale of land BRM 2 37 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0025_Cl37_B1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 216.

26. Ellipse. 10 x 14. Female bust, with diadem.
► Idat-Anu/Tattannu-Nanâ/[...] epiš dullu ṭiṭṭi ša bīt ilānī ša Urukki:
● -/-/159; seller; sale of land YOS 20 77 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0026_Y20_077_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa [m]˹i˺-dat-d60 [...].

26ʹ. Previously No. 259. Concave hoop-ring. 8+ x 12. Female head facing right.
► Dēmokrátēs/[...]:
● 24/II/[151-161]; seller; sale of land YOS 20 79 [] R1.
→ Cap. [un-qa mde-e-mi]-gu-ra-te-e [na-din] É ŠUII u É ru-gu-bu-šú MU.MEŠ.

Other examples:

26:A. Ellipse. 11 x 14. Female head, with diadem; raised linear border.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Lā-bāši arad ekalli:
● 18/X/124; donor; gift of land and slave CM 12 VIII [] R1.
→ Publ. CM 12 3.
→ Cap. un-qa md60-DUMU-MU-nu na-din-na-an É u ri-ḫat-dGAŠAN-EDIN MU.MEŠ.

26:B. Concave ellipse. 9 x 11. Female head facing right.
► Šamaš-iddin:
● 21/XI/143; witness; sale of land VAS 15 17 [] T2′.
→ Publ. Schroeder 1916, 19, Nr. 17, and Taf. 2, VAT 9172 o.R.; AUWE 20 *1-1.
→ Fragmentary witness list.

26:C. Ellipse. Female(?) head facing right.
► Zaki-Anu/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Idat-Anu//Ardi-Ninsikil:
● 9/XI/203; witness; quitclaim BaM 15 1984 274f. [] T2.
→ Publ. Boehmer 1984, Taf. 29a (T2). Kessler 1984, 275 (T2).


27. Ellipse fragment. 12 x 10+. Beardless head profile right.
► [...]:
● 11/I/144 buyer(?)/seller(?) sale(?) of prebend YOS 20 70 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0027_Y20_070_R1.png].
→ Cf. buyer(?) #1: Nidintu-Anu/Anu-bēlšunu and his brothers, buyer(?) #2: Anu-[...], buyer(?) #3: Anu-aḫḫe-iddin; seller(?) #1: Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Anu-bēlšunu and his brothers, seller(?) #2: Antigoneia(?), seller(?) #3: Anu-balāssu-iqbi, seller(?) #4: Nidintu-Anu.

28. Ellipse. 12 x 19. Ambiguous beardless head profile right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● 8/III/166; witness; sale of land BRM 2 49 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0028_Cl49_T3.png]/AoF 5 10 [...].
→ Cf. B3 (No. 155); note witness #8: [Anu-ab]-uṣur(Tattannu)/Uṣuršu-Anu atû makkūr Anu; the personal names of witnesses #1-7 are lost.

Other examples:

AUWE 19 28:A

AUWE 19 28:A

28:A. Ellipse. Heracles with lion-skin headdress profile right.
► Isídōros/Hephaistiōn:
● -/-/[151-161]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 106 [] T2.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 188, Fig. 192 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0028A_GlypOr_Op5_T2.png]; SS III 746b.
→ Cf. "Resembling...Alexander the Great" (Loftus 1857, 230); "tête de femme" (Oppert and Ménant 1877, 322); "une tête d'homme" (Ménant 1886, 188).


29. Ellipse. 20 x 9. Two confronted beardless male heads; between them, vertical ellipse(?).
► Ana-rabûtīka-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Ana-rabûtīka-Anu//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 21/XIIII/47; guarantor; sale of prebend BRM 2 11 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0029_Cl11_R2.png].
► Anu-bēlšunu/Ana-rabûtīka-Anu//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 21/XIIII/47; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 11 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0029_Cl11_L1.png].
► Šibqāt-Anu(Tattannu)/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 6/I/48; guarantor; sale of prebend BRM 2 12 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0029_Cl12_R2.png].
→ Cap. un-qa mDIŠ-GAL-ka-d60 DUMU-šú (BRM 2 11 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0029_Cl11_R2.png]); un-qa mtat-tan-nu mu-ru-qu (BRM 2 12 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0029_Cl12_R2.png]). → This seal is used twice on BRM 2 11 []: the witness, Anu-bēlšunu/Ana-rabûtīka-Anu, is likely either the brother of the seller, Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Ana-rabûtīka-Anu, hence the uncle of the guarantor, or the son of the guarantor and grandson of the seller; only the right half of the impression appears transversely at L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0029_Cl11_L1.png]. The third user of the seal, Šibqāt-Anu, is unrelated to the previous users.

Other examples:

29:A. Concave ellipse. 16+ x 9. Female bust, facing right, confronting beardless male bust, facing left.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Sumuttu-Anu//Kurî:
● 15/XI/153; seller, guarantor; sale of land CM 12 IX [] R1.
→ Publ. CM 12 5. → Cap. un-qa mAŠ-E-d60 na-din É u mu-mar-raq-qa-an-nu É MU.MEŠ.
→ A similar impression SIS I TF(!) 209 occurs on an undated bulla (S9-287) from Seleucia on the Tigris.



30. Pointed ellipse. 13 x 17+. Beardless nude male, walking left, weight on forward leg, bird(?) dangling from hand held behind.
► Qīšti-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Gimil-Anu:
● 12/V/9; witness; sale of slaves BRM 2 2 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0030_Cl02_T1.png].
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mNÍG.BA-d60.

31. Fragment of ellipse. 12 x 13+. Nude athlete(?) facing left, weight on forward leg, holds wreath in right hand; head and object in left hand lost.Anu-[ab-uṣur]:
● 4/VII/12; witness; contract for work YOS 20 3 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0031_Y20_003_B2.png].
→ Cf. B1 (No. 487); note witness #6: /Iddin-Anu//[...]-Anu, witness #8: /Ina-qibīt-Anu sepīru.

32. Fragment of ellipse. 13+ x 10+. Nude Herakles(?) facing left, wearing feathered crown(?), holding serpents(?) in outstretched arms.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Šamaš-ittannu//<Aḫ-ūtu>:
● ˹3(+)˺/I/17; guarantor; sale of slave YOS 20 9 [] R3ʹ.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 8/II/[8-20]; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 11 [...] []/YOS 20 12 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0032_Y20_12_L3.png].
→ Cap. un-qa md60-TIN-iṭ A mdUTU-MU-nu (YOS 20 9 [] R3).
→ There are several difficulties with the seal captions on YOS 20 9 [] (see No. 830, below). Anu-uballiṭ, the guarantor in YOS 20 9 [] , was the seller in YOS 20 12 []) (see No. 559, below). Both witnesses named Nidintu-Anu in YOS 20 12 [] may also have been witnesses in YOS 20 9 [], to judge by the patronymics preserved in the fragmentary witness list: l. 18: [...DUMU šá mta]-nit-tu4-d60 A máḫ-ʾ-ú-tú, and l. 20: [...DUMU šá mla]-ba-ši A máh-ʾ-ú-tú.
→ Cf. L1 (No. 476); note witness #1: /Tanittu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu, witness #3: /Lā-bāši//Aḫ-ūtu.

33. Pointed ellipse. 12 x 14+. Beardless nude, shaved head, walking left, weight on forward leg, large bird sitting profile right on outstretched right hand, left arm down and behind back.
► Ištar-aḫḫē-iddin/Nanâ-iddin//Imbi-Anu:
● 9/II/17; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 10 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0033_Y20_010_B2.png].
→ Compare the motif with the Archaic Greek representations of a squatting nude youth with a cock perched upon his outstretched hand and lyre in the other held down and behind his back, e.g., Boardman 1970a, Pls. 325, 416.

34. Ellipse. 11+ x 17. Nude male, beardless, facing left, indistinct objects in both hands.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin:
● 10/VIII/27; witness; gift of slave YOS 20 15 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0034_Y20_015_L1.png].
→ Cf. T3 (No. 35); witness #5′:/Tattannu; remainder of witness list lost.

35. Ellipse. 9+ x 15+. Nude male, bearded, walking right, weight on forward leg, curved stick(?) in outstretched right hand, left down behind back.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin:
● 10/VIII/27; witness; gift of slave YOS 20 15 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0035_Y20_015_T3.png].
→ Compare the statue of the Cynic philosopher Diogenes (414-323 BCE), represented nude, bearded, and holding a short walking stick (Richter 1965, 182, No. 2).
Cf. L1 (No. 34); witness #5′:/Tattannu; remainder of witness list lost.

36. Ellipse. 12 x 13+. Nude beardless athlete(?) facing right, weight on forward leg, holds wreath(?) in right hand and strigil(?) in left.
► Bēl-eriš/Nabû-nāṣir mār Bābili:
● 19/XII/41; witness; donatio mortis causa YOS 20 20 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0036_Y20_020_B2.png].

37. Ellipse. 8 x 13. Nude athlete(?) walking left, weight on forward leg, wreath(?) in right hand, left hand down at side.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● -/I/68; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 33 [] B2' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0037_Y20_033_B2'.png];
● 20/VII/68; waiver; quitclaim BRM 2 18 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0037_Cl18_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa md60-TIN-su-E na-din-na É u ki-šub-ba-ʾu GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ (BRM 2 18 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0037_Cl18_R1.png]).

38. Fragment of ellipse. 8 x 15+. Nude male, standing left, wearing feathered crown(?) or diadem with small hair bun(?); one hand raised in salute(?).
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Anu-mukīn-apli//Gimil-Anu:
● 2/II/71; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 19 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0038_Cl19_L3.png].

39. Fragment of ellipse. 14+ x 20+. Nude heroic king, frontal body, weight on right leg, bearded head turned profile right; leaning on spear(?) in right hand, indistinct garment over left shoulder.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● 6/I/[95-96]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 84 [] L3.
→ This impression compares closely in size and motif with the impressions of the seal of the Uruk χρεοφύλαξ preserved on five bullae, one dated 92 S.E. (Johansen 1930, 45, Abb. 16, Nr. 10), another 94 S.E.(CBCY 5 4 []-1 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY04-01.png]), the remainder undated (AUWE 20, 53-1, 197-1, 433-1). Rostovtzeff (1932, 30) observed that since no similar figure occurs on Seleucid coins, the motif probably represents a statue of the king (Antiochus III) as a hero, citing "the bronze statue of a Hellenistic ruler in the Museo delle Terme." If uninscribed seals bearing "official types" did belong to high officials (Rostovtzeff 1932, 53; McDowell 1935b, 207-8), then this seal would more likely have belonged to witness #11, a descendant of Aḫ-ūtu; members of this clan held the highest administrative offices in Uruk during this period (McEwan 1981b, 27; cf. Wallenfels 2015, 75).
→ Cf. L2 (No. 222); note witness #6: /[...]//Ekur-zakir, witness #11: /Ina-qibīt-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu.

40. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Nude, beardless Herakles, facing right, weight on forward leg, stylized lion's paw between legs, grasps humped bull (Achelous?) with one hand, stabs bull with dagger in other; horizontal crescent at left.
► Kidin-Anu/[...]//Kidin-Marduk:
● 18/VII/108; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 51 [] L2.
→ The nude hero was represented embracing or wrestling with bulls in contest scenes on cylinder seals from the Early Dynastic through Old Babylonian periods. Human-headed bulls were depicted in much the same fashion. The hero is first represented slaying a humped Indian bull on Akkadian cylinder seals (Collon 1982b, 37-38; Collon 1986, 87-90). Middle Assyrian and Neo-Assyrian seals show heroic figures, now variously clad, restraining or slaying bulls. (Cf. Moortgat 1942, 69, Abb. 31, p. 79, Abb. 57; Moortgat 1944, 36, Abb. 34 [Middle Assyrian]. Porada 1948a, Nos. 617-19, 754, 755, 778 [Neo-Assyrian].) Two Archaic period gems show the Greek hero Herakles, wrapped in a lion's skin with one paw dangling between his legs, wrestling to submission the river god Achelous incarnated as a human-faced bull (Boardman 1970a, Pls. 330, 331). The dependence of the exploits of the Greek hero upon Mesopotamian originals is well established (cf. Akurgal 1966, 188-89, and nn. 742-46). Note the figure on an Akkadian cylinder seal (Collon 1982b, No. 213) of a nude fertility god with stalks of grain sprouting from his shoulders facing a goddess of vegetation: an animal's skin is draped over his shoulders and down his back with two of the paws dangling between and in front of his legs; he holds a club horizontally in his lowered right hand, two spherical objects in his left hand and a stick in the crook of his left arm. Compare Nos. 40:D and 47, 49, below.

Other examples:

40:A. Ellipse. Nude warrior, kneeling to the right on one knee, raises right arm in posture of attack, fends off rampant lion with shield held forth in left hand.
► Anu-šum-iddin/Šamaš-ittannu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 20/V/8 Phl.III; witness; receipt for sale of land TCL 13 249 [] B4.
→ Publ. Rutten 1935, Pl. 1, No. 11.

40:B. Ellipse. Standing nude Herakles, facing left, wrestles with rampant Nemean lion.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Nanâ-iddin//[...]:
● 24/IX/43; witness; sale of land TCL 13 235 [] T1.
→ Publ. Rutten 1935, Pl. 1, No. 2.

40:C. Ellipse. "Guerrier nu, assis, bouclier et lance derrière lui" (Rutten 1935, 128 [X]).
► Anu-aḫ-ušabši/Illut-Anu/Kidin-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 17/XI/51; seller; sale of prebend TCL 13 237 [] R1.
→ Publ. Rutten 1935, Pl. 1, No. 12.
→ Cap. un-qa md60-ŠEŠ-GAL-ši na-din-na GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ.

40:C′. Previously No. 616:U. Ellipse. Heroic nude warrior standing three-quarter left leaning on upright spear held in raised left hand, indistinct garment draped over out-stretched right hand.
► Anu-ikṣur/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 4/VIII/99; witness; sale of prebend VDI 1955/4 154ff. VII [] T2/STUBM 68 [] T2.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Figs. 8, 9 (VDI 1955/4 154f. VII [] T2, courtesy Francis Joannès). STUBM pl. 68 (STUBM 68 [] T2).

40:C′′. Previously No. 916:Q. Ellipse. Heroic nude male standing three-quarter left, leaning on up-right spear held in raised left hand; left arm lowered in front; indistinct linear style.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Balāṭu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 2/VIII/101; witness; sale of land RIAA2 293 [] L2.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 231, No. 199, fourth row, left.
→ Impressions occur on ring-bullae CBCY 5 54 []-22 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY54-22.png], 68 []-24 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY68-24.png].

40:D. Pointed ellipse. 19 x 10. Nude Herakles, facing left, grasps human-faced humped bull Achelous by horns.
► Ubār:
● 6/I/[90-102]; witness; sale of land VAS 15 42 [] L1.
→ Publ. Schroeder 1916, Taf. 1, VAT 9153 l.R. (L1); AUWE 20 *4-8.
→ Cf. witness #2: /Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Ḫunzû, witness #12: /Riḫat-Anu. No other seal is preserved with this personal name.

40:E. Ellipse. 11 x 17. Nude hero (Herakles?), walking right, holds bow on shoulder with right hand, and bundle of arrows or spears(?) in left; animal skin(?) draped over right shoulder and down back.
► Dumqi-Anu/Anu-ikṣur/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 7/VII/171; witness; sale of prebend VAS 15 37 [] L2.
→ Publ. Schroeder 1916, Taf. 2, VAT 8548 l.R. (L2); AUWE 20 *11-6.


41. Pointed ellipse. 8.5 x 14. Bearded hero, facing right, wearing knee-length fringed(?) kilt, steps with left foot on the back of a recumbent goat(?); scimitar in right hand raised in smiting posture, left hand holds animal by ear(?).
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Anu-ab-utēr mār banê:
● 6/II/9; witness; protocol of hearing YOS 20 1 [] B3.

42. Pointed ellipse. 10 x 14. Hero, facing right, grasps ear of rampant winged lion(?) with reversed head; damaged.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/[...] mār banê:
● 6/II/9; witness; protocol of hearing YOS 20 1 [] T2.
→ Compare No. 50:D, below, used by Anu-ab-uṣur/Mannu-iqâp//Kurî in 6 Antig.

43. Pointed ellipse. 8 x 13. Hero, facing right, grasps rampant lion, holds weapon with arm drawn behind back.
► Anu-qīšan/Tanittu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 4/VII/12; witness; contract for work YOS 20 3 [] T2;
● 28/XI/12; witness; sale of slaves [YOS 20 4 []]/YOS 20 5 [] L3;
● -/-/[8-15]; witness; sale of land VAS 15 15 [](+)VAS 15 29 [] B3.
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mki-din-d60 (VAS 15 [](+)VAS 29 [] B3).
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *27-4 (VAS 15 15 [](+)VAS 15 29 [] B3).

44. Pointed ellipse. 13 x 16+. Bearded hero, facing left, in full length garment, holds one goat(?) by hind legs forward, second by forelegs behind.
► Kidin-Anu/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 9/II/17; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 10 [] T2.
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mki-din-d60.

45. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 16. Hero, facing left, in full length garment, weight on forward foot, holds object(?) in raised right hand above goat leaping straight up; raised linear border.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Tattannu//Šumāt:
● 12/IX/[17-19]; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 25 [] L2.

46. Pointed ellipse. 8 x 18. Hero, facing left, in three-quarter length garment, weight on forward foot, holds object(?) in raised right hand above goat(?) leaping straight up; vertical waning crescent at right.
► Dumqi-Anu/Rabi-Anu:
● 20/IX/20; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 3 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0046_Cl03_T3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 191.

47. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 10.5. Hero, facing left, in full length garment, grasps humped bull by horns (Herakles and Acheloos?).
► Anu-qīšan/Ubār//Kidin-Marduk:
● 20/IV/29; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 4 [] R4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0047_Cl04_R4.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 178.
→ Compare with No. 49, below, and see discussion at No. 40, above.

48. Ellipse. 17 x 9+. Male, facing right, reaches out hand to mouth of striding winged bull with upturned tail; indistinct object at left.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Ana-rabûtīka-Anu//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 21/XIIII/47; seller; sale of prebend BRM 2 11 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0048_Cl11_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa md60-ŠEŠ-MU-nu na-din GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ.

49. Pointed ellipse. 19 x 10. Hero, facing right, in full length garment, grasps humped bull by horns (Herakles and Acheloos?); six-pointed star at left, horizontal crescent above.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-aḫ-iddin/Anu-ikṣur//Kurî:
● 12/V/139; witness; sale of land BRM 2 38 [] B3.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 60.
→ Compare with No. 47, above, and see discussion at No. 40, above.
→ The scribe omitted the caption un-qa from all edges but the right.

50. Ellipse. 13 x 5. Hero, facing right, right hand raised behind head, confronting rampant winged monster; six-pointed star at left, triangle at right.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi(Bassiya)/Kidin-Anu/Ubār//Kidin-Marduk:
● 3/IX/157; lessee; lease of prebend BRM 2 47 [] R2.
→ Cap. un-qa md60-TIN-su-E A šá mBÁR-d60.

Other examples:

50:A. Relocated to No. 2:A0.

50:B. Ellipse. Hero, bare-chested and wearing knee-length kilt, stands profile right at left with extended left arm, grasping rampant caprid with reversed head; sword held in right arm down at side.
► Nanâ-iddin/Anu-ah-ušabši//Ekur-zakir:
● 20/V/8 Phl.III; witness; receipt for sale of land TCL 13 249 [] T2.
→ Publ. Rutten 1935, Pl. 1, No. 10; Rutten's reconstruction (1935, Pl. 1, No. 10) of the hero as centaur is without parallel.
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mdna-na-a-MU.

50:C. Concave ellipse. 17 x 18. "Un personnage vêtu d'un long châle qui laisse à découvert une jambe portée en avant, tient d'une main abaissée une arme courbe et de l'autre main saisit par la corne un lion ailé [/winged gazelle(?)] dressé vers lui, la queue relevée, la tête retournée. Disque ailé, dans la champ" (Delaporte 1923, 176 [A.799 B]).
► Ana-rabûtīka-Anu</Libluṭ(?)>//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 26/VIII/6 Antig.; witness; sale of land TCL 13 234 [] L2.
→ Publ. Delaporte 1923, Pl. 121, Fig. 4a (L2).
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mDIŠ-GAL-ka-d60 A md30-TI-ÉR.

50:D. Ellipse. 11 x 15. "Un achéménide tient d'une main abaissée une arme courbe et de l'autre main saisit, par la corne, un lion cornu, dressé vers lui, la tête retournée" (Delaporte 1923, 176 [A. 799 Q]).
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Mannu-iqâp//Kurî:
● 26/VIII/6 Antig.; witness; sale of land TCL 13 234 []T4.
→ Publ. Delaporte 1923, Pl. 121, Fig. 4d (T4).
→ Cap. un-qa md60-AD-URU3 A mkur-i.
→ Compare No. 42, above, used by Anu-ab-uṣur/[...] in 9 S.E.

50:E. Ellipse. 18 x 20. "Un achéménide étend les bras et saisit par la crinière deux lions ailés, dressés, qui retournent la tête vers lui" (Delaporte 1923, 176 [A.799 A]).
► Nidintu-Anu</Nanâ-iddin(?)>//Gimil-Anu:
● 26/VIII/6 Antig.; witness; sale of land TCL 13 234 [] L1.
→ Publ. Delaporte 1923, Pl. 121, Fig. 4a (L1).
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mni-din-tú-d60 A mŠU-d60.

50:F+50:G. Concave ellipse. 18 x 22. Hero, profile right at left, clad in short kilt, right arm at side with dagger in hand, extended left hand grasps rampant caprid with reversed head at right; winged disc above.
► Qīšti-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Gimil-Anu:
● 26/VIII/6. Antig.; witness; sale of land TCL 13 234 [] T2.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Qīšti-Anu//Gimil-Anu:
● -/VIII/11; witness; request for loan OECT 9 2 [] L1;
● 15/IV/[≤17]; witness, sale of land VAS 15 51 [] T3.
→ Publ. Delaporte 1923, Pl. 121, Fig. 4d (TCL 13 234 [] T2). Buchanan 1982, 17, No. 1 (OECT 9 2 L1). AUWE 20 *56-1 (VAS 15 51 [] T3).
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mNÍG.BA-d60 A mŠU-d60 (TCL 13 234 [] T2); NA4.KIŠIB md60-EN-šu-nu (OECT 9 2 [] L1); NA4.KIŠIB [...] (VAS 15 51 [] T3).
→ Anu-bēlšunu, the second user of this seal, appears to be the son of Qīšti-Anu, its first user.

50:G. Relocated to No. 50:F+50:G.


51. Pointed ellipse. 11 x 15. Priest facing right, right hand rests atop lilissu-drum, left hand raised above it; ground line.
► Anu-qīšan/Šeški-Anu//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 20/IX/20; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 3 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0051_Cl03_T4.png];
● 2/XI/22; witness; sale of prebend (STUBM 5 [] L3);
● 23/III/26; witness; sale of land YOS 20 14 [] T2;
● 20/IV/29; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 4 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0051_Cl04_L3.png];
● 28/XII/29; witness; sale of land YOS 20 16 [] T5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0051_Y20_016_T5.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 164 (BRM 2 4 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0051_Cl04_L3.png]); Pl. VII, No. 205 (BRM 2 3 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0051_Cl03_T4.png]).
→ The scribes alternately wrote the father's name mšiš-ki-d60 (YOS 20 14 []: 35; BRM 2 4 []: 18) and mšìr-ki-d60 (BRM 2 3 []: 30; YOS 20 16 []: 27; STUBM 5: 26). Cf. AHw, 1217, s.v. še/irku(m) I; von Soden 1969, 35, § 35c.
→  This seal was replaced by No. 52, below.

52. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 15. Priest facing right, right hand rests atop lilissu-drum.
► Anu-qīšan/Šeški-Anu//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 12/III/38; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 13 [] L3;
● 28/I/40; witness; lease of prebend OECT 9 9 [] B1;
● 30/III/41; witness; land use agreement OECT 9 10 [] T3;
● 14/-/48; witness; sale of prebend WZJ 19 1970 905ff. [] L1;
● 2/XI/50; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 23 []/YOS 20 24 [] B1;
● 7/-/[46-51]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 26 [] T4.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 17, No. 8 (OECT 9 9 [] B1). Oelsner 1970a, 909, Abb. 3c (WZJ 19 1970 905ff. L1). SS III 664a (STUBM 13 [] L3).
→  This seal replaced No. 51, above.

53. Pointed ellipse. 8 x 18. Beardless priest with shaven head seated profile right, holds sistrum(?) in right hand, left hand indistinct; T-shaped baseline.
► Riḫat-Anu/Anu-qīšan//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 1/IV/55; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 28 [] T3;
● 24/-/58; witness; sale of land YOS 20 27 [] B1;
● 25/I/[52-63]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 96 [] L2;
● 22/VI/67; witness; quitclaim YOS 20 31 [] T2;
● 8/XII/72; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 [] 15 L3.
→ Publ. SS III 688b (STUBM 28 [] T3).


54. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 14. Worshiper facing right, right hand held over top of stand.
► Nanâ-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//Ab-ṭāb:
● 9/II/17; seller; sale of prebend YOS 20 10 [] R1;
● -/-/[≤ 35]; witness; memorandum re: disposition of slaves, sale doc. YOS 20 102 [] T1′.
→ Cap. un-qa mdna-na-a-MU ˹DUMU šá mni˺-[din-tu4-d60...] na-din-na-nu GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ (YOS 20 10 [] R1′).
→ The impressions on all other edges of YOS 20 10 [] are captioned NA4.KIŠIB.

55. Pointed ellipse. 11 x 13+. Worshiper facing right, right hand above bowl-shaped top on flared base; top of seal lost.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/[...]//Luštammar-Adad:
● 28/I/52; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 25 [] B2.
→ Compare the bowl-shaped altar top with that on an impression from Achaemenid Nippur (Legrain 1925, No. 894).

56. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 16. Worshiper facing right, garment with fringed hem, both hands above damaged top of altar.
► Nidintu-Anu/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ekur-zakir:
● 20/IV/56; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 15 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0056_Cl15_L1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 200.

57. Ellipse: stone bezel? 11 x 16. Bald worshiper, facing three-quarters left, body bent back at waist, with weight on engaged forward leg, large four-fingered right hand over flaming censer, left hand on hip.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin:
● 18/IX/118; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 31 [] T1.
→ Note diagonal striations indicating drapery folds in garment over left shoulder and left leg.
→ Cf. T3 (No. 776); note witness #3: /[...]/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin, witness #6: /Līšer/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Gimil-Anu.

Other examples:

57:A. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 16+. Worshiper facing left; altar at left.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Riḫat-Anu//Šumāt:
● 22/VI/132; divider; division of property VAS 15 39 [] R5/VAS 15 40 [] R2/VAS 15 49 [...].
→ Publ. Schroeder 1916, Taf. 1, VAT 8565 r.R. (VAS 15 40 [] R2); AUWE 20 *33-7 (VAS 15 39 [] R5), *32-7 (VAS 15 40 [] R2).

57:B. Concave ellipse (stone conoid?). Worshiper facing right, stands with hand(s) raised in adoration before cultic symbols on back of serpo-dragon facing left resting on low base.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu(Dumqi-Anu)/Dumqi-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 10/XII/137; seller; sale of land BiMes 24 13 [] R1.
→ Publ. Renger 1977, Pl. D-12a (R1); Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 58, and Pl. 25, R.E. (R1).
→ The seal may have been a Neo-Babylonian or Achaemenid heirloom.


58. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 16+. Bearded worshiper facing right, wearing pointed(?) cap and garment with fringed hem, hair gathered at shoulder, holds long staff in right hand, salutes with left; vertical waxing crescent at left.
► Ana-rabût-Anu/Nanâ-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 20/IV/56; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 15 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0058_Cl15_T4.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 209.

59. Ellipse. 10 x 14. Beardless(?) worshiper facing right, holds long staff in right hand; vertical waxing crescent at left; baseline.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 1/III/57; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 16 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0059_Cl16_B3.png].

AUWE 19 60

AUWE 19 60

60. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 15+. Bearded worshiper facing right, hair gathered at shoulder, holds long staff in right hand, salutes with left; vertical waxing crescent at left.
► Anu-ikṣur/Nidintu-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● -/-/60; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 35 [] B2;
● 22/VI/67; witness; quitclaim YOS 20 31 [] B5;
● 17/I/68; witness; division of property YOS 20 32 [] T4.
► Kidin-Anu(sic):
● 15/XI/65; [...]; sale of land STUBM 37 [] R2.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 183, Fig. 160 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0060_GlypOr_Op1_B2.png] (STUBM 35 [] B2). SS III 695b (STUBM 35 [] B2). SS III 697a (STUBM 37 [] R2).
→ Note: STUBM 37 [] R2, captioned Iki-din-d60, was used thrice by Anu-ikṣur/Nidintu-Anu//Luštammar-Adad on STUBM 35 [] B2 (60 S.E.); YOS 20 31 [] B5 (67 S.E.); YOS 20 32 [] T4 (68 S.E.); however, Anu-ikṣur is not named here in any capacity. Four participants are named Kidin-Anu (seller #2 and witnesses #5, 6, 7) but only three seals are captioned Kidin-Anu: R2, R4, B3. Note that the seal caption at B4 (Sîn-banûn) properly identifies the impression at B5 (SS III 697o = AUWE 19 696:A); the seal impression at L2 (SS III 697d), labeled Anu-ittannu, is another example of AUWE 19 117, used repeatedly by Anu-ittannu/Zērīya//Gimil-Anu, who, however, also does not appear in any capacity in this document. There would thus appear to be several compounding scribal errors and/or reused seals that cannot as yet be resolved.

61. Pointed ellipse; stone bezel(?). 10 x 21. Bearded worshiper, profile right, weight on forward leg, long hair falls from beneath round cap down back to waist, holds long staff in right hand, salutes with left; vertical waxing crescent at left.
► Ardi-Anu/Nidintu-Anu/Ardi-Anu:
● 1/IX/78; guarantor; sale of food allowance and prebend YOS 20 39 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0061_Y20_R2.png].

Other examples:

61:A. Pointed ellipse. Bearded worshiper facing left, holds long staff in left hand, salutes with right; waxing vertical crescent at right.
► Anu-qīšan/Tanittu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 10/VI/15; witness; sale of slaves VDI 1955/4 139ff. I [] T2/BaMB 2 119-121 [] [...];
● -/-/[≤17]; witness, sale of slave CM 12 I [] T3.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 2 (VDI 1955/4 139ff. I [] T2). CM 12 6 (CM 12 I [] T3).
→ Note absence on VDI 1955/4 139f. I [] of caption NA4.KIŠIB at T2, present above all the other seal impressions on this tablet.

61:B. Pointed ellipse. Bearded worshiper, long hair falls from beneath pointed cap, down back to waist, facing right, holds long staff in right hand, salutes with left; vertical waxing crescent(?).
► Nidintu-Anu/Mušēzib-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Ḫunzû:
● 9/XI/203; waiver; quitclaim BaM 15 1984 274f. [] R1.
→ Publ. Boehmer 1984, Taf. 29c; Kessler 1984, 275.
→ Cap. un-qa mNÍG.SUM.MU-d60 mu-šá-ḫi-si GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ.


62. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 15. Beardless worshiper, profile right, clad in full-length garment, right hand held up in gesture of salute, left holds ostrich egg(?) straight out.
► Ištar-aḫḫē-iddin/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 28/XI/12; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 4 [] T2/YOS 20 5 [] T2.

63. Ellipse. 11 x 13+. Bearded worshiper, profile left, holds an angled stick(?) in each hand; ambiguous object right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 10/IX/31; witness; gift of slaves BRM 2 5 [] B3.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 226.

64. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 8.5. Bearded worshiper clad in full length garment, faces left and salutes(?) a winged human-headed scorpion monster facing right.
► Ša-Anu-iššû/Tanittu-Anu/Kidin-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 22/VIII/95; witness; exchange of properties BIN 2 135 [] L3.
→ Publ. Nies and Keiser 1920, Pl. 55, No. 135, L.E. (L3).

64ʹ. Previously No. 1092. Pointed ellipse fragment. 9+ x 9+. Lower half of bearded worshiper standing profile left, hands raised; linear border.
► Nanâ-iddin/[...]/Anu-ab-uṣur//Ḫunzû:
● -/-/144; witness; sale of food allotment BRM 2 56 [] B3.
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 70 []-3 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY70-03.png], dated [...]-ca. 153 S.E.

Other examples:

64:A. Ellipse. 12 x 17. "Un personnage, coiffé d'un bonnet dont la pointe retombe en arrière, tient dans ses mains le feu sacré(?), au-dessus d'une pile de traits. Derrière lui, quatre traits obliques" (Delaporte 1923, 176 [A.799 I]).
► Mušēzib-Anu/Nādin//Kurî:
● 26/VIII/6 Antig.; witness; sale of land TCL 13 234 [] B4.
→ Publ. Delaporte 1923, Pl. 121, Fig. 4b (B4).
→ Cap. un-qa mKAR-d60 A mkur-i.


65. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 12+. Standing archer facing right; indistinct impression.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Anu-mukīn-apli//Ekur-zakir:
● 20/IV/29; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 4 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0065_Cl04_T2.png];
● 1/V/[32-45]; seller; sale of land STUBM 17 [] R1.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 196 (BRM 2 4 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0065_Cl04_T2.png]).

66. Ellipse. 9 x 15+. Standing archer facing right; indistinct polos; inverted triangle at right.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Anu-mukīn-apli//Ekur-zakir:
● 2/VI/37; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 10 [] B5.

67. Ellipse. 9 x 12+. Standing archer facing right; bareheaded, feet widely spread; vertical fillet(?) at right elbow.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Anu-mukīn-apli//Ekur-zakir:
● 14/-/47; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 22 [] B4;
● 14/-/48; witness; sale of prebend WZJ 19 1970 905ff. [] L4.
→ Publ. Oelsner 1970a, 909, Abb. 3c (WZJ 19 1970 905ff. [] L4).

68. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 15. Standing archer facing right; vertical fillet(?) at right elbow, triangle at right.
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Anu-balāssu-iqbi//Ekur-zakir:
● 15/XI,51; witness; sale of land BRM 2 14 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0068_Cl14_B3.png];
● -/-/[5]9; seller; sale of prebend STUBM 34 [] T1.
● 21/VIII/63; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 29 [] B5.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 193! (BRM 2 14 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0068_Cl14_B3.png]). SS III 678a (STUBM 34 [] T1).
→ Impression occurs on bulla CBCY 5 59 []-6 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY59-06.png], dated ca. 37-ca. 80 S.E.

69. Pointed ellipse. 12 x 17. Standing archer facing right; raised linear border; very worn.
► Ištar-šum-eriš/Anu-ikṣur//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 22/III/67; witness; duty roster BRM 2 17 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0069_Cl17_B1.png].

70. Ellipse. 9 x 15. Standing archer facing right.
► Lā-bāši/Anu-balāssu-iqbi//Ekur-zakir:
● 22/VI/67; witness; quitclaim YOS 20 31 [] B3;
● 20/VI/71; witness; sale of land BRM 2 20 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0070_Cl20_L1.png]/YOS 20 34 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0070_Y20_034_L1.png].

71. Pointed ellipse. 9+ x 6+. Standing archer facing right; bottom half lost.
► Lā-bāši/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ekur-zakir:
● 17/I/68; divider; division of property YOS 20 32 [] [R2];
● 3(+)/-/77; lessor; lease of prebend STUBM 51 [] R2.
→ Publ. SS III 706a (STUBM 51 [] R2).
→ This seal replaced 125:C.


72. Pointed ellipse. 19 x 13. Beardless horseman, about to hurl javelin in raised right hand, mounted on horse facing right, leaping over plant; horizontal crescent at right.
► Iddinâ/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 1/III/57; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 16 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0072_Cl16_L1.png].


73. Ellipse. 11 x 14+. Male walking profile left with short(?) walking stick; head and feet lost.
► Nanâ-iddin/Kidin-Ištar:
● 5/IV/8; witness; lease of land BRM 2 1 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0073_Cl01_B2].

74. Pointed ellipse. 12 x 15. Male walking profile left, left arm forward with pendant chiton(?), weight on forward leg, rear foot slightly lifted.
► Nanâ-iddin:
● 12/V/9; witness; sale of slaves BRM 2 2 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0074_Cl02_L3].
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mdna-na-a-MU.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 194.
→ Cf. B3 (No. 372); note witness #6: /Lā-bāši//Ḫunzû, witness #11: /Kidin-Ištar.

75. Elliptical stone(?) bezel(?) set in pointed elliptical ring. 8 x 11. Male standing right, indistinct garment, right arm(?) down, left arm extended with indistinct object in hand; recessed circular border.
► Nidintu-Anu//Šamaš-īṭer//Luštammar-Adad:
● 28/IV/12; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 2 [] T1.

76. Ellipse. 11 x 15. Bearded(?) male, crouching(?) profile right; baseline(?).
► Bēl-eriš/Nabû-nāṣir:
● 10/VIII/27; witness; gift of slave YOS 20 15 [] T1.
→ Compare crouching male and female figures on Classical gems, e.g., Boardman 1970a, Pls. 483, 528, and passim.

77. Concave ellipse. 7.5 x 12+. Male standing profile right, weight on forward foot, left slightly lifted, holds indistinct object.
► fIna-banât-Nanâ/Tanittu-Anu:
● 10/VIII/27; donor; gift of slave YOS 20 15 [] R1.
→ Cap. un-qa AŠ-DÙ-dna-na-a na-din-at LÚ-ut-tì ˹MU˺.[MEŠ].

78. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 21. Male standing profile right, short stick in right hand, holds indistinct object aloft in left; vertical waxing crescent at left; baseline.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 20/IV/29; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 4 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0078_Cl04_B2].
→ Cf. T1 (No. 1063), T3 (No. 335), R3 (No. 242); note witness #2: /Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû, witness #8: /Ša-Anu-iššû//Ekur-zakir, witness #9: /Anu-uballiṭ//Ekur-zakir, witness #15: /Anu-mukīn-apli//Kurî.

79. Ellipse. 11 x 12+. Male standing profile left, indistinct object at left; vertical waxing crescent at right; upper half lost.
► Kidin/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ekur-zakir:
● 19/XII/41; witness; donatio mortis causa YOS 20 20 [] B3.
→ Kidin appears to be a member of the priestly family whose members preferred representations of the fish-apkallu, the similarly posed anthropomorphic apkallu with sprinkler and bucket, or worshiper before an altar.

80. Pointed ellipse. 6 x 13. Male standing profile left, one arm raised, other lowered and holding indistinct object; vertical waxing crescent(?) at right.
► [...]:
● 2/V/[32-45]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 21 [] T5.
→ Compare similarly posed sage with sprinkler and bucket, Nos. 115-25, below.
→ Note witness #2: Anu-uballiṭ/Lā-bāši//Kurî, witness #3: [Anu]-ab-utēr/Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû, witness #4: Ina-qibīt-Anu/Riḫat-[Ištar]//Kurî, witness #5: Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Nanâ-eriš!//Aḫ-ūtu, witness #6: Anu-[...]/Nidintu-Anu//Luštammar-Adad, witness #7: Kidin/Ša-Anu-<iš>šû//E[kur-zakir], witness #9: [Bas]siya/Ištar-šum-eriš//Ekur-zakir, witness #10: Lā-bāši/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ekur-zakir, witness #11: Ubār/Mušēzib-Anu//Kurî, witness #13: Kidin-Anu/Dannat-Bēlti//Luštammar-Adad, witness #14: Ša-Anu-<iš>šû/Ina-qibīt-Anu, witness #15: Mukin-apli/Riḫat-Anu.

81. Ellipse. 8 x 21. Male standing profile right, bearded, wears peaked cap.
► Ana-rabût-Anu/Anu-erība//Kurî:
● 15/XI,51; guarantor; sale of land BRM 2 14 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0081_Cl14_R2.png].
→ Cap. un-qa mDIŠ-GAL-d60 mu-ru-qu-na.

82. Pointed ellipse. 8 x 12+. Male standing three-quarters left, weight on forward leg, left arm at side, right arm held horizontally, hand lost.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Nidintu-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● 1/III/57; seller; sale of prebend BRM 2 16 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0082_Cl16_R2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 183.
→ Compare similar pose and three-quarter length garment on a Graeco-Roman gem: Furtwängler 1900, Taf. 50, Nr. 53.

83. Relocated to No. 120′.

84. Ellipse. 10 x 15. Male standing profile right, one arm held forth, indistinct object at lower right.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Šamaš-ittannu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 22/III/67; witness; duty roster BRM 2 17 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0084_Cl17_L2.png];
● 22/VI/67; witness; quitclaim YOS 20 31 [] L2;
● 2/II/71; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 19 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0084_Cl19_B3.png].
→ The poor quality of all three impressions appears to be a reflection of the nature of the original seal.

85. Ellipse. 11 x 16. Male facing right; surface worn, lower half lost.
► Mukin-apli/Riḫat-Anu:
● 22/VI/67; witness; quitclaim YOS 20 31 [] T3.

AUWE 19 86

AUWE 19 86

86. Ellipse. 8.5 x 15. Male standing profile right.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 27/I/78; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 54 [] [T3]/STUBM 55 [] T3;
● 8/II/78; witness; sale of land BRM 2 23 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0086_Cl23_T1.png]/[YOS 20 38 [] T1].
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 186, Fig. 177 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0086_GlypOr_Op3_T3.png] (STUBM 55 [] T3). SS III 709c (STUBM 54 T3); STUBM pl. 55 (STUBM 55 T3).

87. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 18. Beardless male, standing profile right in knee-length garment, weight on forward leg, rear foot slightly lifted, indistinct branched object in arm held forth; baseline.
► Anu-ittannu/Zērīya//Gimil-Anu:
● 7/XI/74; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 47 [] T2/STUBM 48 []T2;
● 23/II/77; witness; division of property STUBM 50 []B2;
● 27/I/78; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 54 [] B2/STUBM 55 []B2;
● 8/II/78; witness; sale of land BRM 2 23 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0087_Cl23_L1.png]/YOS 20 38 [] L1;
● 6(+)/VII/78; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 19 []T2;
● -/VIII/78; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 56 []L3.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 192 (BRM 2 23 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0087_Cl23_L1.png]). SS III 703a (STUBM 48 T2); 704a (STUBM 47 T2); 705a (STUBM 50 B2); 707a (STUBM 56 L3); 708a (STUBM 55 B2); 709a (STUBM 54 B2); STUBM pl. 56 (STUBM 56).
→ Compare branched object with that held in the outstretched hand by the figures on Nos. 96:B, C, below.

88. Pointed ellipse. 8 x 16. Male standing profile right.
► Nanâ-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 11/VII/82; witness; division of property BRM 2 24 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0088_Cl24_T2.png]/YOS 20 40 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0088_Y20_040_T2.png].

89. Ellipse. 8+ x 8+. Bearded male, profile right, one hand raised; bottom lost.
► [...]:
● 20/IV/88; witness; division of property YOS 20 43 [] T4/BiMes 24 53 [...].
→ Cf. T1 (No. 613: [...]), T2 (No.649: [...]), T3 (No. 650: [...]), L3 (lost: Anu-[...]); note witness #1: Anu-zēr-iddin/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu, witness #3: Anu-zēr-iddin/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû, witness #4: Anu-šum-līšer/Anu-zēr-iddin/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû, witness #5: Anu-bēlšunu/Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu, witness #6: Nidintu-Anu/Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu, witness #12: [Nidin]tu-Anu/Kītu-Anu/Nidintu-Anu//Kurî.

90. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 9. Male standing with hands clasped upon chest(?), head profile right; diagonal waxing crescent upper left; indistinct object right.
► [...]:
● -/-/[108-109]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 50 [] B2.
→ Compare the pose with that of the water god with water flowing over his shoulders (see Nos. 126-41, below).
→ Cf. B3 (No. 426) and B4 (lost); note witness #3: Dannat-Bēlti/Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad, witness #7: Dannat-Bēlti/[...]//Luštammar-Adad, witness #9: Kidin-Anu/Ardi-Ninurta.

91. Pointed ellipse. 7+ x 14+. Male standing profile right, holding rope(?) in both hands; upper half lost.
► Šamaš-ittannu/Anu-ušallim//Luštammar-Adad:
● 4/V/[103-119]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 58 [] B2.

92. Pointed ellipse. 8 x 12+. Male stands three-quarter left, weight on forward leg, knee-length garment gathered at waist; carries bar over shoulders with indistinct object hanging from either end.
► Uṣuřsu-Anu/Kītu-Anu//Kurî:
● 11/XII/119; witness; sale of land YOS 20 60 [] B3/YOS 20 61 [] B3.

93. Concave ellipse. 9+ x 18. Male(?) standing profile right; indistinct garment, pose.
► Tanittu-Anu/Uppul/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● -,-[90-125]; seller; sale of land BRM 2 9 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0093_Cl09_R1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 197.
→ The abbreviated cut style, typical of these concave elliptical impressions, perhaps made by gems, makes further identification impossible.
→ Cap. un-qa mta-nit-tu4-d60 na-din-na É ŠUII MU.MEŠ.

94. Pointed(?) ellipse. 8+ x 10+. Profile right male head and shoulder; bottom half lost.
► [...]:
● 11/I/144; witness; sale(?) of prebend YOS 20 70 [] T2.
→ Captions for T1 (illegible), B1′ (illegible), B2′ (No. 165), B3′ (No. 113) are lost; note witness #1: Anu-zēr-[...]/[...]; witness #2′: Anu-ikṣur/NÍG.[...], witness #3′: Kidin-Anu/Lā-bāši-Anu/[...], witness #5′: Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Nidintu-Anu/Rabi-Anu//[...], witness #6′: Poseidṓnios/Metrodōros Iawa[nāyya], witness #7′: Riḫat-Bēl/Bi-i(a)-da-ti-i epiš dulli ṭiṭṭi ša bīt ilānī ša Uruk.

95. Concave ellipse. 8 x 11. Male standing three-quarters right(?), indistinct object held up in left(?) hand.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Anu-ab-utēr/Anu-zēr-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 1/XI/149; witness; sale of land BRM 2 39 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0095_Cl39_B2.png].
→ The abbreviated cut style, typical of these concave impressions, makes further identification impossible.

96. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 18. Male profile right, one hand held forth; indistinct.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin/Anu-zēr-iddin/Anu-aḫ-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 8/-/173; witness; sale of land BRM 2 52 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0096_Cl52_T1.png].

Other examples:

96:A. Ellipse. 12 x 16. "Standing figure with tilted arm, looking left(?), four-edged garment at left arm, longish robe" (Buchanan 1982, 17, No. 3).
► Sîn-banûn/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 24/IX/32; witness; sale of land OECT 9 7 [] T1;
● 12/I/36; witness; sale of prebend VAS 15 4 [] L2.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 17, No. 3 (OECT 9 7 [] T1); AUWE 20 *2-9 (VAS 15 4 [] L2).

96:B. Ellipse. Male walking left; one arm extended forward and up holding plant(?), other down behind.
► Kidin-Anu/[Anu-balāssu]-iqbi//Kurî:
● 20/XI/36; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 14 [] T2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 63, and Pl. 28, U.E. (T2).

96:C. Ellipse. Beardless male, standing three-quarter left; indistinct objects in right hand held forth and left held down; top and bottom edges obliterated by cuneiform caption.
► Ardi-adēš/Kidin-Anu rab bīt ḫilṣi:
● 14/-/48; seller; sale of land WZJ 19 1970 905 []ff. R2.
→ Publ. Oelsner 1970a, 909, Abb. 3d (R2).
→ Cap. un-qamÌR-a-de-šú na-din-nu GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ.

96:D. Male standing profile right, wearing knee-length garment; triangle at left, horizontal crescent above.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Ubār//Šumāt:
● -/III/88; witness; division of property TCL 13 240 []L4.
→ Publ. Rutten 1935, Pl. 1, No. 6.

96:E. Relocated to No. 206:F′.

96:F. Pointed ellipse. 12.5 x 22. Male standing profile left, "man in tall hat holding long object(?) before him, on line" (Buchanan 1982, 20, No. 46).
► Nanâ-iddin/Sumuttu-Anu/Nanâ-iddin//Kurî:
● 22/IV/[110-119]; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 57 [] B1.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 20, No. 46.

96:G. Relocated to No. 158:Aʺ.

96:H. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 18. Bearded male, standing profile right, body bent rearward at waist, weight on forward leg; indistinct object draped over shoulder, club(?) held downward in front.
► Ana-rabût-Anu/Sumuttu-Anu/Kītu-Anu//Kurî:
● 5/VII/162; witness; sale of land CM 12 X [] L1/YOS 20 82 [] [...].
→ Publ. CM 12 9 (CM 12 X [] L1).
→ This motif recalls the nude Herakles with the pelt of the Nemean lion over his arm or shoulder and a club in his hand (e.g., Boardman 1970a, Pls. 368 and 441). These attributes also recall the much earlier figure on an Akkadian cylinder seal (Collon 1982b, No. 213) of a nude fertility god with stalks of grain sprouting from his shoulders facing a goddess of vegetation: an animal's skin is draped over his shoulders and down his back with two of its paws dangling between and in front of his legs; he holds a club horizontally in his lowered right hand, two spherical objects in his left hand and a stick in the crook of his left arm.

96:I. Ellipse. Male standing facing right, hair in chignon at shoulder, arms indistinct.
► Šamaš-ittannu:
● -/-/-_; witness; quitclaim(?) BiMes 24 9 []B2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 30, and Pl. 14, Lo.E. (B2).
→ Fragmentary witness list.


97. Concave ellipse. 7 x 13. Seated female, draped(?)/long braided hair(?), seated profile right, playing a kithara.
► Šamaš-eriš/Šamaš-iddin:
● 12/V/9; witness; sale of slaves BRM 2 2 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0097_Cl02_B2.png].
→ Compare the Classical and Graeco-Persian studies of seated draped women (e.g., Boardman 1970a, Pls. 687, 690, 964) and those of seated Persian women with long braided hair (e.g., Boardman 1970a, Pls. 891, 990, 991). The cut style, typical of these concave impressions, makes further identification impossible. On the absence of Western style lyres in the East prior to the Hellenistic period, see Lawergren 1993.

98. Pointed ellipse. 7.5 x 13. Seated female, draped(?), seated profile right, holding mirror in left hand.
► Ubār/Mušēzib-Anu//Kurî:
● 8/IV/[24-29]; seller; sale of land YOS 20 13 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0098_Y20_013_R2.png] .
→ See comparisons at No. 97, above.

99. Pointed ellipse. 14 x 8. Seated female profile right, holding cup(?), facing standing attendant; seated Maltese dog at left, nondescript vessel at right.
► Lā-bāši/Anu-mukīn-apli//Kurî:
● 10/IX/31; witness; gift of slave BRM 2 5 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0099_Cl05_T1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 161.
→ Compare the seated draped Persian woman playing a harp with a Maltese dog standing before her on a Graeco-Persian gem (Boardman 1970a, Pl. 964). The Maltese dog, with short snout, full coat and bushy tail, is first introduced on fifth century Achaemenid and Graeco-Persian glyptic.

Other examples:

99:A. Ellipse. Seated female profile left, holding branch(?).
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Ardi-Ninurta/Illut-Anu sepīr makkūr Anu:
● 3/II/131; seller; sale of land BiMes 24 22 []R1/YOS 20 67 [R1].
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 97, and Pl. 51, R.E. (R1).


100. Ellipse. 10 x 14+. Standing female with torso full front, legs profile right, weight on forward leg, head profile left, himation draped around waist and over left arm.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 20/IV/29; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 4 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0100_Cl04_B1.png].
→ Compare Aphrodite resting on a column with her mantle draped from her waist and one end hung over her extended arm on a Classical gem (Richter 1968, No. 245). On several Hellenistic gems, figures are shown with frontal torso, legs profile right and head profile left (e.g., Richter 1968, Nos. 538, 550).

[return to top]

Seals 101-200

101. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 15. Female walking profile right, hair in bun, weight on forward leg, himation(?) dangling from arm held down and behind.
► Anu-ikṣur/Nidintu-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 15/XI,51; witness; sale of land BRM 2 14 [] B5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0101_Cl14_B5.png];
● 6/VIII/53; witness; sale of land YOS 20 26 [] L4. [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0101_Y20_026_L4.png]
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 201! (BRM 2 14 [] B5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0101_Cl14_B5.png]).

102. Circular. 19 D. Female rushing left, three-quarter rear view, weight on forward leg, himation draped over shoulders; indis-tinct curled(?) object left; base-line.
► Apollônios(Riḫat-Ištar)/Charmōn:
● 25/I/[52-63]; seller; sale of land YOS 20 96 [] R1.
→ Cap. un-qa ma-pùl-lu-ni-suna-din-na É MU.MEŠ.
→ Reading Greek PNs with Monerie 2014, 130, 135.
→ Compare representations of dancing Maenads, with their heads thrown back, on a rectangular gem of the late Classical period (Richter 1968, No. 259, especially 3 and 4). Also note the two similarly posed women on a late Greek cylinder seal (see conveniently, Collon 1987, 92, No. 430).

103. Concave ellipse. 12 x 15+. Female standing three-quarter left, right arm bent up at elbow, left down at side.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Kidin-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 1/IX/78; witness; sale of food allowance and prebend YOS 20 39 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0103_Y20_039_T3.png] .


104. Pointed ellipse. 9.5 x 12+. Persian(?) woman walking profile left, clad in full length garment, indistinct object in lower hand.
► Anu-ušallim/Zērīya/Anu-ušallim//Gimil-Anu:
● 26/XI/35; seller; sale of prebend YOS 20 17 [] R3/STUBM 9 [] R3.
→ Cap.R1-R3: un-qa mPN un-qa mPN2 un-qa md60-GI na-din.MEŠ GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ DUMU.MEŠ šá mNUMUN-ia.
→ Publ. SS III 659a (STUBM 9 [] R3).

105. Concave circular impression. 8 D. Draped female, standing profile right.
► [...] itinnu:
● 22/III/67; assignee; duty roster BRM 2 17 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0105_Cl17_R2.png].
→ The right edge is captioned un-qa.MEŠ šá DÍM.MEŠ, and shows eleven tightly overlapping impressions, none individually identified by owner. The tablet contains two lists naming eleven and ten assignees, respectively, ana epēš dulli ("to perform the ritual").

106. Concave ellipse. 10 x 13. Female stands facing right in full length garment, torso bent back at waist, head forward(?), right hand on hip(?), left raised(?).
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu:
● 23/VIII/87; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 27 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0106_Cl27_L3.png]/CM 12 III [] L3.
→ Cf. T3 (No. 420); note witness #5: /Ana-rabût-Anu//Kurî; witness #6: /Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 162 (BRM 2 27 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0106_Cl27_L3.png]). CM 12 7 (CM 12 III [] L3).
→ Neither impression of this hemispheroid seal was sufficiently deep to render all the details at the top edge.

107. Concave scudetto impression. 8 x 9. Female stands draped(?) three-quarters left, holds palm frond(?)/spike(?) in right hand.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/d[...]//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 22/VIII/95; witness; exchange of properties BIN 2 135 [] B2.
→ Publ. Nies and Keiser 1920, Pl. 54, No. 135, Lo.E. (B2).
→ Compare the contemporary bulla impression from Seleucia on the Tigris of a fully draped woman standing left, hair drawn into a bun behind, resting on a short column and holding a palm branch in her outstretched right hand (McDowell 1935b, 106-7, and Pl. 4, Fig. 65). Also compare the drawing on a Seleucid astronomical text (TCL 6, 12, rev. = Thureau-Dangin 1922, Pl. 25) of Virgo (MUL.AB.SÍN), a female figure standing left, wearing a full-length flounced garment, and holding a spike in her outstretched arms (see Weidner 1967, 9-10).

108. Concave ellipse. 11+ x 18+. Female stands facing left, head and legs in profile, torso three-quarters view, weight on front leg, hair gathered in bun behind, wears long girded chiton with overfold at waist, right arm extended forward; vessel(?) at right; baseline(?).
► Šamaš-īṭer/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Ekur-zakir:
● 18/VII/108; guarantor; sale of prebend YOS 20 51 [] R2.
→ Cap. un-qa mdUTU-SUR A-šú mu-mar-raq-an-na. → Compare the garment and hairdo of the woman (the nymph Nemea?) bringing a hydria to Herakles on a Classical gem (Richter 1968, No. 344).

109. Ellipse. 10 x 17. Female stands profile(?) left, indistinct garment gathered at waist.
► Anu-aḫ-ušabši/Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Anu-mukīn-apli//Ekur-zakir:
● 18/IX/118; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 31 [] L1' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0109_Cl31_L1'.png].

Other examples:

109:A. Pointed ellipse. 12.5 x 22. "Vase held by naked female [standing profile left]" (Buchanan 1982, 17, No. 9).
► Riḫat-Anu:
● 8/XII/72; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 15 [] B1.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 17, No. 9.
→ Note witness #6: /Anu-qīšan//Sîn-leqi-unnini, witness #9: /[...]//Aḫ-ūtu.

109:B. Ellipse. 14 x 20.5. "Female [standing three-quarter left] holding vase at side" (Buchanan 1982, 20, No. 45).
► Anu-bēlšunu/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 14/IV/97; witness; lease of prebend OECT 9 36 []T1
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 20, No. 45.

109:C. Ellipse. 7.5 x 13. Persian woman standing profile left holding ointment jar(?) and flowers(?); raised linear border.
► Idat-Anu/Illut-Anu/Dannat-Bēlti//Luštammar-Adad:
● 18/X/124; witness; gift of land and slave CM 12 VIII [] B2;
● 25/XII/127; witness; sale of land STUBM 92 [] L1.
→ Publ. CM 12 8 (CM 12 VIII [] B2). SS III 732b! (STUBM 92 [] L1).
→ A number of late fifth and fourth century Greek and Graeco-Persian gems display a standing Persian woman holding a variety of jars, lids, cups, flowers and/or wreaths, either in individual studies or with a Persian man (Boardman 1970a, 311, Fig. 283; 315, Fig. 289; 317, Fig. 294; Pls. 854, 876, 879-80, 891-92, 903, 950; von der Osten 1934, No. 460; Muscarella 1981, Nos. 175, 176). The present seal may be an heirloom, although it cannot be excluded that this is an early second century copy of an older piece. The stiffness of the pose is not unlike some Graeco-Persian types and the well modeled figure is somewhat unusual among the Hellenistic Uruk tablet impressions, especially those with raised linear borders (see Nos. 1038-43).

109:Cʹ. Previously No. 153:A. Ellipse. 9 x 9+. Draped female standing three-quarters left in front of column; branch(?) in right hand; bottom lost.
► Nanâ-iddin/Anu-mār-ittannu/Kidin-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 5/VII/162; seller; sale of land CM 12 X [] R2/YOS 20 58 [] [R2].
→ Publ. CM 12 15 (CM 12 X [] R2). → Cap.R1-R2: un-qa mPN un-qa m na-na-a-MU na-din.˹MEŠ˺.


110. Ellipse. 7.5 x 13. Pair of beardless men(?) in knee-length kilts facing full front, heads and feet turned towards each other in profile, each with arm on other's shoulder(?); baseline.
► Nanâ-iddin:
● 9/II/17; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 10 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0110_Y20_010_L3.png].
→ Cf. B1 (No. 917); note witness #6: /d[...]//[...]; witness #8: /Anu-[...]//[...].
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mdna-na-a-MU.

111. Ellipse. 8.5 x 18. Pair of beardless figures, female(?) at left, male at right, in full-length garments facing each other in profile, clasping each other's hands between them; baseline.
► Nanâ-iddin/Ana-rabût-Anu/Nanâ-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 1/VI/85; seller; sale of land BRM 2 26 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0111_Cl26_R1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 199.
→ Cap. un-qa mdna-na-a-MU na-din re-bu-ú AŠ É MU.MEŠ.
→ The handclasp is described as a singularly Greek gesture (Muscarella 1981, 211, No. 175).

112. Pointed ellipse. 10+ x 15. Pair of beardless men(?) in full-length garments facing each other in profile; left figure with weight on forward leg holds object between them, right figure raises one hand in salute; baseline.
► Riḫat-Anu/Lā-bāši arad ekalli:
● 24/III/89; seller; sale of land BRM 2 28 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0112_Cl28_R1.png]/ BiMes 24 19 [] [R1].
→ Cap. un-qa mri-ḫat-d60 na-din-na É MU.MEŠ.

113. Concave rectangular impression. 10+ x 9+. Profile(?) right beardless male(?) at left with raised arm salutes(?) full front(?) figure at right; lower half lost.
► [...]:
● 11/I/144; witness; sale(?) of prebend YOS 20 70 [] B3′.
→ Captions for T1 (illegible), T2 (No. 94), B1′ (illegible), B2′ (No. 165), are lost; note witness #1: Anu-zēr-[...]/[...]; witness #2′: Anu-ikṣur/NÍG.[...], witness #3′: Kidin-Anu/Lā-bāši-Anu/[...], witness #5′: Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Nidintu-Anu/Rabi-Anu//[...], witness #6′: Poseidṓnios/Metrodōros Iawa[nāyya], witness #7′: Riḫat-Bēl/Bi-i(a)-da-ti-i epiš dulli ṭiṭṭi ša bīt ilānī ša Uruk.

114. Ellipse. 10.5 x 14. Pair of standing beardless profile figures in full length garments, heads profile to center, flank column with indistinct capital, short columns at either side; baseline; indistinct marks beneath.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Nanâ-iddin/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Kurî:
● 17/XI/155; seller, guarantor; sale of prebend BRM 2 46 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0114_Cl46_R1.png]/YOS 20 75 [](+)FuB 16 37 22 [R1].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 223.
→ Cap. un-qa md60-AD-URU3 na-din-an GIŠ.ŠUB.BA u mu-mar-raq-qa-an-nu MU.MEŠ.
→ Pairs of impressions occur on ring-bullae AUWE 20 347-2, 3; 369-1, 2; 592-3, 4.

Other examples:

114:A. Ellipse. 11 x 14. "Deux personnages. Sujet peu lisible" (Delaporte 1923, 176 [A.799 H]).
► Anu-uballiṭ/Tattannu//Šumāt:
● 26/VIII/6 Antig.; witness; sale of land TCL 13 234 [] B3.
→ Publ. Delaporte 1923, Pl. 121, Fig. 4b (B3).
→ Cap.md60-TIN-iṭ A mMU.MEŠ.

114:B. Pointed ellipse. 12.5 x 22. Two figures standing profile right clad in long robes holding indistinct objects.
► Anu-ušallim/Kidin-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 8/XII/72; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 15 [] B3;
● 26/-/82; witness; sale of land STUBM 58 [] B2/STUBM 59 [] B2.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 18, No. 11 (OECT 9 15 [] B3). SS III 711a (STUBM 59 []), 768a (STUBM 58 []).

114:C. Ellipse. 19(sic) x 23. Two beardless(?), bald(?) figures standing profile right clad in full-length garments, arms at chest(?).
► Ina-qibīt-Anu:
● 26/VII/78; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 19 [] B1.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 18, No. 13.
→ Note witness #6: /Riḫat-Ištar//Ekur-zakir, witness #8: /Mušēzib-Anu//Luštammar-Adad.

114:D. Pointed ellipse. "Two human figures facing each other, divided by vertical object with waxing crescent and star in field" (Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 38).
► Illut-Anu:
● 10/-/141; witness; sale of prebend BiMes 24 10 [] B3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 38, and Pl. 16, Lo.E. (B3).
→ Cf. L1 (No. 917:A); note witness #6: /Ina-qibīt-Anu/Nidintu-Ištar//[Kurî], witness #8: /Kidin-Anu/[...].

AUWE 19 114:E

AUWE 19 114:E

114:E. Ellipse. "A male and female figure conversing at the base of a graceful voluted capital" (Loftus 1857, 230).
► Dīoklēs/Anu-uballissu/Riḫat-Ištar:
● -/-/[151-161]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 106 [] T1.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 188, Fig. 191 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0114E_GlypOr_Op5_T1.png]; SS III 746c.

114:F. Relocated to No. 167:F′.

114:G. Ellipse. Pair of indistinct figures standing, turned three-quarters(?) and facing each other.
► Athēnóphilos/Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-zēr-iddin/Riḫat-Anu ša ultu kiništi ša bīt ilānī ša Uruk:
● 20/XI/159; seller; sale of land VDI 1955/4 146f. III [] R2.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 4 (R2).
→ Cap.R1-R4: un-qa mPN un-qa ma-ti-e-ni-pi-lu-su un-qa mPN3 un-qa mPN4 na-din-na.MEŠ É ŠUII-ta MU.MEŠ.


115. Pointed ellipse. 10 x 15+. Sage facing right, raised left hand empty.
► Ša-Anu-iššû/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Ekur-zakir:
● 6/-/15; witness; sale of land STUBM 3 [] L1
● 13/IX/[17-19]; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 25 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0115_Cl25_T2.png].
→ Publ. SS III 647a! (STUBM 3 [] L1).

116. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 14. Sage facing right, indistinct object in raised hand; [vertical waning crescent]; lower half missing.
► Nidintu-Anu/Riḫat-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● 1/IV/38; witness; sale of land YOS 20 19 [] L3.
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 33 []-6 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY33-06.png].

117. Ellipse. 11 x 18. Bald sage facing left, raised hand worn away; vertical waning crescent at right; raised linear border.
► Anu-ittannu/Zērīya//Gimil-Anu:
● 6/I/48; witness; sale of allotment BRM 2 12 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0117_Cl12_L1.png];
● 2/IX/[46-51] ; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 25 [] L4;
● 6/VIII/53; witness; sale of land YOS 20 26 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0117_Y20_026_T3.png];
● 17/IX/55; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 29 [] T3/STUBM 30 [] [...];
● 25/I/[52-63]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 96 [] B3;
● 15/XI/65; witness; sale of land STUBM 37 [] L2.
→ Publ. SS III 689b (STUBM 29 [] T3); 697d (STUBM 37 [] L2).

118. Pointed ellipse. 10 x 17. Sage facing right, sprinkler in right hand; triangle at left.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin/Anu-mukīn-apli//Ḫunzû:
● 17/XI/51; witness; sale of allotment TCL 13 237 [] L2.
● 28/I/52; witness; sale of allotment YOS 20 25 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0118_Y20_025_T3.png].

119. Pointed ellipse. 10 x 17. Bald sage facing left, weight on forward leg, sprinkler in right hand; triangle at lower left, horizontal crescent at right; baseline.
► Anu-zēr-iddin/Nanâ-iddin//Ekur-zakir:
● 28/I/52; witness; sale of allotment YOS 20 25 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0119_Y20_025_T2.png].

120. Pointed(?) ellipse. 9 x 14+. Bald sage facing right, tapered vessel in right hand.
► Anu-aḫ-ušabši/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ekur-zakir:
● 17/VII/53; witness; sale of land STUBM 27 [] T5;
● 22/VIII/61; witness; division of property YOS 20 28 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0120_Y20_028_B2.png].
→ This seal was replaced by No. 121, below.
→ Publ. SS III 686b (STUBM 27 [] T5).
→ Impressions occur on ring-bullae Delaporte 1923, Pl. 123, 4b [A. 811].

120′. Previously No. 83. Ellipse. 13 × 18. Sage standing profile right, sprinkler(?) in raised right hand, bucket in lowered left hand.
► Mušēzib-Anu/Kidin-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● 21/VIII/63; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 29 [] B2;
● 15/XI/65; witness; sale of land STUBM 37 [] T2
● 2/I/66; witness; lease of prebend TCL 13 238 [] T1!;
→ Publ. Rutten 1935, Pl. 1, No. 15 (TCL 13 238 [] T1!). SS III 697c (STUBM 37 [] T2).
→ Note: seal impression at T1, caption at T2.

121. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 16. Sage facing right, sprinkler in right hand.
► Anu-aḫ-ušabši/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ekur-zakir:
● 1/I/65; witness; sale of allotment YOS 20 30 [] T1.
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 37 []-7 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY37-07.png], dated ca. 61-[...] S.E.
→ This seal replaced No. 120, above.

122. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 19. Bald sage facing left, weight on forward leg, indistinct object in right hand; vertical waning crescent at upper right, upper three points of eight(?) pointed star at lower right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Kidin-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● 8/II/78; witness; sale of land BRM 2 23 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0122_Cl23_T3.png]/YOS 20 38 [] [T3].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 188.

123. Ellipse. 9 x 17. Sage facing left, headband, sprinkler in right hand, only one foot shown.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Ekur-zakir:
● 2/XIIII/91; witness; sale of land YOS 20 45 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0123_Y20_045_B4.png];
● -/-/[90-99]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 44 [] L3.
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla AUWE 20 490-8.

124. Ellipse. 17 x 9. Sage facing right at center, sprinkler in right hand; bird and fish on string (Pisces) at left, crab (Cancer) at right.
► Kidin-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Ekur-zakir:
● 7/IV/91; witness; sale of land TCL 13 241 [] T1;
● 12/VIII/106; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 73 [] B3/STUBM 72 [] [B3]
● 3/IX/108; witness; sale of allotment YOS 20 52 [] B4;
● -/-/[108-109]; witness; sale of allotment YOS 20 50 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0124_Y20_050_L1.png].
→ Publ. SS III 683a (STUBM 73 [] B3)

125. Pointed ellipse. 10 x 19. Bearded sage, facing right, sprinkler in right hand.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Kidin-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Ekur-zakir:
● 3/IX/157; witness; lease of allotment BRM 2 47 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0125_Cl47_T3.png];
● 1/VIII/160; witness; sale of land AoF 5 85 4+AoF 5 85 5 [...]/BRM 2 48 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0125_Cl48_B1.png];
● 6(+)/-/160; witness; sale of land STUBM 104 [] B2.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 189 (BRM 2 48 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0125_Cl48_B1.png]). SS III 744b! (STUBM 104 [] B2).

Other examples:
125:A. Pointed ellipse. 10 x 14. "Un personnage long vêtu, de profil à droit, tient la situle et le cornet" (Delaporte 1923, 176 [A.799 J!]).
► Kidin-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Ekur-zakir:
● 26/VIII/Antig.6; witness; sale of land TCL 13 234 [] B5.
→ Publ. Delaporte 1923, Pl. 121, Fig. 4b (B5).
→ Cap.mki-din-d60 A mÉ.KUR-za-kir.
→ Titles of owner given as āšipu Anu u Antu šešgallu ša Rēš in a canonical tablet colophon (Hunger 1968, No. 107).

125:B. Pointed ellipse. 8.5 x 15. Sage facing right, ground line.
► Nidintu-Anu/[...]//[...]:
● 24/IX/32; witness; sale of land OECT 9 7 [] T3.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 17, No. 4.
→ Buchanan (1982, 17, no. 4) misread caption as Anu-ušallim. Cf. B3 (288:A), L3; note witness #4: /Nanâ-iddin//Gimil-Anu, witness #11: /[...]/Anu-bēlšunu//Kurî, witness #13: /[...]-Anu//Ḫunzû.

125:C. Pointed ellipse. 12 x 20. Sage facing right; dot (sic) at left.
► Lā-bāši/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ekur-zakir:
● -/XI/[51-66]; witness; gift of slave OECT 9 12 [] B6/OECT 9 13 [] B6.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 19, No. 31.
→ Replaced by 71, above.

125:C′. Previously No. 1100:G. Pointed ellipse. Sage standing facing right.
► Lā-bāši/Līšer//Gimil-Anu:
● ˹4/5˺/X/101; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 24 [] T4/RIAA2 299 T4.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, Pl. 57, U.E. (T4). → Title of owner given as āšipu Anu u Antu in a canonical tablet colophon (Hunger 1968, 48, No. 116).

125:D. Ellipse. 15 x 20. Sage facing right; horizontal crescent at upper left, triangle at lower left.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Nidintu-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 22/IV/[110-119]; witness; sale of allotment OECT 9 57 [] L1.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 20, No. 47.
→ Title of owner given as āšipu Anu u Antu Urukû in colophons of canonical tablets which he wrote or possessed, ca. 97-98 S.E. (see Hunger 1968, Nos. 90B, 95A, 99).
→ This seal replaced by 125:E, below.

125:E. Ellipse. Sage facing right.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Nidintu-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 10/XII/137; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 13 [] B3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 57, and Pl. 24, Lo.E. (B3).
→ This seal replaced 125:D, above.



126. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 16. Water god facing right; feathered crown.
► Anu-uballiṭ:
● 3/X/35; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 8 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0126_Cl08_B2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 187.
→ Cf. T2 (No. 192); note witness #3: /Ana-rabûtīka-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #9: /Nidintu-Anu//[Ḫunz]û.

127. Pointed ellipse. 10 x 14. Water god facing right; pointed miter.
► Anu-šum-līšer/Anu-ab-uṣur//Ḫunzû:
● 21/XIIII/47; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 11 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0127_Cl11_L3.png];
● 18/XII/50; witness; sale of prebend TCL 13 236 [] L2;
● 1/IV/55; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 28 [] B3;
● 17/I/68; witness; division of property YOS 20 32 [] B4.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 185 (BRM 2 11 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0127_Cl11_L3.png]). SS III 688a (STUBM 28 B3).
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 59 []-25 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY59-25.png], dated ca. 37-ca. 80 S.E.

128. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 16. Water god as above; note upward extension of right stream.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Nidintu-Anu/Lā-bāši//Ḫunzû:
● 24/IX/43; witness; sale of land TCL 13 235 [] L2;
● 4/IX/50; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 23 [] L2;
● 2/XI/50; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 24 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0128_Y20_024_L3.png]/YOS 20 23 [] L3;
● 13/III/57; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 31 [] L1ʹ;
● 24/-/58; witness; sale of land YOS 20 27 [] [T3] [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0128_Y20_027_T3.png];
● 21/VIII/63; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 29 [] [T3].
→ Publ. SS III 679a ( STUBM 23 []L2); 691a ( STUBM 31 [] L1ʹ).

129. Pointed ellipse. 10 x 16. Water god facing left.
► [...]:
● 20/IV/56; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 15 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0129_Cl15_B3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 190!
→ Cf. B1 (No. 738), B2 (No. 144); note witness #5: Nanâ-eriš/Anu-uballiṭ//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #8: Šibqāt-Anu/Ana-rabût-Anu//Luštammar-Adad; witness #10: Anu-mār-ittannu/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ekur-zakir.

