Sargon II 106
Obverse | ||
Column i | ||
ii | Not preserved | |
Column ii | ||
iiii | Lacuna | |
ii 1'1' | [...] x x x [...] | |
ii 2'2' | ||
ii 3'3' | [...]-šú ú-qí-ru-⸢ma⸣1 | |
ii 4'4' | ||
ii 5'5' | ||
ii 6'6' | [...]-ti LÚ.e-qa-x2 | |
ii 7'7' | ||
ii 8'8' | [... is]-⸢ki⸣-ru ÍD | (ii 8') [(...) they blo]cked up the river [with their corpses]. |
ii 9'9' | (ii 9') They burned [...], (turning them) into [ash]es, established [devastation in the land] Hamath, a[nd ...]. They brought him (Ilu/Iaū-biʾdī), together with [his] family, [int]o my city Aššur. | |
ii 10'10' | [x x (x) i-na KUR].a-ma-at-te iš-ku-nu-⸢ma?⸣ | |
ii 11'11' | [...] x šá-a-šú ga-du kim-ti-[šú] | |
ii 12'12' | ||
ii 13'13' | [...] i-da-a-a i-⸢tap-pa-lu⸣4 | (ii 13') [Because the god Aššur who goes] at my side cont[inually an]swered [...] I obtained victory [... I was able to achieve] whatever I wanted. I blessed [the god Aššur], my lord. [I imposed upon him ...] the ṣibtu-tax on oxen and sheep and g[oats (...) and] established as [his] regular offerings. |
ii 14'14' | [...] ⸢er⸣-nit-ti ak-šu-du x [(x)] | |
ii 15'15' | [... am-ṣu?]-⸢ú⸣ ma-la lìb-bi-⸢ia⸣ | |
ii 16'16' | ||
ii 17'17' | [...] x ṣi-bit GU₄.MEŠ u ṣe-(x)-e-[ni] | |
ii 18'18' | [...] x ú-kin sat-tuk-ku-⸢uš⸣-[šú] | |
ii 19'19' | [...-šu]-⸢nu⸣ ú-nak-ki-ir-[ma] | |
ii 20'20' | [(...)] šap-tuš-šu-⸢un?⸣ | |
Column iii | ||
iiiiii | Lacuna | |
iii 1'1' | [...] x [...] | |
iii 2'2' | [...]-ni-ia [...] | |
iii 3'3' | (iii 3') [that I (had carried out while) a]cting [with the suppo]rt of the god Aššur, [my] lo[rd, ...], and everything [that I had] done [in the land Hamath], I inscribed u[pon it/them. I erected] one (stele)] in the land Hamath, one in [...], [one] in the city Ḫatar[ikka (...)], [one] in the city KURʾua, (and) one in [...] | |
iii 4'4' | ||
iii 5'5' | ||
iii 6'6' | [1-en] ⸢ina⸣ KUR.ḫa-am-ma-te 1-en ina [...] | |
iii 7'7' | [1-en] ⸢i⸣-na ⸢URU⸣.ḫa-ta-⸢ri⸣-[ka (...)] | |
iii 8'8' | [1-en] ⸢ina⸣ URU.KUR-ʾu-a 1-en ina [...] | |
iii 9'9' | [ul?-ziz?] a-lik ar-ki RU RI x [...] | (iii 9'b) One who comes after ... [...] |
iii 10'10' | (iii 10') May a future [prince look at my] stel[e and] read my [inscr]ibed name. [May he (then) pr]aise [the name of the god Aššur, anoint (this stele) with] oi[l], (and) offer [a sac]rifice. The god Aššur [will (then) listen to his prayers]. | |
iii 11'11' | ||
iii 12'12' | ||
iii 13'13' | [UDU].⸢SISKUR⸣ liq-qí d⸢aš⸣-šur [...] | |
iii 14'14' | (iii 14') [(As for) the one who] alte[rs my stele, (or) er]ases [my] inscr[ibed name ...] | |
iii 15'15' | [mu-pa]-šiṭ ⸢ši-ṭir⸣ [MU-ia (...)] | |
iii 16'16' | [...] x [...] | |
Lacuna | ||
Column iv | ||
iviv | Lacuna | |
iv 1'1' | [...] x [...] | (iv 1') Too poorly preserved to allow translation. |
iv 2'2' | [...] BU IZ [...] | |
iv 3'3' | [...] KID E [...] | |
iv 4'4' | [...] e-peš [...] | |
iv 5'5' | [...] x x DU x [...]7 | |
Remainder not inscribed |
1F. Thureau-Dangin suggests that the Orontes River may have been diverted in order to make water scarce for the enemy.
2The traces of the final sign suggest MA, ⸢Ú⸣, or possibly some other sign that can begin with three horizontal wedges, one on top of the other (e.g., IA or I).
3The tentative restoration (following F. Thureau-Dangin) is based upon such passages as aqmūma ditalliš ušēmi, “I burned down and turned into ashes”; see for example text no. 65 line 232.
4[...] i-da-a-a i-⸢tap-pa-lu⸣ “[... who goes] at my side cont[inually an]swered”: Or “[...] cont[inually st]ood in for me”; see Novotny and Jeffers, RINAP 5/1 p. 305 no. 23 line 79 (partially restored); Bauer, Asb. p. 49 obv. 13´ (81-7-27,70); and von Weiher, SpTU 2 p. 141 no. 31 rev. 4 (W 22669/3). Citing a passage in an inscription of Ashurbanipal as a parallel (Novotny and Jeffers, RINAP 5/1 p. 232 no. 11 i 38), F. Thureau-Dangin proposed restoring ke-mu-u-a at the beginning of ii 14´ (“in my stead”).
5For the tentative restoration, cf. text no. 117 ii 71. Possibly restore Amurru instead of Hamath at the end of the line; see also Frahm, Last Days p. 62.
6For the tentative restoration, cf. text no. 103 iv 58–64, text no. 117 ii 72–73, and Leichty, RINAP 4 p. 186 no. 98 rev. 57. With regard to the translation of iii 11´–12´, see the on-page note to text no. 103 iv 60.
7The remainder of this side of the fragment is not inscribed and thus this appears to be the last line of the text.
Created by Grant Frame and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2019. Adapted for RINAP Online by Joshua Jeffers and Jamie Novotny and lemmatized by Giulia Lentini, Nathan Morello, and Jamie Novotny, 2019, for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0.