TABLE III. Central Persons

Royal Charioteers89(25.4%)
Reamnni-Adad, Assurbanipal's Charioteer55
Šumma-ilani, Chariot Driver of the Royal Corps23
Aplaya, 'Third Man' of Arda-Mullissi, Crown Prince9
Nabû-šumu-iškun, Sennacherib's Charioteer55
Village Managers36(12.9%)
Baḫianu, Village Manager of the Stewardess21
Mušallim-Issar, Village Manager of the Chief Eunuch9
Seʾ-madi, Village Manager of the Crown Prince4
Iduʾa, Village Manager of The Queen Mother55
Harem Governesses and Other Royal Women29(8.3%)
Other Prominent Officialos52(15.0%)
Mannu-ki-Arbail, Cohort Commander (of the Royal Guard?)20
Silim-Aššur (titile unknown, later Vizier, eponym 659)18
Inurta-ilaʾi (titile unknown)6
Dannaya (titile unknown)8
Other identifiable members of the ruling class20(5.7%)

Simo Parpola

Simo Parpola, 'TABLE III. Central Persons', Legal Transactions of the Royal Court of Nineveh, Part I: Tiglath-Pileser III through Esarhaddon, SAA 6. Original publication: Helsinki, Helsinki University Press, 1991; online contents: SAAo/SAA06 Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2020 []

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SAAo/SAA06, 2014-. Since 2015, SAAo is based at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Historisches Seminar (LMU Munich, History Department) - Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East. Content released under a CC BY-SA 3.0 [] license, 2007-20.
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