Corpus of Inscriptions

The corpus of firmly identifiable Esarhaddon inscriptions currently comprises one hundred and forty-three texts; twenty-nine late Neo-Assyrian inscriptions which may be attributed to Esarhaddon, although some arbitrarily, are also edited here (1001–1029). Two texts are ascribed to a wife of his, Ešarra-ḫammat, and eight inscriptions to his mother, Naqīʾa (Zakūtu). Inscriptions of Esarhaddon are presently found on a wide variety of clay, stone, and metal objects, specifically:

Object Type Text No.
Clay prisms   1–9, 57 (exs. 1–4 and 7–9), 58, 104–112, 1001–1004, 2003
Clay cylinders   10–18, 59, 77–80, 93, 113, 127–130, 133–136, 1005–1006, 1030, 2004
Clay tablets   30–56, 57 (ex. 6), 60 (ex. 2), 76, 99–101, 116–117, 126 (ex. 8), 1010–1020, 2005–2006
Bricks   23, 88 (exs. 1–2), 89, 96, 119–125, 126 (exs. 1–7), 131–132, 137–139, 1009
Clay object (uncertain)    92
Stone bull colossi   83–84
Stone human-headed lions   85
Steles   97–98, 102, 1007–1008
Rock face   103
Stone slabs   20–22, 86–87, 88 (ex. 3), 94–95
Stone blocks   61–67, 81–82, 2002
Stone tablets   57 (ex. 5), 60 (ex. 1)
Stone door-sockets   68–69
Stone vessels (various types)    25–29, 70–73, 91, 1022–1029
Gaming boards   24
Basalt cuboid   114
Small stone objects, including amulets and eyestones   74–75, 142–143, 1021, 2001, 2007–2009
Cylinder seals (including impressions)    90, 118
Other stone objects   19
Silver bucket   140
Bronze object   2010
Bronze lion   141

Six clay tablets, now all in the Kuyunjik collection of the British Museum, record or refer to the object upon which the inscription was written (or intended to be inscribed). These were: a statue of the king (no. 38), a necklace of the king (no. 43), a base of the statue of the god Marduk (nos. 44–45), a stele (no. 48), and a bull-colossus (no. 99). In addition, there are numerous letters, economic texts, prophecies, queries and treaties that were written during his time on the throne; these are edited in volumes of the State Archives of Assyria series (SAA), produced by the Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project under the direction of Dr. Simo Parpola. Many of the events of his reign are also recorded in Mesopotamian chronicles; translations of the relevant chronicle passages are presented below (pp. 6–8).

Erle Leichty

Erle Leichty, 'Corpus of Inscriptions', RINAP 4: Esarhaddon, The RINAP 4 sub-project of the RINAP Project, 2019 []

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