People, Gods & Places

These are the names that appear in the inscriptions. Unless otherwise noted, all of the people's names are of Akkadian origin. The forms of the names match those found in the project's QPN Glossary [/suhu/cbd/qpn/onebigfile.html] and, therefore, always appear without long vowels and according to their ancient (not modern) name.

 A   B   C   D   E   F   G   Ŋ   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   Ṣ   Š   T   Ṭ   U   V   W   X   Y   Z   ~ 


Abdi-ili (person)
An individual mentioned in a fragmentarily preserved inscription, possibly of a governor of Suhu PGP .
Adad (deity)
Weather god, of storms and beneficial rains. For further details, see this deity's [/amgg/listofdeities/ikur/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].
Adad-daʾʾanu (person)
Governor of the land Laqu PGP ; he was unable to stop raiding nomadic groups and had to request military aid from Suhu PGP .
Adad-nadin-zeri (person)
A governor of Suhu PGP  and predecessor of Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP  and Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP .
Al-gabbari-bani (place)
A town constructed by Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP .
Alu-eššu (people)
Inhabitants of the town Alu-eššu PGP .
Alu-eššu (place)
"New City": A town.
Amatu (people)
A tribal group that fought against Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP .
Anat (deity)
A war goddess and the tutelary deity of the city Anat PGP 
Anat (people)
The inhabitants of the island town Anat PGP . An inscription of Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP  states that they had at some point in the past rebelled against Suhu PGP  and had joined forces with Assyria PGP .
Anat (place)
An island city in the Euphrates River PGP , modern Anah in the border region between Syria and Iraq.
Anu (deity)
The sky god, worshipped especially in Uruk. For further details, see this deity's [/amgg/listofdeities/an/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].
Apla-Adad (deity)
"Heir of Adad PGP ": A god important to the governors of Suhu PGP .
Aramu (people)
"Aramean": The people and Semitic language from the area of Aram.
Aššur (place)
The territory to the north of Babylonia (modern northern Iraq) and an empire ruled by kings Esarhaddon, Ashurbanipal, and their predecessors and successors. See the Assyrian Empire [/saao/knpp/Essentials/Assyrianempire/index.html].
Aššuru (people)
"Assyrian": The people of Assyria.
Azlayyanu (place)
A town in which Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP  waited for a caravan of people from Šaba PGP  and Tema PGP ; he captured there one hundred people and two hundred camels.


Babili (place)
Ancient Babylon, the most important city of Babylonia, near the modern city of Hilla.
Balammu (person)
Father of Yaʾe PGP , a member of the Amatu PGP  clan.
Baqa (place)
A town in which Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP  states that he heard about an uprising in the town Ribaniš PGP .
Bukre (place)
A well mentioned in two inscriptions of Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP .


Dur-Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur (place)
"Fort Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP ": A town constructed by Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP .
Dur-Šamaš-reša-uṣur (place)
"Fort Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP ": A town built by Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP .


Enamhe (place)
"House of Plenty": The temple of the god Adad PGP  at Anat PGP .
Enamhe-zera-ibni (person)
A governor of Suhu PGP  and predecessor of Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP  and Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP . The latter ruler claims to have renovated the palace of Enamhe-zera-ibni at Raʾil PGP .
Ešuzianna (place)
"House, True Hand of Heaven": The temple of the goddess Anat PGP  at Anat PGP .


Gallabu (place)
A well where Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP  defeated his enemies.


Habha (place)
Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP  claims to have brought down honeybees from the mountains around this location.
Halatu (place)
A well mentioned in an inscription of Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP ; a caravan of people from Šaba PGP  and Tema PGP  passed by it.
Hammu-rapi (person)
Hammurabi, the famous Old Babylonian king of Babylon PGP . The governors of Suhu PGP  trace their ancestry back to him, through a certain Tunamissah PGP .
Hanzanuʾa (people)
A troublesome tribal group mentioned in a fragmentarily preserved inscription, possibly of a governor of Suhu PGP .
Hatallu (people)
A troublesome tribal group that joined forces wth the Luhuayya PGP  and Sarugu PGP .
Hazi (place)
A town mentioned in a fragmentarily preserved inscription, possibly of a governor of Suhu PGP .
Hindanu (place)
Assyrian province and its capital of the same name on the Middle Euphrates PGP , near the modern Iraqi border with Syria.
Hurze (place)
A town whose inhabitants were mustered by Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP  when he needed to work on a local canal.


Igigi (deity)
A collective name for the gods of heaven. For further details, see this group of gods' [/amgg/listofdeities/igigi/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].
Imgur-Enlil (place)
A town mention in an inscription of Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP ; possibly the Assyrian city of that name (modern Balawat).
Iqiša-Marduk (person)
A governor of Suhu PGP  and father of Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP ; he was the son of Uayyamu PGP .
Ištar (deity)
Goddess of war, love and beauty who was worshipped in many Assyrian and Babylonian cities. For further details, see this deity's [/amgg/listofdeities/inanaitar/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].


Kar-Apla-Adad (place)
A town constructed by Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP .
Kar-Nabu (place)
A town. Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP  governor claims to have planted the date palm trees in the courtyard of its palace.
Kudurru (person)
A governor of Suhu PGP  and predecessor of Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP  and Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP .


Laqu (place)
A land frequently mentioned in the inscriptions of Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP . According to those texts, it was plundered by nomadic groups and its governor Adad-daʾʾanu PGP  was unable to stop them and request military aid from Suhu PGP .
Luhuayya (people)
A troublesome tribal group that joined forces wth the Hatallu PGP  and Sarugu PGP .


