The following bibliography consists of two parts. The first part is dedicated to studies that contain extensive treatments of Sūḫu and its rulers in the 8th century (as well as related matters), the second part presents books and articles of which only single pages are relevant for this topic as references in the context of a specific text or text passage. (For the exact page numbers see the information on the respective inscriptions.)
Studies on the inscriptions of the rulers of Suhu and related matters:
Beaulieu, P.-A., 'Sūḫi/u', in: M.P. Streck (ed.), Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie 13, Berlin: de Gruyter, 2012, pp. 259–262.
Cavigneaux, A., and B.K. Ismail, 'Die Statthalter von Suḫu und Mari im 8. Jh. v. Chr. anhand neuer Texte aus den irakischen Grabungen im Staugebiet des Qadissiya-Damms', Baghdader Mitteilungen 21 (1990), pp. 321–456 + pls. 35-38.
Clancier, P., 'Le moyen Euphrate de l'implantion des Arameens à la periode romaine', in: C. Kepinski, O. Lecomte, and A. Tenu (eds.), Studia Euphratica: Le moyen Euphrate iraquien révélé par les fouilles préventives de Haditha (Travaux de la Maison Archéologie & Ethnologie, René-Ginouvès 3), Paris: de Boccard, 2006, pp. 247–289.
Dion, P.-E., 'Les Araméens du Moyen-Euphrate au VIIIe siècle à la lumière des inscriptions des maîtres de Suhu et Mari', in: J.A. Emerton (ed.), Congress Volume: Paris 1992 (Supplements to Vetus Testamentum 61), Leiden et al.: Brill, 1995, pp. 53–73.
Dion, P.-E., 'The Syro-Mesopotamian Border in the VIIIth Century BC: The Aramaeans and the Establishment', The Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies Bulletin 30 (1995), pp. 5–10.
Dion, P.-E., Les Araméens à l'âge du fer: histoire politique et structures sociales (Études bibliques, Nouvelle série 34), Paris: Gabalda, 1997.
Fales, F.M., 'The Djezireh in Neo-Assyrian Sources', in: M. al-Maqdissi et al. (eds.), The Syrian Jezira - Cultural Heritage and Interrelations: Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Deir ez-Zor, April 22nd–25th, 1996 (Documents d'archéologie syrienne 1), Damascus: République arabe syrienne, Direction générale des antiquités et des musées, 2002, pp. 181–199.
Frame, G., 'Sūḫu', in: G. Frame, Rulers of Babylonia. From the Second Dynasty of Isin to the End of Assyrian Domination (1157–612 BC) (The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Babylonian Periods 2), Toronto et al.: University of Toronto Press, 1995, pp. 275–277. Buy the book from the University of Toronto Press [ ].
Grayson, A.K., 'Studies in Neo-Assyrian History 2: The Eighth Century B.C.', in: E. Robbins and S. Sandahl (eds.), Corolla Torontonensis: Studies in Honour of Ronald Morton Smith, Toronto: TSAR, 1994, pp. 73–84.
Ismail, B. K., 'Nusūs Ninūrtā-kūdūrī-uṣur hākim Sūḫī wa-Mārī', Sumer 42 (1986), pp. 87-88 [Arabic section].
Lipiński, E., The Aramaeans: Their Ancient History, Culture, Religion (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 100), Leuven: Peeters, 2000.
Naʾaman, N., 'Three Notes on the Suhu Inscriptions', Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 2003/86.
Naʾaman, N., 'Two Additional Notes on the Suhu Inscriptions', Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 2003/92.
Naʾaman, N., 'The Contribution of the Inscriptions of the Governors of Suhu to the Study of the History of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah', Zion 69 (2004), pp. 133–156 [Hebrew].
Naʾaman, N., 'The Contribution of the Suḫu Inscriptions to the Historical Research of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah', Journal of Near Eastern Studies 66 (2007), pp. 107–122.
Naʾaman, N., 'The Suhu Governors' Inscriptions in the Context of Mesopotamian Royal Inscriptions', in: M. Cogan and D. Kahn (eds.), Treasures on Camels' Humps. Historical and Literary Studies from the Ancient Near East Presented to Israel Ephʿal, Jerusalem: The Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2008, pp. 221-236.
Naʾaman, N., 'The Suhu Governors' Inscriptions in the Context of Mesopotamian Royal Inscriptions', in: I. Ephʿal and N. Naʾaman (eds.), Royal Assyrian Inscriptions: History, Historiography and Ideology: A Conference in Honour of Hayim Tadmor on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday, 20 November 2003, Jerusalem: The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 2009, pp. 97–113 [Hebrew].
Ponchia, S., 'Describing the Empire: Some Notes on Tiglath-pileser III's Inscriptions,' State Archives of Assyria Bulletin 22 (2016), pp. 1-38.
Younger, K.L., Jr., 'Another Look at the Nomadic Tribal Arameans in the Inscriptions of Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur of Suḫu', in: S. Yona, E.L. Greenstein, M.I. Gruber, P. Machinist, and S.M. Paul (eds.), Marbeh Ḥokmah. Studies in the Bible and the Ancient Near East in Loving Memory of Victor Avigdor Hurowitz, Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2015, pp. 605-631.