130. Pointed ellipse. 7+ x 10+. Water god facing right; top lost.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ušabši:
● 24/-/58; seller; sale of land YOS 20 27 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0130_Y20_027_R1.png].
→ Cap.[un-qa mni˺-din-tu4-d60 [na]-din-na É u ki-˹šub˺-ba-a ˹MU˺.[MEŠ].

131. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 15. Water god facing right; triangle at right.
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Kidin-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● 25/I/[52-63]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 96 [] B7;
● 30/XI/44; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 18 [] L2;
● 21/VIII/63; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 29 [] L3;
● 27/III/64; witness; sale of land STUBM 36 [] B1.
→ Publ. SS III 688a (STUBM 18 [] L2); 696a (STUBM 36 [] B1).

AUWE 19 132

AUWE 19 132

132. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 14. Water god facing right; horizontal crescent above.
► Libluṭ/Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad:
● 1/I/65; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 30 [] B1;
● -/XI/[51-66]; witness; gift of slave OECT 9 12 [] [...]/OECT 9 13 [] T2;
● 18/I/68; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 44 [] L2′.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 19, No. 32 (OECT 9 13 [] T2). Ménant 1886, 185, Fig. 172 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0132_GlypOr_Op2_L2'.png] (STUBM 44 [] L2′). SS III 698a (STUBM 44 [] L2).

133. Pointed ellipse. 8 x 14. Water god facing right.
► Anu-ušallim/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Gimil-Anu:
● 19/II/77; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 36 [] L2;
● 9/III/[67-89]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 64 [] B5.
→ Publ. SS III 773a (STUBM 64 []B5).

134. Pointed ellipse. 7 x 15. Water god facing right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Ana-rabût-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 14/XIIII/77; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 22 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0134_Cl22_B4.png]/BiMes 24 1 [] [B4].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, Nos. 182, 203.

135+141:B. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 16. Water god facing right.
► Lā-bāši/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Ekur-zakir:
● 1/VI/85; witness; sale of land BRM 2 26 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0135_Cl26_L2.png].
● 26/-/[80-90]; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 21 [] T3.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 19, No. 29 (OECT 9 21 T3). Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 195 (BRM 2 26 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0135_Cl26_L2.png]).

136. Pointed ellipse. 8 x 17. Water god facing right.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Riḫat-Ištar//Ekr-zakir:
● 29/III/108; witness; sale of meat offering BiMes 24 2 [] T2;
● 18/VII/108; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 51 [] [T2] [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0136_Y20_051_T2.png];
● 23/-/109; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 76 [] B1;
● 12/IV/115; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 78 [] T4/YOS 20 85 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0136_Y20_085_T4.png].
● -/-/115; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 54 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0136_Y20_054_T2.png];
● 12/II/116; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 55 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0136_Y20_055_T3.png]/BiMes 24 3(+)BaMB 2 132 [...];
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 12, and Pl. 5, U.E. (BiMes 24 2 [] T2). SS III 726a (STUBM 76 [] B1); 727a (STUBM 78 [] T4).

137. Ellipse. 9 x 17. Water god facing right; streams originate in vase held at chest.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Anu-zēr-līšer//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 3/IX/108; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 52 [] [T3];
● 23/-/109; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 76 [] L2;
● 25/VI/111; witness; sale of prebend CM 12 V [] T3;
● 21/X/119; witness; sale of prebend CM 12 VI [] B1/VAS 15 32 [...];
● 6/VII/[102-119]; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 44 [] T2;
● -/-/[90-125]; witness; sale of land BRM 2 9 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0137_Cl09_T4.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. 7, No. 198 (BRM 2 9 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0137_Cl09_T4.png]); CM 12 10 (CM 12 V T3, VI B1). STUBM pl. 76 (STUBM 76 []).

138. Pointed ellipse. 16+ x 9. Water god facing right, flanked by god holding forth an indistinct stick at left and left arm of a balance at right; six(?)-pointed star at far left, horizontal crescent above and between figures.
► Kītu-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ/Nidintu-Anu//Kurî:
● 12/III/131; witness; sale of prebend and land BRM 2 36 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0138_Cl36_T4.png].

139. Pointed ellipse. 7 x 14. Water god facing right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-erība//Kurî:
● 17/XI/155; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 46 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0139_Cl46_L2.png]/YOS 20 75 [](+)FuB 16 37 22 L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0139_Y20_075_L2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 184 (BRM 2 46 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0139_Cl46_L2.png]).

140. Pointed ellipse. 20 x 10. Water god facing right; bull-fish(?) at left.
► Tanittu-Anu/Anu-bēlšunu/Tanittu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 3/IX/157; witness; lease of prebend BRM 2 47 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0140_Cl47_T2.png].
→ A pair of impressions of this seal occurs on ring-bulla AUWE 20 154-1, 2; an individual impression occurs on ring-bulla AUWE 20 227-1.

141. Pointed ellipse. 10 x 18. Water god facing left.
► Nidintu-Anu/Iqīšâ/Riḫat-Anu//Šumāt:
● 11/XI/160; divider; division of property YOS 20 78 [] R2.
→ Cap.R1-R4: un-qa mPN un-qa mNÍG.SUM. MU-d60 un-qa mPN3 un-qa mPN4 DÙ.MEŠ ṭup-pi ḪA.LA.MEŠ MU.MEŠ ši-tu4.

Other examples:

AUWE 19 141:A

AUWE 19 141:A

141:A. Pointed ellipse. Water god facing right.
► Anu-ušallim:
● -/-/60; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 35 [] T4.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 182, Fig. 157 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0141A_GlypOr_Op1_T4.png]; SS III 695a.
→ Fragmentary witness list.

141:B. Relocated to No. 135+141:B.

141:C. Pointed ellipse. 8.5 x 16. Water god facing right.
► Riḫat-Anu/Anu-uballissu//Kurî:
● 25/IV/157; witness; lease of prebend OECT 9 62 [] L2.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 19, No. 35.


142. Pointed ellipse. 8.5 x 14. Bearded, facing right; dagger in right hand, raised behind head in smiting posture, left hand forward and down; right leg rearward covered to ankle by garment, forward left leg covered to knee by kilt.
► Mušēzib-Anu/Kidin-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● 1/IV/38; witness; sale of land YOS 20 19 [] [T1];
● 24/IX/43; witness; sale of land TCL 13 235 [] B3. → Publ. Rutten 1935, Pl. 1, No. 4 (TCL 13 [] 235 B3).
→ An impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 36 []-12 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY36-12.png], dated ca. 17-ca. 57 S.E.


143. Pointed ellipse. 8 x 16+. God facing left, standing on back of indistinct quadruped.
► Ardi-Ninurta/Anu-mār-ittannu/Nidintu-Ištar sepīr makkūr Anu:
● 10/-/141; witness; sale of prebend BiMes 24 10 [] B2;
● 2/XI/143; witness; sale of land VAS 15 34 [] B1;
● 13/I/147; witness; sale of land YOS 20 73 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0143_Y20_073_T1.png].
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *53-3 (VAS 15 34 [] B1). Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 37, and Pl. 16, Le.E. (BiMes 24 10 [] B2).
→ Individual impressions occur on ring-bullae AUWE 20 149-3, 222-6.


144. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 9. Pair of gods walking profile right, objects in hands lost; six-pointed star beneath diagonal waxing crescent at left, triangle right.
► [...]:
● 20/IV/56; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 15 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0144_Cl15_B2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 80.
→ Cf. B1 (No. 738), B3 (No. 129); note witness #5: Nanâ-eriš/Anu-uballiṭ//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #8: Šibqāt-Anu/Ana-rabût-Anu//Luštammar-Adad; witness #10: Anu-mār-ittannu/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ekur-zakir.

145. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 8. Pair of gods walking right; horizontal crescent at left.
► Ubār/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 2/XIIII/91; witness; sale of land YOS 20 45 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0145_Y20_045_B2.png].

146. Ellipse. 17 x 9. Pair of gods walking right; eight(?)-pointed star left, right half lost.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Mukin-apli/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 6/I/[95-96]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 84 [] T2.

147. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 9. Pair of gods walking left; vertical waning crescent left, eight-pointed star right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Bēlšunu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 16/VIII/109; witness; sale of land BRM 2 30 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0147_Cl30_T1.png]/CM 12 IV []T1;
● 16/XII/[110-119]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 59 [] B1.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 75! (BRM 2 30 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0147_Cl30_T1.png]). CM 12 11 (CM 12 IV [] T1).

148. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 8. Pair of gods walking right.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin:
● 12/II/116; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 55 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0148_Y20_055_T2.png]/BiMes 24 3(+)BaMB 2 132 [...].
→ Fragmentary witness list.

149. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 9. Pair of gods walking left; ten-pointed star left, balance on side at right.
► Mušēzib-Anu/Anu-ab-uṣur//Luštammar-Adad:
● 4/V/[103-119]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 58 [] T4.

150. Pointed ellipse. 19 x 8. Pair of gods walking right behind kneeling third figure; balance at left, diagonal waning crescent right.
► Anu-aḫ-ušabši/Anu-uballissu/Anu-mār-ittannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 4/III/149; witness; sale of land JANEH 2 72ff. B1;
● 9/IX/149; witness; sale of land STUBM 99 [] T1;
● 17/VII/150; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 40 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0150_Cl40_L2.png]/FuB 16 30f. 9 L2;
● 15/IX,153; witness; sale of land BRM 2 43 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0150_Cl43_B2.png]/YOS 20 74 [] [...];
● 15/XI,153; witness; sale of land CM 12 IX [] B1.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *42-1 (FuB 16 30f. 9 L2). Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 74 (BRM 2 40 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0150_Cl40_L2.png]). CM 12 12 (CM 12 IX [] B1). JANEH 2 71, Pl. 4 (JANEH 2 72ff.). SS III 740e (STUBM 99 [] T1).
→ Impressions occur on ring-bullae AUWE 20 339-3, 547-1.

151. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 7. Pair of gods walking right; balance above amphora(?) at left, diagonal waning crescent right.
► Lā-bāši:
● -/-/[≥ 152]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 88 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0151_Y20_088_L1.png].
→ Fragmentary witness list.

152. Pointed ellipse. 20 x 9.5. Pair of gods walking right; balance left, amphora right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Riḫat-Anu/Mattattu-Ištar epiš dulli ṭiṭṭi ša bīt ilānī ša Uruk:
● 30/III/154; exchanger; exchange of properties BRM 2 45 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0152_Cl45_R2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 88.
→ Cap. un-qa mNÍG.SUM.MU-d60 A šá mri-ḫat-d60 MU.MEŠ.

Other examples:

AUWE 19 152:A

AUWE 19 152:A

152:A. Ellipse. Pair of gods walking right; seven-pointed star left, vertical waning crescent right.
► Mušēzib-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Iddin-Amurru:
● 18/I/68; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 44 [] B2′.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 184, Fig. 168 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0152A_GlypOr_Op2_B2'.png]; SS III 698b.

152:B. Pointed ellipse. 14 x 8. Pair of gods walking right; balance left; snake(?) above, left.
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Anu-aḫ-iddin//Ekur-zakir.:
● 7/XII/80; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 20 [] B2/NBDM 91 [] B2.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 18, No. 15 (OECT 9 20 [] B2).

152:C. Pointed ellipse. Pair of gods walking right; diagonal waxing crescent left.
► Mušallim-Anu/Anu-ab-uṣur//Aḫ-ūtu:
● -/II/96; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 34 []B1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 24, No. 149, and Pl. 90, Lo.E. (B1)

152:D. Ellipse. Pair of gods walking right.
► Anu-zēr-iddin:
● -/VII/97; witness; quitclaim BiMes 24 18 [...]/BiMes 24 48 []B1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 196, and Pl. 123, Lo.E. (B1).
→ Cf. witness #1: [...]/Kidin-Anu; witness #7: [...]/Anu-ušallim//Luštammar-Adad; witness #8: [...]/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ḫunzû; witness #11: [...]/[...]-aḫḫē-iddin paḫāru.

152:E. Ellipse. Pair of gods walking left.
► Ana-rabût-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ/Nidintu-Anu//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 29/III/108; seller; sale of meat offering BiMes 24 2 [] R1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 15, and Pl. 5, R.E. (R1).

152:F. Pointed ellipse. Pair of gods walking right(?), balance(?) left.
► Nanâ-iddin/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ebabbar-šum-ibni:
● 20/XI/159; witness; sale of land VDI 1955/4 146f. III [] T1.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 4 (T1).


153. Concave ellipse. 6 x 12. Nude Apollo stands facing three-quarters left, leaning on short column with spherical capital; right hand indistinct.
► Lā-bāši/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 1/XI/149; witness; sale of land BRM 2 39 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0153_Cl39_B1.png].

153:A. Relocated to No. 109:C′.

153:A′. Previously No. 1100:S. Ellipse fragment. Nude Apollo with lyre stands facing three-quarters right (courtesy FJ).
► Ša-Anu-iššû/Anu-aḫ-ušabši/Anu-balāssu-iqbi//Ekur-zakir:
● 10/III/165; witness; lease of prebend VDI 1955/4 157f. VIII [] T3.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 10 (T3).


154. Concave ellipse. 8 x 17. Athena, full front, head turned left; leans on spear held in raised left hand, lowered right hand holds shield on ground; two indistinct pendant forms at top.
► Anu-qīšan/Kidin-Anu šuluḫḫû:
● 11/XII/119; witness; sale of land YOS 20 60 [T1]/YOS 20 61 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0154_Y20_061_T1.png].

155. Concave hoop-ring impression with straight sides. 8 x 10. Athena, full front, head turned left; spear in left hand raised behind head, shield in right held at waist; baseline.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● 8/III/166; witness; sale of land BRM 2 49 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0155_Cl49_B3.png]/AoF 5 10 [...].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 179!
→ Cf. T3 (No. 28); and; witness #8: [Anu-ab]-uṣur(Tattannu)/Uṣuršu-Anu atû makkūr Anu; the personal names of; witness #1-7 are lost.

156. Ellipse. 7 x 12. Athena, full front, head turned left; left arm rests on indistinct object, right arm indistinct; thick baseline.
► Kidin-Anu/Anu-mār-ittannu/Kidin-Anu/Tanittu-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 1/VIII/160; guarantor; sale of land BRM 2 48 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0156_Cl48_R2.png]/AoF 5 85 4 []+AoF 5 85 5 [...].
→ Cap. un-qa mBÁR-d60 A-šú mu-mar-raq-qa-an-nu MU.MEŠ.


157. Concave circular impression. 11 x 10. Tyche standing in front view, head left; cornucopia in left arm, staff in right; baseline(?).
► Lā-bāši:
● 22/VIII/95; witness; exchange of properties BIN 2 135 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0157_BN2_135_B3.png].
→ Publ. Nies and Keiser 1920, Pl. 54, No. 135 Lo. E. (B3).
→ Cf. L2 (No. 354); note witness #2: /d[...]//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #5: /Anu-ušallim//Luštammar-Adad.

158. Concave hoop-ring impression. 6 x 13. Tyche, facing three-quarters left, face fully left; cornucopia in right arm, left down at side.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu:
● -/V/180; witness; dedication of slave BRM 2 53 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0158_Cl53_L1.png].
→ Cf. L2 (lost); note witness #3: /Nidintu-Anu/[...]; witness #4: /Anu-balāssu-iqbi/[...].

Other examples:

158:A. Ellipse. 9 x 12. Tyche standing in front view, head left; cornucopia in left arm, staff in right; baseline.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Kidin-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 18/X/124; witness; gift of land and slave CM 12 VIII [] B1.
→ Publ. CM 12 14 (CM 12 VIII [] B1).


158:A'. Previously No. 179. Concave ellipse with parallel vertical edges. 8 x 14. Hekate Dadophora fully frontal holding out two torches.
► [...]-pa-a/Ana-rabût-Anu/Ardi-Rēš:
● -/V/180; witness; dedication of slave BRM 2 53 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0179_Cl53_B2.png].
→ Restore PN as [Ṭu]-pa-a, per mṬu-pa-a/Idat-d[...]: BIN 2 136: 32, and T3 (163 S.E.)?

Other examples:

158:A'' Previously No. 96:G. Concave rectangular impression. Hekate Dadophora fully frontal holding out two torches (courtesy Francis Joannès).
► Kephálōn/Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-zēr-iddin(/Riḫat-Anu?) ša ultu kiništi ša bīt ilānī ša Uruk (?):
● 20/XI/159; seller; sale of land VDI 1955/4 146f. III [] R4.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 4 (R4).
→ Cap.R1-R4: un-qa mPN un-qa mPN2 un-qa mPN3 un-qa mqé-ep-˹lu-nu˺ na-din-na.MEŠ É ŠUII-ta MU.MEŠ.


159. Concave ellipse. 9 x 11. Eros facing right, weight on right leg, left crossed behind.
► Kidin-Anu:
● 2/VI/37; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 10 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0159_Cl10_L2.png].
→ Cf. L4 (No. 1036); note witness #11: /Anu-[...]; witness #15: /Adad-iddin.

160. Ellipse. 16+ x 16+. Eros standing left; bird in outstretched hand.
► Riḫat-Ištar/Mannu-iqâp:
● 2/VI/37; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 10 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0160_Cl10_B4.png];
→ Compare seated Eros playing with bird on Classical period scaraboid (Boardman 1990, Pl. 604), and chasing a bird, on a bulla impression from Seleucia on the Tigris (McDowell 1935b, Pl. 3, No. 51).

AUWE 19 161

AUWE 19 161

161. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Eros flying profile right with head bent sharply back, arms held forward; inverted horizontal crescent below center, inverted triangle lower right.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Ekur-zakir:
● 21/IX/49; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 13 [] L4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0161_Cl13_L4.png];
● 28/I/52; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 25 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0154_Y20_061_T1.png].
● -/-/60; witness STUBM 35 [] B3.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 183, Fig. 161 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0161_GlypOr_Op1_B3.png]; SS III 695a (STUBM 35 [] B3).
→ Compare examples of flying Erotes with one or two wreaths in their hands, on an Archaic period finger ring (Boardman 1990, No. 437), and on Hellenistic ring bezels from Kephallenia (Richter 1968, No. 534) and on a bulla impression from Nippur (Legrain 1925, No. 1015).

161′. Previously No. 169. Concave ellipse. 5+ x 14+. Eros standing profile right.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Nanâ-iddin/Anu-uballiṭ//Ḫunzû:
● 2/II/71; seller; sale of prebend BRM 2 19 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0169_Cl19_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa md60-ŠEŠ.MEŠ-MU DUMU šá mdna-na-a-MU A mḫun-zu-ú na-din-na-an GIŠ!.ŠUB. BA MU.MEŠ.
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 2 []-7 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY02-07.png].

162. Concave hoop-ring impression. 10 x 13. Clad Zeus(?) standing three-quarter left, head profile left, with weight on forward right leg, winged thunderbolt(?) in extended right arm, left at side.
► Kidin-Anu:
● 16/VIII/109; witness; sale of land BRM 2 30 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0162_Cl30_T4.png]/CM 12 IV [] T4.
→ Cf. T3 (No. 229); note witness #5: /Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Ḫunzû; witness #8: /Ardi-Ninurta sepīr makkūr Anu.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 160 (BRM 2 30 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0162_Cl30_T4.png]). CM 12 13 (CM 12 IV [] T4).

163. Ellipse. 8+ x 16+. Eros standing profile right, body bent sharply back at waist, left leg lifted, bent at knee, right arm lifted forward.
► Lā-bāši/Lā-bāši-Anu/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● -/-/115; guarantor; sale of prebend YOS 20 54 [] R2.
→ Cap.[un-qa] mNU.TÉŠ A-šú mu-mar-raq-an-na.
→ Compare similarly posed Eros with crown in extended hands: Speleers 1917, 237, No. 206 (second row, third from left).

164. Concave hoop-ring impression. 12 x 14. Eros standing three-quarter right, head profile right, arms lifted forward.
► Dannat-Bēlti/Anu-uballiṭ//Luštammar-Adad:
● 16/XII/[110-119]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 59 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0164_Y20_059_B3.png].

165. Fragment of ellipse(?). 12+ x 10+. Tyche(?), body front, head left, wings spread above each shoulder. ► [...]:
● 11/I/144; witness; sale(?) of prebend YOS 20 70 [] B2′.
→ Captions for T1 (illegible), T2 (No. 94), B1′ (illegible), B3′ (No. 113) are lost; note witness #1: Anu-zēr-[...]; witness #2′: Anu-ikṣur/NÍG.[...]; witness #3′: Kidin-Anu/Lā-bāši-Anu/[...]; witness #5′: Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Nidintu-Anu/Rabi-Anu//[...]; witness #6′: Poseidṓnios/Metrodōros Iawa[nāyya]; witness #7′: Riḫat-Bēl/Bi-i(a)-da-ti-i epiš dulli ṭiṭṭi ša bīt ilānī ša Uruk.
→ Compare the similarly posed goddess on a clay tag impression from Asia Minor or Syria and on the reverse of Athenian coins, dated ca. 139-136 B.C.E., i.e., 172-175 S.E. (Waggoner 1984, Pl. 41, Nos. 8, 8a).

166. Ellipse. 12 x 15. Eros standing left with weight on right leg, left bent behind, facing clad full frontal woman or goddess, hair piled on top of head topped with crown(?), facing left; her left arm rests on short column, right forward; horizontal crescent above; baseline in form of band with squared holes.
► Rabi-Anu:
● -/V/[144-150]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 83 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0166_Y20_083_B2.png].
→ Fragmentary witness list.
→ Compare Classical gems depicting Eros before a clad woman (Boardman 1970a, Pl. 719), nude goddess (Furtwängler 1900, Pl. 9, No. 47) and partially nude god (Furtwängler 1900, Pl. 9, No. 48). Compare hairstyle with No. 158, above.

167. Concave hoop-ring impression. 11 x 14. Nude winged male strides forward with weight on forward right leg, thunderbolt in extended right arm, left down behind; baseline.
► Dumqi-Anu/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Kidin-Anu sepīr makkūr Anu: ● 20/VIII/165; witness; gift of land, slave, coat(?), pot(?) BRM 2 50 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0167_Cl50_B3.png]/RIAA2 295 [] B3.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 206 (BRM 2 50 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0167_Cl50_B3.png]). Speleers 1917, 235, No. 203, third row, third from left (RIAA2 295 [] B3).

Other examples:

167:A. Ellipse. "Winged human figure holding animal" (Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 44).
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Anu-zēr-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● -/-/70; witness; sale of prebend BiMes 24 11 []T4.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 44, and Pl. 19, U.E. (T4).

167:B. Ellipse. 20 x 24. Winged nude male, standing right.
► Kidin-Anu:
● 26/VII/78; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 19 []B2.
→ Cf. T3, L2; note witness #1: /Mukin-apli//Kurî; witness #3: /Nanâ-iddin//Ab-ṭāb; witness #9: /Tattannu//Ekur-zakir.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 18, No. 14.

167:C. Concave ellipse Winged nude male, standing right, holding indistinct object; rectangular surround.
► Anu-mār-ittannu:
● 14/V/96; witness; sale of land RIAA2 298 [] L2/RIAA2 300 L2.
→ Cf. B4 (both copies illegible); note witness #4: /Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû, witness #6: /Kidin-Anu//Luštammar-Adad.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 230, No. 197, second row, second from left (RIAA2 298 [] L2); 233, No. 201, third row, second from left (RIAA2 300 [] L2).

167:D. Concave ellipse. 9 x 14. Indistinct winged figure facing right, clad(?), arms forward holding indistinct object; left wing shown above right.
► Uṣuršu-Anu/Ša-Anu-iššû/Nanâ-iddin//Ebabbar-šum-ibni:
● 18/X/124; witness; gift of land and slave CM 12 VIII [] L1.
→ Publ. CM 12 17.

167:E. Relocated to No. 1034:E.

167:F′. Previously No. 114:F. Ellipse. 7 x 10+. Eros standing three-quarter right holding laurel crown in left hand, right arm down; baseline.
► fAntu-banât/Anu-aḫ-iddin:
● 15/XII,156; advisor; sale of land VAS 15 27 [] R2.
→ Publ. Schroeder 1916, Taf. 2, VAT 9171 r.R. (R2); AUWE 20 *20-5.
→ Cap. un-qa an-tu4-DÙ-at AMA-šú.


168. Ellipse. 14 x 15+. Bearded(?) male, standing profile left; indeterminate objects behind back and in hand.
► Anu-[...]:
● 24/-/58; witness; sale of land YOS 20 27 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0168_Y20_027_B2.png].
→ Note witness #1: Anu-ab-utēr/Anu-uballiṭ//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #4: Anu-uballiṭ/Nidintu-Anu/Lā-bāši//Ḫunzû; witness #5: Anu-aḫ-iddin/Anu-mukīn-apli//Ḫunzû.
→ Compare the posture with the archers on the enameled brick frieze from Susa from the reign of Darius I (see conveniently Amiet 1977, Pl. 141), and the nude Apollo with bow engraved on a Hellenistic gem (Furtwängler 1900, 161, Figs. 114-15).

169. Relocated to No. 161′.

170. Concave hoop-ring impression. 7 x 14. Nude figure, standing three-quarter left, weight on right leg; torso sinuously bent back at waist; right arm raised.
► Riḫat-Ištar:
● -/-/115; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 54 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0170_Y20_054_B2.png].
● 29/IV/116; witness; quitclaim TCL 13 243 [] B2.
→ Cf. T2; note witness #3: /Dumqi-Anu//Luštammar-Adad, witness #5: /Anu-bēlšunu//Luštammar-Adad.

171. Concave ellipse. 8 x 10. Nude figure, posture similar to above, indeterminate objects in extended right hand and to left of head.
► Ša-Anu-iššû/Nadin//Ekur-zakir:
● -/-/119; witness; sale of land YOS 20 57 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0171_Y20_057_B4.png]

172. Concave ellipse. 15 x 5+. Two pairs of feet facing left(?); nondescript fragment of object right; baseline; upper half lost.
► Diophánēs/Strátōn/Kidin-Anu Urkāyya:
● 3/V/[120-124]; guarantor; sale of prebend BRM 2 55 [] [ R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0172_Cl55_R2.png]].
→ Cap.[un-qa mdi-i-pa-né-ʾ] mu-mar-raq-an GIŠ.ŠUB.[BA MU.MEŠ].

173. Concave ellipse. 13+ x 7+. Two pairs of confronted feet, base of column at right; upper half lost.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 3/V/[120-124]; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 55 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0173_Cl55_T1.png].
→ Cf. B3 (No. 1087); note witness #1: [...]/[...]//Ekur-zakir; witness #2: [...]/[...]//Aḫ-ūtu.

174. Concave hoop-ring impression. 9 x 12. Female(?) profile right facing shorter figure profile left.
► [...]:
● 18/-/138; witness; lease of prebend YOS 20 69 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0174_Y20_069_T2.png].
→ Cf L2 (No. 1033); note witness #1: Tanittu-Anu/Anu-bēlšunu/Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #2: Anu-uballiṭ/Nidintu-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #7: Diophánēs/Strátōn/Ina-qibīt-[Anu]; witness #8: Anu-uballiṭ/Kidin-Anu/Illut-Anu sepīr makkūr Anu.

175. Ellipse. 11 x 18. Nude frontal male, head left, confronts large bird with right wing extended left; second wing extends right from behind nude's back (Ganymedes and eagle).
► Anu-uballiṭ/Tanittu-Anu/Nidintu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 30/-/152; witness; sale of land BRM 2 41 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0175_Cl41_T1.png]/BiMes 24 35 [] [...].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 225.
→ Cf. LIMC IV/2, 83-96, s.v. Ganymedes, Nos. 107-267).

176. Ellipse. 9 x 12. Nude(?) female(?) standing left(?) on one leg (dancing?), wing(?) extended left, deeply arched torso(?); vertical waning crescent at right; baseline.
► Idat-Anu/Dumqi-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Ekur-zakir:
● 15/IX/153; seller; sale of land BRM 2 43 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0176_Cl43_R1.png]/YOS 20 74 [] R1.
→ Cap. un-qa mi-dat-d60 na-din-na-an É MU.MEŠ (BRM 2 43 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0176_Cl43_R1.png]); [...] na-din [...] (YOS 20 74 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0176_Y20_074_R1.png]).

177. Ellipse. 11 x 15. Lower half of full frontal female in full length garment (statue of Athena?); thick baseline.
► Anu-uballiṭ(Syros)/Dumqi-Anu/Ardi-Rēš/Dumqi-Anu:
● 8/III/166; guarantor; sale of land BRM 2 49 [] R4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0177_Cl49_R4.png]/AoF 5 10 [...].
→ Cap.R2-R4: un-qa mPN un-qa mPN2 un-qa mPN3 un-qa md60-TIN-iṭ na-din-na-an.MEŠ MU.MEŠ, rather than *mu-mar-raq-qa-an.MEŠ, or the like.
→ Reading Greek PN with Monerie 2014, 169, s.v.

178. Ellipse. 6+ x 12. Female, as above.
► Aristōn/Dióphantos:
● -/V/180; witness; dedication of slave BRM 2 53 [] T1' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0178_Cl53_T1'.png].

179. Relocated to No. 158A′.

Other examples:

179:A. Ellipse. 10 x 16. Nude figure, standing profile right, weight on right foot, right arm bent up at elbow close to body, left down with staff, wing-like forms behind back and in front of face (lost); baseline.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad:
● 18/XIIII/72; witness; sale of land CM 12 II [] T1.
→ Publ. CM 12 16.

AUWE 19 179:B

AUWE 19 179:B

179:B. Ellipse. "Un personage debout, trop effacé pour qu'on en saisse les détails" (Ménant 1886, 187), facing left, left hand raised.
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 27/I/78; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 54 [] L3/STUBM 55 []L3.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 187, Fig. 186 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0179B_GlypOr_Op3_L3.png] (STUBM 55 [] L3). SS III 708b (STUBM 55 [] L3!); 709b (STUBM 54 [] L3!).

179:C. Ellipse. Male facing right holding nondescript object.
► Anu-[...]:
● -/II/96; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 34 [] T4.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 148, and Pl. 91, U.E. (T4).
→ Note witness #1: Anu-bēlšunu/Lā-bāši//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #3: Anu-mukīn-apli/Anu-uballiṭ//Ḫunzû; witness #6: Anu-ab-uṣur/Ištar-šum-eriš//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #11: Anu-[...]/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ekur-zakir.

179:D. Ellipse. Seated human figure facing left.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-mār-ittannu/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Kurî:
● 19/-/148; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 27 [] B2/BiMes 24 29 [] B2. → Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 123, and Pl. 68, Lo.E. (BiMes 24 27 []B2); 23, No. 130, and Pl. 76, Lo. E. ( BiMes 24 29 [] B2).

179:E. Ellipse. "Man? before pole?" (Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 175).
► Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-bēlšunu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● -/I/184; witness; dedication of slaves BiMes 24 43 []T2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 175, and Pl. 107, U.E. (T2).



180. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 13. Fish-man standing profile left; indistinct sprinkler in raised hand; full human head.
► Kidin-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Ekur-zakir:
● 10/IV/12; witness; sale of prebend VDI 1955/4 152f. VI [] L3;
● 8/II/[8-20]; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 11 [][...]/YOS 20 12 [] T2;
● 20/IV/29; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 4 [] rev.;
● -/-/[≤ 35]; witness; memorandum re: disposition of slaves, sale doc. YOS 20 102 [] [ B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0180_N4880_B2.png]];
● 2/VI/37; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 10 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0180_Cl10_B2.png];
● 19/XII/41; witness; donatio mortis causa YOS 20 20 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0180_Y20_020_L1.png];
● -/-/[51-66]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 41 [] L4′.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 7 (VDI 1955/4 152f. VI [] L3). SS III 672c (STUBM 41 [] L4′); STUBM pl. 41 (STUBM 41 []).
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mki-din-d60 (VDI 1955/4 152f. VI [] L3); remainder are captioned un-qa.
→ Titles of owner given as āšipu Anu u Antu, šešgallu ša Rēš, in a canonical tablet colophon (Hunger 1968, 46, No. 107).
→ The seal impression and its caption on BRM 2 4 [] are positioned on the upper right surface of the tablet's reverse, and were omitted from Clay's autograph.

181. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 14. Fish-man profile right, indistinct head and object in raised hand.
► Tattannu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//[Ekur-zakir]:
● 9/II/17; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 10 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0181_Y20_010_T3.png].
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mtat-tan-nu.
→ Family name restored in light of TCL 13 234:32f., and No. 182, below.

182. Ellipse. 9 x 15. Fish-man as above.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 29/XI/32; witness; quitclaim(?) STUBM 7 [] B1;
● 12/I/36; witness; sale of prebend VAS 15 4 [] L4;
● 20/XI/36; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 14 [] L3;
● -/-/[32-45]; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 8 [] B3′;
● 6/I/48; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 12 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0182_Cl12_B4.png].
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *2-11 (VAS 15 4 [] L4). Buchanan 1982, 20, No. 40 (OECT 9 8 [] B3′). Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 165 (BRM 2 12 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0182_Cl12_B4.png]). SS III 655a (STUBM 7 [] B1). Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 64, and Pl. 28, Lo.E. (BiMes 24 14 [] L3).

183. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 15. Fish-man profile left, sprinkler in raised right hand, pointed cap; baseline.
► Anu-aḫ-ušabši/Kidin-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● -/-/60; witness sale of prebend STUBM 35 [] T2;
● -/XI/[51-66]; witness; gift of slave OECT 9 12 [] L4/OECT 9 13 [] L4;
● 22/III/67; witness; duty roster BRM 2 17 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0183_Cl17_T1.png];
● 20/VII/68; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 18 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0183_Cl18_T2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 202 (BRM 2 18 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0183_Cl18_T2.png]). Buchanan 1982, 19, No. 30 (OECT 9 13 [] L4).
→ Titles of owner given as āšipu Anu u Antu, šešgallu ša Rēš, ṭupšar Enūma Anu Enlil in canonical tablet colophons (Hunger 1968, 38, Nos. 87A-D).
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 5 []-11 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY05-11.png].

184. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 16. Fish-man profile left; horizontal crescent at right.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Ekur-zakir:
● 2/XIIII/91; witness; sale of land YOS 20 45 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0184_Y20_045_L1.png].

185. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 17+. Fish-man as above; horizontal crescent at right.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Ekur-zakir:
● 2/VIII/101!; witness; sale of land RIAA2 293 [] B2;
● ˹4/5˺/X/101; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 24 [] [...]/RIAA2 299 [] B2;
● 16/XII/[110-119]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 59 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0185_Y20_059_T4.png].
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 231, No. 199, third row, second from left (RIAA2 293 [] B2).
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 41 []-16 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY41-16.png], dated ca. 92-[...] S.E.

186. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 15+. Fish-man profile left, pointed cap(?), arms and hands indistinct.
► Anu-erība/Sumuttu-Anu/Ana-rabût-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Kurî:
● 1/XI/149; guarantor; sale of land BRM 2 39 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0186_Cl39_R2.png].
→ Cap. un-qa md60-SU DUMU-šú mu-mar-raq-qa-an-nu MU.MEŠ.

187. Pointed ellipse. 10 x 20. Fish-man profile right, human face beneath fish head, arms and hands indistinct; raised linear border.
► Anu-mukīn-apli:
● 11/XI/160; witness; division of property YOS 20 78 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0187_Y20_078_T3.png]
→ Fragmentary witness list.
→ Impressions occur on ring-bulla AUWE 20 52-5 and tag AUWE 20 281-1.

188. Pointed ellipse. 10 x 20. Fish-man as above, holding sprinkler and bucket.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 5/VII/162; witness; sale of land YOS 20 82 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0188_Y20_082_L2.png]/CM 12 X [] [L2].
→ Publ. CM 12 18 (CM 12 X [] L2).
→ Cf. B2 (No. 660:M); note witness #4: /Anu-mār-ittannu/Nanâ-iddin//Ḫunzû; witness #8: Šala-lišlim/Illut-Anu//Imbi-Anu.

Other examples:

188:A. Pointed ellipse. 10 x 18. Fish-man as above; baseline.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-ušallim//Gimil-Anu:
● 6/I/[90-102]; witness; sale of land VAS 15 42 [] T2′.
→ Publ. Schroeder 1916, Taf. II, VAT 9153 o.R. (T2′); AUWE 20 *4-1).

188:B. Pointed ellipse. Fish-man standing right, head indistinct; vertical waxing crescent at left.
► Ša-Anu-iššû/Kidin-Anu/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ekur-zakir:
● 20/XI/159; witness; sale of land VDI 1955/4 146f. III []B1.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Pl. 4 (B1).

188:C. Ellipse. Fish-man standing right, head indistinct.
► Tattannu/Anu-uballiṭ//Ekur-zakir:
● 10/III/165; witness; lease of prebend VDI 157f. VIII []T2.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Pl. 10 (T2).


189. Ellipse. 9+ x 9+. Lion-headed demon, facing right, right hand holding dagger raised behind head; six-pointed star above.
► [...]:
● -/-/119; witness; sale of land YOS 20 57 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0189_Y20_057_L1.png]
→ Note witness #1: Anu-uballissu/Anu-mār-ittannu//[Ekur-zakir]; witness #2: Lā-bāši/Anu-zēr-līšer/Nanâ-[...]; witness #5: ...Tattannu-Anu/Uppul//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #6: [...]/Līšer//Gimil-Anu; witness #10: Nidintu-Anu/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Ardi-Ninurta sepīr makkūr Anu.


190. Pointed ellipse. 6 x 12. Bird-headed demon seated/squatting profile left.
► Ša-Anu-iššû/Ina-qibīt-Anu:
● 5/IV/8; witness; lease of land BRM 2 1 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0190_Cl01_L1].


191. Pointed ellipse. 8 x 15. Lion-man profile left, dagger in raised right hand, indistinct object in lowered left.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Zērīya/Anu-ušallim//Gimil-Anu:
● 26/XI/35; seller; sale of prebend YOS 20 17 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0191_Y20_017_R2.png]/STUBM 9 [] R2.
→ Cap.R1-R3: un-qa PN un-qa md60-ŠEŠ.MEŠ-MU un-qa PN3 na-din.MEŠ GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ DUMU.MEŠ šá mNUMUN- ia .
→ Publ. SS III 659b (STUBM 9 [] R2).


192. Pointed ellipse. 8 x 15. Winged scorpion-man, standing profile right, Neo-Babylonian-style feathered crown, drawing bow and arrow; baseline.
► Anu-uballiṭ:
● 3/X/35; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 8 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0192_Cl08_T2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 221.
→ Cf. B2 (No. 126); note witness #3: /Ana-rabûtīka-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #9: /Nidintu-Anu//[...].
→ Compare crown with Porada 1948a, No. 749 (10th-8th c. Neo-Babylonian modeled style).

193. Pointed ellipse. 18+ x 9.5. Wingless scorpion-man, stand-ing profile right on boat, holding sprinkler and bucket; confronting standing six-winged lion; horizontal crescent above eight-pointed star at right.
► Balāṭu/Bassiya//Ekur-zakir:
● 22/II/77; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 37 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0193_Y20_037_B2.png]/STUBM 49 [] B2.
→ Publ. SS III 712a (STUBM 49 [] B2).
→ The user of this seal was the cuneiform scribe of two private business documents drawn up in 67 S.E. (BRM 2 17 [] and YOS 20 31 []).

194. Pointed ellipse. 9.5 x 18.5. Winged scorpion-man, standing profile right, peaked cap, drawing bow and arrow; seven-pointed star upper left, vertical fish right; baseline.
► Anu-ab-utēr/Anu-ab-uṣur//Ḫunzû:
● 23/II/77; witness; division of property STUBM 50 [] L2;
● 8/II/78; witness; sale of land BRM 2 23 [] B B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0194_Cl23_B3.png]3/YOS 20 38 [] B3.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, Nos. 218 (BRM 2 23 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0194_Cl23_B3.png]), 220! (YOS 20 38 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0194_Y20_038_B3.png]). SS III 705b (STUBM 50 [] L2).


195. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 9. Centaur archer leaping right, scorpion tail, peaked cap; curved baseline.
► Tanittu-Anu/Iqīšâ//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 26/III/23; seller; sale of land YOS 20 14 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0195_Y20_014_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa mta-nit-tú-d60 na-din É MU.MEŠ.

196. Ellipse. 17 x 9.5. Centaur as above; triangle at right; Aram. אתנ below.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Mannu-kī-Ištar:
● 21/VIII/63; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 29 [] [ T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0196_Y20_029_T4.png]];
● -/VIII/78; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 56 [] L1!. → Publ. SS III 707b (STUBM 56 [] L1!).

197. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 11.5. Centaur, indistinct cap, with both horse and scorpion tails.
► Ardi-adēš/Nidintu-Anu/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin:
● 16/III/57; witness; quitclaim STUBM 32 [] T3;
● 15/XI/65; witness; sale of land STUBM 37 [] B1;
● 20/VI/71; witness; sale of land BRM 2 20 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0197_Cl20_B1.png]/YOS 20 34 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0197_Y20_034_B1.png] ;
● 26/VII/78; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 19 [] L3;
● 7/XII/80; witness; sale of prebend NBDM 91 [] T6/OECT 9 20 [] T6.
→ Publ. SS III 692a (STUBM 32 [] T3); 697h ( STUBM 37 [] B1).

198. Pointed ellipse. 15+ x 11. Centaur, with peaked cap; Aramaic ˹ב˺(?) at bottom; curved baseline.
► Iqīšâ/Bassiya//Ekur-zakir:
● 25/VI/75; witness; sale of land BRM 2 21 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0198_Cl21_B3.png].

199. Ellipse. 18 x 10.5. Centaur as above; horizontal crescent at upper left, lion head at bottom.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Balāṭu/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 22/II/77; seller; sale of prebend YOS 20 37 [] R3/STUBM 49 [] R3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0199_Y20_037_R3.png]
→ Cap.R1-R3: un-qa PN un-qa PN2 un-qa md60-ŠEŠ-MU-nu na-din-na-ʾ GIŠ.ŠUB!.BA MU.MEŠ.
→ Publ. SS III 712b (STUBM 49 [] R3).

200. Pointed ellipse. 21 x 10. Centaur as above; seven-pointed star at right.
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Mušallim-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 8/II/78; witness; sale of land BRM 2 23 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0200_Cl23_T2.png]/YOS 20 38 [] [T2].

[return to top]

Seals 201-300

201. Ellipse. 18 x 15. Centaur as above.
► Mannu-kī-Ištar/Illut-Anu/Nidintu-Ištar:
● 11/VII/82; witness; division of property BRM 2 24 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0201_Cl24_B4.png]/YOS 20 40 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0201_Y20_040_B4.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 78 (BRM 2 24 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0201_Cl24_B4.png]).

202. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 9.5. Centaur as above; vertical waxing crescent at left, six-pointed star at bottom.
► Nidintu-Anu/Sîn-banûn//Ekur-zakir:
● 11/VII/82; witness; division of property BRM 2 24 [] L5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0202_Cl24_L5.png]/YOS 20 40 [] L5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0202_Y20_040_L5.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 77 (YOS 20 40 [] L5).

203. Pointed ellipse. 15+ x 9.5. Centaur; head and torso lost, both horse and scorpion tails; curved baseline. ► Anu-ušallim:
● -/-/[90-99]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 44 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0203_Y20_044_L1.png].
→ Fragmentary witness list.

204. Pointed ellipse. 17+ x 9.5. Centaur; peaked cap, both tails; curved baseline.
► Anu-šum-līšer/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 8/IX/122; witness; quitclaim BRM 1 98 T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0204_I98_T3]/CM 12 VII [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0204_I98_T3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1912, Pl. 4, second row, third from left (BRM 1 98 T3). CM 12 19 (CM 12 VII [] T3).

205. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 9. Centaur with scorpion tail only; horizontal crescent upper left.
► Dumqi-Anu:
● 12/IV/115; witness; sale of allotment STUBM 78 [] T1/YOS 20 85 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0205_Y20_085_T1.png].
→ Witness lists lost (YOS 20 85 []), fragmentary (STUBM 78 []).
→ Publ. SS III 727c (STUBM 78 []).

206. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 10. Centaur; peaked cap, scorpion tail only, right foreleg raised on own baseline which rises diagonally from main baseline; at top right, goat with reversed head, lion below; horizontal crescent at top, circle at left.
► Ša-Anu-iššû/[...]/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ekur-zakir:
● 9/XII/151; witness; sale of land YOS 20 80 [](+)AoF 5 88 24 B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0206_Y20_080_B1.png]/BRM 2 42 [](+)FuB 16 28f. 6+AoF 5 82f.[W 15034h] B1.
→ Restore father's name [Kidin-Anu]?
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *46-2 (FuB 16 28f. 6 B1). Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 87 (YOS 20 80 []).
→ Compare the bulla impression Rostovtzeff 1932, Pl. 3, No. 1 (A 3760).

Other examples:

206:A. Pointed ellipse. Centaur; head indistinct, scorpion tail(?).
► Tattanu/Kidin-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● 24/IX/43; witness; sale of land TCL 13 235 [] B2.
→ Publ. Rutten 1935, Pl. 1, No. 3.

206:B. Pointed ellipse. Wingless centaur raises right arm to smite lion held forth in left; eight-pointed star beneath.
► Kidin-Anu/Ana-rabûtīka-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 14/-/48; witness; sale of prebend WZJ 19 1970 905ff. []T2.
→ Publ. Oelsner 1970a, 908, Abb. 3a (T2).

AUWE 19 206:B'

AUWE 19 206:B'

206:B′. Previously No. 660:D. Pointed ellipse. Winged centaur; upper half indistinct.
► Kītu-Anu:
● -/-/60; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 35 [] L1.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 183, Fig. 162 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0206B'_GlypOr_Op1_L1.png]; SS III 695g.
→ Fragmentary witness list.

AUWE 19 206:C

AUWE 19 206:C

206:C. Pointed ellipse. Winged centaur; head indistinct, both horse and scorpion tails.
► Ubār:
● -/-/60; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 35 [] L3.
→  Fragmentary witness list.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 183, Fig. 164 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0206C_GlypOr_Op1_L3.png]; SS III 695h.

AUWE 19 206:D

AUWE 19 206:D

206:D. Pointed ellipse. Centaur as above; vertical waning crescent right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Tanittu-Anu/Balāṭu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 27/I/78; guarantor; STUBM 54 [...]/STUBM 55 [] R3.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 186, Fig. 182 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0206D_GlypOr_Op3_R3.png]; SS III 708d.
→ Ménant appears to have mislabeled the left and right edges. The scribe may have mistakenly interchanged the captions at R2 (Anu-aḫ-ittannu) and R3 (Nidintu-Anu): Nidintu-Anu/Tanittu-Anu/Balāṭu//Luštammar-Adad used No. 780 in 22/II/77 and 8/II/78, and would be expected to have used it here; cf. No. 199, above.

206:E. Ellipse. 16 x 9. Centaur; head indistinct, both tails.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Nidintu-Anu//Kurî:
● 2/III/84; witness; quitclaim OECT 9 22 []B3.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 19, No. 25.

206:F+397:B. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 9. Centaur; feathered crown; scorpion tail; triangle at right.
► Kidin-Anu/Anu-mukīn-apli//Ekur-zakir:
● 12/XII/86; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 25 [] T4;
● -/III/88; witness; division of property TCL 13 240 [] B1;
● 26/-/[80-90]; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 21 [] T1;
● 6/I/[90-91]; witness; sale of land VAS 15 42 [] B1.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *4-4 (VAS 15 42 [] B1). Buchanan 1982, 18, No. 22 (OECT 9 25 [] T4). Rutten 1935, Pl. 1, No. 9.
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla AUWE 20 206-1.

206:F′. Previously No. 96:E. Ellipse. 11+ x 8+. Fragmentary centaur.
► [...]:
● -/V/[78-90]; witness; sale(?) of ? VAS 15 21 [] T1.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *3-1; Schroeder 1916, Taf. 1, VAT 9165 [] o.R. (T1).
→ Most of the extant captions are damaged; note witness #1: Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Ekur-zakir; witness #3: Anu-ab-uṣur/Iddin[â(?)]//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #4: Anu-aḫ-iddin/Riḫat-Ištar//Ekur-zakir; witness #5: Anu-zēr-iddin/Lā-bāši//Ekur-zakir; witness #6: Anu-zēr-līšer/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Ḫunzû; witness #7: Anu-ab-uṣur/Lā-bāši//Ekur-zakir; witness #8: Anu-uballiṭ/Bassiya//E[kur-zakir].

206:G. Pointed ellipse. Centaur; foreparts only.
► [...]:
● 12/II/[90-102]; witness; sale of land VDI 1955/4 148ff. IV [] T1.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 5 (T1).
→ The captions to most of the seal impressions are damaged or lost. There are eight witnesses without attributable seals.

206:Gʹ. Previously No. 426:D. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 10. Centaur; curved baseline.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin/Idat-Anu/[...] epiš dulli ṭiṭṭi ša bīt ilānī ša Uruk: ● 15/XII/156; guarantor; sale of land VAS 15 27 [] R3.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *20-6; Schroeder 1916, Taf. 2, VAT 9171 r.R. (R3).
→ Cap. un-qa md60-ŠEŠ-MU mu-mar-raq-an-na É MU.MEŠ.


207. Pointed ellipse. 20 x 11. Eagle-man, full frontal.
► Lā-bāši/Nanâ-iddin/[...]:
● 30/III/154; witness; exchange of properties BRM 2 45 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0207_Cl45_B3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 72!
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla AUWE 20 150-1.

AUWE 19 208

AUWE 19 208

208. Pointed ellipse. 22 x11. Eagle-man as above; triangle at right.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Nidintu-Ištar/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin sepīr makkūr Anu: ● 25/IV/157; witness; lease of prebend OECT 9 62 [] T1;
● 17/XII/157; witness; sale of land STUBM 102 [] L1;
● 1/VIII/160; witness; sale of land AoF 5 85 4+AoF 5 85 5 [...]/BRM 2 48 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0208_Cl48_T1.png];
● -/-/[151-161]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 106 [] B2.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 20, No. 38 (OECT 9 62 [] T1). Ménant 1886, 188, Fig. 189 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0208_GlypOr_Op5_B2.png] (STUBM 106 [] B2). SS III 742c (STUBM 102 [] L1!); 746e (STUBM 106 [] B2).


209. Ellipse. 16 x 9. Winged merman, profile right, one arm raised in salute.
► [...]:
● 24/IX/32; [...]; sale of land OECT 9 7 [] R1.
► Anu-zēr-iddin/Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad:
● 26/XI/35; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 9 [] L3/YOS 20 17 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0209_Y20_017_L3.png]
→ Publ. SS III 659c (STUBM 9 [] L3).
→ This seal was used three years by Anu-zēr-iddin/Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad (YOS 20 17 [] L3) in 35 S.E. However, Anu-zēr-iddin is not a party to OECT 9 7, but his mother, Adēšu-ṭābat/Nanâ-iddin, is the buyer and, since all other expected sealing parties and their seals are accounted for, it seem likely, although most unusual, that either Adēšu-ṭābat or her husband Nanâ-iddin/Dannat-Bēlti used here the same seal their son would use three years later.

210. Ellipse. 16 x 9. Wingless merman at right facing left confronting goat-fish at left facing right.
► Ubār/Mušēzib-Anu//Kurî:
● 12/I/36; witness; sale of prebend VAS 15 4 [] L5;
● 28/I/40; witness; lease of prebend OECT 9 9 [] T1;
● 30/XI/44; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 18 [] T3;
● -/X/[32-45]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 8 (Doty CAHU 416f) [] B3;
● 21/XIIII/47; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 11 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0210_Cl11_L2.png];
● 14/-/48; witness; sale of prebend WZJ 19 1970 905ff. [] T4;
● 7/-/[46-51]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 26 [] B1;
● -/-/60; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 35 [] [B4].
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *2-12 (VAS 15 4 [] L5). Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 64! (BRM 2 11 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0210_Cl11_L2.png]). Oelsner 1970a, 918, Abb. 3a (WZJ 19 1970 905ff. [] T4). SS III 668f (STUBM 18 [] T3); 671c (STUBM 8 [] B3); 682c (STUBM 26 [] B1).
→ Compare No. 211:A, below, owned by Ubār's similarly named grandson.

211. Ellipse. 17 x 8. Wingless merman, facing right; horizontal crescent above.
► Sumuttu-Anu/Nanâ-iddin/Nadin//Kurî:
● -/-/101; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 70 [] B4;
● 14/V/104; witness; sale of land YOS 20 48 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0211_Y20_048_B1.png];
● 14/IX/106; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 49 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0211_Y20_049_L2.png];
● 16/VIII/109; witness; sale of land BRM 2 30 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0211_Cl30_T2.png]/CM 12 IV [] T2;
→ Publ. SS III 721b (STUBM 70 [] B4); CM 12 20 (CM 12 IV [] T2).
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 54 []-35 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY54-35.png], dated ca. 101-ca. 124 S.E.

Other examples:

211:A. Wingless merman at left facing right confronting goat-fish at right facing left.
► Ubār/Mušēzib-Anu/Ubār//Kurî:
● 10/XII/137; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 13 [] B1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 55, and Pl. 24, Lo.E. (B1).
→ Compare with No. 210, above, owned by Ubār's similarly named grandfather.


212. Elliptical fragment. 9+ x 10+. Scorpion monster profile right; fragment.
► Anu-zēr-iddin/Anu-balāssu-iqbi//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 28/IV/12; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 2 [] [L1] [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0212_Y20_002_L1.png].

213. Ellipse. 10 x 12+. Scorpion monster as above, peaked cap; indistinct oval at lower left; reversed Aramaic ג at right; baseline.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 1/VIII/18, witness; sale of prebend STUBM 4 [] T4;
● 12/XI/23, witness; gift of slave OECT 9 4 [] L2;
● 20/IV/29; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 4 [] L4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0213_Cl04_L4].
→ Replaced by No. 215, below.
→ Publ. SS III 650c (STUBM 4 [] T4).

214. Ellipse. 10 x 15. Scorpion monster as above; head indistinct; baseline.
► Anu-aḫ-tuqqin/Nidintu-Anu:
● 28/XII/29; witness; sale of land YOS 20 16 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0214_Y20_016_L1.png].

215. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 15. Scorpion monster as above; peaked cap, angled stick(?) at left, three-petaled flower(?), at right, or two Aramaic letters (reversed ג, left; ש?, right); baseline.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ḫunzû:
25/VIII/47; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 20 [] B3;
● 21/IX/49; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 13 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0215_Cl13_L3.png];
● 2/XI/50; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 23 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0215_Y20_023_B3.png]/YOS 20 24 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0215_Y20_024_B3.png]
● 28/VIII/51; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 24 [] T3;
● 17/VII/53; witness; sale of land STUBM 27 [] L3.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 217 (BRM 2 13 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0215_Cl13_L3.png]). SS III 675e (STUBM 20 [] B3); 686c (STUBM 27 [] L3).
→ Replaced No. 213, above.

216. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 9. Scorpion monster as above; diagonal waning crescent at upper right.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 6/VIII/53; witness; sale of land YOS 20 26 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0216_Y20_026_L1.png];
● 1/IV/55; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 28 [] T4.
→ Publ. SS III 688c (STUBM 28 [] T4).

217. Ellipse. 9 x 13+. Scorpion monster as above; bottom lost.
► Ana-rabût-Anu/Anu-erība//[Kur]î:
● 22/VI/67; waiver; quitclaim YOS 20 31 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0217_Y20_031_R1.png].

218. Ellipse. 14 x 8. Scorpion monster as above; flaming censer at right.
► Anu-qīšan/Libluṭ/Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad:
● 2/II/71; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 19 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0218_Cl19_T2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 85.

219. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 9.5. Scorpion monster as above; seven-pointed star at right.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Kidin-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 7/XII/80; witness; sale of prebend NBDM 91 [] L1/OECT 9 20 [] L1;
● 11/VII/82; witness; division of property BRM 2 24 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0219_Cl24_T4.png]/YOS 20 40 [] T4.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 18, No. 16 (OECT 9 20 [] L1).

220. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 17. Scorpion monster as above; framed triangle beneath baseline.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 20/XIIII/8˹3˺; witness; sale of land OECT 9 27 [] B1;
● 17/XIIII/85; witness; sale of land YOS 20 42 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0220_Y20_042_T3.png];
● 23/VIII/87; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 27 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0220_Cl27_T1.png]/CM 12 III [] T1;
● -/V/[76-88]; witness; quitclaim YOS 20 94 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0220_Y20_094_T1.png];
● 6/I/[90-102]; witness; sale of land VAS 15 42 [] B3.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *4-6 (VAS 15 42 [] B3). CM 12 21 (CM 12 III []T1).
→ Replaced by No. 225, below.

221. Ellipse. 9 x 17. Scorpion monster as above; round cap; baseline with downturn at left and upturn at right.
► Nanâ-iddin/Mukin-apli//Ebabbar-šum-ibni:
● 23/VIII/87; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 27 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0221_Cl27_B1.png]/CM 12 III [] B1.
→ Publ. CM 12 22 (CM 12 III [] B1).

222+224. Pointed ellipse. 8 x 13+. Scorpion monster as above; lower half lost.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● 6/I/[95-96]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 84 [] L2;
● -/-/[90-99]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 44 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0224_Y20_044_B3.png].
→ Cf. YOS 20 84 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0196_Y20_029_T4.png], (No. 39); note witness #6: /[...]//Ekur-zakir; witness #11: /Ina-qibīt-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu.

223. Ellipse. 9 x 12+. Scorpion monster as above; top of head lost.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● 6/I/[95-96]; seller; sale of prebend YOS 20 84 [] [ R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0223_Y20_084_R1.png]].
→ Cap. un-qa m˹AŠ˺-[qí-bit-d60] na-din-na-an GIŠ.SUB.BA MU.MEŠ.

224. Relocated to No. 222+224.

225. Ellipse. 9 x 15. Scorpion monster as above; peaked cap; raised linear border.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 14/V/104; witness; sale of land YOS 20 48 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0225_Y20_048_T2.png]
→ Replaced No. 220, above.
→ Impressions occur on ring-bullae CBCY 5 54 []-40 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY54-40.png], 68 []-10 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY68-10.png], both dated ca. 101-ca. 124 S.E.

226. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 18. Scorpion monster as above; bare-headed; vertical cres-cent lower left, seven-pointed star at bottom.
► Dannat-Bēlti/Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad:
● 12/VIII/106; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 72 [T4]STUBM 73 [] T4;
● 14/IX/106; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 49 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0226_Y20_049_T3.png];
● 10/X/107; witness; sale of prebend RIAA2 294 []T4.

227. Ellipse. 9 x 17. Scorpion monster as above; head indistinct.
► Anu-ikṣur/Kidin-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 10/X/107; witness; sale of prebend RIAA2 294 []B4;
● -/-/[108-109]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 50 []T1;
● -/-/[90-125]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 85 []T2.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 230, No. 198, first row, fourth from left (RIAA2 294 [] ??). SS III 770b ( STUBM 85 [] T2).

228. Ellipse. 13+ x 9+. Scorpion monster as above, peaked cap; crab lower left, horizontal crescent upper left, seven(?)-pointed star at right.
► Riḫat-Anu/Illut-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 10/X/107; witness; sale of prebend RIAA2 294 [] B2;
● 3/IX/108; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 52 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0228_Y20_052_L1.png];
● 8/IX/108; witness; sale of prebend VAS 15 18 []T4.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *61-4 (VAS 15 18 []T4).

229. Ellipse. 16 x 10. Scorpion monster as above; peaked cap; seven-pointed star at left, crab right.
► Kidin-Anu:
● 16/VIII/109; witness; sale of land BRM 2 30 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0229_Cl30_T3.png]/CM 12 IV [] T3.
→ Cf. T4 (No. 162); note witness #5: /Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Ḫunzû; witness #8: /Ardi-Ninurta sepīr makkūr Anu.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 51! (BRM 2 30 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0229_Cl30_T3.png]). CM 12 23 (CM 12 IV [] T3).
→ Note the similar ring-bulla impression from Seleucid Uruk: Delaporte 1923, Pl. 123, Fig. 3c.

230. Ellipse. 7 x 16. Scorpion monster as above; bare-headed(?); baseline.
► Lā-bāši/Anu-bēlšunu/Lā-bāši//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 16/VIII/109; witness; sale of land BRM 2 30 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0230_Cl30_L1.png]/CM 12 IV [] L1.
→ Publ. CM 12 24 (CM 12 IV [] L1).

231. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 10. Scorpion monster as above; bare-headed; confronting eagle with reversed head at right.
► Mukin-apli/Anu-bēlšunu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 16/VIII/109; witness; sale of land BRM 2 30 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0231_Cl30_B2.png]/CM 12 IV [] B2.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 52. CM 12 25 (CM 12 IV [] B2).
→ Replaced No. 972:V, below.
→ For the Mesopotamian origins of the walking bird with reversed head, see Seidl 1968, 147-48, No. XXXII.

232. Ellipse. 11+ x 8. Scorpion monster as above; horizontal crescent at left; raised linear border; right quarter lost.
► Nanâ-iddin/Anu-mukīn-apli//Luštammar-Adad:
● 3/II/131; witness; sale of land YOS 20 67 [] T2′ [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0232_Y20_067_T2′.png]/BiMes 24 22 [] T3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 96, and Pl. 51, U.E. (BiMes 24 22 [] T3).

233. Ellipse. 7 x 14. Scorpion monster as above; vertical waxing crescent lower left, six-pointed star at bottom.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-ab-utēr/Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 12/V/139; seller; sale of land BRM 2 38 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0233_Cl38_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa md60-TIN-iṭ na-din-na-ʾ ki-šub-ba-a [MU.MEŠ].

234. Pointed ellipse. 10 x 17. Scorpion monster as above; bare-headed(?); vertical fish, head down at left, six-pointed star at upper right, vertical waning crescent right; baseline.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Anu-šum-līšer/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Balāṭu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 1/XI/149; witness; sale of land BRM 2 39 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0234_Cl39_T2.png];
● 17/VII/150; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 40 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0234_Cl40_T2.png]/FuB 16 30f. 9 [...];
● 15/XII/156; witness; sale of land VAS 15 27 [] T2;
● 11/XI/160; witness; division of property YOS 20 78 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0234_Y20_078_T1.png];
● 6(+)/-/160; witness; sale of land STUBM 104 [] T2.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 222 (BRM 2 39 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0234_Cl39_T2.png]). Schroeder 1916, Taf. 1, VAT 9171 o.R. (VAS 15 27 [] T2). SS III 744e (STUBM 104 [] T2).

235. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 18. Scorpion monster as above; peaked cap; double baseline.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin:
● -/V/[144-150]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 83 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0235_Y20_083_L2.png];
● -/-/[≥ 152]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 88 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0235_Y20_088_T1.png].
→ The witness lists of both tablets are fragmentary. Given the tendency to replace one's seal with another of similar motif, should YOS 20 83 [] witness #2: Anu-[...]/[...]/Anu-mār-ittannu//[Ḫunz]û and YOS 20 88 [] witness #1′: Anu-aḫ-iddin/Nanâ-iddin/[...] be restored in light of No. 237: Anu-aḫ-iddin/Nanâ-iddin/Anu-mār-ittannu//Ḫunzû?

236. Ellipse. 10 x 21. Scorpion monster as above; baseline.
► Anu-zēr-iddin/Nidintu-Anu/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 17/VII/150; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 40 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0236_Cl40_B3.png]/FuB 16 30f 9 [...];
● 30/III/154; witness; exchange of properties BRM 2 45 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0236_Cl45_L1.png];
● 25/IV/157; witness; lease of prebend OECT 9 62 [] B1;
● 3/-/161; witness; sale of land TCL 13 246 [] B1/[..].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 219 (BRM 2 45 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0236_Cl45_L1.png]). Buchanan 1982, 19, No. 36 (OECT 9 62 [] B1).

237. Pointed ellipse. 8.5 x 18. Scorpion monster as above; baseline with five pendant circles.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin/Nanâ-iddin/Anu-mār-ittannu//Ḫunzû:
● 1/VIII/160; witness; sale of land AoF 5 85 4+AoF 5 85 5 [...]/BRM 2 48 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0237_Cl48_B3.png];
● 5/VII/162; witness; sale of land YOS 20 82 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0237_Y20_082_T2.png]/CM 12 X [] T2.
→ Publ. CM 12 26 (CM 12 X [] T2).
→ Cf. No. 237:C, below.

Other examples:

237:A. Ellipse. Scorpion monster as above.
► Kidin-Anu/Dannat-Bēlti//Luštammar-Adad:
● 28/I/40; witness; lease of prebend OECT 9 9 [] L3;
● 14/-/48; witness; sale of prebend WZJ 19 1970 905ff. [] T1;
● 2/IX/[46-51]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 25 [] B2.
→ Publ. Oelsner 1970a, 908, Abb. 3a (WZJ 19 1970 905ff. [] T1). SS III 680g (STUBM 25 [] B2).

237:B. Pointed ellipse. Scorpion monster as above.
► Anu-˹uballiṭ?˺:
● -/-/-; witness; quitclaim BiMes 24 42 [] B1
→ Fragmentary witness list; datable to ca. third quarter first century S.E.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 24, No. 166, and Pl. 104, Lo.E. (B1).

237:C. Pointed ellipse. Scorpion monster as above.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin/Nanâ-iddin/Anu-mār-ittannu//Ḫunzû:
● 10/XII/137; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 13 [] L1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 60, and Pl. 24, Le.E. (L1).
→ Cf. No. 237, above.

237:D. Pointed ellipse. Scorpion monster as above.
► Anu-ab-utēr/Anu-zēr-līšer/Anu-uballiṭ//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 10/-/141; witness; sale of prebend BiMes 24 10 [] B1;
● 23/IV/146; witness; lease of prebend STUBM 98 [] B3.
→ Publ. SS III 739b (STUBM 98 [] B3); Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 36, and Pl. 16, Lo.E. (BiMes 24 10 [] B1).

237:E. Pointed ellipse. Scorpion monster as above.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● 20/XI/159; witness; sale of land VDI 1955/4 146f. III [] T2.
→ Cf. L2 (lost); note witness #5: /Anu-zēr-iddin/Nanâ-iddin//Ḫunzû; witness #6: /Idat-Anu/Dumqi-Anu//Ḫunzû. → Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 4 (T2).

237:F. Ellipse. Scorpion monster as above; bare-headed.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Ištar-[...]//Ḫunzû:
● 10/III/165; witness; lease of prebend VDI 1955/4 157f. VIII [] L2.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 10 (L2).

237:G. Ellipse. Scorpion monster as above; bare-headed(?).
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Dumqi-Anu/Anu-bēlšunu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 10/III/165; witness; lease of prebend VDI 1955/4 157f. VIII []B3.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 10 (B3).


238. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 10. Scorpion monster profile right, confronting seated sphinx; Aramaic ד at left.
► Anu-ikṣur/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 2/XI/50; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 23 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0238_Y20_023_T3.png]/YOS 20 24 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0238_Y20_024_T3.png];
● -/-/[31-66]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 40 [] B3.
→ Publ. SS III 769a (STUBM 40 [] B3).
→ Replaced by No. 238:A, below.

Other examples:

238:A. Ellipse. Scorpion monster and sphinx as above; raised linear border; Aram. ד left.
► Anu-ikṣur/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 16/IV/54; witness; receipt for sale of land VDI 1955/4 142ff. II [] B1;
● 17/IX/55; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 29 [] L1/STUBM 30 [] L1.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 3 (VDI 1955/4 142ff. [] B1). SS III 689d (STUBM 29 [] L1); 754g (STUBM 30 [] L1).
→ Replaced No. 238, above.


239+247:A. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 11. Scorpion monster, squatting, facing right, extends left forepaw, wears Neo-Babylonian-style feathered polos with curled ribbon at back; confronts dog seated profile left.
► Anu-aḫ-tuqqin/Nidintu-Anu//Bēl-usāt:
● 26/VIII/6 Antig.; witness; sale of land TCL 13 234 [] B2;
● 5/IV/8; witness; lease of land BRM 2 1 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0239_Cl01_T1.png].
→ Publ. Delaporte 1923, Pl. 121, Fig. 4b (TCL 13 234 [] B2).
→ Cap.md60-ŠEŠ-LAL A mdEN-ú-sat.
→ Compare polos and curled ribbon with Porada 1948a, No. 749 (10th-8th c. Neo-Babylonian modeled style).
→ For reading of PN, see Wallenfels 2006.

240. Ellipse. 16.5 x 9.5. Scorpion monster standing profile right, wears peaked cap, dog seated profile left.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Ana-rabûtīka-Anu//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 9/II/17; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 10 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0240_Y20_010_L2.png].
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//Gimil-Anu:
● 12/IX/[17-19]; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 25 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0240_Cl25_B1.png].
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB md60-EN-šu-nu (YOS 20 10 [] L2).
→ The second user of this seal, Anu-aḫḫē-iddin, replaced it with No. 243, below.

241. Ellipse fragment. 16+ x 11. Bare-headed scorpion monster and dog as above.
► Nadin/Mušēzib-Anu//Kurî:
● 8/IV/[24-29]; seller; sale of land YOS 20 13 [] [R1] [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0241_Y20_013_R1.png].
→ This seal was replaced by No. 244, below.

242. Ellipse. 16+ x 11. Scorpion monster and dog similar to No. 240, above.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 20/IV/29; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 4 [] R3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0242_Cl04_R3].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 58.
→ Cf. T1 (No. 1063), T3 (No. 335), B2 (No. 78); note witness #2: /Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû; witness #8: / Ša-Anu-iššû//Ekur-zakir; witness #9: /Anu-uballiṭ//Ekur-zakir; witness #15: /Anu-mukīn-apli//Kurî.
→ This impression may not be correctly captioned: Nadin/Mušēzib-Anu//Kurî used two seals in this group, Nos. 241 (ca. [24-29] S.E.) and 244 (31 S.E.); his name appears under impression R2 (No. 375), immediately to the left of this seal.

243. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 9.5. Scorpion monster and dog as above; vertical waxing crescent upper right.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//Gimil-Anu:
● 28/XII/29; witness; sale of land YOS 20 16 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0243_Y20_016_B2.png].
→ This seal replaced No. 240, above.

244. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 9.5. Scorpion monster and dog as above.
► Nadin/Mušēzib-Anu//Kurî:
● 10/IX/31; witness; gift of slave BRM 2 5 [] L1.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pls. II, third row, far left; IV, No. 53.
→ This seal replaced No. 241, above.

245. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 10.5. Scorpion monster and dog as above; horizontal crescent at upper left; profile right dolphin at left.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-mukīn-apli//Kurî:
● 21/XI/35; witness; gift of slave BRM 2 6 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0245_Cl6_T3.png]/BRM 2 7 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0245_Cl07_T3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, Nos. 55 (BRM 2 7 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0245_Cl07_T3.png]), 56 (BRM 2 6 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0245_Cl6_T3.png]).

246. Ellipse. 16 x 9.5. Scorpion monster profile left confronting dog profile right; triangle above horizontal crescent between them.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Nidintu-Ištar sepīr makkūr Anu:
● 19/II/77; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 36 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0246_Y20_036_T3.png];
● 22/II/77; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 37 [] T4/STUBM 49 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0246_Y20_037_T4.png];
● 1/IX/78; witness; sale of food allowance and prebend YOS 20 39 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0246_Y20_039_T2.png];
● -/-/[67-89]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 64 []L2.
→ Publ. SS III 712k (STUBM 49 [] T4); 773e (STUBM 64 [] L2).

247. Ellipse. 12 x 8. Scorpion monster and dog as above.
► Balāṭu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 14/XIIII/77; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 22 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0247_Cl22_T1.png]/BiMes 24 1 [] T1;
● 27/I/78; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 54 [] B4/STUBM 55 [] B4;
● 20/XIIII/[83-88]; witness; sale of land OECT 9 27 [] T1;
● 7/IV/91; witness; sale of land TCL 13 241 [] B4.
→ Publ. SS III 708q (STUBM 55 [] B4), 709d (STUBM 54 [] B4). Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 1, and Pl. 3, U.E. (BiMes 24 1 [] T1).
→ Replaced by No. 247:C, below.

Other examples:

247:A. Relocated to No. 239+247:A.

247:B. Ellipse. Scorpion monster profile left at right; confronted creature at left lost.
► Nidintu-Ištar/Nidintu-Anu//[...]:
● 2/VI/82; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 26 [] T2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 109, and Pl. 65, U.E. (T2).

247:C. Ellipse. Scorpion monster profile left confronting dog profile right; baseline.
► Balāṭu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 14/V/96; witness; sale of land RIAA2 298 [] L1/RIAA2 300 []L1;
● 14/IV/97; witness; lease of prebend OECT 9 36 L2;
● 2/VIII/101!; witness; sale of land RIAA2 293 [] L1.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 230, No. 197, fifth row, far left (RIAA2 298 [] L?1); p. 231, No. 199, fourth row 4, second from left (RIAA2 293 [] L1); p. 233, No. 201, second row, second from left (RIAA2 300 [] [L?1]).
→ Replaced No. 247, above.

247:D. Ellipse. 16 x 8. Scorpion monster profile right, dog profile left; short column between them, horizontal crescent upper right.
► Ṭāb-Anu/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Ana-rabûtīka-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 9/X/122; witness; sale of land VAS 15 14 [] T1.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *35-1; Schroeder 1916, Taf. 1, VAT 8557 o.R. (T1).


Other examples:

247:E. Flat faced octagonal pyramidal stone. Pair of confronted scorpion monsters with short censer between them; baseline.
► Nidintu-Anu/Nanâ-iddin//Ab-ṭāb:
● 26/VIII/Antig. 6; witness; sale of land TCL 13 234 [] B6.
→ Delaporte 1923, Pl. 121, Fig. 4b (B6).
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mNÍG.SUM-md60 A mAD-NÍG.GA.


248. Ellipse fragment. 9 x 16. Human-headed bird, profile right; unidentifiable object at right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Ana-rabûtīka-Anu//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 9/II/179; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 10 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0248_Y20_010_B4.png].
→ Cap. ˹NA4˺.[KIŠIB].



249. Ellipse. 16 x 9.5. Bearded male sphinx, lying profile left, with feathered crown, curled wing-tip; raised linear border.
► Mušēzib-Anu/Anu-ikṣur//Ḫunzû:
● 28/IV/12; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 2 [] T3.

