241 = Babylonian 1
Numerous clay cylinders from Babylon have an Akkadian inscription which records the restoration of Nēmed-Enlil, the outer city wall of Babylon, and its gates by Ashurbanipal. The inscription was composed before the outbreak of his brother Šamaš-šuma-ukīn's rebellion in 652 BC.
Access the composite
text [/rinap/rinap5/Q008329/] or the score [/rinap/scores/Q003799/] of Ashurbanipal 241 = Babylonian 01.
Sources: (1) BM 086918 (1900-03-10, 0002) (2) BibNat 5929 (3) BE 08763 (4) BE 12131 (5) VA 04902 (BE 29275) (6) VA Bab 00634 (BE 29362) (7) VA Bab 00602 (BE 30112) (8) VA Bab 00604 (BE 30130) (9) VA Bab 00603 (BE 30160) (10) VA Bab 00601 (BE 30161) (11) VA Bab 00632 (BE 30164) (12) BM 047655 (1881-11-03, 0360) (13) BM 047656 (1881-11-03, 0361) (14) BM 050662 (1882-03-23, 1653) (15) BM 068613 (1882-09-18, 8612) (16) BM 077223 (1883-06-30, 0003) (17) A Babylon 55 (18) A Babylon 09 (19) 81-B-3
1880 Pognon, Bavian p. 122 and n. 1 (ex. 2, study)
1886 Strassmaier, AV passim (ex. 2, study)
1892 Lehmann-Haupt, Šamaššumukîn 1 p. 27, and 2 p. 62 and pls. XXX–XXXI no. 11 (P2) (ex. 2, copy, study)
1900 King, CT 9 pls. 6–7 (ex. 1, copy)
1901 Koldewey, MDOG 8 p. 4 (ex. 3, study)
1905 Koldewey, MDOG 26 pp. 17–18 (exs. 5, 7–8, provenance)
1905–6 Fossey, ZA 19 pp. 371–77 (ex. 1, edition)
1916 Streck, Asb. pp. XLIII, XCI, 234–39 no. 4 (L6 [P2]), 412, and 835–36 (exs. 1–2, edition; exs. 3–11, study)
1922 BM Guide p. 230 no. 37 (ex. 1, study)
1924–25 Unger, AfK 2 p. 23 no. 17 (exs. 3–11, study)
1925 Koldewey, WEB4 p. 149–51 and fig. 96 (exs. 3–11, provenance, translation [by Delitzsch]; ex. 11, photo)
1927 Luckenbill, ARAB 2 §§963–64 (exs. 1–2, translation)
1930 Unger in Wetzel, Stadtmauern p. 80 (exs. 3–11, study)
1933 Bauer, Asb. 2 p. 50 (exs. 1–11, study)
1970 Klengel-Brandt, Reise p. 26 fig. 11 (ex. 10, photo)
1985 Al-Rawi, Sumer 41 p. 25 (exs. 17–18, study)
1991 Al-Rawi, ARRIM 9 pp. 1–3 nos. 1–2 (ex. 17, copy, transliteration; ex. 19, photo)
1992 George, Topographical Texts pp. 345–46 (ex. 1, partial edition)
1995 Frame, RIMB 2 pp. 196–198 B.6.32.1 (edition)
242 = Babylonian 2
A cylinder fragment from Babylon preserves part of an Akkadian inscription of Ashurbanipal which would appear to commemorate some action for the god Ea. The inscription was composed at some point before 652 BC.
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text [/rinap/rinap5/Q008330/] of Ashurbanipal 242= Babylonian 02.
Source: Ist EȘEM 07893 (BE 28510)
1904 Koldewey, MDOG 21 p. 7 (provenance; partial translation, study [by Delitzsch])
1916 Streck, Asb. pp. XC–XCI (partial translation, study [by Delitzsch])
1931 Unger, Babylon p. 225 no. 16 (study)
1938 Wetzel and Weissbach, Hauptheiligtum p. 77 n. 1 (study)
1995 Frame, RIMB 2 pp. 202–203 B.6.32.3 (edition)
243= Babylonian 3
An Akkadian inscription recording the renovation of Eturkalama ("House, Cattle-Pen of the Land"), the temple of the goddess Ištar at Babylon, by Ashurbanipal is found on two or more clay cylinders. The inscription was composed during the first half of the reign of Ashurbanipal (before 652 BC).
