Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur 01
Obverse | ||
11 | a-na-ku mdMAŠ-NÍG.DU-ÙRU LÚ.GARḫi u KUR.má-rí DUMU mdUTU-SAG-PAP LÚ.GARḫi u | (1) I, Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur, governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari, son of Šamaš-rēša-uṣur, governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari, |
22 | DUMU mBA-šá-dAMAR.UTU MIN ⸢ŠÀ⸣.BAL.BAL mdIŠKUR-SUM-NUMUN LÚ.GARḫi u KUR.má-rí | (2) son of Iqīša-Marduk, ditto (governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari), descendant of Adad-nādin-zēri, governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari, |
33 | [(...)] NUMUN da-ru-ú li-pu ru-qu šá mtu-na-mis-saḫ DUMU m*ḫa-am-mu-ra-pu | (3) [(...)] one of an enduring lineage, distant descendant of Tunamissaḫ, son of Ḫammu-rāpi, [king of Babylon (...)] — |
44 | [LUGAL TIN.TIR.KI (...)] É a-ki-tu₄ šá dIŠKUR u dmi-šar-rum DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ a-ši-bu-tu | (4b) The Akītu temple of the gods Adad and Mīšarum — the great gods who dwell in [the town Udada], my lords — had become old and been abandoned. |
55 | [URU.ú-da-da] EN.MEŠ-e-a la-ba-riš il-lik-ma muš-šu-rat a-a-⸢um⸣-ma ina lìb-bi | (5b) None among [my ancestors] had paid attention (to it) and (re)built (it). I completely (re)built [this] Akītu temple. I had (this temple) (re)built and dedicated (it) to the gods Adad and Mīšarum, the great gods, my lords, in order to ensure my good health (and) the well-being of my offspring, to prolong my days, to confirm my reign, (and) to defeat the land of my enemy. |
66 | [AD.MEŠ-e-a] SAG-su ul iš-ši-ma ul i-pu-uš ana-ku É a-ki-⸢tu₄⸣ [UR₅]-⸢tú ú⸣-šak-lil-ma | |
77 | a-na dIŠKUR ù dmi-ša-rum DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-e-a a-na ba-laṭ ZI.MEŠ-ia | |
88 | šá-lam NUMUN-ia GÍD.DA UD.MEŠ-ia ku-un BALA.MEŠ-e-a sa-kap KUR LÚ.KÚR-ia ú-še-piš-ma | |
99 | BA-ìš É.GAL m[é-nam]-⸢ḫé⸣-NUMUN-ib-ni LÚ.GARḫi u KI-tim URU.ra-ìl | (9b) The palace of [Enamḫ]e-zēra-ibni, governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari, (which is located in) the district of the city Raʾil, which is in the middle of the [Euphrates] River, had become old and I abandoned it. |
1010 | šá qab-lat ÍD.[BURANUN.KI] la-ba-riš il-lik-ma un-dáš-šìr-šú É.GAL šá-ni-tu₄ | (10b) I built another palace above it: [6]4 cubits is its length (and) 12 1/2 cubits is its width. I made it 20 cubits longer (and) 4 cubits wider than the palace of E[nam]ḫe-zēra-ibni. |
1111 | AN.TA-šú e-pu-uš-⸢ma⸣ [60-šu] ⸢4⸣ ina 1.KÙŠ GÍD.DA-šú 12 ina 1.KÙŠ ù ma-la ú-ṭu ru-pu-us-su | |
1212 | a-na la É.GAL šá m⸢é*⸣-[nam]-ḫé-NUMUN-DÙ 20 ina 1.KÙŠ ú-šá-rik-šú 4 ina 1.KÙŠ ur-tap-pis-su | |