250. Ellipse. 18 x 10. Sphinx lying profile right, head indistinct, resting upon square-patterned band; eight(?)-pointed star at right.
► Anu-šum-līšer/Anu-ab-uṣur//Ḫunzû:
● 26/XI/35; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 17 [] T3/STUBM 9 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0250_Y20_017_T3.png]
→ Publ. SS III 659o (STUBM 9 [] T3).

Other examples:

250:A. Ellipse. 15 x 9.5. Beardless sphinx, with peaked cap and curled wing-tip; raised linear border.
► Kidin-Anu/Anu-zēr-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● -/-/[12-17]; witness; sale of slave CM 12 I [] B3.
→ Publ. CM 12 27.
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mki-din-d60.


251. Ellipse. 15 x 7.5. Bearded sphinx, bare-headed, hair in chignon at shoulder.
► fNidintu-Nanâ/Lā-bāši:
● 28/XI/12; seller; sale of slaves YOS 20 4 [] R1/YOS 20 5 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0251_Y20_005_R1.png].
→ Cap.[un]-˹qa˺ ni-din-tú-dna-naa˺ na-din-at LÚ-ut-tì MU.MEŠ (YOS 20 4 [] R1); un-qa ni-din-tú-dna-na-a
˹na-din-at LÚ˺-ut-tì MU.MEŠ (YOS 20 5 [] R1).

252. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Bearded sphinx as above; one wing raised over the back, the other spread forward.
► Sumuttu-Anu/Nanâ-iddin/Nadin//Kurî:
● 11/VII/82; witness; division of property BRM 2 24 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0252_Cl24_B1.png]/YOS 20 40 [] B1.
→ Compare the similarly posed monster on a Court Style Achaemenid stamp seal: Boardman 1970b, No. 139.

253. Pointed ellipse. 7 x 15. Beardless, bare-headed sphinx; horizontal crescent above circle at top; baseline.
► Kidin-Anu/Nidintu-Anu//Gimil-Anu:
● 14/V/104; witness; sale of land YOS 20 48 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0253_Y20_048_L1.png];
● 14/IX/106; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 49 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0253_Y20_049_B3.png].

254. "Gem" with face divided into a pair of narrow parallel vertical ellipses. 10 x 11+. Beardless, bare-headed sphinx in left ellipse; triangle at top of damaged right ellipse.
► [...]:
● 12/III/131; witness; sale of prebend and land BRM 2 36 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0254_Cl36_B4.png].
→ Compare the vertically divided heart-shaped pendant, "inspired by the pear-shaped pendants favoured in the Greco-Persian studios" (Boardman 1970a, 208, and Pl. 615).
→ Cf. B1 (lost), B2 (No. 982), B3 (No. 693); note witness #6: Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-aḫ-iddin/Anu-ab-uṣur//Kurî; witness #7: Illut-Anu/[...]//Kurî; witness #9: [...]/Anu-aḫ-ušabši/Anu-ab-utēr; witness #10: Anu-mār-ittannu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/[...] sepīr makkūr Anu.

255. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 8. Beardless sphinx, chignon; cultic symbol rotated to the right at right.
► Anu-zēr-līšer:
● 12/V/139; witness; sale of land BRM 2 38 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0255_Cl38_B2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 121.
→ The scribe omitted the caption un-qa from all edges but the right.
→ Cf. T2 (No. 998); note witness #1: /Nidintu-Anu/Ana-rabût-Anu//Ḫunzû; witness #3: /Nanâ-iddin/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu.
→ For the cultic symbol, see Nos. 1033-1034, below.

256. Pointed ellipse. 8 x 14+. Beardless sphinx, chignon; one wing raised over back, other diagonally forward.
► Riḫat-Anu/Kidin-Anu/Nidintu-Anu//Gimil-Anu:
● 30/-/152; witness; sale of land BRM 2 41 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0256_Cl41_T3.png]/BiMes 24 35 [] [...];
● 15/XII/156; witness; sale of land VAS 15 27 []B3.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *20-9; Schroeder 1916, Taf. 2, VAT 9171 u.R. (VAS 15 27 [] B3).
→ Cf. No. 259:A, below.
→ Impressions occur on ring-bullae Delaporte 1923, Pl. 122, 3a; AUWE 20 416-1.

257. Ellipse. 15 x 8.5. Beardless bare-headed sphinx; crab at right facing right.
► Tanittu-Anu/Anu-ittannu/Anu-ab-uṣur//Gimil-Anu:
● 15/IX/153; witness; sale of land BRM 2 43 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0257_Cl43_L2.png]/YOS 20 74 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0257_Y20_074_L2.png];
● 2/IV/162; witness; sale of prebend Iraq 59 164f. 38 B1/STUBM 109 [] B1!.
→ Cf. Uruk ring-bulla impression: Jordan 1928, Taf. 88k.
→ The seal impression at Iraq 59 164f. 38 B1 (AUWE 19 257) is not the same as STUBM 109 [] B1 (SS III 747d), although both are captioned md60-ŠEŠ-MU-nu; too many seal impressions and associated captions are missing on both tablets to proceed further (see further, Wallenfels 2018, 139).

258. Ellipse. 14 x 7.5. Beardless sphinx at left, facing column at center, six-pointed star, right.
► Ṭāb-Anu/Illut-Anu/Anu-zēr-iddin//Kurî:
● 15/IX/153; witness; sale of land BRM 2 43 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0258_Cl43_T3.png]/YOS 20 74 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0258_Y20_074_T3.png].

259. Relocated to No. 26ʹ.

Other examples:

259:A. Ellipse. "Seated human-headed creature with uplifted wings" (Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 52); indistinct object left.
► Riḫat-Anu/Kidin-Anu/Nidintu-Anu//Gimil-Anu:
● 10/XII/137; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 13 [] T1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 52, and Pl. 25, U.E. (T1).
→ Cf. No. 256, above.

259:B. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 14+. Sphinx similar to No. 256, above; baseline.
► Anu-šum-līšer/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Balāṭu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 15/XI/153; witness; sale of land CM 12 IX [] B3.
→ Publ. CM 12 28.



260. Ellipse. 13+ x 9.5. Pair of sphinxes; beardless profile right at left, bearded profile left at right.
► Mannu-kī-Ištar/Šamšāyya/Anu-uballissu:
● 20/IV/29; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 4 [] T5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0260_Cl04_T5.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 82.

261. Ellipse. 15 x 10. Pair of sphinxes; both beardless, bare-headed.
► Ištar-ḫīṭūʾa/[...]:
● -/-/[≤ 35]; witness; memorandum re: disposition of slaves, sale doc. YOS 20 102 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0261_N4880_B1.png].

262. Pointed ellipse. 12 x 8. Pair of sphinxes; both heads indistinct.
► fBēlessunu/Anu-balāssu-iqbi:
● 21/XI/35; witness; gift of slave BRM 2 6 [][ R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0262_Cl06_R2.png]] /BRM 2 7 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0262_Cl07_R2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 159.

263. Ellipse. 12 x 9. Pair of sphinxes; both heads indistinct.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Nidintu-Anu/Lā-bāši//Ḫunzû:
● 25/VI/75; witness; sale of land BRM 2 21 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0263_Cl21_T2.png].

264. Ellipse. 18 x 10. Pair of beardless sphinxes; eight-pointed star between.
► Riḫat-Anu:
● -/-/115; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 54 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0264_Y20_054_L2.png];
● 16/VIII/[102-119]; witness; sale of land STUBM 80 [] B2.
→ Publ. SS III 756a (STUBM 80 [] B2).
→ Witness lists damaged or lost.

265. Pointed ellipse. 20 x 9. Pair of sphinxes as above.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Lā-bāši/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 16/XII/[110-119]; guarantor; sale of prebend YOS 20 59 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0265_Y20_059_R2.png]
→ Cap. un-qa md60-ŠEŠ-MU-nu mu-mar-raq-qa-an-na.

266. Ellipse. 16 x 7. Pair of sphinxes, chignons.
► Tattannu/Nanâ-iddin/Anu-uballiṭ//Ḫunzû:
● 4/V/[103-119]; seller; sale of prebend YOS 20 58 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0266_Y20_058_R1.png]
→ Cap. un-qa mtat-tan-nu ˹˺na-din-na GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ.

267. Ellipse. 17 x 8. Pair of sphinxes as above; horizontal crescent above six-pointed star between.
► Mukin-apli/Anu-ikṣur//Kurî:
● ≥ 8/V˹IV/VII˺,128; witness; sale of land YOS 20 65 [] B2′ [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0267_Y20_065_B2′.png];
● -/-/128; witness; sale of land YOS 20 66 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0267_Y20_066_T3.png].
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 53 []-5 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY53-05.png].

268. Ellipse. 17 x 9. Left-hand sphinx as above, head of right sphinx lost.
► Kidin-Anu/Anu-ušallim/Balāṭu//Luštammar-Adad:
● -/-/128; seller; sale of land YOS 20 66 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0268_Y20_066_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa˺ [m]BÁR-˹d˺60 [na˺-din-na.

269. Ellipse. 15 x 10. Pair of sphinxes as above; horizontal crescent above six(?)-pointed star between.
► Šamaš-ittannu/Ubār//Ḫunzû:
● 14/I/130; witness; sale of land STUBM 93 [] L1;
● -/-/128; witness; sale of land YOS 20 66 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0269_Y20_066_L2.png];
● 20(+)/X/[125-137]; witness; sale of prebend and land OECT 9 51 [] B2.

270. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Pair of sphinxes as above.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● 20/VIII/165; witness; gift of land, slave, coat(?), pot(?) BRM 2 50 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0270_Cl50_T1.png]/RIAA2 295 [] T1.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 121 (BRM 2 50 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0270_Cl50_T1.png]). Speleers 1917, 235, No. 203, second row, far left (RIAA2 295 [] T1).
→ Cf. T2 (No. 21:I); note witness #4: /Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-mār-ittannu//Ḫunzû; witness #8: (Tattannu)/Uṣuršu-Anu atû makkūr Anu.

Other examples:

270:A. Circular. Pair of bearded sphinxes; both wear feathered crowns.
► Tattannu/Nidintu-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● 10/IV/12; witness; sale of prebend VDI 1955/4 152f. VI [] L1;
● 12/XII/13; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 2 [] T3;
● -/-/[≤38]; witness; sale of arable land STUBM 15 []B5.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 7 (VDI 1955/4 152f. VI L1). SS III 646c! (STUBM 2 []T3).
→ All three impressions captioned NA4.KIŠIB PN.
→ Probable stone conoid seal; top and bottom edges of intaglio impression missing.

270:B. Pointed ellipse. 14.5 x 9. Pair of bearded sphinxes; chignons.
► Nidintu-Anu/Tanittu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● -/-/[12-17]; seller; sale of slave CM 12 I [] R1.
→ Cap. un-qa mni-din-d60 [DUMU šá mta]-˹nit˺-tu4-d60 [...].
→ Publ. CM 12 36.

270:C. Pair of beardless sphinxes; grain spike(?) between.
► Nidintu-Anu/Kidin-Anu/Anu-mār-ittannu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 29/IV/116; witness; quitclaim TCL 13 243 [] L1.
→ Publ. Rutten 1935, Pl. 2, No. 19.

270:D. Ellipse. Pair of bearded sphinxes, chignons; indistinct object between.
► Balāṭu/[...]:
● -/VII/[102-119] ?? sale of prebend RIAA2 296 [] T3
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 233, No. 202, third row, far left.
→ Fragmentary witness list.

270:E. Ellipse. 11 x 16. Pair of beardless sphinxes; circle above horizontal crescent above six-pointed star between.
► Anu-mār-ittannu:
● 13/XII/145; witness; sale of prebend VAS 15 33 []L2.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *24-5; Schroeder 1916, Taf. 2, VAT 9152 l.R. (L2).
→ Note witness #4: /Kidin-Anu; witness #7: /Sumuttu-[...].


271. Ellipse. 17 x 7.5. Pair of sphinxes, flanking column; bearded at left, beardless right.
► Anu-ušallim/Kidin-Anu/Anu-ušallim/Balāṭu//Luštammar-Adad:
● -/-/128; guarantor; sale of land YOS 20 66 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0271_Y20_066_R2.png].
→ Cap. un-qa md60-˹GI˺ mu-˹mar˺-[...].

272. Ellipse. 17 x 10. Pair of sphinxes as above.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● -/-/128; witness; sale of land YOS 20 66 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0272_Y20_066_T2.png].
→ Cf. B2 (No. 8); note witness #2: /Nanâ-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//Kurî; witness #4: /Ina-qibīt-Anu/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu.

273. Ellipse. 16 x 8. Pair of sphinxes as above.
► Anu-mār-ittannu:
● -/-/144; witness; sale of food allow-ance BRM 2 56 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0273_Cl56_B1.png].
→ Note witness #6: Anu-[...]/[...]/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ekur-zakir; witness #9: Anu-[...]/[...]/Tanittu-Anu//Ḫunzû

274. Ellipse. 21 x 10. Pair of sphinxes as above.
► Anu-ittannu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû:
● 1/XI/149; witness; sale of land BRM 2 39 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0274_Cl39_L1.png].

275. Ellipse. 15 x 7. Pair of beardless sphinxes as above.
► Uṣuršu-Anu/Ša-Anu-iššû/Nanâ-iddin//Ebabbar-šum-ibni:
● 1/XI/149; witness; sale of land BRM 2 39 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0275_Cl39_T1.png];
● 5/IV/150; witness; sale of land BRM 2 54 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0275_Cl54_T1.png]/BiMes 24 28 [] T1.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 157! (BRM 2 39 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0275_Cl39_T1.png]). Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 132, and Pl. 73, U.E. (BiMes 24 28 [] T1).

276. Ellipse. 14 x 7. Pair of beardless bare-headed sphinxes as above.
► Ardi-dAMA.ARḪUŠ/Idat-Anu/Sumuttu-Anu/Rabi-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 5/IV/150; guarantor; sale of land BRM 2 54 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0276_Cl54_R2.png]/ BiMes 24 28 [] [...].
→ Cap. un-qa mÌR-dAMA.ARḪUŠ mu-ru-raq-an É MU.MEŠ.

277. Ellipse. 18+ x 10 Pair of sphinxes as above.
► Ana-rabût-Anu/Anu-erība/Nanâ-iddin//Kurî:
● 17/VII/150; seller; sale of prebend BRM 2 40 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0277_Cl40_R1.png]/FuB 16 30f. 9 [...].
→ Cap. un-qa mDIŠ-GAL-d60 na-din GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ.

278. Ellipse. 18 x 9.5. Pair of sphinxes as above.
► Nidintu-Anu/Lā-bāši/Līšer//Gimil-Anu:
● 17/VII/150; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 40 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0278_Cl40_L1.png]/(+)FuB 16 30f. (+)AoF 9 [L1].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 90.

279. Ellipse. 16 x 8. Pair of sphinxes as above.
► Nanâ-iddin/Ardi-Rēš//Ḫunzû:
● 9/XII/151; witness; sale of land BRM 2 42 [](+)FuB 16 28f. 6+AoF 5 82f.[W 15034h] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0279_Cl42_T3.png]/YOS 20 80 [](+)AoF 5 88 24 [...].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 81.

280. Ellipse. 14 x 8. Pair of sphinxes as above.
► Riḫat-Bēlet-ṣēri/Bǝgan-Anu/Riḫat-Anu epiš dulli ṭiṭṭi ša bīt ilānī ša Uruk:
● 30/-/152; seller; sale of land BRM 2 41 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0280_Cl41_R1.png]/BiMes 24 35 [] [R1].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 158!
→ Cap. un-qa mri-ḫat-dGAŠAN-EDIN na-din É MU.MEŠ.

281. Ellipse. 20 x 9. Pair of sphinxes as above.
► Mannu-iqâp/Kidin-Anu/Anu-ab-uṣur//Kurî:
● 17/XI/155; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 46 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0281_Cl46_T3.png]/YOS 20 75 [](+)FuB 16 27 22 [T3].

282. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 8. Pair of sphinxes, both with peaked(?) caps.
► Riḫat-Anu/Iqīša/Anu-balāssu-iqbi//Luštammar-Adad:
● 3/IX/157; witness; lease of prebend BRM 2 47 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0282_Cl47_B3.png].

283. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 8+. Pair of sphinxes; heads in-distinct.
► Ṭāb-Anu/Illut-Anu/Anu-zēr-iddin//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● -/-/159; witness; sale of land YOS 20 77 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0283_Y20_077_T2.png].

Other examples:

283:A. Pointed ellipse. Pair of beardless sphinxes as above.
► Ana-rabût-Anu/Sumuttu-Anu/Kītu-Anu//Kurî:
● 10/XII/137; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 13 [] L2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 61, and Pl. 24, Le.E. (L2).

283:B. Pointed ellipse. Pair of sphinxes as above.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 20/X/139; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 20 [] B2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 87, and Pl. 42, Lo.E. (B2).
→ Cf. T2 (No. 1012:B); note witness #1: /Nanâ-iddin/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//[...]; witness #8: /[Lā-bāši]/Riḫat-Anu.

283:C. Ellipse. 19 x 9. Pair of sphinxes as above; four-pointed star at left.
► Illut-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Nidintu-Ištar//Kurî:
● 15/XI/153; witness; sale of land CM 12 IX [] T2.
→ Publ. CM 12 37.

283:D. Pointed ellipse. 13 x 7. Pair of sphinxes as above.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-zēr-iddin/Kidin-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 25/IV/157 LE lease of prebend OECT 9 62 [] R2.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 20, No. 39.
→ Cap. un-qa mNÍG.SUM.MU-d60 A šá md60-NUMUN-MU.


284. Ellipse. 17 x 13. Bearded sphinx profile left, at right, round cap; dog profile right at left.
► Anu-uballiṭ:
● 20/IX/20; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 3 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0284_Cl03_B4.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 79.
→ Cf. B2 (No. 430); note witness #5: /Nadin//Ekur-zakir; witness #8: /Nidintu-Anu//Kidin-Marduk.

285. Ellipse. 20 x 10. Sphinx and dog as above.
► Rabi-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Ḫunzû:
● 20/IV/29; witness; sale of prebendBRM 2 4 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0285_Cl04_B4.png];
● 28/XII/29; witness; sale of land YOS 20 16 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0285_Y20_016_T4.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 84.

286. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 10. Sphinx profile right, at left; dog profile left at right; indistinct object between.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Kurî:
● 10/IX/31; witness; gift of slave BRM 2 5 [] B4.

287. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 8. Sphinx with feathered crown at left, dog at right.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Anu-aḫ-iddin//Kurî:
● -/-/28; witness; division of property OECT 9 5 [] B1;
● -/III/[20-31]; witness; sale of land OECT 9 6 [] L3ʹ.
► Kidin-Anu/Anu-balāssu-iqbi//Kurî:
● 21/XI/35; witness; gift of slave BRM 2 6 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0287_Cl6_B2.png] /BRM 2 7 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0287_Cl7_B2.png] ;
● 12/III/38; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 13 [] L1.
→ Publ. SS III 664c (STUBM 13 [] L1).
→ First user, Anu-balāssu-iqbi, appears to be the father of the second user, Kidin-Anu.

288. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 9.5. Sphinx with pointed cap at left, dog at right.
► Nanâ-iddin/Mannu-kī-Ištar//Ḫunzû:
● 10/VII/33; witness; sale of land and prebend VAS 15 23 [] L2;
● 12/III/38; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 13 [] T4.
● 1/IV/38; witness; sale of land YOS 20 19 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0288_Y20_019_L1.png];
● 21/XIIII/47; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 11 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0288_Cl11_B4.png].
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *59-5 (VAS 15 [] 23 L2). SS III 664b ( STUBM 13 [] T4).

Other examples:

288: A. Ellipse. 16 x 9. Sphinx profile left, at right, dog at left; thick linear border.
► Nidintu-Anu/[...]:
● 24/IX/32; witness; sale of land OECT 9 7 [] B3.
► [Mušallim-Anu]/Mukin-apli:
● 28/XI/32; waiver; quitclaim(?) STUBM 7 []R1.
→ Note the second user of this seal, Ni[dintu-Anu/[...], appears to be unrelated to the first user, Mušallim-Anu. The two documents are dated just two months apart.
→ Cf. OECT 9 7 [] T3 (125:B), L3: note witness #4: /Nanâ-iddin//Gimil-Anu, witness #11: /[...]/Anu-bēlšunu//Kurî, witness #13: /[...]-Anu//Ḫunzû.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 17, No. 7 (OECT 9 7 B3); SS III 655d (STUBM 7 [] R1).


289. Ellipse. 15.5 x 7. Beardless sphinx, profile left at right, goatfish at left; horizontal crescent above tail at left.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Níkarchos/[...]//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 28/III/124; witness; sale of food allowance BRM 2 33 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0289_Cl33_T1.png];
● 13/-/[123-125]; witness; dedication of slaves YOS 20 62 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0289_Y20_062_B2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 156 (BRM 2 33 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0289_Cl33_T1.png]).

290. Ellipse. 17 x 10. Beardless, bare-headed sphinx profile left, at right (damaged); lion(?) at left.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● -/-/[90-125]; witness; sale of land BRM 2 9 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0290_Cl09_L2.png].
→ Witness list lost.

Other examples:

290:A. Beardless sphinx profile right at left; seated goat profile left, at right.
► [...]:
● -/-/[32-45]; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 8 [] T4.
→ Fragmentary witness list.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 20, No. 41.

290:B. Ellipse. Sphinx at right, goat-fish at left.
► Illut-Anu/Anu-uballissu/Illut-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Kurî:
● 21/VII/[102-119]; seller; sale of prebend RIAA2 296 [] R1.
→ Publ. Speleers 1913, 233, No. 202, first row, second from left.


291. Ellipse. 11 x 9. Bearded sphinx, profile left; indistinct object at left.
► Anu-zēr-iddin/Ina-qi[bīt-...]:
● 4/VII/12; witness; contract for work YOS 20 3 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0291_Y20_003_L1.png].
→ Cf. Anu-zēr-iddin/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu, active 14 S.E.

292. Ellipse. 14 x 10. Sphinx as above; indistinct object at left.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 20/IX/20; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 3 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0292_Cl03_L2.png].
→ Cf. L1 (No. 334); note witness #1: /Nanâ-iddin//Gimil-Anu, witness #11: /Anu-uballiṭ.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 96.

293. Ellipse. 14 x 10. Sphinx as above; indistinct object at left.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu:
● 23/III/26; witness; sale of land YOS 20 13 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0293_Y20_013_B1.png]
→ Cf. L3 (lost); note witness #3: /Anu-balāssu-iqbi//Aḫ-ūtu, witness #6: /[...]tu-Anu.

294. Ellipse. 12 x 9. Sphinx as above; indistinct object left.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû:
● 12/XI/23; witness; gift of slave OECT 9 4 [] T3;
● 28/XII/29; witness; sale of land YOS 20 16 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0294_Y20_016_L2.png].
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 17, No. 2 (OECT 9 4 [] T3).

295. Ellipse. 18 x 10. Sphinx as above.
► Kidin/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ekur-zakir:
● 20/IV/29; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 4 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0295_Cl04_B3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 28.

296. Ellipse. 12 x 10. Sphinx as above; indistinct object at left.
► Lā-bāši/Tattannu/Šamšāyya: ● 20/IV/29; seller; sale of prebend BRM 2 4 [] R1.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 149.
→ Cap. un-qa mNU.TÉŠ na-din GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ.

297. Ellipse. 13 x 11. Beardless sphinx; indistinct object at left.
► Ubār/Anu-mukīn-apli//Kurî:
● 10/IX/31; witness; gift of slave BRM 2 5 [] T4.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 30.

Other examples:

297:A. Ellipse. 16 x 10. Sphinx as above; diagonal waxing crescent left.
► Nanâ-iddin/Kidin-Ištar arad-ekalli:
● 12/VIII/14; witness; sale of slaves VAS 15 3 [] L3;
● 10/VI/15; witness; sale of slaves VDI 1955/4 139ff. I [] L1.
→ Cap. NA4.[KIŠIB] PN (VAS 15 3 [] L3); [N]A4.[KIŠIB] PN (VDI 1955/4 139f. 1 L1).
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *58-7 (VAS 15 3 [] L3). Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 2 (VDI 1955/4 139f. 1 L1).

297:B. Pointed ellipse. 20 x 9. Sphinx as above; six-pointed star left, horizontal crescent above tail at right.
► Anu-ab-utēr/Anu-zēr-līšer//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 20/III/132; witness; sale of prebend TCL 13 244 [] B2/STUBM 94 [] B2.
→ Publ. Delaporte 1923, Pl. 122, 2a (B2); Rutten 1935, Pl. 2, No. 28 (TCL 13 244 B2). SS III 733d (STUBM 94 [] B2).


298. Ellipse. 14 x 9. Sphinx, head indistinct.
► Mušallim-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Ḫunzû:
● 22/XI/14; witness; sale of [...] YOS 20 6 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0298_Y20_006_L3.png].

299. Ellipse. 16 x 10. Beardless and bare-headed sphinx.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu:
● 2/VI/37; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 10 [] L5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0299_Cl10_L5.png].
→ Cf. T1 (No. 432); note witness #3: /Nidintu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #16: /Anu-ab-uṣur.

300. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 9. Sphinx as above.
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● 1/IV/38; witness; sale of land YOS 20 19 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0300_Y20_019_B2.png]

[return to top]

Seals 301-400

301. Ellipse. 15+ x 9.5. Sphinx as above; curled wing-tip.
► Lā-bāši/Ištar-šum-eriš//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 14/-/47; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 22 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0301_Y20_022_B1.png]

302. Ellipse. 22 x 14. Sphinx as above; baseline.
► Šamaš-ittannu/Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 22/III/67; witness; duty roster BRM 2 17 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0302_Cl17_T3.png].

303. Ellipse. 18 x 10.5. Sphinx; head indistinct.
► Illut-Anu/Ana-rabût-Anu/Anu-erība//[Kur]î:
● 22/VI/67; waiver; quitclaim YOS 20 31 [] R3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0303_Y20)_031_R3.png].

304. Ellipse. 14 x 9. Bearded sphinx; peaked Cap.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-zēr-līšer//Ḫunzû:
● 22/VI/67; witness; quitclaim YOS 20 31 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0304_Y29_031_B2.png];
● -/I/68; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 33 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0304_Y20_033_T3.png].

305. Ellipse. 19 x 10.5. Bearded, bare-headed sphinx.
► Anu-ab-utēr/Anu-balāssu-iqbi//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 23/VIII/87; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 27 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0305_Cl27_B2.png]/CM 12 III [] B2.
→ Publ. CM 12 29 (CM 12 III [] B2).

306. Ellipse. 16 x 7. Beardless(?) sphinx.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ/Nidintu-Anu/Tattannu//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 23/VIII/87; waiver; quitclaim BRM 2 27 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0306_Cl27_R1.png]/CM 12 III [] R1;
● 20/IV/88; witness; division of property YOS 20 43 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0306_Y20_043_B3.png]/BiMes 24 53 [] [...].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 135 (BRM 2 27 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0306_Cl27_R1.png]). CM 12 30 (CM 12 III [] R1).
→ Cap. un-qa mni-din-tu4-d60 na-din zu-ú-ku MU.MEŠ (BRM 2 27 []/CM 12 III [] R1).

307. Ellipse. 15 x 7. Sphinx; head indistinct.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Ana-rabût-Anu/Anu-ab-uṣur//Luštammar-Adad:
● 18/IX/118; waiver; quitclaim BRM 2 31 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0307_Cl31_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa md60-AD-URU3 na-din-na IM zuk-ku MU.MEŠ.

308. Ellipse. 14 x 8. Beardless sphinx.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Nidintu-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 18/IX/118; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 31 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0308_Cl31_T2.png].
→ Seal owner is a cuneiform scribe of canonical texts (Hunger 1968, 44-45, Nos. 104 D, E).

309. Ellipse. 10 x 6. Sphinx as above.
► Anu-ikṣur/Tanittu-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 24/V/119; witness; sale of land BRM 2 32 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0309_Cl32_L2.png]/YOS 20 56 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0309_Y20_056_L2.png].

310. Ellipse. 14.5 x 7.5. Sphinx as above.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Nanâ-iddin/Anu-uballiṭ//Ḫunzû:
● -/-/119; seller; sale of land YOS 20 57 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0310_Y20_057_R1.png]
→ Cap. un-qa md60-TIN-iṭ <na>-din-an É DÙ MU.MEŠ.

311. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 9. Bearded sphinx.
► Anu-uballiṭ:
● 11/XI/160; witness; division of property YOS 20 78 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0311_Y20_078_B3.png]
→ Cf. T2 (No. 1017); fragmentary witness list.

Other examples:

311:A. Ellipse. 14 x 8.5. Beardless sphinx as above.
► Dumqi-Anu/Kidin-Anu sepīr makkūr Anu:
● 21/X/119; witness; sale of prebend CM 12 VI [] L1/VAS 15 32 [] L1.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *57-5 (VAS 15 32 [] L1). CM 12 31 (CM 12 VI [] L1).


312. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 10. Beardless, bare-headed sphinx; horizontal crescent upper left, eight(?)-pointed star right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● -/-/115; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 54 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0312_Y20_054_B1.png]
→ Witness list lost.

313. Ellipse. 12.5 x 5.5. Sphinx as above; horizontal crescent right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Ana-rabût-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 24/V/119; witness; sale of land BRM 2 32 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0313_Cl32_B1.png]/YOS 20 56 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0313_Y20_056_B1.png].

314. Ellipse. 18 x 9. Sphinx as above; triangle left, horizontal crescent right.
► Anu-ikṣur/Tanittu-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 11/XII/119; witness; sale of land YOS 20 60 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0314_Y20_060_B2.png]/YOS 20 61 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0314_Y20_061_B2.png].

315. Ellipse. 14+ x 11.5. Sphinx as above; six(?)-pointed star right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Tanittu-Anu/Uppul//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 28/III/124; witness; sale of food allowance BRM 2 33 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0315_Cl33_T3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 136.

316. Ellipse. 14 x 7.5. Beardless sphinx; horizontal crescent left, seven-pointed star right.
► Lā-bāši:
● 28/III/124; witness; sale of food allowance BRM 2 33 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0316_Cl33_T2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 143.
→ Cf. B3 (No. 990); note witness #1: /Tanittu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #2: /Anu-bēlšunu/Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu. Note that Lā-bāši/Anu-bēlšunu's cousin, Mannu-iqâp/Nidintu-Anu, used No. 317, below, on the same tablet.

317. Ellipse. 12 x 7. Bearded sphinx; six-pointed star with center dot right.
► Mannu-iqâp/Nidintu-Anu/Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 28/III/124; witness; sale of food allowance BRM 2 33 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0317_Cl33_L2.png].

318. Ellipse. 16 x 8.5. Beardless sphinx; horizontal crescent left, seven(?)-pointed star right.
► Riḫat-Anu/Kidin-Anu/Nidintu-Anu//[Gimil-Anu]:
● 12/-/124; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 34 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0318_Cl34_L1.png].

319. Ellipse. 14 x 7. Bearded sphinx; horizontal crescent right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● -/-/[90-125]; witness; sale of land BRM 2 9 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0319_Cl09_T3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 102.
→ Witness list lost.

320. Ellipse. 13 x 7. Bearded(?) sphinx; diagonal waning crescent above three indistinct marks at right.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin/Nanâ-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● -/-/128; witness; sale of land YOS 20 66 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0320_Y20_066_T4.png];
● 14/III/130; witness; sale of land STUBM 93 [] T3;
● 12/III/131; witness; sale of prebend and land BRM 2 36 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0320_Cl36_L2.png].

321. Ellipse. 18 x 10. Beardless sphinx; horizontal crescent above rump, six-pointed star right.
► Anu-ikṣur/Zērīya/Anu-ikṣur//Luštammar-Adad:
● 16/XII/133; witness; sale of land BRM 2 37 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0321_Cl37_B3.png]/BiMes 24 23 [] [B3].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 150.

322. Pointed ellipse. 13 x 7. Sphinx as above; circle in horizontal crescent above tail, six-pointed star right.
► Nanâ-iddin/Ša-Anu-iššû/Nanâ-iddin//Ebabbar-šum-ibni:
● 16/XII/133; witness; sale of land BRM 2 37 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0322_Cl37_B2.png]/BiMes 24 23 [] [B2].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 38.

323. Ellipse. 16 x 8. Bearded(?) sphinx; triangle left, six-pointed star right.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Nidintu-Anu/Anu-balāssu-iqbi//Ḫunzû:
● 22/II/138; witness; sale of land YOS 20 68 T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0323_Y20_068_T3.png].

324. Ellipse. 13 x 8.5. Beard-less sphinx, peaked cap; six-pointed star right.
► Ardi-Rēš/Anu-mār-ittannu/Ana-rabûtīka-Anu Urkāyya:
● 30/-/152; witness; sale of land BRM 2 41 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0324_Cl41_B1.png]/BiMes 24 35 [] [B1].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 151 (BRM 2 41 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0324_Cl41_B1.png]). Weisberg 1991, 24, No. 153, and Pl. 94, Lo.E. (BiMes 24 35 B1 []).

325. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 9. Sphinx as above; diagonal waxing crescent upper left, seven-pointed star right.
► Šamaš-ittannu/Ištar-šum-eriš/Šamaš-ittannu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 30/-/152; witness; sale of land BRM 2 41 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0325_Cl41_T2.png]/BiMes 24 35 [] [...].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 107.
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 25 []-5 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY25-05.png].

326. Ellipse. 19 x 9.5. Sphinx as above; horizontal crescent left, six-pointed star right.
► Anu-ab-utēr/Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Anu-ikṣur//Luštammar-Adad:
● 17/XI/155; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 46 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0326_Cl46_B2.png]/YOS 20 75 [](+)FuB 16 37 22 [B2].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pls. II, first row 1, second from left; V, No. 121.

Other examples:

326:A. Ellipse. Bearded sphinx, peaked cap; vertical waxing crescent left, star(?) right.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/[...]:
● 21/VII/[102-119]; witness; sale of prebend RIAA2 296 [] T2
→ Fragmentary witness list.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 233, No. 202, second row, far left.

326:B. Ellipse. 14 x 8.5. Sphinx as above; peaked cap; seven-pointed star right.
► Lā-bāši:
● 21/X/119; witness; sale of prebend CM 12 VI [] T4/VAS 15 32 [] T4.
→ Cf. B2 (CM 12 95); note witness #3: /Anu-bēlšunu/Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #6:/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Ištar-šum-eriš//Aḫ-ūtu.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *57-4 (VAS 15 32 [] T4). CM 12 32 (CM 12 VI [] T4).

326:B′. Previously No. 660:J. Ellipse. 14 x 7. Beardless, bare-headed sphinx walking right; horizontal crescent above rump; 6-pointed star right.
► Zērīya/[Bul]luṭ/Zērīya//Gimil-Anu:
● 19/XII/[120-124?]; witness; sale of land VAS 15 22 [] T1.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *25-1; Schroeder 1916, 26, Nr. 22 o.R. (T1).

326:C. Ellipse. 14 x 8. Sphinx as above; horizontal crescent above rump, 8-pointed star right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Tanittu-Anu/Uppul//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 17/I/130; witness; sale of land VAS 15 12 L1 []/Bab. 8 27f. [] L1;
● 20/III/132; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 94 B4/TCL 13 244 [] B4;
● 22/VI/132; witness; division of property VAS 15 39 [] T1/VAS 15 40 [] T1/VAS 15 49 [] [...].
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *29-8 (VAS 15 12 [] L1); *32-1 (VAS 15 49 [] T1); *33-1 (VAS 15 39 [] T1). Delaporte 1923, Pl. 122, 2a (A.802); Rutten 1935, Pl. 2, No. 29 (TCL 13 244 [] B4). Schroeder 1916, Taf. 2, VAT 8565 o.R. (VAS 15 40 [] T1). SS III 733c (STUBM 94 [] B4).

326:D. Ellipse. 13 x 8. Bearded sphinx profile right; horizontal crescent above rump, 6-pointed star right.
► Illut-Anu/Ubār//Šumāt:
● 22/VI/132; divider; division of property VAS 15 39 [] R4/VAS 15 40 [] R5/VAS 15 49 [] [...].
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *32-10 (VAS 15 40 [] R5), *33-6 (VAS 15 39 [] R4); Schroeder 1916, Taf. 1, VAT 8565 r.R. (R5).


327. Ellipse. 15 x 7. Sphinx and dog; sphinx head indistinct.
► Nidintu-Anu/Kidin-Anu/Anu-zēr-iddin:
● 12/-/124; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 34 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0327_Cl34_T2.png].

328. Ellipse. 18 x 11. Female sphinx and dog; six-pointed star upper right.
► [...]:
● -/-/[90-125]; witness; sale of land BRM 2 9 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0328_Cl09_B2.png].
→ Witness list lost.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 59.
→ Impressions occur on ring-bullae AUWE 20 134-2, 149-2.
→ This seal, and No. 329, below, appear to have been made by the same seal cutter.

329. Ellipse. 18 x 11. Sphinx, dog and star as above; vertical crescent at center between animals.
► Kidin-Anu/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Kidin-Anu sepīr makkūr Anu:
● 16/XII/133; witness; sale of land BRM 2 37 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0329_Cl37_T1.png]/BiMes 24 23 [] T1.
► Nanâ-iddin/[...]:
● 8/II/[138-143]; witness; sale of land VAS 15 36 [] B2.
→ VAS 15 36 [] witness list lost.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *36-2 (VAS 15 36 [] B2). Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 54 (BRM 2 37 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0329_Cl37_T1.png]). Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 100, and Pl. 55, U.E. (BiMes 24 23 [] T1).
→ Impressions occur on ring-bullae AUWE 20 228-7, 354-1.
→ This seal, and No. 328, above, appear to have been made by the same seal cutter.
→ The relationship between the two users of this seal cannot be determined because the witness list to VAS 15 36 is largely destroyed.


330. Ellipse. 17 x 9. Female sphinx, hair gathered in double bun; horizontal crescent above right-facing lion(?) head at right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Šamaš-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 14/V/104; witness; sale of land YOS 20 48 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0330_Y20_048_B2.png];
● -/-/[90-108]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 97 [] B3' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0330_Y20_097_B3'.png]

331. Ellipse. 16 x 10. Female sphinx, hair gathered in bun; horizontal crescent above animal leg at right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu/[...]:
● 18/VII/108; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 51 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0331_Y20_051_B4.png];
● 13/-/[123-125]; witness; dedication of slaves YOS 20 62 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0331_Y20_062_B1.png].
→ See discussion preceding Nos. 756-70, below.

332. Ellipse. 17 x 10. Beardless sphinx; vertical line, frontal bull head right, five-pointed star left.
► Ardi-Ninurta/Nidintu-Anu/Nidintu-Ištar sepīr makkūr Anu:
● 20/-/129; witness; exchange of properties BRM 2 35 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0332_Cl35_T4.png];
● 16/XII/133; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 23 [] T3/BRM 2 37 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0332_Cl37_T3.png].
→ See discussion preceding Nos. 1020-23, below.

Other examples:

332:A. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 8. Beardless sphinx at left; crab at right facing left; horizontal crescent above vessel(?) at center between animals.
► Šamaš-ittannu/[...]nu(?) epiš dulli ṭiṭṭi ša bīt ilānī ša Uruk:
● 19/XII/[120-124?]; guarantor; sale of land VAS 15 22 [] R2.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *25-5; Schroeder 1916, Taf. 2, VAT 9163 r.R. (R2).
→ Cap. R2-R3: un-qa mdUTU-mu-nu un-qa mPN2 mu-ru-raq.MEŠ! É MU.MEŠ.


333. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 10. Beardless sphinx, with crown; three-petaled lily(?) right.
► Kidin-Anu/Anu-zēr-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● -/-/[≤ 17]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 86 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0333_Y20_086_L1.png];
● 8/II/[8-20]; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 11 [] [L2] [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0333_Y20_011_L2.png]/YOS 20 12 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0333_Y20_012_L2.png];
● 20/XI/20; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 3 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0333_Cl03_T1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 148 (BRM 2 3 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0333_Cl03_T1]).
→ Cap. [m...]-d60 [A máḫ]-ʾ-ú-tú (YOS 20 86 [] L1).

334. Pointed ellipse. 14 x 9.5. Bearded, bareheaded sphinx; two-lobed object right.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 20/IX/20; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 3 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0334_Cl03_L1.png].
→ Cf. L2 (No. 292); note witness #1: /Nanâ-iddin//Gimil-Anu; witness #11: /Anu-uballiṭ.

335. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 8.5. Beardless sphinx, top of head lost; indistinct three branched plant(?) right.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 20/IV/29; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 4 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0335_Cl04_T3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 120. Cf. T1 (No. 1063), B2 (No. 78), R3 (No. 242); note witness #2: /Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû; witness #8: /Ša-Anu-iššû//Ekur-zakir; witness #9: /Anu-uballiṭ//Ekur-zakir; witness #15: /Anu-mukīn-apli//Kurî.

336. Ellipse. 18 x 10.5. Beardless, bareheaded sphinx; three-petaled lily(?) right.
► Anu-ab-utēr/Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad:
● 26/XI/35; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 9 []/YOS 20 17 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0336_Y20_017_T1.png]
→ Publ. SS III 659e (STUBM 9 []T1).

337. Ellipse. 15 x 8.5. Sphinx and plant as above.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Ana-rabût-Anu/Kidin-Anu/Anu-ab-uṣur//Luštammar-Adad: ● 20/IV/56; seller; sale of prebend BRM 2 15 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0337_Cl15_R1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 145.
→ Cap. un-qa md60-AD-URU3na-din-naGIŠ.SUB.BA MU.MEŠ.

338. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 8. Sphinx as above; indistinct plant(?) right.
► Tarīb/Nidintu-Anu:
● 22/VIII/61; divider; division of property YOS 20 28 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0338_Y20_028_R2.png].

339. Ellipse. 15+ x 12. Bearded sphinx, pointed cap; indistinct plant(?) right; curved baseline.
► Rabi-Anu/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ekur-zakir:
● 17/I/68; divider; division of property YOS 20 32 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0339_Y20_032_R1.png].

340. Pointed ellipse. 19 x 9+. Beardless sphinx; indistinct five branched plant(?) on base right.
► Anu-zēr-ušabši/Nidintu-Anu/Anu-zēr-ušabši:
● -/-/[90-99]; seller; sale of land YOS 20 44 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0340_Y20_044_R2.png].
→ Cap. R1-R2: un-qa mPN ˹un-qa md60˺-[NUMUN-GÁL-ši]na-din-na-ʾ ˹ki-šub˺-ba-a MU.MEŠ.

Other examples:

340:A. Concave ellipse. 20 x 10. Sphinx as above; crown, curled wing-tip; two pairs of leaves on stem; baseline.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu:
● 18/X/124; witness; gift of land and slave CM 12 VIII [] B3.
→ Publ. CM 12 33. There are two seal impressions captioned Ina-qibīt-Anu: T2 (No. 21:B), B3 (No. 340:A). The witness list gives only one person with such a name; witness #3: /Dumqi-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ḫunzû; witness #1: Dumqi-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ/Nanâ-iddin//Ḫunzû, appears to be without a seal impression, probably due to a scribal error. A royal sphinx at this late date suggests that the cutter may have copied an Achaemenid original, e.g., Dalton 1964, Pl. 16, No. 105. Cf. SIS III AF 61.


341. Ellipse. 14 x 6. Beardless, bare-headed sphinx; two handles vessel right.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Anu-ikṣur/Kidin-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 6/-/146; witness; sale of land YOS 20 72 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0341_Y20_072_T2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 43.

342. Ellipse. 18 x 10. Sphinx and vessel as above.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-erība/Nanâ-iddin//Kurî:
● 17/VII/150; guarantor; sale of prebend BRM 2 40 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0342_Cl40_R2.png]/FuB 16 30f. 9 [...].
→ Cap. un-qa mNÍG.SUM.MU-d60 ŠEŠ-šú [...].MEŠ mu-mar-raq-qa-nu.

343. Ellipse. 15 x 8. Beardless pair of sphinxes flanking two-handled vessel at center; diagonal waxing crescent left, star(?) right.
► Mannu-iqâp/Nanâ-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//Kurî:
● 18/-/138; witness; lease of prebend YOS 20 69 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0343_Y20_069_B3.png].


344. Relocated to No. 591′.

345. Ellipse. 15 x 7.5. Beardless sphinx, indistinct headgear.
► Lā-bāši-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 1/I/65; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 30 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0345_Y20_030_T3.png]

346. Ellipse. 16+ x 11. Bearded sphinx, pointed cap; triangle above rump, crab beneath.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Anu-ab-utēr/Anu-ikṣur//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 2/II/71; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 19 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0346_Cl19_T3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 94.

347. Ellipse. 18 x 8. Beardless sphinx, leaping left.
► Ana-rabût-Anu/Lā-bāši-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 22/II/77; seller; sale of prebend STUBM 49 [] R2/YOS 20 37 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0347_Y20_037_R2.png]
→ Cap.R1-R3: un-qa mPN mDIŠ-GAL-d60 un-qa un-qa mPN3na-din-na-ʾ GIŠ.ŠUB!.BA MU.MEŠ.
→ Publ. SS III 712o (STUBM 49 [] R2).

348. Pointed ellipse. 19 x 11+. Sphinx as above, leaping right.
► Lā-bāši:
● 22/II/77; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 49 [] B1/YOS 20 37 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0348_Y20_037_B1.png]
→ Note witness #3: /Nidintu-Anu/Anu-ab-uṣur//Kurî; witness #4: /Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #10: /[Anu-zēr-līšer]/[...]//Aḫ-ūtu. → Publ. SS III 712f. (STUBM 49 [] B1).

349. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 9. Beardless, bareheaded sphinx; one wing above back, second spread forward.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Illut-Ištar:
● 8/II/78; witness; sale of land BRM 2 23 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0349_Cl23_B2.png]/YOS 20 38 [] B2.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, Nos. 97 (YOS 20 38 [] B2), 100 (BRM 2 23 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0349_Cl23_B2.png]).

350. Ellipse. 18 x 10. Beardless sphinx leaping right.
► Lā-bāši-Anu/Anu-ab-uṣur//Gimil-Anu:
● 8/II/78; witness; sale of land BRM 2 23 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0350_Cl23_L2.png]/YOS 20 38 [] L2.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. 5, No. 121 (BRM 2 23 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0350_Cl23_L2.png]).
→ The scribe omitted this witness's name from the witness list of BRM 2 23 [], but included it in that of the duplicate YOS 20 38 []: 27.

351. Ellipse. 15+ x 8. Beardless sphinx leaping right.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Ištar-šum-eriš//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 17/XIIII/85; witness; sale of land YOS 20 42 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0351_Y20_042_T4.png].
→ Cf. No. 972:I, below.

352. Ellipse. 20+ x 10. Sphinx as above.
► Nanâ-iddin/Anu-zēr-iddin/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 17/XII/II/85; witness; sale of land YOS 20 42 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0352_Y20_042_L3.png].

353. Ellipse. 16 x 8. Sphinx as above, indistinct head; seven-pointed star left, horizontal crescent upper right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Lā-bāši//Aḫ-ūtu:
22/VIII/95; witness; exchange of properties BIN 2 135 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0353_BN2_135_B1.png].
→ Publ. Nies and Keiser 1920, Pl. 54, No. 135 Lo.E. (B1).

354. Ellipse. 15 x 7. Sphinx leaping left; indistinct head.
► Lā-bāši:
● 22/VIII/95; witness; exchange of properties BIN 2 135 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0354_BN2_135_L2.png].
→ Cf. B3 (No. 157); note witness #2: /d[...]//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #5: /Anu-ušallim//Luštammar-Adad.
→ Publ. Nies and Keiser 1920, Pl. 55, L.E. (L2).

355. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 8.5. Beardless, bare-headed sphinx leaping right.
► Mukin-apli/Anu-zēr-līšer/Aḫ-ūtu:
● -/-/93(+); witness; sale of prebend STUBM 69 [] B2;
● -/-/98; witness; division of property YOS 20 41 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0355_Y20_041_L2.png]
→ Publ. SS III 690d (STUBM 69 [] B2).
→ Note leading edge of the wing and top-most feather drawn as a single line as seen on the winged gods, Nos. 159-67, above.

356. Ellipse. 18 x 9.5. Sphinx as above, horned polos; horizontal pomegranate/poppy on sinuous stem beneath.
► Tanittu-Anu:
● -/-/98; witness; division of property YOS 20 46 [] B2' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0356_Y20_041_B2'.png]
→ Fragmentary witness list.
→ Note a similar filler element on No. 469, below.

357. Ellipse. 20 x 8. Sphinx as above, leaping left; indistinct head.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Raḥmat-Anu/Riḫat-Hadad:
● 14/V/104; guarantor; sale of land YOS 20 48 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0357_Y20_048_R2.png]
→ Cap. ˹un-qa˺ md60-ŠEŠ-˹MU-nu˺ A-šú mu-mar-raq-an-na.
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla AUWE 20 74-2.

358. Ellipse. 17 x 8. Bearded sphinx, round cap, leap-ing right; dolphin facing left beneath, horizontal crescent upper right.
► Uṣuršu-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 14/V/104; witness; sale of land YOS 20 48 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0358_Y20_048_B3.png];
● 10/X/107; witness; sale of prebend RIAA2 294 [] T2;
● 4/V/[103-119]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 58 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0358_Y20_058_L1.png]
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 230, No. 198, second row, third from left (RIAA2 294 [] T2).

359. Ellipse. 14 x 7. Bearded sphinx, peaked cap; seven-pointed star right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Lā-bāši/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 14/IX/106; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 49 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0359_Y20_049_T1.png];
● 3/IX/108; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 52 [] [ T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0359_Y20_052_T1.png]];
● -/-/111; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 53 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0359_Y20_053_T1.png].

360. Ellipse. 18 x 8. Sphinx, hair piled in bun atop head; six-pointed star left, tri-angle below, diagonal waning crescent right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Erība//Ekur-zakir:
● 16/VIII/109 ; witness; sale of land BRM 2 30 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0360_Cl30_B4.png]/CM 12 IV [] B4.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 118 (BRM 2 30 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0360_Cl30_B4.png]). CM 12 35 (CM 12 IV [] B4).

361. Ellipse fragment. 8+ x 8+. Sphinx; fragment.
► [...]:
● 18/IX/118; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 31 [] B1' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0361_Cl31_B1'.png].
→ Note witness #1: ...[...]/Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #2: Lā-bāši/[Anu-bēlšunu]/Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #4: Lā-bāši/Ina-qibīt-Anu/[Ištar-šum-eriš]//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #5: Anu-zēr-līšer/Iddinâ//Aḫ-ūtu.

362. Ellipse. 16+ x 8+. Sphinx, head lost; horizontal crescent left, seven-pointed star right.
► Anu-aḫ-ušabši/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 4/V/[103-119]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 58 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0362_Y20_058_T1.png]

363. Ellipse. 16 x 8. Beardless sphinx, indistinct headgear.
► Anu-uballissu/Anu-uballiṭ//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 11/XII/119; witness; sale of land YOS 20 60 [] [L2]/YOS 20 61 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0363_Y20_061_L2.png].

364. Ellipse. 11 x 7.5. Sphinx as above.
► Kidin-Anu/Lā-bāši//Ekur-zakir: ● 28/III/124; witness; sale of food allotment BRM 2 33 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0364_Cl33_T4.png].

Other examples:

364:A. Ellipse. 15+ x 9.5. Sphinx as above.
► Ištar-zēr-ibni/Anu-ab-utēr//Luštammar-Adad:
● 18/XIIII/72; witness; sale of land CM 12 II [] L3.
→ Publ. CM 12 34.

AUWE 19 364:A'

AUWE 19 364:A'

364:Aʹ. Previously No. 444:D. Ellipse. 16+ x 9+. Bearded sphinx leaping right; feathered crown(?).
► Anu-aḫ-utēr/Zērīya//Gimil-Anu:
● 27/I/78; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 54 [] [T4]/STUBM 55 [] T4;
● 26/XII/[75-100]; witness; sale of land VAS 15 43 [] T3.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *55-1 (VAS 15 43 [] T3). SS III 708l (STUBM 55 [] T4); 709g (STUBM 54 [] T4). Ménant 1886, 186, Fig. 178 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0364A'_GlypOr_Op3_T4.png] (STUBM 55 [] T4).


365. Ellipse. 17 x 9.5. Human-headed winged bull, Neo-Babylonian-style feathered crown and curled wing-tip; sinuous plant at right; short baseline segments beneath each hoof.
► Kidin-Anu/Mukin-apli//Kurî:
● 15/XI/65; witness; sale of land STUBM 37 [] B3;
● 17/I/68; witness; division of property YOS 20 32 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0365_Y20_032_L3.png].
→ Publ. SS III 697i ( STUBM 37 [] B3).
→ Compare crown with Porada 1948a, No. 749 (10th-8th c. Neo-Babylonian modeled style).

366+368. Ellipse. 18 x 9. Human-headed winged bull, tail curled up, bare-headed(?)/indistinct cap(?); indistinct object(?) at right.
► Šamaš-īṭer/Kidin-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 16/VII/85; witness; sale(?) of prebend(?) YOS 20 41 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0366_Y20_041_L3.png];
● 2/XIIII/91; witness; sale of land YOS 20 45 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0368_Y20_045_B3.png].
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 21 []-3 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY21-03.png], dated ca. 78-[...] S.E.

367. Ellipse. 17 x 9.5. Human-headed winged bull, peaked cap; six-pointed star at right.
► Anu-ušallim/Balāṭu//Luštammar-Adad:
● -/V/[76-88]; witness; quitclaim YOS 20 94 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0367_Y20_094_B3.png];
● 26/-/[80-90]; witness; OECT 9 21 [] L1; ● 3(+)/III(?)/91; witness; lease and sale of land FuB 16 24f. 1 B1;.
● 22/VIII/95; witness; exchange of properties BIN 2 135 [] [T4];
● 6/I/[95-96]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 84 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0367_Y20_084_T4.png];
● -/-/98; witness; division of property YOS 20 46 [] [ B3' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0367_Y20_046_B3'.png]];
● -/-/[90-99]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 44 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0367_Y20_044_T3.png].
→ Impressions occur on ring-bullae CBCY 5 54 []-13 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY54-13.png], 68 []-20 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY68-20.png], both dated ca. 101-ca. 124 S.E.

368. Relocated to No. 366+368

369. Ellipse. 17+ x 10.5. Human-headed winged bull as above; balance on side at right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Kītu-Anu//Kurî:
● 3/IX/108; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 52 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0369_Y20_052_B1.png]
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 40 []-11 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY40-11.png], dated [...]-ca. 124 S.E.

Other examples:

369:A. Ellipse. 16 x 11. Human-headed winged bull, Neo-Babylonian-style feathered crown.
► Lā-bāši-Anu/Kidin-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● 26/VIII/6 Antig.; witness; sale of land TCL 13 234 [] T1.
→ Publ. Delaporte 1923, Pl. 121, Fig. 4d (T1).
→ Cap. mNU-TÉŠ-d60 A mÉ.KUR-za-kir.
→ Cf. "Centaure coiffé de la tiare cylindrique," Delaporte 1923, 176 (A.799 N).

369:B. Ellipse. Human-headed winged bull, indistinct cap; Aram. נדת right.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 14/V/96 sale of land RIAA2 298 [] T1/RIAA2 300 [] T1.
→ Cf. B3; note witness #3: /Mannu-iqâp//Kurî, witness #7: Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 230, No. 197, second row, far right (RIAA2 298 [] T1); 233, No. 201, first row, right (RIAA2 300 [] T1).

369:B'. Previously No. 605:C. Pointed ellipse. Human-headed winged bull, peaked cap; 6-pointed star at right.
► Ina-qibī-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Kurî:
● 14/IV/97; witness; lease of prebend [OECT 9 18 []]/OECT 9 36 [] B4;
● -/VII/97; witness; quitclaim BiMes 24 18 [...]/BiMes 24 48 [] L2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 199, and Pl. 122. Le.E. (BiMes 24 48 [] L2).

369:C. Ellipse. Human-headed winged bull; horizontal crescent upper left.
► Ištar-šum-eriš/Šamaš-ittannu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 10/X/107; witness; sale of prebend RIAA2 294 [] B1
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 230, No. 198, first row, second from left.


370. Ellipse. 15 x 10. Human-headed winged bull profile right, conical cap.
► Anu-zēr-līšer/Šamaš-ittannu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 12/V/9; witness; sale of slaves BRM 2 2 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0370_Cl02_L2.png];
● 28/XI/12; witness; sale of slaves [YOS 20 4 []]/YOS 20 5 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0370_Y20_005_T1.png].
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB md60-NUMUN-GIŠ ( BRM 2 2 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0370_Cl02_L2.png]).

371. Pointed ellipse. 15.5 x 10. Human-headed winged bull as above.
► Mušallim-Anu/Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad:
● 12/V/9; witness; sale of slaves BRM 2 2 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0371_Cl02_T2.png].
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mGI-d60.

372. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 10. Human-headed winged bull as above, bareheaded(?).
► Nanâ-iddin:
● 12/V/9; witness; sale of slaves BRM 2 2 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0372_Cl02_B3.png].
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mna-na-a-MU.
→ Cf. L3 (No. 74); note witness #6: /Lā-bāši//Ḫunzû; witness #11: /Kidin-Ištar.

373. Ellipse. 13+ x 9.5. Human-headed winged bull profile left, peaked cap; baseline.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 12/V/9; witness; sale of slaves BRM 2 2 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0373_Cl02_B1.png].
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mni-din-tu4-d60.
→ Cf. L1 (No. 900); note witness #4: /Tanittu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #5: /Lā-bāši//Ḫunzû.

374. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 9. Human-headed winged bull profile right, peaked cap; baseline.
► Nidintu-Anu/Tanittu-Anu//Aḫ-[ūtu]:
● 28/IV/12; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 2 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0374_Y20_002_T4.png];
● 15/I/[9-17]; witness; receipt for sale of land VAS 15 51 [] B1.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *56-4 (VAS 15 51 [] B1).

375. Fragment of ellipse. 15+ x 11.5. Human-headed winged bull as above; baseline.
► Nadin/Mušēzib-Anu//Kurî:
● 20/IV/29; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 4 [] R2.
→ See note at No. 242, above.

376. Ellipse. 13 x 9. Human-headed winged bull as above.
► Šullum/Šeški-Anu//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 20/IV/29; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 4 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0376_Cl04_L2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 155.

377. Ellipse. 18 x 9.5. Human-headed winged bull as above.
► Kidin-Anu/Anu-mukīn-apli//Ekur-zakir:
● 28/XII/29; witness; sale of land YOS 20 16 [] T1.

377' Previously No. 624. Ellipse. 13 x 10. Human-headed winged bull as above.
► Tattannu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Ḫunzû:
● 26/XI/35; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 9 [] L1/YOS 20 17 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0624_Y20_017_L1.png]
→ Publ. SS III 659d (STUBM 9 [] L1).

378. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 9.5. Human-headed winged bull as above.
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Līšer//Gimil-Anu:
● 21/XIIII/47; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 11 [] L5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0378_Cl11_L5.png];
● 6/I/48; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 12 [] L4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0378_Cl12_L4.png].

379. Ellipse. 15 x 10.5. Human-headed winged bull as above.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 25/VIII/47; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 20 [] B1;
● 21/XIIII/47; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 11 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0379_Cl11_B2.png];
● 21/IX/49; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 13 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0379_Cl13_B1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. II, fourth row, far left (BRM 2 13 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0379_Cl13_B1.png]). SS III 675b (STUBM 20 [] B1).

380. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 8.5. Human-headed winged bull as above.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 6/I/48; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 12 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0380_Cl12_L3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 146.
→ Impression occurs on bulla CBCY 5 3 []-12 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY03-12.png].

381. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 9. Human-headed winged bull; feathered crown.
► Tanittu-Anu/Balāṭu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 15/XI/51; witness; sale of land BRM 2 14 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0381_Cl14_T1.png];
● 2/IX/[46-51]; witness; sale of prebendSTUBM 25 [] T2.
→ Publ. SS III 680c (STUBM 25 [] T2).

382. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Human-headed winged bull, peaked
→ Cap.
► Anu-bēl-zēri/Anu-ab-uṣur//Kurî:
● 6/VIII/53; witness; sale of land YOS 20 26 [] T4.

383. Ellipse. 14 x 6. Human-headed winged bull as above.
► Anu-zēr-līšer:
● 25/I/[52-63]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 96 [] B5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0383_Y20_096_B5.png]
→ Note witness #1: [...]/[...]//Kurî; witness #3′: [...]/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #5′: [...]/Anu-[...]//Gimil-Anu.

384. Ellipse. 15+ x 9.5.
Human-headed winged bull; indistinct headgear.
► Ubār/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 1/I/65; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 30 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0384_Y20_030_L1.png]

385. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 9. Human-headed winged bull, peaked Cap.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Nidintu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 22/III/67; witness; duty roster BRM 2 17 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0385_Cl17_T2.png].
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 59 []-9 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY59-09.png], dated ca. 37-ca. 80 S.E.

386. Ellipse. 15 x 9.5. Human-headed winged bull as above.
► Nidintu-Anu/[...]//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 17/I/68; witness; division of property
→ YOS 20 32 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0386_Y20_032_T2.png].

387. Ellipse. 15 x 10. Human-headed winged bull as above.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Riḫat-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Luštammar-Adad:
● 2/II/71; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 19 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0387_Cl19_L1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 132!

388. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 10. Human-headed winged bull as above.
► Nidintu-Anu/Tanittu-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 2/II/71; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 19 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0388_Cl19_L2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 103.

389. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 10. Human-headed winged bull as above.
► Anu-zēr-iddin/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû:
● 20/VI/71; witness; sale of land BRM 2 20 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0389_Cl20_B4.png]/YOS 20 34 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0389_Y20_034_B4.png].

390. Ellipse. 12+ x 8. Human-headed winged bull as above.
► Anu-ab-utēr:
● -/-/144; witness; sale of food allowance BRM 2 56 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0390_Cl56_B2.png].
→ Cf. L4 (lost); note witness #4:/Anu-zēr-iddin/Kidin-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu, witness #5:/[...]-zēr-līšer/Anu-uballiṭ//Aḫ-ūtu.

Other examples:

390:A0. Previously No. 616:A. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 9. Human-headed winged bull as above.
► Ana-rabûtīka-Anu/Kidin-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 10/IV/12; witness; sale of prebend VDI 1955/4 152f. VI [] B3;
● 5/II/13; witness; promissory note VAS 15 2 []L2.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *16-4 (VAS 15 2 L2). Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 7 (VDI 1955/4 152f. []VI B3).
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mDIŠ-GAL-ka-d60.

390:A00. Previously No. 605:A. Pointed ellipse. Human-headed winged bull as above (courtesy Francis Joannès).
► Ša-Anu-iššû/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Ekur-zakir:
● 10/IV/12; witness; sale of prebend VDI 1955/4 152f. VI [] L2.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 7 (L2).
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIBmšá-d60-iš-šu-ú.

390:A. Pointed ellipse. 17.5 x 10.5. Human-headed winged bull as above; baseline.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Nidintu-Anu//Gimil-Anu:
● 24/IX/32; witness; sale of land OECT 9 7 [] B2.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 17, No. 6.

390:B. Relocated to No. 402:A0.

AUWE 19 390:C

AUWE 19 390:C

390:C. Ellipse. Human-headed winged bull as above, peaked
→ Cap.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/[...]:
● -/-/60; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 35 [] B1.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 183, Fig. 159 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0390C_GlypOr_Op1_B1.png]; SS III 695d.

390:D. Relocated to No. 397A′.

AUWE 19 390:E

AUWE 19 390:E

390:E. Pointed ellipse. Human-headed winged bull as above; curved dotted baseline below.
► Lā-bāši/Nidintu-Anu/Tat[tannu]//Ekur-zakir:
● 18/I/68; seller; sale of prebend STUBM 44 [] R1.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 185, Fig. 174 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0390E_GlypOr_Op2_R1.png]; SS III 698c.


391. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 9. Human-headed winged bull leaping right, peaked cap; six(?)-pointed star right.
► Šamaš-ittannu/Tattannu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 20/IV/56; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 15 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0391_Cl15_L2.png].
● 16/III/57; witness; quitclaim STUBM 32 [] T1.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 124 (BRM 2 15 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0391_Cl15_L2.png]). SS III 692c (STUBM 32 [] T1).

392. Ellipse. 14 x 8. Human-headed winged bull as above, feathered crown; circle left, triangle right.
► Illut-Anu/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ebabbar-šum-ibni:
● 20/VII/68; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 18 [] L3' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0392_Cl18_L3'.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 141.

393. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 8. Human-headed winged bull as above, peaked cap; eight-pointed star right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-uballiṭ//Kurî:
● 25/VI/75; witness; sale of land BRM 2 21 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0393_Cl21_L3.png].

394. Ellipse. 16+ x 9.5. Human-headed winged bull as above; seven(?)-pointed star left, horizontal crescent right.
► Ana-rabût-Anu:
● 22/II/77; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 49 [] B3/YOS 20 37 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0394_Y20_037_B3.png]
→ Cf. L1 (lost); note witness #7: /Rabi-Anu//Kurî; witness #11: /[Anu-bēlšunu]//Kurî.
→ Publ. SS III 712d (STUBM 49 []B3).

395. Ellipse. 14 x 7.5. Human-headed winged bull as above, horned miter; diagonal waning crescent right.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Tattannu/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 20/IV/88; witness; division of property YOS 20 43 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0395_Y20_043_L2.png]!/BiMes 24 53 [...];
● 2/XIIII/91; seller; sale of land YOS 20 45 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0395_Y20_045_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa md60-ŠEŠ.MEŠ-MU na-din-na ki-šub-ba-a MU.MEŠ (YOS 20 45 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0395_Y20_045_R1.png]).
The scribe of YOS 20 43 [] mislabeled seal impressions at L2 ("Nidintu-Anu") and L1 ("Anu-ab-uṣur"): see No. 987, below.

396. Ellipse. 13+ x 8.5. Human-headed winged bull, peaked cap; horizontal crescent right.
► Ana-rabût-Anu/[...]:
● 22/VIII/95; witness; exchange of propertiesBIN 2 135 [] L4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0396_BN2_135_L4.png].
→ Publ. Nies and Keiser 1920, Pl. 55, No. 135 L.E. (L4).
→ The scribe appears to have omitted this name from the witness list and so added the patronymic to the caption: un-qa mDIŠ-GAL-˹d60 DUMU˺ [ša m...].

397. Ellipse. 16 x 7. Human-headed winged bull as above, indistinct head; diagonal waning crescent right.
► Dumqi-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ/Nanâ-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 3/IX/108; seller; sale of prebend YOS 20 52 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0397_Y20_052_R1.png]
→ Cap. un-qa mdum-qí-d60 ˹˺na-din-na.

Other examples:

397:A. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 11. Human-headed winged bull, cap indistinct; inverted triangle right.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Ekur-zakir:
● 26/VIII/Antig. 6; witness; sale of land TCL 13 234 [] B1.
→ Publ. Delaporte 1923, Pl. 121, Fig. 4b (B1).
→ Cap. mAŠ-qí-bit-d60 A mÉ.KUR-za-kir.
→ Compare No. 411, below, used by Ina-qibīt-Anu, ca. 12-17 S.E.; the seals appear to be very similar, but not identical.
→ Cf. "lion ailé, androcéphale" (Delaporte 1923, 176 [A.799 F]).

AUWE 19 397:A'

AUWE 19 397:A'

397A′. Previously No. 390:D. Pointed ellipse. Human-headed winged bull as above, peaked cap; 8-pointed star below.
► Līšer/Mukin-apli/Anu-ikṣur//Kurî:
● -/-/60; seller; sale of prebend STUBM 35 [] R1.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 183, Fig. 166 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0397A'_GlypOr_Op1_R1.png]; SS III 695f.

397:B. Relocated to No. 206:F+397:B.

397:C. Ellipse. Human-headed winged bull, head indistinct; horizontal crescent beneath.
► Ubār/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 4/VIII/99; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 68 [] L2/VDI 1955/4 154ff. VII [] L2.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 8 (VDI 1955/4 154ff. VII L2).

397:D. Relocated to No. 426:B′.

397:E. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 10. Human-headed winged bull, bare-headed(?); horizontal waxing crescent left.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 6/I/[90-102]; witness; sale of land VAS 15 42 [] L2.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *4-9; Schroeder 1916, Taf. 1, VAT 9153 l.R. (L2).


398. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 9. Human-headed winged bull, peaked cap; leaping over leaping fox; inverted triangle right.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● 2/VI/37; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 10 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0398_Cl10_T3.png].
● 12/III/38; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 13 [] T5;
● 1/IV/38; witness; sale of land YOS 20 19 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0398_Y20_019_B1.png]
→ Publ. SS III 664d (STUBM 13 [] T5).

AUWE 19 399

AUWE 19 399

399. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Human-headed winged bull and fox as above; human head indistinct; 8-pointed star right..
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 14/XIIII/77; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 22 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0399_Cl22_L2.png]/BiMes 24 1 []L2;
● 27/I/78; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 54 [] [...]/STUBM 55 [] T2;.
●  -/VIII/78; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 56 [] B1.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 186, Fig. 176 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0399_GlypOr_Op3_T2.png] (STUBM 55 [] T2). SS III 707d (STUBM 56 B1); 708f (STUBM 55 []T2); STUBM pl. 54 (STUBM [] 54). Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 9, and Pl. 3, L.E. (BiMes 24 1 [] L2!).
→ The scribe mistakenly captioned BiMes 24 1 L2 mtat-tan-nu.

400. Ellipse. 17+ x 9.5. Human-headed winged bull and fox as above;horizontal crescent above 8-pointed star right.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Ardi-Ninurta sepīr makkūr Anu:
● 3(+)/-/77; witness; lease of prebend STUBM 51 [] L2;
● 1/IX/78; witness; sale of food allowance and prebend YOS 20 39 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0400_Y20_039_T1.png].
● 9/III/[67-89]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 64 []L3.
→ Publ. SS III 706c (STUBM 51 [] L2); 773f (STUBM 64 []L3).

[return to top]

Seals 401-500

401. Ellipse. 18.5 x 10.5. Human-headed winged bull and fox as above; nearly vertical waxing crescent left.
► Ša-Anu-iššû/Ištar-šum-eriš//Ḫunzû:
● -/II/84; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 23 []B1;
● 16/VII/85; witness; sale(?) of prebend(?) YOS 20 41 [] L4;
● -/V/[76-88]; witness; quitclaim YOS 20 94 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0423_Y20_047_T1.png]

402. Ellipse. 17 x 9. Human-headed winged bull and fox as above; horizontal crescent upper left, triangle left, six-pointed star lower left.
► Anu-ikṣur/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 6/I/[95-96]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 84 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0402_Y20_084_B2.png].

Other examples:

AUWE 19 402:A°

AUWE 19 402:A0

402:A0. Previously No. 390:B. Pointed ellipse. Human-headed winged bull as above, feathered crown; small recumbent quadruped (canine?), tail down profile right below.
► Anu-ab-utēr:
● -/-/60; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 35 [] L2.
→ Fragmentary witness list.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 183, Fig. 163 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0402A_0_GlypOr_Op1_L2.png]; SS III 695e.

402:A. Ellipse. 17+ x 9.5. Human-headed winged bull and fox as above; diagonal waning crescent right.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Ištar-šum-eriš//Ḫunzû:
● 18/XIIII/72; witness; sale of land CM 12 II [] T3.
→ Publ. CM 12 38.


403. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 9.5. Human-headed winged bull leaping right above fish facing right. ► Anu-zēr-līšer/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● -/XI/[51-66]; witness; gift of slave OECT 9 12 [T3]/OECT 9 13 [] T3;
● 22/III/67; witness; duty roster BRM 2 17 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0403_Cl17_B4.png].
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 19, No. 33 (OECT 9 13 [] T3).

AUWE 19 404

AUWE 19 404

404. Ellipse. 16 x 9. Human-headed winged bull as above; fish/dolphin; horizontal crescent right.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-qīšan//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 14/XIIII/77; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 22 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0404_Cl22_B1.png]/BiMes 24 1 [] B1;
● 27/I/78; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 54 L2/STUBM 55 [] L2;
● 2/VI/82; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 26 [] T3;
● 11/VII/82; witness; division of property BRM 2 24 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0404_Cl24_B2.png]/YOS 20 40 [] B2.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 25 (YOS 20 40 [] B2). Ménant 1886, 187, Fig. 185 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0404_GlypOr_Op3_L2.png] (STUBM 55 [] L2). SS III 708e (STUBM 55 L2); 709f. (STUBM 54 L2). Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 4, and Pl. 3, Lo.E. (BiMes 24 1 [] B1); 22, No. 110, and Pl. 65, U.E. (BiMes 24 26 [] T3).

405. Ellipse. 13+ x 9.5. Human-headed winged bull as above; dolphin(?) below facing left; seven-pointed star left.
► Anu-zēr-iddin/Lā-bāši[..?]:
● -/-/[90-99]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 44 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0405_Y20_044_B2.png].

406. Ellipse. 18 x 10. Human-headed winged bull as above; fish facing right; Aramaic ג-נ at left, נ-ג upper right.
► Nanâ-iddin/Nidintu-Anu/Anu-zēr-ušabši:
● -/-/[90-99]; seller; sale of land YOS 20 44 [] R1.
→ Cap. R1-R2: un-qamna-na-a-d60 un-qa mPN2na-din-na-ʾ ˹ki-šub˺-ba-a MU.MEŠ.

407. Ellipse. 15 x 7. Human-headed winged bull and fish as above; six-pointed star right.
► Illut-Anu/Kidin-Anu//Ṭupšar-Ninurta:
● 14/V/104; witness; sale of land YOS 20 48 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0407_Y20_048_T3.png]

408. Ellipse. 13+ x 8.5. Bare-headed human-headed winged bull; dol-phin facing right; diagonal waning crescent right.
► Anu-ab-utēr/[Anu-zēr-iddin]/Kidin-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 10(+)/XII/[125-137];witness; sale of land OECT 9 56 B1 [];
● 12/II/116; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 55 [] L1′ [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0408_Y20_055_L1′.png]/BiMes 24 3(+)BaMB 2 132 [...];
● 28/III/124; witness; sale of food allowance BRM 2 33 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0408_Cl33_B1.png].

