The normal epistolary introduction of letters in this volume includes a blessing, often invoking two or three deities. The blessing is one of the indicators of the source of a letter. In many cases the deities are patron deities of the city where the letter was written. In other cases the relationship is less geographically precise. The head of the Babylonian pantheon, Marduk/Bel, and his son Nabû were invoked as a pair in letters from a variety of sources including Cutha, Birtu, Babylon, Borsippa, and Marad. Assyrian influence resulted in the invocation of Aššur and Šamaš.[[8]]
TABLE II. Blessings in Esarhaddon Texts
Text | Deities Invoked | Attribution |
no. 9 | Go[ds of Akka]d | Akkad |
no. 10 | Nabû and M[a]rduk; Nergal and Laṣ | Cutha |
no. 11 | Nabû and [Marduk]; [Nergal] and L[aṣ] | Cutha |
no. 131 | Aššur, Šamaš, and M[arduk] | Cutha |
no. 132 | [Nabû and Ma]rduk | Cutha |
no. 14 | Nabû and Marduk; Marduk and Zarpanitu | Babylon |
no. 17 | Nabû and Marduk | Babylon? |
no. 92 | Nabû and Marduk | ? |
no. 93 | Nabû and Marduk | ? |
no. 59 | [Na]bû and Marduk | Marad |
no. 60 | Nabû and Marduk; Šamaš and Marduk | Marad |
no. 68 | [Enlil], Ninurta, and Nusku | Nippur |
no. 70 | Enlil, Ninurta, and Nusku | Nippur |
no. 71 | Ninurta and Nusku | Nippur area |
no. 73 | Enli[l], N[inurta, and Nusku]; Enli[l and DN(N)]? | Nippur |
no. 74 | Enlil and [Mulliltu, Ninurta and Nusku; DNN]? | Nippur |
no. 79 | Lady of Uruk [and Na]naya | Uruk |
no. 80 | Gods of all the lands | Uruk |
no. 82 | Lost[[9]] | Uruk |
no. 85 | Aššur, Šamaš, and Marduk | Sealand |
no. 86 | Aššur, Šamaš, and [Marduk] | Sealand |
no. 88 | Lost[[10]] | Sealand |
TABLE III. Blessings in Assurbanipal Texts
Text | Deities Invoked | Attribution |
no. 143 | Nabû and Marduk | Birati |
no. 145 | Nabû and Marduk | Birati |
no. 146 | Nabû and Marduk | Birati |
no. 147 | Nabû and Marduk | Birati |
no. 148 | Nabû and Marduk | Birati |
no. 149 | Nabû and Marduk | Birati |
no. 153 | [M]arduk and Z[a]rpanitu | Sippar |
no. 156 | N[ergal] and La[ṣ] Cutha | |
no. 158 | None[[11]] | Babylon |
no. 160 | Nabû and Marduk | Babylon |
no. 163 | Nabû and Marduk; Marduk and Zarpanitu | Babylon |
no. 173 | [Nabû and] Marduk | Borsippa? |
no. 174 | Nabû and Marduk | Borsippa? |
no. 175 | Nabû and [M]arduk | Borsippa? |
no. 176 | Nabû and Marduk; Bel and Nabû | Borsippa? |
no. 177 | Bel and Nabû | Borsippa |
no. 178 | Bel and Nabû | Borsippa |
no. 180 | [Nabû and] Marduk, great gods of [heav]en and earth | Borsippa |
no. 181 | Nabû and Marduk; Nabû, lord of the stylus, your god | Borsippa? |
no. 182 | [Aššur], Šamaš, Marduk and Nabû, lord of the stylus | Borsippa? |
no. 183 | Uraš and Belet-ekalli | Dilbat |
no. 184 | Uraš [and Belet-ekalli] | Dilbat |
no. 185 | Aššur, Šamaš, and Marduk | Bit-Dakkuri |
no. 186 | Ašš[ur, Šamaš, and Mardu]k | Bit-Dakkuri |
no. 192 | Enlil, Ninurta, and Nusku | Nippur |
no. 193 | Enlil, [Ninurta, and] Nu[sku | Nippur |
no. 194 | Enlil, Ninurta, and Nusk[u] | Nippur |
no. 195 | Enlil, Ninurta, and [Nusku]; [g]ods of Ekur and Nipp[ur, and] great [g]ods of he[aven and earth] | Nippur |
no. 197 | [Enli]l and Mulliltu, Ninurta and [Nusku] | Nippur |
no. 199 | Enlil, Ninurta, and Nusku | Nippur |
no. 200 | Enlil, Mulliltu, Ninurta, and Nusku; gods of Ekur and Nippur, and great gods who live in heaven and earth[[12]] | Nippur |
no. 201 | Enlil, Ninurta, and Nusk[u] | Nippur |
no. 202 | Enlil, Ninurta, and Nusk[u]; Aššur, Enlil, Šamaš, and Marduk | Nippur |
no. 204 | En[l]il, Ninur[ta, and Nusku]; god[s of Ekur and Nippur, and great gods] of heaven and ear[th] | Nippur |
TABLE IV. Blessings in Texts of Uncertain Date
Text | Deities Invoked | Attribution |
no. 12 | [Nergal and L]aṣ | Cutha |
no. 21 | Bel and Nabû | Babylon? |
no. 22 | Bel and Nabû | ? |
no. 23 | Marduk [and DN(N)] | Babylon? |
no. 47 | [Na]bû and Mar[duk] | ? |
no. 48 | Bel and [Nabû] | ? |
no. 55 | Bel, Zarpanitu, Nabû, Nanaya, and Tašmetu | Borsippa? |
no. 61 | Nabû and Mar[duk] | Babylon? |
no. 64 | Nabû and Nanaya | Borsippa |
no. 75 | [Ni]nurta and [N]us[k]u; [g]reat [gods] of heaven [and earth] | Nippur area |
no. 77 | Ninurta and Gula | Larak |
no. 94 | Nabû and Marduk | ? |
no. 95 | [Nabû and] Marduk | ? |
no. 97 | Šamaš | Sippar? |
no. 113 | Nabû and Mar[duk] | Babylon? |
8 See Frame, Assyria 1995, 59ff.
9 Lady of Uruk and Nanaya blessing in no. 82 r.6ff.
10 Šamas and Marduk blessing in no. 88 r.24f, cf. r.7ff.
11 Marduk and [Zarpanitu] are in a blessing context in no. 158 r.11f.
12 Aššur, Enlil, and Ninurta blessing in no. 200 r. 16-19.
Frances Reynolds
Frances Reynolds, 'Blessings', The Babylonian Correspondence of Esarhaddon and Letters to Assurbanipal and Sin-šarru-iškun from Northern and Central Babylonia, SAA 18. Original publication: Helsinki, Helsinki University Press, 2003; online contents: SAAo/SAA18 Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2020 []