In Assyria, each year was named after a high official, called a limmu or līmu in Akkadian, and lists of these officials (eponyms) were compiled by the Assyrian scribes. The following list of the eponym officials for the reigns of Tiglath-pileser III and Shalmaneser V is based upon Millard, SAAS 2 pp. 43–46 and 59. None of the inscriptions included in the present volume bear the date in which they were composed, but a number of inscriptions whose dates may be determined with some degree of confidence (for example, instances with a clear terminus post quem for the inscription) are given in bold.
Year | Regnal Year (palû number) | Eponym | Dateable Texts |
Tiglath-pileser III | |||
745 | Accession year (1st palû) | Nabû-bēlu-uṣur, governor of Arrapḫa | |
744 | 1 (2nd palû) | Bēl-dān, governor of Kalḫu | |
743 | 2 (3rd palû) | Tiglath-pileser III, king of Assyria | |
742 | 3 (4th palû) | Nabû-daʾʾinanni, field marshal (turtānu) | |
741 | 4 (5th palû) | Bēl-Ḫarrān-bēlu-uṣur, palace herald (nāgir ekalli) | |
740 | 5 (6th palû) | Nabû-ēṭiranni, chief butler (rab šāqê) | |
739 | 6 (7th palû) | Sîn-taklāk, chamberlain (masennu) | 37 |
738 | 7 (8th palû) | Adad-bēlu-kaʾʾin, governor (šaknu) of the land | |
737 | 8 (9th palû) | Bēl-ēmuranni, governor of Raṣappa | 35, 46 |
736 | 9 (10th palû) | Ninurta-ilāya, governor of Naṣībīna | 38 |
735 | 10 (11th palû) | Aššur-šallimanni, governor of Arrapḫa | 36 |
734 | 11 (12th palû) | Bēl-dān, governor of Kalḫu | |
733 | 12 (13th palû) | Aššur-daʾʾinanni, governor of Mazamua | 54 |
732 | 13 (14th palû) | Nabû-bēlu-uṣur, governor of Siʾme | |
731 | 14 (15th palû) | Nergal-uballiṭ, governor of Aḫi-Zuḫīna | 39, 42, 44, 48 |
730 | 15 (16th palû) | Bēl-lū-dāri, governor of Tillê | |
729 | 16 (17th palû) | Lipḫur-ilu, governor of Ḫabruri | 1–34, 40–41, 47, 49, 50, 51–52, 55–57 |
728 | 17 (18th palû) | Dūr-Aššur, governor of Tušḫan | |
727 | 18 (19th palû) | Bēl-Ḫarrān-bēlu-uṣur, governor of Guzāna | |
Shalmaneser V | |||
727 | Accession year | Bēl-Ḫarrān-bēlu-uṣur, governor of Guzāna | |
726 | 1 | Marduk-bēlu-uṣur, governor of Amedi | |
725 | 2 | Maḫde, governor of Nineveh | |
724 | 3 | Aššur-išmânni, governor of Kilizi | |
723 | 4 | Shalmaneser V, king of Assyria | |
722 | 5 | Ninurta-ilāya, governor of Naṣībīna |
Hayim Tadmor & Shigeo Yamada
Hayim Tadmor & Shigeo Yamada, 'B. Eponym Dates', RINAP 1: Tiglath-pileser III and Shalmaneser V, The RINAP 1 sub-project of the RINAP Project, 2019 []