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text [/rinap/rinap5/Q008331/] or score [/rinap/scores/Q003801/] of Ashurbanipal 243= Babylonian 03.
Sources: (1) BM 090935 (BM 012064; 1881-02-01, 0103) (2) BM 040074 (1881-02-01, 0038) (3) VA Bab 00614 (BE 29482) (4) Ist B 0065 (BE 38119)
1885 Lehmann-[Haupt], ZK 2 pp. 360–61 (ex. 1, study)
1886 Bezold, Literatur p. 113 §64.3.b (ex. 1, study)
1891 Strong, JRAS pp. 471–75 (ex. 1, copy in type, edition)
1892 Lehmann-Haupt, Šamaššumukîn 1 p. 25 and 2 p. 61 and pls. XXIII–XXIV no. 8 (L1) (exs. 1–2, copy, study)
1916 Streck, Asb. pp. XLI and 226–29 no. 1 (L1) (exs. 1–2, edition)
1922 BM Guide p. 230 no. 35 (ex. 1, study)
1927 Luckenbill, ARAB 2 §§953–55 (exs. 1–2, translation)
1930 Unger in Wetzel, Stadtmauern p. 80 (ex. 3, study)
1995 Frame, RIMB 2 pp. 203–204 B.6.32.4 (edition)
244= Babylonian 4
An Akkadian inscription on two clay cylinders records the restoration of Emaḫ ("Exalted House"), the temple of the goddess Ninmaḫ at Babylon, by Ashurbanipal. The inscription was composed before the year 652 BC and is similar to Babylonian Inscriptions 2–3.
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text [/rinap/rinap5/Q008332/] or score [/rinap/scores/Q003802/] of Ashurbanipal 244= Babylonian 04.
Sources: (1) VA 08409 (BE 05457) (2) BM 033338 (Rm 3, 011)
1900 Koldewey, MDOG 4 pp. 6–7 (ex. 1, provenance, translation [by Meissner])
1903 Weissbach, Miscellen no. 8 (ex. 1, copy,
1905 Jastrow, Religion 1 pp. 418–19 (ex. 1, partial translation)
1911 Koldewey, Tempel pp. 4, 13, 14 fig. 17, and 67 (ex. 1, provenance, photo, edition [by Delitzsch])
1916 Streck, Asb. pp. XLIII–XLIV and 238–41 no. 5 (Ê-maḫ) (ex. 1, edition)
1924–25 Unger, AfK 2 p. 23 no. 16 (ex. 1, study)
1925 Koldewey, WEB4 pp. 59–60 and fig. 41 (ex. 1, copy)
1927 Luckenbill, ARAB 2 §§965–67 (ex. 1, partial translation)
1983 Rost and Marzahn, Babylon pp. 15 and 17 (ex. 1, translation)
1995 Frame, RIMB 2 pp. 205–206 B.6.32.5 (edition)
245 = Babylonian 5
An Akkadian inscription of Ashurbanipal describing work on the platforms and daises of the temple Esagil at Babylon is found on a clay cylinder; the inscription was composed at some point before the year 652 BC.
Access the composite
text [/rinap/rinap5/Q008333/] of Ashurbanipal 245= Babylonian 05.
