RIMB 2 Index of Personal Names

A   B   D   E      I   K   L   M   N   R   S   Ś   Š   T   U   Z   Broken Names


Abdi-il: B.6.7.2001 1.

Abdi-ili: S.0.0.1012 5.

Adad-apla-iddina: B.2.8.1 1; 2 1; 3 6; 4 1-2; 5 Sum. 6; 6 1-2; 7 5-6; 8 1-2; 9 1-2; 10 1-2; 11 1-2; 12 1; 1001 i 1; B.3.1.1 10.

Adad-daʾʾānu: S.0.1002.1 24; 2 i 30; 3 i 22'.

Adad-nādin-zēri: S.0.1001.2 obv. 2; 3 obv. 2; S.0.1002.1 2; 2 i 2; 9 i 3; 10 11; 11 12.

Adad-šuma-ēreš: B.6.14.1 iii 24'.

Adad-šuma-uṣur: B.2.8.5 16.

Adasi: B.6.31.10 17'; 11 14; 12 27; 15 28; B.6.33.4 23.

Adinu: B.6.7.2001 1.

Aḫu-bāni: B.4.0.2001 8.

Amar-Suen: B.6.32.2016 iv 31.

Anam (or Dingiram): B.6.21.1 4.

Annamua: B.6.15.2001 ex. 3 22.

Aqar-Nabû: B.6.14.2001 i 22'.

Arad-Nanāia: B.6.15.2001 ex. 3 21.

Ariri (Miller): B.6.31.9 Colophon ex. 8 2.

Ashurbanipal: B.2.4.8 Colophon ex. 1 1; 9 ex. 1 40, Colophon ex. 2 2; B.6.32.1 3; 2 2, 68; 3 1; 4 1; 5 1; 6 1; 7 2; 8 2; 9 1; 10 1; 11 1; 12 1, 20; 13 7; 14 1, 39; 15 6, 22; 16 4; 17 6; 18 6; 19 7, 25; 21 2; 22 3; 23 4; 2003 3; 2004 2; 2015 4; B.6.33.2 9; 3 12; 4 20, 25; 5 36; B.6.35.2 9; 3 2.

Aššur-etel-ilāni: B.6.35.1 9, 19; 2 8; 3 1, 6; 4 4; 5 1.

Atrāia: B.6.33.2001 3.


Balammu ("Baliʾammu"): S.0.1002.2 i 17; 3 i 8'.

Bēl-aḫḫē-iqīša: B.6.35.1 22.

Bēl-bāni: B.6.31.10 17'; 11 14; 12 27; 15 28; B.6.33.4 23.

Bēl-ibni (king of Babylon): B.6.26.1 19'.

Bēl-ibni (son of Bulluṭu): B.6.15.2001 10, 16.

Bēl-rammēni: B.6.31.1001 9'.

Bēl-...: B.6.0.2005 1.

Bulluṭu: B.6.15.2001 10.


Dakur: See Bīt-Dakkūri.


Ēda-ēṭir: B.6.14.2001 i 10', 23', ii 5, 9, 6'.

Enamḫe-zēra-ibni: S.0.1002.1 9, 12; 2 iv 9', 13'; 3 iii 5', 10'; 6 iii 12', 17'; 7 rev. 1', 5'; 8 rev. 21; 12 9'.

Enlil-AŠ-KUR: B.6.14.1 iii 6'.

Enlil-nādin-aḫi: B.2.4.6 obv. 6', 12'.

Enlil-nādin-apli: B.2.5.1 1.

Enmeduranki: B.2.4.8 9.

Erība-Marduk: B.6.13.1 2; 2 2; B.6.21.1 13; 2 6; B.6.31.18 13.

Erība-Sîn: B.3.1.2 2.

Esarhaddon: B.2.8.5 17; B.6.31.1 Inscription B 1; 2 2; 3 2; 4 1; 5 2; 6 3; 7 3; 8 1; 9 3; 10 15'; 11 4; 12 7; 13 3; 14 2; 15 8; 16 6, 17; 17 6, 17; 18 2, 19; 19 3; 20 2; 21 3; 1001 10'; B.6.32.1 4; 2 21; 3 5; 4 5; 5 5; 6 3; 8 4; 9 2; 10 2; 12 4; 13 8; 14 14; 15 8; 19 13; 22 4; B.6.33.3 9; 4 18; 6 5'.

Eulmaš-šākin-šumi: B.4.1.1 1; 2 1.

Ḫammu-rāpi: S.0.1001.2 obv. 3; 3 obv. 3; S.0.1002.1 3; 2 i 3; 3 iv 7'; 9 i 5, ii 11; 10 14, 31; 11 14.

Ḫulteludiš: B.2.4.11 i 41.

Ḫuṣābu: B.2.7.2 21.


Iâʾe: S.0.1002.2 i 17; 3 i 8'.