1313 | šá-ni-tu₄ É.GAL AN.⸢TA⸣-[šú ina] ⸢UGU⸣ ki-iṣ-ri e-pu-uš-ma 45 ina 1.KÙŠ ú-šá-rik-šú | (13) I built (even) another palace above [it on] top of an embankment; I made it 45 cubits long (and) 9 cubits wide. [Moreover], I did not pay (great) attention to this matter and did not make a relief (commemorating) it. |
1414 | 9 ina 1.KÙŠ ur-tap-pis-[su ù] pa-nu-ú-a a-na muḫ-ḫi ul áš-kun-ma GIŠ.ḪUR ul e-ṣir-ši | |
1515 | LÚ.ra-ìl-a-a LÚ.ḪI.GAR.⸢MEŠ?⸣-[šú-nu ḪI].⸢GAR?⸣ a-na UGU AD-ia i-pu-šú-ma AD-ú-a id-duk-šú-nu-ti | (15) With regard to the people of Raʾil (and) [their] rebels, they had [rebell]ed against my father, but my father had defeated them. |
1616 | i-na lìb-bi pa-nu-⸢ú⸣-[a ana] ⸢muḫ⸣-ḫi ul áš-kun-ma GIŠ.ḪUR ul e-ṣir-ši i-na re-eš | (16) With regard to this matter, I did not pay (great) attention [to] it and did not make a relief (commemorating) it. At the beginning of my governorship, [when] I ascended [the th]rone of my father, the people of Raʾil revolted against me, but [I defeated] them. |
1717 | LÚ.GAR.KUR-ú-ti-ia [šá ina GIŠ].⸢GU⸣.ZA šá AD-ia ú-ši-bu LÚ.ra-ìl-a-a a-na muḫ-ḫi-ia | |
1818 | ib-bal-kit-ú-⸢ma⸣ [a-duk]-⸢šú⸣-nu-ti man-ni ár-ku-ú šá E₁₁-ma a-na LÚ.ra-ìl-a-a | (18b) No one in the future who comes forward should neg[lect] the people of Raʾil! |
1919 | na-de-e a-ḫi la [i-raš-ši]-⸢šú⸣-nu-ti ina re-eš LÚ.GAR.KUR-ú-ti-ia šá i-na GIŠ.GU.ZA | (19b) At the beginning of my governorship, when I ascended the throne of my father, [two thousand Ḫata]llu (tribesmen) — from the Sarugu (clan) to the Minuʾû (clan) — gathered and [Šamaʾga]mni, the herald of the Sarugu (clan), was their leader. |
2020 | šá AD-ia ú-ši-⸢bu⸣ [2 LIM LÚ.ḫa]-⸢ṭal⸣-li ul-tu LÚ.sa-ru-gu a-di LÚ.mi-nu-ʾ-i | |
2121 | ip-ḫu-ru-ú-⸢ma⸣ [mšá-ma-ʾ-ga]-⸢am⸣-ni LÚ.NIMGIR LÚ.sa-ru-gu a-lik pa-ni-šu-nu | |
2222 | a-na ḫu-ub-tu [anaé]-⸢e⸣ il-li-ku-ma <<KUR>> 1 ME É.DURU₅.MEŠ šáé-e | (22) They went to plunder [the land of Laq]û. They seized one hundred villages of the land of Laqû, [to]ok [countless] bo[oty], and turned the land of Laqû into a heap of ruins. |
2323 | iṣ-bat-ú-ma ⸢ḫu⸣-[ub-tu la mi-ni iḫ]-⸢bu⸣-tu-nim-maé-e a-na DU₆ ù kar-mi | |
2424 | ut-tir-ru md[IŠKUR-da-ʾa-nu LÚ.GAR KUR].⸢la⸣-qé-e ina lìb-bi 4 GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ 2 ME ÉRIN.MEŠ | (24b) [Adad-daʾʾānu, the governor of the land of L]aqû, [came] before me with four chariots (and) two hundred soldiers. He kissed [the ground] before me and then implored me (for aid), (saying): |
2525 | a-na pa-ni-⸢ia⸣ [il-li-kám-ma qaq-qa-ri] i-na pa-ni-ia iš-šiq-ma ù ú-sap-pa-an-ni-ma | |
