About the Project

About RINAP5

This planned four-year (2015–19) open-access sub-project of the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/rinap/index.html] intends to present up-to-date editions of all of the known Akkadian and Sumerian royal inscriptions of the rulers of Assyria's last great king, Ashurbanipal (668–ca. 631 BC), and his lesser known successors Aššur-etel-ilāni (ca. 631–627/626 BC), Sîn-šumu-līšir (627/626 BC), Sîn-šarra-iškun (627/626–612 BC), and Aššur-uballiṭ II (611–609 BC). Unlike the other RINAP sub-projects, the RINAP 5 sub-project is a collaborative effort between the NEH [http://www.neh.gov]-funded RINAP Project (under the direction of Grant Frame) and the Humboldt [https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/web/home.html]-funded Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI) [http://www.en.ag.geschichte.uni-muenchen.de/research/mocci/index.html] (headed by Karen Radner and Jamie Novotny) at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The primary authors of The Royal Inscriptions of Ashurbanipal (668-631 BC), Aššur-etel-ilāni (630-627 BC) and Sîn-šarra-iškun (626-612 BC), Kings of Assyria, Part 1 are Jamie Novotny (LMU Munich) and Joshua Jeffers (University of Pennsylvania). In addition, Grant Frame will be a co-author of Part 2 since that volume will include (updated) material from his Rulers of Babylonia: From the Second Dynasty of Isin to the End of Assyrian Domination (1157-612 BC) (The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Babylonian Periods 2; hereafter RIMB 2).

Material will be posted online as soon as it is deemed suitable. However, it should be stressed here that some of the contents of the web pages, including the editions (together with their notes), will regularly change, and without warning. As of May 2018, this applies only to the contents of The Royal Inscriptions of Ashurbanipal (668–631 BC), Aššur-etel-ilāni (630–627 BC) and Sîn-šarra-iškun (626–612 BC), Kings of Assyria, Part 2, which will include Ashurbanipal texts 72-2018, Aššur-etel-ilāni texts 1-6, and Sîn-šarra-iškun 1-21. Therefore, we urge caution should you cite the content of RINAP 5/2. On the other hand, the contents of RINAP 5/1 (Ashurbanipal texts 1-71), will not change, as the final, camera-ready manuscript of RINAP 5/1 has been sent to the publisher (Eisenbrauns). Please feel free to cite the content of that book.

Scores of the composite texts included on this site can be found on the RINAP Scores [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/rinap/scores/index.html] sub-project. Transliterations of the witnesses are available on the RINAP Sources [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/rinap/sources/index.html] sub-project.

Sponsors and timing

This website was created as part of the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/rinap/index.html] and the Official Inscriptions of the Middle East in Antiquity (OIMEA) Project [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/oimea/index.html] (a sub-project of MOCCI). Funding is provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities [http://www.neh.gov] (NEH) and by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East [http://www.ag.geschichte.uni-muenchen.de/lehrstuehle/ls_radner/index.html]) and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte). Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed on this website do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities or the Humboldt Foundation. The project began in May 2015 and Phase 1 of the website was made available in fall 2016. Additional content (in front material, introduction, and back material of RINAP 5/1) was added in May and June 2018.

Since the RINAP 5 sub-project is intended to be a four-year year (ending in 2019) and since there is much work to do and finish before we have reached our primary objects, please be patient with us as we expand, improve, and refine our content.

Project team

RINAP Editorial Board

OIMEA Editorial Board

OIMEA Advisory Committee

RINAP Advisory Committee

RINAP 5 Contributors

Credits and Copyright

The contents of this website, except where noted below, are the intellectual property of the RINAP Project, OIMEA Project, and MOCCI. They are released under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/] license.

This means that you are free to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt our work without permission, under the following conditions:

Any of these conditions may be waived in the right circumstances, if you explicitly ask us for permission.

Read our hints and suggestions for reusing material from Oracc [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/doc/help/visitingoracc/reusingoracc/index.html]. For information on how to cite Oracc URLs online and in print, click here [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/doc/help/visitingoracc/citingurls/index.html].

Jamie Novotny

Jamie Novotny, 'About the Project', RINAP 5: The Royal Inscriptions of Ashurbanipal, Aššur-etel-ilāni, and Sîn-šarra-iškun, The RINAP/RINAP 5 Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2022 [http://oracc.org/rinap/rinap5/abouttheproject/]

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The RINAP 5 sub-project of the University of Pennsylvania-based RINAP Project, 2016-. The contents of RINAP 5 are prepared in cooperation with the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), which is based at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Historisches Seminar (LMU Munich, History Department) - Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East. Content released under a CC BY-SA 3.0 [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/] license, 2007-21.
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