Source: de Clercq -
1870 3 R pl. 16 no. 5 (copy in type)
1886 Bezold, Literatur p. 113 §64.3.a (study)
1890 Jensen in Schrader, KB 2 pp. 258–61
1903 de Clercq, Collection 2 pp. 148–54, figs. A.I–III
following p. 116, and pls. XXIV–XXV (photo [heliograph], copy in type, edition, study)
1892 Lehmann-Haupt, Šamaššumukîn 1 pp. 26–27 and
2 p. 62 and pls. XXVIII–XXIX no. 10 (P1) (copy, study)
1916 Streck, Asb. pp. XLII–XLIII and 232–35 no. 3 (P1) (edition)
1916 Weissbach, LZB 430 (study)
1927 Luckenbill, ARAB 2 §§960–62 (translation)
1938 Wetzel and Weissbach, Hauptheiligtum pp. 77–78 (study)
1995 Frame, RIMB 2 pp. 206–208 B.6.32.6 (edition)
246= Babylonian 6
This Akkadian inscription of Ashurbanipal found on one or two stone steles commemorates the restoration of Ekarzagina ("House, Quay of Lapis Lazuli" or "House, Pure Quay"), the shrine of the god Ea within the Esagil complex, at Babylon. The inscription dates to the first part of the reign of Ashurbanipal (before 652 BC).
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text [/rinap/rinap5/Q008334/] of Ashurbanipal 246= Babylonian 06.
Sources: (1) BM 090864 (BM 012110; 1881-03-24, 0367) (2) BM 022533 (1894-01-15, 0335)
1886 Bezold, Literatur pp. 113–14 §64.3.d (ex. 1, study)
1890–91 Evetts, PSBA 13 p. 158 (ex. 1, study)
1891 Strong, JRAS pp. 469–71 (ex. 1, partial copy in type, partial edition)
1892 Lehmann-Haupt, Šamaššumukîn 1 frontpiece and p. 25, and 2 pp. 14–19, 59–61 and pls. XVII–XXII no. 7 (S3) (ex. 1, photo, copy, edition)
1895 Quentin, RB 4 pp. 553–62 (ex. 1, copy in type, edition)
1906 Babelon, Manual p. 89 fig. 64 (ex. 1, photo)
1913 Curtius, Münchner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst 8 pp. 11–12 and fig. 6 (ex. 1, photo, study [of relief])
1915 King, History pl. following p. 272 (ex. 1, photo)
1915 Meissner, AO 15 p. 74 fig. 131 (ex. 1, photo)
1916 Streck, Asb. pp. XLV and 244–49 no. 7 (S3) (ex. 1, edition)
1920 Meissner, BuA 1 pl. 38 fig. 40 (ex. 1, photo)
1922 BM Guide p. 74 no. 300 and pl. XXVIII (ex. 1, photo, study)
1924–25 Unger, AfK 2 p. 23 no. 10 (ex. 1, study)
1926 Bezold, Ninive und Babylon4 fig. 126 (ex. 1, photo)
1926 Unger, RLV 4 /2 pl. 267c (ex. 1, photo)
1927 Luckenbill, ARAB 2 §§978–80 (ex. 1, partial translation)
1929 Jeremias, HAOG2 p. 18 fig. 8 (ex. 1, photo)
1931 Contenau, Manuel 3 p. 1299 and fig. 822 (ex. 1, photo, study)
1931 Unger, Babylon p. 225 no. 12 (ex. 1, study)
1958 Champdor, Babylon p. 137 fig. 89 (ex. 1, photo)
1961 Parrot, Assyria p. 35 fig. 40A (ex. 1, photo)
1961 Potratz, Orientalia NS 30 pp. 14–15 and pl. I fig. 3 (ex. 1, photo, study [of relief])
1962 Beek, Atlas p. 28 fig. 39 (ex. 1, photo)
1962 Strommenger and Hirmer, Mesopotamien pl. 262 (ex. 1, photo)
1966 Ellis, Berytus 16 pp. 47–48 and pl. VIII fig. 3 (ex. 1, photo, study)
1967 Margueron, Mesopotamia fig. 58 (ex. 1, photo)
1967 Moortgat, Kunst p. 157 and pl. 282 (ex. 1, photo, study)
1968 Ellis, Foundation Deposits pp. 24–25 (ex. 1, study)
1969 Pritchard, ANEP2 no. 450 (ex. 1, photo)
1972 Salonen, Ziegeleien pl. XIII (ex. 1, photo)
1979 J. Oates, Babylon p. 122 (ex. 1, photo)
1981–82 Reade and Walker, AfO 28 p. 119 (ex. 2, photo, transliteration)
1982 Börker-Klähn, Bildstelen no. 224 (ex. 1, photo, study)
1983 Galter, Ea/Enki pp. 199–200 (ex. 1, study)
1988 Parpola and Watanabe, SAA 2 p. 60 fig. 19 (ex. 1, photo)
1992 Frame, Babylonia cover (ex. 1, photo)
1995 Frame, RIMB 2 pp. 199–202 B.6.32.2 (edition)
2014 Novotny, SAACT 10 front cover (ex. 1, photo)
247= Babylonian 7
A large number of bricks from Babylon have an Akkadian inscription of Ashurbanipal stamped upon them which states that the Assyrian king had had bricks made for Esagil ("House Whose Top Is High") and for the ziggurat Etemenanki ("House, Foundation of Heaven and Netherworld").