2626 | šum-ma ki-i [x x x x x x] at-ta ù ki-i tu-un-dáš-šìr-an-ni at-ta-a-ma | (26) “If you [...] or if you abandon me, (you will surely die)!” |
2727 | ù md30-[SILIM-im-an-ni] LÚ.EN.NAMṣa-pu ⸢a-di⸣ e-mu-qu gab-bi šáṣa-pu | (27) Moreover, Sîn-[šallimanni], the provincial governor of the land of Ruṣapu [went] against [them (the Arameans) wi]th all the troops of the land of Ruṣapu, [but] (when) he saw them, he did not fall upon them. |
2828 | a-na ⸢muḫ⸣-[ḫi-šú-nu il-li-kám-ma] i-mur-šu-nu-ti-ma a-na muḫ-ḫi-šú-nu ul im-qut | |
2929 | a-na-ku md⸢MAŠ⸣-[NÍG.DU-ÙRU LÚ.GARḫi] u am-ri šá dUTU u dAMAR.UTU dIŠKUR u dA-dIŠKUR | (29) I, Ni[nurta-kudurrī-uṣur, governor of the land of Sūḫu] and the land of Mari, the chosen one, whom the deities Šamaš and Marduk, Adad and Apla-Adad, and Ištar made [... for ...] and the god Marduk and [...] exalted over mighty kings and over [(...)] gover[nors] — I questioned the god Apla-Adad, the great lord, my lord. |
3030 | ù diš-tar [x x x x x (x x)] ù dAMAR.UTU i-pu-šú-ma UGU LUGAL.MEŠ dan-nu-ú-tu | |
3131 | ù UGU LÚ.GAR.[KUR.MEŠ x x x x (x x)] ú-šaq-qu-ú dA-dIŠKUR EN GAL-ú EN-ia áš-al-ma | |
3232 | ina a-mat dA-d⸢IŠKUR⸣ EN GAL-ú EN-ia ina lìb-bi 1 ME 5 GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ 2 ME 20 pét-ḫal-lu 3 LIM zu*-uk GÌR.II | (32) At the command of the god Apla-Ad[ad], the great lord, my lord, I went up to the steppe against them with 105 chariots, 220 mounted soldiers, (and) 3,000 foot soldiers — and (thereby) not even all of the land of Sūḫu was gathered! |
3333 | ùḫi gab-bi ul ip-ḫu-ru a-na muḫ-ḫi-šú-nu a-na EDIN e-li-ma 1-en u₄-mi | |
3434 | i-na UGU PÚ.ṣu-mu-ú-a ú-šib-ma šu-nu 2 LIM-šú-nu ÉRIN.MEŠ GIŠ.BAN a-na UGU PÚ.ma-ki-ri | (34) I waited at the well Ṣumūa for one (whole) day and (then) they — two thousand of them, (all/including) archers — arrived at the well Makiru. |
3535 | ik-šu-du-nim-ma a-na lìb-bi-šú-nu am-qu-ut-ma 1 LIM 7 ME ⸢16?⸣ ÉRIN.MEŠ ina lìb-bi-šú-nu ad-duk | (35b) I fell upon them and killed one thousand seven hundred and sixteen of their men. |
3636 | ul-tu PÚ.ma-ki-ri a-di PÚ.gal-la-bu ù a-di UGU PÚ.⸢su⸣-ri-⸢bu⸣ BAD₅.BAD₅-šú-nu | (36) From the well Makiru as far as the well Gallabu and the well Suribu, I defeated them. I filled the mountains and wadis with their skulls. Moreover, I removed the arms (and) lower lips of eighty of their men and let them go to (spread the news of my) glory. Two hundred soldiers from among them got away alive. |
3737 | áš-kun gul-gul-la-ti-šu-nu KUR.MEŠ ù na-ḫal ⸢um⸣-dal-li ⸢ù šá⸣ 80 ⸢ÉRIN⸣.MEŠ ina lìb-bi-šú-nu | |
3838 | kap-pi-šú-nu sa-ap-sa-pi-šú-nu áš-ši-ma a-na da-li-li un-dáš-šìr-šu-nu-ti | |