409. Relocated to No. 585′.

Other examples:

409:A. Human-headed winged bull as above, bareheaded; dolphin facing left; nearly vertical waning crescent upper right.
► Dannat-Bēl/Anu-uballiṭ//Luštammar-Adad:
● -/III/88; witness; division of property TCL 13 240 [] L1.
→ Publ. Rutten 1935, Pl. 1, No. 8.

409:B. Relocated to No. 586:Cʹ.


410. Ellipse. 14 x 9. Human-headed winged bull, head lost; ambigu-ous branched form beneath.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu(sic!?) mār banê:
● 6/II/9; witness; protocol of hearing YOS 20 1 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0410_Y20_001_L2.png].
→ This seal is included here on the basis of its strong resemblance to No. 412, below. Compare the ambiguous branched forms here and on No. 412 with that beneath a leaping lion on No. 823, below.
→ Cf. B1 (No. 427); note witness #3: /[...]//Ekur-zakir. The scribe either mislabeled No. 410 or No. 427, or erred recording the personal name of; witness #2: Anu-ab-utēr/Iddinâ//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #5: Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Anu-ab-utēr<//Ekur-zakir?>; witness #8: Anu-ab-utēr/Iddin-Anu, or; witness #11: Anu-ab-utēr/Anu-aḫḫē-iqīša.

411. Ellipse. 15 x 10. Human-headed winged bull, peaked cap; ambiguous angled form right.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Ekur-zakir:
● 10/IV/12; witness; sale of prebend VDI 1955/4 152f. VI [] T2;
● 16/VIII/16; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 8 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0411_Y20_008_T2.png];
● 9/II/17; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 10 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0411_Y20_010_T1.png];
● 12/IX/[17-19]; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 25 [] [ T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0411_Cl25_T1.png]];
● 8/II/[8-20]; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 11 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0411_Y20_011_T3.png]/YOS 20 12 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0411_Y20_012_T3.png];
●  -/-/-; witness; sale of land STUBM 12 [] L3.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 7 VDI 1955/4 152f. VI []T2. SS III 774b (STUBM 12 [] L3)
. → Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mAŠ-qí-bit-d60 (VDI 1955/4 152f. VI [] T2; YOS 20 10 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0411_Y20_010_T1.png]).
→ Compare No. 397:A, above, used by Ina-qibīt-Anu in 6 Antig.: the seals are similar, but not identical.

412. Ellipse. 15 x 7.5. Human-headed winged bull, peaked cap; ambiguous branched form beneath.
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Lā-bāši:
● 4/VII/12; witness; contract for work YOS 20 3 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0412_Y20_003_T1.png].
→ Compare the ambiguous branched forms on both Nos. 410-11, above, with that beneath a leaping lion on No. 823, below.

413. Ellipse. 14 x 8.5. Human-headed winged bull as above; inverted triangle above back, eagle(?) standing profile left beneath.
► Tanittu-Anu/Balāṭu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 12/IX/[17-19]; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 25 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0413_Cl25_T3.png].

414. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 8. Human-headed winged bull; feathered crown; ambiguous form beneath.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Ana-rabûtīka-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 3/X/35; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 8 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0414_Cl08_L2.png].

415. Ellipse. 14 x 10. Human-headed winged bull, peaked cap; ambiguous form beneath.
► Ištar-šum-eriš/Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû?]:
● 2/VI/37; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 10 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0415_Cl10_L1.png].

416. Ellipse. 15+ x 11. Human-headed winged bull as above; frontal bull head right; raised linear border.
► Bēlšunu/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 20/IV/56; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 15 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0416_Cl15_L3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 128.
→ See discussion preceding Nos. 1020-23, below.

417. Pointed ellipse. 14+ x 9. Human-headed winged bull as above; diagonal waning crescent right; ambiguous branched form beneath.
► Lā-bāši/Tanittu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 20/VII/68; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 18 [] L2' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0417_Cl18_L2'.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 129.

418. Ellipse. 16 x 8.5. Human-headed winged bull, bare-headed; diagonal waning crescent right; Aramaic ד beneath.
► Tattannu/Dumqi-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 19/II/77; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 36 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0418_Y20_036_T2.png];
● 14/XIIII/77; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 22 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0418_Cl22_B2.png]/BiMes 24 1 [] B2;
● 11/VII/82; witness; division of property BRM 2 24 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0418_Cl24_T3.png]/YOS 20 40 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0418_Y20_040_T3.png].
● 2/III/84; witness; quitclaim OECT 9 22 [] T1;
● 7/-/84; witness; sale of land STUBM 60 [] B4.
The scribe of YOS 20 36 [] erroneously gave the seal owner's ancestor name as Rabi-Anu (mGAL-d60).
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 5, and Pl. 3, Lo.E. (BiMes 24 1 [] B2).

419. Ellipse. 17 x 9.5. Human-headed winged bull, peaked cap; diagonal waxing crescent left; plant form right, fish(?) beneath.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Mannu-iqâp//Kurî:
● 11/VII/82; witness; division of property BRM 2 24 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0419_Cl24_T1.png]/YOS 20 40 [] T1;
● 24/III/89; witness; sale of land BRM 2 28 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0419_Cl28_T2.png] BiMes 24 19 [] T2;
● -/-/[67-89]; witness; gift of land YOS 20 93 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0419_Y20_093_B1.png];
● -/-/[90-99]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 44 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0419_Y20_040_T1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 116 (BRM 2 28 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0419_Cl28_T2.png]). Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 71, and Pl. 39, U.E. (BiMes 24 19 T2).

420. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 10.5. Human-headed winged bull as above; diagonal waxing crescent left; balance beneath.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu:
● 23/VIII/87; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 27 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0420_Cl27_T3.png]/CM 12 III [] T3.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 140 (BRM 2 27 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0420_Cl27_T3.png]). CM 12 39 (CM 12 [] III T3). Cf. L3 (No. 106); note witness #5: /Ana-rabût-Anu//[Kurî]; witness #6: /Nidintu-Anu//[Ḫunzû].

421. Ellipse. 15 x 9.5. Human-headed winged bull as above; right profile bull head at left, triangle right, crab beneath facing up.
► Nanâ-iddin:
● 20/IV/88; witness; division of property YOS 20 43 [] B4/BiMes 24 53 [...].
→ Cf. B1 (No. 850); note witness #2: /Anu-zēr-iddin/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #10: /Mukin-apli//Ebabbar-šum-ibni.

422. Ellipse. 15 x 7. Human-headed winged bull; indistinct head; crab(?) beneath facing up.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Kidin-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 2/XIIII/91; witness; sale of land YOS 20 45 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0422_Y20_045_T1.png].

423. Ellipse. 16 x 7.5. Human-headed winged bull, peaked cap; crab(?) beneath.
► Nanâ-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//Kurî:
● 4/VIII/99; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 68 [T4]/VDI 1955/4 154ff. VII []T4;
● 15/X/100; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 47 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0423_Y20_047_T1.png]
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 8 (VDI 1955/4 154ff. VII [] T4).
→ Cf. Weisberg 1991, Pl. 57, No. 24, Le.E. (L2).

424. Ellipse. 11+ x 9. Human-headed winged bull, round cap; crab(?) beneath.
► Anu-šum-līšer/Mannu-iqâp//Kurî:
● 15/X/100; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 47 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0424_Y20_047_B2.png]
→ Note brother's seal immediately following.

425. Ellipse. 14 x 8. Human-headed winged bull as above; triangle right; fish beneath.
► Lā-bāši/Mannu-iqâp//Kurî:
● 15/X/100; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 47 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0425_Y20_047_B3.png]
● -/-/[89-125]; witness; sale of prebend VAS 15 28 []T1.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *14-1 (VAS 15 28 []T1).
→ Note brother's seal immediately above.

426. Ellipse. 16 x 8.5. Human-headed winged bull, indistinct head; diagonal waning crescent right; ambiguous form beneath.
► [...]:
● -/-/[108-109]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 50 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0426_Y20_050_B3.png].
→ Cf. B2 (No. 90), B4 (lost); note witness #3: Dannat-Bēlti/Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad; witness #7: Dannat-Bēlti/[...]//Luštammar-Adad; witness #9: Kidin-Anu/Ardi-Ninurta.

Other examples:

AUWE 19 426A

AUWE 19 426A

426:A. Pointed ellipse. Human-headed winged bull, peaked cap; ambiguous forms right, beneath.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin/Anu-uballiṭ//Ḫunzû:
● 27/I/78; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 54 [...]/STUBM 55 [] T1.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 186, Fig. 175 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0426A_GlypOr_Op3_T1.png]; SS III 708m.

426:B. Ellipse. Human-headed winged bull, peaked cap; ambiguous form right.
► Lā-bāši/Anu-ab-uṣur//Luštammar-Adad:
● 2/VIII/101!; witness; sale of land RIAA2 293 [] T2.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 231, No. 199, second row, third from left.

426:B′. Previously No. 397:D. Ellipse. Human-headed winged bull; ambiguous form beneath, diagonal waning crescent upper right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● 2/VIII/101!; witness; sale of landRIAA2 293 [] B4.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 231, No. 199, third row, far right.
→ Cf. T1 (696:H); note witness #4: /Mušēzib-Anu//Luštammar-Adad, witness #9: /Šibqat-Anu//Luštammar-Adad.

426:C. Ellipse. Human-headed winged bull as above; star(?) left, diagonal waning crescent right, ambiguous branched form beneath.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 2/VIII/101!; witness; sale of land RIAA2 293 [] T3.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 231, No. 199, second row, second from left.

426:D. Relocated to No. 206:Gʹ.


427. Ellipse. 12 x 8. Profile right human-headed winged quadruped, indistinct pose.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu(sic!?) mār banê:
● 6/II/96; witness; protocol of hearing YOS 20 1 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0427_Y20_001_B1.png].
→ Cf. L2 (No. 410); note witness #3: /[...]//Ekur-zakir. The scribe either mislabeled No. 410 or No. 427, or erred recording the personal name of witness #2: Anu-ab-utēr/Iddinâ//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #5: Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Anu-ab-utēr<//Ekur-zakir>; witness #8: Anu-ab-utēr/Iddin-Anu, or witness #11: Anu-ab-utēr/Anu-aḫḫē-iqīša.

428. Ellipse. 15 x 8.5. Human-headed winged quadruped as above.
► Nidintu-Anu/Lā-bāši//Ḫunzû:
● 22/XI/14; witness; sale of ? YOS 20 6 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0428_Y20_006_L2.png];
● 12/IX/[17-19]; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 25 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0428_Cl25_L1.png].

429. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Leaping, beardless, bareheaded human-headed winged quadruped; seated bird facing left at right.
► Zērīya/Anu-mukīn-apli//Gimil-Anu:
● 16/VIII/16; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 8 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0429_Y20_008_B2.png].

430. Ellipse. 12 x 11. Human-headed winged quadruped walking profile right; long diagonal line with two shorter diagonal lines crossing at right angles at right.
► Anu-uballiṭ:
● 20/IX/20; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 3 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0430_Cl03_B2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 114.
→ Cf. B4 (No. 284); note witness #5: /Nadin//Ekur-zakir; witness #8: /Nidintu-Anu//Kidin-Marduk.

431. Ellipse. 10 x 8. Human-headed winged quadruped.
► fBēlessunu/Nanâ-iddin:
● 26/XI/35; guarantor; sale of prebend STUBM 9 [] R4/YOS 20 17 [] R4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0431_Y20_017_R4.png]
→ Cap. un-qa GAŠAN-su-nu DUMU.MÍ šá mdna-na-a-MU AMA šá md60-GI u md60-ŠEŠ.MEŠ-MU.
→ Publ. SS III 659l (STUBM 9 [] R4).

432. Ellipse. 14+ x 9.5. Leaping(?) human-headed winged quadruped, horned polos(?).
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu:
● 2/VI/37; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 10 [] T1.
→ Cf. L5 (No. 299); note witness #3: /Nidintu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #16: /Anu-ab-uṣur.

433. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 10. Profile left(?) human-headed winged quadruped.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Mannu-kī-Ištar:
● 2/VI/37; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 10 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0433_Cl10_L3.png].

434. Ellipse. 17 x 10. Walking, profile right human-headed winged quadruped; raised linear border.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Lā-bāši//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 22/III/67; witness; duty roster BRM 2 17 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0434_Cl17_B3.png];
● 22/VI/67; witness; quitclaim YOS 20 31 [] T5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0434_Y20_031_T5.png].

435. Ellipse. 15 x 8.5. Leaping, beardless, bare-headed human-headed winged quadruped.
► [...]: itinnu:
● 22/III/67; assignee; duty roster BRM 2 17 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0435_Cl17_R1.png].
→ The right edge is captioned un-qa.MEŠ šá DÍM.MEŠ, and shows eleven tightly overlapping impressions, none individually identified by owner. The tablet contains two lists naming eleven and ten assignees, respectively, ana epēš dulli ("to perform the ritual"); see further note at No. 665, below.

436. Ellipse. 17 x 9.5. Walking, bearded, human-headed winged quadruped; feathered crown.
► Illut-d[...]/[...]//Luštammar-Adad:
● 17/I/68; witness; division of property YOS 20 32 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0436_Y20_032_B1.png].

437. Ellipse. 15+ x 10.5. Human-headed winged quadruped, indistinct headgear, curled wing-tip.
► Anu-[...]:
● -/I/68; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 33 [] L2′ [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0437_Y20_033_L2′.png].
→ Fragmentary witness list.

438. Ellipse. 15 x 10. Leaping human-headed winged quadruped, indistinct head; diagonal waning crescent right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Riḫat-Anu/Anu-mukīn-apli:
● 20/VI/71; seller; sale of land BRM 2 20 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0438_Cl20_R2.png]/YOS 20 34 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0438_Y20_034_R2.png].
→ Cap. un-qa mki-din-d60 u {u} un-qa md60-ŠEŠ-MU-nu DUMU.MEŠ! šámri-ḫat-d60 (BRM 2 20 []); un-qa mki-din-d60 un-qa md˹60-ŠEŠ-MU˺-nu DUMU.MEŠ šá mri-ḫat-d60 (YOS 20 34 []).

439. Pointed ellipse. 17+ x 9.5. Leaping beardless human-headed winged quadruped, indis-tinct headgear; horizontal crescent upper right.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 2/XIIII/91; witness; sale of land YOS 20 45 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0439_Y20_045_T2.png].
→ Cf. B1 (No. 6); note witness #6: /Uṣuršu-Anu//Ḫunzû; witness #9: /Līšer//Gimil-Anu.

440. Ellipse. 10 x 8. Recumbent, beardless, bare-headed human-headed winged quadruped.
► fIna-qibīt-Nanâ/Nidintu-Anu:
● 22/VIII/95; exchanger; exchange of properties BIN 2 135 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0440_BN2_135_R2.png].
→ Publ. Nies and Keiser 1920, Pl. 55, No. 135 R.E. (R2).
→ Note in the seal caption the scribe used the masculine Personenkeil DIŠ instead of the expected MÍ before a feminine name.

441. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 9. Standing human-headed winged quadruped, feathered crown(?).
► Ana-rabût-Anu/Balāṭu/Šamaš-ittannu//Luštammar-Adad:
● ˹8(+)˺,˹IV/VII˺,128; seller; sale of land YOS 20 65 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0441_Y20_065_R2.png];
● -/-/[125-129]; witness; sale of biltu YOS 20 64 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0441_Y20_064_T2.png]
→ Cap. un-qamDIŠ-GAL-d60 na-din-na (YOS 20 65 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0441_Y20_065_R2.png]).

442. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 9. Human-headed winged quadruped, indistinct pose; six-pointed star right.
► Anu-aḫḫē-[iddin]:
● 18/-/138; seller; lease of prebend YOS 20 69 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0442_Y20_069_R2.png].
→ Obverse of tablet lost.

443. Fragment of ellipse. 7+ x 7+. Profile left human-headed winged quadruped, indistinct pose; indistinct object right; left lost.
[...]: ● 6/-/146; seller;(?)/guarantor(?) sale of land YOS 20 72 [] R1′.
→ The lost half of the impression may well have shown a second figure confronted with that preserved.
→ Note seller: Idat-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Kidin-Anu//Kurî, and his son, guarantor: Uṣuršu-Anu.

444. Fragment of ellipse. 12+ x 9+. Human-headed winged quadruped; horizontal crescent top; bottom lost.
[...]: ● -/-/[≥ 152]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 88 [] B1′ [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0444_Y20_088_B1′.png].
→ Fragmentary witness list.

Other examples:

444:A. Ellipse. Beardless, bareheaded human-headed winged quadruped leaping profile right; hair in chignon at shoulder.
► Zērīya:
● 1/III/[20-31]; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 36 [] T3 . → Publ. Weisberg 1991, 24, No. 158, and Pl. 95, U.E. (T1′). → Fragmentary witness list.

AUWE 19 444:B

AUWE 19 444:B

444:B. Pointed ellipse. Bearded human-headed winged quadruped leaping right, feathered crown(?).
● Anu-zēr-līšer/Nidintu-Anu/Anu-aḫ-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 18/I/68; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 44 [] L3′.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 185, Fig. 173 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0444B_GlypOr_Op2_L3'.png]; SS III 698i.

444:C. Ellipse. Bearded human-headed winged quadruped leaping right, indistinct headgear; indistinct object left, stars top center and upper right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Mannu-iqâp//Kurî:
● -/-/70; witness; sale of prebend BiMes 24 11 [] T2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 42, and Pl. 19, U.E. (T2).

444:D. Relocated to No. 364:A'.

444:E. Ellipse. Beardless, bareheaded human-headed winged quadruped leaping profile right; horizontal crescent upper right, 6-pointed star right.
► Ardi-Rēš/Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-aḫ-ittannu:
● 2/VIII/101!; guarantor; sale of land RIAA2 293 [] R2.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 231, No. 199, first row, far right.
→ Cap. un-qa mÌR-éSAG DUMU-šú xx.

444:F. Ellipse. Leaping human-headed winged quadruped, indistinct head.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Anu-ab-utēr//Luštammar-Adad:
● 10/X/107; witness; sale of prebend RIAA 2942 [] L1.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 230, No. 198, first row, third from left.

444:G. Pointed ellipse. Leaping human-headed winged quadruped, indistinct head.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu:
● 29/III/108; witness; sale of meat offering BiMes 24 2 [] T4.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 14, and Pl. 5, U.E. (T4).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

444:H. Pointed ellipse. Walking human-headed winged quadruped, tail down, indistinct headgear; horizontal crescent above back, star right.
► Lā-bāši:
● 10/XII/137; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 13 [] B2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 56, and Pl. 24, Lo.E. (B2).
→ Cf. T3 (No. 444:I); note witness #1: /Anu-bēlšunu/Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #7: /Anu-uballiṭ/Kidin-Anu//Ḫunzû.
→ Note, for witness #1 his name in witness list and caption T2 PN written NU-TÉš, while for witness #7 in witness list and caption B2 PN written la-ba-ši, perhaps in an effort to distinguish one like-named sealer and his seal from the other.

444:I. Pointed ellipse. Walking human-headed winged quadruped, tail up, indistinct head; horizontal crescent above back, star right.
► Lā-bāši:
● 10/XII/137; witness; sale of landBiMes 24 13 [] T3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 54, and Pl. 24, U.E. (T3).
→ Cf. B2 (No. 444:H); note witness #1: /Anu-bēlšunu/Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #7: /Anu-uballiṭ/Kidin-Anu//Ḫunzû. See note to previous seal.

444:J. Pointed ellipse. Winged human-headed quadruped.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu:
● -/-/-; witness; sale(?) of slave BiMes 24 39 [] L3′.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 24, No. 161, and Pl. 99, L.E. (L3′).
→ Fragmentary witness list; cf. witness #8′:/Kidin-Anu//Ekur-zakir.
→ Tablet datable to ca. first half third century B.C.E.

444:K. Ellipse fragment. Winged human-headed quadruped; right half lost.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu:
● -/-/-; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 31 [] L1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 141, and Pl. 79, L.E. (L1).
→ Witness list lost.
→ Tablet datable to ca. fourth quarter of the third ca. through the first quarter of the second c. BCE.


445. Ellipse. 15 x 10. Confronted pair of human-headed winged quadrupeds flanking two-handled vessel with flared base.
► Anu-ab-utēr/Anu-zēr-līšer//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 17/XIIII/85; witness; sale of land YOS 20 42 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0445_Y20_042_B1.png].

446. Ellipse. 14 x 7. Human-headed winged quadruped at right seated, indistinct figure at left.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu:
● -/-/[125-129]; witness; sale of biltu YOS 20 64 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0446_Y20_064_L2.png]
→ Fragmentary witness list.

447. Ellipse. 15+ x 8. Confronted pair of human-headed winged quadrupeds.
► Lā-bāši:
● -/-/[125-129]; witness; sale of biltu YOS 20 64 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0447_Y20_064_T3.png]
→ Fragmentary witness list.

Other examples:

447:A. Ellipse. 15 x 7. Seated pair of human-headed winged quadrupeds flanking column(?).
► Sumuttu-Anu/Ana-rabût-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Kurî:
● -/-/[151-161]; seller; sale of prebend OECT 9 59 [] R1.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 20, No. 50.
→ Cap. un-˹qa˺ [msu]-˹mut˺-[tu4-d60] na-din GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ.

447:B. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 7. Pair of seated sphinxes(?), flanking column.
► Ḥănīnāh/[...]nu(?) epiš dulli ṭiṭṭi ša bīt ilānī ša Uruk:
● 19/XII/[120-124?]; guarantor; sale of land VAS 15 22 [] R3.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *25-6; Schroeder 1916, Taf. 2, VAT 9163 r.R. (R3).
→ Cap. R2-R3: un-qa mPN un-qa mḫa-nin-na-amu-ru-raq.MEŠ! É MU.MEŠ.


448. Ellipse. 10+ x 9. Man-faced bull leaping profile right.
► Nazi-Muruttaš/Enlil-šum-imbi:
● 10/VIII/27; witness; gift of slave YOS 20 15 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0448_Y20_015_T2.png].
→ Nazi-Muruttaš was the cuneiform scribe (ṭupšarru) of four known private business documents, ca. 35-41 S.E.; three are from Uruk (YOS 20 18 [], YOS 20 17 [], YOS 20 19 [] ) and one is from the otherwise unknown Antioch on the Ištar Canal (YOS 20 20 []). Doty (1977, 195) suggested that Nazi-Muruttaš, who bore a Kassite name, may have been an immigrant to Uruk from Nippur, an important administrative center during the Kassite period, where such names may have tended to survive; see now, Frazer 2013.


449. Ellipse. 13.5 x 8. Man-faced ibex walking profile right, tail curled up.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-aḫḫē-bulluṭ:
● 5/IV/85; witness; lease of land BRM 2 1 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0449_Cl01_B1.png].

450. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 10+. Man-faced ibex as above; tail down behind rearmost leg.
► Anu-ab-utēr/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 6/I/48; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 12 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0450_Cl12_T1.png];
● 14/-/48; witness; sale of prebend WZJ 19 1970 905ff. [] B3;
● 4/IX/50; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 23 [] L3;
● -/-/[5]9; witness; sale of land STUBM 34 [] L2.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 127 (BRM 1 12 T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0450_Cl12_T1.png]). Oelsner 1970a, 908, Abb. 3b (WZJ 19 1970 905ff. [] B3). SS III 678c (STUBM 34 [] L2); 679c (STUBM 23 [] L3).

451. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 11. Man-faced ibex as above; tail curls down and between hind legs.
► Nidintu-Anu/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ekur-zakir:
● 21/IX/49; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 13 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0451_Cl13_B2.png];
● 7/-/[46-51]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 26 [] B2.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pls. II, fourth row, second from left; V, No. 101 (BRM 2 13 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0451_Cl13_B2.png]). SS III 682d (STUBM 26 [] B2).


452. Pointed ellipse. 14 x 9. Man-faced ibex leaping profile right, tail curled up.
► Bēl-šum-iddin/Bēl-iddin:
● 23/V/16; witness; contract for future delivery YOS 20 7 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0452_Y20_007_T1.png].

453. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 9.5. Man-faced ibex as above.
► Anu-bēl-zēri/Anu-ab-uṣur//Kurî:
● 21/IX/49; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 13 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0453_Cl13_T1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 130.

454. Ellipse. 13+ x 9.5. Man-faced ibex as above.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 2/XI/50; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 23 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0454_Y20_023_B2.png]/YOS 20 24 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0454_Y20_024_B2.png].
→ Publ. SS III 777c (STUBM 38 [] B3).
→ A pair of impressions occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 5 []-2 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY05-02.png], 3 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY05-03.png], dated ca. 66 - 82 S.E.



455. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 9.5. Serpo-dragon, profile right, recumbent upon square-patterned band; spade on back.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Anu-uballiṭ//Sîn-leqi-unnini ṭupšarru:
● 3/X/35; seller; sale of prebend BRM 2 8 [] R1.
► fNidintu-Nanâ/Šamaš-iddin:
● 3/X/35; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 8 [] B4.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. 3, No. 42 (BRM 2 8 [] R1).
→ Cap. un-qa md60-ŠEŠ.MEŠ-MU na-din {DIŠ} GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ (BRM 2 8 [] R1).
→ This seal is used twice on BRM 2 8 []: by the seller, Anu-aḫḫē-iddin, who is also the cuneiform scribe of this tablet, and by his mother, Nidintu-Nanâ, a witness to the sale. Anu-aḫḫē-iddin also wrote VAS 15 23 [], in which he was also the seller.

456. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 10. Serpo-dragon and spade as above.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-balāssu-iqbi//Kurî:
● 21/XI/35; witness; gift of slave BRM 2 6 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0456_Cl6_T2.png]/BRM 2 7 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0456_Cl7_T2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 41 (BRM 2 6 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0456_Cl6_T2.png]).
→ Cap. un-qa md60-AD-URU3 A mkur-i.
→ Compare SIS III AF 78.

457. Ellipse. 20 x 12. Serpo-dragon and spade as above.
► Ana-rabût-Anu/Anu-zēr-līšer//Ḫunzû:
● 26/XI/35; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 9 [] L2/YOS 20 17 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0457_Y20_017_L2.png]
→ Publ. SS III 659n (STUBM 9 [] L2).

457:A. Ellipse fragment. Serpo-dragon and spade as above, lower half lost.
► [...]:
● 24/IX/32; witness; sale of land OECT 9 7 [] B4.
→ Note witness #6: Anu-uballiṭ/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ekur-zakir, witness #12: Ana-rabût-Anu/Anu-bēlšunu//Kurî.

457:B. Pointed ellipse. Serpo-dragon and spade as above.
► [...]:
● -/-/[32-45]; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 8 [] T3.
→ See partially preserved witness list originally naming twelve individuals (ll. 17-25).


458. Ellipse fragment. 13.5+ x 8+. Griffin seated profile right, head reversed; right half lost.
► [...]:
● 22/VI/67; witness; quitclaim YOS 20 31 [] L4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0458_Y20_031_L4.png].
→ Cf. B1 (No. 504), T4 (No. 1075); note witness #5: Šamaš-ittannu/Anu-uballiṭ//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #11: Anu-ikṣur/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir; witness #13: Nidintu-Ištar/Ardi-Ninurta.

458:A. Pointed ellipse. Griffin seated profile right on square-patterned base; indistinct plant right (courtesy Brenda Callahan).
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 24/IX/32; witness; sale of land OECT 9 7 [] L3.
→ Cf. T3, T4; note witness #4: /Nanâ-iddin//Gimil-Anu, witness #11: /[...]/Anu-bēlšunu//Kurî, witness #13: /[...]-Anu//Ḫunzû.


459. Ellipse. 14 x 11. Griffin walking profile right; animal leg(?) at right.
► Tanittu-Anu:
● 23/III/26; witness; sale of land YOS 20 14 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0459_Y20_014_T3.png]
→ See discussion preceding Nos. 765-70, below.
→ Cf. T4 (No. 831); note witness #5: /Anu-ab-uṣur//Kurî; witness #9: /Anu-aḫḫē-iqīša.

460. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 11+. Griffin as above; lotus(?) at right.
► Riḫat-Ištar/Nanâ-iddin ṭupšarru:
● 28/XII/29; seller; sale of land YOS 20 16 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0460_Y20_016_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa m ri-ḫat-dINANA na-din É MU.MEŠ DUMU šá mdna-na-a-MU.
→ Riḫat-Ištar, the seller, is also the cuneiform scribe of this tablet.

461. Ellipse. 16 x 9.5. Griffin as above; lily(?) at right.
► Mannu-iqâp/Lā-bāši:
● 2/VI/37; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 10 [] T5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0461_Cl10_T5.png].

462. Ellipse. 16 x 9.5. Griffin as above; lotus(?) at right.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Balāṭu/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● -/III/38; seller; sale of land YOS 20 18 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0462_Y20_018_R1.png].
→ Cap. ˹un-qa˺ md60-ŠEŠ.MEŠ-MU DUMU šá mba-la-ṭu.

Other examples:

462:A. Ellipse. Griffin as above; indistinct object right.
► Ana-rabût-Anu/Kidin-Anu:
● 14/-/48; guarantor; sale of prebend WZJ 19 1970 905ff. [] R3.
→ Publ. Oelsner 1970a, 909, Abb. 3d (R3).
→ Cap. un-qa mDIŠ-GAL-d60 mu-mar-qu ˹GIŠ˺.[ŠUB.BA] ˹MU.MEŠ˺.


463. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 10+. Griffin leaping profile right; right profile lion head beneath.
► Anu-zēr-iddin/Anu-uballiṭ//Šumāt:
● 28/XI/12; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 4 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0463_Y20_004_T4.png].

464. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 9.5. Griffin as above.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-ab-uṣur//Luštammar-Adad:
● 12/IX/[17-19]; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 25 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0464_Cl25_B2.png];
● 19/XII/41; witness; donatio mortis causa YOS 20 20 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0464_Y20_020_B1.png].

465. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 10. Griffin as above.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Anu-ab-uṣur:
● 2/VI/37; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 10 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0465_Cl10_T4.png].

466. Ellipse. 17 x 8. Griffin as above.
► Uppul/Anu-aḫ-ittannu:
● 22/III/67; witness; duty roster BRM 2 17 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0466_Cl17_B2.png].

467. Pointed ellipse. 19 x 9.5. Griffin as above.
► Riḫat-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Luštammar-Adad: ● 18/XIIII/72; witness; sale of land CM 12 II [] B1; ● 7/XI/74; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 47 [] L2/STUBM 48 [] L2; ● 23/II/77; witness; division of property STUBM 50 [] T1; ● 14/XIIII/77; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 22 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0467_Cl22_B3.png]/BiMes 24 1 [] B3; ●  -/-/[67-89]; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 14 [] L4. → Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 115 (BRM 2 22 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0467_Cl22_B3.png]). CM 12 40 (CM 12 II [] B1). SS III 703i (STUBM 48 [] L2); 704i (STUBM 47 [] L2); 705j (STUBM 50 [] T1). Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 6, and Pl. 3, Lo.E. (BiMes 24 1 [] B3).

468. Ellipse. 17 x 10. Griffin as above.
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 22/II/77; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 49 [] B5/YOS 20 37 [] B5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0468_Y20_037_B5.png]
→ Publ. SS III 712n (STUBM 49 [] B5).

469. Ellipse. 15+ x 9. Griffin as above; horizontal pomegranate/poppy on sinuous stem beneath.
► Ubār:
● -/-/[90-99]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 44 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0469_Y20_044_T4.png].
→ Note a similar filler element on No. 356, above.
→ Fragmentary witness list.

470. Ellipse. 17 x 9.5. Griffin profile left.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin/Lā-bāši/Mannu-iqâp//Kurî:
● 28/III/124; seller; sale of food allowance BRM 2 33 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0470_Cl33_R2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 152!
→ Cap. un-qa mdna-na-a-MU un-qa md60-ŠEŠ-MU un-qa na-din-na.MEŠ ŠUK.ḪI.A MU.MEŠ.


471. Ellipse. 15 x 11. Griffin leaping(?) profile right.
► Anu-ikṣur/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 16/VIII/16; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 8 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0471_Y20_008_B4.png].

472. Ellipse. 15 x 8.5. Griffin leaping(?) profile right; indistinct object right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Nidintu-Anu//Ekur-zakir ṭupšarru:
● 1/III/57; seller; sale of prebend BRM 2 16 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0472_Cl16_R1.png].
→ Anu-aḫ-ittannu, the seller, is also the cuneiform scribe of this tablet.

473. Ellipse fragment. 14+ x 9+. Griffin leaping(?) profile right.
► [...] itinnu:
● 22/III/67; assignee; duty roster BRM 2 17 [] R5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0473_Cl17_R5.png].
→ The right edge is captioned un-qa.MEŠ šá DÍM.MEŠ, and shows eleven tightly overlapping impressions, none individually identified by owner. The tablet contains two lists naming eleven and ten assignees, respectively, ana epēš dulli("to perform the ritual").

474. Ellipse fragment. 14+ x 5+. Griffin facing right; bottom lost.
► [...] itinnu:
● 22/III/67; assignee; duty roster BRM 2 17 [] R7 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0474_Cl17_R7.png].
→ See note at No. 473.


475. Ellipse. 13 x 9. Lion-dragon leaping left.
► Riḫat-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ/Nanâ-iddin//Ekur-zakir:
● 6/II/9; defendant; protocol of hearing YOS 20 1 [] R3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0475_Y20_001_R3.png].
→ Cap. R1-R3: un-qa [PN] un-qa PN2 un-qa mri-ḫatd60˺ DUMU.MEŠ šá md60-TIN-iṭ.

476. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 9. Lion-dragon walking right.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 8/II/[8-20]; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 11 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0476_Y20_011_L1.png]/YOS 20 12 [] L1.
→ Cf. L3 (No. 32); note witness #1: /Tanittu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #3: /Lā-bāši//Aḫ-ūtu.

477. Pointed ellipse. 18+ x 11. Lion-dragon leaping right; full front bull head above rump.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 14/-/47; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 22 [] L1.
→ See discussion preceding Nos. 1020-1023, below.
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla Hameeuw & Overmeire, Mesop. (2014) 49 23 [O.209 F].
→ Note witness #9: /Ina-qibīt-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #11: /Anu-aḫ-iddin//Ḫunzû.

478. Pointed ellipse. 20+ x 10. Lion-dragon walking right, feathered tail; ambiguous form with two wings(?) at right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-TIN[...]//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 6/I/[95-96]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 84 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0478_Y20_084_B3.png].

479. Ellipse. 15 x 8. Lion-dragon as above, lily-like tip of tail, lion hind paws; five-pointed star right.
► Lā-bāši:
● 13/-/[123-125]; witness; dedication of slaves YOS 20 62 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0479_Y20_062_L3.png].
→ Cf. L1 (No. 655); note witness 3: /Ina-qibīt-Anu/[...]; witness #7: /Anu-ab-uṣur/[...]. The scribe may have been trying to distinguish between these two men and their seals by writing the personal name in the form mNU.TÉŠ at L3 and l. 23 (witness #7), but mla-ba-ši at L1 and l. 19 (witness #3); similarly, note BiMes 24 13 [] T3 (444:I) and l. 23 (mNU.TÉŠ), and B2 (444:H) and l. 27 (mla-ba-ši).

Other examples:

479:A. Ellipse. 13 x 9. Lion-dragon walking profile left.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Anu-mukīn-apli//Ekur-zakir:
● 26/VIII/Antig. 6; seller; sale of land TCL 13 234 [] R1.
→ Publ. Delaporte 1923, Pl. 121, Fig. 4c (R1).
→ Cap. un-qa md60-TIN-su-E na-din.MEŠ [...].MEŠ.

479:B. Pointed ellipse. Lion-dragon leaping profile right.
► Rabi-Anu/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ekur-zakir:
● 16/IV/54; seller; receipt for sale of land VDI 1955/4 142ff. II [] R2.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 3 (R2).
→ Cap. un-qa mGAL-d60 na-din-na a-ḫi AŠ É u KI.ŠUB.BA-šú.


480. Pointed ellipse. 14 x 9. Winged goat leaping profile right; eight-pointed star right; four/five indistinct Aramaic letters(?) at bottom.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Nidintu-Anu/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ekur-zakir:
● 25/VI/75; seller; sale of land BRM 2 21 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0480_Cl21_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa mAŠ-qí-bit-d60 na-din É u KI.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ.

481. Pointed ellipse. 12 x 8. Winged goat as above.
► Anu-bēl-zēri/Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-bēl-zēri//Kurî:
● 8/II/78; seller; sale of land BRM 2 23 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0481_Cl23_R1.png]/YOS 20 38 [] R1.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 122 (BRM 2 23 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0481_Cl23_R1.png]).
→ Cap. un-qa md60-EN-NUMUN na-din É MU.MEŠ.


482. Pointed ellipse. 14 x 9. Winged bull walking profile right, tail up.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu:
● 28/IV/12; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 2 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0482_Y20_002_T2.png].
→ Cf. B1 (No. 1056); note witness #5: /Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad, #8: /Šeški-Anu//Gimil-Anu.
► Kidin-Anu/[Anu]-ab-uṣur//Luštammar-Adad:
● 15/I/[9-17]; witness; receipt for sale of land VAS 15 51 [] B4.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *56-7 (VAS 15 51 [] B4).
→ The two users of this seal appear to be unrelated.

483. Ellipse. 15 x 10. Winged bull as above, tail down.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Gimil-Anu:
● 16/VIII/16; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 8 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0483_Y20_008_B1.png];
● 9/II/17; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 10 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0483_Y20_010_L1.png].
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB PN (YOS 20 10 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0483_Y20_010_L1.png]).

484. Ellipse. 16 x 9.5. Winged bull as above; crab right.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû:
● 7/XI/74; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 47 [...]/STUBM 48 [] B1;
● 14/XI/80; witness; sale of land STUBM 46 [] B2;
● 1/VI/85; witness; sale of land BRM 2 26 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0484_Cl26_T1.png];
● 16/VII/85; witness; sale(?) of prebend(?) YOS 20 41 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0484_Y20_041_T1.png].
→ Publ. SS III 701g (STUBM 46 [] B2); 703h (STUBM 48 [] B1).

485. Ellipse. 15 x 8. Winged bull as above, tip of tail curled up; eight-pointed star at right.
► Kidin-Anu:
● 1/IV/99; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 29 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0485_Cl29_B2.png].
→ Fragmentary witness list.
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla AUWE 20 122-1.

486. Ellipse. 17 x 9. Winged bull as above, tail curled up; horizontal crescent above six-pointed star right.
► Nidintu-šarri/Riḫat-Anu itinnu:
● 20/-/129; exchanger; exchange of properties BRM 2 35 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0486_Cl35_R2.png].


487. Ellipse. 13 x 9. Winged bull leaping profile right, tail up.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● 4/VII/12; witness; contract for work YOS 20 3 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0487_Y20_003_B1.png].
→ Cf. B2 (No. 31); note witness #6: /Iddin-Anu//[...]-Anu; witness #8: /Ina-qibīt-Anu sepīru.

488. Ellipse. 15 x 10. Winged bull as above; tail indistinct.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-mukīn-apli//Gimil-Anu:
● 28/XII/29; witness; sale of land YOS 20 16 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0488_Y20_0216_B3.png].

489. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 9.5. Winged bull as above, tail curled up.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Anu-qīšan//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 3/X/35; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 8 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0489_Cl08_T1.png].

490. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 9.5. Winged bull as above.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Anu-balāssu-iqbi//Kurî:
● 21/XI/35; witness; gift of slave BRM 2 6 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0490_Cl06_T1.png]/BRM 2 7 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0490_Cl7_T1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 108 (BRM 2 6 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0490_Cl06_T1.png]).
→ Cap. un-qa md60-EN-šu-nu A mkur-i (BRM 2 6 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0490_Cl06_T1.png]/BRM 2 7 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0490_Cl7_T1.png]).

491. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 10+. Winged bull as above, tail down.
► [...]/Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Anu-uballiṭ//Ekur-zakir:
● 1/IV/38; seller; sale of land YOS 20 19 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0491_Y20_019_R1.png]
→ Cap. R1-R2: un-qa m[...] un-qa [m...] na-din ŠE.NUMUN MU.MEŠ DUMU.MEŠ šá md60-TIN-˹su-E˺ A ˹mÉ.KUR-za-kir˺.
→ Cf. R2 (No. 627); note seller #1: Anu-uballiṭ, and his brother, seller #2: Nidintu-Anu.

492. Ellipse. 14+ x 8. Winged bull as above, indistinct tail.
► [...]:
● -/III/38; witness; sale of land YOS 20 18 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0492_Y20_018_L1.png].
→ Most seals and captions lost; note witness #1: Anu-aḫ-ušabši/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ekur-zakir; witness #3: Anu-ittannu/Zērīya//Gimil-Anu; witness #4: Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ḫunzû; witness #6: [...]-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Kurî; witness #8: Mukin-apli/Riḫat-Anu rēʾû ginê.

493. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 9. Winged bull as above, tail down.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Anu-ab-utēr//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 21/XIIII/47; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 11 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0493_Cl11_B1.png];
● 2/IX/[46-51]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 25 [] L2.
→ Publ. Clay 1917, Pl. V, No. 104 (BRM 2 11 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0493_Cl11_B1.png]). SS III 680f. (STUBM 25 [] L2).

494. Pointed ellipse. 14 x 9. Winged bull as above, tail up.
► Anu-zēr-iddin/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 6/I/48; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 12 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0494_Cl12_T3.png];
● 17/IX/55; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 29 [] B1/STUBM 30 [] [...];
● -/-/[43-66]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 38 [] B1;
● -/XI/[51-66]; witness; gift of slave OECT 9 12 [] T5/OECT 9 13 [] T5.
→ Publ. SS III 689k (STUBM 29 [] B1); 777d (STUBM 38 [] B1).

495. Ellipse. 15 x 9.5. Winged bull as above, tail down.
► Ištar-šum-eriš/Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 2/XI/50; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 24 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0495_Y20_024_T4.png]/YOS 20 23 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0495_Y20_023_T4.png];
● 28/I/52; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 25 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0495_Y20_025_L3.png];
● 1/IV/55; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 28 [] L1.
→ Publ. SS III 688k (STUBM 28 [] L1).

496. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 8.5. Winged bull as above, tail up.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 6/VIII/53; witness; sale of land YOS 20 26 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0496_Y20_026_T2.png].

497. Ellipse. 14 x 9. Winged bull as above, tail down; curved dotted baseline below.
► Tanittu-Anu/Balāṭu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 6/VIII/53; witness; sale of land YOS 20 26 [] L2;
● 17/IX/55; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 29 [] T2/STUBM 30 [] T2.
→ Publ. SS III 689j (STUBM 29 [] T2); 754e (STUBM 30 [] T2).

498. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 9.5. Winged bull as above, tip of tail reversed.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 20/IV/56; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 15 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0498_Cl15_T2.png].

499. Ellipse. 12 x 9. Winged bull as above, tip of tail forward.
► Anu-zēr-iddin/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû:
● 22/VIII/61; witness; division of property YOS 20 28 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0499_Y20_028_B1.png];
● -/XI/[51-66]; witness; gift of slave OECT 9 12 [] L1/OECT 9 13 [] L1.

500. Pointed ellipse. 12 x 8.5. Winged bull as above.
► Anu-ab-utēr/[...]//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 25/I/[52-63]; guarantor; sale of land YOS 20 96 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0500_Y20_096_R2.png].
→ Cap. un-qa md60-AD-GUR mu-ru-qu {qa} É MU.MEŠ.

[return to top]

Seals 501-600

501. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 9.5. Winged bull as above, tail down; curved baseline.
► [...]:
● 25/I/[52-63]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 96 [] L4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0501_Y20_096_L4.png]
→ Fragmentary witness list.

502. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Winged bull as above, tip of tail reversed.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 1/I/65; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 30 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0502_Y20_030_L3.png];
● 17/I/68; witness; division of property YOS 20 32 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0502_Y20_032_T3.png].
→ Seal owner was a cuneiform scribe of archival documents ca. 71-78 S.E. His title is given as "chief singer of dirges," galamāḫ Anu, in the colophon of a canonical text he owned (Hunger 1968, 44-45, No. 104A).

503. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Winged bull as above, tail down, tip raised.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Anu-aḫ-ittannu <//Aḫ-ūtu>:
● 22/III/67; witness; duty roster BRM 2 17 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0503_Cl17_L1.png].
→ The scribe omitted the ancestor name for this witness and his brother Uppul from the witness list of this tablet. The restoration of <Aḫ-ūtu> seems assured on the basis of the author's computer generated prosopographic study of the corpus of Seleucid private business documents.
→ Anu-balāssu-iqbi was the owner of canonical tablets (Hunger 1968, 39, No. 91; 41-42, Nos. 96A, B). His titles include rab ša rēš āli ša Uruk, ca. 90-91 S.E. (Hunger 1968, 41-42, Nos. 96A, B) and paqdu ša bīt ilānī in 91 S.E. (FuB 16 24ff. 1:23, 39), the highest civic and temple administrative offices, respectively. He was the father of Anu-uballiṭ - Kephálon.

504. Ellipse fragment. 16+ x 8+. Winged bull as above, tail back.
► [...]:
● 22/VI/67; witness; quitclaim YOS 20 31 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0504_Y20_031_B1.png].
→ Cf. T4 (No. 1075), L4 (No. 458); note witness #5: Šamaš-ittannu/Anu-uballiṭ//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #11: Anu-ikṣur/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir; witness #13: Nidintu-Ištar/Ardi-Ninurta.

505. Pointed ellipse. 14.5 x 9. Winged bull as above, indistinct tail.
► Līšer/Zērīya/Anu-ušallim//Gimil-Anu:
● 17/I/68; witness; division of property YOS 20 32 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0505_Y20_032_B3.png].
→ Scribe may have interchanged caption with B2 (No. 724); the depiction of a lion is expected for this sealer (see, e.g., Nos. 790, 814, 825; cf. 885, 928).

AUWE 19 506

AUWE 19 506

506. Ellipse. 13 x 8. Winged bull as above, tail up.
► Anu-zēr-iddin/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 18/I/68; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 44 [] T3;
● 20/VII/68; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 18 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0506_Cl18_T1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 117! (BRM 2 18 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0506_Cl18_T1.png]). Ménant 1886, 184, Fig. 171 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0506_GlypOr_Op2_T3.png]; SS III 698h (STUBM 44 [] T3).

507. Ellipse. 18+ x 9.5. Winged bull as above.
► Lā-bāši/Mannu-iqâp//Kurî:
● 24/III/89; witness; sale of land BRM 2 28 [] B5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0507_Cl28_B5.png]/BiMes 24 19 [] B5.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pls. II, second row (B5); V, No. 131 (BRM 2 28 [] B5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0507_Cl28_B5.png]). Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 77, and Pl 38, Lo.E. (BiMes 24 19 [] B5).

507′. Previously No. 651. Elliptical fragment. 16+ x 9. Winged bull leaping right.
► Anu-ab-utēr/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 1/IV/96; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 29 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0651_Cl29_L1.png].
● 4/1(?)/101; witness; sale of land VAS 15 41 [] T3.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *7-2 (VAS 15 41 [] T3).

508. Ellipse. 14+ x 9. Winged bull as above.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Nidintu-Anu//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 18/IX/118; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 31 [] B2' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0508_Cl31_B2'.png].

509. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Winged bull as above.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Nidintu-Anu/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 8/IX/122; witness; quitclaim BRM 1 98 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0509_I98_L2.png]/CM 12 VII [] L2.
→ Publ. Clay 1912, Pl. 4, first row, second from left (BRM 1 98 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0509_I98_L2.png]). CM 12 53 (CM 12 VII [] L2).

510. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Winged bull as above.
► Anu-mār-ittannu:
● 12/-/124; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 34 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0510_Cl34_T4.png].
→ Note witness #3: /Anu-uballiṭ/Bassiya//Ekur-zakir; witness #4: /Nanâ-iddin//Ḫunzû.

510′. Previously No. 1093. Ellipse fragment. 3.5+ x 13+. Winged bull as above.
► Sumuttu-Anu/Riḫat-Ištar/Sumuttu-Anu:
● 9/XII/151; guarantor; sale of land BRM 2 42 [](+)FuB 16 28f. 6+AoF 5 82f.[W 15034h] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1093_Cl42_R2.png]/YOS 20(+)AoF 5 88 24 [R2]..
→ Cap. [un]-qa msu-mut-tu4-d60 DUMU-šú [...]-mar-raq-qa-an-nu MU.MEŠ.
Caption as per join (AoF 5 82f. [W 15034 h] r.Rd.).
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *46-1 (AoF 5 82f. R2).

511. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 5. Winged bull as above.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Tattannu/Nanâ-iddin//Kurî:
● 17/XI/155; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 46 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0511_Cl46_B1.png]/YOS 20 75 [](+)FuB 16 37 22 B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0511_Y20_075_B1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pls. II, first row, far left; VI, No. 175 (BRM 2 46 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0511_Cl46_B1.png]).

Other examples:

511:A. Pointed ellipse. Winged bull as above.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Nidintu-Anu/Anu-balāssu-iqbi//Gimil-Anu:
● 10/IV/12; seller; sale of prebend VDI 1955/4 152f. VI [] R1.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 7 (R1).
→ Cap. ˹NA4.KIŠIB˺ [md60-TIN-su]-˹E˺ DUMU šá mni-din-tu4-d60 na-din-na GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ.

511:B. Pointed ellipse. 14.5 x 9. Winged bull as above.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Nidintu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● -/-/[12-17]; witness; sale of slave CM 12 I [] B2.
→ Publ. CM 12 41.
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB md60-TIN-iṭ.

511:C. Pointed ellipse. Winged bull as above.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 14/-/48; witness; sale of prebend WZJ 19 905ff. [] L2.
→ Publ. Oelsner 1970a, 909, Abb. 3c (L2).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

511:D. Pointed ellipse. Winged bull as above.
► Šamaš-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 16/IV/54; witness; receipt for sale of land VDI 1955/4 142ff. II [] B2.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 3 (B2).

AUWE 19 511:E

AUWE 19 511:E

511:E. Ellipse fragment. Winged bull as above.
► Anu-ušallim/Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad:
● 27/I/78; guarantor; sale of prebend STUBM 55 [] R4.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 186, Fig. 183 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0511E_GlypOr_Op3_R4.png]; SS III 708h.

511:Eʹ. Relocated from 660:I. Concave ellipse. 12 x 15. Winged bull as above, tail up.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 19/XII/[120-124?]; witness; sale of land VAS 15 22 [] T2;
● 2/XI/143; witness; sale of land VAS 15 34 [] B3.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *53-3 (VAS 15 34 [] B3). Schroeder 1916, 26, Nr. 22 o.R. (VAS 15 22 [] T2).
→ Impressions occur on ring-bullae AUWE 20 275-5, 298-2.


512. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 10. Winged bull, tail down; horizontal crescent right; curved baseline.
► Kidin-Anu/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 24/IX/32; witness; sale of land OECT 9 7 [] B1;
● 21/XI/35; witness; gift of slave BRM 2 6 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0512_Cl6_B1.png]/BRM 2 7 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0512_Cl7_B1.png];
● 2/VI/37; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 10 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0512_Cl10_B3.png];
. → Publ. Buchanan 1982, 17, No. 5 (OECT 9 7 [] B1).
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 36 []-7 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY36-07.png], dated ca. 17-ca. 57 S.E.

513. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 9. Winged bull as above, horizontal crescent top right; curved baseline.
► Riḫat-Ištar/Anu-aḫ-iddin//Ekur-zakir:
● 1/IV/38; witness; sale of land YOS 20 19 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0513_Y20_019_T3.png];
● 28/VIII/51; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 24 [] L2;
● 1/III/57; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 16 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0513_Cl16_T1.png];
● 25/I/[52-63]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 96 [] T6 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0513_Y20_096_T6.png]

514. Ellipse. 15+ x 10. Winged bull, tail back; horizontal crescent upper right.
► Anu-ab-utēr/Anu-qīšan//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 21/IX/49; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 13 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0514_Cl13_B4.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pls. II, fourth row, far right; V, No. 134.

515. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 9.5. Winged bull as above; horizontal crescent right; curved baseline.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● 17/XI/51; witness; sale of prebend TCL 13 237 [] T3;
→ 28/I/52; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 25 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0515_Y20_025_L2.png].

516. Pointed ellipse. 15+ x 9. Winged bull, tail up; horizontal crescent right.
► Anu-zēr-iddin/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû:
● 20/VII/68; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 18 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0516_Cl18_T4.png];
●  -/V/69; witness; sale of land STUBM 45 [] T2.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 91 (BRM 2 18 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0516_Cl18_T4.png]). SS III 699f. (STUBM 45 [] T2).

517. Ellipse. 17 x 9. Winged bull; diagonal waning crescent right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Iddinâ//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 17/XIIII/85; witness; sale of land YOS 20 42 [] L4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0517_Y20_042_L4.png];
● 12/XII/86; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 25 [] T1;
● 24/III/89; witness; sale of land BRM 2 28 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0517_Cl28_B4.png]/BiMes 24 19 [] B4.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 18, No. 19 (OECT 9 25 [] T1). Clay 1913, Pls. II (second row, second from right); V, No. 93 (BRM 2 28 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0517_Cl28_B4.png]). Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 76, and Pl. 38, Lo.E. (BiMes 24 19 [] B4).

518. Ellipse. 16 x 8.5. Winged bull; horizontal crescent right.
► Šamaš-ittannu/Mukin-apli/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 6/I/[95-96]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 84 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0518_Y20_084_B4.png];
● -/III/88; witness; division of property TCL 13 240 T2. []

519. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 8.5. Winged bull and crescent as above.
► Dumqi-Anu/Tattannu//Ḫunzû:
● 16/VIII/109; witness; sale of land BRM 2 30 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0519_Cl30_L2.png]/CM 12 IV [] L2.
→ Publ. CM 12 48 (CM 12 IV [] L2).

520. Relocated to No. 537′.

521. Pointed ellipse. 14 x 7. Winged bull and crescent as above.
► [Anu-aḫḫē-iddin]:
● 4/V/[103-119]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 58 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0521_Y20_058_B1.png]
→ Cf. T2 (No. 742); note witness #1: /Anu-ikṣur//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #6: /Nidintu-Anu/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu.

522. Ellipse. 19+ x 9+. Winged bull and crescent as above.
► Anu-zēr-līšer/[...]//[...]:
● 16/XII/[110-119]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 59 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0522_Y20_059_B2.png].

523. Ellipse. 15.5 x 10. Winged bull and crescent as above.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Nidintu-Ištar//Kurî:
● 4/VII/120; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 87 [] L2/STUBM 88 [...];
● 8/IX/122; witness; quitclaim BRM 1 98 L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0523_I98_L1.png]/CM 12 VII [] L1;
● 2/XI/122; witness; sale of land OECT 9 49 []T3;
● 13/-/[123-125]; witness; dedication of slaves YOS 20 62 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0523_Y20_062_B3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1912, Pl. 4, first row, far left (BRM 1 98 L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0523_I98_L1]). CM 12 55 (CM 12 VII [] L1). SS III 730g (STUBM 87 []L2).

524. Ellipse. 16.5 x 8.5. Winged bull profile left, tail up; horizontal crescent above back.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin:
● 20/-/129; witness; exchange of properties BRM 2 35 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0524_Cl35_T2.png].
→ Cf. B1 (No. 585); note witness #1: /Kidin-Anu//Ḫunzû; witness #9: /Nidintu-Ištar! sepīr makkūr Anu.

525. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 9. Winged bull profile right, tail up; horizontal crescent above back.
► Illut-Anu/Anu-mukīn-apli sepīr makkūr Anu:
● 17/XI/155; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 46 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0525_Cl46_B3.png]/YOS 20 75 [](+)FuB 16 37 22 B3.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *40-1 (FuB 16 37 22 B3). Clay 1913, Pls. II, first row, third from left; V, No. 125 (BRM 2 46 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0525_Cl46_B3.png]).

Other examples:

525:A. Ellipse. Winged bull as above; diagonal waning crescent right.
► Anu-šum-līšer/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 14/V/96; witness; sale of land RIAA2 298 B1/RIAA2 300 [] [B1].
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 233, No. 201, second row, left (RIAA2 300 B1).

525:B. Ellipse. Winged bull as above; horizontal crescent above rump.
► Kidin-Anu/Illut-Anu sepīr makkūr Anu:
● 10/X/107; witness; sale of prebend RIAA2 294 [] T3.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 230, No. 198, second row, middle.
→ On the vocalization of the Aramaic word for "(alphabetic) scribe", see now Bloch 2018, p. 17, n. 38.

525:C. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 8. Winged bull and crescent as above.
► Dumqi-Anu/Tattannu//Ḫunzû:
● 25/VI/111; witness; sale of prebend CM 12 V [] T2.
→ Publ. CM 12 49.


526. Pointed ellipse. 14 x 8. Winged bull, tail down; eight-pointed star beneath.
► Iddinâ/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 3/X/35; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 8 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0526_Cl08_B3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 113.

527. Ellipse. 17+ x 9. Winged bull, tail up; six-pointed star right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● 22/II/77; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 49 [] B4/YOS 20 37 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0527_Y20_037_B4.png]
→ Cf. T5 (No. 979); note witness #2: /Nanâ-iddin/Lā-bāši//Kurî; witness #6: /[Ištar]-šum-eriš//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #9: /[Mušēzib-Anu]/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Luštammar-Adad.

528. Relocated to No. 533′.

529. Ellipse. 13 x 6.5. Winged bull as above; eight-pointed star left.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Nidintu-Anu//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 20/IV/88; divider; division of property [BiMes 24 53 [] [...]/YOS 20 43 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0529_Y20_043_R1.png].

530. Ellipse. 19 x 9+. Winged bull as above; seven-pointed star right.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 20/IV/88; witness; division of property YOS 20 43 [] B2/BiMes 24 53 [...].
→ Note witness #6: /Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #12: /Kītu-Anu/Nidintu-Anu//Kurî.

531. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 10. Winged bull and star as above.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● -/-/119; witness; sale of land YOS 20 57 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0531_Y20_057_B2.png]
→ Cf. T2′ (lost); note witness #8: /Ina-qibīt-Anu/[...]; witness #9: /Kidin-Anu/Nidintu-Anu//Gimil-Anu; witness #10: /Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Ardi-Ninurta sepīr makkūr Anu.

532. Ellipse. 15+ x 8.5. Winged bull as above; six-pointed star right.
► [...]:
● 25/XI/˹125+˺; witness; fragment of witness list YOS 20 101 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0532_Y20_101_T2.png].
→ Fragmentary witness list.


533. Ellipse. 16 x 8. Winged bull leaping right; eight-pointed star left, diagonal waning crescent right.
► Dumqi-Anu/Tattannu//Ḫunzû:
● 1/VI/85; witness; sale of land BRM 2 26 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0533_Cl26_B3.png].

533′. Previously No. 528. Pointed ellipse. 12+ x 9. Winged bull as above; vertical waning crescent left beneath, seven-pointed star right beneath.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Lā-bāši//Ekur-zakir:
● 1/VI/85; witness; sale of land BRM 2 26 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0528_Cl26_T4.png];
● -/V/[78-90]; witness; sale of [??] VAS 15 21 [] B1ʹ.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *3-5 (VAS 15 21 [] B1ʹ).

534. Ellipse. 14+ x 9. Winged bull as above; fragment of star upper right, horizontal crescent beneath.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin/Anu-mār-ittannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 4/VIII/99; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 68 [L1]/VDI 1955/4 154ff. VII [] L1;
● -/I/90; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 66 [] T4;
● -/-/[90-99]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 44 [] L4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0534_Y20_044_L4.png]!
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 8 (VDI 1955/4 154ff. VII [] L1). SS III 716c (STUBM 66 [] T4).
→ The scribe interchanged the captions beneath impressions YOS 20 44 [] L4 and L2 (No. 775).

535. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Winged bull, tail down, tip up; horizontal crescent above rump, six-pointed star right.
► Uṣuršu-Anu/Anu-ab-uṣur/Iddinâ//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 18/VII/108; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 51 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0535_A20_051_T1.png];
● 3/IX/108; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 52 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0535_Y20_052_B2.png];
● 8/IX/108; witness; sale of prebend VAS 15 18 [] B2.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *61-7 (VAS 15 18 [] B2).
→ Impressions of this seal also occur on ring-bullae CBCY 5 54 []-6 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY54-06.png], 55 []-3 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY55-03.png], 68 []-6 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY68-06.png], all three dated ca. 101-ca. 124 S.E.

536. Pointed ellipse. 14 x 9. Winged bull as above; diagonal waxing crescent left, six-pointed star right.
► [...]:
● 3/IX/108; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 52 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0536_Y20_052_T2.png]
→ Note witness #2: Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Anu-bēlšunu/Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #7: Lā-bāši/Anu-ab-uṣur/Lā-bāši//Ekur-zakir.

537. Ellipse. 20 x 9.5. Winged bull, tail up; seven-pointed star left, diagonal waning crescent right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Nidintu-Anu/Anu-bēlšunu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 16/VIII/109; witness; sale of land BRM 2 30 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0537_Cl30_B3.png]/CM 12 IV [] B3. → Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 98 (BRM 2 30 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0537_Cl30_B3.png]). CM 12 47 (CM 12 IV [] B3).

537′. Previously No. 520. Pointed ellipse. 17+ x 11.5. Winged bull; six-pointed star left, diagonal waning crescent right.
► Dumqi-Anu/Anu-bēlšunu/[Riḫat-Ištar]//Luštammar-Adad:
● 29/IV/116; witness; quitclaim TCL 13 243 [] T3; ● 5/VIII/117(?); witness; sale of land VAS 15 25 [] T2;
● -/-/119; witness; sale of land YOS 20 57 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0520_Y20_057_B1.png];
● 20(+)/VII/120; witness; sale of land VAS 15 47 [] B4;
● 20(+)/X/[125-137]; witness; sale of land and prebend OECT 9 51 [] B1.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *10-2 (VAS 15 25 [] T2); *60-6 (VAS 15 47 [] B4). Rutten 1935, Pl. 2, No. 22 (TCL 13 243 [] T3).

538. Ellipse. 14.5 x 9. Winged bull as above; diagonal waxing crescent left, six-pointed star right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû:
● 18/IX/118; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 31 [] B3' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0538_Cl31_B3'.png];
● 11/XII/119; witness; sale of land YOS 20 60 [] [T2]/YOS 20 61 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0538_Y20_061_T2.png];
● 13/V/120; witness; sale of land STUBM 86 [] T1.

539. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 9.5. Winged bull, crescent and star as above.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Tanittu-Anu/Nidintu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 14/VII/123; seller; sale of land YOS 20 63 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0539_Y20_063_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa md60-EN-šú-nu na-din-na É u ki-šub-ba-a MU.MEŠ.

540. Ellipse. 16+ x 11. Winged bull as above; diagonal waxing crescent left, seven-pointed star beneath.
► Uṣuršu-Anu/Anu-ab-uṣur/Iddinâ//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 28/III/124; witness; sale of food allowance BRM 2 33 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0540_Cl33_L1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 11!

541. Ellipse. 17 x 9. Winged bull as above; horizontal crescent left, six-pointed star right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-ab-uṣur//Ḫunzû:
● 9/XII/151; witness; sale of land BRM 2 42 [](+)FuB 16 28f. 6+AoF 5 82f.[W 15034h] [ L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0541_Cl42_L2.png]]/YOS 20 80(+)AoF 5 88 24 L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0541_Y20_080_L2.png].
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla AUWE 20 375-2. []

542. Pointed ellipse. 20.5 x 11. Winged bull as above; seven-pointed star left, horizontal crescent right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Tanittu-Anu/Uppul//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 30/III/154; witness; exchange of properties BRM 2 45 [] T2' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0542_Cl45_T2'.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 138!


543. Ellipse. 18 x 11. Winged bull as above; triangle beneath, diagonal waning crescent right.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Riḫat-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 1/IV/99; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 29 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0543_Cl29_T1.png];
● 15/X/100; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 47 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0543_Y20_047_T3.png]
● -/-/99; witness; quitclaim OECT 9 38 [] L2.
→ The scribe of YOS 20 47 []:24 erroneously wrote mri-ḫat-dINANA for mri-ḫat-d60.

544. Pointed ellipse. 13.5 x 8. Winged bull as above; diagonal waxing crescent left, triangle beneath, six-pointed star right.
► Lā-bāši:
● 18/IX/118; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 31 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0544_Cl31_T4.png].
→ Note witness #2: /[Anu-bēlšunu]/Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #4: /Ina-qibīt-Anu/[Ištar-šum-eriš]//Aḫ-ūtu.

545. Ellipse fragment. 11+ x 9.5+. Winged bull as above; triangle beneath, fragment of star right.
► [...]:
● 25/XI/˹125+˺; witness; fragment of witness list YOS 20 101 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0545_Y20_101_T3.png].
→ Fragmentary witness list.

546. Ellipse. 16 x 8.5. Winged bull as above; diagonal waxing crescent left, seven-pointed star above rump, triangle right.
► Anu-ittannu/Uṣuršu-Anu/Kītu-Anu//Kurî:
● -/-/145; witness; sale of land FLP 619 [] T3;
● 7/XI/146; witness; VAS 15 13 [] B1;
● 6/-/146; witness; sale of land YOS 20 72 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0546_Y20_072_T3.png].
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *8-5 (VAS 15 13 [] B1). Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 95! (YOS 20 72 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0546_Y20_072_T3.png]).
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 70 []-8 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY70-08.png], dated ca. [...]-ca. 153 S.E.

547. Ellipse. 15 x 10. Winged bull as above; diagonal waxing crescent left, six-pointed star right.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Nidintu-Ištar/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Ardi-Ninurta sepīr makkūr Anu.
● 2/XI/143; witness; sale of land VAS 15 34 [] B2;
● -/-/[1]45; witness; FLP 619 [] T3;
● 13/I/147; witness; sale of land YOS 20 73 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0547_Y20_073_T2.png].
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *53-4 (VAS 15 34 [] B2).

548. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Winged bull as above; horizontal crescent left, triangle beneath, six-pointed star right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● -/V/[144-150]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 83 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0548_Y20_083_L1.png].
→ Fragmentary witness list.

549. Ellipse. 17 x 10. Winged bull as above; circle left, triangle right; curved baseline.
► Kītu-Anu/Idat-Anu gardūa:
● 30/-/152; witness; sale of land BRM 2 41 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0549_Cl41_L1.png]/BiMes 24 35 [] L1.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 109 (BRM 2 41 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0549_Cl41_L1.png]). Weisberg 1991, 24, No. 156, and Pl. 94, L.E. (BiMes 24 35 [] L1).

Other examples:

549:A. Ellipse. Winged bull as above; circle right.
► Kidin-Anu/Anu-zēr-iddin:
● 14/V/96 ?? sale of land RIAA2 298 [] L3/RIAA2 300 [] L3.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 230, No. 197, first row, far right (RIAA2 298 L3).

549:B. Winged bull, tail down, tip up; triangle left, horizontal crescent above rump, five-pointed star right.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 12/IV/144; witness; sale of prebend TCL 13 24 [] B1.
→ Publ. Rutten 1935, Pl. 2, No. 30.
→ Cf. B2, L2; note witness #2: /Anu-ab-uṣur/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû; witness #4: /Kidin-Anu/Riḫat-Anu//Gimil-Anu; witness #5: /Anu-bēlšunu/Nidintu-Anu//Sîn-leqi-unnini.


550. Ellipse fragment. 12+ x 10. Winged bull, tail up; balance beneath.
► [...]:
● 16/VII/85; witness; sale(?) of prebend(?) YOS 20 41 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0550_Y20_041_T3.png].
→ Cf. T2: Nidintu-[...] (No. 792), T4: [...] (No. 673), L2: [...] (No. 674), L3: [...] (No. 366); note witness #1: Riḫat-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Luštammar-Adad; witness #2: [...]/Riḫat-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Luštammar-Adad; witness #3: [...]/Anu-[...]//Ḫunzû; witness #5: Anu-ušallim/Kidin-Anu//Luštammar-Adad; witness #6: Šamaš-īṭer/Kidin-Anu//Luštammar-Adad; witness #7: [...]/Anu-bēlšunu//Luštammar-Adad; witness #8: [...]/[...]//Luštammar-Adad; witness #10: Ištar-zēr-ibni/Anu-ab-utēr//Luštammar-Adad; witness #11: Balāṭu/[...]//Luštammar-Adad; witness #12: Anu-bēlšunu/Riḫat-Ištar//Luštammar-Adad.

551. Ellipse. 18 x 9. Winged bull as above; diagonal waxing crescent left, balance right.
► Nanâ-iddin/Kidin-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 24/V/119; witness; sale of land BRM 2 32 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0551_Cl32_T3.png]/YOS 20 56 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0551_Y20_056_T3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 34 (BRM 2 32 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0551_Cl32_T3.png]).

552. Ellipse. 16+ x 10.5. Winged bull as above; balance right; left lost.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Lā-bāši/Līšer//Gimil-Anu:
● 28/III/124; witness; sale of food allowance BRM 2 33 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0552_Cl33_B4.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 144!
→ The user of this seal was the cuneiform scribe of two private business documents, JANEH 2 72ff. drawn up in 149 S.E. and BiMes [] 24 25 drawn up in 155 S.E.


553. Pointed ellipse. 13 x 8. Winged bull, tail down, tip up; reversed ב beneath.
► Anu-ab-utēr/Iddinâ//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 28/XI/12; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 2/YOS 20 5 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0553_Y20_004_T3.png];
Ron, should the text YOS 20 2 actually be YOS 20 4? ● -/-/[8-19]; witness; sale of slave YOS 20 95 [] [ T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0553_Y20_095_T1.png]].

554. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 10. Winged bull, tail up; ט upper right.
► Mannu-kī-Ištar/Ištar-ḫīṭūʾa sepīr:
● 24/IX/43; witness; sale of land TCL 13 235 [] L3;
● 21/IX/49; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 13 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0554_Cl13_L2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 92 (BRM 2 13 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0554_Cl13_L2.png]).

554′. Previously No. 637. Ellipse. 16+ x 9+. Winged bull as above, tail up; Aram. רח below.
► Riḫat-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Luštammar-Adad:
● 13/III/57; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 31 [] T2;
● 22/VIII/61; witness; division of property YOS 20 28 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0637_Y20_028_B3.png].
→ Publ. SS III 691d (STUBM 31 [] T2).

555. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 10. Winged bull, tail down and back; (?ח?-ת) beneath; horizontal crescent right.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-šum-līšer//Ḫunzû:
● 25/VI/75; witness; sale of land BRM 2 21 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0555_Cl21_B1.png];
● 26/-/82; witness; sale of land STUBM 58 [] T1/STUBM 59 T1.
► Anu-ab-utēr/Ina-qibīt-Anu/[Anu-šum]-līšer//Ḫunzû:
● 22/II/77; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 49 [] T3/YOS 20 37 T3.
→ Publ. SS III 711i ( STUBM 58 [] T1); 712g (STUBM 49 [] T3).
→ The second user of this seal, Anu-ab-utēr, used it in 77 S.E. while his father, Ina-qibīt-Anu, used it earlier in 75 and again, later, in 82 S.E.

556. Ellipse. 13+ x 8.5. Winged bull, tail up; ט beneath.
► Balāṭu:
● -/-/[90-99]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 44 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0556_Y20_044_B1.png].
→ Compare No. 557:A, below, and witness #5.
→ Fragmentary witness list.

557. Ellipse. 15 x 9.5. Winged bull, tail down, tip up; waxing crescent above rump; (?ת?-?-ת) beneath, multileafed plant right.
► Sumuttu-Anu:
● -/-/115; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 54 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0557_Y20_054_B3.png];
● -/-/[102-119]; witness; sale of land STUBM 81 [] L2;
● -/-/[90-125]; witness; sale of prebend VAS 15 10 [] B2;
● -/-/[90-125]; ??; ?? BM 109965A [??].
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *17-1 (VAS 15 10 [] B2). SS III 684i (STUBM 81 [] L2), 752e (BM 109965A [??]).
→ All witness lists are fragmentary or lost.

Other examples:

557:A. Ellipse. 12 x 7. Winged bull as above; reversed ט beneath.
► Balāṭu/Tanittu-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 18/XIIII/72; witness; sale of land CM 12 II [] T2.
→ Compare No. 556, above.
→ Publ. CM 12 44.


558. Pointed ellipse. 14 x 8.5. Winged bull leaping profile right above fox leaping profile right.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Iqīšâ//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 10/VI/15; witness; sale of slaves VDI 1955/4 139ff. I [] T1;
● 16/VIII/16; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 8 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0558_Y20_008_L2.png];
● ˹3+˺/I/[17]; guarantor; sale of slave YOS 20 9 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0558_Y20_009_R2.png]
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 2 (VDI 1955/4 139ff. I [] T1).
→ Cap. ˹NA4˺.KIŠIB [md]60-TIN-iṭ (VDI 1955/4 139ff. I [] T1); un-qa md60-TIN-iṭ ˹A mBA-šá-a˺ (YOS 20 9 [] R2).

559. Ellipse. 15 x 10. Winged bull and leaping fox as above.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Šamaš-ittannu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 20/XII/13; borrower; promissory note OECT 9 3 [] R1;
● 16/VIII/16; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 8 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0559_Y20_008_L1.png];
● -/-/[12-17]; witness; sale of slave CM 12 I [] [B1];
● 8/II/[8-20]; seller; sale of slaves YOS 20 11 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0559_Y20_011_R1.png]/YOS 20 12 [][...].
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB [md60-TIN]-˹iṭ˺ (CM 12 I [] B1); ˹un-qa˺ md60-TIN-iṭ [na-din(?) LÚ]-˹ut˺- MU.MEŠ (YOS 20 11 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0559_Y20_011_R1.png]).
→ Publ. CM 12 42 (CM 12 I [] B1).

560. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Winged bull and fox as above.
► Kidin-Anu: ● 17/I/68; witness; division of property YOS 20 32 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0560_Y20_032_L2.png].
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 5 []-10 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY05-10.png], dated ca. 66-82 S.E.
→ Cf. L3 (No. 365); note witness #3: /Mukin-apli//Kurî; witness #4: /Anu-[...]//[...].

561. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Winged bull and fox as above.
► Anu-ikṣur/Kidin-Anu//Kurî:
● 17/XIIII/85; witness; sale of land YOS 20 42 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0561_Y20_042_b2.png].

