Sargon II 034
Obverse | ||
11 | [x] ŠÚ-ḪU [x] GIŠ URU.pad-[di-ri? (x)] NA URU.[...]1 | (1) ... of the city Pad[dira] ... of the city [... (and)] Aššur-lēʾi [of the land] Karal[la ...] I put ir[on] fetters on th[eir] hands and feet [...] |
22 | maš-šur-ZU* [KUR].kar*-al-[la-a-a x (x)] IK [...]2 | |
33 |
1M. El-Amin (Sumer 10 [1954] pp. 29–35 and fig. 22) suggests the following reading: [md]⸢EN-LUGAL⸣-[ú]-⸢ṣur⸣ URU.⸢ki⸣-[še-si mki-ba]-ba URU.[ḫar-ḫar], i.e., “[B]ēl-šarru-[uṣ]ur of the city K[išēsim, Kiba]ba of the city [Ḫarḫār].”
2-ZU*: P.E. Botta’s copy has -KI; H. Winckler’s copy has -ZU (emended?). kar*-: Botta’s copy omits one vertical wedge; Winckler’s copy indicates that the form of the sign is complete. The end of the line is possibly to be restored ... [KUR].kar*-al-[la-a-a KÚR.MEŠ] ek-[ṣu-ti], “... [of the land] Karal[la], fi[erce enemies],” or ... [KUR].kar*-al-[la-a-a qa-ti] ik-[šu-ud], “... [of the land] Karal[la I] con[quered]”; see Fuchs, Khorsabad p. 278. M. El-Amin (Sumer 10 [1954] pp. 34–35 and fig. 22) suggests EN.MEŠ ek-ṣu-te for the end of the line.
3GÌR*.II*: P.E. Botta’s copy has TA; H. Winckler’s copy has GÌR.II (emended?), followed by bi-re-tú.
Created by Grant Frame and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2019. Adapted for RINAP Online by Joshua Jeffers and Jamie Novotny and lemmatized by Giulia Lentini, Nathan Morello, and Jamie Novotny, 2019, for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0.