Two king lists record that Amēl-Marduk, Neriglissar, Lâbâši-Marduk, and Nabonidus were kings of Babylon. For the convenience of the user of this volume, it has been thought useful to present translations of the relevant passages here. The entries immediately preceding and following those of the kings whose inscriptions are edited in this volume are also given when they are preserved.
1. Uruk King List
(van Dijk, UVB 18 pl. 28; Grayson, RLA 6/1–2 [1980] pp. 97–98 §3.5)
Obv. 6´) | 21 year(s) | Nabopolassar |
Obv. 7´) | 43 [ye]ar(s) | Nebuchadnezzar (II) |
Obv. 8´) | 2 [ye]ar(s) | Amēl-Marduk |
Obv. 9´) | 3 [years], 8 month(s) | Neriglissar |
Obv. 10´) | [(...)] 3 month(s) | Lâbâši-Marduk |
Obv. 11´) | 17 [year(s)] | Nabonidus |
Obv. 12´) | [N year(s)] | [C]yrus (II) |
2. Ptolemaic Canon
(Wachsmuth, Alten Geschichte p. 305; Grayson, RLA 6/1–2 [1980] p. 101 §3.8)
Ναβοπολασσάρου | κα | Nabopolassaros (Nabopolassar) | 21 (years) |
Ναβοκολασσάρου | μγ | Nabokolassaros (Nebuchadnezzar II) | 43 (years) |
Ἰλλοαρουδάμου | β | Illoaroudamos (Amēl-Marduk) | 2 (years) |
Νηριγασολασσάρου | δ | Nerigasolassaros (Neriglissar) | 4 (years) |
Ναβοναδίου | ιζ | Nabonadios (Nabonidus) | 17 (years) |
Frauke Weiershäuser & Jamie Novotny
Frauke Weiershäuser & Jamie Novotny, 'King Lists', RIBo, Babylon 7: The Inscriptions of the Neo-Babylonian Dynasty, The RIBo Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2022 [/ribo/babylon7/RINBE2Introduction/DatingandChronology/KingLists/]