562. Ellipse. 15 x 7.5. Winged bull and fox as above; nearly vertical waxing crescent left.
► Tanittu-Anu/Kidin-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 2/XII/86; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 61 [] B1/STUBM 62 [] B1;
● 23/VIII/87; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 27 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0562_Cl27_L1.png]/CM 12 III [] L1.
→ Publ. CM 12 III L1 (CM 12 III [] L1). SS III 715g (STUBM 61 [] B1).

563. Ellipse. 15 x 8.5. Winged bull and fox as above; eight-pointed star right.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Nidintu-Anu/<Anu-uballiṭ>//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 20/IV/88; divider; division of property YOS 20 43 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0563_Y20_043_R2.png]/BiMes 24 53 [...].
→ Anu-bēlšunu was the cuneiform scribe of a private business document in 83 S.E. (VAS 15 11 [] ). He was also the scribe (Hunger 1968, 43-44, No. 103K [81 S.E.]; 38-39, No. 89 [83 S.E.; 44-45, No. 104A [84 S.E.]) and owner (Hunger 1968, 43-44, Nos. 103F [108 S.E.], 103C [119 S.E.]; 48, No. 117 [120 S.E.]; 42, No. 98 121 S.E.]) of various canonical cuneiform tablets, where his titles include galaturru ("novice lamentation priest"), kalû Anu u Antu ("lamentation priest of Anu and Antu"), [ṭupšar] Enūma Anu Enlil ("astrologer"); see now Pearce and Doty 2000.

564. Ellipse. 10+ x 10+. Winged bull and fox as above; diagonal waning crescent right.
► [...]:
● -/V/[76-88]; witness; quitclaim YOS 20 94 [] L4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0564_Y20_094_L4.png]
→ Cf. T2′ (No. 795); note witness #1: Ina-qibīt-Anu/Šamaš-iddin//Ḫunzû; witness #2: Šamaš-īṭer/Kidin-Anu//Luštammar-Adad; witness #3: Nidintu-Anu/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû; witness #5: Anu-ušallim/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Gimil-Anu; witness #6: Līšer/Nidintu-Anu//Gimil-Anu; witness #7: Ištar-zēr-ibni/Anu-ab-utēr//Luštammar-Adad; witness #12: Ina-qibīt-Anu/Nanâ-iddin//Ḫunzû.

565. Ellipse. 18 x 10.5. Winged bull and fox as above; eight-pointed star right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Nanâ-iddin//Kurî:
● 24/III/89; witness; sale of land BRM 2 28 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0565_Cl28_L3.png]/BiMes 24 19 []L3.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 106 (BRM 2 28 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0565_Cl28_L3.png]). Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 81, and Pl. 38, L.E. (BiMes 24 19 [] L3).

565ʹ. Previously Nos. 566:C+652. Pointed ellipse. 19 x 10.5 Winged bull leaping right; diagonal waxing crescent left, 8-pointed star right, fox(?) leaping right below.
► Ša-Anu-iššû/Nanâ-iddin//Ebabbar-šum-ibni:
● 4/VIII/99; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 68 [] [L4]/VDI 1955/4 154ff. VII B4;
● 14/IX/106; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 49 [] B4;
● 20/III/[10]9; witness; sale of land STUBM 79 [] T2;
● 16/VIII/109; witness; sale of land BRM 2 30 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0652_Cl30_B1.png]/CM 12 IV [] B1;
● 20/X/[102-110]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 82 [] B1;
● 25/VI/111; witness; sale of prebend CM 12 V [] L1;
● 15/III(?)/119; witness; sale of food allotment OECT 9 48 [] L2;
● 22/IV/[110-119]; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 57 [] T3;
● 25/XII/127; witness; sale of land STUBM 92 [] T3.
→ Publ. CM 12 50 (CM 12 V [] L1), 59 (CM 12 IV [] B1). SS III 676e (STUBM 79 [] T2); 681h (STUBM 82 [] B1), 720d (STUBM 68 [] B4); 732f (STUBM 92 [] T3).

566. Ellipse. 17 x 10.5. Winged bull and fox as above; six-pointed star left, diagonal waning crescent right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Ardi-Rēš/Dumqi-Anu atû:
● 16/XII/133; seller; sale of land BiMes 24 23 [] [R1]/BRM 2 37 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0566_Cl37_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa md60-AD-URU3 ˹na˺-din-na É MU.MEŠ.

Other examples:

AUWE 19 566:A°

AUWE 19 566:A0

566:A0. Previously Nos. 586:A+660:C. Pointed ellipse. Winged bull leaping right; fox leaping right below.
► Kidin-Anu/Mukin-apli//Kurî:
●  2/IX/[46-51]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 25 [] T4;
● 16/IV/54; witness; receipt for sale of land VDI 1955/4 142ff. II [] B5;
●  -/-/60; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 35 [] T5.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 182, Fig. 158 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0566A_0_GlypOr_Op1_T5.png] (STUBM 35 [] T5). Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 3 (VDI 1955/4 142ff. II [] B5). SS III 680k (STUBM 25 [] T4), 695i (STUBM 35 [] T5).

566:A. Ellipse. Winged bull and fox as above.
► Anu-MU-x:
● 10/XI/85; witness; division of property BiMes 24 46 []B1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 188, and Pl. 116, Lo.E. (B1).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

566:B. Ellipse. 15 x 8.5. Winged bull and fox as above; diagonal waning crescent right.
► Lā-bāši/Anu-mukīn-apli//Ekur-zakir.
● 26/-/[80-90]; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 21 [] T2.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 19, No. 28.

566:C. Relocated to No. 565ʹ.


567. Ellipse. 14+ x 9.5. Winged bull leaping right, tail down; fish beneath facing right; horizontal crescent top.
► Nidintu/Ina-qibīt-Anu:
● 2/VI/37; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 10 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0567_Cl10_B1.png].

568. Pointed ellipse. 14 x 8.5. Winged bull as above, tail up; fish facing left.
► Šamaš-ittannu/Tattannu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 14/-/47; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 22 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0568_Y20_022_L2.png]

569. Relocated to No. 591″.

570. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 10. Winged bull as above, tail up; dolphin facing right; curved base composed of drillings.
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Līšer//Gimil-Anu:
● 28/VIII/51; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 24 [] T4;
● 15/XI/51; witness; sale of land BRM 2 14 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0570_Cl14_L3.png];
● 28/I/52; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 25 [] L4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0570_Y20_025_L4.png];
● 17/IX/55; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 29 [] B2/STUBM 30 [] [...]
→ Publ. SS III 689i (STUBM 29 B2); 754f (STUBM 30 [] B2).
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla Mesop. 49 22 O.209 B.

571. Pointed ellipse. 14 x 8.5. Winged bull as above, tail curled up; fish facing right.
► Riḫat-Anu/Kidin-Anu:
● 15/XI/51; witness; sale of land BRM 2 14 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0571_Cl14_L2.png];
● 17/XI/51; witness; sale of prebend TCL 13 237 [] T2.

572. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 9.5. Winged bull as above, tail down; fish as above.
► Nidintu-Anu/[Anu]-ab-utēr//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 22/VIII/61; witness; division of property YOS 20 28 [] T2' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0572_Y20_028_T2'.png].

573. Pointed ellipse. 19 x 11.5. Winged bull, fish as above; eight-pointed star on staff left, hand(?) right.
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Itti-Anu-nuḫšu//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 2/II/71; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 19 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0573_Cl19_B2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 126!

574. Pointed ellipse. 13+ x 9.5. Winged bull, fish as above.
► Zērīya/Anu-mukīn-apli//Gimil-Anu:
● 2/II/71; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 19 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0574_Cl19_T4.png].

575. Pointed ellipse. 21 x 10.5. Winged bull, fish as above.
► Anu-šum-līšer/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 25/VI/75; witness; sale of land BRM 2 21 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0575_Cl21_T4.png];
● 14/XI/80; witness; sale of land STUBM 46 [] B3.
→ Publ. SS III 701e (STUBM 46 [] B3).
→ Cf. No. 586:B, below.

576. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 9.5. Winged bull, fish as above; six-pointed star upper right.
► Lā-bāši/Mannu-iqâp//Kurî:
● 25/VI/75; witness; sale of land BRM 2 21 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0576_Cl21_L1.png];
● 20/III/82; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 21 [] B1;
● 1/VI/85; witness; sale of land BRM 2 26 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0576_Cl26_T3.png].
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, Pl. 46, Lo.E. (BiMes 24 21 [] B1).

577. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 8. Winged bull as above; dolphin(?) facing right; horizontal crescent upper right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-mār-ittannu/Kīna-apli itinnu:
● 14/XIIII/77; seller; sale of prebend BRM 2 22 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0577_Cl22_R1.png]/BiMes 24 1 [] [R1].
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 7, and Pl. 3, R.E. (BiMes 24 1 [] R1).
→ Cap. un-qa mni-din-tú-d60 na-din GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ.

578. Pointed ellipse. 20 x 11. Winged bull as above; fish facing right; horizontal crescent upper right.
► Anu-zēr-līšer/Ana-rabût-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 1/VI/85; witness; sale of land BRM 2 26 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0578_Cl26_B4.png].

579. Ellipse. 17 x 9.5. Winged bull as above; dolphin facing right.
► Nanâ-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//Kurî:
● 1/VI/85; witness; sale of land BRM 2 26 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0579_Cl26_B2.png];
● 30/IV/86; witness; lease of land VAS 15 35 [] L2;
● 24/III/89; witness; sale of land BRM 2 28 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0579_Cl28_T1.png]/BiMes 24 19 [] T1;
● -/-/[90-99]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 44 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0579_Y20_044_T2.png].
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *22-5 (VAS 15 35 [] L2). Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 133 (BRM 2 28 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0579_Cl28_T1.png]). Weisberg 1991, Pl. 39, U.E. (BiMes 24 19 [] T1).

580. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 10.5. Winged bull as above; dolphin facing left; triangle left.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Kidin-Anu/Lā-bāši//Kurî:
● 23/VIII/87; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 27 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0580_Cl27_L2.png]/CM 12 III [] L2.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 139 (BRM 2 27 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0580_Cl27_L2.png]). CM 12 45 (CM 12 III [] L2).

581. Pointed ellipse. 12+ x 10. Winged bull as above, tail down; fish facing right.
► Anu-zēr-līšer/Iddinâ//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 3/IX/108; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 52 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0581_Y20_052_B3.png]

582. Ellipse. 16 x 9.5. Winged bull as above, tail up; dolphin facing right; seven-pointed star right.
► Anu-bēlšunu:
● 8/IX/122; witness; quitclaim BRM 1 98 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0582_I98_B1]/CM 12 VII [] B1.
→ Publ. Clay 1912, Pl. 4, third row, far right (BRM 1 98 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0582_I98_B1.png]). CM 12 54 (CM 12 VII [] B1).
→ Cf. B3 (No. 698); note witness #1: /Nidintu-Anu/Anu-bēlšunu//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #7: /Anu-bēlšunu Urkāyya. → Three impressions occur on ring-bulla AUWE 20 231-5, -6, -7.

583. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 9.5. Winged bull as above, dolphin facing left.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Lā-bāši/Anu-mār-ittannu itinnu:
● 8/IX/122; waiver; quitclaim BRM 1 98 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0583_I98_R1]/CM 12 VII [] R1.
► Nidintu-Ištar/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Ardi-Ninurta sepīr makkūr Anu:
● 23/IV/124; witness; sale of land VAS 15 52 [] T5;
● 12/-/124; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 34 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0583_Cl34_T1.png];
● 20/-/129; witness; exchange of properties BRM 2 35 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0583_Cl35_T1.png];
● 2/XI/143; witness; sale of land VAS 15 34 [] L2;
● -/-/144; witness; sale of food allowance BRM 2 56 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0583_Cl56_T1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1912, Pl. 4, fourth row, far left (BRM 1 98 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0583_I98_R1.png]). AUWE 20 *38-2 (VAS 15 52 [] T5), *53-7 (VAS 15 34 [] L2) CM 12 56 (CM 12 VII [] R1).
→ Cap. un-qa md60-DUMU-MU-nu na-din-na-an zuk-ku a-na {DIŠ} GIŠ.ŠUB.BA ku!-ru-um-mat u É.ŠUII MU.MEŠ (BRM 1 98 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0583_I98_R1]); un-qa md60-DUMU-MU-nu na-din-na-an zuk-ku a-na UGU-ḫi GIŠ.ŠUB.BA.MEŠ PAD.ḪI.A u É.ŠUII MU.MEŠ (CM 12 VII [] R1).
→ The first user of this seal, Anu-mār-ittannu, appears to be unrelated to the later user, Nidintu-Anu. Note that neither user claims a clan name, and that both are temple personnel: the former a builder (itinnu), and the latter a parchment scribe (sepīr makkūr Anu).
→ An impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 56 []-6 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY56-06.png], dated ca. 124-[...] S.E.

584. Ellipse. 17.5 x 10.5. Winged bull as above; dolphin as above.
► Nidintu-Ištar/[...]:
● 3/V/[120-124]; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 55 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0584_Cl55_B1.png].
→ An impression of this seal occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 18 []-7 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY18-07.png].

585. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 9.5. Winged bull as above; fish facing right.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin:
● 20/-/129; witness; exchange of properties BRM 2 35 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0585_Cl35_B1.png].
→ Cf. T2 (No. 524); note witness #1: /Kidin-Anu//Ḫunzû; witness #9: /Nidintu-Ištar! sepīr makkūr Anu.

585ʹ. Previously No. 409. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 11. Human-headed winged bull as above; fish facing right; horizontal crescent above rump, circle left, six-pointed star right; raised linear border.
► Dumqi-Anu/Ardi-Rēš/Dumqi-Anu atû; ša ultu kiništi ša Rēš:
● 2/XI/143; witness; sale of land VAS 15 34 [] L1;
● 30/III/154; witness; exchange of properties BRM 2 45 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0409_Cl45_L2.png];
● 17/XI/155; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 46 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0409_Cl46_T1.png]/YOS 20 75 [](+)FuB 16 37 22 T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0409_Y20_075_T1.png].
● 3/IX/157; lender; lease of prebend BRM 2 47 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0409_Cl47_R1.png].
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *53-6 (VAS 15 34 [] L1). Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 154 (BRM 2 45 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0409_Cl45_L2.png]).
→ Cap. un-qa mdum-qí-d60 A šá mÌR-é[SAG] (BRM 2 47 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0409_Cl47_R1.png]).
→ Replaced by No. 657, below.

586. Ellipse. 17 x 10. Winged bull, fish as above; triangle left, circle above tip of tail, horizontal waning crescent right.
► Tattannu/Anu-aḫ-iddin/Riḫat-Anu//Imbi-Anu:
● 16/-/153; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 61 [] B2;
● 25/II/154; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 44 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0586_Cl44_T2.png];
● 24/II/[151-161]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 79 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0586_Y20_079_B2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 147! (YOS 20 79 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0586_Y20_079_B2.png]).

Other examples:

586:A. Relocated to No. 566:A0.

586:B. Ellipse. 14.5 x 9.5. Winged bull as above, tail lost; dolphin(?)/fish(?) indistinct.
► Anu-šum-līšer/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 18/XIIII/72; witness; sale of land CM 12 II [] L2.
→ Publ. CM 12 43.
→ Cf. No. 575, above.

586:C. Pointed ellipse. Winged bull as above, tail up; fish facing right; horizontal crescent right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Ana-rabût-Anu/Kidin-Anu//Kurî:
● 4/VIII/99; seller; sale of prebend STUBM 68 [R1]/VDI 1955/4 154ff. VII []R1.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 8 (R1).
→ Cap. un-qa md60-ŠEŠ-MU-nu na-din GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ.

586:Cʹ. Previously No. 409:B. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 7. Winged bull as above; fish facing left.
► Illut-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Nidintu-Ištar//Kurî:
● 21/X/119; witness; sale of prebend CM 12 VI [] T3/VAS 15 32 [] T3.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *57-3 (VAS 15 32 [] T3). CM 12 52 (CM 12 VI [] T3).

586:D. Ellipse. 18+ x 10.Winged bull as above; dolphin facing right; diagonal waning crescent right.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu:
● -/-/[90-125]; witness; sale of prebend VAS 15 28 [] L2.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *14-10; Schroeder 1916, Taf. 1, VAT 8550 l.R. (L2).
→ Witness list lost.

586:E. Ellipse fragment. 17+ x 9. Winged bull as above; fish facing right; 6(?)-pointed star left, horizontal crescent right.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin/Nanâ-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 22/VI/132; witness; division of property VAS 15 39 [] [...]/VAS 15 40 []T5/VAS 15 49 [] [...].
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *32-5; Schroeder 1916, Taf. 2, VAT 8565 o.R. (VAS 15 40 T5 []).


587. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 9.5. Winged bull as above; crab beneath; triangle upper right.
► Kidin-Anu/Ištar-ḫīṭūʾa sepīr makkūr Anu:
● 25/VIII/47; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 20 [] B2;
● 21/IX/49; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 13 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0587_Cl13_B3.png]. → Publ. SS III 675f (STUBM 20 [] B2). Clay 1913, Pls. II (fourth row, third from left); V, No. 110 (BRM 2 13 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0587_Cl13_B3.png]).
→ Replaced by No. 593, below.

588. Ellipse. 17 x 10. Winged bull as above; crab at right.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Riḫat-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 26/VII/78; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 19 [] B3;
● -/V/[76-88]; witness; quitclaim YOS 20 94 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0588_Y20_094_L1.png];
● 14/IV/97; witness; lease of prebend OECT 9 36 [] L1.

589. Ellipse. 16+ x 9. Winged bull as above; crab beneath; pomegranate(?)/poppy(?) left.
► Lā-bāši:
● -/-/98; witness; division of property YOS 20 46 [] B1' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0589_Y20_041_B1'.png]
→ Fragmentary witness list.

590. Ellipse. 15.5 x 9. Winged bull as above; crab at right; horizontal crescent left.
► Illut-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Anu-aḫ-iddin:
● 20/-/129; witness; exchange of properties BRM 2 35 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0590_Cl35_L1.png].

Other examples:

590:A. Ellipse. Winged bull as above; crab right.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 23/XI/79; witness; sale of land TCL 13 239 [] B2.
→ Publ. Rutten 1935, Pl. 1, No. 5.
→ Cf. L3; note witness #5: /Anu-erība; witness #7: /Kītu-Anu//Kurî.
→ Rutten (1935) misattributed this impression to both TCL 13 239 [] (p. 126) and TCL 13 240 [] (p. 240).


591. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 9.5. Winged bull as above; right profile beardless shaven male head at right.
► Anu-ikṣur/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Aḫ-ūtu:
28/XI/12; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 5 [] [L1] [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0591_Y20_005_L1.png]; ● -/-/[8-31]; seller; sale of land VAS 15 29 []R2.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *27-2; Schroeder 1916, 37, Nr. 29, r.R. (VAS 15 29 [] R2).
→ Cap. un-[qa] md60-ik-ṣur DUMU šá m[d60-ŠEŠ-MU-nu] A máḫ-ʾú˺-[] (VAS 15 29 [] R2).

591′. Previously No. 344. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 10. Winged bull as above; locust(?) profile right beneath.
► Iqīšâ/Anu-uballiṭ//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 3/X/35; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 8 [] [ B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0261_N4880_B1.png]];
● 28/VIII/51; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 24 [] B2;
● 15/XI/65; witness; sale of land STUBM 37 [] T4.
→ Publ. SS III 697n (STUBM 37 [] T4).

591″. Previously No. 569. Pointed ellipse. 14 x 8.5. Winged bull as above; locust facing right.
► Iddinâ/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 2/XI/50; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 23 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0569_Y20_023_L2.png]/YOS 20 24 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0569_Y20_024_L2.png];
● 4/IX/50; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 23 [] B2!.
→ Publ. SS III 679i (STUBM 23 [] B2!).
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 3 []-16 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY03-16.png].

592. Ellipse. 17 x 9. Winged bull as above; indistinct object beneath.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Mukin-apli rēʾû ṣēri:
● 15/XI/51; witness; sale of land BRM 2 14 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0592_Cl14_T3.png];
● 1/IX/78; witness; sale of food allowance and prebend YOS 20 39 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0592_Y20_039_B1.png].

593. Ellipse. 15+ x 10. Winged bull as above; indistinct object beneath, triangle upper right.
► Kidin-Anu/Ištar-ḫīṭūʾa:
● 22/VI/67; witness; quitclaim YOS 20 31 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0593_Y20_031_L1.png];
● 20/VII/68; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 18 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0593_Cl18_T3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 111 (BRM 2 18 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0593_Cl18_T3.png]).
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 5 []-14 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY05-14.png], dated ca. 66-ca. 82 S.E.
→ Replaced No. 587, above; replaced by No. 598:A0, below.

594. Pointed ellipse. 13 x 7.5. Winged bull as above; bird walking profile right beneath, eight-pointed star right.
► Zērīya/Anu-mukīn-apli//Gimil-Anu:
● 8/II/78; witness; sale of land BRM 2 23 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0594_Cl23_B1.png]/YOS 20 38 [] B1;
● -/-/[67-89]; seller; sale of prebend STUBM [] 64 R1.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, Nos. 119 (BRM 2 23 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0594_Cl23_B1.png]), 112! (YOS 20 38 [] B1). SS III 773i (STUBM 64 [] R1).

595. Ellipse. 13 x 7.5. Winged bull as above; lily(?) right.
► Ana-rabût-Anu/Balāṭu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 28/III/124; witness; sale of food allowance BRM 2 33 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0595_Cl33_B2.png].

596. Pointed ellipse. 12 x 8.5. Winged bull as above, tail lost; indistinct object beneath; circle upper right.
► Lā-bāši/Anu-uballiṭ/Kidin-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 6/VII/[102-119]; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 44 [] T1;
● 18/X/124; witness; gift of land and slave CM 12 VIII [] T3;
● 12/III/131; witness; sale of prebend and land BRM 2 36 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0596_Cl36_T3.png].
→ Publ. CM 12 57 ( CM 12 VIII [] T3).

597. Ellipse. 16 x 9. Winged bull as above; indistinct linear object beneath, diagonal waning crescent right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Sumuttu-Anu/Nanâ-iddin//Kurî:
● 20/-/129; witness; exchange of properties BRM 2 35 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0597_Cl35_B3.png].

598. Ellipse. 16 x 9. Winged bull as above; horizontal crescent left, indistinct object right.
► Idat-Anu/Dumqi-Anu/Ardi-Rēš/Dumqi-Anu ša ultu kiništi ša bīt ilānī ša Uruk (154 S.E.), ša ultu kiništi ša Rēš (155 S.E.), atû ša bīt makkūr (165 S.E.), sepīr makkūr Anu ([150-160 S.E.]):
● 30/III/154; exchanger; exchange of properties BRM 2 45 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0598_Cl45_R1.png];
● 17/XI/155; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 46 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0598_Cl46_T2.png]/YOS 20 75 [](+)FuB 16 37 22 T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0598_Y20_075_T2.png];
● 11/XI/160; witness; division of property YOS 20 78 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0598_Y20_078_L3.png];
● 10/III/165; lessor: lease of prebend VDI 1955/4 157f. VIII []R1;
● 8/III/166; guarantor; sale of land BRM 2 49 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0598_Cl49_R2.png]/AoF 5 10 [...];
● -/-/[150-166]; witness; sale of land FuB 16 38f. 25 B3.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *39-6 (FuB 16 38f. 25 B3). Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 174 (BRM 2 45 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0598_Cl45_R1.png]). Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 10 VDI 1955/4 157f. VIII []R1).
→ Cap. un-qa mi-dat-d60 A šá mdum-qí-d60 MU.MEŠ (BRM 2 45 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0598_Cl45_R1.png]); un-qa mi-dat-d60 MU.MEŠ ( VDI 1955/4 157f. VIII []R1); BRM 2 49 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0598_Cl49_R2.png]-R4 are mistakenly captioned na-din-na-an.MEŠ MU.MEŠ, rather than *mu-mar-raq-qa-an.MEŠ, or the like.

Other examples:

598:A0. Previously No. 616:P. Pointed ellipse. Winged bull as above; triangle right, indistinct object beneath.
► Kidin-Anu/Ištar-ḫīṭūʾa sepīr makkūr Anu:
● 2/VI/82; guarantor; sale of land BiMes 24 26 [] R2;
● 12/V/83; witness; sale of prebend VAS 15 11 [] B1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 116, and Pl. 65, R.E. (R2).
→ Cap. un-qa mki-din-d60 ˹mu-mar˺-[...] (BiMes 24 26 [] R2).
→ Replaced No. 593, above

598:A. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 9. Winged bull as above; indistinct object left, eight-pointed star beneath.
► Šamaš-ittannu/Anu-ab-uṣur//Luštammar-Adad:
● 25/VI/111; witness; sale of prebend CM 12 V [] T4;
●  -/-/-; seller; sale of prebend STUBM 89 [] R1.
→ Publ. CM 12 51 (CM 12 V [] T4).


599. Ellipse. 20+ x 9. Winged bull leaping profile right, tail up, head full front; diagonal waxing crescent left, five-pointed star right.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Nidintu-Ištar//Kurî:
● 16/XII/[110-119]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 59 [] [ B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0599_Y20_059_B4.png]].


600. Ellipse. 16 x 8. Winged quadruped recumbent profile right, horned(?) bird(?) head, tail back with tip angled up.
► Anu-ušallim/Lā-bāši-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 22/II/77; seller; sale of prebend YOS 20 37 [] R1/STUBM 49 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0600_Y20_037_R1.png]
→ Publ. SS III 712m (STUBM 49 [] R1).
→ Cap. R1-R3: un-qa md60-GI un-qa mPN2 un-qamPN3na-din-na-ʾ GIŠ.ŠUB!.BA MU.MEŠ.

[return to top]

Seals 601-700


601. Ellipse. 16+ x 11. Winged quadruped standing/walking profile right, tail straight back, crest(?) on head.
► Ubār/Anu-mukīn-apli//Kurî:
● 21/XI/35; witness; gift of slave BRM 2 6 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0601_Cl6_B3.png]>/BRM 2 7 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0601_Cl7_B3.png].

602. Ellipse. 13+ x 8.5. Winged quadruped as above, horned(?) lion(?) head, tail back with tip angled up.
► Dumqi-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Ḫunzû:
● 24/V/119; witness; sale of land BRM 2 32 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0602_Cl32_L1.png]/YOS 20 56 [] L1! [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0602_Y20_056_L1.png].
→ BRM 2 32 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0602_Cl32_L1.png] is erroneously captioned mni-din-tu4-d60.

603. Ellipse. 13 x 7. Winged quadruped as above, lion(?) head, tail down; vertical waning crescent right.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Tanittu-Anu/Lā-bāši//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 14/VII/123; witness; sale of land YOS 20 63 [] L1′ [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0603_Y20_063_L1′.png].

604. Pointed ellipse. 14.5 x 8. Winged quadruped as above, bird(?) head, feathered tail curled up.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● -/-/[90-125]; witness; sale of land BRM 2 9 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0604_Cl09_B4.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 171.
→ Witness list lost.

605. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Profile left winged quadruped, short tail turned down; horizontal crescent above.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Tanittu-Anu/Anu-bēlšunu/Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 25/II/154; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 44 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0605_Cl44_T1.png].

Other examples:

605:A. Relocate to 390:A00.

605:B. Ellipse. 12 x 8. Winged quadruped as above, bird(?) head; tail back, tip angled down.
► Mattān-Anu/[...]:
● 18/XIIII/72; guarantor; sale of land CM 12 II [] R2.
→ Publ. CM 12 58.
→ Cap. un-qammat-tan-na-d60mu-ru-qu.

605:C. Relocated to No. 369B′.

605:D. Ellipse. Winged quadruped as above.
► [...]:
● -/-/[90-125?]; witness; sale of prebend BiMes 24 8 []B3′.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 27, and Pl. 13, Lo.E. (B3′).
→ Witness list lost.

605:E. Ellipse. Winged quadruped as above; diagonal waxing crescent upper left, indistinct object right.
► Anu-zēr-iddin/Nanâ-iddin/Anu-mār-ittannu//Ḫunzû:
● 10/XII/137; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 13 [] T2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 53, and Pl. 25, U.E. (T2).

605:F. Pointed ellipse. Winged quadruped as above; horizontal crescent upper left, star right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Kidin-Anu/Anu-mukīn-apli//Ekur-zakir:
● 10/-/141; witness; sale of prebend BiMes 24 10 [] L2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 41, and Pl. 16, Le.E. (L2).

605:G. Pointed ellipse. 14 x 7. Winged quadruped as above, tail curled up; horizontal crescent right.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 7/VII/171; witness; sale of prebend VAS 15 37 [] T2.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *11-2; Schroeder 1916, Taf. 1, VAT 8548 o.R. (T2).
→ Cf. T1 (No. 755:P); note witness #1: /Nanâ-iddin/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ḫunzû; witness #2: /Anu-mār-ittannu/Nanâ-iddin//Ḫunzû.


606. Ellipse. 13+ x 9. Winged quadruped leaping profile right, tail up, tip sharply reversed.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-ab-utēr mār banê:
● 6/II/9; witness; protocol of hearing YOS 20 1 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0606_Y20_001_B4.png].

607. Pointed ellipse. 13 x 7+. Winged quadruped as above, tail up.
► Kidin-Anu/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 16/VIII/16; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 8 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0607_Y20_008_T1.png].

607ʹ. Previously No. 1100:C. Ellipse. Nondescript winged quadruped leaping right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 16/IV/54; witness; receipt for sale of land VDI 1955/4 142ff. II []L1.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955/4, Fig. 3 (L1).

608. Ellipse. 13 x 8. Winged quadruped as above, tail down; short baseline beneath hind paws.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Nanâ-iddin//Ab-ṭāb:
● 20/IV/56; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 15 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0608_Cl15_T3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 142.

609. Ellipse. 16 x 9. Winged quadruped as above, bird(?) head.
► Balāṭu/Šamaš-ittannu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 22/III/67; witness; duty roster BRM 2 17 [] B5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0609_Cl17_B5.png].

610. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 11. Winged quadruped as above, horned(?) head upon long slender neck, tail straight back; diagonal waning crescent upper right.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Lā-bāši/Anu-mār-ittannu itinnu:
● 11/VII/82; divider; division of property BRM 2 24 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0610_Cl24_R2.png]/YOS 20 40 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0610_Y20_040_R2.png].

611. Ellipse. 16 x 9. Winged quadruped as above, short tail; circle beneath, triangle right.
► Uṣuršu-Anu/Ana-rabût-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 1/VI/85; witness; sale of land BRM 2 26 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0611_Cl26_L3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 105.

612. Ellipse. 11 x 8. Winged quadruped as above.
► Anu-uballissu:
● 17/XIIII/85; witness; sale of land YOS 20 42 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0612_Y20_042_L2.png].
→ Cf. B3 (No. 849); note witness #13: /Anu-uballiṭ//Sîn-leqi-unnini; witness #14: /Anu-ab-uṣur.

613. Ellipse fragment. 11+ x 9+. Winged quadruped as above; indistinct object right; left half lost.
► [...]:
● 20/IV/88; witness; division of property YOS 20 43 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0613_Y20_043_T1.png]/BiMes 24 53 [...].
→ Cf. T2 (No. 649: [...]), T3 (No. 650: [...]), T4 (No. 89: [...]), L3 (lost: Anu-[...]); note witness #1: Anu-zēr-iddin/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #3: Anu-zēr-iddin/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû; witness #4: Anu-šum-līšer/Anu-zēr-iddin/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû; witness #5: Anu-bēlšunu/Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #6: Nidintu-Anu/Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #12: [Nidin]tu-Anu/Kītu-Anu/Nidintu-Anu//Kurî.

614. Ellipse. 14 x 7. Winged quadruped as above, short tail curled tightly up.
► Uṣuršu-Anu/Tanittu-Anu/Kidin-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 22/VIII/95; guarantor; exchange of properties BIN 2 135 [] R3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0614_BN2_135_R3.png].
→ Publ. Nies and Keiser 1920, Pl. 55, No. 135 R.E. (R3). → Cap. un-qamURU3-šú-d[60] ˹DUMU˺ šámta-nit-tu4-d60.

615. Ellipse. 14 x 8. Winged quadruped as above, tail curled up; indistinct linear object beneath.
► Nidintu-Anu/Riḫat-[...]//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● -/-/[108-109]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 50 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0615_Y20_050_L2.png].

616. Ellipse. 15 x 8.5. Winged quadruped as above, tail straight back, tip turned up; rounded triangle above tail.
► Anu-erība/Nanâ-iddin//Kurî:
● 11/XII/119; witness; sale of land YOS 20 60 [...]/YOS 20 61 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0616_Y20_061_L1.png].

Other examples:

616:A Relocated to No. 390:A0.

616:B. Ellipse. Winged quadruped as above; indistinct object right.
► Kidin-Anu:
● 10/IV/12; witness; sale of prebend VDI 1955/4 152f. VI [] B1.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 7 (B1).
→ Cap. ˹NA4.KIŠIB˺ mki-din-d60.
→ Cf. T3 (illegible); note witness #7: /Anu-mukīn-apli//Ekur-zakir; witness #8: /Anu-ab-uṣur//Luštammar-Adad.

616:C. Ellipse. Winged quadruped as above.
► Anu-zēr-iddin/Anu-uballiṭ//Šumāt:
● 10/VI/15; witness; sale of slaves VDI 1955/4 139ff. I [] T4.
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB md60-˹NUMUN-MU˺.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 2 (T4).
→ Compare No. 463, above, used less than three years earlier.

616:D. Ellipse. Winged quadruped as above, tail curled down.
► [Nidintu-Anu]:
● 10/VI/15; witness; sale of slaves VDI 1955/4 139ff. I [] T3;
● 1/VIII/18; witness; sale of land STUBM 4 [] T3.
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB PN (VDI 1955/139f. 1 T3).
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 2 (VDI 1955/4 139ff. I [] T3). SS III 650g (STUBM 4 [] T3).
→ Cf. L4 (No. 916:B); note witness #2: /Šeški-Anu//Sîn-leqi-unnini; witness #6: /Lā-bāši//Aḫ-ūtu.

616:E. Ellipse. Winged quadruped as above.
► Sîn-bēlšunu/Sîn-[aḫ?]-iddin:
● 10/VI/15; witness; sale of slaves VDI 1955/4 139ff. I [] L2.
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB PN.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 2 (L2).

616:F. Ellipse. Winged quadruped as above.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● -/-/[16-43]; witness; sale(?) of slave BiMes 24 39 [] T1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 24, No. 159, and Pl. 99, U.E. (T1).
→ Note witness #1: /[...]; witness #9′: /Ina-qibīt-Anu.
→ The tablet scribe was active ca. 16-43 S.E.

616:G. Pointed ellipse. Winged quadruped as above.
► Anu-mukīn-apli:
● 14/-/48; witness; sale of prebend WZJ 19 1970 905ff. [] B4.
→ Publ. Oelsner 1970a, 908, Abb. 3b (B4).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

616:H. Pointed ellipse. Winged quadruped as above, tail back.
► Šamaš-īṭer/[...]//[...]:
● 14/-/48; witness; sale of prebend WZJ 19 1970 905ff. [] B1.
→ Publ. Oelsner 1970a, 908, Abb. 3b (B1).

616:I. Ellipse. Winged quadruped as above, scorpion(?) tail.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Dumqi-Anu:
● 17/XI/51; witness; sale of prebend TCL 13 237 [] L3.
→ Publ. Rutten 1935, Pl. 1, No 14.

616:J. Ellipse. Winged bull(?) as above; triangle beneath.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//[...]:
● 10/XI/85; witness; division of property BiMes 24 46 []T2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 186, and Pl. 117, U.E. (T2).

616:K. Ellipse. Winged quadruped as above.
► [...]:
● 3/IV/92; witness; division of property BiMes 24 45 []L1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 185, and Pl. 112. Le.E. (L1).
→ There are eight witnesses without attributable seals.

616:L. Ellipse. Winged quadruped as above; indistinct object right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu:
● -/II/96; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 34 [] L1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 24, No. 150, and Pl. 90, Le.E. (L1).
→ Cf. B2 (lost); note witness #4: /Anu-balāssu-iqbi//Aḫ-ūtu; witness # 11: Anu-[...]/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ekur-zakir.

616:M. Ellipse. Winged quadruped as above.
► [...]: ● -/-/70; witness; sale of prebend BiMes 24 11 [] T3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 43, and Pl. 19, U.E. (T3).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

616:N. Ellipse. Winged quadruped as above.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Sumuttu-Anu aškāpu:
● 2/VI/82; witness; sale of landBiMes 24 26 [] T4.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 111, and Pl. 65, U.E. (T4).

616:O. Ellipse. Winged bull(?) as above; vertical waning crescent right, two indistinct objects beneath.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Riḫat-Ištar//[...]:
● 2/VI/82; witness; BiMes 24 26 [] L3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 119, and Pl. 64, Le.E. (L3).

616:P. Relocated to No. 598:A0.

616:Q. Ellipse. Winged quadruped as above, head lost, leaping over dolphin facing right; vertical waning crescent above left.
► Mušēzib-Anu/Bēlet-adê-ḥay:
● 6/VI/82; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 26 [] B3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 114, and Pl. 64, Lo.E. (B3).

616:R. Ellipse. Winged quadruped as above, head indistinct; indistinct object beneath.
► Anu-uballiṭ:
● 10/XI/85; witness; division of property BiMes 24 46 [] L3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 193, and Pl. 116, Le.E (L3).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

616:S. Ellipse. Winged quadruped as above.
► Balāṭu:
● -/-/[53-88]; witness; quitclaim BiMes 24 42 [] L2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 24, No. 173, and Pl. 104, Le.E. (L2).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

616:T. Concave ellipse. Winged quadruped as above, tail down.
► Anu-zēr-iddin(Ṭāb-Anu)/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Ana-rabût-Anu/Kidin-Anu//Kurî:
● 4/VIII/99; guarantor; sale of prebend STUBM 68 [] [R2]/VDI 1955/4 154ff. VII [] R2.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 8 (R2).
→ The impression at VDI 1955/4 154ff. VII [] R2 is miscaptioned md60-TIN-su-E; no party in either copy of the document is named Anu-balāssu-iqbi. The guarantor's name, preserved only as md60-[...] in VDI 1955/4 VII: 19, is given in full in STUBM 68 []: 17.

616:U. Relocate to No. 40:Cʹ.

616:V. Pointed ellipse. Winged quadruped as above; fish(?) beneath, indistinct object right.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 29/III/108; witness; sale of meat offering BiMes 24 2 []L1′.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 16, and Pl. 4, Le.E. (L1′).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

616:W. Pointed ellipse. Winged human-headed(?) quadruped as above; horizontal crescent right. ► An-aḫ-ittannu: ● -/-/[75?-125?]; witness; quitclaim BiMes 24 9 [] L1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 33, and Pl. 14, Le.E. (L1).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

616:X. Ellipse. Winged quadruped as above.
► [...]:
● -/-/[90?-125?]; witness; sale of prebend BiMes 24 8 [] B2′.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 26, and Pl. 13, Lo.E. (B2′).
→ Witness list lost.

616:Y. Ellipse. Winged quadruped as above.
► Tattannu:
● -/-/[124?-137?]; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 16 []B1′.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 67, and Pl. 31, Lo.E. (B1′).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

616:Z. Pointed ellipse. Winged quadruped as above; horizontal crescent left, star above rump.
► Anu-aḫ-ušabši/Anu-uballiṭ/[...]//Ekur-zakir:
● 20/X/139; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 20 []T1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 84, and Pl. 43, U.E. (T1).

616:AA. Pointed ellipse. Winged bull(?) as above; indistinct object beneath.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Mannu-iqâp/Nidintu-Anu//[...]:
● -/I/184; witness; dedication of slaves 24 43 [] L2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 177, and Pl. 106, Le.E. (L2).

616:BB. Pointed ellipse.Winged bull(?) as above.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-mār-ittannu/Nanâ-iddin//[Ḫunzû]:
● -/I/184; witness; dedication of slaves 24 43 [] T1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 174, and Pl. 107, U.E. (T1).

616:CC. Pointed ellipse. Winged bull(?) as above.
► Ša-Anu-iššû/[...]:
● 5/II/-; seller; sale(?) of prebend(?) BiMes 24 4 []R1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 18, and Pl. 7, R.E. (R1).


616::DD. Ellipse. Winged quadruped facing right; indeterminate object at right; linear border.
► [...]:
● 1/III/[20-31]; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 36 [] T1′.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 24, No. 157, and Pl. 95, U.E. (T1′).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

616:EE. Ellipse. Winged quadruped as above.
► Nanâ-iddin:
● 20/XI/36; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 14 [] T1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 62, and Pl. 28, U.E. (T1).
→ Cf. B3 (lost); note witness #3:/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Ab-ṭāb, witness #9:/Anu-ik[ṣur]//Ekur-zakir.

616:FF. Pointed ellipse. Winged quadruped as above.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin:
● -/-/[53?-83?]; waiver; quitclaim BiMes 24 42 [] R2′.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 24, No. 171, and Pl. 105, R.E. (R2′).
→ Note waiver #3: Anu-aḫ[...]/Anu-mār-ittannu.

616:GG. Ellipse. Winged quadruped as above.
► Anu-šum-līšer:
● -/XI/[86-90]; witness; sale of meat offering BiMes 24 5 [] T2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 20, and Pl. 9, U.E. (T2).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

616:HH. Pointed ellipse. Winged quadruped as above.
► Lā-bāši:
● -/-/[75?-125?]; witness; quitclaim BiMes 24 9 [] B3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 31, and Pl. 14, Lo.E. (B3).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

616:II. Ellipse. Winged quadruped as above, facing crab at right.
► Nanâ-iddin/Šūzubu/Murašû//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 19/-/148; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 27 [] L1/BiMes 24 29 [] L1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 126, and Pl. 68 Le.E. (BiMes 24 27 []L1); 23, No. 131, and Pl. 76 Le.E. (BiMes 24 29 [] L1).

616:JJ. Ellipse. Winged quadruped as above; indistinct object beneath.
► Nikánōr:
● 4/III/179; witness; dedication of slaves BiMes 24 44 [] T1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 178, and Pl. 109, U.E. (T1).
→ Fragmentary witness list; note witness #1′: [...]/[...]phantos.
→ Contrast Boiy 2005, p. 62, "on the seal a standing archer facing right with a crescent moon on the left is depicted (no winged quadruped)."


617. Ellipse fragment. 14.5 x 9. Winged quadruped leaping profile right, tail up.
► Anu-zēr-iddin:
● 22/XI/14; witness; sale of ? YOS 20 6 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0617_Y20_006_T1.png].
→ Cf. B1 (No. 901); note witness #1: /Anu-mukīn-apli//Ekur-zakir; witness #2: /Ina-qibīt-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu.

618. Ellipse. 13 x 8.5. Winged quadruped as above; horizontal crescent(?) right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Kurî:
● 22/XI/14; witness; sale of ? YOS 20 6 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0618_Y20_B2.png].

619. Ellipse. 15 x 14. Winged quadruped walking profile right, tail down; animal leg(?) right.
► [...]:
● 23/III/26; witness; sale of land YOS 20 14 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0619_Y20_014_T1.png]
→ Cf. L4 (lost: Anu-[...]); note witness #4: Anu-uballiṭ/Nidintu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #8: Anu-ab-utēr/Anu-[...]; witness #10: Nanâ-iddin/Mannu-kī-Ištar; witness #11: Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Ina-qibīt-Anu; witness #12: Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-aḫ-ittannu.

619′. Previously 1064. Pointed ellipse. 13 x 5. Winged quadruped profile right.
► Riḫat-Ištar/Šamšāyya/Anu-uballissu:
● 20/IV/29; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 4 [] T6 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0619'_Cl04_T6.png].

620. Ellipse. 15 x 9.5. Winged quadruped leaping right, tail down.
► Ištar-šum-eriš(sic!?):
● 28/XII/29; witness; sale of land YOS 20 16 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0620_Y20_016_T2.png].
→ The scribe erred with either this caption or the name of; witness #9 (ll. 25-26): Mušēzib-Anu/Kidin-Anu. Mušēzib-Anu/Kidin-Anu//Ekur-zakir was active ca. 38-68 S.E., during which time he employed seals Nos. 142 (38-43 S.E.), 83 (63-66 S.E.), 985 (68 S.E.).

621. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 9. Winged quadruped as above, tail lost.
► Anu-bēlšunu:
● 10/IX/31; witness; gift of slave BRM 2 5 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0621_Cl05_B1.png].
→ Cf. L3 (No. 879); note witness #5: /Anu-aḫ-tuqqin//Bēl-usāt; witness #8: /Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Kurî.

622. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 10. Winged quadruped as above, tail back.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● 26/XI/35; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 9 [] T5/YOS 20 17 [] T5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0622_Y20_017_T5.png]
→ Compare shape of tail with bulla impression on Delaporte 1923, Pl. 122, Fig. 6b (A.806).
→ Cf. T2 (No. 1067), T4 (No. 927); note witness #2: /Anu-mukīn-apli//Gimil-Anu; witness #6: /Anu-uballiṭ//Luštammar-Adad; witness #11: /Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad.
→ Publ. SS III 659k (STUBM 9 [] T5).

623. Ellipse. 12+ x 8. Winged quadruped walking right, tail angled down; vertical waxing crescent right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Ḫunzû:
● 26/XI/35; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 9 [] B3/YOS 20 17 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0623_Y20_017_B3.png]
→ Publ. SS III 659m (STUBM 9 [] B3).
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 36 []-8 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY36-08.png].

624. Relocated to No. 377′.

625. Ellipse. 15+ x 10. Winged quadruped leaping(?) profile left.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin:
● -/-/[≤ 35]; witness; memorandum re: disposition of slaves, sale doc. YOS 20 102 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0625_N4880_L3.png].
→ Fragmentary witness list; note witness #1: Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/[...].

626. Ellipse. 14 x 10. Winged quadruped walking(?) right; very indistinct.
► Kītu-Anu/Mannu-kī-Ištar/Ana-rabûtīka-Anu:
● 2/VI/37; guarantor; sale of slave BRM 2 10 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0621_Cl05_B1.png].
→ Publ. Doty 1979, 195, Fig. 1 (R2).

627. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 9+. Winged quadruped, pose indistinct, tail up.
► [...]/Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Anu-uballiṭ//Ekur-zakir:
● 1/IV/38; seller; sale of land YOS 20 19 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0627_Y20_019_R2.png]
→ Cap. R1-R2: unqa˺ m[...] na-din un-qa [m...] ŠE.NUMUN DUMU.MEŠ šá md60-TIN-˹su-E˺ A ˹mÉ.KUR-za-kir˺.
→ Cf. R1 (No. 491); note seller #1: Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Anu-uballiṭ//Ekur-zakir, and his brother seller #2: Nidintu-Anu.

628. Ellipse. 15 x 9.5. Winged quadruped walking right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ekur-zakir:
● -/III/38; witness; sale of land YOS 20 18 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0628_Y20_018_T3.png].

629. Ellipse. 13+ x 10. Winged quadruped leaping right, tail up, inverted U-shaped tip; right half lost.
► [...]/[...]//Aḫ-ūtu:
● -/-/[≤43]; witness; receipt for sale of land YOS 20 89 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0629_Y20_089_B2.png].
→ Cap. [... A máḫ]-ʾ-[ú]-.
→ See remarks at No. 638, below, regarding shape of tail.

630. Pointed ellipse. 10+ x 10+. Winged quadruped as above, tail back; right half lost.
► [...]/[...]//Aḫ-ūtu:
● -/-/[≤43]; witness; receipt for sale of land YOS 20 89 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0630_Y20_089_L1.png].
→ Cap. [...] A máḫ-ʾ-ú-tú.

631. Pointed ellipse. 13 x 8. Winged quadruped as above, tail up.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 6/I/48; seller; sale of prebend BRM 2 12 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0631_Cl12_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa mni-din-tu4-d60 na-din GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ.

632. Ellipse. 15 x 11. Winged quadruped profile left; pose indistinct.
► Kidin-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ/Šamaš-zēr-iddin:
● 21/IX/49; guarantor; sale of prebend BRM 2 13 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0632_Cl13_R2.png].
→ Cap. un-qa mki-din-d60 mu-ru-qu-na.

633. Ellipse. 12 x 7+. Winged quadruped leaping right, tail lost.
► fAdēš-ṭābat/Erība/Anu-bēlšunu:
● 15/XI/51; seller; sale of land BRM 2 14 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0633_Cl14_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa a-de-e-šú-DÙ.GA-at na-din-na É MU.MEŠ.

634. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 10. Winged quadruped as above, tail up, head lost.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 28/I/52; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 25 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0634_Y20_025_B1.png].

635. Ellipse. 17 x 8. Winged quadruped as above.
► Tattannu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Ḫunzû:
● 6/VIII/53; witness; sale of land YOS 20 26 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0635_Y20_026_B1.png].

636. Ellipse. 16 x 8.5. Winged quadruped as above, tail down, tip up.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Nidintu-Anu:
● 22/VIII/61; divider; division of property YOS 20 28 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0636_Y20_028_R1.png].

637. Relocated to No. 554′.

638. Pointed ellipse. 10+ x 9+. Winged quadruped, pose indistinct, inverted U-shaped tail.
► Anu-ittannu:
● 25/I/[52-63]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 96 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0638_Y20_096_T3.png]
→ Compare shape of tail with No. 629, above, and note McDowell 1935a, Pl. 2, No. 1, rev., ca. Alexander III.
→ Note witness #1: [...]/[...]//Kurî; witness #3′: [...]/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #5′: [...]/Anu-[...]//Gimil-Anu.

639. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 8. Winged quadruped leaping right, feathered head crest(?); tail back, tip lost.
► Anu-šum-līšer/Anu-uballiṭ//Ḫunzû:
● 25/I/[52-63]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 96 [] B6 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0639_Y20_096_B6.png]
→ Compare the method of representing the wing with No. 355 (leaping sphinx), above, and Nos. 159-67 (winged gods), above.

640. Ellipse. 19+ x 16+. Winged quadruped, pose indistinct, tail down, tip up; short baselines(?) beneath front and hind hooves/paws.
► Nidintu-Anu/Ana-rabût-Anu/Anu-zēr-līšer//Ḫunzû:
● 21/VIII/63; seller; sale of prebend YOS 20 29 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0640_Y20_029_R2.png].
→ Cap. R1-R2: un-qa mPN un-qa mni-din-tu4-d60 [...] ˹GIŠ.ŠUB˺.BA MU.MEŠ.

641. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Winged quadruped as above; horned(?) head, tail lost.
► Ubār/Nanâ-iddin//Kurî:
● 21/VIII/63; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 29 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0641_Y20_029_L1.png].

642. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 10.5. Winged quadruped as above, curled wing, tail up.
► Anu-ab-utēr/Anu-balāssu-iqbi//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 1/I/65; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 30 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0642_Y20_030_B2.png]

643. Ellipse. 16 x 9. Winged quadruped leaping left, tail lost; baseline beneath hind hooves/paws.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Ana-rabût-Anu/Anu-erība//[Kur]î:
● 22/VI/67; waiver; quitclaim YOS 20 31 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0643_Y20_031_R2.png].

644. Ellipse fragment. 9+ x 9+. Winged quadruped, indistinct pose, tail up; baseline; right half lost.
► Dumqi-Anu/Rabi-Anu:
● 19/II/77; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 36 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0644_Y20_036_T4.png].

645. Ellipse fragment. 10+ x 10+. Winged quadruped as above; indistinct object beneath; left and right edges lost.
► [...]:
● 19/II/77; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 36 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0645_Y20_036_T1.png].
→ Captions are lost for seals L2 (No. 133), L3 (No. 820); note witness #1: Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ḫunzû; witness #4: Anu-ušallim/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Gimil-Anu; witness #6: Ana-rabût-Anu/Kidin-Anu//Kurî. The seal expected for witness #2: Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir, No. 945, used ca. 71-82 S.E., is not preserved.

646. Ellipse. 14+ x 10. Winged quadruped as above.
► Anu-zēr-iddin/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 17/XIIII/85; witness; sale of land YOS 20 42 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0646_Y20_042_T2.png];
● -/II/84; witness; OECT 9 23 [] T4.

647. Ellipse fragment. 12+ x 9. Winged quadruped leaping right, tail back, tip up.
► Uppul/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 17/XIIII/85; witness; sale of land YOS 20 42 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0647_Y20_042_T1.png].

647. Ellipse fragment. 12+ x 9. Winged quadruped leaping right, tail back, tip up.
► Uppul/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 17/XIIII/85; witness; sale of land YOS 20 42 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0647_Y20_042_T1.png].

648. Ellipse. 11+ x 8+. Wing and rump preserved of right facing creature.
► [...]:
● 17/XIIII/85; witness; sale of land YOS 20 42 [] L5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0648_Y20_042_L5.png].
→ Cf. T5: Nidintu-Anu (No. 793), B4: Nidintu-Anu (No. 1081), B5: [...] (lost); note witness #7: Nidintu-Anu/Níkarchos; witness #11: Mušallim-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Ḫunzû; witness #12: Nidintu-Anu/Ana-rabût-Anu//Ḫunzû; witness #15: Nidintu-Anu/Kidin-Anu/Ištar-ḫīṭūʾa.

649. Ellipse. 10+ x 9.5. Winged quadruped leaping right, left half lost.
► [...]:
● 20/IV/88; witness; division of property YOS 20 43 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0649_Y20_043_T2.png]/BiMes 24 53 [...].
→ Cf. T1 (No. 613: [...]), T3 (No. 650: [...]), T4 (No. 89: [...]), L3 (lost: Anu-[...]); note witness #1: Anu-zēr-iddin/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #3: Anu-zēr-iddin/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû; witness #4: Anu-šum-līšer/Anu-zēr-iddin/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû; witness #5: Anu-bēlšunu/Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #6: Nidintu-Anu/Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #12: [Nidin]tu-Anu/Kītu-Anu/Nidintu-Anu//Kurî.

650. Ellipse. 10+ x 8.5. Winged quadruped, pose indistinct, animal(?) head; top and bottom of right half preserved.
► [...]:
● 20/IV/88; witness; division of property YOS 20 43 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0650_Y20_043_T3.png]/BiMes 24 53 [...].
→ Cf. T1 (No. 613: [...]), T2 (No. 649: [...]), T4 (No. 89: [...]), L3 (lost: Anu-[...]); note witness #1: Anu-zēr-iddin/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #3: Anu-zēr-iddin/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû; witness #4: Anu-šum-līšer/Anu-zēr-iddin/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû; witness #5: Anu-bēlšunu/Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #6: Nidintu-Anu/Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #12: [Nidin]tu-Anu/Kītu-Anu/Nidintu-Anu//Kurî.
→ Compare details of head No. 525:B, above.

651. Relocated to No. 507′.

651ʹ. Previously No. 955. Ellipse. 11+ x 10+. Winged quadruped leaping profile right; balance (Libra) left, fish below.
► Illut-Anu/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû:
● -/-/93; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 69 [] B4;
● 4/I(?)/101; witness; sale of land VAS 15 41 [] L2;
● 16/XII/[110-119]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 59 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0955_Y20_059_L1.png].
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *7-10 (VAS 15 41 [] L2). SS III 690e (STUBM 69 [] B4).

652. Relocated to No. 565′.

653. Ellipse. 12+ x 9. Winged quadruped, pose indistinct, tail up.
► Ana-rabût-Anu/Illut-Anu/Ana-rabût-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 12/II/116; seller; sale of prebend YOS 20 55 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0653_Y20_055_R1.png]/BiMes 24 3(+)BaMB 2 132 [...].
→ Cap. ˹un-qa˺ mDIŠ-GAL-d60 na-din-na-an GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ.

654. Pointed ellipse. 9+ x 10.5+. Winged quadruped leaping right; fox(?) beneath, diagonal waxing crescent left; right lost.
► Nidintu-Ištar:
● -/-/[90-125]; witness; sale of land BRM 2 9 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0654_Cl09_T2.png].
→ Witness list lost.

655. Ellipse fragment. 10 x 8+. Winged quadruped walking right, tail down.
► Lā-bāši:
● 13/-/[123-125]; witness; dedication of slaves YOS 20 62 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0655_Y20_062_L1.png].
→ Cf. L3 (No. 479); note witness #3: /Ina-qibīt-Anu/[...]; witness #7: /Anu-ab-uṣur/[...]. The scribe may have been trying to distinguish between these two men and their seals by writing mNU.TÉŠ at L3 and l. 23 (witness #7), and mla-ba-ši at L1 and l. 19 (witness #3).

656. Ellipse. 8+ x 9+. Winged quadruped leaping right; left half lost.
► [...]: ● ˹8(+)˺/˹IV/VII˺/128; witness; sale of land YOS 20 65 [] B1′ [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0656_Y20_065_B1′.png].
→ Fragmentary witness list.

657. Ellipse. 15 x 8.5. Winged quadruped, pose indistinct, tail up; circles(?) left, bottom, right; horizontal crescent above rump.
► Dumqi-Anu/Ardi-Rēš/Dumqi-Anu atû makkūr Anu:
● 17/XII/157; witness; sale of land STUBM 102 [] T1;
● 20/XI/159; witness; sale of land VDI 1955/4 146f. III [] L1;
● -/-/[151-161]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 106 [] (Doc.jur 315ff. 5) L2;
● 8/III/166; seller; sale of land BRM 2 49 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0657_Cl49_R1.png]/AoF 5 10 [...].
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 4 (VDI 1955/4 146f. III [] L1). SS III 742d (STUBM 102 [] T1); 746i (STUBM 106 [] L2).
→ Cap. un-qa mdum-qí-d60 na-din-na-an MU.MEŠ (BRM 2 49 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0657_Cl49_R1.png]).
→ This seal replaced No. 409 (winged human-headed bull), above.

658. Ellipse. 17 x 9.5. Winged quadruped leaping right; six(?)-pointed star upper right.
► Riḫat-Anu/Anu-ab-uṣur/Riḫat-Anu/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Šumāt:
● 11/XI/160; divider; division of property YOS 20 78 [] R3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0658_Y20_078_R3.png]
→ Cap. R1-R4: un-qa PN un-qa PN2 un-qa mri-ḫat-d60 un-qa PN3 DÙ.MEŠ ṭup-pi ḪA.LA.MEŠ MU.MEŠ ši-tu4.

659. Ellipse. 15 x 8.5. Winged quadruped as above, tail back, tip up; indistinct object right; curved baseline.
► Anu-zēr-iddin/Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ekur-zakir:
● 24/II/[151-161]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 79 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0659_Y20_079_B1.png].

660. Ellipse fragment. 10+ x 7. Winged quadruped as above, tail back, tip up.
► Ardi-dAMA.ARḪUŠ/Anu-qīšan/Ubār//Kidin-Marduk:
● 5/VII/162; witness; sale of land CM 12 X [] [B3]/YOS 20 82 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0660_Y20_082_B3.png].

Other examples:

660:A. Pointed ellipse. Winged bull(?) profile right, indistinct pose.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Ana-rabût[...]//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 20/XI/36; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 14 [] L4.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 65, and Pl. 28, Le.E. (L4).

660:B. Ellipse. Winged quadruped walking right, head lost.
► Nabû-ušallim/Kudurru:
● -/-/[≤ 37]; seller; sale of slave BiMes 24 40 []R1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 24, No. 164, and Pl. 101, R.E. (R1).
→ Cap. [un-qa] mdNÀ-GI na-din [...].MEŠ.

660:C. Relocated to No. 566:A0.

660:D. Relocated to No. 206:B′0.

660:E. Ellipse. Winged quadruped, indistinct pose; right half lost.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin/Riḫat-Ištar//Ekur-zakir:
● 20/III/82; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 21 []T3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 92, and Pl. 47, U.E. (T3).

660:F. Ellipse. Winged quadruped as above; right half lost.
► Illut-Anu:
● 10/XI/85; witness; division of property BiMes 24 46 [] T4.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 187, and Pl. 117, U.E. (T4).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

660:G. Ellipse. Winged quadruped as above
► [...]:
● 10/XI/85; witness; division of property BiMes 24 46 [] B2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 189, and Pl. 116, Lo.E. (B2).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

660:H. Ellipse. Winged quadruped leaping right.
► [...].:
● 4/IV/92; witness; division of property BiMes 24 45 [] B2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 184, and Pl. 112, Lo.E. (B2).
→ Eight witnesses are without attributable seals.

660:Hʹ. Previously 1100:H. Pointed ellipse. Winged quadruped leaping profile right; horizontal crescent left.
► Uṣuršu-Anu/Anu-ab-uṣur//Aḫ-ūtu:
● ˹4/5˺/X/101; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 24 []T2/RIAA2 299 []T2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 104, and Pl. 57, U.E. (T2).

660:I. Relocated to No. 511:Eʹ.

660:J. Relocated to No. 326:Bʹ.

660:K. Ellipse. Winged quadruped, indistinct pose, head lost.
► Dumqi-Anu:
● -/-/[75?-125?]; witness; quitclaim(?) BiMes 24 9 [] B1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 29, and Pl. 14, Lo.E. (B1).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

660:L. Ellipse. Winged quadruped leaping right, left half lost.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-ittannu/Anu-uballiṭ//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 3/II/131; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 22 [] T1/YOS 20 67 [...].
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 94, and Pl. 51, U.E. (T1).

660:M. Ellipse fragment. 8+ x 7+. Winged quadruped as above, tail up; six(?)-pointed star left.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 5/VII/162; witness; sale of land CM 12 X [] B2/YOS 20 82 [B2].
→ Publ. CM 12 60.
→ Cf. B1 (No. 807:C), L2 (No. 188); note witness #4: /Anu-mār-ittannu/Nanâ-iddin//Ḫunzû; witness #5: /Idat-Anu/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû; witness #8: /Šala-lišlim/Illut-Anu//Imbi-Anu.

660:N. Pointed ellipse. Winged quadruped, pose indistinct.
► Nanâ-iddin/Anu-zēr-iddin/Anu-ab-[...]:
● -/I/184; witness; dedication of slaves 24 43 [] T3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 176, and Pl. 107, U.E. (T3).

660:O. Pointed ellipse. Winged quadruped leaping right; horizontal crescent above.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● -/-/-; witness; quitclaim BiMes 24 42 [] B2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 24, No. 167, and Pl. 104, Lo.E. (B2).
→ Fragmentary witness list.


661. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 10.5. Goat-fish profile right, left leg forward, right leg folded under body, one rearward horn.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-mukīn-apli//Kurî:
● 10/IX/31; witness; gift of slave BRM 2 5 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0661_Cl05_T2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 68.

662+663. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 9. Goat-fish as above; horizontal crescent above back.
► Bassiya/Ištar-šum-eriš//Ekur-zakir: ● 1/IV/38; witness; sale of land YOS 20 19 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0662_Y20_019_T4.png];
● -/-/44; witness; lease of prebend STUBM 19 [] B2.
► Bassiya/Iqīšâ//Ekur-zakir:
● 21/XIIII/47; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 11 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0663_Cl11_T3.png];
● -/XI/[51-66]; witness; gift of slave OECT 9 12 [] [...]/OECT 9 13 [] T1.
► Ba[ssiya]/[...]//[Ekur-zakir]:
● -/-/[43-66]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 39 [] B4.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 65 (BRM 2 11 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0663_Cl11_T3.png]). SS III 755h (STUBM 39 [] B4).
→ The earlier user of this seal, Bassiya/Ištar-šum-eriš, was Bassiya/Iqīšâ's uncle. It cannot be determined which sealer used STUBM 39 [] B4. Bassiya/Iqīšâ replaced this seal with No. 665, below.

663. Relocated to No. 662+663.

664. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 9. Goat-fish as above, two horns.
► Kidin-Anu/Mušēzib-Anu/Ša-Anu-lišlim:
● 21/IX/49; seller; sale of prebend BRM 2 13 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0664_Cl13_R1.png];
● 7/-/[46-51]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 26 [] L2;
● 17/VII/53; witness; sale of land STUBM 27 [] L4.
→ Publ. SS III 686h (STUBM 27 [] L4).
→ Cap. un-qa mki-din-d60 na-din-na GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ.

665. Ellipse. 14.5 x 9.5. Goat-fish as above, one horn; eight-pointed star above tail, horizontal crescent above back.
► Bassiya/Ištar-šum-eriš//Ekur-zakir:
● 30/XI/44; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 18 [] B1;
● 7/-/[46-51]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 26 [] B5;
● 4/IX/50; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 23 [] B3;
● 2/XI/50; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 23 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0665_Y20_023_T1.png]/YOS 20 24 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0665_Y20_024_T1.png];
● 28/VIII/51; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 24 [] L3;
● 2/IX/[46-51]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 25 []T3;
● 28/I/52; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 25 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0665_Y20_025_T4.png];
● 20/IV/56; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 15 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0665_Cl15_T1.png];
● 25/I/[52-63]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 96 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0665_Y20_096_B4.png];
● 20/VI/71; witness; sale of land BRM 2 20 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0665_Cl20_T4.png]/YOS 20 34 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0665_Y20_034_T4.png];
● 25/VI/75; witness; sale of land BRM 2 21 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0665_Cl21_B2.png];
● 27/I/78; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 54 [...]/ STUBM 55 [] T1.
● -/VIII/78; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 56 L2;
● -/-/[66-89]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 53 B1;
● 26/VIII/60(+); witness; sale of prebend STUBM 43 T3.
► [...]: itinnu:
● 22/III/67; assignee; duty roster BRM 2 17 [] R6 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0665_Cl17_R6.png].
→ Publ. SS III 668d (STUBM 18 [] B1); 679k (STUBM 23 [] B3); 680i (STUBM 25 [] T3); 682j (STUBM 26 [] B5); 694a (STUBM 43 [] T3); 707h (STUBM 56 [] L2); 708r (STUBM 55 [] B1); 772i (STUBM 53 [] B1).
→ On BRM 2 17 [], this seal impression is one of eleven tightly overlapping anonymous impressions on the right edge tersely captioned un-qa.MEŠ ša DÍM.MEŠ. The tablet contains two lists naming eleven and ten assignees, respectively, ana epēš dulli ("to perform the ritual"). Bassiya is not among the assignees nor among the witnesses listed on this tablet. Perhaps he was a "sponsor" or the like for one of the assignees and honored him by allowing him to use his seal; also note that Bassiya's son, Balāṭu, was the scribe of this tablet. This seal replaced No. 662+663, above.

666. Pointed ellipse. 16+ x 8.5. Goat-fish as above.
► Nidintu-Anu/[Anu-aḫ]-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 22/VIII/61; witness; division of property YOS 20 28 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0666_Y20_028_B4.png];
● -/XI/[51-66]; witness; gift of slave OECT 9 12 [] B3/OECT 9 13 [] B3.

667. Pointed ellipse. 14+ x 8.5. Goat-fish as above; linear surround.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/[...]//Ekur-zakir:
● 25/I/[52-63]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 96 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0667_Y20_096_T4.png]

668+916:D. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 9. Goat-fish as above; 5(?)-pointed star below.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Anu-ab-uṣur//Gimil-Anu:
● 16/IV/54; witness; receipt for sale of land VDI 1955/4 142ff. II []T3;
● 1/I/65; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 30 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0668_Y20_030_T2.png];
● -/V/69; witness; sale of land STUBM 45 [] T3.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 3 (VDI 1955/4 142ff. II [] T3). SS III 699k (STUBM 45 [] T3).

669. Ellipse fragment. 6+ x 6+. Goat-fish(?) tail at left; six(?)-pointed star above.
► [...] itinnu:
● 22/III/67; assignee; duty roster BRM 2 17 [] R4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0669_Cl17_R4.png].
→ The right edge is captioned un-qa.MEŠ šá DÍM.MEŠ, and shows eleven tightly overlapping impressions, none individually identified by owner. The tablet contains two lists naming eleven and ten assignees, respectively, ana epēš dulli ("to perform the ritual").

670. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 10+. Goat-fish profile right, left leg forward, right leg folded beneath body, one rearward horn; eagle(?), head right and beak up, with spread wings upper left, eight-pointed star right.
► Anu-uballiṭ:
● -/I/68; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 33 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0670_Y20_033_T1.png].
→ Fragmentary witness list.

671. Ellipse. 15+ x 8.5. Goat-fish as above, two horns.
► Ištar-šum-eriš:
● -/I/68; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 33 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0671_Y20_033_T4.png].
→ Impression occurs on bulla BRM 4 55.
→ Fragmentary witness list.
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 5 []-12 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY05-12.png].

672. Ellipse. 16 x 9.5. Goat-fish as above; horizontal crescent above tail.
► Nanâ-iddin/Anu-mār-ittannu//Ḫunzû:
● 23/XI/79; witness; sale of land TCL 13 239 [] L2;
● 11/VII/82; witness; division of property BRM 2 24 [] B5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0672_Cl24_B5.png]/YOS 20 40 [] B5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0672_Y20_040_B5.png];
● 1/VI/85; witness; sale of land BRM 2 26 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0672_Cl26_T2.png];
● 23/VIII/87; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 27 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0672_Cl27_T2.png]/CM 12 III [] T2.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 67 (BRM 2 27 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0672_Cl27_T2.png]). CM 12 62 (CM 12 III [] T2).

673. Ellipse fragment. 12+ x 9.5. Goat-fish as above, one horn.
► [...]:
● 16/VII/85; witness; sale(?) of prebend(?) YOS 20 41 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0673_Y20_041_T4.png].
→ Cf. T2: Nidintu-[...] (No. 792), T3: [...] (No. 550), L2: [...] (No. 674), L3: [...] (No. 366); note witness #1: Riḫat-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Luštammar-Adad; witness #2: [...]/Riḫat-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Luštammar-Adad; witness #3: [...]/Anu-[...]//Ḫunzû; witness #5: Anu-ušallim/Kidin-Anu//Luštammar-Adad; witness #6: Šamaš-īṭer/Kidin-Anu//Luštammar-Adad; witness #7: [...]/Anu-bēlšunu//Luštammar-Adad; witness #8: [...]/[...]//Luštammar-Adad; witness #10: Ištar-zēr-ibni/Anu-ab-utēr//Luštammar-Adad; witness #11: Balāṭu/[...]//Luštammar-Adad and #12: Anu-bēlšunu/Riḫat-Ištar//Luštammar-Adad.

674. Pointed ellipse. 16+ x 8+. Goat-fish as above.
► [...]:
● 16/VII/85; witness; sale(?) of prebend(?) YOS 20 41 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0674_Y20_041_L2.png].
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 21 []-8 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY21-08.png].
→ Cf. No. 673.

675. Ellipse. 21 x 11+. Goat-fish as above; eight-pointed star above back, indistinct form below.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Nanâ-iddin//Sîn-leqi-unnini ṭupšarru:
● 20/IV/88; divider; division of property [BiMes 24 53 []]/YOS 20 43 [] R3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0675_Y20_043_R3.png]/BiMes 24 53 [...].
→ Anu-uballiṭ, one of three dividers, was also the scribe of this document.

676. Ellipse. 16+ x 9. Goat-fish as above; seven(?)-pointed star above back; crab right.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Lā-bāši//Ekur-zakir:
● 22/VIII/95; witness; exchange of properties BIN 2 135 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0676_BN2_135_L1.png];
14/IX/106; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 49 [] [T4] [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0676_Y20_049_T4.png].
→ Publ. Nies and Keiser 1920, Pl. 55, No. 135, L.E. (BIN 2 135 [] L1).

677. Ellipse. 17 x 9.5. Goat-fish as above; horizontal crescent above back.
► Lā-bāši/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Ekur-zakir:
● 15/IV/95; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 32 [] T2;
● 6/I/[95-96]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 84 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0677_Y20_084_B1.png].

678. Ellipse. 13 x 8.5. Goat-fish as above; triangle above tail.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Riḫat-Anu!//Luštammar-Adad: ● -/IV/97; witness; lease of prebend OECT 9 36 [] T3;
● 15/X/100; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 47 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0678_Y20_047_T4.png]
→ The scribe of YOS 20 47 [] erroneously the wrote sealer's grandfather's name mri-ḫat-dINANA: Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Riḫat-Anu//Luštammar-Adad, Anu-aḫ-ittannu's father, who is so identified on this tablet (ll. 24-25), sealed this tablet at T3 with the same seal (No. 543, above) he used at BRM 2 29 [] T1; he was also a witness on OECT 9 24 [], OECT 9 38 [], VAS 15 48 [].

679. Ellipse. 14 x 7. Goat-fish as above; eight-pointed star above back; vertical waning crescent right.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 15/X/100; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 47 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0679_Y20_047_T2.png]
→ Cf. B4 (No. 797); note witness #2: /Nanâ-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//Kurî; witness #8: /Anu-aḫ-iddin/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ḫunzû.
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 38 []-11 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY38-11.png].

680. Pointed ellipse. 18.5 x 10. Goat-fish as above; horizontal crescent above tail.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 14/V/104; witness; sale of land YOS 20 48 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0680_Y20_048_T1.png]

681.Relocated to No. 981′.

682. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 9.5. Goat-fish profile right, left leg forward, right leg folded beneath, one rearward horn; horizontal crescent above back.
► Nidintu-Anu/Nanâ-iddin//Kurî:
● 14/IX/106; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 49 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0682_Y20_049_T2.png];
● 20/X/[102-110]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 82 [] T2.
→ Publ. SS III 681j (STUBM 82 [] T2).

683. Ellipse. 16 x 8. Goat-fish profile left, one leg forward, other leg folded beneath, one rearward horn; horizontal crescent above back.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Ana-rabût-Anu/Kidin-Anu//Kurî:
● -/-/[108-109]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 50 [] T2;
● 25/VI/111; witness; sale of prebend CM 12 V [] T1.
→ Publ. CM 12 63 (CM 12 V [] T1).

684. Ellipse. 18 x 11.5. Goat-fish profile right, parallel forelegs, one horn; horizontal crescent above back, six-pointed star right.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin:
● -/-/115; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 54 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0684_Y20_054_T1.png]
→ Witness list lost

685. Pointed ellipse fragment. 12+ x 9. Goat-fish tail at left, rearward horn at top center; horizontal crescent above back.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● -/-/115; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 54 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0685_Y20_054_T3.png]
→ Witness list lost.

