AAA | Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology |
ABC | J. H. Stevenson, Assyrian and Babylonian Contracts with Aramaic Reference Notes (New York 1902) |
ABL | R. F. Harper, Assyrian and Babylonian Letters (London and Chicago 1892-1914) |
ABRT | J . A . Craig, Assyrian and Babylonian Religious Texts (Leipzig 1895) |
ADD | C. H. W. Johns, Assyrian Deeds and Documents (Cambridge 1898- 1923) |
AGS | J. A. Knudtzon, Assyrische Gebete an den Sonnengott (Leipzig 1893) |
AJSL | American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures |
AnSt | Anatolian Studies |
AoF | Altorientalische Forschungen |
AR | J. Kohler - A. Ungnad, Assyrische Rechtsurkunden (Leipzig 1913) |
BM | tablets in the collections of the British Museum |
Bu | tablets in the collections of the British Museum |
Budge Deluge | E. A. W. Budge, The Babylonian Story of the Deluge and the Epic of Gilgamesh (London 1920) |
CAD | Chicago Assyrian Dictionary |
Cat. | C. Bezold, Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection I-V (London 1889-1899) |
Cat. Suppl. | L. W. King, Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tahlets in the Kouyunjik Collection, Supplement (London 1914) |
CIS | Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum |
CRRAI | Rencontre assyriologique internationale, comptes rendus |
CT | Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum |
CTN | Cuneiform Texts from Nimrud |
DT | tablets in the collections of the British Museum |
Ep. Ar. | L. Delaporte, Épigraphes araméens (Paris 1912) |
Fales Censimenti | F. M. Fales, Censimenti e catasti di epoca neo-assira (Rome 1973) |
Fales Epigraphs | F. M. Fales, Aramaic Epigraphs on Clay Tablets of the Neo-Assyrian Period (Rome 1986) |
Festschrift Porada | M. Kelly-Buccellati (ed.), Insight Through images. Studies in Honor of Edith Porada (Bibliotheca Mesopotamica 21, Malibu 1986) |
Festschrift Reiner | F. Rochberg-Halton (ed.), Language, Literature, and History: Philological and Historical Studies Presented to Erica Reiner (American Oriental Series 67, New Haven 1987) |
FNALD | J. N. Postgate, Fifty Neo-Assyrian Legal Documents (Warminster 1976) |
GPA | J. N. Postgate, The Governor's Palace Archive (Cuneiform Texts from Nimrud 2, London 1973) |
Grayson Chronicles | A. K. Grayson, Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles (Texts from Cuneiform Sources 5, Glückstadt 1975) |
Hh | lexical series HAR.ra = hubullu |
JCS | Journal of Cuneiform Studies |
K | tablets in the Kuyunjik collection of the British Museum |
KAV | O. Schroeder, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur verschiedenen Inhalts, (Leipzig 1920) |
KB | Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek |
Ki | tablets in the collections of the British Museum |
LAS | S. Parpola, Letters from Assyrian Scholars to the Kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal I, II (Alter Orient und Altes Testament 5/1-2, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1970, 1983) |
Luckenbill Senn. | D. D. Luckenbill, The Annals of Sennacherib (Oriental Institute Publications 2, Chicago 1924) |
MSL | Materialien zum sumerischen Lexikon; Materials for the Sumenan Lexicon |
N. | tablets in the collections of the Musée du Louvre |
NALK | T. Kwasman, Neo-Assyrian Legal Documents in. the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum (Studia Pohl, Series Maior 14, Rome 1988) |
NARGD | J. N. Postgate, Neo-Assyrian Royal Grants and Decrees (Studia Pohl, Series Maior 1, Rome 1969) |
ND | field numbers of tablets excavated at Nimrud |
Or. | Orientalia, Nova Series |
Place Ninive | V. Place, Ninive et l'Assyrie I-III (Paris l867-1870) |
R | H. C. Rawlinson, The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia (London 1861-1884) |
RlA | Reallexikon der Assyriologie |
Rm | tablets in the collections of the British Museum |
SAA | State Archives of Assyria |
SAAB | State Archives of Assyria Bulletin |
Sm | tablets in the collections of the British Museum |
TCAE | J. N. Postgate, Taxation and Conscription in the Assynan Empire (Studia Pohl. Series Maior 3, Rome 1974) |
TCL | Textes cunéiformes du Louvre |
Th | tablets in the collections of the British Museum |
WZKM | Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes |
Zadok West Semites | R. Zadok, On West Semites in Babylonian during the Chaldean and Achaemenid Periods. An Onomastic Study (Jerusalem 1977) |
NA | Neo-Assyrian |
DN | divine name |
GN | geographical name |
PN | personal name |
RN | royal name |
Syr. | Syriac |
e. | edge |
obv. | obverse |
r., rev. | reverse |
rs. | right side |
s. | (left) side |
coll. | collated, collation |
mng. | meaning |
unpub. | unpublished |
var. | variant |
! | collation |
!! | emendation |
? | uncertain reading |
: :. :: | cuneiform division marks |
* | graphic variants (see LAS I p. XX) |
0 | uninscribed space or non existent sign |
x | broken or undeciphered sign |
( ) | supplied word or sign |
(( )) | sign erroneously added by scribe |
[[ ]] | erasure |
[...] | minor break (one or two missing words) |
[......] | major break |
... | untranslatable word |
...... | untranslatable passage |
→ | see also |
+ | joined to |
Simo Parpola
Simo Parpola, 'Abbreviations and Symbols', Legal Transactions of the Royal Court of Nineveh, Part I: Tiglath-Pileser III through Esarhaddon, SAA 6. Original publication: Helsinki, Helsinki University Press, 1991; online contents: SAAo/SAA06 Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2020 []