Sargon II 088
Obverse | ||
Lacuna | ||
1'1' | a-na (x) [...] | (1') to/for [...] |
2'2' | mu-šal-⸢li⸣-[mu ḫi-bíl-ti-šú-un ... mu-šá-áš-šík tup-šik-ki BÀD.AN.KI] | (2') who makes restit[ution for the wrongful damage suffered by them; ...; who abolished corvée duty for (the cities) Dēr], Ur, [Eridu, Larsa, Kullaba, Kissik, (and) Nēmed-Laguda (...)]; |
3'3' | ÚRI.⸢KI⸣ [eridu.KI ARARMA.KI kul-la-ba.KI ki-sik.KI né-med-dla-gu-da.KI ...] | |
4'4' | le-ʾi DÙ mal-⸢ki šá?⸣ [UGU? URU.ḫar-ra-na? AN.DÙL-la-šu? it-ru-ṣu-ma? ki-i? ṣa-ab? da-nim? u? dda-gan? iš-ṭu-ru? za-kut-su?] | (4') (most) capable of all rulers, w[ho extended his protection over the city Ḫarrān and recorded its exemption (from obligations) as if (its people were) people of the gods Anu and Dagān]; |
5'5' | eṭ-lu qar-du šá-kin ⸢taḫ⸣-[te-e mdḫum-ba-ni-ga-áš LÚ.ELAM.MA.KI-i mu-ab-bit KUR.kar-al-la] | (5') the valiant man who brought about the d[efeat of Ḫumbanigaš (Ḫumban-nikaš I), the Elamite; who destroyed the land Karalla], the land Šurda, the city Kišesim, the city Ḫar[ḫar, the land Media, (and) the land Ellipi, (and) imposed the yoke of the god Aššur upon (them)]; who laid waste to the land Urarṭu, [plundered the city Muṣaṣir, slaughtered the lands Andia (and) Zikirtu, (and) pacified the land Mannea]; who made the rulers of the la[nd Hamath, the city Carchemish, and the land Kummuḫu] tremble (and) [plundered the land Kammanu; who deported Gunzinānu] from [the city Melid, his (Gunzinānu’s) royal city, and set officials over all of their lands]; who did aw[ay with the kingship of Tarḫu-lara of the city Marqasa ...]; |
6'6' | KUR.šur-daše-si URU.ḫar-[ḫar KUR.el-li-pi e-mid-du ni-ir daš-šur] | |
7'7' | mu-šaḫ-rib KUR.ur-ar-⸢ṭi⸣ [šá-lilṣa-ṣir šá-giš KUR.zi-kir-tu mu-šap-ši-ḫu] | |
8'8' | mu-ri-ib mal-ki ⸢KUR⸣.[a-ma-at-ti URU.gar-ga-miš KUR.kúm-mu-ḫi na-pi-iʾ KUR.kam-ma-ni ša mgu-un-zi-na-nu] | |
9'9' | iš-tu ⸢qé⸣-[reb URU LUGAL-ti-šú is-su-ḫu-ma UGU gi-mir KUR.MEŠ-šú-nu iš-tak-ka-nu LÚ.šá-ak-nu-ti] | |
10'10' | ⸢mu-nak⸣-[kir LUGAL-ut mtar-ḫu-la-ra LÚ.URU.mar-qa-sa-a-a ...] | |
Lacuna |
Created by Grant Frame and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2019. Adapted for RINAP Online by Joshua Jeffers and Jamie Novotny and lemmatized by Giulia Lentini, Nathan Morello, and Jamie Novotny, 2019, for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0.