686. Ellipse. 15.5 x 9. Goat-fish profile right, left leg forward, right folded beneath body, one rearward horn; diagonal waxing crescent above tail, six-pointed star right.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Nanâ-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 24/V/119; witness; sale of land BRM 2 32 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0686_Cl32_T1.png]/YOS 20 56 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0686_Y20_056_T1.png];
● 14/III/130; witness; sale of land STUBM 93 [] L3;
● 12/III/131; witness; sale of prebend and land BRM 2 36 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0686_Cl36_L1.png];
● 22/VI/132; witness; division of property VAS 15 39 [] T3/VAS 15 40 [] T3/VAS 15 49 [] T2′.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *32-3 (VAS 15 40 T3 []); *33-3 (VAS 15 39 T3 []). Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 70 (BRM 2 32 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0686_Cl32_T1.png]). Schroeder 1916, Taf. 2, VAT 8565 o.R. (VAS 15 40 [] T3).
→ On YOS 20 56 []: 24, the scribe erroneously wrote the father's name md60-DUMU-MU-nu.

687. Ellipse. 19 x 9. Goat-fish as above; horizontal crescent above back, six-pointed star right.
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 16/XII/[110-119]; seller; sale of prebend YOS 20 59 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0687_Y20_059_R1.png]
→ Cap. un-qa md60-DU-A na-din-na GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ.
→ Impressions occur on ring-bullae CBCY 5 54 []-24 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY54-24.png], 55 []-2 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY55-02.png].

688. Ellipse. 19 x 9.5. Goat-fish as above; ten-pointed star above back, Aramaic שּ, reversed, beneath belly, horizontal crescent at right.
► Anu-aḫ-ušabši/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ekur-zakir:
● 7/VIII/109; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 74 []T2!/STUBM 75 [] T2.
► Lā-bāši/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Ekur-zakir:
● 20/X/[109-110]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 82 [] T1;
● 12/IV/115; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 78 [] B4/YOS 20 85 [...];
● 16/XII/[110-119]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 59 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0688_Y20_059_T3.png].
→ Publ. SS III 681i (STUBM 82 [] T1); 725j (STUBM 74 []/75 T2); 727j (STUBM 85 [] B4).
→ STUBM 74 T2 is miscaptioned ˹mni-din-tu4-d60˺.
→ The second user of seal, Lā-bāši, appears to be the son of first user, Anu-aḫ-ušabši; see further, Pearce 2010, pp. 315-18.

689. Ellipse. 16+ x 9.5. Goat-fish as above; horizontal crescent above body, six-pointed star right.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ/Nanâ-iddin/Anu-uballiṭ//Ḫunzû:
● -/-/119; guarantor; sale of land YOS 20 57 [] [ L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0756_Y20_086_L2.png]].
→ Cap. ˹un-qa˺ [mAŠ-E-d60] mu-raq-qa-an É MU.MEŠ.

690. Ellipse. 12+ x 7. Goat-fish as above.
► Lā-bāši/Anu-zēr-līšer//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 14/VII/123; witness; sale of land YOS 20 63 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0690_Y20_063_T1.png].

691. Ellipse. 15 x 10. Goat-fish as above; framed triangle with vertical division above back, diagonal waning crescent right.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin/Nidintu-Anu/[...]:
● 13/-/[123-125]; witness; dedication of slaves YOS 20 62 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0691_Y20_062_T1.png].

692. Ellipse. 13 x 7.5. Goat-fish as above; eight-pointed star above back, diagonal waning crescent right.
► Nanâ-iddin(sic!?):
● 13/-/[123-125]; witness; dedication of slaves YOS 20 62 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0692_Y20_062_L2.png].
► [...]:
● -/-/128; witness; sale of land YOS 20 66 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0692_Y20_066_B1.png].
→ The caption to YOS 20 62 [] L2, or the first name of witness #8: Nidintu-Anu/Nanâ-iddin/[...] or witness #11: Šamaš-ittannu/Ištar-šum-eriš//[...], as given in the witness list, is in error; cf. T4: [...] (lost).
→ Cf. YOS 20 66 [] B4: Anu-aḫ[...] (No. 706); note witness #3: Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Tanittu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #6: Anu-aḫ-ušabši/Anu-uballissu//Ekur-zakir.
→ This seal may have been used by two different witnesses within three to five years of each other; however certainty is not possible given the scribal error in YOS 20 62 [].

693. Ellipse fragment. 16+ x 10+. Goat-fish as above, forebody and legs only preserved.
► [...]:
● 12/III/131; witness; sale of prebend and land BRM 2 36 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0693_Cl36_B3.png].
→ Cf. B1 (lost), B2 (No. 982), B4 (No. 254); note witness #6: Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-aḫ-iddin/Anu-ab-uṣur//Kurî; witness #7: Illut-Anu/[...]//Kurî; witness #9: [...]/Anu-aḫ-ušabši/Anu-ab-utēr; witness #10: → Anu-mār-ittannu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/[...] sepīr makkūr Anu.

694. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 9.5. Goat-fish as above, one horn; horizontal crescent above back.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Mušēzib-Anu/Kidin-Anu:
● -/V/[144-150]; guarantor; sale of land YOS 20 83 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0694_Y20_083_R2.png].
→ Cap. ˹un-qa˺ md60-ŠEŠ.MEŠ-˹MU˺ [ŠEŠ]-šú mu-ru-raq-an ˹É MU.MEŠ˺.

695. Ellipse. 16+ x 9. Goat-fish as above.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin:
● 30/III/154; witness; exchange of properties BRM 2 45 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0695_Cl45_B2.png].
→ Cf. B1 (No. 702); note witness #10: /Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Kurî. Also note witness #2: [...]/[...]-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Ekur-zakir; witness #5: [...]/[...]-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #7: [...]/[...]//Aḫ-ūtu.

696. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 8.5. Goat-fish as above, forebody lost; horizontal crescent above back.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Anu-ikṣur//Ḫunzû:
● 8/-/173; witness; sale of land BRM 2 52 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0696_Cl52_T2.png].

Other examples:

AUWE 19 696:A

AUWE 19 696:A

696:A. Pointed ellipse. Goat-fish as above, head effaced.
► Sîn-banûn/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 30/XI/44; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 18 [] T2;
● 7/-/[46-51]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 26 [] L1 (courtesy Paola Corò);
● -/-/60; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 35 [] T1;
● 15/XI/65; witness;sale of land STUBM 37 [] B5!;
● 26/VIII/60(+); witness; sale of prebend STUBM 43 [] B3;
● -/-/[67-89]; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 14 [] B3.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 182, Fig. 154 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0696A_GlypOr_Op1_T1.png] (STUBM 35 []). SS III 668e (STUBM 18 [] T2); 694c (STUBM 43 [] B3); 695j ((STUBM 35 [] T1); 697o (STUBM 37 [] B5!).
→  In the area immediately to the left of STUBM 35 T1 is a partially erased ˹un˺-[qa] above and 2-3 partially erased signs below what appear to be traces of an erased seal impression. → Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 37 []-9 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY37-09.png].

AUWE 19 696:B

AUWE 19 696:B

696:B. Pointed ellipse. Goat-fish as above, two horns; eagle, facing right, with spread wings upper left.
► Tanittu-Anu/Kidin-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 18/I/68; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 44 [] B1′.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 184, Fig. 167 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0696B_GlypOr_Op2_B1'.png]. SS III 698j.
→ Cf. Loftus (1857, 231, No. 4/1): "the cuneiform signature beneath this impression reads Savastana, equivalent to the Greek Σεβαστος and Latin Augustus."

696:C. Ellipse. 15 x 10. Goat-fish as above, one horn; six-pointed star left, horizontal crescent top, triangle right.
► Iqīšâ/Anu-aḫ-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 18/XIIII/72; witness; sale of land CM 12 II [] B2.
→ Publ. CM 12 61.

696:D. Ellipse. Goat-fish as above; triangle above tail.
► [...]:
● -/-/[53?-83?]; witness; quitclaim BiMes 24 42 [] B4.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 24, No. 169, and Pl. 104, Lo.E. (B4).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

696:E. Ellipse. Goat-fish as above; profile right bull head above tail, vertical fish(?) at bottom center.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-mukīn-apli//Gimil-Anu:
● 12/XII/86; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 25 [] L1;
● 2/XII/86; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 61 [] [B5]/STUBM 62 [] B5.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 18, No. 23 (OECT 9 25 [] L1). Porada 1965, 181, Fig. 93 (OECT 9 25 [] L1). SS III 715k (STUBM 61 [] B5).

696:F. Pointed ellipse. Goat-fish as above; indistinct object above tail, branch right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/[...]-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 12/XII/86; witness; sale of prebendOECT 9 25 [] L2.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 19, No. 24.

696:G. Pointed ellipse. Goat-fish as above; diagonal waxing crescent above tail, seven-pointed star right.
► Zērīya/Anu-mukīn-apli//Gimil-Anu:
● 4/VIII/99; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 68 [] T1/VDI 1955/4 154ff. VII []T1;
● 11/-/99; witness; sale of prebend TCL 13 242 [] T3.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Figs. 8, 9 (/VDI 1955/4 154ff. VII [] T1). SS III 720c (STUBM 68 [] T1).

696:H. Ellipse. Goat-fish as above; indistinct object above back.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● 2/VIII/101!; witness; sale of land RIAA2 293 [] T1.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 231, No. 199, second row, far right.
→ Cf. No. 426:Bʹ; note witness #4: /Mušēzib-Anu//Luštammar-Adad, witness #9: /Šibqat-Anu//Luštammar-Adad.

696:I. Pointed ellipse. Goat-fish as above; vessel(?)/frontal bull head(?) above back, eight-pointed star right.
► Ša-Anu-iššû:
● 15/I/103; witness; division of property OECT 9 41 [] T4.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 19, No. 26.
→ Witness list lost.

696:J. Ellipse. Goat-fish as above; indistinct objects upper left, right.
► Lā-bāši:
● 29/III/108; witness; sale of meat offering BiMes 24 2 []T1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 11, and Pl. 5, U.E. (T1).
→ Note witness #4′:/Anu-MU-[...]//[...]; witness #6′:/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu.

696:K. Goat-fish as above; spike(?) right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Balāṭu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 29/IV/116;waiver; quitclaim TCL 13 243 [] R1.
→ Publ. Rutten 1935, Pl. 2, No. 16.
→ Cap. un-qa md60-ŠEŠ-MU-nu na-din-na.

696:L. Goat-fish as above, indistinct object above tail, horizontal crescent right.
► Anu-ikṣur/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Ḫunzû:
● 29/IV/116; witness; quitclaimTCL 13 243 [] T1.
→ Publ. Rutten 1935, Pl. 2, No. 21.

696:M. Ellipse. Goat-fish as above; diagonal waxing crescent above back, indistinct object right.
► Anu-uballiṭ:
● -/VII/[102-119]; witness; sale of prebend RIAA2 296 [] ??.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 233, No. 202, first row, right.
→ Fragmentary witness list.
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla AUWE 20 222-4.

696:N. Ellipse. Goat-fish as above; horizontal crescent upper left, indistinct object right.
► Anu-mukīn-apli:
● -/-/[75?-125?]; witness; quitclaim BiMes 24 9 [] B4.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 32, and Pl. 14, Lo.E. (B4).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

696:O. Ellipse. Goat-fish as above.
► Anu-uballiṭ/[...]/Anu-uballiṭ//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● -/V/[90?-125?]; seller; sale of prebend, food allotment, land BiMes 24 17 []R1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 70, and Pl. 33, R.E. (R1).
→ Cap. un-qa md60-TIN-iṭ {TIN-iṭ} na-din-na-an GIŠ.ŠUB.BA.MEŠ PAD.ḪI.A É u ki-šub-baa˺.MEŠ.
→ Cf. No. 675, above.

696:P. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 10. Goat-fish as above; spike(?) above back, six-pointed star right.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/[...]//Šumāt:
● 22/VI/132; divider; division of property VAS 15 39 [] R2/VAS 15 40 [] R3/VAS 15 49 [] [...].
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *32-8 (VAS 15 40 R3); *33-4 (VAS 15 39 [] R2). Jordan 1928, Taf. 86n; Schroeder 1916, Taf. 1, VAT 8565 r.R. (VAS 15 40 [] R3).
→ Cf. VAS 15 40 [] R6 (illegible); note divider #3: /Nidintu-Anu, divider #6: /Sumuttu-Anu.

696:Q. Ellipse. 15+ x 9. Goat-fish as above; indistinct object above back, six-pointed star right.
► Riḫat-Anu/Nidintu-Anu//Šumāt:
● 22/VI/132; divider; division of property VAS 15 39 [] R3/VAS 15 40 [] R4/VAS 15 49 [] [...].
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *32-9 (VAS 15 40 [] R4), *33-5 (VAS 15 39 [] R3). Schroeder 1916, Taf. 1, VAT 8565 r.R. (VAS 15 40 [] R4).

696:R. Ellipse. Goat-fish as above.
► fŠullumâ/[...]:
● -/-/[124-137]; guarantor; sale of land BiMes 24 16 [] R2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 68, and Pl. 31, R.E. (R2).
→ Cap. un-qa SILIM-a ˹AMA-šú˺.

696:S. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 8. Goat-fish as above; horizontal crescent above back, indistinct object right.
► Ša-Anu-iššû/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Balāṭu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 25/III/144; witness; sale of land VAS 15 30 []B2.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *54-6; Schroeder 1916, Taf. 1, VAT 9158 o.(sic!)R. (B2).

696:T. Ellipse. Goat-fish as above; horizontal crescent above back, indistinct object right; linear border.
► Athēnódōros/Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-zēr-iddin/Riḫat-Anu ša ultu kiništi ša bīt ilānī ša Uruk:
● 20/XI/159; seller; sale of land VDI 1955/4 146f. III []R3.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 4 (R3).
→ Cap. R1-R4: un-qa mPN un-qa mPN2 un-qa ma-ti-e-nu-du-ur-su un-qa mPN3 na-din-na.MEŠ É ŠUII-ta MU.MEŠ.

696:U. Pointed ellipse. Goat-fish as above; spike(?) above back.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin/Nidintu-Anu/Anu-balāssu-iqbi//Ekur-zakir:
● 10/III/165; witness; lease of prebend VDI 1955/4 157f. VIII []B1.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 10 (B1).


697. Ellipse. 16+ x 8. Goat-fish as above; horizontal crescent above back, spike right, baseline.
► Dumqi-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 14/IX/106; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 49 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0697_Y20_049_B1.png].
→ Dumqi-Anu, a cuneiform scribe of archival documents, was active at Uruk ca. 65-96 S.E. He also was the scribe of such a document from Larsa, ca. 86-89 S.E. (OECT 9 26 []).

698. Concave ellipse. 11 x 14. Goat-fish, crescent, and spike as above.
► Anu-bēlšunu:
● 8/XI/122; witness; quitclaim BRM 1 98 B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0698_I98_B3]/CM 12 VII [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0698_I98_B3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1912, Pl. IV, third row, far left (BRM 1 98 B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0698_I98_B3]). CM 12 64 (CM 12 VII []B3).
→ Cf. B1 (No. 582); note witness #1: /Nidintu-Anu/Anu-bēlšunu//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #7: /Anu-bēlšunu Urkāyya.
→ Publ. CM 12 64 (CM 12 VII [] B3).

699. Ellipse. 12 x 7.5. Goat-fish, crescent, and spike as above.
► Lā-bāši:
● -/-/[125-129]; witness; sale of biltu YOS 20 64 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0699_Y20_064_L3.png]
→ Fragmentary witness list.

700. Ellipse. 12.5 x 7. Goat-fish and spike as above.
► Ana-rabût-Anu/Anu-zēr-līšer/Ana-rabût-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 13/I/147; seller; sale of land YOS 20 73 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0700_Y20_073_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qamDIŠ-GAL-d60na-dinÉ MU.MEŠ.

[return to top]

Seals 701-800

701. Ellipse. 12+ x 9. Goat-fish and spike as above; horizontal crescent above back.
► Mannu-iqâp/Nanâ-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//Kurî:
● 25/IV/144; witness; allocation of land STUBM 97 []T2;
● -/-/[≥ 152?]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 88 [] B2' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0701_Y20_088_B2'.png].
→ Publ. SS III 738i (STUBM 97 []T2).

702. Ellipse. 15+ x 9. Goat-fish and spike as above; diagonal waxing crescent above back.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin:
● 30/III/154; witness; exchange of properties BRM 2 45 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0702_Cl45_B1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 69!
→ Cf. B2 (No. 695); note witness #10: /Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Kurî. Also note witness #2: [...]/[...]-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Ekur-zakir; witness #5: [...]/[...]-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #7: [...]/[...]//Aḫ-ūtu.

703. Ellipse. 18 x 9.5. Goat-fish, crescent, and spike as above.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin:
● -/-/[151-161]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 81 [] B2.
→ Witness list lost.

704. Ellipse. 18 x 9.5. Goat-fish, crescent, and spike as above; stem of spike extends beneath legs.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-ab-uṣur//Ḫunzû:
● 5/VII/162; witness; sale of land YOS 20 82 [] T1/CM 12 X [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0704_Y20_082_T1.png].
→ Publ. CM 12 65 (CM 12 X [] T1).


705. Pointed ellipse. 16.5+ x 9.5. Goat-fish as above at left, pursues leaping bull with reversed head at right; figure clad in long robe stands profile right with vessel in hand at center.
► Anu-ittannu/Nidintu-Anu/Kittu-Anu//Kurî:
● 12?/IX/126; witness; sale of land OECT 9 53 [] L2;
● 20/-/129; witness; exchange of properties BRM 2 35 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0705_Cl35_B2.png];
● 20/III/132; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 94 [] [B1]/TCL 13 244 []B1;
● 7/XI/146; witness; sale of land VAS 15 13 []L2.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *8-9 (VAS 15 13 [] L2). Buchanan 1982, 20, No. 48 (OECT 9 53 [] L2). Delaporte 1923, Pl. 122, 2a;
→ Rutten 1935, Pl. 2, No. 26 (TCL 13 244 [] B1).
→ Buchanan 1982, 20, No. 48, records the name in the caption on OECT 9 53 [] L2 as Anu-zēr-iddin; this impression was incorrectly attributed by the writers or editors of OECT 9.
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla AUWE 20 426-8.

706. Ellipse fragment. 12+ x 10. Goat-fish and humped bull as above; spike above goat-fish's back, two-handled vessel with narrow base above bull's tail at center.
► Anu-aḫ[...]:
● -/-/128; witness; sale of land YOS 20 66 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0706_Y20_066_B4.png].
→ Cf. B1 (No. 692); note witness #3: Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Tanittu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #6: Anu-aḫ-ušabši/Anu-uballissu//Ekur-zakir.

707. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 8. Goat-fish and humped bull as above; bird with raised right wing, lowered left above bull's tail at center.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-aḫ-iddin/Anu-ikṣur//Kurî:
● 18/-/138; witness; lease of prebend YOS 20 69 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0707_Y20_069_B2.png].

708. Ellipse. 16 x 9. Goat-fish and humped bull as above; two(?)-handled vessel(?) above bull's tail at center.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin:
● 13/I/147; witness; sale of land YOS 20 73 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0708_Y20_073_T3.png].
→ Note witness #1: [...]/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Ekur-zakir; witness #2: [...]/Dumqi-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ḫunzû; witness #4: [...]/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Kidin-Anu//Ḫunzû.

709. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 7. Goat-fish at left facing right with one horn confronts collapsed(?) humped bull facing left at right with reversed head; spike top center, horizontal crescent above bull's rump.
► Nidintu-Anu/Uṣuršu-Anu/Nidintu-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● 5/IV/150; witness; sale of land BRM 2 54 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0709_Cl54_T3.png]/BiMes 24 28 [] T3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 134, and Pl. 73, U.E. (BiMes 24 28 [] T3).

710. Pointed ellipse. 20 x 9. Goat-fish as above, pursues profile right leaping bull with reversed head(?) at right; indistinct anthropomorphic figure between.
► Ubār/Anu-qīšan/Ubār//Kidin-Marduk:
● 5/IV/150; witness; sale of land BRM 2 54 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0710_Cl54_B1.png]/BiMes 24 28 []B1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 135, and Pl. 72, Lo.E. (BiMes 24 28 []B1).

711. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 9.5. Goat-fish with two horns and humped bull as above; indistinct object above goat-fish's tail, two-handled vessel above bull's back at center, diagonal waning crescent right.
► Rabi-Anu/Lā-bāši/Rabi-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● -/V/[144-150]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 83 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0711_Y20_083_T1.png];
● 15/XI/153; witness; sale of land CM 12 IX [] L1.
→ Publ. CM 12 66 (CM 12 IX [] L1).

712. Pointed ellipse. 20 x 10. Goat-fish with one horn and bull as above; two-handled vessel above bull's back at center.
► Mukin-apli/Anu-ikṣur/Kidin-Anu//Kurî:
● 25/II/154; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 44 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0712_Cl44_T3.png];
● 2/IV/162; witness; Iraq 59 164f. 38 [] T1/STUBM 109 []T1.

713. Ellipse. 20 x 9. Goat-fish with two horns and bull as above; circle(?) above center.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Tanittu-Anu/Balāṭu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 3/IX/157; witness; lease of prebend BRM 2 47 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0713_Cl47_B2.png].

714. Ellipse. 18 x 9. Goat-fish with one horn and humped bull as above; spike above bull's rump at center, vertical waning crescent right.
► Kidin-Anu/Anu-mār-ittannu/Kidin-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 5/VII/162; seller; sale of land YOS 20 82 [] R1/CM 12 X [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0714_Y20_0714_R1.png].
→ Publ. CM 12 67 (CM 12 X [] R1).
→ Cap. R1-R2: un-qamBÁR-d60un-qamPNna-din.˹MEŠ˺.

Other examples:

714:A Goat-fish and bull as above; indistinct object between at center.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Anu-mār-ittannu/Anu-bēlšunu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 10/XII/137; guarantor; sale of land BiMes 24 13 [] R2.
→ Publ. Renger 1977, Pl. D-12a (R2); Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 59, and Pl. 25, R.E. (R2).
→ Cap. un-qamd60-EN-šú-numu-mar-raq-qa-an-nu.

714:B. Goat-fish and bull as above; indistinct object between at center.
► Anu-bēlšunu/[...]-Anu/Kidin-Anu:
● 20/X/139; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 20 [] B3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 88, and Pl. 42, Lo.E. (B3).

714:C. Goat-fish and bull as above; spike above bull's tail at center.
► Ardi-Rēš/Nidintu-Anu/Tattannu:
● 10/-/141; guarantor; sale of prebend BiMes 24 10 [] R2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 39, and Pl. 17, R.E. (R2).
→ Cap. un-qamÌR-éSAG Ašá mu-mar-raq-an-niGIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ.


715. Ellipse. 15 x 9.5. Winged hippocamp, profile right, profile right dolphin below; ambiguous marks (fins?) above the back.
► Nidintu-Anu/Dumqi-Anu/Ardi-Rēš/Dumqi-Anu:
● 8/III/166; guarantor; sale of land BRM 2 49 [] R3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0715_Cl49_R3.png]/AoF 5 10 [...].
→ Cap. R2-R4: un-qamPN un-qamNÍG.SUM.MU-d60un-qamPN2 na-din-na-an.MEŠ MU.MEŠ, rather than *lúmu-mar-raq-qa-an.MEŠ, or the like.


716. Ellipse. 14 x 8. Recumbent lion profile right, resting upon square-patterned band; six-pointed star above back.
► Nidintu-Anu/Lā-bāši//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 16/VIII/16; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 8 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0716_Y20_008_L3.png].
→ Compare the quite similarly posed lion on a low pillared pedestal on large (21 x 15) rectangular seal impressions of Bēl-bullisu/Nabû-nadin-aḫi mukīn šarri "royal witness" at Babylon, active ca. 116-123 S.E. (NISABA 28 F412; see, e.g., SS III 728a).

717. Ellipse. 17 x 8.5. Recumbent lion profile left; raised linear border.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Nidintu-Anu//Gimil-Anu:
● 10/IX/31; witness; gift of slave BRM 2 5 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0717_Cl5_B2.png].

718. Ellipse. 17+ x 13. Recumbent lion profile right; animal leg(?) right; curved baseline of overlapping drillings.
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● 28/I/52; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 25 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0718_Y20_025_L1.png].
→ Compare the shape of the tail with that on a lion hemidrachm: Newell 1938, Pl. 21, Fig. 23.

719. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 8. Lion as above, animal leg right; horizontal crescent above back.
► Ša-Anu-iššû/Ištar-šum-eriš//Ḫunzû:
● 2/I/66; witness; lease of prebend TCL 13 238 [] B2;
● 25/VI/75; witness; sale of land BRM 2 21 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0719_Cl21_L2.png].

720. Pointed ellipse. 19 x 8. Recumbent lion profile left, down-turned tail; horizontal crescent above back.
► Ubār/Anu-uballiṭ/Ubār//Šumāt:
● 16/VIII/109; guarantor; sale of land BRM 2 30 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0720_Cl30_R2.png]/CM 12 IV []R2.
→ Publ. CM 12 68 (CM 12 IV [] R2).
→ Cap. un-qamú-barmu-mar-raq-an-na.

Other examples:

720:A+838:B. Recumbent lion profile right, tail back.
► Nanâ-iddin/Anu-mār-ittannu/Nanâ-iddin//Ḫunzû.
● -/-/[125-137]; witness; sale of land VDI 1955/4 150f. V []T1;
● 12/IV/144; witness; sale of prebend TCL 13 245 []T2.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 6 (VDI 1955/4 150ff. V []T1). Rutten 1935, Pl. 2, No. 31 (TCL 13 245 []T2).


721. Pointed ellipse. 16+ x 9+. Lion seated profile right, left foreleg raised.
► Mušēzib-Anu/Ubār/Mušēzib-Anu//Kurî:
● 25/VI/75; guarantor; sale of land BRM 2 21 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0721_Cl21_R2.png].

722. Pointed ellipse. 10.5 x 17. Lion as above; baseline.
► Anu-šum-līšer/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Balāṭu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 22/II/138; witness; sale of land YOS 20 68 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0722_Y20_068_T2.png].
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla AUWE 20 47-4.


723. Ellipse. 16 x 10. Lion walking profile right; tip of tail lost.
► Līšer/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Gimil-Anu:
● 22/II/67; witness; quitclaim YOS 20 31 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0723_Y20_031_B4.png].
→ This seal was replaced by No. 772, below.

724. Ellipse. 18+ x 10+. Lion as above; bottom edge lost.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Lā-bāši/Nidintu-Anu//[...]:
● 17/I/68; witness; division of property YOS 20 32 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0724_Y20_032_B2.png].
→ Compare with No. 755:C, below, used almost nineteen years later by a witness with the same personal and father's names. Alternatively, the scribe may have interchanged captions with B3 (see No. 505, above).

725. Ellipse. 18 x 10. Lion as above.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 14/XIIII/77; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 22 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0725_Cl22_T3.png]/BiMes 24 1 []T3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 3, and Pl. 3, U.E. (T3).

726. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 7. Lion as above.
► Riḫat-Anu/Ša-Anu-iššû/Kidin-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 22/VIII/95; exchanger; exchange of properties BIN 2 135 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0726_BN2_135_R1.png].
→ Publ. Nies and Keiser 1920, Pl. 55, No. 135 R.E. (R1).

727. Ellipse. 14+ x 9. Lion as above; left edge lost.
► Nidintu-Anu/Bēlšunu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 12/XII/86; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 25 []B4;
● -/III/88; witness; division of property TCL 13 240 [] B4;
● 6/I/[95-96]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 84 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0727_Y20_084_T3.png];
● 1/V/97; witness; lease of prebend OECT 9 37 []B4.

Items beyond this number are being prepared for upload. [Spring 2024]

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

728. Ellipse. 14 x 7.5. Lion as above; worn.
► Nidintu-Anu/Tanittu-[...]:
● 16/XII/[110-119]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 59 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0728_Y20_059_T2.png].

729. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 9. Lion as above; lower left lost. Nidintu-Anu:
● 12/IV/115; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 78 [] L2/YOS 20 85 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0729_Y20_085_L2.png].
→ Cf. T2 (No. 907); note witness #2: /[...]/[...]-Anu//Ḫunzû, witness #6: /Līšer//Gimil-Anu.
→ Publ. SS III 727e (STUBM 78 [] L2).

730. Ellipse. 16 x 10.5. Lion as above; worn.
► Anu-TIN-[...]:
● 11/I/144; witness; sale(?) of prebend YOS 20 70 [] L2' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0730_Y20_070_L2'.png].
→ Fragmentary witness list; note witness #4′:/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/[...].
→ Impressions occur on ring-bullae AUWE 20 332-6, 371-1.

731. Ellipse. 15 x 9.5. Lion as above.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Nanâ-iddin/Kidin-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 6/-/146; witness; sale of land YOS 20 72 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0731_Y20_051_B1.png];
● 4/III/149; witness; sale of land JANEH 2 72ff. []B2.
→ Publ. JANEH 2 71, pl. 4 (JANEH 2 72ff. []B2).
→ Compare with Nos. 732, 733, below.

732. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Lion as above.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Idat-Anu/Sumuttu-Anu/Rabi-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 5/IV/150; seller; sale of land BRM 2 54 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0732_Cl54_R1.png]/BiMes 24 28 []R1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 138, and Pl. 73, R.E. (BiMes 24 28 [] R1).
→ Cap. un-qamd60-ŠEŠ-MU-nuna-dinÉ MU.MEŠ (BRM 2 54 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0732_Cl54_R1.png]); [...] ˹na-dinÉ MU˺.[MEŠ] (BiMes 24 28 R1).
→ Compare with Nos. 731, above, and 733, below.

733. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 10. Lion as above.
► Anu-mār-ittannu:
● -/V/[144-150]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 83 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0733_Y20_083_B1.png].
→ Compare with Nos. 731, 732, above.
→ Fragmentary witness list.

734. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 9. Lion as above; baseline.
► Lā-bāši:
● -/V/[144-150]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 83 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0734_Y20_083_B3.png].
→ Fragmentary witness list.

Other examples:

734:A. Ellipse. Lion as above; tail lowered.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Lā-bāši//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 4/VIII/99; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 68 []L3/VDI 1955/4 154ff. VII [] B3.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 8 (VDI 1955/4 154ff. VII B3). SS III 720a (STUBM 68 []L3).

734:B. Ellipse. Lion as above; tail lowered, sex indicated.
► Anu-zēr-iddin:
● 21/VII/[102-119]; witness; sale of prebend RIAA2296 [] L1
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 233, No. 202, second row, right.
→ Fragmentary witness list.
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla AUWE 20 222-3.


All face profile right, except for the earliest example, No. 735, which faces left; the tail is usually lowered, with tip up, near the hindmost leg, but occasionally curls up and forward (Nos. 735, 739-41). Note the addition of a horizontal crescent or eight-pointed star, in addition to the usual monogram, in the exergue on two Babylonian lion staters (Newell 1938, Pl. 21, Figs. 15, 16).

735. Ellipse. 14 x 9. Lion walking profile left; horizontal crescent above back.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Ḫunzû:
● 9/II/17; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 10 [] L4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0735_Y20_010_L4.png].
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIBmni-din-tu4-d60.

736. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 9.5. Lion walking profile right; horizontal crescent above back.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 3/X/35; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 8 [] L1!

736ʹ. Previously No. 786. Pointed ellipse. 15 × 8. Lion walking profile right, tail back; horizontal crescent above.
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Līšer//Gimil-Anu:
● 26/XI/35; witness; sale of prebendSTUBM 9 [] B2/YOS 20 17 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0786_Y20_017_B1.png]
→ Publ. SS III 659f (STUBM 9 []B1).

737. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 11. Lion as above; eight(?)-pointed star right; worn.
► Nanâ-iddin/Anu-uballiṭ//Ḫunzû:
● 21/XI/35; witness; gift of slave BRM 2 6 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0737_Cl06_L1.png]/BRM 2 7 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0737_Cl07_L1.png].

738. Pointed ellipse. 19 x 11. Lion as above; seven(?)-pointed star above back, vertical waning crescent right; worn.
► [...]:
● 20/IV/56; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 15 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0738_Cl15_B1.png].
→ Cf. B2 (No. 144), B3 (No. 129); note witness #5: Nanâ-eriš/Anu-uballiṭ//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #8: Šibqāt-Anu/Ana-rabût-Anu//Luštammar-Adad; witness #10: Anu-mār-ittannu/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ekur-zakir.

739. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 9. Lion as above; eight-pointed star above back, triangle right; base-line.
► Līšer/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Gimil-Anu:
● 19/II/77; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 36 [] [ L4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0739_Y20_036_L4.png]];
● 14/XIIII/77; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 22 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0739_Cl22_L3.png]/BiMes 24 1 [] L3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 10, and Pl. 3, Le.E. (BiMes 24 1 []L3).
→ This seal replaced No. 772, below, and was replaced by No. 785:A, below.

740. Ellipse. 17 x 9. Lion as above; triangle above back; worn.
► Lā-bāši/Rīḫat-Ištar//Ekur-zakir:
● 1/VI/85; witness; sale of land BRM 2 26 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0740_Cl26_L1.png];
● -/-/[62-90]; witness; sale of land STUBM 65 []L2.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 16 (BRM 2 26 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0740_Cl26_L1.png]). SS III 649h (STUBM 65 []L2).

741+755:D. Ellipse. 14 x 7. Lion as above; eight-pointed star right.
► Anu-ikṣur/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 2/XII/86, witness; sale of prebend STUBM 61 [] T5/STUBM 62 []T5;
● -/III/88, witness; division of property TCL 13 240 []T1;
● 24/III/89; witness; sale of land BRM 2 28 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0741_Cl28_L1.png]/BiMes 24 19 [] L1;
● -/V/[78-90]; witness; sale(?) of ? VAS 15 21 [] T3.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *3-2 (VAS 15 21 T3). Schroeder 1916, Taf. 1, VAT 9165 o.R. (T3); 25, Nr. 21, o.R. (VAS 15 21 T3). SS III 715d (STUBM 61 []T5). Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 79, and Pl. 38, Le.E. (BiMes 24 19 []L1).
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla AUWE 20 490-7.

742. Ellipse. 18+ x 7.5. Lion and star as above.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin:
● 4/V/[103-119]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 58 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0742_Y20_058_T2.png]
→ Cf. B1 (No. 521); note witness #1: /Anu-ikṣur//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #6: /Nidintu-Anu/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu.

743. Ellipse. 17+ x 11. Lion as above; horizontal crescent above back, triangle and six-pointed star right.
► Illut-Anu/Kidin-Anu/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 5/VIII/117(?); witness; sale of land VAS 15 25 []T3;
● 8/IX/122; witness; quitclaim BRM 1 98 B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0743_I98_B2]/CM 12 VII []B2.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *10-3 (VAS 15 25 T3). Clay 1912, Pl. 4, third row, second from left (BRM 1 98 B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0743_I98_B2.png]). CM 12 7 (CM 12 VII []B2).

744. Ellipse. 17 x 10. Lion as above; horizontal crescent above back, triangle right.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/[...]-Anu:
● 12/-/124; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 34 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0744_Cl34_T3.png].

745. Ellipse. 15 x 10.5. Lion as above; horizontal crescent above back; fragment of baseline beneath foremost paw; worn.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Lā-bāši-Anu/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 12/IV/115; seller; sale of prebend STUBM 78 [] R1/YOS 20 85 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0745_Y20_085_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qamd60-TIN-iṭ na-din-na-an GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ.
→ Publ. SS III 727i (STUBM 78 R1).

746. Ellipse. 18 x 9. Lion as above; horizontal crescent above back; worn.
► Anu-[...]-līšer:
● -/-/˹127(+)˺; witness; ? MLC 2158 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0746_MLC2158_B2.png].
→ Fragmentary witness list.

747. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 9. Lion as above; star fragment right; worn.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-ab-uṣur/Ni[...]//[...]:
● -/-/[125-129]; witness; sale of biltu YOS 20 64 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0747_Y20_064_T1.png]?.

748. Ellipse. 16 x 9. Lion as above; horizontal crescent above back, seven-pointed star right.
► Kidin-Anu/Nanâ-iddin/Anu-aḫ-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 18/-/138; witness; lease of prebend YOS 20 69 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0748_Y20_069_L1.png].

749. Ellipse. 14 x 8.5. Lion as above; horizontal crescent above back; worn.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 6/-/146; witness; sale of land YOS 20 72 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0749_Y20_072_L2.png].
→ Cf. L1 (No. 804); note witness #7: /Anu-ittannu/Illut-Anu//Kurî; witness #9: /Lā-bāši/Riḫat-Anu itinnu.

750. Ellipse. 12+ x 7. Lion as above; star fragment right; right lost.
► Idat-Anu/Nidintu-Anu/Illut-Anu//Kurî:
● 13/I/147; witness; sale of land YOS 20 73 [] L1' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0750_Y20_073_L1'.png].

751. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 9.5. Lion as above; five-pointed star right.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Uṣuršu-Anu/Dumqi-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 9/XII/151; witness; sale of land BRM 2 42 [](+)FuB 16 28f. 6+AoF 5 82f.[W 15034h] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0751_Cl42_T2.png]/YOS 20(+)AoF 5 88 24 [...].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 10.

752. Ellipse. 19 x 10+. Lion as above; sex indicated; triangle fragment over back; top edge poorly impressed.
► Kidin-Anu/Riḫat-Anu//Gimil-Anu:
● 9/XII/151; witness; sale of land BRM 2 42 [](+)FuB 16 28f. 6+AoF 5 82f.[W 15034h] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0752_Cl42_T1.png]/YOS 20(+)AoF 5 88 24 [...]..
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 14.

753. Ellipse. 17 x 9.5. Lion as above; diagonal waxing crescent above tail, five-pointed star right.
► Idat-Anu/Riḫat-Bēlet-ṣeri/Bǝgan-Anu/Riḫat-Anu:
● 30/-/152; guarantor; sale of land BiMes 24 35 [] [...]/BRM 2 41 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0753_Cl41_R2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 33.
→ Cap. un-qami-dat-[d60]mu-mar-raq-qa-an-nu MU.MEŠ.

754. Ellipse. 18 x 9. Lion as above, sex indicated; horizontal crescent above back, six-pointed star right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Idat-Anu/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû:
● 15/IX/153; witness; sale of land BRM 2 43 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0754_Cl43_T1.png]/YOS 20 74 [] T1;
● 15/XI/153; witness; sale of landCM 12 IX []L2.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 22! (YOS 20 74 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0754_Y20_074_T1.png]). CM 12 75 (CM 12 IX [] L2).

755. Ellipse. 19+ x 13. Lion as above, lolling tongue, sex indicated; horizontal crescent above back, seven-pointed star right.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Lā-bāši/Līšer//Gimil-Anu:
● 3/IX/157; witness; lease of prebend BRM 2 47 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0755_Cl47_B1.png].
→ Compare the details of the lion's lolling tongue, indication of its sex, and details of its claws with those on a lion stater of Seleucus I, minted at Babylon (Newell 1938, Pl. 21, Fig. 11).

Other examples:

755:A. Ellipse. 24 x 14. Lion as above; horizontal crescent above back.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 8/XII/72; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 15 []B4.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 18, No. 12.
→ Cf. No. 972:G, below.

AUWE 19 755:B

AUWE 19 755:B

755:B. Pointed ellipse. Lion as above; horizontal crescent above back, star right.
► Ana-rabût-Anu/Lā-bāši-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 27/I/78; seller; sale of allotment STUBM 54 [...]/STUBM 55 [] R1.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 186, Fig. 180 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0755B_GlypOr_Op3_R1.png]; SS III 708j.

755:C. Pointed ellipse. 17.5 x 9.5. Lion as above; diagonal waning crescent right.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Lā-bāši//[...]:
● 12/XII/86; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 25 [] T3.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 18, No. 21.
→ Compare with No. 724, above, used almost nineteen years earlier by a witness with the same personal and father's names.

755:D. Relocated to No. 741.

755:E. Ellipse. Lion and star as above.
► Ša-Anu-iššû/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 14/V/96; witness; sale of land RIAA2 298 [] B2/RIAA2300 []B2
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 230, No. 197, first row, middle (RIAA2298 [] B2); 233, No. 201, third row, left (RIAA2300 [] B2).

755:F. Ellipse. Lion as above; horizontal crescent above back, 6-pointed star right.
► Nanâ-iddin/Itti-Anu-nuḫšu//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 2/VIII/101!; witness; sale of land RIAA2293 [] B3.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 231, No. 199, third row, third from left.

755:G. Ellipse. Lion as above; horizontal crescent above back, eight-pointed star right.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ekur-zakir:
● 2/VIII/101!; witness; sale of land RIAA2293 [] B1.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 231, No. 199, third row 3, far left.

755:H. Pointed ellipse. 22 x 9.5. Lion as above; triangle above back.
► Anu-šum-līšer:
● 15/I/103; witness; division of property OECT 9 41 [] L5.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 19, No. 27.
→ Witness list lost.

755:H′. Previously No. 807:A. Ellipse. 18 x 10. Lion as above, tail up over ; triangle right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Lā-bāši//Ekur-zakir:
● 8/IX/108; witness; sale of prebend VAS 15 18 []B3;
● 25/VI/111; witness; sale of prebend CM 12 V []B1.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *61-8 (VAS 15 18 []B3). CM 12 71 (CM 12 V []B1).
→ Pair of impressions appear on ring-bulla AUWE 20 403-10, -11.

755:I. Lion as above; horizontal crescent above neck.
► Lā-bāši/Balāṭu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 29/IV/116; witness; quitclaim TCL 13 243 []L2.
→ Publ. Rutten 1935, Pl. 2, No. 20.

755:J. Ellipse. 17 x 9. Lion as above; horizontal crescent above back.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Tanittu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 24/VII/121; witness; sale of land VAS 15 44 []T2;
● 9/X/122; witness; sale of landVAS 15 14 [] T3.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *30-2 (VAS 15 44 []T2); *35-2 (VAS 15 14 []T3). Schroeder 1916, Taf. 1, VAT 8557 o.R. (VAS 15 14 []T3).

755:K. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Lion as above; horizontal crescent above back, six-pointed star right.
► Diophánēs/Strátōn/Ina-qibīt-Anu:
● 9/X/122; witness; sale of land VAS 15 14 [] L2.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *35-5; Schroeder 1916, Taf. 1, VAT 8557 l.R. (L2).
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla AUWE 20 226-13.

755:L. Ellipse. Lion, horizontal crescent, and star as above.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 3/II/131; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 22 [] L1/YOS 20 67 [] [L1].
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 98, and Pl. 50, Le.E. (L1).
→ Cf. B2 (lost), L2 (No. 897:D); note witness #2: /Ana-rabûtīka-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #6: /Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Illut-Anu//Ḫunzû; witness #7: /Uṣuršu-Anu//Ḫunzû.

755:M. Ellipse. 14 x 9. Lion and crescent as above; eight-pointed star right.
► Lā-bāši/Anu-mukīn-apli/Anu-uballiṭ//Ḫunzû:
● 20/III/132; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 94 [] L1/TCL 13 244 []L1.
→ Publ. Delaporte 1923, Pl. 122, 2b (A.802); Rutten 1935, Pl. 2, No. 25 (TCL 13 244 L1). SS III 733e! (STUBM 94 L1).

755:M′. Previously No. 807:C. Pointed ellipse. 10+ x 9+. Lion as above, tail down and back; horizontal crescent above rump, 6-pointed star right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Idat-Anu/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû:
● 2/XII/155; witness; sale of prebend FuB 16 26f. 2 T2/FuB 16 34f. 16 [...];
● 5/VII/162; witness; sale of land CM 12 X [] B1/YOS 20 82 [] [...].
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *43-2 (FuB 16 26f. 2 T2). CM 12 81 (CM 12 X []B1).

755:N. Ellipse. Lion as above; circle in horizontal crescent above back, indistinct star right.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-aḫ-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 20/XI/159; witness; sale of land VDI 1955/4 146f. III []T3.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 4 (T3).

755:O. Pointed ellipse. Lion as above; horizontal crescent above back, six-pointed star right.
► Kidin/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Nidintu-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● 20/XI/159; witness; sale of land VDI 1955/4 146f. III [] B3.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 4 (B3).

755:P. Pointed ellipse. 21 x 13. Lion as above; six-pointed star right.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 7/VII/171; witness; sale of prebend VAS 15 37 [] T1.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *11-1; Schroeder 1916, Taf. 1, VAT 8548 o.R. (T1).
→ Cf. T2 (No. 605:G); note witness #1: /Nanâ-iddin/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ḫunzû; witness #2: /Anu-mār-ittannu/Nanâ-iddin//Ḫunzû.


756. Ellipse. 15 x 9.5. Lion walking profile right; leg at right; horizontal crescent over rump.
► Anu-qīšan/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Kurî mār banê:
● 6/II/9; witness; protocol of hearing YOS 20 1 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0756_Y20_001_T3.png];
● -/-/[≤ 17]; witness; sale of landYOS 20 86 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0756_Y20_086_L2.png];
● 15/I/[9-17]; witness; receipt for sale of land VAS 15 51 []B2;
● 8/II/[8-20]; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 11 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0756_Y20_011_B2.png]/YOS 20 12 [B2];
● -/-/[≤ 35]; witness; memorandum re: disposition slaves, sale doc. YOS 20 102 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0756_N4880_L2.png].
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB md60-BA-šá-an-[...] A mkur-i (YOS 20 86 [] L2).
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *56-5 (VAS 15 51 []B2).

757. Ellipse. 18 x 10. Lion walking profile left; leg at left; horizontal crescent over back.
► Nanâ-iddin/Anu-mār-ittannu//Ḫunzû:
● 28/XI/12; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 4 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0757_Y20_004_L2.png]/YOS 20 5 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0757_Y20_005_L2.png].

758. Pointed ellipse. 19 x 12. Lion walking profile right; leg at right; eight-pointed star over back.
► Anu-bēl-zēri/Anu-ab-uṣur//Kurî:
● 10/IX/31; witness; gift of slave BRM 2 5 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0758_Cl05_L2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pls. II, third row, second from left; III, No. 24.

759. Ellipse. 16 x 9.5. Lion and leg as above; horizontal crescent above back; worn.
► Anu-ittannu/Kidin-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● 3/X/35; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 8 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0759_Cl08_T3.png].

760. Ellipse. 16 x 10. Lion and leg as above.
► Anu-qīšan/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Kurî:
● 3/X/35; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 8 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0760_Cl08_T4.png];
● 26/XI/35; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 9 [] B1/YOS 20 17 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0760_Y20_017_B1.png];
● 12/III/38; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 13 []L2;
● 28/IV/40(+); seller; sale of prebend STUBM 22 []R1.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 36 (BRM 2 8 [] T4). SS III 659h (STUBM 9 []B1); 664k (STUBM 13 []L2), 673h (STUBM 22 []R1).

761. Ellipse. 18 x 10. Lion and leg as above; baseline.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 26/XI/35; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 9 [] L4/YOS 20 17 [] L4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0761_Y20_017_L4.png];
● 12/I/36; seller; sale of prebend VAS 15 4 []R1.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *2-4 (VAS 15 4 []R1). SS III 659g (STUBM 9 []L4).

762. Pointed ellipse. 19 x 9.5. Lion and leg as above; star fragment above back; worn.
► Līšer/Zērīya//Gimil-Anu:
● 1/IV/38; witness; sale of land YOS 20 19 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0762_Y20_019_L2.png]

763. Ellipse. 16 x 9. Lion and leg as above.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 21/XIIII/47; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 11 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0763_Cl11_T4.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 44.
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 72 []-3 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY72-03.png].

764. Ellipse. 20 x 12.5. Lion and leg as above.
► Mannu-iqâp/Riḫat-Anu//Kurî:
● 15/XI/51; witness; sale of land BRM 2 14 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0764_Cl14_T2.png];
● 17/XI/51; witness; sale of prebend TCL 13 237 [] T1.
→ Publ. Rutten 1935, Pl. 1, No. 13 (TCL 13 237 []T1).

765. Ellipse. 16.5 x 8. Lion and leg as above, lolling tongue.
► Nidintu-šarri/Riḫat-Anu/Lā-bāši itinnu:
● 16/VIII/109; seller; sale of land BRM 2 30 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0765_Cl30_R1.png]/CM 12 IV []R1.
→ Cap. un-qamNÍG.SUM.MU-LUGAL na-din-na É ŠUII MU.MEŠ.
→ Publ. CM 12 70 (CM 12 IV []R1).

766. Ellipse. 17 x 8. Lion and leg as above.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Kidin-Anu sepīr makkūr Anu:
● 7/VIII/109; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 74 [] T1/STUBM 75 []T1;
● -/-/[108-109]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 50 [] B1.
→ Publ. SS III 725e (STUBM 74 []T1).

767. Ellipse. 14 x 10. Lion and leg as above; horizontal crescent above rump, six-pointed star above back.
► Tattan-Nanâ/Anu-uballiṭ/Riḫat-Anu:
● 24/V/119; guarantor; sale of land BRM 2 32 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0767_Cl32_R2.png]/YOS 20 56 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0767_Y20_056_R2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 32 (BRM 2 32 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0767_Cl32_R2.png]).
→ Cap. un-qamtat-tan-dna-na-a mu-mar-raq-an É MU.MEŠ (BRM 2 32 []); un-qamtat-tan-d˹na˺-[na-a] DUMU-šú mu-mar-˹raq˺-[an É MU.MEŠ] (YOS 20 56 [] R2).

767ʹ. Previously No. 961. Ellipse. 10+ x 9.5. Lion standing profile right; animal leg right.
► Mukin-apli/Anu-bēlšunu/[...]tu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 24/VII/120; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 87 []L1/STUBM 88 [...];
● -/-/128; witness; sale of land YOS 20 66 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0961_Y20_066_T1.png].
→ Publ. SS III 730d (STUBM 87 []L1).

768. Ellipse. 13.5 x 9. Lion, leg, and crescent as above.
► [...]:
● ˹8(+)˺/[...]/128; witness; sale of land YOS 20 65 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0768_Y20_065_T3.png].
→ Fragmentary witness list.

AUWE 19 769

AUWE 19 769

769. Ellipse. 19 x 11. Lion and leg as above, lolling tongue, sex indicated; circle in horizontal crescent above back.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Ana-rabût-Anu/Anu-erība//Kurî:
● 15/XII/156; witness; sale of land VAS 15 27 []T3;
● 25/IV/157; witness; lease of prebend OECT 9 62 [] T3;
● -/-/159; witness; sale of land YOS 20 77 [] L2' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0769_Y20_077_L2'.png];
● 24/II/[151-161]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 79 [] L2;
● -/-/[151-161]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 106 [] B1;
● -/II/163; witness; sale of land BIN 2 136 T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0769_BN2_136_T1.png].
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *20-3 (VAS 15 27 []T3). Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 12 (YOS 20 79 [] L2). Ménant 1886, 188, Fig. 188 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0769_GlypOr_Op5_B1.png] (STUBM 106 [] B1). Nies and Keiser 1920, Pl. 56, No. 136, U.E. (BIN 2 136 T1). Schroeder 1916, Taf. I, VAT 9171 o.R. (VAS 15 27 [] T3). SS III 746f (STUBM 106 B1).

770. Pointed ellipse. 12+ x 9. Lion and leg as above, lolling tongue; horizontal crescent above back.
► [...]:
● -/-/[151-161]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 81 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0770_Y20_081_L1.png].
→ Witness list lost.

Other examples:

770:A. Relocated to No. 776:A.

770:B. Ellipse. 13+ x 10. Lion, leg, and star as above.
► Šibqāt-Anu:
● -/-/[90-125]; witness; sale of prebend VAS 15 28 [] L1.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *14-9; Schroeder 1916, Taf. 1, VAT 8550 l.R. (L1).
→ Witness list lost.


771. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 10. Lion walking profile right; crab right facing right; horizontal crescent between lion and crab.
► Balāṭu:
● 25/I/[52-63]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 96 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0771_Y20_096_L3.png]
→ Compare with bulla impression Delaporte 1923, Pl. 122, 6c.
→ Fragmentary witness list; note witness #1: [...]/[...]//Kurî; witness #3′: [...]/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #5′: [...]/Anu-[...]//Gimil-Anu.

772. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 10. Lion as above; crab right facing up; baseline.
► Līšer/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Anu-ab-uṣur//Gimil-Anu:
● 2/II/71; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 19 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0772_Cl19_B1.png];
● 20/VI/71; witness; sale of land BRM 2 20 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0772_Cl20_L2.png]/YOS 20 34 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0772_Y20_034_L2.png];
● 18/XIIII/72; witness; sale of land CM 12 II []L1.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 39! (BRM 2 19 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0772_Cl19_B1.png]). CM 12 69 (CM 12 II []L1).
→ This seal replaced No. 723, above, and was replaced by No. 739, above.

773. Pointed ellipse. 19 x 8. Lion as above, sex indicated; crab right facing up.
► Anu-ab-utēr/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 14/XIIII/77; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 22 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0773_Cl22_L1.png]/BiMes 24 1 []L1;
● 14/XI/80; witness; sale of land STUBM 46 []B4.
→ Publ. SS III 701c (STUBM 46 []B4). Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 8, and Pl. 3, Le.E. (BiMes 24 1 []L1).

774. Ellipse. 15 x 8. Lion as above; crab right facing left; seven-pointed star above back.
► Nanâ-iddin/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 8/II/78; witness; sale of land BRM 2 23 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0774_Cl23_B4.png]/YOS 20 38 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0774_Y20_038_B4.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, Nos. 6 (BRM 2 23 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0774_Cl23_B4.png]), 26! (YOS 20 38 [] B4).

775. Ellipse. 17 x 9. Lion as above; crab above back facing up.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Mannu-iqâp//Kurî:
● 22/VIII/95; witness; exchange of properties BIN 2 135 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0775_BN2_135_B4.png].
● -/-/[90-99]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 44 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0775_Y20_044_L2.png]!
→ Publ. Nies and Keiser 1920, Pl. 54, No. 135, Lo.E. (BIN 2 135 [] B4).
→ The scribe interchanged the captions beneath impressions YOS 20 44 [] L2 and L4 (No. 534).

776. Ellipse. 16 x 9. Lion as above; crab right facing up.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin: ● 18/IX/118; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 31 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0776_Cl31_T3.png].
→ Cf. T1 (No. 57); note witness #3: /[...]/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin; witness #6: /Līšer/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Gimil-Anu.

Other examples;

AUWE 19 776:A

AUWE 19 776:A

776:A. Previously No. 770:A. Pointed ellipse. Lion and leg as above; 7-pointed star above back, bull's head beneath crab right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Nanâ-iddin/Lā-bāši//Kurî:
● 22/II/77; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 49 [] L4/YOS 20 49 [] [...];
● 27/I/78; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 54 [] T5/STUBM 55 [] T5.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 186, Fig. 179 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0776A_GlypOr_Op3_T5.png] (STUBM 49 [] L4). SS III 708k (STUBM 55 []T5); 709e (STUBM 54 []T5); 712h (STUBM 49 []L4).

776:B. Previously 972:T. Pointed ellipse. Lion walking profile right; horizontal crescent above back, crab right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● ˹4-5˺/X/101; witness; BiMes 24 24 [] [B3]/RIAA2 299 []B3.
→ Cf. T1, T3; note witness #2: /Šamaš-iddin//Ḫunzû, witness #4: /Lā-bāši//Ekur-zakir, witness #8: /Mušēzib-Anu //Luštammar-Adad.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 105, and Pl. 57, Lo.E. (BiMes 24 24 [] B3).


777. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 7.5. Lion walking profile right, sex(?) indicated; lamb right facing right.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Dumqi-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 1/VIII/160; witness; sale of land AoF 5 85 4+AoF 5 85 5 L1/BRM 2 48 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0777_Cl48_L1.png].
→ Cf. No. 917:B, below.

778. Pointed ellipse. 20 x 11. Lion as above; lamb right with reversed head; damaged at bottom.
► Nanâ-iddin/Nidintu-[...]:
● -/II/163; witness; sale of land BIN 2 136 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0778_BN2_136_T2.png].
→ Publ. Nies and Keiser 1920, Pl. 56, No. 136, U.E. (T2).

Other examples:

778:A. Ellipse. 17 x 10. Lion and lamb as above.
► Ša-Anu-iššû/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Balāṭu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 15/XI/153; witness; sale of land CM 12 IX []T1.
→ Publ. CM 12 16.

778:B. Ellipse. Lion and lamb as above; horizontal crescent and six-pointed star above back.
► Kidin-Anu:
● 7/VII/171; witness; sale of prebend VAS 15 37 []L1.
→ Publ. AUWE 29 *11-5; Schroeder 1916, Taf. 2, VAT 8548 l.R. (L1).
→ Cf. T3 (No. 916:W); note witness #4: /[...]at-Anu/Anu-ikṣur//Luštammar-Adad; witness #5: /Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Dumqi-Anu//Luštammar-Adad.


779. Pointed ellipse. 14 x 9. Lion walking profile right, tail down, tip up; eagle with spread wings, head profile right above back.
► Tattannu/Anu-TIN-[...]:
● 4/VII/12; witness; contract for work YOS 20 3 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0779_Y20_003_T3.png].
→ Compare this early Seleucid example of an eagle with spread wings with such earlier Achaemenid examples as Legrain 1925, Nos. 951-52, and Teissier 1984, No. 294.

780. Ellipse. 18 x 10. Lion as above, tail curls down, behind rear legs and horizontally beneath belly; bull head profile left at right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Tanittu-Anu/Balāṭu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 22/II/77; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 49 [] T2/YOS 20 37 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0780_Y20_037_T2.png];
● 8/II/78; witness; sale of land BRM 2 23 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0780_Cl23_L3.png]/YOS 20 38 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0780_Y20_038_L3.png];
● 26/VII/78; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 19 []L1;
● 7/XII/80; witness; sale of prebend NBDM 91 [] T3/OECT 9 20 [] T3.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 20 (BRM 2 23 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0780_Cl23_L3.png]). SS III 712i (STUBM 49 [] T2).
→ Compare the impression on an undated bulla fragment from Archive A at Seleucia on the Tigris (McDowell 1935b, Pl. 5, Fig. 87). Compare the shape of the tail with Babylonian lion staters of the reign of Seleucus I (Newell 1938, Pl. 21, passim).

781. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 8.5. Lion as above, tail back, tip up; indistinct object above back.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 24/III/89; witness; sale of land BRM 2 28 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0781_Cl28_B2.png]/BiMes 24 19 [] B2.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pls. II, second row, second from left; III, No. 27 (BRM 2 28 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0781_Cl28_B2.png]). Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 74, and Pl. 38, Lo.E. (BiMes 24 19 []B2).

782. Ellipse. 18 x 10. Lion as above, tail down, tip up; Greek Φ at right.
► Mukin-apli/Nidintu-Anu/Tanittu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 21/X/119; witness; sale of prebend CM 12 VI [] T1/VAS 15 32 []T1;
● 14/VII/123; guarantor; sale of land YOS 20 63 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0782_Y20_063_R2.png];
● 13/-/[123-125]; witness; dedication of slaves YOS 20 62 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0782_Y20_062_B4.png];
● 20/III/132; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 94 [] B3/TCL 13 244 []B3.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *57-1 (VAS 15 32 []T1). CM 12 72 (CM 12 VI []T1). Delaporte 1923, Pl. 122, 2a; Rutten 1935, Pl. 2, No. 27 (TCL 13 244 [] B3). SS III 733f (STUBM 94 []B3).
→ Cap. un-qamDU-A mu-mar-raq-an-na (YOS 20 63 [] R2).
→ Compare No. 838, below.

783. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Lion as above, pawing leaping fox at right; horizontal crescent upper right.
► Ardi-Ninurta/Anu-mār-ittannu sepīr makkūr Anu:
● 21/VI/111; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 45 [] T3/OECT 9 46 [] [T3];
● 8/IX/122; witness; quitclaim BRM 1 98 T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0783_I98_T2]/CM 12 VII []T2;
● 6/XI/122; seller, guarantor; sale of land VAS 15 38 []R1;
● 3/V/[120-124]; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 55 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0783_Cl55_B2.png].
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *26-4 (VAS 15 38 []R1). Clay 1912, Pl. 4, second row, second from left (BRM 1 98 T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0783_I98_T2.png]). CM 12 73 (CM 12 VII []T2).
→ Impressions occur on ring-bullae AUWE 20 57-5; CBCY 5 40 []-10 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY40-10.png].

784. Ellipse. 16 x 8.5. Lion as above; horizontal crescent above back, frontal bull head(?) at right.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Tanittu-Anu/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 12/V/139; witness; sale of land BRM 2 38 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0784_Cl38_L1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 3.
→ The scribe omitted the caption un-qa from all edges but the right.

785. Ellipse. 17.5 x 8.5. Lion as above; horizontal crescent above back, eagle standing profile right with reversed head at right.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Anu-bēl-zēri ša ultu kiništi ša Rēš:
● 30/-/152; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 35 [] [L2]/BRM 2 41 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0785_Cl41_L2.png].

Other examples:

785:A. Ellipse. Lion as above; cuneiform numerals (40?, 90, ˹5?˺), reversed, above back.
► Līšer/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Gimil-Anu:
● 2/VIII/101; witness; sale of land RIAA2293 []T4;
● 15/I/103; witness; division of property OECT 9 41 []L3.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 231, No. 199, second row, left.
→ This seal replaced No. 739, above.

785:B. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 7. Lion as above; horizontal crescent above back, bird(?) profile right(?) at right.
► Šamaš-īṭer/Nidintu-Anu/Šamaš-īṭer//Luštammar-Adad:
● 25/IV/157; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 62 [] B2.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 20, No. 37.


786. Relocated to No. 736ʹ.

787. Ellipse. 14 x 8.5. Lion as above, tail curled in inverted-U; baseline; worn.
► Kidin-Anu/Riḫat-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● -/III/38; witness; sale of land YOS 20 18 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0787_Y20_018_T2.png].

788. Elliptical fragment. 8+ x 10. Lion as above, tail down, tip up; right lost.
► [...]/[...]//Luštammar-Adad:
● -/-/[≤43]; witness; receipt for sale of land YOS 20 89 [] T1.
→ Cap. [... A mlu-uš]-tam-mar-dIM.

789. Ellipse. 13+ x 10. Lion walking profile left; horizontal crescent(?) above rump; worn.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Iqīšâ//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 21/XIIII/47; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 11 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0789_Cl11_T2.png].

790. Ellipse. 15+ x 10. Lion walking profile right, tail down, tip up; eight(?)-pointed star above back, indistinct object right.
► Līšer/Zērīya//Gimil-Anu:
● 18/XII/50; witness; sale of prebend TCL 13 236 [] B1;
● 28/I/52; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 25 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0790_Y20_025_B3.png];
● 17/IX/55; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 29 [] B3/ STUBM 30 [] [...].
→ Publ. SS III 689h ( STUBM 29 [] B3); 754d ( STUBM 30 [] B3).

791. Ellipse. 13+ x 9. Lion as above; right edge overstruck.
► [...]: itinnu:
● 22/III/67; assignee; duty roster BRM 2 17 [] R3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0791_Cl17_R3.png].
→ The right edge is captioned un-qa.MEŠ šá DÍM.MEŠ, and shows eleven tightly overlapping impressions, none individually identified by owner. The tablet contains two lists naming eleven and ten assignees, respectively, ana epēš dulli ("to perform the ritual").

792. Ellipse. 18 x 10. Lion as above, tail up; worn, right lost.
► Nidintu-[...]:
● 16/VII/85; witness; sale(?) of prebend(?) YOS 20 41 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0792_Y20_041_T2.png].
→ Note witness #2: [...]/Riḫat-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Luštammar-Adad; witness #3: [...]/Anu-[...]//Ḫunzû; witness #7: [...]/Anu-bēlšunu//Luštammar-Adad; witness #8: [...]/[...]//Luštammar-Adad.

793. Elliptical fragment. 15+ x 9. Lion as above, tail back, tip forward; worn, right lost.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 17/XIIII/85; witness; sale of land YOS 20 42 [] T5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0793_Y20_042_T5.png].
→ Cf. B4 (No. 1081), B5 (lost), L5 (No. 648); note witness #7: /Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #12: /Ana-rabût-Anu//Ḫunzû; witness #15: /Kidin-Anu/Ištar-ḫīṭūʾa.

794. Ellipse. 13+ x 9. Lion as above, tail up; right lost.
► Anu-ab-utēr/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû:
● -/V/[76-88]; witness; quitclaim YOS 20 94 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0794_Y20_094_B1.png]

795. Elliptical fragment. 9+ x 10. Lion as above; triangle above back; both sides lost.
► [...]:
● -/V/[76-88]; witness; quitclaim YOS 20 94 [] T2' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0795_Y20_094_T2'.png]
→ Cf. L4 (No. 564); note witness #1: Ina-qibīt-Anu/Šamaš-iddin//Ḫunzû; witness #2: Šamaš-īṭer/Kidin-Anu//Luštammar-Adad; witness #3: Nidintu-Anu/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû; witness #5: Anu-ušallim/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Gimil-Anu; witness #6: Līšer/Nidintu-Anu//Gimil-Anu; witness #7: Ištar-zēr-ibni/Anu-ab-utēr//Luštammar-Adad; witness #12: Ina-qibīt-Anu/Nanâ-iddin//Ḫunzû.

796. Ellipse. 16+ x 10. Lion as above; horizontal crescent above rump; leafy plant-like object right.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Anu-mukīn-apli//Ekur-zakir:
● -/III/88; witness; division of property TCL 13 240 [] T3;
● 6/I/[95-96]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 84 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0796_Y20_084_T1.png];
● 10/X/107; witness; sale of prebend RIAA2 294 [] L2;
● -/-/[89-125]; witness; sale of prebend VAS 15 28 [] T3.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *14-3 (VAS 15 28 [] T3). Speleers 1917, 230, No. 198, second row, far left (RIAA2 294 [] L2).

797. Ellipse. 17.5 x 10. Lion as above, tail up; worn.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 15/X/100; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 47 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0797_Y20_047_B4.png]
→ Cf. T2 (No. 679); note witness #2: /Nanâ-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//Kurî; witness #8: /Anu-aḫ-iddin/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ḫunzû.

798. Pointed ellipse. 6+ x 7+. Lion as above, tail down, tip up; right lost.
► Nanâ-iddin/[...]//Luštammar-Adad:
● 18/VII/108; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 51 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0798_Y20_051_L1.png].

799. Ellipse. 17+ x 11. Lion as above, tail down; recessed wide border; worn.
► Anu-mār-ittan[nu]:
● -/-/[90-108]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 97 [] B4' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0799_Y20_097_B4'.png]
→ Fragmentary witness list.

800. Pointed ellipse. 12+ x 9. Lion as above; worn; left lost.
► Idat-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Kidin-Anu/Lā-bāši//Kurî:
● -/-/[108-109]; guarantor; sale of prebend
YOS 20 50 [] R2′ [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0800_Y20_050_R2′.png].

[return to top]

Seals 801-900

801. Elliptical fragment. 10+ x 10. Lion as above, tail up; horizontal crescent above neck.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu(Illut-Bēlet-ṣēri)/Anu-aḫ-ittannu bāʾeru: ● 11/XII/119; guarantor; sale of land YOS 20 60 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0801_Y20_060_R2.png]/YOS 20 61 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0801_Y20_061_R2.png]. → Cap. un-qa mAŠ-qí-bit-d60 ˹lú˺mu-mar-raq-an É MU.MEŠ (YOS 20 61 [] R2); un-qa mAŠ-˹qí-bit-d˺[60...] (YOS 20 60 [] R2).

802. Pointed ellipse. 7+ x 9. Lion as above, tail turned down; right lost.
► Dumqi-Anu/Līšer//Gimil-Anu:
● 16/XII/[110-119]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 59 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0802_Y20_059_L2.png].

803. Ellipse. 17 x 9. Lion as above; worn.
► Anu-ab-utēr:
● -/-/˹127(+)˺; witness; ? MLC 2158 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0803_MLC2158_T2.png]
→ Fragmentary witness list.

804. Ellipse. 16 x 9. Lion as above, tail down, tip up; indistinct triangular form right; worn.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 6/-/146; witness; sale of land YOS 20 72 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0804_Y20_072_L1.png].
→ Cf. L2 (No. 749); note witness #7: /Anu-ittannu/Illut-Anu//Kurî; witness #9: /Lā-bāši/Riḫat-Anu itinnu.

805. Pointed ellipse. 13+ x 10.5 Lion as above, tail down, tip up; triangle above back; right lost.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Illut-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 15/IX/153; witness; sale of land BRM 2 43 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0805_Cl43_L1.png]/YOS 20 74 [] [L1].

806. Pointed ellipse. 19 x 10.5. Lion as above, tail horizontally above back; worn.
► Idat-Anu/A-ri-x-[...]-ʾ//[...]:
● -/II/163; witness; sale of land BIN 2 136 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0806_BN2_136_L1.png].
→ Publ. Nies and Keiser 1920, Pl. 56, No. 136 L.E. (L1).

807. Pointed ellipse. 11+ x 9. Lion as above, tail down, tip lost; right lost.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 8/III/166; witness; sale of land BRM 2 49 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0807_Cl49_T1.png]/AoF 5 10 [...].
→ Cf. B2 (No. 897); the personal names of witness #1-7 are lost.

Other examples:

807:A. Relocated to No. 755:H′.

807:B. Pointed ellipse. 12+ x 5+. Lion as above; top and right lost.
► Iqīšâ/Riḫat-Anu//Šumāt:
● 22/VI/132; divider; division of property [VAS 15 39 [] [R1]/VAS 15 40 R1 []/VAS 15 49 [] [...].
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *32-6;.Schroeder 1916, Taf. 1, VAT 8565 r.R. (VAS 15 40 [] R1).

807:C. Relocated to No. 755:M′.


808. Ellipse. 15 x 9.5. Lion leaping profile right; worn.
► Anu-zēr-līšer/Tanittu-Anu//Aḫ-[ūtu]:
● 28/IV/12; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 2 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0808_Y20_002_L2.png].

809. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 10. Lion as above; curved baseline.
► Uṣuršu-Enlil/Ubār mār Nippur:
● 20/IV/29; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 4 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0809_Cl4_L1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. V, No. 123.

810. Ellipse. 13 x 8.5. Lion as above; horizontal crescent above back.
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Zērīya//Gimil-Anu:
● 12/I/36; witness; sale of prebend VAS 15 4 [] B3;
● 21/XIIII/47; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 11 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0810_Cl11_T1.png];
● 14/-/48; witness; sale of prebend WZJ 19 1970 905ff. [] T3;
● 21/IX/49; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 13 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0810_Cl13_T2.png];
● 15/XI/51; witness; sale of land BRM 2 14 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0810_Cl14_T4.png];
● -/XI/[51-66]; witness; gift of slave OECT 9 12 [] T4/OECT 9 13 [] T4.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *2-5 (VAS 15 4 [] B3). Oelsner 1970a, 908, Abb. 3a (WZJ 19 1970 905ff. [] T3).

811. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 10. Lion and crescent as above, lolling tongue.
► Aplâ/Anu-mār-ittannu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 2/XI/50; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 23 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0811_Y20_023_L1.png].YOS 20 24 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0811_Y20_024_L1.png].

812. Ellipse. 16.5 x 10. Lion as above; triangle right.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-šum-līšer//Ḫunzû:
● 25/I/[52-63]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 96 [] T5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0812_Y20_096_T5.png]

813. Pointed ellipse. 18+ x 9. Lion as above; horizontal crescent above back.
► Balāṭu/Šamaš-ittannu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 22/VI/67; witness; quitclaim YOS 20 31 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0813_Y20_031_T1.png];
● 20/VII/68; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 18 [] L1' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0813_Cl18_L1'.png].
● Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 37! (BRM 2 18 [] L1' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0813_Cl18_L1'.png]).

814. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 7. Lion as above; triangle above back.
► Līšer/Zērīya/Anu-ušallim//Gimil-Anu:
● 25/VI/75; witness; sale of land BRM 2 21 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0814_Cl21_T1.png];
● 22/II/77; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 49 [] T1/YOS 20 37 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0814_Y20_037_T1.png];
● 23/II/77; witness; division of property STUBM 50 [] T4;
● 27/I/78; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 54 [] B3/STUBM 55 [] B3;
● 11/VII/82; witness; division of property BRM 2 24 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0814_Cl24_L3.png]/YOS 20 40 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0814_Y20_040_L3.png];
● 8/III/84; witness; receipt for sale of land, prebend OECT 9 24 [] T1.
→ Publ. SS III 705e (STUBM 50 [] T4); 708i (STUBM 55 [] B3); 709h (STUBM 54 [] B3); 712j (STUBM 49 [] T1).


815. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 9. Lion leaping profile right; bull head right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-ab-uṣur//Kurî:
● 26/XI/35; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 9 [] B4/YOS 20 17 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0815_Y20_017_B4.png];
● 2/VI/37; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 10 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0815_Cl10_T2.png];
● 12/III/38; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 13 [] B1;
● 20/III/41; witness; land use agreement OECT 9 10 [] L2.
→ Compare the bulla impression Speleers 1917, 239, No. 209, second row, middle.
→ Publ. SS III 659i (STUBM 9 [] B4).

816+838:A. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 10. Lion and bull head as above; eight-pointed star above back.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Lā-bāši//Kurî:
● 14/-/47; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 22 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0816_Y20_022_B2.png];
● 6/I/48; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 12 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0816_Cl12_B1.png];
● 16/IV/54; witness; receipt for sale of land VDI 1955/4 142ff. II [] B4 (courtesy Francis Joannès).
→ Cap. YOS 20 22 [] B2-B3: un-qa PN un-qa PN2 DUMU.MEŠ šá mNU.TÉŠ A mkur-i.
→ Replaced by No. 819, below.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 3 (VDI 1955/4 142f. II [] B4).
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla Mesop. 49 25 O.209 N.

817. Ellipse. 18 x 10. Lion and bull head as above.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Anu-zēr-līšer/Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 1/III/57; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 16 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0817_Cl16_B1.png];
● 17/I/68; witness; division of property YOS 20 32 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0817_Y20_032_T1.png];
● -/XI/[51-66]; witness; gift of slave OECT 9 12 [] L2/OECT 9 13 [] L2;
● -/V/69; witness; sale of land STUBM 45 [] B2.
→ Publ. SS III 699d (STUBM 45 [] B2).

