Ashurbanipal 118
Obverse | ||
Lacuna | ||
1'1' | [...] ⸢ʾ⸣ [...] | (1') [... the ci]ty Thebes [... fo]rmer [...] which is/are i[n ...] who assembled in Egypt to [...]. |
2'2' | [...] ⸢maḫ-ra⸣-a-ti šá qé-⸢reb⸣ [...] | |
3'3' | [...] ⸢qé-reb⸣ṣur ip-ḫu-ru a-na x [...] | |
4'4' | [EGIR-nu? mni]-⸢ik⸣-ku-u mMAN-lu-dà-ri mpa-aq-ru-ru ⸢LUGAL⸣.[MEŠ ...] | (4') [Afterwards, Ne]cho, Šarru-lū-dāri, (and) Pa-qruru, ki[ngs whom the father who had engendered me had installed in Egypt, ...] set out on the path to where my troops (were stationed) and were marchi[ng ... Pi-šan-Ḫ]uru, whom Esarhaddon, the father who had enge[ndered me, had appointed as king] in the city Natho, [...] the evil (deeds) of Necho, Šarru-lū-dāri, (and) Pa-[qruru ...] he spoke [to] a eunuch (of mine) who marches before my troops and ... [...] ... they said thus: “During the night, we [will ... (10´) sayin]g: “[If] th[ey remove] Taharqa, the king of Kush, from Egypt, [how then can we (ourselves) stay?]” To establish treaties and [peace, they dispatched their mounted messenger(s) t]o Taharqa, the king of Kush, [saying]: “Let [p]eace be established between us so that [we can come to a mutual agreement. (Let) us div]ide [the land among ourselves] so that no [other lord] com[es between us.” With regard to the nume]rous [troops of Assyria], the m[ight of my lordly majesty, ...] |
5'5' | [...] ⸢a⸣-šar ERIM.ḪI.A-ia ur-ḫu ṣa-ab-tu-ma il-la-⸢ku⸣ [...] | |
6'6' | [mpi-ša-an-ḫu]-⸢ru⸣ šá inaḫu-⸢ú⸣ mAN.ŠÁR-PAP-AŠ AD ⸢DÙ⸣-[u-a ú-pa-qí-du a-na? LUGAL-ti?] | |
7'7' | [...] ⸢MUNUS⸣.ḪUL šá mni-ik-ku-u mMAN-lu-dà-⸢ri⸣ mpa-⸢aq⸣-[ru-ru ...] | |
8'8' | [a-na?] ⸢LÚ⸣.šu-ut ⸢SAG⸣ a-lik IGI ERIM.ḪI.A-ia iq-bi-ma ú-x-[...] | |
9'9' | [x (x)] x-ki-i-ka-a iq-bu-u um-ma ina šá-at mu-ši ⸢ni?⸣-[...] | |
10'10' | [um]-⸢ma⸣ mtar-qu-u MAN KUR.ku-u-si TA qé-rebṣur ⸢i⸣-[na-saḫ-u-ma at-tu-ni a-šá-ba-ni mì-i-nu] | |
11'11' | [e]-⸢li⸣ mtar-qu-u MAN KUR.ku-u-si a-na šá-kan a-de-⸢e u?⸣ [sa-li-me ú-ma-ʾe-e-ru LÚ.rak-bé-šú-un] | |
12'12' | [um-ma] ⸢su-lum⸣-mu-u i-na bi-ri-i-ni liš-šá-kin-ma [ni-in-dag-ga-ra a-ḫa-meš] | |
13'13' | [KUR a-ḫe-en-na-a ni]-⸢zu⸣-uz-ma a-a ib-⸢ba⸣-[ši ina bi-ri-ni šá-nu-um-ma be-lum] | |
14'14' | [ša ERIM.ḪI.A KUR aš-šur gap]-⸢šá?-a-ti e⸣-[muq EN-ti-ia ...]1 | |
Lacuna |
1As for restorations to this line, text no. 2 (Prism E₂) iv 21´ has ša um-ma-nat AN.ŠÁR ⸢gap?⸣-[šá-a-ti e-muq EN-ti-ia] “With regard to the n[umerous] troops of (the god) Aššur, [the might of my lordly majesty]”; text no. 6 (Prism C) ii 17´´ has ⸢a-na ERIM.ḪI⸣.A KUR AN.⸢ŠÁR.KI⸣ [e]-⸢muq⸣ EN-ti-ia “With regard to troops of Assyria, [the mig]ht of my lordly majesty”; text no. 7 (Prism Kh) ii 33´´ has a-na ERIM.ḪI.A KUR aš-šur.KI e-muq EN-ti-ia “With regard to troops of Assyria, the might of my lordly majesty”; and text no. 207 (LET) obv. 45´a has ⸢ša⸣ ERIM.ḪI.A KUR aš-šur gap-šá-a-⸢ti e⸣-[muq EN]-⸢ti-ia⸣ “With regard to the numerous troops of Assyria, the m[ight of m]y [lordly majest]y,” which is what is restored here.
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as