Texts Excluded From RINAP 3

Numerous textual sources relating to Sennacherib fall outside the scope of this volume. In particular, the following texts are excluded here: (1) letters from or to Sennacherib (Parpola, SAA 1 pp. 28–41 nos. 29–40 [as heir designate]; Dietrich, SAA 17 passim; and Luukko, SAA 19 p. 160 nos. 157–158 [as heir designate]); (2) treaties and loyalty oaths (Parpola and Watanabe, SAA 2 p. 18 no. 3; and Frahm, KAL 3 pp. 130–135 nos. 67–69); (3) the "Sin of Sargon" text (Livingstone, SAA 3 pp. 77–79 no. 33; and Tadmor, Landsberger, and Parpola, SAAB 3 [1989] pp. 3–52); (4) legal transactions (Kwasman and Parpola, SAA 6 pp. 35–160 nos. 34–200); (5) grants, decrees, and gifts (Kataja and Whiting, SAA 12 pp. 22–24 nos. 20–23 and pp. 104–109 nos. 86–88); and (6) the eight known inscriptions of Naqīʾa (Zakūtu), one of his wives (Leichty, RINAP 4 pp. 315–324 Esarhaddon 2003–2010). Lastly, the Assyrian relief from Shakaft-i Gulgul (Grayson and Levine, Iranica Antiqua 11 [1975] pp. 29–38) is not included here since that relief and its inscription were probably commissioned by Sennacherib's grandson and second successor Ashurbanipal; it is planned to edit that text as a 1000-number of Ashurbanipal.

A. Kirk Grayson & Jamie Novotny

A. Kirk Grayson & Jamie Novotny, 'Texts Excluded From RINAP 3', RINAP 3: Sennacherib, The RINAP 3 sub-project of the RINAP Project, 2019 [http://oracc.org/rinap/rinap3/RINAP32Introduction/TextsExcludedFromRINAP3/]

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