818. Ellipse. 16 x 9.5. Lion as above; bull head beneath lion.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Nanâ-iddin//Ab-ṭāb:
● 1/III/57; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 16 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0818_Cl16_T3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 13.
→ The impression appears to be identical to the bulla impression Delaporte 1923, Pl. 123, 4c.

819. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 10.5. Lion as above; bull head right, seven-pointed star above back.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Lā-bāši//Kurî:
● 17/IX/55; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 29 [] L2/STUBM 30 [] L2;
● 22/III/67; witness; duty roster BRM 2 17 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0819_Cl17_T4.png];
● 26/-/82; witness; sale of land STUBM 58 [] B1/STUBM 59 [] B1.
→ Publ. SS III 689f (STUBM 29 [] L2); 711g (STUBM 59 [] B1); 754c (STUBM 30 [] L2); 768d (STUBM 58 [] B1).
→ Replaced No. 816+838:A, above.

820. Ellipse. 16+ x 11. Lion as above; beneath, balance(?) left, bull head right.
► [...]:
● 19/II/77; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 36 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0820_Y20_036_L3.png]
→ Captions are lost for seals L2 (No. 133), T1 (No. 645); note witness #1: Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ḫunzû; witness #4: Anu-ušallim/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Gimil-Anu; witness #6: Ana-rabût-Anu/Kidin-Anu//Kurî. The seal expected for; witness #2: Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir, No. 945, used ca. 71-82 S.E., is not preserved.


821. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 9. Lion leaping profile right; animal leg right.
► Anu-zēr-līšer/Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 28/XII/29; witness; sale of land YOS 20 16 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0821_Y20_016_L3.png].

822. Ellipse. 15 x 9.5. Lion as above; leg beneath forelegs.
► Kidin-Anu/Anu-zēr-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 21/XIIII/47; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 11 [] L4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0822_Cl11_L4.png];
● 14/-/48; witness; sale of prebend WZJ 19 1970 905ff. []B2;
● 18/XII/50; witness; sale of prebend TCL 13 236 []B3.
→ Publ. Oelsner 1970a, 908, Abb. 3b (WZJ 19 1970 905ff. []B2).

823. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 9.5. Lion and leg as above; ambiguous branched form beneath.
► Ša-Anu-iššû/Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 16/I/48; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 12 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0823_Cl12_B3.png];
● 16/IV/54; witness; receipt for sale of land VDI 1955/4 142ff. II []L4;
● 17/IX/55; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 29 [] T1/STUBM 30 [] [T1];
● -/-/[43-66]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 39 [] L2.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 3 ( VDI 1955/4 142ff. II [] L4). SS III 689g (STUBM 29 []T1); 755b (STUBM 39 []L2).
→ Note similar ambiguous branched forms beneath the leaping human-headed winged bulls on Nos. 410, 412, above.

824. Pointed ellipse. 19 x 10. Lion and leg as above.
► Riḫat-Ištar/Anu-ittannu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 17/XI/51; witness; sale of prebend TCL 13 237 []L1;
● 6/VIII/53; witness; sale of land YOS 20 26 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0824_Y20_026_B2.png].

AUWE 19 825

AUWE 19 825

825. Ellipse. 16 x 8.5. Lion and leg as above.
► Līšer/Zērīya//Gimil-Anu:
● 21/VIII/63; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 29 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0825_Y20_029_T1.png];
● -/XI/[51-66]; witness; gift of slave OECT 9 12 [] L3/OECT 9 13 [] L3;
● 18/I/68; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 44 [] T1;
● -/I/68; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 44 []/YOS 20 33 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0825_Y20_033_T2.png];
● -/V/69; witness; sale of land STUBM 45 [] B1.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 184, Fig. 169 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0825_GlypOr_Op2_T1.png] (STUBM 44 [] T1). SS III 698f (STUBM 44 []T1); 699c (STUBM 45 []B1).

826. Ellipse. 15+ x 9. Lion and leg as above; triangle above back.
► Riḫat-Ištar/Anu-aḫ-iddin//Ekur-zakir:
● 21/VIII/63; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 29 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0826_Y20_029_B1.png];
● 27/III/64; witness; sale of land STUBM 36 []T2;
● 22/VI/67; witness; quitclaim YOS 20 31 [] [L3] [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0826_Y20_031_L3.png].
→ Publ. SS III 696d (STUBM 36 []T2).
→ Impression at STUBM 36 T2 miscaptioned for Anu-aḫ-ušabši; expected seal caption occurs at T3; tablet too incomplete for further analysis.

827. Ellipse. 14+ x 10. Lion and leg as above; Aramaic ח?-נ-ט beneath.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad:
● 20/VII/68; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 18 [] T5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0827_Cl18_T5.png];
● -/V/69; witness; sale of land STUBM 45 []L1.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. 3, No. 9! (BRM 2 18 [] T5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0827_Cl18_T5.png]). SS III 699e (STUBM 45 []L1).

828. Ellipse. 15 x 10. Lion and leg as above; Aramaic נ-ד-ת above, פ below.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 20/VI/71; witness; sale of land BRM 2 20 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0828_Cl20_T1.png]/YOS 20 34 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0828_Y20_034_T1.png].
→ The upper inscription appears to be a hypocoristic form of the seal owner's personal name rendered in Aramaic script (Dougherty 1932, 94-97; Rostovtzeff 1932, 37, No. 44/2; cf. Oelsner 1986, 249-50 and n. 918).
→ An impression appears on ring-bulla CBCY 5 5 []-13 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY05-13.png].

829. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 9.5. Lion and leg as above.
► Anu-zēr-iddin/Kidin-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 11/VII/82; witness; division of property BRM 2 24 [] L4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0829_Cl24_L4.png]/YOS 20 40 [] L4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0829_Y20_040_L4.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 18 (BRM 2 24 [] L4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0829_Cl24_L4.png]).

Other examples:

829:A. Ellipse. Lion and leg as above; horizontal crescent above back, two indistinct marks at bottom.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-ab-uṣur//Luštammar-Adad:
● 10/IV/12; witness; sale of prebend VDI 1955/4 152f. VI []B2.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 7 (B2).
→ Cap. ˹NA4.KIŠIB˺ md60-TIN-iṭ.


830. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 11. Lion leaping profile right, tail down-turned, sex indicated; right profile leaping fox beneath.
► Nidintu-Anu/Lā-bāši//Aḫ-ūtu:
● ˹3(+)˺/I/17; witness; sale of slave YOS 20 9 [] T1′(?);
● 12/IX/[17-19]; seller; sale of slave BRM 2 25 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0830_Cl25_R1.png].
→ Compare the Graeco-Persian scaraboid: Boardman 1970a, Pl. 908.
→ Cap. un-qamni-din-tu4-d60 na-din-ʾ LÚ-ut-tì MU.<MEŠ> (BRM 2 25 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0830_Cl25_R1.png]).
→ The scribe captioned YOS 20 9 [] T1' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0830_Y20_009_T1'.png]: mta-nit-tu4-d60. The personal names of all nine witnesses are lost from the witness list; only the patronymics are preserved. Either the scribe miscaptioned the seal, (cf. l. 20: [...DUMUšámla]-ba-ši A máḫ-ʾ-ú-tú) or the seal later changed hands as R3 (see No. 32, above) appears to have done earlier.

831. Pointed ellipse. 15+ x 10. Lion as above; horizontal crescent above back; indistinct object right.
► Tanittu-Anu:
● 23/III/26; witness; sale of land YOS 20 14 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0858_Y20_052_T4.png]
→ Cf. T3 (No. 459); note witness #5: /Anu-ab-uṣur//Kurî; witness #9: /Anu-aḫḫē-iqīša.

832. Ellipse. 13+ x 9. Lion and crescent as above; indistinct object right.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Anu-zēr-līšer//Ḫunzû:
● 21/IX/49; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 13 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0832_Cl13_T4.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 31.
→ An impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 36 []-9 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY36-09.png].

832. Ellipse. 13+ x 9. Lion and crescent as above; indistinct object right.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Anu-zēr-līšer//Ḫunzû:
● 21/IX/49; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 13 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0832_Cl13_T4.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 31.
→ An impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 36 []-9 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY36-09.png].

833. Ellipse. 14 x 8.5. Lion as above; indistinct object(s) beneath.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Nidintu-Anu//[...]:
● 22/IV/[110-119]; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 57 [] T1;
● 13/-/[123-125]; witness; dedication of slaves YOS 20 62 [] L4;
● 12(?)/IX/126; witness; sale of land OECT 9 53 [] T3;
● -/-/[120(?)-130(?)]; witness; sale of land, prebend VAS 15 8 [] L1ʹ.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *37-4 (VAS 15 8 [] L1ʹ).

Other examples:

833:A Ellipse. Lion as above; indistinct object right.
► Zērīya/Anu-ušallim!//Gimil-Anu:
● 10/IV/12; witness; sale of prebend VDI 1955/4 152f. VI [] B4.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 7 (B4).
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mNUMUN-ia.

833:B. Relocated to No. 890+833:B.


834. Ellipse. 16 x 9. Lion leaping(?) profile right, tail up; worn.
► [...]:
● -/-/[≤17]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 86 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0834_Y20_086_B2.png]
→ Cap. ˹NA4.KIŠIB˺ [...].
→ Fragmentary witness list.

835. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 10.5. Lion as above; worn.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-balāssu-iqbi//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 8/II/[8-20]; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 11 [] [...]/YOS 20 12 [] T1;
→ -/-/[≤35]; witness; memorandum re: disposition slaves, sale doc. YOS 20 102 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0835_Y20_012_T1.png].

836. Elliptical fragment. 13+ x 10. Lion as above; worn.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Luštammar-Adad:
● 2/V/[32-45]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 21 [] B5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0836_Y20_021_B5.png].

837. Elliptical fragment. 8+ x 9+. Lion as above; left and right lost.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-šum-eriš//Ḫunzû:
● 24/V/119; witness; sale of land BRM 2 32 [] [B2]/YOS 20 56 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0837_Y20_056_B2.png].

838. Ellipse. 16 x 9. Lion profile right; animal leg(?) right; worn.
► Mukin-apli:
● -/-/˹127(+)˺; witness; ? MLC 2158 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0838_MLC2158_B3.png]
→ Compare with No. 782, above.
→ Fragmentary witness list.

Other examples:

838:A. Relocated to No. 816+838:A.

838:B. Relocated to No. 720:A+838:B


839. Ellipse. 11+ x 9. Lion attacking stag; right half lost.
► Adad-iddin/Anu-ab-uṣur:
● 2/VI/37; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 10 [] R4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0839_Cl10_R4.png].
► Kidin(!)/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ekur-zakir:
● 12/XII/37; witness; sale of land VAS 15 5 [] L1.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *15-1 (VAS 15 5 [] L1). Doty 1979, 195, Fig. 1 (BRM 2 10 [] R4).
→ The seal impression at VAS 15 5 [] L1 is miscaptioned Kidin-Anu, certainly an error for witness #1 Kidin/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ekur-zakir; note that none of the participants in VAS 15 5 is named in BRM 2 10 [], written just six months earlier, when Adad-iddin/Anu-ab-uṣur first used this seal. The relationship between the two sealers remains unknown. Kidin is known to have used six other seals, once each: OECT 9 5 [] L2 (28 S.E.); AUWE 19 295 (29 S.E.); OECT 9 7 [] L2 (32 S.E.); AUWE 19 79 (41 S.E.); SS III 670c ([32-45] S.E.); SS III 671d ([32-45] S.E.).

840. Ellipse. 12+ x 10. Lion attacking zebu.
► Mannu-kī-Ištar/Ana-rabûtīka-Anu/Mannu-iqâp:
● 2/VI/37; seller; sale of slave BRM 2 10 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0840_Cl10_R1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 89; Doty 1979, 195, Fig. 1 (R1).
→ Cap. un-qa mman-nu-ki-i-dDIL.BAT na-[din...LÚ]-ut-tì MU.MEŠ.

Other examples:

840:A. Pointed ellipse. 27.5 x 12. Lion attacking stag; horizontal crescent above lion's back.
► Nanâ-iddin/Ištar-šum-eriš//Aḫ-ūtu:
● -/II/84; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 23 [] L2.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 18, No. 18.


8410. Previously No. 907. Ellipse. 16 x 13. Recumbent humpbacked bull (zebu) facing right with head lowered and turned clockwise at a right angle resting on the ground.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 12/IV/115; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 85 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0907_A20_085_T2.png]/STUBM 78 [] T2;
→ Cf. L2 (729); note witness #2: /[...]/[...]-Anu//Ḫunzû, witness #6: /Līšer//Gimil-Anu.
→ Publ. SS III 727g (STUBM 78 [] T2).

841. Ellipse. 13 x 8. Humpbacked bull recumbent profile left, left foreleg folded under, right extended, tail raised above back; resting on square-patterned band.
► Rabi-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ:
● 23/V/16; witness; contract for future delivery YOS 20 7 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0841_Y20_007_T2.png].
→ The pose is comparable to that drawn on the reverse of a Seleucid theological text (TCL 6 47 []) captioned MUL.GÚ.AN.NA šá GU4 IGI-šú DIŠ IGI dEN.LÍL GAR-nu "(The constellation) 'Taurus' [lit. 'The Bull of Heaven'], which is the bull whose face is positioned before Enlil" (Thureau-Dangin 1922, Pl. 91, No. 47, rev.).


842. Ellipse. 14 x 11. Bull walking profile left, head lowered, treading on plant; horizontal crescent above back.
► Anu-ab-utēr mār banê:
● 6/II/9; witness; protocol of hearing YOS 20 1 [] L4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0842_Y20_001_l4.png].
→ Cf. T1 (No. 843), T4: [...] (illegible); note witness #2: /Iddinâ//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #8: /Iddin-Anu; witness #11: /Anu-aḫḫē-iqīša. The scribed either mislabeled the caption at B1 (No. 427) or L2 (No. 410): Anu-aḫ-ittannu, or erred recording the personal name of one of the witnesses above, or; witness #5: Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Anu-ab-utēr<//Ekur-zakir?>.

843. Ellipse. 11+ x 9. Humpbacked bull, plant, crescent as above.
► Anu-ab-utēr mār banê:
● 6/II/9; witness; protocol of hearing YOS 20 1 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0843_Y20_001_T1.png].
→ See note at No. 842, above.

844. Ellipse. 15 x 10.5. Bull, plant, crescent as above.
► Nanâ-iddin/Kidin-Ištar arad ekalli:
● 28/IV/12; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 2 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0844_Y20_002_L3.png].

845. Ellipse. 17 x 12. Bull, plant, crescent as above.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Anu-zēr-līšer//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 8/II/[8-20]; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 11 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0845_Y20_011_B1.png]/YOS 20 12 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0845_Y20_012_B1.png].

846. Ellipse. 16 x 11. Bull and crescent as above.
► Anu-ab-utēr/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 20/IV/29; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 4 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0846_Cl04_T4].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 23.

847. Ellipse. 18 x 7. Humpbacked bull profile left, legs widely spread, head erect.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Iddinâ//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 1/III/57; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 16 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0847_Cl16_B2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 40.

AUWE 19 847'

AUWE 19 847'

847′. Pointed ellipse. Bull walking profile right; horizontal crescent above.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Balāṭu/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Luštammar-Adad.
● 27/I/78; seller; sale of prebend STUBM 54 [...]/STUBM 55 [] R2.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 186, Fig. 181 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0847'_GlypOr_Op3_R2.png]; SS III 708g.
→ Cap. R1-R2: un-qa PN un-qa md60-ŠEŠ-MU-nu lúna-din-na-ʾ GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ.
→ Cf. "a wild ass trotting - crescent above" (Loftus 1857, 231, No. 3/2); "lion et croissant" (Oppert and Ménant 1877, 312); "un coursier passant" (Ménant 1886, 186); "bull to right, crescent above" (SS III 708g).

848. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 9.5. Bull as above.
► Riḫat-Anu/Lā-bāši/Anu-mār-ittannu itinnu: ● 11/VII/82; divider; division of property BRM 2 24 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0848_Cl24_R1.png]/YOS 20 40 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0848_Y20_040_R1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 8 (BRM 2 24 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0848_Cl24_R1.png]).
→ Riḫat-Anu's son used a similar seal, No. 854, below.

849. Ellipse. 14 x 8. Bull as above; worn.
► Anu-uballissu:
● 17/XIIII/85; witness; sale of land YOS 20 42 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0849_Y20_042_B3.png].
→ Cf. L2 (No. 612); note witness #13: /Anu-uballiṭ//Sîn-leqi-unnini; witness #14: /Anu-ab-uṣur.

850. Ellipse fragment. 12+ x 13+. Humpbacked bull as above; horizontal crescent above rump; right lost.
► Nanâ-iddin:
● 20/IV/88; witness; division of property YOS 20 43 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0850_Y20_043_B1.png]/BiMes 24 53 [...].
→ Cf. B4 (No. 421): note witness #2: /Anu-zēr-iddin/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #10: /Mukin-apli//Ebabbar-šum-ibni.

851. Ellipse fragment. 16+ x 9. Humpbacked bull as above; horizontal crescent above back.
► Anu-ikṣur/Iddinâ//Aḫ-ūtu.:
● 24/III/89; witness; sale of land BRM 2 28 [] T5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0851_Cl28_T5.png]/BiMes 24 19 [] T5.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 72, and Pl. 39, U.E. (BiMes 24 19 [] T5).

852. Ellipse. 17 x 10. Humpbacked bull as above, tip of tail down between hind legs.
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 24/III/89; witness; sale of land BRM 2 28 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0852_Cl28_B3.png]/BiMes 24 19 [] B3;
● 7/-/84; witness; sale of land STUBM 60 [] T2;
● -/I/90; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 66 [] T2.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pls. II, second row, third from left; III, No. 19 (BRM 2 28 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0852_Cl28_B3.png]). SS III 713c (STUBM 60 [] T2); 716b (STUBM 66 [] T2). Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 75, and Pl. 38, Lo.E. (BiMes 24 28 [] B3).
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla AUWE 20 206-2.

853. Pointed ellipse. 13+ x 8. Bull as above; horizontal crescent above back.
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Anu-uballiṭ//Ḫunzû:
● 24/III/89; witness; sale of land BRM 2 28 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0853_Cl28_T4.png]/BiMes 24 19 [T4].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 4.

854. Pointed ellipse. 19 x 9.5. Bull as above.
► Lā-bāši/Riḫat-Anu/Lā-bāši:
● 24/III/89; guarantor; sale of land BRM 2 28 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0854_Cl28_R2.png]/BiMes 24 19 [] R2.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 7 (BRM 2 28 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0854_Cl28_R2.png]). Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 78, and Pl. 39, R.E. (BiMes 24 19 []R2).
→ Cap. un-qa mla-ba-ši mu-ru-qu.
→ Lā-bāši's father used a similar seal, No. 848, above.

855. Ellipse. 16 x 8.5. Bull as above; eight-pointed star right.
► Rabi-Anu/Dumqi-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 24/III/89; witness; sale of land BRM 2 28 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0855_Cl28_L2.png]/BiMes 24 19 [] L2.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 1 (BRM 2 28 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0855_Cl28_L2.png]). Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 80, and Pl. 38, Le.E. (BiMes 24 19 [] L2).
→ Cf. Nos. 872:A, 938, below
→ Compare closely SIS III AR 33.

856. Ellipse. 16 x 9. Humpbacked bull as above; multi-leaved plant right.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Rabi-Anu//Kurî:
● 24/III/89; witness; sale of land BRM 2 28 [] L5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0856_Cl28_L5.png]/BiMes 24 19 [] L5.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 35! (BRM 2 28 [] L5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0856_Cl28_L5.png]). Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 83, and Pl. 38, Le.E. (BiMes 24 19 [] L5).

857. Ellipse. 13+ x 6.5. Bull as above; top right lost.
► Anu-ikṣur:
● -/-/98; witness; division of property YOS 20 46 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0857_Y20_046_L1.png]
→ Fragmentary witness list.

858. Ellipse. 16 x 9. Bull as above confronting calf(?).
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Anu-uballiṭ//Ḫunzû:
● 4/˹I?˺/101; witness; sale of land VAS 15 41 [] T2;
● 10/X/107; witness; sale of prebend RIAA2 294 [] B3;
● 3/IX/108; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 52 [] T4;
● 23/-/109; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 76 [] T1;
● -/-/[108-109]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 50 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0858_Y20_050_L3.png];
● 4/V/[103-119]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 58 [] [ T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0858_Y20_058_T3.png]].
● 16/XII/[110-119]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 59 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0858_Y20_059_T1.png];
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *7-1; Jordan 1928, Taf. 88g (VAS 15 41 [] T2). Speleers 1917, 230, No. 198, first row, left (RIAA2 294 [] T4). SS III 726d (STUBM 76 [] T1).

859. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Bull as above; triangle above back; eight-pointed star right.
► Anu-qīšan/Ubār//Kidin-Marduk:
● 14/V/104; witness; sale of land YOS 20 48 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0859_Y20_048_L2.png]

860. Ellipse. 18 x 9. Bull as above; crab facing up at right.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Kidin-Anu/[...]:
● 14/IX/106; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 49 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0860_Y20_049_B2.png].

861. Pointed Ellipse. 16+ x 13. Humpbacked bull as above; horizontal crescent above back, diagonal spike right.
► Lā-bāši/Anu-zēr-līšer//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 12/II/116; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 55 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0861_Y20_055_T4.png]/BiMes 24 3(+)BaMB 2 132 [...];
● 24/VII/121; guarantor; sale of land VAS 15 44 [] R2.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *30-4 (VAS 15 44 [] R2).

862. Ellipse. 15+ x 8+. Bull as above; tip of tail down between hind legs; top lost.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Nanâ-iddin:
● 3/V/[120-124]; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 55 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0862_Cl55_T2.png].

863. Ellipse. 12 x 6. Bull as above; triangle right.
► Ardi-Ninurta/Anu-mār-ittannu/Nidintu-Ištar sepīr makkūr Anu:
● 18/X/124; witness; gift of land and slave CM 12 VIII [] T1;
● 20/-/129; witness; exchange of properties BRM 2 35 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0863_Cl35_T3.png];
● 16/XII/133; witness; sale of land BRM 2 37 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0863_Cl37_T2.png]/BiMes 24 23 [] T2.
→ Publ. CM 12 77 ( CM 12 VIII [] T1). Weisberg 1991, Pl. 55, U.E. (BiMes 24 23 [] T2).
→ Compare the position of the slightly raised left foreleg with the similarly posed fragmentary quadruped, No. 938, below; compare also the similarly posed right foreleg of the left-facing right-hand sphinx on a cylinder seal in the Pontifical Biblical Institute, said to be "Seleucid or Parthian work of the third or second century B.C." (Van Buren 1940, 42, No. 87, and Pl. 9, Fig. 87).

864. Ellipse. 7+ x 8. Humpbacked bull as above; horizontal crescent above back.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Kidin-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● 12/IV/115; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 78 [] T3/YOS 20 85 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0864_Y20_085_T4.png];
● -/-/-; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 83 [] L2.
→ Publ. SS III 727f (STUBM 78 [] T3); 766d (STUBM 83 [] L2).

865. Ellipse. 15+ x 11. Humpbacked bull as above; horizontal crescent above back.
► [...]:
● -/-/[90-125]; witness; sale of land BRM 2 9 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0865_Cl09_B1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 45.
→ Witness list lost.

866. Ellipse. 18+ x 10. Humpbacked bull as above; horizontal crescent above back; spike right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Illut-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 12/V/139; witness; sale of land BRM 2 38 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0866_Cl38_T3.png];
● 9/IX/149; witness; sale of land STUBM 99 [] B1.
→ Publ. SS III 740h (STUBM 99 [] B1).
→ The scribe omitted the caption un-qa from all edges but the right.

867. Pointed Ellipse. 15+ x 7. Humpbacked bull as above; six-pointed star right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Anu-bēlšunu/Nidintu-Anu//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 5/IV/150; witness; sale of land BRM 2 54 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0867_Cl54_T2.png]/BiMes 24 28 [] T2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 133, and Pl. 73, U.E. (BiMes 24 28 [] T2).

868. Ellipse. 15.5 x 11. Humpbacked bull as above; horizontal crescent above back; six-pointed star right.
► Illut-Anu/Anu-qīšan/Lā-qīp//Rēʾû-alpi:
● 5/IV/150; witness; sale of land BRM 2 54 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0868_Cl54_L1.png]/BiMes 24 28 [] L1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 139, and Pl. 72, Le.E. (BiMes 24 28 [] L1).

869. Pointed Ellipse. 15+ x 10. Humpbacked bull as above.
► Tattannu/Dumqi-Anu/Tattannu//Ḫunzû:
● 9/XII/151; witness; sale of land BRM 2 42 [](+)FuB 16 28f. 6+AoF 5 82f.[W 15034h] [B3]/YOS 20 80 [](+)AoF 5 88 24 B3;
● 20/XI/159; witness; sale of land VDI 1955/4 146f. III []B2.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *46-3 (FuB 16 28f. 6 B3). Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 177! (YOS 20 80 [] B3). Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 4 (VDI 1955/4 146f. III [] B2).

870. Ellipse. 17 x 8+. Humpbacked bull as above; horizontal crescent above back; bottom lost.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Illut-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 30/-/152; witness; sale of land BRM 2 41 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0870_Cl41_B3.png]/BiMes 24 35 []B3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 24, No. 155, and Pl. 94, Lo.E. (BiMes 24 35 [] B3).

871. Ellipse. 19 x 12.5. Bull as above; horizontal crescent left, right profile fish beneath rear hooves, eight-pointed star right.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Anu-aḫ-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● -/-/159; witness; sale of land YOS 20 77 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0871_Y20_077_T1.png]

872. Pointed Ellipse. 11 x 5. Bull as above; worn.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi(Anu-zēr-iddin)/Riḫat-Anu//Gimil-Anu:
● 20/VIII/165; witness; gift of land, slave, coat(?), pot(?) BRM 2 50 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0872_Cl50_L1.png]/RIAA2 295 [] L1.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 235, No. 203, fourth row, left (RIAA2 295 [] L1).

Other examples:

AUWE 19 872:A

AUWE 19 872:A

872:A. Pointed ellipse. Bull as above.
► Rabi-Anu/Dumqi-Anu:
● 18/I/68; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 44 []T2.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 184, Fig. 170 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0872A_GlypOr_Op2_T2.png]; SS III 698g.
→ Cf. Nos. 855, above, and 938, below.

872:B. Ellipse. Bull as above.
► Lā-bāši-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin paḫāru:
● -/VII/97; waiver; quitclaim BiMes 24 18 [][...]/BiMes 24 48 [] R1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 197, and Pl. 123, R.E. (R1).

872:C. Pointed ellipse. Humpbacked bull as above; horizontal crescent above back, six-pointed star right.>br/> ► Nidintu-Anu/Lā-bāši//Ekur-zakir:
● 4/VIII/99; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 68 [] T3/VDI 1955/4 154ff. VII [] T3.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Figs. 8, 9 (VDI 1955/4 154ff. VII [] T3). SS III 720b (STUBM 68 [] T3).

872:D. Humpbacked bull as above.
► Mannu-iqâp/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Anu-bēlšunu//Ekur-zakir:
● 29/IV/116; witness; quitclaim TCL 13 243 [] B1.
→ Publ. Rutten 1935, Pl. 2, No. 18.

872:E. Ellipse. 17 x 10. Humpbacked bull as above; indistinct object left, triangle above back.
► Kidin-Anu:
● 19/XII/[120-124?]; witness; sale of land VAS 15 22 [] T3.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *25-3; Schroeder 1916, 26, No. 22, o.R. (T3).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

872:F. Pointed ellipse. 19 x 10. Humpbacked bull as above, confronting column; horizontal crescent left, six-pointed star right.
► Tattannu/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 19/XII/[120-124?]; witness; sale of land VAS 15 22 [] B2′.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *25-8; Schroeder 1916, 26, No. 22, u.R. (B2′); Taf. 1, VAT 9163 u.R. (B2′).

872:G. Pointed ellipse. Bull as above; horizontal crescent above rump, six-pointed star right.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Lā-bāši/Līšer//Gimil-Anu:
● 10/III/165; witness; lease of prebend VDI 1955/4 157f. VIII []L1.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 10 (L1).
→ The user of this seal was the cuneiform scribe of two private business documents, one drawn up in 149 S.E. (JANEH 2 72ff), the second in 157 S.E. (BiMes 24 25 []).


873. Ellipse. 13.5 x 8. Bull leaping profile right; baseline.
► Anu-uballissu/Erība//Iddin-Enlil:
● 4/VII/12; witness; contract for work YOS 20 3 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0873_Y20_003_L2.png];
● 10/VI/15; witness; sale of slaves VDI 1955/4 139ff. I []B3;
● 16/VIII/16; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 8 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0873_Y20_008_B3.png];
● 20/IX/20; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 3 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0873_Cl03_B3].
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 2 (VDI 1955/4 139ff. I [] B3).
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB PN (VDI 1955/4 139ff. I [] B3).

874. Ellipse. 19 x 12+. Humpbacked bull as above; horizontal crescent above back.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Nanâ-iddin/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Ab-ṭāb:
● -/I/68; seller; sale of prebend YOS 20 33 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0874_Y20_033_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa mAŠ-qí-bit-d60 na-an-din GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ.

875. Ellipse. 18+ x 13. Humpbacked bull as above; baseline.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu:
● 1/IX/78; witness; sale of food allowance and prebend YOS 20 39 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0875_Y20_039_B3.png].
→ Cf. B2 (No. 994); note witness # 3: /Mukin-apli rēʾû ṣēri; witness #6: /Anu-mukīn-apli sepīr makkūr Anu.

876. Ellipse. 17+ x 9.5. Bull as above; fox(?) leaping profile right above, crab facing up below. ► Anu-mukīn-apli/Riḫat-Ištar/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ekur-zakir: ● 6/I/[95-96]; guarantor; sale of prebend YOS 20 84 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0876_Y20_084_R2.png].
→ Cap. ˹un˺-qa md60-DU-A lúmu-mar-ri-qa-an GIŠ.ŠUB.˹BA˺.

877. Ellipse. 14+ x 10. Bull as above; diagonal waning crescent right.
► Kidin-Anu/Illut-Anu sepīr makkūr Anu:
● 12(?)/IX/126; witness; sale of land OECT 9 53 [] T2;
● -/-/128; witness; sale of land YOS 20 66 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0877_Y20_066_B3.png];
● 28/V/[126-129]; witness; quitclaim OECT 9 54 [] B2/OECT 9 55 [] [...].

878. Ellipse. 15+ x 9. Humpbacked bull as above, head reversed, pawed by lion at left; horizontal crescent above rump.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin/Uṣuršu-Anu/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ebabbar-šum-ibni:
● 6/-/146; witness; sale of land YOS 20 72 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0878_Y20_072_T4.png].

Other examples:

878:A. Ellipse. 13 x 10. Bull as above.
► Kidin-Anu/Anu-mukīn-apli//Ekur-zakir:
● 26/VIII/6 Antig.; seller; sale of land TCL 13 234 [] R2.
→ Publ. Delaporte 1923, Pl. 121, Fig. 4c (R2).
→ Cap. un-qa mki-din-d60 na-din.MEŠ [...].MEŠ.


879. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 9.5. Humpbacked cow profile right; calf standing profile left beneath.
► Anu-bēlšunu:
● 10/IX/31; witness; gift of slave BRM 2 5 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0879_Cl05_L3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pls. II, third row, far right; III, No. 21.
→ Cf. B1 (No. 621); note witness #5: /Anu-aḫ-tuqqin//Bēl-usāt; witness #8: /Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Kurî.

880. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 11. Humpbacked cow as above; calf kneeling facing left beneath.
► Ardi-Rēš/Anu-mār-ittannu arad ekalli:
● 11/VII/82; witness; division of property BRM 2 24 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0880_Cl24_L2.png]/YOS 20 40 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0880_Y20_040_L2.png].


881. Ellipse. 16+ x 8.5. Recumbent(?) stag, head profile left; most of seal lost.
► Anu-zēr-iddin/Anu-mukīn-apli mār banê:
● 6/II/9; witness; protocol of hearing YOS 20 1 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0881_Y20_001_B2.png].

882. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 9. Stag leaping profile right; horizontal crescent above rump.
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Ardi-Ninurta sepīru:
● 1/III/57; witness; sale of allotment BRM 2 16 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0882_Cl16_T2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 15.

Other examples:

882:A. Delete entry.


883. Circular. 9.5 D. Horse leaping profile right; arcing branch left.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/[...]//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 30/III/154; witness; exchange of properties BRM 2 45 [] T1' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0883_Cl45_T1'_.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 208!

Other examples:

883:A. Previously No. 916:W. Circular impression. 10 D. Horse standing profile right; head lowered, left fore-hoof lifted beneath body; horizontal crescent top center; baseline.
► Kidin-Anu:
● 7/VII/171; witness; sale of prebend VAS 15 37 [] T3.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *11-3; Schroeder 1916, Taf. 1, VAT 8548 o.R. (T3).
→ Cf. L1 (No. 778:B); note witness #4: /[...]at-Anu/Anu-ikṣur//Luštammar-Adad; witness #5: Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Dumqi-Anu//Luštammar-Adad.


884. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 9. Dog leaping profile right; worn.
► Šamaš-īṭer/Balāṭu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 9/II/17; witness; sale of allotment YOS 20 10 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0884_Y20_010_T4.png].

885. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Dog as above; pawing eagle with spread wings with head turned left.
► Līšer/Zērīya//Gimil-Anu:
● 21/IX/49; witness; sale of allotment BRM 2 13 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0885_Cl13_T3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 176.

886. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 8. Dog as above, pawing and biting animal leg.
► Nanâ-iddin/Bani-apli//Luštammar-Adad:
● 2/XIIII/91; witness; sale of land YOS 20 45 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0886_Y20_045_T3.png].
→ Compare the larger ears of this breed with those on a dog shown leaping left on an Achaemenid stamp seal impression (Schmidt 1957, Pl. 14, No. 75).

Other examples:

886:A. Dog seated(?) profile left.
► Riḫat-Ištar:
● 29/IV/116; witness; quitclaim TCL 13 243 [] T2.
→ Publ. Rutten 1935, Pl. 2, No. 17.
→ Note witness #3: /Dumqi-Anu//Luštammar-Adad; witness #5: /Anu-bēlšunu//Luštammar-Adad.


887. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 11. Sheep walking profile right, head lost; curved baseline.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Anu-bēl-zēri//Luštammar-Adad:
● 20/IX/20; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 3 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0887_Cl03_L3.png].

888. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 10.5. Sheep as above, reversed head.
► Anu-šum-līšer/Anu-zēr-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 14/-/47; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 22 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0888_Y20_022_L3.png]
→ A second, more slender head appears to emerge from the sheep's neck, facing forward. Compare the Greek chimaera, where a goat's head and neck emerge from the juncture of the neck and back of an otherwise ordinary lion (e.g., Boardman 1970a, Pls. 322, 392 [Archaic]; 577 [Classical]).

889. Pointed ellipse. 15.5 x 9.5. Sheep as above, reversed head.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● 21/IX/49; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 13 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0889_Cl13_L1.png];
● 2/XI/50; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 23 []/YOS 20 23 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0889_Y20_023_T2.png];
● 7/-/[46-51]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 26 [] L4;
● 2/IX/[46-51]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 25 [] T1;
● -/-/[51-66]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 41 [] L3ʹ.
→ Publ. SS III 672a (STUBM 41 [] L3ʹ); 680h (STUBM 25 [] T1); 682i (STUBM 26 [] L4).
→ Anu-uballiṭ's brother, Riḫat-Ištar, used No. 890, below.

890+833:B. Ellipse. 14 x 8. Sheep as above; crab, facing right above back.
► Riḫat-Ištar/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● -/-/44; witness; lease of prebend STUBM 19 [] B1!;
● 15/XI/51; witness; sale of land BRM 2 14 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0890_Cl14_B4.png];
● 28/I/52; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 25 [] T5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0890_Y20_025_T5.png] ;
● 16/IV/54; witness; receipt for sale of land VDI 1955/4 142ff. II [] L3!;
● 1/IV/55; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 28 [] B2;
● 1/III/57; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 16 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0890_Cl16_L2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 17! (BRM 2 14 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0890_Cl14_B4.png]). Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 3 (VDI 1955/4 142ff. II [] L3). SS III 669b (STUBM 19 [] B1); 688g (STUBM 28 [] B2).
→ STUBM 19 [] B1 is miscaptioned Riḫat-Ištar; VDI 1955/4 142ff. II [] L3. is miscaptioned Riḫat-Bēl.
→ Riḫat-Ištar's brother, Anu-uballiṭ, used No. 889, above.

891. Ellipse. 15 x 8. Ram as above, head reversed, sex indicated.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Ištar-šum-eriš//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 17/XIIII/85; witness; sale of land YOS 20 42 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0891_Y20_042_L1.png] ;
● 20/IV/88; witness; division of property [BiMes 24 43 []]/YOS 20 43 [] [ L4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0891_Y20_043_L4.png]]/BiMes 24 53 [...];
● -/-/[66-90];witness; sale of prebend VAS 15 26 [] B3.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *19-1 (VAS 15 26 [] B3).
→ The scribe erroneously attributed YOS 20 43 [] L1 (No. 987) to this sealer.

892. Ellipse. 14 x 8.5. Sheep as above; full front(?) bull head left, horizontal crescent above rump; two-handled vessel right.
► [...]:
● 25/II/154; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 44 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0892_Cl44_L1.png].
→ Note witness #2: Zērīya/Anu-ušallim/Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad; witness #3: Anu-uballiṭ/Tanittu-Anu/Balāṭu//Luštammar-Adad; witness #4: Balāṭu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Balāṭu//Luštammar-Adad; witness #5: Zērīya/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Zērīya//Gimil-Anu. Note the undamaged blank area to the right of the seal, implying a short name was written in the damaged area to the left; e.g., #4: Balāṭu, written mTIN.

893. Pointed ellipse. 8.5 x 18. Ram as above; sex indicated.
► Mannu-iqâp/Anu-uballiṭ//Kurî:
● 3/IX/157; witness; lease of prebend BRM 2 47 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0893_Cl47_T1.png].
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi:
● -/-/[150-166]; witness; sale of land FuB 16 38f. 25 B1.
→ Publ. AUWE 19 *39-4 (FuB 16 38f. B1).

→ Anu-balāssu-iqbi may have acquired No. 893 from Mannu-iqâp who replaced No. 893 with No. 894 sometime between 3/IX/157 and 20/VIII/165.

894. Pointed ellipse. 9 x 16. Ram as above; diagonal waxing crescent above rump.
► Mannu-iqâp/Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-ab-uṣur//Kurî:
● 20/VIII/165; witness; gift of land, slave, coat(?), pot(?) BRM 2 50 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0894_Cl50_T3.png]/RIAA2 295 [] T3.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 227 (BRM 2 50 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0894_Cl50_T3.png]). Speleers 1917, 235, No. 203, second row, far right (RIAA2 295 [] T3).
→ This seal replaced No. 893, above.


895+897:C. Ellipse. 17+ x 10. Goat leaping profile right, sex indicated; crab right; seven(?)-pointed star above back, horizontal crescent right.
► Lā-bāši-Anu/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● -/V/[78-90]; seller; sale(?) of ? VAS 15 21 [] T4;
● 1/IV/96; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 29 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0895_Cl29_B1.png];
● 4/VIII/99; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 68 [B1]VDI 1955/4 154ff. VII []B1.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *3-3 (VAS 15 21 [] T4). Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 8 ( VDI 1955/4 154ff. VII [] B1). Schroeder 1916, 25, No. 21 o.R. (VAS 15 21 [] T4); Taf. 1, VAT 9165 o.R. (VAS 15 21 [] T4).
→ Two impressions of this seal occur on ring-bulla CBCY 5 21 []-1 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY21-01.png], 2 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY21-02.png].

896. Ellipse. 12 x 7. Goat as above.
► Anu-ittannu/Anu-ab-uṣur/Tanittu-Anu//Gimil-Anu:
● 9/IX/149; witness; sale of land STUBM 99 [] B2;
● 1/XI/149; witness; sale of land BRM 2 39 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0896_Cl39_B3.png].
→ Publ. SS III 740i (STUBM 99 [] B2).

897. Ellipse. 12 x 6. Goat walking profile right; vessel with one loop handle right.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 8/III/166; witness; sale of land BRM 2 49 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0897_Cl49_B2.png]/AoF 5 10 [...].
→ Cf. T1 (No. 807); the personal names of witness #1-7 are lost.

Other examples:

AUWE 19 897:A+897:B

AUWE 19 897:A+897:B

897:A+897:B. Pointed ellipse. Goat leaping profile right; horizontal crescent above back, indistinct star right.
► Lā-bāši-Anu/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 26/VIII/6[0-66]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 43 [] B1;
● 27/I/78; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 54 [] L4/STUBM 55 [] L4;
● 20,III,82; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 21 [] T1;
● 18/V/82; witness; quitclaim STUBM 57 [] T3;
● 7/-/84; witness; sale of land STUBM 60 [] B5.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 187, Fig. 187 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0897A+B_GlypOr_Op3_L4.png] (STUBM 55 [] L4). SS III 694e (STUBM 43 [] B1); 708p (STUBM 55 [] L4); 709i (STUBM 54 [] L4); 710g (STUBM 57 [] T3); 713d (STUBM 60 [] B5). Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 90, and Pl. 47, U.E. (BiMes 24 21 [] T1).
→ This seal eventually replaced by No. 895+897:C, above.

897:B. Relocated to No. 897:A.

897:C. Relocated to No. 895+897:C.

897:D. Ellipse. Goat as above.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 3/II/131; witness; sale of landBiMes 24 22 [] L2/YOS 20 67 [...].
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 99, and Pl. 50, Le.E. (L2).
→ Cf. B2 (lost), L1 (No. 755:L); note witness #2: /Ana-rabûtīka-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #6: /Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Illut-Anu//Ḫunzû; witness #7: /Uṣuršu-Anu//Ḫunzû.


898. Scarab(oid)? 19 x 15. Rodent leaping profile left.
► Tattannu/Balāṭu//Ekur-zakir:
● 20/IX/20; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 3 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0898_Cl03_B1.png].
→ In view of the early date (20 S.E.) of the tablet bearing this impression, its size and shape suggest that it was made by a scarab or scaraboid, a gem form which became extinct in the early Hellenistic period.


899. Ellipse. 13 x 11. Cow(?) with udders(?) recumbent(?) profile left; horizontal crescent above back; thick baseline.
► Qīšti-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Lā-bāši:
● 5/IV/8; witness; lease of land BRM 2 1 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0899_Cl01_T2].

900. Ellipse. 12+ x 11+. Quadruped walking(?) profile left; curved baseline.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 12/V/9; witness; sale of slaves BRM 2 2 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0900_Cl02_L1.png].
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mni-din-tu4-d60.
→ Cf. B1 (No. 373); note witness #4: /Tanittu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #5: /Lā-bāši//Ḫunzû.

[return to top]

Seals 901-1000

901. Ellipse. 13.5+ x 8. Quadruped leaping profile right; horizontal crescent above back, indistinct object right.
► Anu-zēr-iddin:
● 22/XI/14; witness; sale of ? YOS 20 6 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0901_Y20_006_B1.png].
→ Cf. T1 (No. 617); note witness #1: /Anu-mukīn-apli//Ekur-zakir; witness #2: /Ina-qibīt-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu.

902. Ellipse. 11.5 x 9. Hare(?) profile right.
► Lā-bāši/Nidintu-Anu/Lā-bāši//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 13/IX/[17-19]; seller; sale of slave BRM 2 25 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0902_Cl25_R2.png].
→ Compare a seal in the Royal Ontario Museum depicting "some kind of animal with long backward sloping horns or ears, long legs, and a short tail; possibly a hare," attributed to the Parthian period (Meek 1943, 11, and No. 51).

903. Ellipse. 14 x 7. Quadruped profile right, tail down; horizontal crescent above back.
► fIna-banât-Nanâ/Anu-mukīn-apli/Ubār//Kurî:
● 10/IX/31; donor; gift of slave BRM 2 5 [] R1.
→ Cap. un-qa AŠ-DÙ-dna-na-a na-din-at LÚ-ut-tì MU.MEŠ.

904. Ellipse. 19 x 10.5. Humpbacked cow(?) walking profile left; horizontal crescent above back.
► Nanâ-iddin/Anu-uballiṭ//Ḫunzû:
● 10/IX/31; witness; gift of slave BRM 2 5 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0904_Cl05_T3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 29.

905. Ellipse. 17 x 9.5. Goat(?) leaping profile left with reversed head.
► Rabi-Anu/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ekur-zakir:
● 20/VI/71; witness; sale of land BRM 2 20 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0905_Cl20_B3.png]/YOS 20 34 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0905_Y20_034_B3.png].

906. Ellipse. 18 x 9. Top view(?) of recumbent quadruped facing right.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Anu-ikṣur//Luštammar-Adad.
● 22/II/77; guarantor; sale of prebend STUBM 49 [] R4/YOS 20 37 [] R4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0906_Y20_037_R4.png]
→ Cap. un-qa md60-DUMU-MU-nu DUMU šá md60-ik-ṣur.
→ Publ. SS III 712p (STUBM 49 [] R4).

907. Relocated to No. 8410+907.

908. Ellipse. 12+ x 8. Quadruped walking profile right; branch(?) left, horizontal crescent above back; fragment of star right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/[...]:
● 13/-/[123-125]; witness; dedication of slaves YOS 20 62 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0908_Y20_062_T2.png].

909. Ellipse. 15 x 8.5. Quadruped as above; horizontal crescent above back, six-pointed star right.
► Lā-bāši/Nidintu-Anu/Anu-ab-uṣur//Kurî:
● 18/-/138; witness; lease of prebend YOS 20 69 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0909_Y20_069_B1.png].

910. Ellipse. 13.5 x 7. Quadruped as above; indistinct object right.
► Kidin-Anu/Mušēzib-Anu/Kidin-Anu atû makkūr Anu:
● -/V/[144-150]; seller; sale of land YOS 20 83 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0910_Y20_083_R1.png] .
→ Cap. un-˹qamBÁR˺-d60 na-din É MU.MEŠ.
→ What, in the photograph, appears to be the hump of a buffalo is merely the broken surface of the impression.

911. Ellipse. 13 x 7. Quadruped profile left; indistinct object left.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● -/-/[≥ 152]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 88 [] B3' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0911_Y20_088_B3'.png].
→ Fragmentary witness list.

912. Ellipse. 15 x 10. Quadruped leaping profile right; horizontal crescent above rump, profile right fish beneath, four-pointed star right.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Nidintu-Anu bāʾeru:
● 17/XI/155; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 46 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0912_Cl46_L1.png]/YOS 20 75 [](+)FuB 16 37 22 L1.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. III, No. 2! (BRM 2 46 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0912_Cl46_L1.png]).

913. Ellipse. 15+ x 7+. Quadruped walking profile left; sex indicated.
► Anu-mār-ittannu:
● 1/VIII/160; witness; sale of land AoF 5 85 4+AoF 5 85 5 [...]/BRM 2 48 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0913_Cl48_T2.png].
→ Cf. B2 (No. 1022); note witness #7: /Nidintu-Ištar/Anu-mār-ittannu sepīr makkūr Anu; witness #8: /Sumuttu-Anu/Anu-mār-ittannu//Sîn-leqi-unnini.

914. Ellipse. 17 x 10.5. Quadruped walking profile right; horizontal crescent above back.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Kidin-Anu/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ekur-zakir:
● 24/II/[151-161]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 79 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0914_Y20_079_L1.png].

915. Elliptical fragment. 10.5 x 10. Quadruped recumbent profile right.
► [Anu-balāssu-iqbi]:
● -/II/163; witness; sale of land BIN 2 136 [ B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0915_BN2_136_B2.png]].
→ Publ. Nies and Keiser 1920, Pl. 56, No. 136 Lo.E. (B2).
→ Cf. B1 (lost); note witness #2: /Anu-aḫ-ittannu[//...]; witness #4: /Tattan[nu//...].

916. Concave elongated hexagon. 12 x 7. Sheep(?) walking as above with reversed head; diagonal waxing crescent right.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Anu-bēlšunu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 20/VIII/165; witness; gift of land, slave, coat(?), pot(?) BRM 2 50 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0916_Cl50_B2.png]/RIAA2295 [] B2.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 180 (BRM 2 50 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0916_Cl50_B2.png]). Speleers 1917, 235, No. 203, third row, middle (RIAA2295 [] B2).

Other examples:

916:A. Ellipse. Quadruped standing profile right.
► Iqīšâ/Ištar-šum-eriš//Ekur-zakir:
● 10/IV/12; witness; sale of prebend VDI 1955/4 152f. VI []T4.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 7 (T4).
→ Cap. ˹NA4˺.[KIŠIB] mBA-šá-a.
→ Iqīšâ compiled an extensive collection of canonical tablets (Clay 1923, No. 20; Hunger 1976, Nos. 14, 80, 90, 94, 96; Langdon 1915, 73ff.; Thureau-Dangin 1922, Nos. 9(?), 17, 34; von Weiher 1983, Nos. 5, 6, 18, 21, 25, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 43, 44, 51(?); von Weiher 1988, Nos. 65, 85, 97, 104, 105; von Weiher 1993, Nos. 140, 150, 158, 159, 162); his titles include āšipu ("exorcist") and ērib bīt Anu u Antu ("one who may enter the temple of Anu and Antu").

916:B. Ellipse. Lion(?) leaping(?) profile right with leg(?) at right; indistinct object above rump; linear border.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 10/VI/15; witness; sale of slaves VDI 1955/4 139ff. I []L4.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 2 (L4).
→ Cf. T3 (No. 616:D); note witness #2: /Šeški-Anu//Sîn-leqi-unnini; witness #6: /Lā-bāši//Aḫ-ūtu.
→ Cap. ˹NA4˺.[KIŠIB] PN.

916:C. Pointed ellipse. Bull(?) leaping profile right; horizontal crescent above neck, baseline.
► Ṭābīya/Aplâ:
● 10/VI/15; witness; sale of slaves VDI 1955/4 139ff. I [] B2.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 2 (B2).
→ Cap. NA4.[KIŠIB] PN.

916:D. Relocated to No. 668+916:D.

916:E. Pointed ellipse. Winged(?) quadruped facing right.
► Anu-zēr-līšer/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 16/IV/54; witness; receipt for sale of land VDI 1955/4 142ff. II [] L2.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 3 (L2).

916:F. Ellipse. Quadruped leaping profile right.
► Mannu-iqâp/Lā-bāši//Kurî:
● 16/IV/54; witness; receipt for sale of land VDI 1955/4 142ff. II [] B3.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 3 (B3).

916:G. Ellipse. Quadruped standing profile right.
► fNidintu/Anu-ab-uṣur:
● 16/IV/54; witness; receipt for sale of land VDI 1955/4 142ff. II []R1.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 3 (R1).
→ Cap. [un]-˹qa˺[mí]ni-din-tu4 DUMU.MÍ šámd60-AD-URU3.

AUWE 19 916:H

AUWE 19 916:H

916:H. Pointed ellipse. Quadruped walking profile right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Mušēzib-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 27/I/78; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 54 [] L1/STUBM 55 []L1.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 187, Fig. 184 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0916H_GlypOr_Op3_L1.png]; SS III 708o (STUBM 55 [] L1).

916:I. Relocated to No. 847'.

916:J. Pointed ellipse. Quadruped leaping(?) profile right.
► Anu-ittannu/Illut-Anu:
● 20/III/82; seller; sale of land BiMes 24 21 [] R2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 93, and Pl. 47, R.E. (R2).

916:K. Ellipse. Quadruped recumbent(?) profile right; horizontal crescent upper left, triangle right.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu-ultazziz/Anu-bēlšunu//Kurî:
● 2/VI/82; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 26 []T1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 108, and Pl. 65, U.E. (T1).

916:L. Ellipse. Quadruped leaping profile left.
► Nidintu-Anu/Kidin-Anu/Ištar-aḫḫē-iddin:
● 2/VI/82; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 26 [] L2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 118, and Pl. 64, Le.E. (L2).

916:M. Ellipse. Quadruped leaping profile right; triangle above back.
► [...]:
● -/-/[53?-83?]; witness; quitclaim BiMes 24 42 [] B3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 24, No. 168, and Pl. 104, Lo.E. (B3).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

916:N. Ellipse. Quadruped walking profile right; star right.
► [...]:
● 10/XI/85; witness; division of property BiMes 24 46 [] B3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, Pl. 190, and Pl. 116, Lo.E. (B3).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

916:O. Ellipse. Quadruped leaping(?) profile right.
► Līšer:
● -/XI/[86-90]; witness; sale of meat offering BiMes 24 5 []T4.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 22, and Pl. 9, U.E. (T4).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

916:P. Ellipse. Quadruped walking profile right.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● -/XI/[86-90]; witness; sale of meat offering BiMes 24 5 [] T3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 21, and Pl. 9, U.E. (T3).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

916:Q. Relocated to No. 40:Cʺ.

916:R. Pointed ellipse. Quadruped leaping profile right.
► [...]:
● 3/VIII/121; witness; sale of prebend BiMes 24 6 [] T2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 24, and Pl. 11, U.E. (T2).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

916:S. Ellipse. 15+ x 9. Quadruped recumbent profile right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Sumuttu-Anu/Nanâ-iddin//Kurî:
● 18/X/124; witness; gift of land and slave CM 12 VIII [] L2.
→ Publ. CM 12 80.

916:T. Ellipse. Quadruped walking profile right.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● -/V/[90?-125?]; witness; sale of prebend BiMes 24 17 [] T3′.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 69, and Pl. 33, U.E. (T3′).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

916:U. Ellipse. Quadruped as above; diagonal waxing crescent above rump, star top center.
► Anu-[...]:
● 10/-/141; witness; sale of prebend BiMes 24 10 [] T2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 35, and Pl. 17, U.E. (T2).
→ Note witness #3: Anu-ab-utēr/Anu-zēr-līšer//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #4: Anu-mār-ittannu/Tanittu-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #5: Anu-ab-utēr/Zērīya/Anu-ušallim//Gimil-Anu.

916:V. Ellipse. Quadruped as above; horizontal crescent above back.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-balāssu-iqbi/[...]-uṣur//Kurî:
● 19/-/148; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 27 [] L2/BiMes 24 29 [L2].
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 127, and Pl. 68, Le.E. (BiMes 24 27 L2).

916:W. Relocated to No. 883:A.


917. Ellipse. 12 x 9. Large profile right animal (lion?) at left above back of smaller profile right animal at right.
► Nanâ-iddin:
● 9/II/17; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 10 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0917_Y20_010_B1.png].
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mdna-na-a-MU.
→ Cf. L3 (No. 110); note witness #6: /d[...]//[...]; witness #8: /Anu-[...]//[...].

Other examples:

917:A. Pointed ellipse. Two non-descript quadrupeds facing each other(?); inverted horizontal crescent(?) bottom center.
► Illut-Anu:
● 10/-/141; witness; sale of prebend BiMes 24 10 [] L1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 40, and Pl. 16, Le.E. (L1).
→ Cf. B3 (No. 114:D); note witness #6: /Ina-qibīt-Anu/Nidintu-Ištar//[Kurî]; witness #8: /Kidin-Anu/[...].

917:B. Pointed ellipse. Large quadruped (lion?) at left facing right, smaller creature (sheep?) facing right(?) at right.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/[...]/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● ˹1(+)˺/I/162; witness; sale of prebend BiMes 24 12 [] B3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, Pl. 20, Lo.E. (B3).
→ Compare with No. 777, above!


918. Elliptical fragment. 12+ x 10. Quadruped recumbent profile left.
► Nanâ-iddin/Anu-uballiṭ/Nanâ-iddin//Ekur-zakir:
● 6/II/9; defendant; protocol of hearing YOS 20 1 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0918_Y20_001_R2.png].
→ Cap. R1-R3: un-qa mPN un-qa mdna-na-a-MU un-qamPN2 DUMU.MEŠ šá md60-TIN-iṭ.

919. Ellipse. 17+ x 17. Quadruped walking profile right, left foreleg raised, head reversed(?).
► Nanâ-iddin/Ina-qibīt-Anu mār banê:
● 6/II/9; witness; protocol of hearing YOS 20 1 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0919_Y20_001_L3.png]

920. Ellipse. 14 x 7.5. Quadruped leaping(?) profile right.
► Anu-ab-utēr/Iddinâ//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 12/V/9; witness; sale of slaves BRM 2 2 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0920_Cl02_T3.png].
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB md60-AD-GUR.

921. Pointed ellipse. 17+ x 5.5. Quadruped standing profile right; left profile lion head at right.
► Anu-ab-utēr/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 28/IV/12; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 2 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0921_Y20_002_B2.png].

922. Ellipse. 13 x 7+. Quadruped standing profile left.
► Rabi-Anu/Anu-zēr-ibni//Kurî:
● 28/IV/12; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 2 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0922_Y20_002_B3.png].

923. Ellipse. 11+ x 7+. Quadruped leaping profile right; left half lost.
► Ana-rabûtīka-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Aḫ-ūtu:
● ˹3(+)˺/I/17; seller; sale of slave YOS 20 9 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0923_Y20_009_R1.png]
→ Cap. [un]-˹qa˺ [mDIŠ-GAL-ka-d60 A] md60-ŠEŠ-GÁL-ši.

924. Ellipse. 6+ x 5+. Bull head profile right; fragment of star right; left half lost.
► [...]:
● -/-/[≤ 17]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 86 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0924_Y20_086_B1.png].
→ Fragmentary witness list.

925. Pointed ellipse. 18+ x 11+. Bull(?) leaping profile right; horizontal crescent above back.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Kidin-Anu:
● 28/XII/29; witness; sale of land YOS 20 16 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0925_Y20_016_B4.png].

926. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 8.5. Quadruped as above.
► Anu-ikṣur/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 3/X/35; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 8 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0926_Cl08_B1.png].

927. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 10. Bull(?) as above; horizontal crescent above back.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● 26/XI/35; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 9 [] T4/YOS 20 17 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0927_Y20_017_T4.png]
→ Cf. T2 (No. 1067), T5 (No. 622); note witness #2: /Anu-mukīn-apli//Gimil-Anu; witness #6: /Anu-uballiṭ//Luštammar-Adad; witness #11: /Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad.
→ Publ. SS III 659j (STUBM 9 []T4).

928. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Quadruped as above.
► Līšer/Zērīya/Anu-ušallim//Gimil-Anu:
● 26/XI/35; seller; sale of prebend STUBM 9 [] R1/YOS 20 17 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0928_Y20_017_R1.png]
→ Cap. R1-R3: un-qa mli-GIŠ un-qa mPN un-qa mPN2 na-din.MEŠ GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ DUMU.MEŠ šá mNUMUN-ia.
→ Publ. SS III 659q (STUBM 9 []R1).

929. Ellipse. 8+ x 5. Quadruped leaping profile left.
► fBēlessunu/Ubār:
● 2/VI/37; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 10 [] R5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0929_Cl10_R5.png].
→ Publ. Doty 1979, 195, Fig. 1 (R5).
→ Cap. un-qa ˹NIN˺-su-˹nu˺ DUMU.MÍ šá mú-bar.

930. Elliptical fragment. 14+ x 5.5. Lion(?) profile right; right half lost.
► Šamaš-īṭer/Balāṭu:
● 2/VI/37; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 10 [] B6.

931. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 7+. Quadruped walking profile right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Kurî:
● 1/IV/38; witness; sale of land YOS 20 19 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0931_Y20_019_T2.png]

932. Ellipse. 17 x 9+. Quadruped leaping(?) profile right.
► Anu-zēr-iddin/Nanâ-iddin//Ekur-zakir:
● 19/XII/41; donor; donatio mortis causa YOS 20 20 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0932_Y20_020_R1.png] R1.

933. Elliptical fragment. 9+ x 9+. Quadruped profile left(?); left half lost.
► [...]/[...]//Ekur-zakir:
● -/-/[≤43]; witness; receipt for sale of land YOS 20 89 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0933_Y20_089_T2.png].
→ Cap. [...] A mÉ.KUR-za-kir.

934. Elliptical fragment. 9+ x 4+. Quadruped standing profile left; left half lost.
► [...]/[...]//E[...]:
● -/-/[≤43]; witness; receipt for sale of land YOS 20 89 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0934_Y20_089_T3.png].
→ Cap. [...] A mÉ.[...].

935. Ellipse. 16 x 8+. Female(?) quadruped standing profile right above profile right young(?).
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Nanâ-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//Kidin-Marduk:
● 2/XI/50; seller; sale of prebend YOS 20 23 []/YOS 20 24 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0935_Y20_024_R1.png] .
→ Cap. [un-qa mAŠ-qí-bit-d60 na-din˺-na GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ.

936. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 7+. Quadruped leaping profile right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Nidintu-Anu/Anu-zēr-līšer//Ḫunzû:
● 15/XI/51; witness; sale of land BRM 2 14 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0936_Cl14_B2.png].

937. Ellipse. 12+ x 7.5. Quadruped facing profile right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Anu-ab-uṣur(Illut-Anu)/Kidin-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 28/I/52; seller; sale of prebend YOS 20 25 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0937_Y20_025_R1.png].
→ Cap. md60-˹ŠEŠ-MU-nu˺ na-din-na ˹GIŠ˺.[ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ].

938. Ellipse. 14 x 8. Horned(?) horse(?)/bull(?) trotting profile right; four-pointed star right.
► Rabi-Anu/Dumqi-Anu:
● 17/XI/51; witness; sale of prebend TCL 13 237 [] B2;
● 6/VIII/53; witness; sale of land YOS 20 26 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0938_Y20_026_T1.png].
→ Compare the position of the slightly raised left foreleg with the similarly posed bull, No. 863, above; compare also the similarly posed right foreleg of the left-facing right-hand sphinx on a cylinder seal in the Pontifical Biblical Institute, said to be "Seleucid or Parthian work of the third or second century B.C." (Van Buren 1940, 42, No. 87; Pl. 9, Fig. 87).

939. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 9+. Lion(?) leaping profile right.
► Ina-qibīt-Ištar/Nidintu-Anu:
● 22/VIII/61; divider; division of property YOS 20 28 [] R3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0939_Y20_028_R3.png].

940. Ellipse. 16 x 9. Quadruped as above.
► [...]-Anu:
● 25/I/[52-63]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 96 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0940_Y20_096_B2.png]
→ Fragmentary witness list.

941. Elliptical fragment. 12+ x 10+. Bull(?) as above; indistinct object beneath.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin/Anu-uballiṭ/Nidintu-Anu/Anu-zēr-līšer//Ḫunzû:
● 21/VIII/63; guarantor; sale of prebend YOS 20 29 [] R3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0941_Y20_029_R3.png].
→ Cap. un-qa md60-˹ŠEŠ-MU˺ mu-ru-[...].
→ Cf. No. 426:A, above.

942. Ellipse. 19 x 9.5. Bull(?) as above; horizontal crescent(?) above back.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 21/VIII/63; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 29 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0942_Y20_029_L2.png].
→ Cf. B4 (lost); note witness #10: /Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #11: /Anu-aḫ-ittannu.

943. Elliptical fragment. 8+ x 5+. Quadruped recumbent(?) profile right; right half overstruck.
► [...] itinnu:
● 22/III/67; assignee; duty roster BRM 2 17 [] R10 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0943_Cl17_R10.png].
→ The right edge is captioned un-qa.MEŠ šá DÍM.MEŠ, and shows eleven tightly overlapping impressions, none individually identified by owner. The tablet contains two lists naming eleven and ten assignees, respectively, ana epēš dulli ("to perform the ritual").

944. Elliptical fragment. 15+ x 10+. Human-headed bull(?) facing profile right, wearing feathered crown(?).
► Lā-bāši/Anu-uballiṭ/Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 2/II/71; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 19 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0944_Cl19_T1.png].

945. Ellipse. 14 x 8.5. Lion(?) standing profile right; raised linear border.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
. ● 20/VI/71; witness; sale of land BRM 2 20 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0945_Cl20_B2.png]/YOS 20 34 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0945_Y20_034_B2.png];
● 14/XIIII/77; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 22 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0945_Cl22_T2.png]/BiMes 24 1 [] T2;
● 11/VII/82; witness; division of property BRM 2 24 [] T5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0945_Cl24_T5.png]!/YOS 20 40 [] T5.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, Pl. 3, U.E. (BiMes 24 1 [] T2).
→ BRM 2 24 [] T5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0945_Cl24_T5.png] is miscaptioned md60-TIN-iṭ.
→ All six impressions are poor despite the well-preserved state of several of the tablets bearing them; this must be a reflection of the quality of the original seal and/or the material from which it was made.

946. Ellipse. 18 x 8.5. Quadruped as above; horizontal crescent above back.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Illut-Anu/Kidin-Anu sepīru:
● 17/XIIII/85; seller; sale of land YOS 20 42 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0946_Y20_042_R1.png]. → Cap. un-qa md60-DUMU-MU-nu lúna-din-na É u KI.ŠUB.˹BA-šú˺ MU.MEŠ.

947. Ellipse. 12 x 8. Quadruped walking(?) profile right.
► Ardi-Ninurta/Illut-Anu/Kidin-Anu:
● 17/XIIII/85; guarantor; sale of land YOS 20 42 [] [ R3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0947_Y20_042_R3.png]].
→ Cap. R2-R3: un-qa PN un-qa ˹m˺[ÌR-dMAŠ] mu-ru-qu-ʾ.
→ Compare the pose of No. 862, above.

948. Pointed ellipse. 9+ x 9. Quadruped leaping profile right; right half lost.
► [...]:
● -/-/[67-89]; donor?/witness?; gift of land YOS 20 93 [] L2′ [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0948_Y20_093_L2′.png].
→ Cap. na-din x-x written between impressions L1′ and L2′.
→ Note donor #1: Anu-ab-utēr/Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad, donor #2: Dannat-Bēlti/Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad, donor #3: Anu-ikṣur/Kidin-Anu//Luštammar-Adad, donor #4: [...]-Bēlti/Anu-uballiṭ//Luštammar-Adad, donor #5: Anu-qīšan/Libluṭ//Luštammar-Adad, donor #6: Dannat-Bēlti</[...]>//Luštammar-Adad, donor #7: [...].MEŠ</[...]>//Luštammar-Adad, donor #8: Anu-ab-uṣur/Šibqāt-Anu//Luštammar-Adad; witness #1: Nidintu-Anu/Anu-bēlšu[nu]//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #2: [...]/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Gimil-Anu; witness #4: [...]/Mannu-iqâp//Kurî; witness #5: Nidintu-d[...]/[...]/Aḫ-ūtu; witness #6: Anu-ab-utēr/Anu-TIN-[...]//[...]; witness #7: [...]/Kidin-Anu//Ḫunzû.

949. Elliptical fragment. 12+ x 8+. Quadruped profile left; indistinct curved object at upper left (horn?).
► Šamaš-ittannu/Anu-ušallim//Luštammar-Adad:
● 2/XIIII/91; witness; sale of land YOS 20 45 [] [ T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0949_Y20_045_T4.png]].

950. Pointed ellipse. 7+ x 7+. Lion(?) leaping profile right; right half lost.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● -/-/[98]; witness; division of property YOS 20 46 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0950_Y20_041_T2.png]
→ Fragmentary witness list.

951. Ellipse. 13 x 7+. Quadruped leaping profile right.
► Sumuttu-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ/d[...]:
● 15/X/100; seller; sale of prebend YOS 20 47 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0951_Y20_047_R1.png]
→ Cap. ˹un˺-qa [msu-mutut]-˹tu4˺-d60 na-din GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ.

952. Ellipse. 19 x 8. Bull(?) as above.
► Idat-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ebabbar-šum-ibni:
● 14/V/104; witness; sale of land YOS 20 48 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0952_Y20_048_T4.png]

953. Ellipse. 17+ x 12+. Quadruped walking profile right.
► Kidin-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Kidin-Anu arad ekalli: ● -/-/[90-108]; guarantor; sale of land YOS 20 97 [] T5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0979_Y20_037_T5.png]

954. Ellipse. 12+ x 8. Quadruped leaping profile right.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/[...]:
● -/-/[108-109]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 50 [] T3.

955. Relocated to No. 651ʹ.

956. Ellipse. 11 x 6. Quadruped as above.
► Šamaš-ittannu:
● -/-/[90-125]; witness; sale of land BRM 2 9 [] L1.
→ Witness list lost.

957. Pointed ellipse. 11+ x 6+. Quadruped walking profile right; horizontal crescent left; right half lost.
► Kidin-Anu/Lā-bāši/d[...]:
● 13/-/[123-125]; witness; dedication of slaves YOS 20 62 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0957_Y20_062_T3.png].

958. Ellipse. 15 x 10. Quadruped walking(?) as above; horizontal crescent above back.
► [...]-Anu/Nidintu-Anu/[...]:
● -/-/˹127(+)˺; seller; ? MLC 2158 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0958_MLC2158_R1.png]

959. Ellipse. 10+ x 8.5. Quadruped walking(?) as above; horizontal crescent left right half lost.
► Anu-[...]/[..]-x-A/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● ˹8(+)˺/˹IV/VII˺/128; guarantor; sale of land YOS 20 65 [] R2.

960. Pointed ellipse. 14 x 9+. Quadruped recumbent(?) profile right.
► Ša-Anu-iššû/[...]//Ekur-zakir:
● ˹8(+)˺/˹IV/VII˺/128; witness; sale of land YOS 20 65 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0960_Y20_065_T2.png].

961. Relocated to No. 767ʹ.

962. Relocated to No. 1000:Bʹ.

963. Pointed ellipse. 13.5 x 7. Quadruped leaping as above, tail back; star(?) right; indistinct.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Lā-bāši/Līšer//Gimil-Anu:
● 5/IV/150; witness; sale of land BRM 2 54 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0963_Cl54_B2.png]/BiMes 24 28 [] B2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 136, and Pl. 72, Lo.E. (BiMes 24 28 [] B2).

964. Elliptical fragment. 8.5 x 7+. Quadruped leaping(?) as above; raised linear border.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu:
● -/V/[144-150]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 83 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0964_Y20_083_T3.png].
→ Fragmentary witness list.

965. Concave ellipse. 9 x 12. Quadruped leaping(?) as above.
► Uṣuršu-Anu/Nanâ-iddin/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ekur-zakir:
● 15/IX/153; witness; sale of land BRM 2 43 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0965_Cl43_B3.png]/YOS 20 74 [] [...].

966. Ellipse. 13 x 9. Quadruped as above; pose indistinct.
► Lā-bāši/Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Lā-bāši/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Ekur-zakir:
● 25/II/154; waiver; quitclaim BRM 2 44 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0966_Cl44_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa mNU.TÉŠ MU.MEŠ šá zu-ú-ku šá É ŠUII u É ru-gu-bu-šú i-pu-uš a-na md60-ŠEŠ-MU-nu a-na U4-mu ṣa-a-tú.

967. Pointed ellipse. 16 x 8.5. Quadruped as above; indistinct objects beneath and right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu:
● 11/XI/160; witness; division of property YOS 20 78 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0967_Y20_078_L1.png]
→ Fragmentary witness list.

968. Ellipse. 15.5 x 9.5. Quadruped walking profile right.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Anu-ab-uṣur/Riḫat-Anu/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Šumāt:
● 11/XI/160; divider; division of property YOS 20 78 [] R4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0968_Y20_078_R4.png]
→ Cap. R1-R4: un-qa mPN un-qa mPN2 un-qa mPN3 un-qa md60-ŠEŠ.MEŠ-MU DÙ.MEŠ ṭup-pi ḪA.LA.MEŠ MU.MEŠ ši-tu4.

969. Ellipse fragment. 14+ x 7+. Quadruped as above; raised linear border.
► [...]:
● 24/II/[151-161]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 79 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0969_Y20_079_T1.png].
→ Note witness #1: Kidin-Anu/Anu-bēlšunu/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #2: Anu-bēlšunu/Nidintu-Anu/Anu-bēlšunu//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #4: Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-mār-ittannu//Ḫunzû.

970. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 10. Bull(?) leaping profile right; six-pointed star left, triangle right, indistinct object beneath.
► Šamaš-ittannu:
● -/-/[151-161]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 81 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0970_Y20_081_B3.png].
→ Witness list lost.

971. Ellipse. 7 x 8. Quadruped recumbent profile right; baseline; fragment of raised linear border(?).
► Ra-sam-ma-ʾ/Riḫat-Anu-NÍG.DU-x:
● -/II/163; guarantor; sale of land T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0972_Cl49_T2.png]/AoF 5 10 [...].
BIN 2 136 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0971_BN2_136_R2.png].
→ Publ. Nies and Keiser 1920, Pl. 56, No. 136 R.E. (R2).
→ Cap. ˹un˺-[qa mra-sam-ma]-˹ʾ˺ mu-ur-raq É MU.MEŠ.
→ The impression appears to have fallen from the tablet surface since publication by Nies and Keiser and to have been restored incorrectly, i.e., it has been rotated ninety degrees counterclockwise with respect to the caption.

972. Pointed ellipse. 19 x 10.5. Bull(?) recumbent profile right with reversed head(?); nearly vertical waning waning crescent right, baseline.
► Līšer:
● 8/III/166; witness; sale of land BRM 2 49 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0972_Cl49_T2.png]/AoF 5 10 [...].
→ The personal names of witnesses #1-7 are lost.

Other examples:

972:A. Ellipse. Quadruped walking profile left.
► Balāṭu/Šamaš-īṭer//Luštammar-Adad:
● 26/VIII/Antig. 6; witness; sale of land TCL 13 234 [] L4.
→ Publ. Delaporte 1923, Pl. 121, Fig. 4a (L4).
→ Cap. un-qa mba-la-ṭu A mlu-uš-tam-mar-dIM.

972:B. Elliptical fragment. 15+ x 10+. Lion(?) leaping profile right; right half lost.
► Nidintu-Anu/[...]//Aḫ-ūtu:
● -/-/[12-17]; witness; sale of slave CM 12 I [] T1.
→ Cap. NA4.˹KIŠIB˺ mni-din-tu4-d60.
→ Publ. CM 12 79.

972:C. Quadruped as above.
► [...]:
● -/-/[≤ 37]; witness; sale of slave BiMes 24 40 B1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 24, No. 162, and Pl. 100, Lo.E. (B1).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

972:D. Ellipse. Quadruped as above.
► Riḫat-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Luštammar-Adad:
● 16/IV/54; witness; receipt for sale of land VDI 1955/4 142ff. II [] T2.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 3 (T2).