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text [/rinap/rinap5/Q008335/] of Ashurbanipal 247 = Babylonian 07.
Sources: (1) BE 08086 (2) VA Bab 04052i (BE 08083) (3) VA Bab 04052k (4) VA Bab 04073a (5) BE 08072 (6) BE 08010 (7) BE 08044 (8) BE 08045 (9) BE 08046 (10) BE 08047 (11) BE 08048 (12) BE 08049 (13) BE 08051 (14) BE 08052 (15) BE 08053 (16) BE 08054 (17) BE 08073 (18) BE 08074 (19) BE 08075 (20) BE 08076 (21) BE 08077 (22) BE 08078 (23) BE 08079 (24) BE 08080 (25) BE 08081 (26) BE 08082 (27) Ist EȘEM —
1900–1901 Koldewey, MDOG 7 pp. 22–23 (ex. 5, provenance, translation)
1911 Koldewey, Tempel pp. 44 and 72 no. 10 (ex. 5, provenance, edition)
1916 Streck, Asb. pp. LXIII and 350–51 no. 3.a.β (ex. 5, edition)
1924–25 Unger, AfK 2 p. 23 no. 12 (exs. 1, 5, study)
1925 Koldewey, WEB4 pp. 202 and 203 fig. 125 (ex. 1, photo, study)
1927 Luckenbill, ARAB 2 §§1119–20 (ex. 5, translation)
1931 Unger, Babylon p. 280 no. 22 (exs. 1, 5, translation)
1938 Wetzel and Weissbach, Hauptheiligtum p. 39 no. A.II.a and pp. 86–87 (exs. 1–2, 5–26, provenance, edition)
1989 Marzahn, FuB 27 p. 58 no. VIII, nos. 14–16 and fig. 7 (transliteration; ex. 2, copy; exs. 2–4, study)
1995 Frame, RIMB 2 pp. 208–209 B.6.32.7 (edition)
248 = Babylonian 8
Several bricks from Babylon have an Akkadian inscription stamped upon them which states that Ashurbanipal had had bricks made for the ziggurat Etemenanki.
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text [/rinap/rinap5/Q008336/] of Ashurbanipal 248 = Babylonian 08.
Sources: (1) BM 090285 (DT 381) (2) VA Bab 04073b (BE 40145) (3) BE 40855 (4) VA Bab 04073c (BE 41032) (5) VA Bab 04073d (BE 41232)
1875 G. Smith, Assyrian Disc. p. 380 (ex. 1, translation)
1886 Bezold, Literatur p. 116 §65.4.m (ex. 1, study)
1916 Streck, Asb. pp. LXIII and 350–51 no. 3.a.α (ex. 1, edition)
1922 BM Guide p. 74 no. 302 (ex. 1, study)
1924–25 Unger, AfK 2 p. 23 nos. 13–14 (ex. 1, study)
1927 Luckenbill, ARAB 2 §1118 (ex. 1, translation)
1938 Wetzel and Weissbach, Hauptheiligtum p. 40 no. A.II.d and pp. 86–87 (exs. 2–5, provenance, edition)
1981 Walker, CBI no. 78 (ex. 1, transliteration)
1989 Marzahn, FuB 27 p. 59 no. IX, nos. 17–19 and fig. 8 (transliteration; ex. 5, copy; exs. 2, 4, 5, study)
1995 Frame, RIMB 2 pp. 209–210 B.6.32.8 (edition)
249 = Babylonian 9
A number of bricks from Babylon bear a stamped inscription in Sumerian which records the renovation of Etemenanki, the ziggurat at Babylon, by Ashurbanipal.
