The introductory material provided in RINAP 4 for each inscription--which consists of a general description of the text, a catalogue of sources, a brief commentary on the sources, and relevant bibliography--can be accessed by clicking on the links to the left. The text introductions to the known one hundred and forty-three texts of Esarhaddon, the thirty inscriptions whose attribution to this Assyrian king is not entirely certain, and the ten inscriptions ascribed to his wife Ešarra-ḫammat, and to his mother Naqīʾa (Zakūtu), are sub-divided into ten main pages. The larger groups of texts--for example, those from Nineveh, Aššur, and Babylon--are further sub-divided for easier navigation of the contents. Those pages are accessible once you click on the main page link; for example, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5 pages of the Nineveh inscriptions will display when one clicks on the main "Nineveh" link to the left.
For a general overview of the inscriptions published in RINAP 4, see the Corpus of Inscriptions [] Page.
Joshua Jeffers & Jamie Novotny
Joshua Jeffers & Jamie Novotny, 'RINAP 4 Text Introductions', RINAP 4: Esarhaddon, The RINAP 4 sub-project of the RINAP Project, 2019 []