Further references:
Bell, G.L., 'The East Bank of the Euphrates from Tel Ahmar to Hit', The Geographical Journal 36 (1910), pp. 513-537 + map.
Börker-Klähn, J., Altvorderasiatische Bildstelen und vergleichbare Felsreliefs (Baghdader Forschungen 4), Mainz: von Zabern, 1982.
Contenau, G., Manuel d'archéologie orientale: depuis les origines jusqu'à l'époque d'Alexandre 3. Histoire de l'art (fin): premier millénaire jusqu'à Alexandre. Appendices, Paris: Picard, 1931.
Brinkman, J.A., A Political History of Post-Kassite Babylonia 1158-722 B.C. (Analecta Orientalia 43), Roma: Pontificium Institutum Biblicum, 1968.
Dalley, S., Mari and Karana: Two Old Babylonian Cities, London/New York: Longman, 1984.
Gressmann, H., Altorientalische Bilder zum Alten Testament, Berlin/Leipzig: de Gruyter, 1927 (second edition).
Herzfeld, E., The Persian Empire: Studies in Geography and Ethnography of the Ancient Near East (edited from the posthumous papers by Gerold Walser), Wiesbaden: Steiner, 1968.
Horn, S., 'Zur Geographie Mesopotamiens', Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete 34 (1922), pp. 123-156.
Jeremias, A., Handbuch der altorientalischen Geisteskultur, Berlin/Leipzig: de Gruyter, 1929 (second edition).
Killick, R., and M. Roaf, 'Excavations in Iraq, 1981-82', Iraq 45 (1983), pp. 199-224.
King, L.W., A History of Babylon: From the Foundation of the Monarchy to the Persian Conquest, London: Chatto & Windus, 1915.
Klengel-Brandt, E., Reise in das alte Babylon, Leipzig: Prisma, 1970.
[Koldewey, R.], 'Funde der babylonischen Expedition', Mittheilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 3 (November 1899), pp. 1-3.
Koldewey, R., 'Babylon, den 20. April 1900', Mittheilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 5 (November 1900), pp. 3-6.
Koldewey, R., Das wieder erstehende Babylon: Die bisherigen Ergebnisse der deutschen Ausgrabungen, Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1925 (fourth edition).
Koldewey, R., Die Königsburgen von Babylon 2: Die Hauptburg und der Sommerpalast Nebukadnezars im Hügel Babil (Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 55), Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1932.
Levey, M., Chemistry and Chemical Technology in Ancient Mesopotamia, Amsterdam et al.: Elsevier, 1959.
Meissner, B., Assyriologische Studien (Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatischen Gesellschaft 15/5), Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1910.
Meissner, B., Grundzüge der babylonischen und assyrischen Plastik (Der Alte Orient 15), Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1915.
Meissner, B., Babylonien und Assyrien 2, Heidelberg: Winter, 1925.
Meissner, B., Die babylonisch-assyrische Literatur, Wildpark-Potsdam: Athenaion, 1930.
Meyer, G.R., Durch vier Jahrtausende altvorderasiatischer Kultur, Berlin: Vorderasiatisches Museum, 1962 (second edition).
Neufeld, 'Apiculture in Ancient Palestine (Early and Middle Iron Age) Within the Framework of the Ancient Near East', Ugarit-Forschungen 10 (1978), pp. 219-247.
Oates, J., Babylon, London: Thames and Hudson, 1979.
Postgate, J.N., and P.J. Watson, 'Excavations in Iraq, 1977-78,' Iraq 41 (1979), pp. 141-181.
Pritchard, J.B., The Ancient Near East in Pictures: Relating to the Old Testament, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969 (second edition).
Roaf, M.D., and J.N. Postgate, 'Excavations in Iraq, 1979-80,' Iraq 43 (1981), pp. 167-197.
Saggs, H.W.F., The Might that was Assyria, London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1984.
Schmidt, E.F., Persepolis 2: Contents of the Treasury and Other Discoveries (Oriental Institute Publications 69), Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1957.
von Soden, W., 'Aramäische Wörter in neuassyrischen und neu- und spätbabylonischen Texten. Ein Vorbericht. 3', Orientalia NS 46 (1977), 183-197.
Unger, E., 'Götterbild', in: M. Ebert (ed.), Reallexikon der Vorgeschichte 4/2, Berlin: de Gruyter, 1926, pp. 412-426.
Unger, E., Babylon: Die heilige Stadt nach der Beschreibung der Babylonier, Berlin/Leipzig: de Gruyter, 1931.
Viollet, H., 'Description du palais de al-Moutasim, fils d'Haroun-al-Raschid à Samara et de quelques monuments arabes peu connus de la Mésopotamie', Mémoires présentés par divers savants à l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de l'Institut de France 12/2, Paris: Klincksieck, 1913, pp. [567]-594.
Weissbach, F.H., Babylonische Miscellen (Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 4), Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1903.
Alexa Bartelmus
Alexa Bartelmus, 'Bibliography', Suhu: The Inscriptions of Suhu online Project, The Suhu Inscriptions Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2025 []