Texts Included in Part 2

As already stated in the introduction of Part 1, the division of the Sennacherib corpus into two volumes is somewhat arbitrary as the authors have tried to maintain a balance between Part 1 and Part 2 by including major, well-preserved inscriptions in both volumes. Thirty-eight individual texts of Sennacherib were edited in Part 1, whereas the rest of the corpus, one hundred and ninety-five texts, as well as twenty-six other late Neo-Assyrian inscriptions that might belong to this king and two inscriptions of some of his family members (including his wife Tašmētu-šarrat) are edited here. Part 1 included all historical inscriptions on clay cylinders, clay prisms, and stone tablets from Nineveh, as well as stone steles recording the creation of a royal road. Part 2, this volume, contains historical inscriptions on bull and lion colossi from Nineveh, rock reliefs, stone horizontal prisms, and clay cylinders and prisms from other cities under Sennacherib's authority (especially Aššur and Tarbiṣu); epigraphs on reliefs; and inscriptions on bricks, threshold slabs, door sockets, wall slabs, stone blocks, beads, and metal plating; as well as drafts and archival copies of historical and building inscriptions written on clay tablets. Note that the order of texts presented here deviates significantly from Frahm, Sanherib; the interested reader can consult the concordance of selected publications at the back of the book for details. Three major differences in the arrangement of the corpus are: (1) texts written on clay tablets (text nos. 135–163) in the Kuyunjik collections of the British Museum are placed at the end of the section dealing with Nineveh rather than at the end of the book (cf. Frahm, Sanherib pp. 194–229 T 169–187); (2) the texts from Judi Dagh, Bavian, Jerwan, Sūr-murrati, and the vicinity of Arbela (text nos. 222–230) are placed near the end of the certain Sennacherib inscriptions rather than between the texts from Nineveh and Aššur (cf. Frahm, Sanherib pp. 150–162 T 116–128); and (3) the order of the texts at Nineveh (excluding the tablets from Kuyunjik) and Aššur (text nos. 39–134 and 164–209 respectively) is arranged by object type rather than by the structure whose building/renovation the text commemorates (cf. Frahm, Sanherib pp. 112–149 T 25–115 and pp. 163–185 T 129–158). All of the known inscriptions are written in Akkadian, usually in Standard Babylonian (rarely in Assyrian); no Sumerian inscriptions of Sennacherib are extant. One Akkadian inscription has an Aramaic note with it (text no. 211). The script is usually Neo-Assyrian or a mixture of Assyrian and Babylonian sign forms in the case of inscriptions written on stone; one inscription (text no. 158), however, is written in contemporary Neo-Babylonian script.

A. Kirk Grayson & Jamie Novotny

A. Kirk Grayson & Jamie Novotny, 'Texts Included in Part 2', RINAP 3: Sennacherib, The RINAP 3 sub-project of the RINAP Project, 2019 [http://oracc.org/rinap/rinap3/RINAP32Introduction/TextsIncludedinPart2/]

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