Iakīnu: See Bīt-Iakīn.

Iddin-Nergal: B.6.21.2001 4.

Iddin-Papsukkal: B.6.32.2016 iv 35.

Iqīša-Marduk: S.0.1001.2 obv. 1, 3; 3 obv. 1, 3; S.0.1002.1 2; 2 i 2; 5 iv 7; 9 i 23.

Itti-Marduk-balāṭu: B.2.2.1 1.


Kandalānu: B.2.7.2 23.

Kaššû-bēl-zēri: B.4.0.2001 8.

Kaššû-nādin-aḫḫē: B.3.3.1 1.

Kudur-nanḫundi: B.2.4.6 obv. 3'.

Kudurru: S.0.1001.2 obv. 2, 4; 3 obv. 2, 4.

Ku-...: B.6.14.1 iii 6'.


Lūṣi-ana-nūr-Irra: B.3.1.1 ex. 1 29.


Mār-bīti-apla-uṣur: B.5.1.1 1.

Mār-bīti-šuma-ibni: B.6.1.2004 1.

Marduk-apla-iddina II (Merodach-baladan): B.6.21.1 12, 31; 2 4; 3 4; 4 1; 2001 2.

Marduk-apla-uṣur: B.6.14.1 i 1.

Marduk-kabit-aḫḫēšu: B.2.2.1 4.

Marduk-nādin-aḫḫē: B.2.6.1 2; 2 12, 52-53; 3 1; 4 1.

Marduk-šākin-šumi: B.6.10-12.2002 1.

Marduk-šāpik-zēri: B.2.7.1 i 1-2; 2 10; 3 1; 2001 4.

Marduk-šarrani: B.3.1.1 ex. 1 28.

Marduk-zākir-šumi I: B.6.7.1 4; 2 obv. 12', 17', rev. 23'.

Marduk-zēra-uballiṭ: B.6.10-12.2002 2.

Merodach-baladan: See Marduk-apla-iddina II.

Mudammiq-Adad: B.6.14.1 iii 24'.

Mušēzib-Bēl: B.6.26.1 42'.


Nabû-apkal-ilī: B.6.15.2001 20.

Nabû-gamil: B.6.26.1 14', 19'.

Nabû-mukīn-apli (king of Babylon): B.6.1.1 1.

Nabû-mukīn-apli (son of Nūr-Sîn): B.6.0.2001 1.

Nabû-mukīn-zēri: B.6.15.2001 20.

Nabû-naʾid: B.6.15.2001 exs. 1-2 21.

Nabû-nāṣir: B.6.15.2001 19.

Nabû-šuma-iddin (scribe, son of Iddin-Papsukkal): B.6.32.2016 iv 35.

Nabû-šuma-iddin (son of Aqar-Nabû): B.6.14.2001 i 22'.

Nabû-šuma-imbi: B.6.14.2001 i 10', 23', ii 5, 9, 6', 32'.

Nabû-šuma-iškun: B.6.14.1 ii 1, iii 48'; 2001 i 17'.

Nabû-šuma-libūr: B.2.11.1 2.

Nabû-šuma-līšir (of Dakkuru): B.6.10-12.2001 2.

Nabû-šuma-līšir (descendant of Ḫuṣābu): B.2.7.2 20.

Nabû-šuma-līšir (son of Šumu-libši): B.6.0.2002 1.

Nabû-šuma-līšir (of ...): S.0.0.1002 6', 7'.

Nabû-zēra-ušabši: B.6.15.2001 10, 16.

Nādin: B.6.35.1 22.

Nadnāia: B.6.15.2001 exs. 1-2 22.

Napsamenni: B.2.7.2001 2.

Nasḫir-Adad: S.0.1002.5 iv 8; 9 i 23.

Nazi-Maruttaš: B.6.31.18 12.

Nebuchadnezzar I: B.2.4.1 Sum. i 1, Sum. iv 8; 2 4; 3 1; 4 8; 5 obv. 1, 11; 7 obv. 3; 8 Sum. 4, Sum. 7; 11 i 1, 23, 42; B.3.1.1 9.

Ningal-iddin: B.6.32.2001 7; 2002 8; 2015 7.

Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur I (king of Babylonia): B.4.2.1001 1.

Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur II (king of Babylonia): B.6.1.2001 1.

Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur (governor of Sūḫu): S.0.1002.1 1, 29, 44, 48; 2 i 1, 36, ii 22, 30, iii 22', 26', iv 2', 26', 39'; 4 i 1', ii 13', iii 10; 5 i 8'; 6 iii 3'; 8 obv. 6', 16', 20', rev. 10, 13; 9 i 1; 10 9, 24; 11 11; 14 1; 1002 1'.

Ninurta-nādin-šumi (king of Babylon): B.2.3.1 1; B.2.4.8 Akk. 11; B.2.6.3 3.