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text [/rinap/rinap5/Q008338/] of Ashurbanipal 249 = Babylonian 09.
Sources: (1) BM 130712 (1942-01-28, 0001) (2) BE 39849 (3) VA Bab 04054c (BE 41252) (4) VA Bab 04054a (BE 36072) (5) VA Bab 04054b (BE 39436) (6) BE 39807 (7) BE 41171 (8) BE 46433
1938 Wetzel and Weissbach, Hauptheiligtum p. 40 no. A.II.e and pp. 86–87 (exs. 2–8, provenance, edition)
1981 Walker, CBI no. 79 (ex. 1, transliteration)
1989 Marzahn, FuB 27 pp. 57–58 no. VII, nos. 11–13 and fig. 6 (transliteration; ex. 3, copy; exs. 3–5, study)
1995 Frame, RIMB 2 pp. 210–211 B.6.32.9 (edition)
250 = Babylonian 10
This Akkadian inscription of Ashurbanipal is stamped upon a brick fragment found at Babylon and records the making of bricks for Etemenanki.
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text [/rinap/rinap5/Q008339/] of Ashurbanipal 250 =Babylonian 10.
Source: BE 41186
1938 Wetzel and Weissbach, Hauptheiligtum p. 40 no. A.II.b and p. 86 (provenance, edition)
1995 Frame, RIMB 2 pp. 211–212 B.6.32.10 (edition)
251= Babylonian 11
Another Akkadian inscription stamped on a brick from Babylon records the making of bricks for Etemenanki by Ashurbanipal.
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text [/rinap/rinap5/Q008340/] of Ashurbanipal 251 = Babylonian 11.
Source: VA Bab 04052h (BE 41143)
1910 Wetzel, MDOG 43 p. 23 (provenance)
1916 Streck, Asb. pp. LXIII and 837 no. 8 (edition)
1924–25 Unger, AfK 2 p. 23 no. 15 (study)
1925 Koldewey, WEB4 p. 183 fig. 117 (photo)
1938 Wetzel and Weissbach, Hauptheiligtum p. 40 no. A.II.c and pp. 86–87 (provenance, edition)
1989 Marzahn, FuB 27 p. 57 no. VI, no. 10 and fig. 5 (copy, transliteration, study)
1995 Frame, RIMB 2 pp. 212 B.6.32.11 (edition)
252= Babylonian 12
This partially preserved inscription is written in Akkadian upon fragments of two clay cylinders and records the restoration of the city wall of Borsippa, Ṭābi-supūršu ("Its Fold Is Pleasant"), and its gates by Ashurbanipal. The inscription was composed at some point before the commencement of his brother Šamaš-šuma-ukīn's rebellion in 652 BC.
Access the composite
text [/rinap/rinap5/Q008341/] or the score [/rinap/scores/Q003810/] of Ashurbanipal 252 = Babylonian 12.
Sources: (1) VA 03587 (2) BM 083000 (+) BM 083001 (1883-01-21, 0163 [+] 1883-01-21, 0164)
1939–41 Weidner, AfO 13 pp. 217–18 and pl. XVI (ex. 1, copy, edition)
1991–93 Frame, JCS 43–45, pp. 119–20 (ex. 2, copy, edition)
1995 Frame, RIMB 2 pp. 215–216 B.6.32.13 (edition)