Makiru (place)
A well where Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP  defeated his enemies.
Mandanu (deity)
A god important to the rulers of Suhu PGP .
Marduk (deity)
The supreme god of Babylon PGP , where he was worshipped at the temple Esagil; father of the god Nabu and consort of the goddess Zarpanitu. For further details, see this deity's [/amgg/listofdeities/marduk/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].
Mari (place)
Modern Tell Hariri. A city over which the governors of Suhu PGP  claim authority.
Martu (place)
A well mentioned in an inscription of Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP ; a caravan of people from Šaba PGP  and Tema PGP  passed by it.
Minuʾu (people)
A troublesome tribal group that was defeated by Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP  after they plundered the land Laqu PGP  and Sin-šallimanni, PGP  the Assyrian governor of Ruṣapu PGP , failed to stop them.
Mišarum (deity)
"Justice": Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP  rebuilt his akītu-temple at Udada PGP .


Nabu-šumu-lišir (person)
An individual mentioned in a context concerning events that took place during the time of X-Adad  PGP .
Nashir-Adad (person)
A governor of Suhu PGP  and predecessor of Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP  and Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP .
Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur (person)
A governor of Suhu PGP . For further details, see ruler's essentials page.


Purattu (place)
An ancient name for the Euphrates River.


Qaqqaru-aradatu (place)
A place where Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP  claims to have defeated approximately four hundred men of the tribal group Tuʾmanu (people) PGP .


Rammanu (deity)
Weather god, of storms and beneficial rains; another name of the god Adad PGP .
Raʾil (people)
Inhabitants of the town Raʾil PGP .
Raʾil (place)
A town that had rebelled against both Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP  and Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP . The former governor claims to have planted the date palm trees in the courtyard of that city's palace and the latter ruler boasts of having rebuilt its palace, which had been previously constructed by Enamhe-zera-ibni PGP .
Ribaniš (place)
A town in which Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP  plated some date trees. That governor of Suhu PGP  states that approximately four hundred men of the tribal group Tuʾmanu (people) PGP  attacked this settlement.
Ruṣapu (place)
The capital of an Assyrian province. Its governor Sin-šallimanni, PGP  is mentioned in several inscriptions of Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP .


Sarugu (people)
A troublesome tribal group that was defeated by Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP  after they plundered the land Laqu PGP  and Sin-šallimanni, PGP  the Assyrian governor of Ruṣapu PGP , failed to stop them.
Sin-šallimanni (people)
Assyrian provincial governor of the city Ruṣapu PGP .
Suhu (people)
The people of Suhu.
Suhu (place)
A small kingdom located in the Middle Euphrates PGP  Region. For further details, see its introductory page.
Suribu (place)
A well where Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP  defeated his enemies.

Ṣumua (place)
A well where Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP  stopped during one of his campaigns.


Šaba (people)
Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP  claims to have seized a caravan from this important Arabian city.
Šala (deity)
The divine consort of the weather god Adad PGP . For further details, see this deity's [/amgg/listofdeities/ala/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].
Šamaš (deity)
The sun-god; god of justice; the sun. For further details, see this deity's [/amgg/listofdeities/utu/index.html] essentials page on Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses [/amgg/].
Šamaš-reša-uṣur (person)
A governor of Suhu PGP " For further details, see ruler's essentials page
Šamaʾgamni (person)
Military commander of the Sarugu PGP  clan.


Tabnea (person)
A governor of Suhu PGP  and predecessor of Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP  and Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP .
TAR.DI.NI (deity)
A local god mentioned in an inscription of Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP .
Tema (people)
Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP  claims to have seized a caravan from this important Arabian city.
Tunamissah (person)
. Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP  claims to have been a distant successor of this descendant (lit: "son") of Hammu-rapi PGP , king of Babylon PGP .
Tuʾmanu (people)
Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP  claims to have defeated approximately four hundred men from this tribal group after they attacked the town Ribaniš PGP .


Uayyamu (person)
A governor of Suhu PGP  and predecessor of Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP  and Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP . He was the father of Iqiša-Marduk PGP .
Udada (place)
A town. Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP  rebuilt its akītu-temple.
Ukalaya (place)
A town in whose region Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP  planted dates.
Uqaya (place)
A land mentioned in an inscription of Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP .


X-Adad (person)
A governor of Suhu PGP  and predecessor of Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP  and Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur PGP  against whom there was a rebellion. The first element of his name is unknown, but it may have been Nashir.
X-Šamaš-reša-uṣur (place)
A city (or canal) constructed by Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP . The first element of the name might have been Dur, Kar, or Nar.


Yabiʾ (place)
A town near Hurze PGP  whose inhabitants were mustered by Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP  when he needed to work on a local canal.
Yaduru (place)
A town in whose region Šamaš-reša-uṣur PGP  planted dates.
Yaʾe (person)
Military commander of the Amatu PGP  clan.

Jamie Novotny

Jamie Novotny, 'People, Gods & Places', Suhu: The Inscriptions of Suhu online Project, The Suhu Inscriptions Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2024 [,GodsPlaces/]

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© Suhu, 2015-16. The Inscriptions of Suhu online Project is based at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Historisches Seminar (LMU Munich, History Department) - Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East. Content released under a CC BY-SA 3.0 [] license, 2007-14.
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