3939 | ù 2 ME ÉRIN.MEŠ bal-ṭu-ú-tu ina lìb-bi-šú-nu it-ta-par-ši-du* ù mšá-ma-ʾ-ga-am-ni | (39b) Moreover, with regard to Šamaʾgamni, the herald of the Sarugu (clan), their leader, the dishonest servant whom the land of Sūḫu, Assyria, and my fathers rejected, I got hold (of him and) killed him, (thereby) easing my heart. |
4040 | LÚ.NIMGIR LÚ.sa-ru-gu a-lik pa-ni-šú-nu LÚ.ÌR la tar-ṣu šáḫi KUR-aš-šur.KI u AD.MEŠ-e-a | |
4141 | ú-šá-an-si*-<ku?>-šu ik-šu-ud ŠU.II-a-a a-⸢duk⸣-šú-ma i-nu-uḫ lìb-bi šá mam-ma ina lìb-bi AD.MEŠ-e-a | (41b) I inflicted such a defeat as none among my ancestors had inflicted. My ancestors had defeated the enemy ten times, but they did not achieve as much as I. I inflicted a single defeat (of such an extent that) I surpassed my ancestors. |
4242 | la i-du-ku ana-ku ad-duk ⸢AD⸣.MEŠ-ú-a 10-šú LÚ.KÚR GAZ-ma ma-lu-ú-a ul ú-šam-ṣu-ú | |
4343 | ana-ku 1-et di-ik-ti a-duk-ma a-na la AD.MEŠ-e-a ú-šá-tir₄(DIR) man-ni ár-ku-ú šá E₁₁-ma | (43b) Anyone in the future who comes forward and says: “How did Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur, the governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari, inflict this defeat?” (should be told that) I did not inflict (this) by my own power, (but rather) I inflicted this defeat by the power of the gods Šamaš and Marduk, Adad and Apla-Adad, the great gods, my lords. |
4444 | i-qab-bu-ú um-ma ki-i-ki-i mdMAŠ-NÍG.DU-PAP LÚ.GARḫi u di-ik-ti | |
4545 | an-ni-tu₄ id-duk ul i-na e-muq-ia a-duk ina e-muq dUTU u d⸢AMAR⸣.UTU dIŠKUR u dA-dIŠKUR | |
4646 | DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-e-a di-ik-ti an-ni-⸢tu₄⸣ ad-duk man-ni ár-ku-ú šá E₁₁-ma | (46b) Anyone in the future who comes forward and should ask the elders of his land and the elders of the land of Laqû: “Is it true that Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur, the governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari inflicted this [defeat] at the command of the god Apla-Adad, the great lord, his lord?” (should be told that) this was the handiwork of the god Apla-Adad, my divine lord [...] he loves me and set my hands to this task. |
4747 | ši-bu-ut KUR-šú ù ši-⸢bu-tu⸣ šáé-e liš-⸢al⸣-ma um-ma ⸢kit⸣-tu-ú | |
4848 | šá mdMAŠ-NÍG.DU-PAP LÚ.GARḫi u KUR.má-rí ina a-mat dA-dIŠKUR EN GAL-ú EN-šú | |
4949 | [di-ik-ti] an-ni-ti i-du-ku a-ga-a ši-kin qa-ti šá dA-dIŠKUR DINGIR EN-ia | |
5050 | [x x x x] i-ra-man-ni-ma dul-la an-na-a a-na ŠU.II-ia iš-kun | |
5151 | (51) Collated. |
Based on Grant Frame, Rulers of Babylonia: From the Second Dynasty of Isin to the End of Assyrian Domination (1157-612 BC) (RIMB 2; Toronto, 1995). Digitized, lemmatized, and updated by Alexa Bartelmus, 2015-16, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as