972:E. Ellipse. Quadruped as above, tail raised with reversed tip; triangle left, indistinct marks above, fish(?) below.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Ubār//Šumāt:
● 2/VI/82; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 26 [] B1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 112, and Pl. 64, Lo.E. (B1).

972:F. Ellipse. Quadruped as above; indistinct objects left and below.
► Kidin-Anu/Illut-Anu:
● 2/VI/82; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 26 [] B2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 113, and Pl. 64, Lo.E. (B2).

972:G. Ellipse. Quadruped facing right; horizontal crescent above rump.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 20/III/82; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 21 [] T2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 91, and Pl. 47, U.E. (T2).
→ Cf. No. 755:A, above.

972:H. Pointed ellipse. Quadruped leaping profile right.
► Anu-ušallim:
● -/-/[53?-83?]; witness; quitclaim BiMes 24 42 [] L1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 24, No. 172, and Pl. 104, Le.E. (L1).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

972:I. Ellipse. Quadruped as above.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Ištar-šum-eriš//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 10/XI/85; witness; division of property BiMes 24 46 [] L2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 192, and Pl. 116, Le.E. (L2).
→ Cf. No. 351, above!

972:J. Pointed ellipse. Quadruped as above.
► [...]:
● 10/XI/85; divider; division of property BiMes 24 46 [] R1′.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 191, and Pl. 117, R.E. (R1′).
→ Note divider #1: Nanâ-iddin/Kītu-Anu/Lā-bāši, divider #2: Uṣuršu-Anu/Kītu-Anu/Lā-bāši.

972:K. Ellipse fragment. 9+ x 11. Tail and hind leg of winged(?) quadruped facing right.
► Anu-uballiṭ:
● -/V/[78-90] ?? sale(?) of ? VAS 15 21 [] R3′.
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *3-4; Schroeder 1916, 25, r.R. (R3′).
→ Fragmentary text.

972:L. Pointed ellipse. Quadruped leaping profile right.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 3/IV/92; witness; division of property BiMes 24 45 [] T1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 183, and Pl. 113, U.E. (T1).
→ Note witness #8: /Mannu-iqâp//Kurî; witness #9: /Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ḫunzû.

972:M. Ellipse. Quadruped as above.
► Lā-bāši:
● -/II/96; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 34 [] B4.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, Pl. 90, Lo.E. (B4).
→ Cf. L3 (No. 972:N); note witness #8: /Anu-ab-utēr//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #9: /[Anu?]-mukīn-apli//Ekur-zakir.

972:N. Ellipse. Quadruped as above; star right.
► Lā-bāši:
● -/II/96; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 34 [] L3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 24, No. 151, and Pl. 90, Le.E. (L3).
→ Cf. B4 (No. 972:M); note witness #8: /Anu-ab-utēr//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #9: /[Anu?]-mukīn-apli//Ekur-zakir.

972:O. Ellipse. Quadruped leaping profile left, head reversed; nearly vertical waxing crescent left.
► Idat-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Anu-aḫ[...] paḫāru:
● 14/V/96; seller; sale of land RIAA2 298 [] R2/RIAA2 300 R2.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 230, No. 197, second row, left (RIAA2 298 [] R2); 233, No. 201, first row, left (RIAA2 300 [] R2).

972:P. Ellipse. Quadruped profile right.
► Anu-ittannu:
● -/VII/97; witness; quitclaim [BiMes 24 18 [...] []/BiMes 24 48 [] T2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 195, and Pl. 122, U.E. (BiMes 24 48 [] T2).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

972:Q. Pointed ellipse. Quadruped leaping profile right.
► Ardi-Rēš/[...]:
● -/VII/97; witness; quitclaim BiMes 24 18 [] [...]/BiMes 24 48 [] T1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 194, and Pl. 122, U.E. (BiMes 24 48 [] T1).

972:R. Ellipse. Quadruped profile right.
► [...]:
● -/VII/97; witness; quitclaim BiMes 24 18 [] [...]/BiMes 24 48 []L1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 198, and Pl. 122, Le.E. (BiMes 24 18 [] L1).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

972:S. Pointed ellipse. Quadruped as above; right half lost.
► Kidin-Anu/Anu-mukīn-apli//Ekur-zakir:
● ˹4/5˺/X/101; witness; sale of land BiMes BiMes 24 24 [] L1/RIAA2 299 [] [...].
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 107, and Pl. 57, Le.E. (BiMes 24 24 [] L1).

972:T. Relocated to No. 776:B.

972:U. Pointed ellipse. Quadruped walking profile right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-aḫ-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● ˹4/5˺/X/101; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 24 []B4/RIAA2 299 [] B4.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 106, and Pl. 57, Lo.E. (BiMes 24 24 [] B4).

972:V. Pointed ellipse. Quadruped profile right; indistinct object right.
► Mukin-apli/Anu-bēlšunu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 29/III/108; witness; sale of meat offering BiMes 24 2 [] T3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 13, and Pl. 5, U.E. (T3).
→ Replaced by No. 231.

972:W. Pointed ellipse. Quadruped as above; left half lost.
► [...]:
● 3/VIII/121; witness; sale of prebend BiMes 24 6 [] T1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 23, and Pl. 11, U.E. (T1).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

972:X. Ellipse. Quadruped as above.
► Anu-bēlšunu:
● 30/-/˹111/121˺; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 33 [] T3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 146, and Pl. 87, U.E. (T3).
→ Cf. T4 (illegible); note witness #2: /Tanittu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #3: /Lā-bāši//Aḫ-ūtu.

972:Y. Ellipse. Quadruped leaping profile right.
► Mukin-apli:
● 30/-/˹111/121˺; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 33 [] T1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 145, and Pl. 87, U.E. (T1).
→ Fragmentary witness list; note witness #1: [...]/Lā-bāši//Aḫ-ūtu.

972:Z. Ellipse fragment. Tail and hind quarters of quadruped facing right.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 30/-/˹111/121˺; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 33 [] L2′.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 147, and Pl. 87, U.E. (L2′).
→ Cf. T2 (illegible); note witness #1: [...]/Lā-bāši//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #8′: Nidintu-Anu/Kidin-Anu/Illut-Anu sepīr makkūr Anu.

972:AA. Ellipse fragment. Lower half of quadruped facing left.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin:
● -/-/[90?-125?]; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 31 [] L2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 142, and Pl. 79, Le.E. (L2).
→ Witness list lost.

972:BB. Ellipse. Quadruped facing profile right.
► Balāṭu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Balāṭu/Tanittu-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 30/V/140; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 32 []L1/BiMes 24 37 [] [L1].
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 143, and Pl. 82, Le.E. (BiMes 24 32 [] L1).

972:CC. Ellipse. Quadruped as above.
► Šamaš-īṭer/Šamaš-ittannu/Šamaš-īṭer//Luštammar-Adad:
● 30/V/140; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 32 []L2/BiMes 24 37 [] [L2].
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 144, and Pl. 82, Le.E. (BiMes 24 32 [] L2).

AUWE 19 972:DD

AUWE 19 972:DD

972:DD. Ellipse. Quadruped as above.
► fRubūtu/Anu-uballiṭ/Nidintu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● -/-/[151-161]; seller; sale of prebend STUBM 106 [] R1.
→ Publ. Ménant 1886, 189, Fig. 193 [/hbtin/images/GlypOr/A19_0972DD_GlypOr_Op5_R1.png]; SS III 746j.
→ Cf. "lièvre" (Oppert and Ménant 1977, 322); "un animal cornu accroupi" (Ménant 1886, 189); "stylized squatting caprid to right" (SS III 746j).

972:EE. Pointed ellipse. Quadruped leaping profile right.
► Anu-šum-līšer/Ardi-Rēš/Uṣuršu-Anu//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● ˹1˺/I/162; seller,guarantor; sale of prebend BiMes 24 12 [] R1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 50, and Pl. 21, R.E. (R1).
→ Cap. un-qa md60-MU-GIŠ l[ú...] mu-mar-raq-qa-an-nu GIŠ.˹ŠUB.BA˺ [...].

972:FF. Pointed ellipse. Quadruped walking profile right.
► [...]-Anu:
● ˹1˺/I/162; witness; sale of prebend BiMes 24 12 [] B2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 48, and Pl. 21, Lo.E. (B2).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

972:GG. Pointed ellipse. Quadruped leaping profile right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Nidintu-Anu/Ubār//Kurî:
● 27/IX/163; witness; sale(?) of land BiMes 24 41 []L2′.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 24, No. 165, and Pl. 102, Le.E. (L2′).

972:HH. Ellipse fragment. Tail and hind quarters of quadruped facing right.
► Ina-qibīt-[...]/[...]:
● 5/II/-; ?; sale(?) of prebend BiMes 24 4 [] R2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 19, and Pl. 7, R.E. (R2).

972:II.- Ellipse. Quadruped facing profile right.
► [...]:
● 5/II/-; witness; sale(?) of prebendBiMes 24 4 [] T2′.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 17, and Pl. 7, U.E. (T2′).
→ Fragmentary witness list.


973. Ellipse. 11 x 5. Bird standing profile right; three indistinct ovals at right.
► fIna-banât-Nanâ/Anu-mukīn-apli:
● 21/XI/35; donor; gift of slave BRM 2 6 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0973_Cl06_R1.png]/BRM 2 7 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0973_Cl07_R1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 167 (BRM 2 7 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0973_Cl07_R1.png]).
→ Cap. un-qa AŠ-DÙ-<d>na-na-a na-din-at LÚ-ut-[ MU.MEŠ] (BRM 2 6 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0973_Cl06_R1.png]); un-qa AŠ-DÙ-dna-na-a na-din-at LÚ-ut-tì MU.MEŠ (BRM 2 7 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0973_Cl07_R1.png]).

974. Concave circular impression. 11D. Dove standing profile left.
► Nidintu-Anu/Ištar-aḫḫē-iddin//Ekur-zakir:
● 21/XIIII/47; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 11 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0974_Cl11_B3.png].
→ Compare the similarly posed dove on a fourth century Common Style ringstone (Boardman 1970a, Pl. 625) and note the association of the dove with such Eastern god-desses as Derakto, Astarte, or Atargatis on coins of Ashqelon and Paphos (Brett 1974, 34; Richter 1968, 119, No. 454).
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 172.

975. Concave ellipse. 12 x 9. Bird walking profile right.
► Anu-ikṣur/Kidin-Anu/Dannat-Bēlti//Luštammar-Adad:
● 11/VII/82; witness; division of property BRM 2 24 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0975_Cl24_B3.png]/YOS 20 40 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0975_Y20_040_B3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 169 (YOS 20 40 [] B3).

976. Scarab(oid)(?). 17 x 12. Pheasant(?) standing profile right.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad:
● 12/-/124; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 34 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0976_Cl34_L2.png].
→ Compare the bulla impression from Seleucia on the Tigris: McDowell 1935b, 125 [IIIE2c(1)]; Pl. 5, Fig. 92.

977. Ellipse. 5.5 x 11. Eagle standing profile right, wings outstretched.
► Anu-uballiṭ:
● -/-/[≥ 152]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 88 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0977_Y20_088_L2.png].
→ What appears to be another impression of the same ring occurs on an undated container-type appended sealing found on the surface at Seleucia on the Tigris (McDowell 1935b, 125-26 [IIIE2d(1)]; Pl. 5, Fig. 93). Note the continuation of a fourth century technique for represent-ing the wing where the leading edge is indicated by a single continuous line but the inner feathers are a parallel series of elongated drillings (e.g., Boardman 1970a, Pls. 623, 996).
→ Fragmentary witness list.

Other examples:

977:A. Ellipse. 17 x 10. Bird standing profile right, tail down, border of diagonal ellipses.
► Riḫat-Ištar/Ubār:
● 18/XIIII/72; seller; sale of land CM 12 II [] R1.
→ Publ. CM 12 82
→ Cap. un-qa mri-ḫat-dINANA [...] É MU.MEŠ.
→ Compare the Parthian or Sassanian stamp seal depicting a bird surrounded by a circular border comprised of diagonal cuts (von der Osten 1957, No. 214).

977:B. Ellipse. Bird facing left.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Anu-bēlšunu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 19/-/148; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 27 [] B3/BiMes 24 29 [] [B3].
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 124, and Pl. 68, Lo.E. (B3).

977:C. Ellipse. 9 x 14+. Eagle standing profile right with wings slightly spread.
► Illut-Anu/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Dannat-Bēlti//Luštammar-Adad:
● 15/XII/156; witness; sale of land VAS 15 27 [] B2.
→ Publ. Schroeder 1916, Taf. 2, VAT 9171 u.R. (B2); AUWE 20 *20-8.


978. Ellipse. 15.5 x 10.5. Pair of confronted birds sitting on rim of bowl.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 22/VI/67; witness; quitclaim YOS 20 31 [] T6 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0978_Y20_031_T6.png].

979. Pointed ellipse. 14 x 5. Pair of confronted birds flanking ambiguous pointed ellipse between.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● 22/II/77; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 49 [] T5/YOS 20 37 [] T5 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0979_Y20_037_T5.png]
→ Cf. B4 (No. 527); note witness #2: /Nanâ-iddin/Lā-bāši//Kurî; witness #6: /[Ištar]-šum-eriš//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #9: /[Mušēzib-Anu]/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Luštammar-Adad.
→ Publ. SS III 712q (STUBM 49 [] T5).


980. Ellipse. 10 x 17. Dolphin profile left; lower half lost.
► Sîn-banûn/Tattannu<//Ekur-zakir>:
● 28/XII/29; witness; sale of land YOS 20 16 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0980_Y20_016_T3.png].

981. Pointed ellipse. 15+ x 9. Dolphin profile right.
► Anu-uballissu/Anu-mār-ittannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 2/XIIII/91; witness; sale of land YOS 20 45 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0981_Y20_045_L2.png].

981ʹ. Previously No. 681. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Dolphin profile right.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-ikṣur/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 14/IX/106; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 49 [] L1;
● 8/IX/108; witness; sale of prebend VAS 15 18 []T3.

982. Ellipse. 12+ x 9.5+. Dolphin tail at right; six-pointed star right; left half lost.
► [...]:
● 12/III/131; witness; sale of prebend and land BRM 2 36 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0982_Cl36_B2.png].
→ Cf. B1 (lost), B3 (No. 693), B4 (No. 254); note witness #6: Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-aḫ-iddin/Anu-ab-uṣur//Kurî; witness #7: Illut-Anu/[...]//Kurî; witness #9: [...]/Anu-aḫ-ušabši/Anu-ab-utēr; witness #10: Anu-mār-ittannu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/[...] sepīr makkūr Anu.

Other examples:

982:A. Ellipse. 12.5 x 7.5. Dolphin profile left above indistinct elongated form.
► Lā-bāši:
● -/-/[90-125]; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 68 []L1.
→ Fragmentary witness list.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 20, No. 43.


983. Concave ellipse. 15 x 9.5. Fish profile right.
► Idat-Nanâ/Itti-Anu-[...]/Rabi-Anu epiš dulli ṭiṭṭi ša bīt ilānī ša Uruk:
● -/-/[≥ 152]; seller; sale of land YOS 20 88 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0983_Y20_088_R1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 170.
→ Cap. [un-qami-dat-dna˺-na-a[na]-˹din˺ É MU.MEŠ.


984. Pointed ellipse. 13+ x 8+. Vertical bird facing right at left, vertical fish right (no string); eight-pointed star below.
► Nidintu-Ištar/Ardi-Ninurta sepīru:
● 2/IX/[46-51]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 25 []B4;
● 25/I/[52-63]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 96 [] T7 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0984_Y20_096_T7.png]
→ Publ. SS III 680j (STUBM 25 []B4).

985. Ellipse. 15 x 9.5. Vertical bird facing right at left and vertical fish right on string; horizontal crescent above.
► Mušēzib-Anu/Kidin-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● 17/I/68; witness; division of property YOS 20 32 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0985_Y20_032_L1.png].

986. Pointed ellipse. 17.5 x 9. Vertical fish at left and vertical bird facing left at right on string.
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Ištar-šum-eriš//Ḫunzû:
● 11/VII/82; witness; division of property BRM 2 24 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0986_Cl24_L1.png]/YOS 20 40 [] L1.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 207 (YOS 20 40 [] L1).
→ A cuneiform writing stylus was inserted into the impression between the strings attached to the bird and fish on both impressions of this seal on the two copies of the above document. Compare the practice at Seleucia on the Tigris where several seal impressions on bullae were "counter-marked" with a thumb nail impression across their faces; McDowell (1935b, 10, and n. 21) proposed that this indicated a seal being used by the authorized agent of the seal owner.
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla AUWE 20 197-2.

987. Ellipse. 13+ x 9.5. Vertical bird facing right at left and vertical fish at right on string.
► Rabi-Anu/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ekur-zakir:
● 20/IV/88; witness; division of property [BiMes 24 43]/YOS 20 43 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0987_Y20_043_L1.png]!/BiMes 24 53 [...];
● -/V/[76-88]; waiver; quitclaim YOS 20 94 [] R1' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0987_Y20_094_R1'.png]
→ The scribe of YOS 20 43 [] erroneously wrote md60-AD-[URU3] beneath the impression at L1; this caption should be restored beneath L4 (No. 891); the seal impression at L2 is also mislabeled ("Nidintu-Anu"); see No. 395, above.


988. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 9.5. Horizontal fish above horizontal bird on string facing right at left, crab facing up at right; Aramaic ח-ח-ש beneath crab.
► Uṣuršu-Anu/Kītu-Anu/Lā-bāši:
● 14/V/104; witness; sale of land YOS 20 48 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0988_Y20_048_B4.png];
● -/-/[90-125]; witness; sale of land BRM 2 9 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0988_Cl09_B3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 50 (BRM 2 9 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0988_Cl09_B3.png]).
→ Impressions occur on ring-bullae CBCY 5 39 []-9 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY39-09.png], 62 []-2 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY62-02.png].
→ Replaced No. 993:A0, below.

989. Ellipse. 15 x 9.5. Horizontal bird above horizontal fish facing right at left, crab facing up at right; right edge lost.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi:
● -/-/111; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 53 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0989_Y20_053_T2.png];
●  -/-/-; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 84 []B1;
● -/-/-; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 89 []B2.
→ Fragmentary witness list.
→ Publ. SS III 771d (STUBM 84 []B1); STUBM pl. 89 (STUBM 89 []).

990. Ellipse. 16 x 10. Horizontal bird above horizontal fish on string facing right at left, crab facing up at right.
► Lā-bāši:
● 28/III/124; witness; sale of food allowance BRM 2 33 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0990_Cl33_B3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 86!
→ Cf. T2 (No. 316); note witness #1: /Tanittu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #2: /Anu-bēlšunu/Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu. A pair of impressions occurs on ring-bulla AUWE 20 226-2, 3.

991. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Horizontal bird above horizontal fish on string facing left at right, crab facing up at left.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-mār-ittannu//Ḫunzû:
● -/-/128; witness; sale of land YOS 20 66 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0991_Y20_066_L1.png];
● 14/III/130; witness; sale of land STUBM 93 []B1;
● 3/II/131; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 22 [] [B3]]/YOS 20 67 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0991_Y20_067_B3.png];
● 22/VI/132; witness; division of property VAS 15 39 [T4]/VAS 15 40 [] T4/VAS 15 49 [] T3′;
● 16/XII/133; witness; sale of land BRM 2 37 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0991_Cl37_L1.png]/ BiMes 24 23 [] [L1].
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *32-4; Schroeder 1916, Taf. 2, VAT 8565 o.R. (VAS 15 40 [] T4). Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 102, and Pl. 54, Le.E. (BiMes 24 23 [] L1).
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 70 []-2 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY70-02.png].
→ This seal was replaced by No. 992, below.

992. Ellipse. 16 x 8.5. Horizontal bird above horizontal fish on string facing left at right, crab facing up at left; raised linear border.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-mār-ittannu//Ḫunzû:
● 15/XI/153; witness; sale of land CM 12 IX [] B2;
● 24/II/[151-161]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 79 [] B3.
→ Publ. CM 12 84 (CM 12 IX [] B2).
→ This seal replaced No. 991, above.

993. Pointed ellipse. 18.5 x 10.5. Horizontal bird(?) above horizontal fish on string facing right at left, crab facing left at right; triangle at far right.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Ṭāb-Anu/Anu-mār-ittannu//[...]:
● -/V/180; witness; dedication of slave BRM 2 53 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0993_Cl53_B1.png].
→ Note the continuation of this motif into the early decades of the Arsacid domination of Uruk.

Other Examples:

993:A0. Previously No. 1100:I. Pointed ellipse. Horizontal bird above horizontal fish (Pisces) at left, crab (Cancer) facing right at right.
► Uṣuršu-Anu/Kītu-Anu/Lā-bāši:
● ˹4/5˺/X/101; seller; sale of land BiMes 24 24 [] R1/RIAA2 299 R1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, Pl. 57, R.E. (BiMes 24 24 [] R1).
→ Replaced by No. 988, above.

993:A. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 10. Horizontal bird above horizontal fish facing right at left, crab facing left at right.
► Tattannu/Nanâ-iddin/Anu-uballiṭ//Ḫunzû:
● 25/VI/111; seller; sale of prebend CM 12 V [] R1.
→ Publ. CM 12 8.
→ Cap. un-qa mtat-tan-[nu]na-˹din-x GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU˺.MEŠ.


994. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 10. Crab facing up above horizontal crescent; triangle at right.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu:
● 1/IX/78; witness; sale of food allowance and prebend YOS 20 39 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0994_Y20_039_B2.png].
→ Cf. B3 (No. 875); note witness #3: /Mukin-apli rēʾû ṣēri; witness #6: /Anu-mukīn-apli sepīr makkūr Anu.

995. Pointed ellipse. 15+ x 7. Crab as above; diagonal waxing crescent left, eight-pointed star right.
► Kidin-Anu/Anu-mukīn-apli//Ekur-zakir:
● 6/I/[95-96]; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 84 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0995_Y20_084_L1.png].

996. Elliptical fragment. 17+ x 6+. Crab as above; lower half lost.
► Balāṭu/Šamaš-īṭer/Kidin-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 14/IX/106; seller; sale of prebend YOS 20 49 [] [ R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0996_Y20_049_R1.png]].

997. Pointed ellipse. 22 x 8. Crab as above; diagonal waxing crescent upper left, fragment of star right.
► Nidintu-Anu/Kidin-Anu sepīr makkūr Anu:
● 11/XII/119; witness; sale of land YOS 20 60 [...]/YOS 20 61 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0997_Y20_061_T3.png].

998. Pointed ellipse. 14 x 7. Crab as above; horizontal crescent upper right, six-pointed star right.
► Anu-zēr-līšer:
● 12/V/139; witness; sale of land BRM 2 38 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0998_Cl38_T2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 49.
→ The scribe omitted the caption un-qa from all edges but the right.
→ Cf. B2 (No. 255); note witness #1: /Nidintu-Anu/Ana-rabût-Anu//Ḫunzû; witness #3: /Nanâ-iddin/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu.

999. Concave ellipse. 15+ x 12. Crab facing right at right; indistinct triangular form at center, indistinct object left.
► Illut-Anu/Idat-Anu/Illut-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 30/-/152; witness; sale of land BRM 2 41 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0999_Cl41_B2.png]/BiMes 24 35 [] B2.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 48 (BRM 2 41 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0999_Cl41_B2.png]). Weisberg 1991, 24, No. 154, and Pl. 94, Lo.E. (BiMes 24 35 [] B2).

1000. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 7. Crab as above; diagonal waning crescent at right, star(?) left.
► Riḫat-Ištar/Sumuttu-Anu/Riḫat-Ištar ša ultu kiništi ša bīt ilānī ša Uruk:
● 20/VIII/165; donor; gift of land, slave, coat(?), pot(?) BRM 2 50 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1000_Cl50_R1.png]/RIAA2295 [] R1.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 235, No. 203, first row (RIAA2295 [] R1).
→ Cap. [un]-˹qa˺ mri-ḫat-dINANA [na-din]-˹na˺-an MU.MEŠ (BRM 2 50 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1000_Cl50_R1.png]); [...] na-din-na-an MU.MEŠ (RIAA2 295 [] R1).

Other examples:

1000:A. Ellipse. 18 x 9.5. Crab facing up; vertical waxing crescent left, star right.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/[...]-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 12/XII/86; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 25 [] T2.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 18, No. 20.
→ Cf. Buchanan 1982, 18, No. 20, "spider"; cf. McEwan 1982b, 18, No. 20, "scorpion."

1000:B. Ellipse. 10.5 x 5.5. Crab facing up; diagonal waning crescent at right.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Anu-aḫ-iddin/Anu-mār-ittannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 15/XI/153; witness; sale of land CM 12 IX []T3.
→ Publ. CM 12 86..

1000:Bʹ. Previously No. 962. Ellipse. 7+ x 8+.Fragment of a crab; left half lost.
► [...]:
● 22/II/138; witness; sale of land YOS 20 68 [] B1' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_0962_Y20_068_B1'.png].
→ Cf. witness #1′: [...]/Ištar-šum-eriš/Anu-ikṣur//[...]; witness #3′:
→ Riḫat-Ištar/Anu-bēlšunu/Riḫat-Ištar//Luštammar-Adad; witness #4′:
→ Dumqi-Anu/Anu-bēlšunu/Riḫat-Ištar//Luštammar-Adad; witness #6′:
→ Ana-rabût-Anu/Uṣuršu-Anu/Tanittu-Anu//Ḫunzû; witness #8′: [Nidin?]tu-Anu/Kidin-Anu/Illut-Anu sepīr makkūr Anu.

[return to top]

Seals 1001-1100


1001. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 8. Crab facing right at right, fish facing right at left.
► Illut-Anu:
● -/-/115; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 54 [] B4.
→ Witness list lost.

1002. Pointed ellipse. 17+ x 11. Crab facing up at right, fish facing left at left; seven-pointed star upper left, horizontal crescent left of top center.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu:
● 12/II/116; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 55 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1002_Y20_055_T1.png]/BiMes 24 3(+)BaMB 2 132 [...].
→ Fragmentary witness list; cf. witness #3: /Nidintu-Anu/Illut-Anu//Ḫunzû, who employed No. 1007:A, below, in 111 S.E.

1003. Ellipse. 15 x 9.5. Crab facing right at right, fish facing right at left; six-pointed star upper left, horizontal crescent top center.
► Tattannu/Uṣuršu-Anu/Lā-bāši atû:
● 16/XII/133; witness; sale of land BRM 2 37 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1003_Cl37_L2.png] BiMes 24 23 []L2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 103, and Pl. 54, Le.E. (BiMes 24 23 []L2).

1004. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 9. Crab facing right at left, fish facing left at right; horizontal crescent top center.
► Nidintu-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 12/V/139; witness; sale of land BRM 2 38 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1004_Cl38_L2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 47.
→ The scribe omitted the caption un-qa from all edges but the right.

1005. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 10. Crab facing up at center, fish facing right beneath; six-pointed star left, triangle top left, diagonal waning crescent right.
► Sumuttu-Anu/Anu-mār-ittannu//Sîn-leqi-unnini:
● 1/XI/149; witness; sale of land BRM 2 39 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1005_Cl39_T3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 61!

1006. Ellipse. 18+ x 9.5. Crab facing left at right, fish facing right at left; horizontal crescent upper left, six-pointed star left of top center.
► Riḫat-Ištar/Sumuttu-Anu dayyālu ša bīt ilānī ša Uruk:
● 9/XII/151; seller; sale of land BRM 2 42 [](+)(+)FuB 16 28f. 6+AoF 5 82f.[W 15034h] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1006_Cl42_R1.png]/YOS 20(+)AoF 5 88 24 [R1]..
→ Cap. un-qa mri-ḫat-dDIL.BAT na-din É MU.MEŠ.

1007. Ellipse. 15 x 8. Crab facing up at center, fish facing right bottom left; six-pointed star left, diagonal waning crescent right.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Anu-mukīn-apli/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 23/IV/146; witness; lease of land STUBM 98 []T2;
● -/-/[151-161]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 81 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1007_Y20_081_B1.png].
→ Publ. SS III 739j (STUBM 98 []T2).

Other examples:

1007:A. Ellipse. 17 x 7.5. Crab facing up at right, fish facing right at lower left; diagonal waxing crescent upper left.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Nidintu-Anu/Illut-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 25/VI/111; witness; sale of prebend CM 12 V [] L2.
→ Publ. CM 12 85.

1007:B. Ellipse. 13 x 8. Crab facing up at center, fish facing right at left; diagonal waning crescent right.
► Anu-bulliṭanni/Anu-ab-uṣur/Ana-rabût-Anu/Itti-Anu-nuḫšu:
● ˹10(+)˺/XII/[125-137]; guarantor; sale of land OECT 9 56 [] R2.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 20, No. 42.
→ Cap. un-qa m˹d˺[DIŠ-bul-luṭ-an-ni] mu-ur-raq-qa-na É MU.MEŠ.

1007:C. Pointed ellipse. Crab facing up at center, fish facing right at left; star below fish at left, diagonal waning crescent right.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Anu-aḫ-iddin//Ekur-zakir:
● 3/II/131; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 22 [] T2/YOS 20 67 [T2].
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 95, and Pl. 51, U.E. (T2).


1008. Ellipse. 15 x 7.5. Scorpion facing right; horizontal crescent left, indistinct ellipse right.
► Ana-rabût-Anu/Anu-erība//Kurî:
● 24/V/119; witness; sale of land BRM 2 32 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1008_Cl32_T2.png]/YOS 20 56 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1008_Y20_056_T2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 63 (BRM 2 32 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1008_Cl32_T2.png]).

1009. Ellipse. 15 x 6.5. Scorpion as above; diagonal waning crescent right.
► Nanâ-iddin/Lā-bāši/Mannu-iqâp//Kurî:
● 28/III/124; seller; sale of food allowance BRM 2 33 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1009_Cl33_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa mdna-na-a-MU un-qa md60-ŠEŠ-MU un-qa na-din-na.MEŠ ŠUK.ḪI.A MU.MEŠ.

Other examples:

1009:A. Ellipse. 17 x 10. Scorpion facing left.
► Nidintu-Anu/Tanittu-Anu/Šamaš-ittannu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 15/XII/156; witness; sale of land VAS 15 27 [] T1.
→ Publ. Schroeder 1916, Taf.1, VAT 9171 o.R. (T1); AUWE 20 *20-1.


1010. Ellipse. 19.5 x 9.5. Scorpion facing right at left, crab facing right at right; horizontal crescent top center, six pointed star bottom center.
► Dumqi-Anu/Anu-aḫ-utēr/Dumqi-Anu atû:
● 16/XII/133; guarantor; sale of land BRM 2 37 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1010_Cl37_R2.png]/BiMes 24 23 [] R2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 101, and Pl. 55, R.E. (BiMes 24 23 [] R2).
→ Cap. un-qa mdum-qí-d60 mu-ru-qu-nu.

1011. Pointed ellipse. 19+ x 9.5. Scorpion and crab as above.
► Dannat-Bēlti/Riḫat-Anu/Kidin-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 12/V/139; witness; sale of land BRM 2 38 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1011_Cl38_T1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 46.
→ The scribe omitted the caption un-qa from all edges but the right.

1012. Ellipse. 15 x 8. Scorpion and crab as above.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Kidin-Anu/Tanittu-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 1/VIII/160; seller; sale of land AoF 5 85 4+AoF 5 85 5 [...]/BRM 2 48 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1012_Cl48_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa md60-DUMU-MU-nu˹na-din˺-na-an É ŠUII MU.MEŠ.

Other examples:

1012:A. Ellipse. Scorpion and crab as above; right lost.
► Ina-qibīt-Bēlti:
● -/-/[125-137]; witness; sale of land VDI 1955/4 150ff. V [] T3.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 6 (T3).
→ Most captions illegible; note witness #1: [...]/[...]//Luštammar-Adad; witness #7: [...]/Anu-aḫ-iddin/Kidin-Anu; witness #8: ...Kītu-Anu/Kidin-Anu.

1012:B. Pointed ellipse. Scorpion and crab as above.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 20/X/139; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 20 [] T2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 85, and Pl. 43, U.E. (T2).
→ Cf. B2 (No. 283:B); note witness #1: /Nanâ-iddin/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//[...]; witness #8: /Lā-bāši/Riḫat-Anu

1012:C. Ellipse. Scorpion and crab as above; indistinct object top center.
► [Anu]-˹šum˺-līšer:
● -/-/- ?? fragment of tablet edge W. 476 ??.
→ Publ. Jordan 1928, Taf. 89a.
→ Compare with No. 1014, below.
→ The impression is found on the fragmentary edge of a tablet; caption damaged.
→ Also note the ring-bullae impressions Jordan 1928, Taf. 86b, second from top; Delaporte 1923, Pl. 122, 4a.


1013. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 10. Scorpion facing right above fish at left, crab facing right at right; circle(?) at center.
► Idat-Anu/Uṣuršu-Anu/Kītu-Anu//Kurî:
● 5/IV/150; witness; sale of land BRM 2 54 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1013_Cl54_B3.png]/BiMes 24 28 [] B3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 137, and Pl. 72, Lo.E. (BiMes 24 28 [] B3).

1014. Ellipse. 17 x 9.5. Scorpion, crab, and fish as above; left third lost.
► Anu-šum-līšer/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Balāṭu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 17/VII/150; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 40 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1014_Cl40_T1.png]/FuB 16 30f. 9 [...].
→ Compare with No. 1012:C, above.

1015. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Scorpion, crab, and fish as above.
► Anu-ikṣur/Kidin-Anu/Anu-ikṣur//Kurî:
● 25/II/154; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 44 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1015_Cl44_B3.png].

1016. Ellipse. 15+ x 8. Scorpion, crab, and fish as above.
► Ubār:
● 11/XI/160; witness; division of property YOS 20 78 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1016_Y20_078_T4.png]
→ Fragmentary witness list.

1017. Pointed ellipse. 15 x 11. Scorpion, crab, and fish as above; six-pointed star left, horizontal crescent top center; recessed linear border.
► Anu-uballiṭ:
● 11/XI/160; witness; division of property YOS 20 78 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1017_Y20_078_T2.png]
→ Cf. B3 (No. 311); fragmentary witness list.

Other examples:

1017:A. Ellipse. 17 x 10. Scorpion facing right beneath fish facing right, crab facing left at right; horizontal crescent top center.
► Anu-ab-utēr/Anu-ikṣur//Ḫunzû:
● 25/III/144; witness; sale of land VAS 15 30 [] B3.
→ Publ. Schroeder 1916, Taf.1, VAT 9158 o.(sic!)R. (B3); AUWE 20 *54-7.

1017:B. Ellipse. 16 x 10. Scorpion and fish as above; right half lost, but in light of the preceding probably showed a crab.
► Uṣuršu-Anu/Anu-erība:
● -/-/[151-161]; guarantor; sale of prebend OECT 9 59 [] R2.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 20, No. 49.
→ Cap. un-qa m˹URU3˺-[šú-d60] mu-mar-[...].
→ Also note the ring-bulla impression Delaporte 1923, Pl. 123, 3a.


1018. Concave ellipse. 15 x 9.5. Ant(?); head lost.
► Šamaš-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 28/XII/29; witness; sale of land YOS 20 16 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1018_Y20_016_B1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 163.

1019. Concave ellipse. 11.5 x 10.5. Fly(?); surface abraded.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu:
● -/-/111; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 53 [] L2' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1019_Y20_053_L2'.png].
→ Impressions occur on ring-bullae CBCY 5 54 []-14 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY54-14.png], 68 []-19 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY68-19.png].
→ Fragmentary witness list; note l. rev.2′: mAŠ-qí-bit-[...].


1020. Ellipse. 12 x 17+. Frontal bull head; a pair of confronted eagles(?) are perched upon the head.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Ištar-šum-eriš//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 20/IX/20; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 3 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1020_Cl3_T2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 228.

1021. Ellipse. 12.5 x 18. Frontal bull head; horizontal crescent at top.
► Raḥmat-Anu/Riḫat-Hadad:
● 14/V/104; seller; sale of land YOS 20 48 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1021_Y20_048_R1.png]
→ Cap. un-qa mra-aḫ-mat-tu4-d60 na-din-na É MU.MEŠ.

1022. Pointed ellipse. 17 x 8.5. Frontal bull head.
► Anu-mār-ittannu:
● 1/VIII/160; witness; sale of land AoF 5 85 4+AoF 5 85 5 [...]/BRM 2 48 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1022_Cl48_B2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 62.
→ Cf. T2 (No. 913); note witness #7: /Nidintu-Ištar/Anu-mār-ittannu sepīr makkūr Anu; witness #8: /Sumuttu-Anu/Anu-mār-ittannu//Sîn-leqi-unnini.

1023. Ellipse. 8 x 17+. Frontal bull head; bird perched facing right upon head at left; indistinct object at right.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Riḫat-Anu/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Šumāt:
● 11/XI/160; advisor; division of property YOS 20 78 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1023_Y20_078_R1.png]
→ Cap. R1-R4: un-qa m˹d60˺-AD-URU3 un-qa mPN un-qa mPN2 un-qa mPN3 DÙ.MEŠ ṭup-pi ḪA.LA.MEŠ MU.MEŠ ši-tu4.

Other examples:

1023:A. Previously No. 1100:L. Concave ellipse. Frontal bull head.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Nidintu-Ištar/Anu-mār-ittannu sepīr makkūr Anu:
● 19/-/148 sale of landBiMes 24 27 [] B1/BiMes 24 29 [] [B1].
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 122, and Pl. 68, Lo.E. (B1).


1024. Ellipse. 13 x 7.5. Horned head and fore parts of a horse; surface damaged.
► Tanittu-Anu/Anu-zēr-līšer//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 16/VIII/16; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 8 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1024_Y20_008_T3.png].

Other examples:

1024:A. Circular (stone conoid?). 18D. "Dans une couronne circulaire formée de deux circonférences unies par de nombreux rayons, trois protomes de taureau, symétriquement disposés autour d'un cercle à globe central. Losange, dans le champ" (Delaporte 1923, 176, No. A. 799 P).
► Ištar-aḫḫē-iddin/Anu-aḫ-ittannu//Ekur-zakir:
● 26/VIII/6 Antig.; witness; sale of land TCL 13 234 [] T3.
→ Publ. Delaporte 1923, Pl. 121, 4d (T3).
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB mdINANA-ŠEŠ.MEŠ-MU A mÉ.KUR-za-kir.


1025. Pointed ellipse. 9.5 x 16. Palm tree; raised linear border.
► Līšer/Nidintu-Anu//Gimil-Anu:
● 18/XIIII/72; witness; sale of land CM 12 II [] B3;
● 25/VI/75; witness; sale of land BRM 2 21 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1025_Cl21_T3.png].
→ Publ. CM 12 87 (CM 12 II [] B3).
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 2 []-6 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY02-06.png].

1026. Pointed ellipse. 6 x 15. Palm tree as above.
► Anu-aḫ-iddin/Nanâ-iddin/Ana-rabût-Anu/Nanâ-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 1/VI/85; guarantor; sale of land BRM 2 26 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1026_Cl26_R2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 168.
→ Cap. un-qa [m]d60-ŠEŠ-MU DUMU-šú.

1027. Ellipse. 9 x 17+. Palm tree as above.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Ša-Anu-iššû/Anu-šum-līšer//Ḫunzû:
● -/III/88; witness; division of property TCL 13 240 [] L2;
● 24/III/89; witness; sale of land BRM 2 28 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1027_Cl28_B1.png]/BiMes 24 19 [] B1.
→ Publ. Rutten 1935, Pl. 1, No. 7 (TCL 13 240 [] L2). Clay 1913, Pls. II, second row, far left; IV, No. 73 (BRM 2 28 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1027_Cl28_B1.png]). Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 73, and Pl. 38, Lo.E. (BiMes 24 19 []B1).

1028. Pointed ellipse. 6 x 15.5. Palm tree as above.
► Kidin-Anu/Nidintu-Anu:
● 3/IX/108; guarantor; sale of prebend YOS 20 52 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1001_Y20_054_B4.png]
→ Cap. un-qa mBÁR-d60 ˹mu-mar-raq˺-[...].

Other examples:

1028:A. Ellipse. 8 x 15. Palm tree.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Raḥmat-Anu epiš dulli ṭiṭṭi ša bīt ilānī ša Uruk:
● 19/XII/[120-124]; seller; sale of landVAS 15 22 [] R1.
→ Publ. Schroeder 1916, 27, Nr. 22 r.R. (R1); Taf. 2, VAT 9163 r.R. (R1); AUWE 20 *25-4.
→ Cap. un-qa na-din É MU.MEŠ.


1029. Concave ellipse. 11+ x 15. Flower; quadruped(?) profile left atop petals.
► Kidin-Anu/Illut-Anu/Kidin-Anu:
● 17/XIIII/85; guarantor; sale of land YOS 20 42 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1029_Y20_042_R2.png].
→ Cap. R2-R3: un-qa PN un-qa [PN2] mu-ru-qu-ʾ.


Other examples:

1029:A. Previously No. 1100:E. Ellipse. Grain of corn.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-qīšan/Nidintu-Anu/Anu-zēr-ušabši:
● 2/VI/82; seller; sale of land BiMes 24 26 [] R1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 115, and Pl. 65, R.E. (R1).


1030. Concave circular impression. 13D. Pair of high conical peaked miters; six-pointed star above.
► Ša-Anu-iššû/Ištar-šum-eriš//Ḫunzû:
● 24/III/89; witness; sale of land BRM 2 28 [] L4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1030_Cl28_L4.png]/BiMes 24 19 [] L4;
● -/II/96; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 34 []L4.
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VII, No. 224 (BRM 2 28 [] L4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1030_Cl28_L4.png]). Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 82, and Pl. 38, Le.E. (BiMes 24 19 [] L4); 24, No. 152, and Pl. 90, Le.E. (BiMes 24 34 [] L4).

1031. Concave circular impression. 10.5D. Pair of low rounded conical miters upon thick base.
► Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Anu-aḫ-ušabši//Ekur-zakir:
● 15/X/100; guarantor; sale of prebend YOS 20 47 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1031_Y20_047_R2.png]

1032. Concave circular impression. 10.5D. Pair of miters as above; left hand miter with large profile curved horn at its left.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-šum-līšer/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 8/XI/122; witness; quitclaim BRM 1 98 T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1032_I98_T1.png]/CM 12 VII []T1.
→ Publ. Clay 1912, Pl. 4, second row 2, far left (BRM 1 98 T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1032_I98_T1]). CM 12 88 (CM 12 VII []T1).

Other examples:

1032:A. Rectangular impression. Pair of miters as above.
► [...]:
● -/-/[90-125]; witness; sale of prebend BiMes 24 8 []B1′.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 19, No. 25, and Pl. 13, Lo.E. (B1′).
→ Witness list lost.


1033. Concave ellipse. 14+ x 9. Cultic symbol with four parallel vertical elongated elliptical elements and a taller vertical element at right with a ring-top, all upon a slightly convex base line; seven(?)-pointed star bottom; horizontal crescent above short verticals.
► [...]:
● 18/-/138; witness; lease of prebend YOS 20 69 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1033_Y20_069_L2.png].
→ Cf. T2 (No. 174); note witness #1: Tanittu-Anu/Anu-bēlšunu/Níkarchos//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #2: Anu-uballiṭ/Nidintu-Anu/Anu-uballiṭ//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #7: Diophánēs/Strátōn/Ina-qibīt-[Anu]; witness #8: Anu-uballiṭ/Kidin-Anu/Illut-Anu sepīr makkūr Anu.
→ Compare closely SIS III Og 252-Og 263.

1034. Ellipse. 17+ x 11. Cultic symbol as above; inverted horizontal crescent at bottom.
► Zērīya:
● 25/II/154; witness; quitclaim BRM 2 44 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1034_Cl44_L2.png].
→ Note witness #2: /Anu-ušallim/Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad; witness #5: /Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Zērīya//Gimil-Anu.


Other examples:

1034:A. Previously No. 1035:C. Ellipse. 15 x 22. Winged lightning bolt.
► Lā-bāši/Tanittu-Anu//Kurî:
● 8/XII/72; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 15 []B2.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 17, No. 10.
→ Compare representations of the winged thunderbolt on Seleucid seals (e.g., SIS III Og 44-Og 49) and coins (e.g., Newell 1941, Pls. 15, 19, passim).


1034:B. Previously No. 1035:E. Ellipse. 14 x 20. Bird seated profile right upon an altar within a naiskos.
► Illut-Anu/Kidin-Anu:
● 13/XII/145; witness; sale of prebend VAS 15 33 []L1.
→ Publ. Schroeder 1916, Taf. 2, VAT 9152 l.R. (L1); AUWE 20 *24-4.


1034:C. Previously No. 1035:F. Ellipse. "Cult stand from which flow two streams" (Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 47).
► Nidintu-[...]/[...]/[...]šunu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● ˹1(+)˺/I/162; witness; sale of prebend BiMes 24 12 [] B1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 20, No. 47, and Pl. 20 Lo.E. (B1).


1034:D. Previously No. 1100:F. Concave ellipse. Draped herm.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi:
● 27/XII/96; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 34 [] T3/OECT 9 35 [][...];
● 4/VIII/99; witness; sale of prebend VDI 1955/4 VII B2 (courtesy Francis Joannès).
→ Cf. witness #1: /Ina-qibīt-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #4: /Anu-zēr-līšer//Aḫ-ūtu.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 20, No. 44 (OECT 9 34 []T3).
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 38 []-10 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY38-10.png].

1034:E. Previously No. 167:E. 11 x 11+. Concave ellipse. Draped herm holding branched form to the upper right; baseline.
► Lā-bāši/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-balāssu-iqbi//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 22/VI/132; witness; division of property VAS 15 39 []T2/VAS 15 40 []T2/VAS 15 49 [][...].
→ Publ. AUWE 20 *32-2 (VAS 15 40 []T2); *33-2 (VAS 15 39 []T2). Schroeder 1916, Taf. 2, VAT 8565 o.R. (VAS 15 40 []T2).


1035. Ellipse. 8 x 14+. Pair of amphorae.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Riḫat-Anu aškāpu:
● 24/V/119; seller; sale of land BRM 2 32 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1035_Cl32_R1.png]/YOS 20 56 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1035_Y20_056_R1.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 172 (BRM 2 32 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1035_Cl32_R1.png]).
→ Cap. un-qa md60-TIN-iṭna-din-na-an É MU.MEŠ.

Other examples:

1035:A. Concave ellipse. Two-handled vessel with pointed toe.
► fŠūpêltu/Anu-mār-ittannu:
● 2/VIII/101; seller; sale of land RIAA2293 [] R1.
→ Publ. Speleers 1917, 231, No. 199, first row, left.
→ Cap. un-qašu-bíl-tu4na-din-na-at! É ku-ru-up-pu.

1035:B. Ellipse. Two-handled vessel with flared base; inverted horizontal crescent at top.
► Anu-uballiṭ/Nidintu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 20/III/132; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 94 [] L2/TCL 13 244 [] L2.
→ Publ. Delaporte 1923, Pl. 122, 2b (L2); Rutten 1935, Pl. 2, No. 24 TCL 13 244 L2). SS III 733k! (STUBM 94 []L2).


1035:C. Relocated to No. 1034:A.

1035:D. Relocated to No. 1035ʹ:A.


1035ʹ. Previously No. 1052. Concave ellipse. 9 x 15. Human right ear helix.
► Sōsandros/Diódōros/Strátōn Urkāyya:
● 17/VII/150; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 40 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1052_Cl40_T3.png]/FuB 16 30f. 9 [...].


Other examples:

1035ʹ:A. Previously No. 1035:D. Pointed ellipse. 14 x 8. Sword.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Ana-rabût-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 7/XII/80; witness; sale of prebend NBDM 91 [] T4/OECT 9 20 [] T4.
→ Publ. Buchanan 1982, 18, No. 17.

1035:E. Relocated to No. 1034:B.

1035:F. Relocated to No. 1034:C.


1036. Ellipse. 12 x 13. Amphora with pointed toe at left, human figure(?)/vessel(?) at right; raised linear border.
► Kidin-Anu:
● 2/VI/37; witness; sale of slave BRM 2 10 [] L4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1036_Cl10_L4.png].
→ Cf. L2 (No. 159); note witness #11: /Anu-[...]; witness #15: /Adad-iddin.

1037. Pointed ellipse. 12 x 8. X-shaped form at center; bird facing profile right on upper left arm, indistinct form on upper right arm.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-bēl-zēri//Kurî:
● 8/II/78; guarantor; sale of land BRM 2 23 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1037_Cl23_R2.png]/YOS 20 38 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1037_Y20_038_R2.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. VI, No. 166 (BRM 2 23 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1037_Cl23_R2.png]).


1038. Ellipse. 14 x 10. Illegible; raised linear border.
► Mannu-iqâp/Lā-bāši//Kurî:
● 14/-/47; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 22 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1038_Y20_022_B3.png];
● 6/I/48; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 12 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1038_Cl12_T2.png];
● 14/-/48; witness; sale of prebend WZJ 19 1970 905ff. [] L3.
→ Publ. Oelsner 1970a, 909, Abb. 3c (WZJ 19 1970 905ff. []L3).
→ Cap. YOS 20 22 [] B2-B3: un-qa PN un-qa PN2 DUMU.MEŠ šá mNU.TÉŠ A mkur-i.

1039. Ellipse. 6.5 x 14. Knotted ribbon(?); raised linear border.
► Kidin-Anu/Anu-ušallim//Luštammar-Adad:
● 6/VIII/53; witness; sale of land YOS 20 26 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1039_Y20_026_L3.png];
● 7/-/[46-51]; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 26 []T2
→ Publ. SS III 682l (STUBM 26 []T2).

1040. Ellipse. 10.5 x 11. Illegible; raised linear border.
► Lā-bāši:
● 25/I/[52-63]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 96 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1040_Y20_096_T2.png]
→ Note witness #1: [...]/[...]//Kurî; witness #3′: [...]/Nanâ-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #5′: [...]/Anu-[...]//Gimil-Anu.

1041. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Illegible; raised linear border.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 21/VIII/63; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 29 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1041_Y20_029_T2.png].

1042. Ellipse. 10 x 16. Horizontal crescent above and six-pointed star below ambiguous conical form with rounded sides; raised linear border.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-zēr-iddin//Luštammar-Adad:
● 9/XII/151; witness; sale of land [BRM 2 42 [](+)FuB 16 28f. 6+AoF 5 82f.]/YOS 20 80 [](+)AoF 5 88 24 B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1042_Y20_080_B2.png].
→ The ambiguous central motif may be a triangle or an omphalos, a seat for Apollo, represented on coins of Antiochus I from Seleucia on the Tigris (Newell 1938, Pl. 13, passim).

1043. Pointed ellipse. 10 x 18 Pointed ellipse and cross, ambiguous markings within each quadrant; raised linear border.
► Anu-zēr-iddin/Nanâ-iddin/Anu-mār-ittannu//Ḫunzû:
● 1/VIII/160; witness; sale of land BRM 2 48 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1043_Cl48_L2.png]/AoF 5 85 4+AoF 5 85 5 [L2];
● 5/VII/162; witness; sale of land CM 12 X [] T3/YOS 20 82 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1043_Y20_082_T3.png].
→ Publ. Clay 1913, Pl. IV, No. 71! (BRM 2 48 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1043_Cl48_L2.png]). CM 12 89 (CM 12 X T3).
→ Round four-spoked chariot wheels were occasionally depicted on sixth through fourth century Western coins, e.g., Brett 1974, Nos. 47 (Calabria, ca. 520-500 B.C.E.), 1018 (Chalkis, ca. 530-507), 1036-38 (Athens, ca. 590-530), 1168 (Phlious, ca. 400-360), 1374 (Kalchedon, ca. 450). Such wheels may represent the punishment of Ixion: on a fifth century Etruscan scarab (Richter 1968, No. 853), Ixion is shown bound to an elliptical wheel, apparently distorted to accommodate the overall shape of the gem.


1044. Circular. 11 D. Nondescript design.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● -/-/[90-108]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 97 [] B2' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1044_Y20_097_B2'.png]
→ Fragmentary witness list.

1045. Elliptical. 11 x 15. Nondescript design.
► Sumuttu-Anu:
● -/-/115; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 54 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1045_Y20_054_L1.png]
→ Witness list lost.

1046. Elliptical. 13 x 9. Nondescript design.
► Illut-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ebabbar-sum-ibni:
● 11/XII/119; witness; sale of land YOS 20 60 [] [B1]/YOS 20 61 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1046_Y20_061_B1.png].

1047. Ellipse fragment. 6+ x 11+. Nondescript design.
► Nanâ-iddin(Dēmētrios)/Nidintu-Anu/Tanittu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 3/V/[120-124]; seller; sale of prebend BRM 2 55 [] [ R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1047_Cl55_R1.png]].
→ Cap.[un-qamdna-na-a-MU] na-din-na-an GIŠ.ŠUB.BA. MEŠ MU.MEŠ.

1048. Ellipse. 10 x 14. Nondescript design.
► [...]:
● 22/II/138; witness; sale of land YOS 20 68 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1048_Y20_068_T1.png].
→ Note witness #1′: [...]/Ištar-šum-eriš/Anu-ikṣur//[...]; witness #3′:
Riḫat-Ištar/Anu-bēlšunu/Riḫat-Ištar//Luštammar-Adad; witness #4′: Dumqi-Anu/Anu-bēlšunu/Riḫat-Ištar//Luštammar-Adad; witness #6′: Ana-rabût-Anu/Uṣuršu-Anu/Tanittu-Anu//Ḫunzû; witness #8′: [Nidin(?)]tu-Anu/Kidin-Anu/Illut-Anu sepīr makkūr Anu.

1049. Ellipse fragment. 8+ x 8+. Nondescript design.
► [...]:
● 11/I/144; witness; sale(?) of prebend YOS 20 70 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1049_Y20_070_T1.png]
→ Fragmentary witness list; note witness #1: Anu-zēr-[...]; witness #2′: Anu-ikṣur/šá-[...]; witness #3′: Kidin-Anu/Lā-bāši-Anu/[...]; witness # 5′: Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Nidintu-Anu/Rabi-Anu//[...]; witness #6′: Poseidṓnios/Metrodōros Iawa[nāyya]; witness #7′: Riḫat-Bēl/Bi-i(a)-da-ti-i epiš dulli ṭiṭṭi ša bīt ilānī ša Uruk.

1050. Concave hoop-ring. 12 x 15. Nondescript design.
► Kidin-Anu/Ṭāb-Anu/Kidin-Anu rēʾû ṣēri (150 S.E.), paqdu ša bīt ilānī (153 S.E.):
● 5/IV/150; witness; sale of land BRM 2 54 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1050_Cl54_L2.png]/BiMes 24 28 []L2;
● 16/-/153; witness; sale of prebend OECT 9 61 []B3.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 140, and Pl. 72 Le.E. (BiMes 24 28 []L2).

1051. Fragment. 10 D. Human head?
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Tanittu-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 17/VII/150; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 40 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1051_Cl40_B2.png]/FuB 16 30f. 9 [...].
→ Cf. No. 21:A, above.

1052. Relocated to No. 1035ʹ.

1053. Ellipse. 13 x 14+. Nondescript design.
► Kidin-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu ša ultu kiništi ša bīt ilānī [ša Uruk]:
● 3/IX/157; witness; lease of prebend BRM 2 47 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1053_Cl47_L1.png].

Other examples:

1053:A. Relocated to No. 7+1053:A.

1053:B. Rectangular. Nondescript design.
► Anu-ah-ittannu/Ša-Anu-iššû/Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 6/VII/155; witness; quitclaim BiMes 24 25 [] L1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, Pl. 60, Le.E. (L1).


1054. Ellipse fragment. 11+ x 10+.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-uballiṭ/Nanâ-iddin//Ekur-zakir:
● 6/II/9; defendant; protocol of hearing YOS 20 1 [] [ R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1054_Y20_001_R1.png]].
→ Cap.R1-R3: ˹un-qa˺ md[60-AD-URU3] un-qa PN2 un-qa PN3 DUMU.MEŠ ša md60-TIN-iṭ A mÉ.KUR-za-kir.

1055. Ellipse fragment. 13.5 x 10.
► [...] mār banê:
● 6/II/9; witness; protocol of hearing YOS 20 1 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1055_Y20_001_T4.png].
→ Note witness #2: Anu-ab-utēr/Iddinâ//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #8: Anu-ab-˹utēr˺/Iddin-Anu; witness #11: Anu-ab-utēr/Anu-aḫḫē-iqīša(?).

1056. Ellipse fragment. 16+ x 5+.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu:
● 28/IV/12; witness; sale of slaves YOS 20 2 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1056_Y20_002_B1.png].
→ Cf. T2 (No. 482); note witness #5: /Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad, #8: /Šeški-Anu//Gimil-Anu.

1057. Ellipse fragment. 12+ x 11+.
► Mannu-kī-Ištar/Anu-aḫ-tuqqin:
● 28/IV/12; seller; sale of slaves YOS 20 2 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1057_Y20_002_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa˺ [mman-nu]-˹ki-i˺ -[dDIL.BAT] na-din LÚ-ut-tì MU.MEŠ.
→ For the reading of the father's name, see Wallenfels 2006.

1058. Ellipse. 8 x 14.
► Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 22/XI/14; witness; sale of ? YOS 20 6 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1058_Y20_006_T2.png].

1059. Pointed ellipse. 8 x 13.
► Anu-ittannu/Kidin-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● 22/XI/14; witness; sale of ? YOS 20 6 [] [ T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1059_Y20_006_T3.png]].

1060. Pointed ellipse. 8 x 14.
► Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-qīšan//Kurî:
● 22/XI/14; witness; sale of ? YOS 20 6 [] L1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1060_Y20_006_L1.png].

1061. Pointed ellipse. 10 x 15.
► Anu-zēr-iddin/Nanâ-iddin//E[kur-zakir]:
● 9/II/17; witness; sale of prebend YOS 20 10 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1061_Y20_010_B3.png].
→ Cap. ˹NA4.KIŠIB˺ PN.

1062. Ellipse fragment. 13+ x 9+.
► [...]/[...]//Ekur-zakir:
● -/-/[≤ 17]; witness; sale of land YOS 20 86 [] L3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1062_Y20_086_L3.png]
→ Cap.[...] A mÉ.KUR-za-kir.

1063. Ellipse. 16 x 9.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 20/IV/29; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 4 [] T1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1063_Cl04_T1.png].
→ Cf. T3 (No. 335), B2 (No. 78), R3 (No. 242); note witness #2: /Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû; witness #8: /Ša-Anu-iššû//Ekur-zakir; witness #9: /Anu-uballiṭ//Ekur-zakir; witness #15: /Anu-mukīn-apli//Kurî.

1064. Relocated to No. 619′.

1065. Pointed ellipse. 10 x 16+.
► Nidintu-Anu/Ša-Anu-iššû//Ḫunzû:
● 28/XII/29; witness; sale of land YOS 20 16 [] L4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1065_Y20_016_L4.png].

1066. Ellipse. 15 x 9. Recessed linear border.
► Ištar-aḫ-iddin/Ardi-Baʾu:
● 21/XI/35; witness; gift of slave BRM 2 6 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1066_Cl6_L2.png]/BRM 2 7 [][L2] L2 [A19_1066_Cl7_L2.png].

1067. Ellipse. 17 x 9.5.
► Anu-ab-uṣur:
● 26/XI/35; witness; sale of prebend STUBM 9 [] T2/YOS 20 17 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1067_Y20_017_T2.png]
→ Cf. T4 (No. 927), T5 (No. 622); note witness #2: /Anu-mukīn-apli//Gimil-Anu; witness #6: /Anu-uballiṭ//Luštammar-Adad; witness #11: /Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad. Publ. SS III 659p (STUBM 9 [] T2).

1068. Ellipse fragment. 11+ x 12+. Vertical waning crescent right.
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ekur-zakir:
● -/III/38; witness; sale of land YOS 20 18 [] B1' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1068_Y20_018_B1'.png].

1069. Ellipse. 9+ x 18.
► Anu-aḫ-tuqqin/Nanâ-iddin:
● 2/V/[32-45]; seller; sale of land YOS 20 21 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1069_Y20_021_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa md60-ŠEŠ-LAL na-din É ˹TÙR u mu-ṣu-ú MU.MEŠ˺.
→ For the reading of the father's name, see Wallenfels 2006.

1070. Ellipse fragment. 9+ x 9.
► [...]/[...]//Aḫ-ūtu:
● -/-/[≤43]; witness; receipt for sale of land YOS 20 89 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1070_Y20_089_L2.png].
→ Cap.[...] A máḫ-ʾ-ú-tú.

1071. Ellipse. 9 x 17.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-mukīn-apli//Gimil-Anu:
● 6/I/48; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 12 [] B2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1071_Cl12_B2.png].

1072. Pointed ellipse. 9.5 x 17.
► Nanâ-iddin/Nidintu-Anu//Luštammar-Adad:
● 6/I/48; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 12 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1072_Cl12_L2.png].

1073. Ellipse. 16 x 9.
► Anu-zēr-līšer/Ana-rabût-Anu/Anu-zēr-līšer//Ḫunzû:
21/VIII/63; seller; sale of prebend YOS 20 29 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1073_Y20_029_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa md60-NUMUN-GIŠ un-qa PN2 [...] ˹GIŠ.ŠUB˺.BA MU.MEŠ.

1074. Ellipse. 18 x 10.
► Anu-ikṣur/Lā-bāši/Mukin-apli//Kurî:
● 1/I/65; seller; sale of prebend YOS 20 30 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1074_Y20_030_R1.png]
→ Cap. un-qa md60-ik-ṣur un-qa PN2 na-din-na-ʾ.

1075. Ellipse fragment. 8+ x 11+.
► ˹d˺[...]:
● 22/VI/67; witness; quitclaim YOS 20 31 [] T4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1075_Y20_031_T4.png].
→ Cf. B1 (No. 504), L4 (No. 458); note witness #5: Šamaš-ittannu/Anu-uballiṭ//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #11: Anu-ikṣur/Tattannu//Ekur-zakir.

1076. Ellipse. 10 x 16.
► Anu-mār-ittannu/Anu-ab-uṣur//Ḫunzû:
● 20/VI/71; witness; sale of land BRM 2 20 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1076_Cl20_T2.png]/YOS 20 34 [] T2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1076_Y20_034_T2.png].

1077. Ellipse. 10 x 14+.
► Balāṭu/Bassiya/Ištar-šum-eriš//Ekur-zakir:
● 20/VI/71; witness; sale of land BRM 2 20 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1077_Cl20_T3.png]/YOS 20 34 [] T3.
→ Seal owner was a scribe (ṭupšarru) of archival tablets: BRM 2 17 [] (67 S.E.); YOS 20 31 [] ( (67 S.E.).

1078. Ellipse. 20 x 10.
► Kidin-Anu/Riḫat-Anu/Anu-mukīn-apli:
● 20/VI/71; witness; sale of land BRM 2 20 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1078_Cl20_R1.png]/YOS 20 34 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1078_Y20_034_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa mki-din-d60 un-qa PN2 DUMU.MEŠ šá mri-ḫat-d60.

1079. Ellipse. 20 x 9.5.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Riḫat-Anu/Anu-aḫ-ittannu itinnu:
● 1/IX/78; seller; sale of food allotment and prebend YOS 20 39 [] R1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1079_Y20_039_R1.png].
→ Cap. un-qa md60-ŠEŠ-MU-nu na-din GIŠ.ŠUB.BA DÍM-ú-tú MU.MEŠ.

1080. Ellipse. 14 x 16.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Anu-ab-uṣur/Yāh-ṣippāʾ:
● 1/VI/85; witness; sale of land BRM 2 26 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1080_Cl26_B1.png].

1081. Ellipse fragment. 10 x 16+.
► Nidintu-Anu:
● 17/XIIII/85; witness; sale of land YOS 20 42 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1081_Y20_042_B4.png].
→  Cf. T5: (No. 793), B5: [...] (lost), L5: [...] (No. 648); note witness #7: /Níkarchos; witness #12: /Ana-rabût-Anu//Ḫunzû; witness #15: /Kidin-Anu/Ištar-ḫīṭūʾa.

1082. Ellipse. 9 x 16+.
► Tanittu-Anu/Šamaš-ittannu//Kurî:
● 24/III/89; witness; sale of land BRM 2 28 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1082_Cl28_T3.png]/BiMes 24 19 [] T3. → Publ. Weisberg 1991, Pl. 39 U.E. (BiMes 24 19 [] T3).

1083. Ellipse fragment. 8.5+ x 7+.
► [...]:
● 22/VIII/95; witness; exchange of properties BIN 2 135 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1083_BN2_135_T3.png].
→ Note witness #4: Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu; witness #9: Anu-aḫḫē-iddin/Ubār//Šumāt; witness #10: Dannat-Bēl/Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad.

1084. Pointed ellipse fragment. 5+ x 6.5+. Fragment of crab facing up at right.
► [...]:
● 1/IV/96; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 29 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1084_Cl29_L2.png].
→ Note witness #3: [Anu]-aḫ-iddin/Anu-mār-ittannu//Ekur-zakir; witness #4: Anu-[...]/Anu-mār-ittannu//Ekur-zakir; witness #5: Anu-[ab]-utēr/Ina-qibīt-Anu//Ḫunzû; witness #6: [...]/[...]-aḫ-ittannu//Ekur-zakir; witness #7′: Līšer/[...]//Kurî; witness #8′: Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Šamaš-īṭer//Luštammar-Adad; witness #9′: Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Nidintu-Anu//Ḫunzû; witness #10′: Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-ab-utēr//Ḫunzû.

1085. Ellipse. 18 x 10+.
► Anu-uballassu/Tattannu/Nanâ-iddin/Anu-uballiṭ//Ḫunzû:
● 4/V/[103-119]; guarantor; sale of prebend YOS 20 58 [] R2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1085_Y20_058_R2.png]
→ Cap. un-qa md60-ú-bal-la-su A-šú mu-mar-raq-an-na.

1086. Ellipse fragment. 5+ x 7+.
► Ardi-Rēš/Mannu-kī-Ištar//Kurî:
● 24/V/119; witness; sale of land BRM 2 32 [] [B3]/YOS 20 56 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1086_Y20_056_B3.png].

1087. Pointed ellipse fragment. 11+ x 9. Eight-pointed star above, crab facing right at right.
► [...]:
● 3/V/[120-124]; witness; sale of prebend BRM 2 55 [] B3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1087_Cl55_B3.png].
→ Cf. T1 (No. 173); note witness #1: [...]/[...]//Ekur-zakir; witness #2: [...]/[...]//Aḫ-ūtu.

1088. Ellipse. 6 x 12. Male head (?) profile right.
► Nanâ-iddin/Anu-mukīn-apli//Luštammar-Adad:
● 25/XII/127; witness; sale of land STUBM 92 [] L2;
● 20/-/129; witness; exchange of properties BRM 2 35 [] B4 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1088_Cl35_B4.png].

1089. Fragment. 11 x 5+.
► [...]:
● 12/III/131; seller;(?)/guarantor(?) sale of prebend and land BRM 2 36 [] R1' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1089_Cl36_R1.png].
→ Cf. R2′ (No. 11), R3′ (lost); note seller: Illut-Anu/Ina-qibīt-Anu/Anu-mukīn-apli/Anu-mār-ittannu sepīru, guarantor #1: Nidintu-Anu/Anu-mukīn-apli/Anu-mār-ittannu, and his brothers guarantor #2: Anu-mukīn-apli, guarantor #3: Anu-mār-ittannu, guarantor #4: Anu-uballiṭ.

1090. Ellipse. 10 x 14+.
► Lā-bāši/Riḫat-Anu/Lā-bāši itinnu:
● 22/II/138; witness; sale of land YOS 20 68 [] L1' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1090_Y20_068_L1'.png].

1091. Pointed ellipse. 8 x 16. Seven-pointed star top.
► Anu-uballissu/[...]:
● 18/-/138; seller; lease of prebend YOS 20 69 [] R3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1091_Y20_069_R3.png].

1092. Relocated to No. 64′.

1093. Relocated to No. 510′.

1094. Ellipse. 12 x 12+. Square patterned band at bottom.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-aḫḫē-iddin//Aḫ-ūtu:
● 1/VIII/160; witness; sale of land AoF 5 85 4+AoF 5 85 5 [...]/BRM 2 48 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1094_Cl48_T3.png].
→ Impression occurs on ring-bulla CBCY 5 70 []-5 [/hbtin/images/CBCY/CBCY70-05.png].

1095. Ellipse. 7 x 16. Human-headed scorpion monster profile right(?).
► Illut-Anu/[...]:
● 11/XI/160; witness; division of property YOS 20 78 [] B1 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1095_Y20_078_B1.png]
→ Fragmentary witness list.

1096. Circular. 13 D.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-šum-[...]//Kurî:
● -/II/163; witness; sale of land BIN 2 136 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1096_BN2_136_L2.png].

1097. Pointed ellipse. 8 x 16.
► Ṭu-pa-a/Idat-[...]:
● -/II/163; witness; sale of land BIN 2 136 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1097_BN2_136_T3.png].
→ Publ. Nies and Keiser 1920, Pl. 56, U.E. (T3).

1098. Pointed ellipse. 18 x 7+.
► Sumuttu-Anu:
● 8/III/166; witness; sale of land BRM 2 49 [] L2 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1098_Cl49_L2.png]/AoF 5 10 [...].
→ The personal names of witness #1-7 are lost.

1099. Ellipse. 10.5 x 16+.
► Anu-ab-uṣur/Anu-šum-līšer/Anu-ab-uṣur//Ḫunzû:
● 8/-/173; witness; sale of land BRM 2 52 [] T3 [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1099_Cl52_T3.png].

1100. Ellipse. 10 x 13.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-uballissu/[...]:
● 8/-/173; witness; sale of land BRM 2 52 [] L1' [/hbtin/images/AUWE19/A19_1100_Cl52_L1.png].

Other examples:

1100:A. Ellipse.
► Anu-bēlšunu/Nanâ-iddin//Ekur-zakir:
● 10/IV/12; witness; sale of prebend VDI 1955/4 152f. VI [] T1.
→ Cap. NA4.KIŠIB PN.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955/4, Fig. 7 (T1).

1100:B. Ellipse.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Kidin-Anu rab bīt ḫilṣi:
● 14/-/48; seller; sale of prebend WZJ 19 1970 905ff. [] R1.
→ Cap. un-qa md60-ŠEŠ-MU-nu un-qa PN2 na-din-nu GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU.MEŠ DUMU.MEŠ šá mki-din-d60.
→ Publ. Oelsner 1970, 909, Abb. 3d (R1).

1100:C. Relocated to No. 607ʹ.

1100:D. Ellipse.
► Anu-aḫ-ittannu/Kidin-Anu/Ištar-aḫḫē-iddin:
● 2/VI/82; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 26 [] L1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 22, No. 117, and Pl. 64, Lo.E. (L1).

1100:E. Relocated to No. 1029:A.

1100:F. Relocated to No. 1034:D.

1100:G. Relocated to No. 125:C′.

1100:H. Relocated to No. 660:Hʹ.

1100:I. Relocated to No. 993:A0.

1100:J. Ellipse fragment.
► Anu-mukīn-apli/Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Anu-mukīn-apli//Ekur-zakir:
● 20/X/139; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 20 [] L1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 89, and Pl. 42, Le.E. (L1).

1100:K. Ellipse. Star at top.
► Šamaš-ittannu/Ubār/Mušēzib-Anu//Ḫunzû:
● 20/X/139; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 20 [] B1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 21, No. 86, and Pl. 42, Lo.E. (B1).

1100:L. Relocated to 1023:A.

1100:M. Ellipse fragment.
► Artemídōros/Bani-apli/Nanâ-iddin//Luštammar-Adad:
● 19/-/148; witness; sale of land BiMes 24 27 [] [T1]/BiMes 24 29 [] T1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 128, and Pl. 76, U.E. (T1) (BiMes 24 29 [] T1).

1100:N. Ellipse fragment.
► Nikólaos(Riḫat-Anu)/fPhaneía:
● 19/-/148; guarantor; sale of land BiMes 24 27 [] R2/BiMes 24 29 [] [R2].
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 23, No. 125, and Pl. 69, R.E. (BiMes 24 27 [] R2).

1100:O. Ellipse.
► Athēníōn/Anu-uballiṭ/Anu-zēr-iddin/Riḫat-Anu ša ultu kiništi ša Rēš.
● 20/XI/159; seller; sale of land VDI 1955/4 146f. III []R1.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 4 (R1).

1100:P. Ellipse fragment.
► Kidin-Anu/Lā-bāši/Anu-uballiṭ//Ḫunzû:
● -/-/[151-161]; witness; ? BiMes 24 49 []B2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 201, and Pl. 126, Lo.E. (B2).

1100:Q. Ellipse fragment.
► Zērīya/Anu-mukīn-apli/[...]//Gimil-Anu:
● -/-/[151-161]; witness; ? BiMes 24 49 [] B1.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 200, and Pl. 126, Lo.E. (B1).

1100:R. Ellipse.
► Iqīšâ/Nidintu-Anu/Iqīšâ//Ekur-zakir:
● 10/III/165; witness; lease of prebend VDI 1955/4 157f. VIII []B2.
→ Publ. Sarkisian 1955, Fig. 10 (B2).

1100:S. Relocated to No. 153:A′

1100:T. Ellipse.
► Nidintu-Anu/Anu-zēr-iddin/Nidintu-Anu:
● 4/III/179; witness; dedication of slaves BiMes 24 44 [] L2.
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 182, and Pl. 108, Le.E. (L2).

1100:U. Circular.
► [...]teus/Dióphantos/[...]:
● 4/III/179; donor; dedication of slaves BiMes 24 44 [] [R1].
→ Publ. Weisberg 1991, 25, No. 181, and Pl. 109, R.E. (R1).

1100:V. Circular fragment.
► Kidin-Anu/Anu-balāssu-iqbi/Anu-zēr-iddin//Ḫunzû:
● 9/XI/203; witness; quitclaim BaM 15 1984 274f. [] T3.
→ Publ. Boehmer 1984, Taf. 29a (T3); Kessler 1984, 275 (T3).


Ron , 'AUWE 19: an updated version of the catalogue', Hellenistic Babylonia: Texts, Images, Names, The HBTIN project, 2024 []

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