Ninurta-nādin-šumi (son of Šerik): B.6.1.2005 1.

Ninurta-ušallim: B.4.0.2002 1.

Nūr-Sîn: B.6.0.2001 1.


Rīmūt-ilī: B.6.1.2002 1; 2003 1.

Rīmūt-Nabû: B.3.1.1 ex. 1 28, ex. 1 31.


Samiku: B.6.31.1001 8'.

Sargon II: B.6.22.1 4, 22; 2 4; 3 i 14, 26, ii 9; 4 1; 5 6; 6 4; B.6.31.11 13; 12 25; 13 10; 15 26; 16 10; 17 10; 18 9; 19 9; 21 8; 1001 6'; B.6.33.3 11; 4 22; 6 8'.

Sennacherib: B.6.23.1 1; B.6.31.11 13; 12 25; 13 8; 15 26; 16 10; 17 10; 18 9; 19 7; 21 6; B.6.32.1 9; 2 33; 3 6; 4 7; 5 7; 6 6; 12 7; 13 12; 14 22; 15 9; 19 16; 22 6; B.6.33.3 10; 4 21; 6 7'.

Simbar-Šipak (Sibir): B.3.1.1 7, 20, 26; 2 1.

Sîn-balāssu-iqbi: B.6.32.2001 5; 2002 5; 2003 5; 2004 4; 2005 3; 2006 3; 2007 3; 2008 3; 2009 3; 2010 3; 2011 3; 2012 3; 2013 3; 2014 5; 2015 6; 2016 iv 33.

Sîn-leqe-unnēnī: B.3.1.1 ex. 1 29, ex. 1 31.

Sîn-šallimanni: S.0.1002.1 27; 2 i 33; 3 i 26'.

Sîn-šarra-uṣur: B.6.33.2001 1.


Śagab-il: B.6.14.1 iii 30'.


Šamaʾgamni: S.0.1002.1 21, 39; 2 i 12, 16, ii 23; 3 i 1', 7'; 8 obv. 8'.

Šamaš-ibni: B.6.35.5 1.

Šamaš-killanni: B.2.6.2001 1.

Šamaš-mukīn-aḫi: B.6.0.2003 1.

Šamaš-nāṣir (father of Šamaš-mukīn-aḫi): B.6.0.2003 1.

Šamaš-nāṣir (scribe): B.6.31.9 Colophon ex. 8 2.

Šamaš-rēša-uṣur: S.0.1001.1 i 5', ii 27', iv 11, 13, v 4, Epigraph 3 1; 2 obv. 1, 4, 13, rev. 6'; 3 obv. 1, 5, rev. 9'; 4 Side A 1, 5, 7; 1001 rev. 6'; S.0.1002.1 1; 2 i 1, iv 22'; 5 iv 9; 9 i 2, 26; 10 10; 11 12; 14 3.

Šamaš-šuma-ukin: B.6.32.1 13; 2 52, 74; 3 11; 4 11, 19; 5 11, 19; 6 14, 24; 12 11, 21; 13 16; 14 31, 46; 19 18, 27; B.6.33.1 1, 33; 2 4; 3 2; 4 11; 5 14, 29, 37; 2001 2.

Šerik: B.6.1.2005 2.

Šitti-Marduk: B.2.4.11 i 25, 35.

Šulgi: B.6.21.1 3; B.6.22.3 i 18.

Šumu-libši: B.6.0.2002 1.


Tabnēa: S.0.1002.4 iv 5; 5 iv 7; 9 i 6, 22.

Tarībi: B.6.26.1 14'.

Tunamissaḫ: S.0.1001.2 obv. 3; S.0.1002.1 3; 2 i 3; 9 i 4; 10 13; 11 13.


Uaiiāmu: S.0.1001.2 obv. 1; 3 obv. 1.

Urad-Gula: B.2.8.5 15.

Uṣur-Marduk: B.6.10-12.2002 5.


Zababa-šuma-iddina: B.2.4.6 obv. 2'.

Broken Names

...: B.6.31.1001 10'.

...-Adad: S.0.0.1002 8'.

...-Marduk: B.4.0.2003 1.

...-su: S.0.0.1012 5.

...[(...)]: B.6.31.1001 8'.

[...]: B.2.4.5 rev. 3'; B.2.8.2 4; B.2.0.1001 Side 2 2'; B.6.7.2 obv. 3'; B.6.31.1001 9'; S.0.1001.2 obv. 2; 3 obv. 2; S.0.1002.14 4, 5, 6; S.0.0.1003 4'.

Andrew Knapp & Jamie Novotny

Andrew Knapp & Jamie Novotny, 'RIMB 2 Index of Personal Names', The Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period, The RINAP Project, 2019 [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/rinap/NamesIndex/RIMB2IndexofPersonalNames/]

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