Two bricks from Kalḫu contain a proprietary inscription of Esarhaddon that is identical to a text inscribed on slabs from Nineveh (text no. 22). This text is commonly referred to as Nineveh M (Nin. M).
Access Esarhaddon 88 []
The bricks are inscribed on the face. The texts were collated by C.B.F. Walker. No score for this inscription is provided on the CD-ROM since there is only variant: in line 1, ex. 2 has KUR for É.GAL.
A 35 cm square brick discovered in Fort Shalmaneser in Kalḫu bears an inscription with the name of Esarhaddon. The object was probably left in the field. No copy, photograph, transliteration, or translation of the text has been published.
Access Esarhaddon 89 []
A proprietary inscription of Esarhaddon is found on the impression left by an unusually large cylinder seal that was used as a stamp seal on a jar sealing from Fort Shalmaneser in Kalḫu.
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The object was discovered in Fort Shalmaneser (SE 10, the rab ekalli's house) along with other clay bullae and tablets. The inscription is written in mirror image. The seal that was used to seal the bulla has not been found.
A badly calcined alabaster vase from Kalḫu bears an inscription of Esarhaddon.
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An oval lump of clay from Kalḫu states that it belonged to Esarhaddon. The inscription has not been collated since the object is presently housed in the Iraq Museum (Baghdad).
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Erle Leichty
Erle Leichty, 'Kalḫu, Part 2', RINAP 4: Esarhaddon, The RINAP 4 sub-project of the RINAP Project, 2019 []